Environment Act & Organisations by UPSC PLANNER

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● UPSC PLANNER Environment Chart

1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

​ Ramsar Convention ​ Convention on POPs
​ For sustainable use of wetlands ​ aka Stockholm convention
​ Only global Env. treaty that deals ​ POPs are organic pollutants
with a particular ecosystem. that are resistant to
environmental degradation

1972 (5 June) 1982 1992 2002 2012
​ UN Conference on Human ​ Nairobi Declaration. UN Conference on Environment and Development ​ Earth Summit 2002 ​ United Nations Conference on
Environment. ​ aka (Rio) Earth Summit ​ aka Rio +10
​ aka Stockholm Conference ​ To celebrate 10th anniversary of UNFCCC : (Secretariat in Bonn, Germany) Sustainable Development
​ Johannesburg (South ​ aka Rio +20
​ First declaration of international Stockholm Conference. To reduce emission of GHGs. No limits, no
​ Envisaged creation of a special enforcement. Rather, provided for updates (Kyoto
Africa) ​ Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
protection of environment.
​ Formed UNEP commission for long term strategies. protocol).
​ Declaration endorsed by UNEP in 1987 CBD : (Secretariat in Montreal, Canada)
three main goals- (1) Conservation of biodiversity;
(2) Sustainable use of it's components; (3) Fair and
equitable sharing of benefits. Followed by Cartagena
(2000) and Nagoya (2010) protocols.
•India became a signatory to the Montreal Protocol
in 1992.
UNCCD : (Secretariat in Bonn, Germany)
It is the only internationally legally binding
framework to address desertification. CoP-14 was
held in 2019 in New Delhi.
​ Agenda 21 : take actions at all three levels to
achieve certain goals by 2021. Later revised to
1973 1983 1993 2003 2013
​ CITES (Convention on ​ UN appoints World Commission on ​ Minamata convention on mercury
International Trade in • CBD entry into force ​ To protect humans and environment
Environment and Development against mercury emissions.
Endangered species of Wild flora ​ Later known as Brundtland
and fauna) ​ Japanese city, Minamata, had faced
​ aka Washington Convention Commission severe mercury poisoning.
​ To control or prevent ​ In 1987 it released the report 'Our -------------------------------------------------------------
​ CoP-19 Warsaw (Poland)
international commercial trade in Common Future'. ​ Warsaw International Mechanism for
Endangered species or products ​ Concept of 'Sustainable Development' Loss and Damage.
derived from them. crystalized. ​ Rich countries liable for climate change
​ Aim not to directly protect, but to impact being faced by poor countries.
reduce economic incentive to
poaching by closing international

1974 1984 1994 2004 2014

1975 1985 1995 2005 2015

​ Vienna Convention for protection of  First CoP of UNFCCC held in Berlin, Germany ​ CoP-21 Paris (France)
ozone layer. ​ Paris Agreement
​ Countries’ INDCs are not binding.
​ Provided frameworks for reductions ​ Loss & Damage included, but diluted.
in chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
​ Became basis for further international
action to protect ozone layer.
https://t.me/upsc_planner_ias l UPSC PLANNER MENTORSHIP

1976 1986 1996 2006 2016

​ Kigali amendment to Montreal protocol.
Kigali is in Rwanda
​ After 1987, HFCs replaced CFCs. But
HFCs are powerful GHG.
​ India has to phase out HFC by 85% by
2047 over the 2024-2026 level
​ CoP-22/CMA-1 Marrakech (Morocco)

1977 1987 1997 2007 2017

Brundtland report / Our Common Future ​ Kyoto protocol signed under UNFCCC ​ CoP-23 Bonn (Germany), but chaired by
-------------------------------------------------------------- ​ World’s only legally binding treaty to reduce
Montreal Protocol on Ozone GHG emissions Fiji
Depleting Substances (enacted in ​ 1st commitment period: 2008-12 ​ Talanoa dialogue: Pacific concept of
​ 2nd commitment period: 2013-20 “Talanoa” - storytelling that leads to
1989 and substantially amended in
1990 and 1992) consensus building. In CoP it was used
1stuniversally ratified treaty in UN history. for NDC stock-taking.
Phase out halogenated hydrocarbons that
contain chlorine or bromine (substances ​ Gender Action plan adopted which
containing only fluorine don't harm ozone). strives for gender-responsive climate
All nations should not be treated equally as policy equal representation for women
some have contributed more to ozone at global climate meet
A nation's obligation to reduce emissions
should reflect its technological and financial
ability to do so.
1978 1988 1998 2008 2018
​ Rotterdam convention ​ CoP-24 Katowice (Poland)
​ To control international trade of certain ​ Paris Ag. Work Programme was finalized.
hazardous chemicals ​ Practical implementation guidelines to
​ Created ‘Prior Informed Consent’ procedure. track progress and ensure that climate
action is transparent.

1979 1989 1999 2009 2019

​ CMS - Convention of Migratory ​ Basel Convention on the Control of ​ CoP-25/CMA-2 Madrid (Spain) under
Species Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Presidency of Chile.
​ Cop-13 in Gandhinagar in Wastes ​ Adopted the “Chile Madrid Time for
February 2020.
--------------------------------------------------- ​ To reduce the movements of hazardous Action” document.
​ Convention on Long-Range waste between nations (especially ​ Urged to enhance NDCs.
Transboundary Air Pollution. developed to least developed) ​ Established Santiago Network for tech
​ Focused on Europe. ​ Doesn't address movement of
assistance to poor countries under WIM
​ India not member. for Loss & Damage.
radioactive waste. ​ Did not finalize rules on Carbon Markets.

1980 1990 2000 2010 2022

​ Cartagena protocol on biosafety to CBD ​ Nagoya protocol
​ For safe handling, transport and use of Living ​ fair and equitable Wildlife Protection
Modified Organism sharing of benefits Amendment) Act, 2022
​ Established Advance Informed Agreement arising out of the
procedure utilization of genetic
​ Established Biosafety Clearing House

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