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School Dulag National High School Grade Level Taught 9

Teacher Arvin P. Costob Learning Area MUSIC

Date and November 14, 2023
Quarter 2ND
Time 7:45 – 8:45 9 SPA, 8:45 – 9:45 9 ATHENA, 1:00 – 2:00 - 9 BIA
Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of Classical period music.
Performance Standard Sings and performs themes of symphonies and other instrumental forms.
Learning Competency Sings themes or melodic fragments of given Classical period pieces. MU9CL-IIb-h-7
A. Topic Singing themes or melodic fragments of given Classical period pieces
1. Franz Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composer of the Classical period. He was instrumental in the
development of chamber music such as the string quartet and piano trio. His contributions to musical
form have led him to be called "Father of the Symphony" and "Father of the String

2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. Despite
his short life, his rapid pace of composition resulted in more than 800 works of virtually every genre of
B. Concept
his time.

3. Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. Beethoven remains one of the most
admired composers in the history of Western music; his works rank among the most performed of the
classical music repertoire and span the transition from the Classical period to the Romantic era in
classical music.
C. Local Heritage
1) English - Students can analyze the lyrics of classical period songs and understand the meaning
behind them, enhancing their interpretation skills in MAPEH.
2) History - Students can explore the historical context of the classical period and understand how it
influenced the development of music during that time, providing a deeper understanding of the classical
D. Integration
period pieces they will be singing.
3) Mathematics - Students can analyze the structure and patterns present in classical period music,
such as chord progressions and time signatures, connecting mathematical concepts to their musical
E. KBI Confidently work on the assigned task
Music and Arts book, Internet

The life and works of the composers:
F. Reference/s
The videos of their sample compositions

G. Time Allotment 60 minutes

H. Teaching Videos of the life and works of the different composers, video presentation of their sample
Materials compositions, TV & speaker set
A. Preliminaries
1. Review Who are the different composers during the Baroque Period?
2. Motivation Move to the tune of “Fur Elise”
3. Unlocking of Sonata - a piece, usually in several movements, that has a certain basic musical form; and when that
Difficulties form is used in a piece for a solo instrument, like a piano, or violin or flute, or a solo instrument with
piano accompaniment, the piece is called a sonata.

Sonata allegro form - an organizational structure based on contrasting musical ideas. It consists of
three main sections - exposition, development, and recapitulation - and sometimes includes an optional
coda at the end.
Concerto - a piece of classical music that features a soloist accompanied by an orchestra. The soloist
stands or sits at the front of the stage near the conductor so that they can be seen and heard clearly.

Symphony - an elaborate instrumental composition in three or more movements, similar in form to a

sonata but written for an orchestra and usually of far grander proportions and more varied elements.
Activity 1: Exploring Classical Period Pieces
Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning
Materials: Classical period sheet music, audio recordings
Significance: Students will analyze classical period sheet music and listen to audio recordings to
identify themes and melodic fragments. This activity will develop their listening and analytical skills,
enabling them to sing classical period pieces accurately.

1) Let the students look for a classical music piece in the internet.
2) Play audio recordings of classical period pieces.
3) In small groups, students will identify and sing the themes or melodic fragments present in the sheet

Rubric - Criteria: Accuracy, Clarity, Expression - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) What is the significance of identifying themes and melodic fragments in classical period pieces?
2) How does understanding the structure of classical period music enhance your singing performance?
3) Can you give an example of a classical period piece and explain its theme or melodic fragment?
B. Activity

Activity 2: Harmonizing Classical Period Pieces

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning
Materials: Classical period sheet music, piano or keyboard
Significance: Students will learn to harmonize classical period pieces, developing their understanding
of musical harmony and enhancing their singing skills.

1) Divide students into small groups.
2) Provide each group with a classical period sheet music and a piano or keyboard.
3) Students will work together to identify and sing harmonies that complement the melody of the
classical period piece.

Rubric - Criteria: Harmonic accuracy, Blend, Dynamics - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How does harmonizing a classical period piece enhance its overall musicality?
2) What are the challenges in finding harmonies for a classical period melody?
3) Can you explain the importance of dynamics in singing harmonies?
Activity 1 - Students successfully identified themes and melodic fragments in classical period pieces,
demonstrating their ability to analyze and interpret sheet music accurately. This activity connects to the
main objective by developing their listening and analytical skills, which are essential for singing themes
and melodic fragments of classical period pieces.
C. Analysis
Activity 2 - Students effectively harmonized classical period pieces, showcasing their understanding of
musical harmony and their ability to blend their voices. This activity connects to the main objective by
enhancing their singing skills and expanding their repertoire of techniques in performing classical
period pieces.
The main objective of singing themes or melodic fragments of given Classical period pieces extends
beyond simply singing the notes. It involves understanding the historical context, analyzing musical
D. Abstraction
structures, and expressing emotions through singing. By exploring the classical period, students can
deepen their understanding of music and develop skills that can be applied to various genres and styles.
E. Application Activity 3: Performing Classical Period Pieces
Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning
Materials: Classical period sheet music, audio recordings, performance space
Significance: Students will apply their knowledge and skills by performing classical period pieces,
showcasing their ability to sing themes and melodic fragments accurately and expressively.
1) Assign each student a classical period piece to perform.
2) Students will practice their assigned piece, focusing on accuracy, expression, and stage presence.
3) Students will perform their pieces in front of their classmates.
Presentation of Output.

Rubric - Criteria: Accuracy, Expression, Stage presence - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How does performing classical period pieces contribute to the preservation of classical music?
2) What techniques did you use to enhance the expression of your performance?
3) Can you explain the significance of stage presence in a singing performance?
V. ASSIGNMENT Assignment Overview: Students will create a playlist of classical period pieces and write a reflection
on the emotional impact of each piece. They will also record themselves singing one of the pieces from
the playlist.

Assessment Question: How does singing classical period pieces enhance your emotional connection to
the music? Provide examples from your playlist and reflect on your singing experience.
[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]
A. Number of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. Number of learners who require
additional activities for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? Number of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. Number of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me.
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

ARVIN P. COSTOB Checked by:


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