10 International Conventions Timeline

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I‎ nternational

‎Conventions Timeline




‎Ratification ‎Basic Concepts

‎Developed and Developing Countries

‎ ifferences over adaptation, mitigation and

‎loss and damage.

‎5th June : World Environment day

‎Principles : Polluter pays and Precautionary

‎Stockholm Conference 1972 ‎Body : UNEP

‎Theme of Sustainable development identified

‎Impact on india : WPA, Air act, Water act, EPA.

‎Bruntland Commission setup

‎Nairobi Summit, 1982
‎Report : Our common future

‎Rio declaration

‎Agenda 21 for culture

‎Agenda 21
‎Local Agenda 21

‎ NCED / Earth Summit / Rio Summit

‎Forest Principles

‎3 Rio Conventions ‎UNCBD


‎Global Environment Facility established

‎Johannesburg Declaration

‎Affirmation towards MDGS. ‎Rio + 10, Johannesburg, 2002

‎Millennium Development Goals

‎SDGs were born

‎ artnership Action on Green Economy by 5 UN

‎Rio +20, Rio, 2012 ‎bodies.

‎Dublin Principles on Water

‎Theme : Healthy planet and prosperity for all

‎Share experiences to protect the planet. ‎Stockholm +50 (2022)

‎Sustainable recovery from Covid 19

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