Lab 2 EE 43
Lab 2 EE 43
Lab 2 EE 43
Experiment No. 2
Determine the use of Trainer by connecting resistors in series and parallel
(Open-End Lab)
Determine the use of trainer by connecting resistors in series and parallel (Open Ended Lab)
In this experiment, The trainer was used in this experiment to measure the voltage and resistance
across parallel and series circuits. The resistors were placed in a series circuit, their resistance
was measured using a DMM, followed by measurements of their voltage and, finally, current.
The parallel circuit followed the same process. Following that, conclusions were drawn and the
values were written in the table.
Determine the use of trainer by connecting resistors in series and parallel (Open Ended Lab)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction…………………………...………………………………………………………1
1.1 Objectives............................................................................................................................1
1.2. Theory..................................................................................................................................1
2. Experimental Procedure...........................................................................................................1
3. Results and Discussion.............................................................................................................1
4. Conclusion................................................................................................................................1
5. References................................................................................................................................1
Determine the use of trainer by connecting resistors in series and parallel (Open Ended Lab)
1. Introduction
1.1. Objectives
In this experiment, our objective was to use the trainer by connecting two resistors in series and
parallel. Also we have to find resistance and current in both parallel and series circuit.
1.2. Theory
A resistor controls the flow of the electrical current within a circuit. Resistors are made from
materials like copper or carbon, which make it difficult for the electrical charges to flow through
a circuit. A breadboard is used to build and test circuits quickly before finalizing any circuit
design. The breadboard has many holes into which circuit components like ammeter terminals
and resistors can be inserted. Resistors can be used in combination with an ammeter to measure
the current flowing through a circuit. In fact, resistors are often used specifically for this purpose,
as they are designed to limit the flow of current through a circuit. By inserting a resistor into a
circuit and measuring the voltage drop across it with an ammeter, it is possible to calculate the
current flowing through the circuit using Ohm's law (I = V/R), where I is the current, V is the
voltage across the resistor, and R is the resistance of the resistor
2. Experimental Procedure
At first the resistors were connected in series circuit. Then their resistances were measured using
digital multimeter. Then their value was calculated using the color coding on them through the
already given calculated color values. Then, voltage was given to breadboard using trainer. After
that, the voltage among the resistors was measured using digital multimeter (DMM).Then,
Ammeter was connected to circuit in series and current was measured because current is remain
same in series circuit but voltage is varied.. After that the exact same procedure was repeated for
the parallel circuit as well and ammeter was connected in series with parallel resistor circuit and
current value was recorded, current was measured both resistors separately because current was
not same in parallel structure. And at last, the current was measured across both resistors.
Determine the use of trainer by connecting resistors in series and parallel (Open Ended Lab)
Determine the use of trainer by connecting resistors in series and parallel (Open Ended Lab)
4. Conclusion
In this lab, both series and parallel measurements of resistor values were made. Also, the value
of colour coding was assessed. A digital multimeter (DMM) was also used to measure the
voltage that was applied to resistors. The current was finally measured. The breadboard was used
to make the circuits on it. Also, the digital multimeter was used to measure the voltage and