CABS Data Sheet
CABS Data Sheet
CABS Data Sheet
Other Data:
0 1 2 3 6. Name 3 kinds of animals that have four legs. (Do not prompt)
0 1 2 3 4 7. Tell me what this letter is. (Point to each letter one at a time. (Present
card B)
(a) A (b) C (c) E (d) D
0 1 15. Tell me a short story and I’ll write it down. (Plot, character, ending
0 1 16. ( Present card E) Ask child to read those words:
(a) Huge, (b) future, (c) kind, (d) clean, (e) never
Total Score
Independent Functioning
0 1 2 3 4 5 1. Present card A of (a) knife (b) fork (c) spoon (d) plate (e) glass
Ask the child to name each
0 1 2 3 2. Pictures of knife, fork, spoon and plate.
a) Which one do you eat soup with?
b) Which one do you cut meat with?
c) Which one do you drink out of?
0 1 3. Give pair of paper and scissors. Ask the child to cut out a circle.
0 1 4. Ask to cut out a square
0 1 5. Ask the child to button the shirt, zip jacket, buckle belt, or ties
shoes. (Child’s own or you bring one along).
0 1 6. Show me your right foot.
0 1 7.
(a) Show me your left hand
0 1 8. What is your address?
0 1 9. What is your phone number? (Write it down and check it later; if
none, where calls are made.) ( Aunt’s house, neighbor’s store)
0 1 10. What you should do if you get lost in (name child’s home or
nearest town)?
0 1 11. Where could you find a doctor?
0 1 12. Where could you buy some meat for supper?
0 1 13. Where could you find the phone number of the police or sheriff?
0 1 2 3 14. Present Card B and ask for times indicated
a) 9:00
b) 10:30
c) 1:15
0 1 15. Why should you brush your teeth?
0 1 16. Why should you wash your face?
0 1 17. Where can you buy stamps to mail letter, envelopes and money
orders? (Name one place.)
0 1 18. Name all the days of the weak.
0 1 19. Where do you buy nails and a hammer?
0 1 20. Where do you buy bananas?
0 1 21. Where do you buy cough medicine or a prescription for medicine
from the doctor?
0 1 2 22. Name two ways Children can usually make money.
0 1 26. If the temperature were 90 degrees F, which would you be likely
to do?
(a) go swimming
(b) wear a coat?
(c) turn up the hear?
0 1 27. Name the town you live in.
0 1 28. Name the country you live in.
0 1 29. Name the current month.
0 1 30. Name the current year.
Total Score
Family Role Performance
0 1 1. (Present card A) Which one is a sister?
0 1 2. How many people are in your family?
0 1 3. (Give three directions to follow in order. Whatever is appropriate
in room, such as, “Take this pencil, touch door, then put pencil on
0 1 4. (Present card B) What is this?
0 1 2 3 5. A father is a man.
A mother is a _________.
A brother is a _________.
A sister is a ___________.
0 1 6. Tell me a story about something that happened in your family last
week. (If no response – today, or sometime. Credit if mentions one
person other than self in family – story may have useful clinical
0 1 7. Do you have a dog (cat) at home? What is its name? (If “no,” what
is name of neighbor’s dog or cat?)
0 1 2 8. Do you have any jobs or chores that you usually do at home?
0 1 9. Which one do you use to make bread? (Name: carrot, jelly, flour,
0 1 2 3 4 10. (Present card c) What do you use this for?
a) Broom
b) Towel
c) Clock
d) Telephone
0 1 2 11. Tell me two ways to cook an egg
0 1 2 12. What do you
a) Cook beans or peas in?
b) Do to learn about the news?
0 1 2 13. What would you do if your house caught on fire and nobody was
home but you? (If response is put it out – suppose you couldn’t
then what?)
0 1 2 3 4 5 14. (Present card D) In
a) Which room do you cook a hamburger?
b) Which room do you sleep?
c) Which room do you keep your toothbrush?
d) Which room do you sit, and watch T. V. or sit and talk to your
e) What do you do in this room? (Point to dining room.)
0 1 15. (Present card E) Ask which is the better house.
0 1 2 3 4 16. (If correct answer, ask for 4 things that you could do to make the
other one better.)
0 1 2 3 17. How old do you have to be to –
a) Vote?
b) Get a full-time job?
c) Drive a car?
0 1 18. Tell me how to fix any food for yourself (except a sandwich).
0 1 2 19. If you came home from school, found no one else at home, a
window was broken out and you noticed that your T. V. was gone,
what would you do?
0 1 2 20. What do you do if you see a car wreck in front of your house?
Total Score
0 1 2 3 4 1. What is your first and last name? your mother’s first name? your
father’s first name?
0 1 2. If you have two dolls (balls) and your best friend had none, what
would you do?
0 1 3. What would you say if you bump into someone without meaning
0 1 4. What should you say if someone gives you a piece of candy?
0 1 2 5. What should you do if your little brother or sister cuts their finger at
home and your parents are not there? ( independent answer – 2,
dependent – 1)
0 1 2 3 6. (Present Card A)
(a) Identify emotions of each face
(b) Which face do you use when you fall down and hurt your knee?
(c) Which face do you use when you play a game with your parents?
0 1 2 3 7. Show me how you look when your mother (present card A)
(b) Gives you a candy
(c) Is angry with you
(d) Has a surprise for you
0 1 8. (Present card B) say let’s pretend you are in the picture. Put your
finger on the one that would be you.
0 1 9. (Present card B & A) say pretend this is you at new school for the
first time. Which of these three faces show how you would feel
about joining the other children?
0 1 10. (Present cards C & A) say: pretend this is your family together.
Which of these faces show how you feel when you are with your
0 1 11. What should you do if a little kid called you a bad name?
0 1 12. What should you do if you found a billfold ( purse) on the ground
with two dollars in it ?
0 1 13. When you go home from school do you prefer to play by yourself or
with others?
0 1 14. At recess would you rather play with just one friend or with several
0 1 15. What should you do if your best friend asked you for an answer
during a test?
0 1 16. Tell me a joke or something that is funny (Ask what’s funny if not
0 1 2 3 17. Name three games you can play with other children on the
0 1 18. Which game can you play by yourself?
a) Jumping rope
b) Baseball
c) Red Rover
Total Score
Economic - Vocational Activity
(c)gas station attendant- doctor
Total Score