This document contains 20 questions about metals and non-metals. The questions cover topics such as writing electron configurations of elements, displacement reactions, reactivity of metals with water and acids, corrosion, extraction of metals from ores, and properties of metals and non-metals. Multiple choice and open-ended questions are included to assess understanding of key concepts about the structure and properties of different classes of elements.
This document contains 20 questions about metals and non-metals. The questions cover topics such as writing electron configurations of elements, displacement reactions, reactivity of metals with water and acids, corrosion, extraction of metals from ores, and properties of metals and non-metals. Multiple choice and open-ended questions are included to assess understanding of key concepts about the structure and properties of different classes of elements.
This document contains 20 questions about metals and non-metals. The questions cover topics such as writing electron configurations of elements, displacement reactions, reactivity of metals with water and acids, corrosion, extraction of metals from ores, and properties of metals and non-metals. Multiple choice and open-ended questions are included to assess understanding of key concepts about the structure and properties of different classes of elements.
This document contains 20 questions about metals and non-metals. The questions cover topics such as writing electron configurations of elements, displacement reactions, reactivity of metals with water and acids, corrosion, extraction of metals from ores, and properties of metals and non-metals. Multiple choice and open-ended questions are included to assess understanding of key concepts about the structure and properties of different classes of elements.
Class X Science Super 20 Series (17thAug 2022) _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABK -SSJ Q1. (i) Write the electron-dot structures for sodium, oxygen and magnesium. (ii) Show the formation of Na2O and MgO by the transfer of electrons. (iii) What are the ions present in these compounds? Q2. (a)Why is sodium kept immersed in kerosene oil? (b)Write equations for the reactions of (i) iron with steam (ii) calcium and potassium with water (c)What would you observe when zinc is added to a solution of iron(II) sulphate? Write the chemical reaction that takes place. Q3.(a) A non-metal X exists in two different forms Y and Z. Y is the hardest natural substance, whereas Z is a good conductor of electricity. Identify X, Y and Z. (b) Name two metals which are found in nature in the free state. (c) What chemical process is used for obtaining a metal from its oxide? Q4.(a) Metallic oxides of zinc, magnesium and copper were heated with the following metals. In which cases will you find displacement reactions taking place?
(b) What are alloys?
Q5.(a) Pratyush took sulphur powder on a spatula and heated it. He collected the gas evolved by inverting a test tube over it, as shown in figure below. (a) What will be the action of gas on (i) dry litmus paper? (ii) moist litmus paper? (b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction taking place. Q6.(a) In the electrolytic refining of a metal M, what would you take as the anode, the cathode and the electrolyte? (b) Name two metals which will displace hydrogen from dilute acids, and two metals which will not. Q7.(a)When a metal X is treated with cold water, it gives a basic compound Y with molecular formula XOH (Molecular mass=40) and liberates a gas Z which easily catches fire. Identify X,Y and Z and also write the reaction involved. (b) Give two examples each of the metals that are good conductors and poor conductors of heat respectively. Q8. An element A reacts with water to form a compound B which is used in white washing. The compound B on heating forms an oxide C which on treatment with water gives back B. Identify A, B and C and give the reactions involved. (b) Generally, when metals are treated with mineral acids, hydrogen gas is liberated but when metals (except Mn and Mg), treated with HNO3 , hydrogen is not liberated, why?
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Q9. Write balanced chemical equations to explain what happens, when (i) Aluminum is reacted with manganese dioxide. (ii) Ferric oxide is reduced with aluminum. (b) Name two metals which melt when you keep them on your palm. Q10. What are amphoteric oxides? Give an example. Write balanced chemical equations to justify your answer. Q11.(a) What is the difference between calcination and roasting ? (b) What is the name of the bond formed when a metal atom combines with the atom of a non-metal ? (CBSE 2010) (c)Ionic compounds are solids. Give reasons. Q12.(a) Why does calcium start floating when it reacts with water? Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction. (b) Name two metals which do not react with water. (Board Term I, 2015) Q13.(a)What are ionic compounds? Why do ionic compounds not conduct electricity in the solid state? (b) Name the following: (i) Metal that can be cut by knife (ii) Lustrous non-metal (iii) Metal that exists in liquid state at room temperature (iv) Most malleable and ductile metal Q14. Compare in tabular form the reactivities of the following metals with cold and hot water: (a) Sodium (b) Calcium (c) Magnesium Q15. (a) Why does calcium start floating when it reacts with water? Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction. (b) Name two metals which do not react with water. (Board Term I, 2015) (c)With the help of a labelled diagram show the experimental set up of action of steam on a metal. Q16.(a) How do alloys brass and bronze differ in composition ? (CBSE 2010) (b) Why are metals good conductors of electricity while non-metals are not ? (CBSE 2010, 2012) (c) Which gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a reactive metal? Write the chemical reaction when iron reacts with dilute H2SO4. Q17.(a) What type of oxides are formed when non-metals combine with oxygen? (b) Define the following terms. (i) Mineral (ii) Ore (c) Which of the following methods is suitable for preventing an iron frying pan from rusting? (a) Applying grease (b) Applying paint (c) Applying a coating of zinc (d) All of the above. Q18.(i)Give the formulae of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the combination of following pairs of elements. (a) Mg and N2 (b) Li and O2 (c) Al and Cl2 (d) K and O2 (ii) A metal M does not liberate hydrogen from acids but reacts with oxygen to give a black color product. Identify M and black colored product and also explain the reaction of M with oxygen. Q19.(a) A solution of CuSO4 was kept in an iron pot. After few days the iron pot was found to have a number of holes in it. Explain the reason in terms of reactivity. Write the equation of the reaction involved. (b) Name two metals which melt when you keep them on your palm. Q20. Which one of the following metals do not react with cold as well as hot water? (a) Na (b) Ca (c) Mg (d) Fe (ii)Generally, non-metals are not lustrous. Which of the following nonmetal is lustrous? (a) Sulphur (b) Oxygen (c) Nitrogen (d) Iodine (iii)An element A is soft and can be cut with a knife. This is very reactive to air and cannot be kept open in air. It reacts vigorously with water. Identify the element from the following (a) Mg (b) Na (c) P (d) Ca
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