Environment Act & Organisations by UPSC PLANNER
Environment Act & Organisations by UPSC PLANNER
Environment Act & Organisations by UPSC PLANNER
1972 (5 June) 1982 1992 2002 2012
UN Conference on Human Nairobi Declaration. UN Conference on Environment and Development Earth Summit 2002 United Nations Conference on
Environment. aka (Rio) Earth Summit aka Rio +10
aka Stockholm Conference To celebrate 10th anniversary of UNFCCC : (Secretariat in Bonn, Germany) Sustainable Development
Johannesburg (South aka Rio +20
First declaration of international Stockholm Conference. To reduce emission of GHGs. No limits, no
Envisaged creation of a special enforcement. Rather, provided for updates (Kyoto
Africa) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
protection of environment.
Formed UNEP commission for long term strategies. protocol).
Declaration endorsed by UNEP in 1987 CBD : (Secretariat in Montreal, Canada)
three main goals- (1) Conservation of biodiversity;
(2) Sustainable use of it's components; (3) Fair and
equitable sharing of benefits. Followed by Cartagena
(2000) and Nagoya (2010) protocols.
•India became a signatory to the Montreal Protocol
in 1992.
UNCCD : (Secretariat in Bonn, Germany)
It is the only internationally legally binding
framework to address desertification. CoP-14 was
held in 2019 in New Delhi.
Agenda 21 : take actions at all three levels to
achieve certain goals by 2021. Later revised to
1973 1983 1993 2003 2013
CITES (Convention on UN appoints World Commission on Minamata convention on mercury
International Trade in • CBD entry into force To protect humans and environment
Environment and Development against mercury emissions.
Endangered species of Wild flora Later known as Brundtland
and fauna) Japanese city, Minamata, had faced
aka Washington Convention Commission severe mercury poisoning.
To control or prevent In 1987 it released the report 'Our -------------------------------------------------------------
CoP-19 Warsaw (Poland)
international commercial trade in Common Future'. Warsaw International Mechanism for
Endangered species or products Concept of 'Sustainable Development' Loss and Damage.
derived from them. crystalized. Rich countries liable for climate change
Aim not to directly protect, but to impact being faced by poor countries.
reduce economic incentive to
poaching by closing international