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12:08:02 [info] 14:08:02 +2 [engine] DeviceInfo::GetGPUModel(): NVIDIA GeForce GTX

1060 3GB
12:08:02 [info] 14:08:02 +2 [engine] Network type: WiFi
12:08:02 [info] EngineBackend::OnGameLoopStarted: enter
12:08:02 [info] GameCore::OnAppStarted begin
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [wwise] Wwise sound system was successfully
12:08:03 [info] SetBattleState unknown
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [base] Vendor OS version: no
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [base] Platform: Win32 steam
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [base] RAM size in gb: 15.9521
12:08:03 [info] Device kind: Desktop
12:08:03 [info] Device display: 23.94" (20.87"x11.74")
12:08:03 [info] GameCore::OnAppStarted done
12:08:03 [info] EngineBackend::OnGameLoopStarted: leave
12:08:03 [info] Window::HandleWindowCreated: enter
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [render] rhi::ShaderSourceCache::InitCacheDir start
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [render] rhi::ShaderSourceCache::InitCacheDir end,
duration 7 ms
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Creating device
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] available adapters:
12:08:03 [info] 0 : 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB' (vendor: 0x10DE, subsystem:
0x32871462), feature level: 0xb000 (11.0)
12:08:03 [info] 1 : 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver' (vendor: 0x1414, subsystem:
0x0000), feature level: 0xb000 (11.0)
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Using adapter `NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB` (vendor:
10DE, subsystem: 32871462)
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Creating device without selected adapter
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Init with feature level: 0xb000 (11.0)
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Using retrieved adapter `NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB`
(vendor: 0x10DE, subsystem: 0x32871462)
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Selected adapter has 2979 Mb of video memory
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] OS registry version: 6.3.22621, is running on Win10: 0
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Starting swapchain resize. Set nullView.
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Reset targets and views
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Clear context state
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Flush context
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Resize swapchain buffers to size {1024, 768}
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [render] DeviceTier: Ultra (found GPU in
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] hardware command buffers enabled: 0
12:08:03 [info] [RHI-DX11] Typeless texture formats supported: 1
12:08:03 [info] Rendering thread started
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [render] DeviceInfo::GetGPUModel(): NVIDIA GeForce GTX
1060 3GB
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [render] Default Framebuffer size: 1024 x 768
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [render] Default Framebuffer dpi x: 92 y: 92
12:08:03 [info] 14:08:03 +2 [render] Default Framebuffer Diagonal size in inches:
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] DeviceTier: Ultra
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] CurrentFlow: Forward
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Is Forward with Depth Prepass Supported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Is PBR Supported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Is Shadow Mapping Supported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Max Anisotropy: 16
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Max Texture Size: 16384
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Max Vertex Attributes Count: 16
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Max Varying Vectors Count: 15
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Max MRT Count: 4;
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] Max MSAA Sample Count: 8;
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] is32BitIndicesSupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isVertexTextureUnitsSupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] armOpenglDepthStencilFetchSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] armOpenglColorFetchSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] extOpenglColorFetchSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] androidMultisampleTextureEXTSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] metalColorFetchSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isUpperLeftRTOrigin: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isZeroBaseClipRange: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isCenterPixelMapping: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isInstancingSupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isPerfQuerySupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isGpuStageTrackingSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isDisjointPerfQuerySupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isComparisonSamplerSupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isInstanceIdSupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] framebufferDiscardSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isD24S8FormatSupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isD16FormatSupported: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isMemorylessSupported: NO
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] retrieveTileDataAllowed: YES
12:08:03 [info] [Renderer] isAstcCompressionSupported: NO
12:08:04 [info] GameCore::OnWindowCreated begin
12:08:04 [info] Desirable resource suffix: ""
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [graphics_options_module] Device tags: [Win32, ,
manufacturer-, maxFps-165, windows-ultra-tier]
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [graphics_options_module] Detected preset:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Highest allowed options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: true
TankSuspension: true

12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::SetupOptionsFromPreset]

Selected user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Max graphics options according to our runtime
hardware clamping:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Field with name: ObjectsQuality clamped from
Cinema [4] to High [3]
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Field with name: LevelOfDetail clamped from
Cinema [4] to High [3]
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Field with name: GrassQuality clamped from
Cinema [3] to High [2]
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Field with name: ShadowQuality clamped from
Cinema [4] to Medium [3]
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
currentBuildInfoStr = release/9.6.0 WOTB_Win7 ,
currentBuildVersion =
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion, saved versionStr =
9.6.0 , versionStr = 9.6.0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion, saved infoStr = release/9.6.0 WOTB_Win7 , currentBuildInfoStr = release/9.6.0 WOTB_Win7
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
needRefreshAppVersion = 0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
majorMinorVersionChanged = 0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate

12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] PlayerOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] currentVersion = 1 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 1 , MaxVersion = 1 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Application version: 9.6.0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] Build version:
12:08:04 [info] GameCore::OnWindowCreated done
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::SetUserOptions]
Selected user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: false
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:08:04 [info] Window::HandleWindowCreated: leave

12:08:04 [info] Window::HandleVisibilityChanged: become visible
12:08:04 [info] GameCore::OnForeground
12:08:04 [info] [RHI-DX11] ResetBlock, resizing swapchain.
12:08:04 [info] [RHI-DX11] Starting swapchain resize. Set nullView.
12:08:04 [info] [RHI-DX11] Reset targets and views
12:08:04 [info] [RHI-DX11] Clear context state
12:08:04 [info] [RHI-DX11] Flush context
12:08:04 [info] [RHI-DX11] Resize swapchain buffers to size {1920, 1080}
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::SetUserOptions]
Selected user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:08:04 [info] AppContextImpl::InitializeLocalizations device locale: ru, locale:

ru, game locale: ru, sound locale: ru,
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [BW] BWWrapper::SetupNetwork start
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [BW] BWWrapper::SetupNetwork end, duration 2 ms
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] AppController::Activate,
IsFirstRunInMajorMinorUpdateVersion = 0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] AppController::SyncDynamicResourcesVersion
docDynamicContentVersionStr: 0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [base] AppController::Activate, dynamicContentVersion =
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0E7E341C
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0E7E341C thread= 13000
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [PredefinedHosts::RequestServerRegionsConfig]
Requesting server regions config
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net]
PredefinedHosts::CreateServerRegionsConfigYamlRequest for url: http://dl-wotblitz-
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Reset 0E7E261C
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net]
PredefinedHosts::CreateServerRegionsConfigYamlRequest for url:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Reset 0E7E2E9C
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0E7E261C
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0E7E261C thread= 8012
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0E7E2E9C
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0E7E2E9C thread= 10028
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread 0E7E261C
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete 0E7E261C
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnRequestFinished] Request
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [SPredefinedHosts::CheckRequestResult]
Successfully downloaded regions config from:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [PredefinedHosts::OnSuccessfullResponse]
Successfull response from url:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [PredefinedHosts::OnConfigChosen] Config chosen
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] Read server regions yaml.
12:08:04 [info] Timezone: Europe/Kiev, ru
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnFirstSuccessfullRequestSync]
Successfull request:
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Cancel 0E7E261C
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Cancel 0E7E2E9C
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread 0E7E2E9C
wasCancelled= 1
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread 0E7E341C
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:04 [info] 14:08:04 +2 [http] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete 0E7E341C
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ImageSplashScreen:-9 -> ConnectingScreen:666 95
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw Water Reflection : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw Water Refraction : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Enable lod transition : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw Static Decals : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Vehicle Dirt Coverage : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Vehicle Wetness : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw additional tank decal shadow
: 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Vehicle Suspension : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Bush physics : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Enable flora : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Flora Laying : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw Treads : 1
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0D2074FC
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0D2074FC thread= 7412
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread 0D2074FC
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete 0D2074FC
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:07 [error] 14:08:07 +2 [base] Request to switch to current screen:
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 96
12:08:07 [info] Timezone: Europe/Kiev, ru
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0D2069FC
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0D2069FC thread= 8012
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> PreLoginFlowScreen:666 97
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization - dynamicContentVersion: 0
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::InititalizeSmartDlc: using Disabled DLCManager
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcInitializationController:
referenced dvpd files [ ]
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 97
12:08:07 [info] PreLoginFlow::LoadSounds took 0 ms
12:08:07 [info] AppContextImpl::InitializeLocalizations device locale: ru, locale:
ru, game locale: ru, sound locale: ru,
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [Items::ReadItemType] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/XML/item_defs/item_types.xml
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::Initialize] load file :
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [MaterialKinds::Init] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/XML/material_kinds.xml
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [OptionalDevicesPresetsProvider::Load] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/camouflages.yaml
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread 0D2069FC
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [DestructiblesCache::Init] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/XML/destructibles.xml
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] [Nations::Init] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/available_nations.yaml
12:08:07 [info] PreLoginFlow::StartAnalyticsTracking took 0 ms
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [http] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete 0D2069FC
wasCancelled= 0
12:08:07 [info] PreLoginFlow::LoadControlLayout took 159 ms
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] LoginManager::TryNormalAutoLogin request to show
connecting screen (useAutoLogin)
12:08:07 [error] 14:08:07 +2 [base] Request to switch to current screen:
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 99
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] LoginManager::Login request to show connecting
12:08:07 [error] 14:08:07 +2 [base] Request to switch to current screen:
12:08:07 [info] 14:08:07 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 99
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> PreLoginFlowScreen:666 119
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization - dynamicContentVersion: 0
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::InititalizeSmartDlc: using Disabled DLCManager
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcInitializationController:
referenced dvpd files [ ]
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] AppController::OnSmartDlcInitialized request to
show connecting screen
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 119
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::Initialize] load file :
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/camouflages.yaml
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [DestructiblesCache::Init] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/XML/destructibles.xml
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [Items::ReadItemType] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/XML/item_defs/item_types.xml
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [Nations::Init] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/available_nations.yaml
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [OptionalDevicesPresetsProvider::Load] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
12:08:08 [info] 14:08:08 +2 [base] [MaterialKinds::Init] load:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/Data/XML/material_kinds.xml
12:08:08 [info] AppContextImpl::InitializeLocalizations device locale: ru, locale:
ru, game locale: ru, sound locale: ru,
12:08:09 [info] 14:08:09 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 33.8ms, Loss: 0.0%
12:08:09 [info] 14:08:09 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 33.8ms, Loss: 0.0%
12:08:09 [info] 14:08:09 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 59.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 67.5ms, Loss: 0.0%
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 135.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
12:08:10 [warning] 14:08:10 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C0,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
12:08:10 [warning] 14:08:10 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C1,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
12:08:10 [warning] 14:08:10 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C2,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
12:08:10 [warning] 14:08:10 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C3,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
12:08:10 [warning] 14:08:10 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C4,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [BW] BWWrapper::SetupNetwork start
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [BW] BWWrapper::SetupNetwork end, duration 1 ms
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [net] ConnectionManager::onLoggedOn message:
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0D205FFC
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0D205FFC thread= 15976
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0D20627C
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0D20627C thread= 9308
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0D20647C
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [http] UrlRequest::Start this= 0D20647C thread= 8012
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] Controller activated: SessionController
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::LoadLocalizations Try load
localizations from
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [http] UrlRequest::StartAsync 0D2062FC
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest finished with http status 304
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest Try
apply localizations from local data
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base]
SLocalizationHelper::TryParseAndSetLocalizationFromData Localizations setup
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryLoadFromLocal
Localizations loaded from local file:
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] TestSystem: Server does not confirm group, but
test disabled. Clear cached data.
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] TestSystem: Could not clean test cached data.
Maybe files does not exists?
12:08:10 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomePlayer() 542739983 185
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [prebattle] AddEvent
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] AccountSyncController::Activate request to show
connecting screen
12:08:10 [error] 14:08:10 +2 [base] Request to switch to current screen:
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 185
12:08:10 [error] 14:08:10 +2 [base] Request to switch to current screen:
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 190
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:08:10 [info] 14:08:10 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen

ConnectingScreen:666 -> GarageScreen:42 213
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 0
12:08:11 [warning] 14:08:11 +2 [ads] IronSource application key is not configured!
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Set render flow: Forward with Depth Prepass
12:08:11 [info] GarageScreen::LoadResources begin
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarLoadingController
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading start
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:08:11 [warning] 14:08:11 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_1.sc2 is invalid.
12:08:11 [warning] 14:08:11 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_2.sc2 is invalid.
12:08:11 [warning] 14:08:11 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_3.sc2 is invalid.
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Creating ShadowMap texture with size: 16 x 16
arraySize: 3
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Setting dynamicShadowMap texture. Size: 16 x
16 old size: 0 x 0 arraySize: 0
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Creating ShadowMap texture with size: 2048 x
2048 arraySize: 3
12:08:11 [info] 14:08:11 +2 [render] Setting dynamicShadowMap texture. Size: 2048
x 2048 old size: 16 x 16 arraySize: 3
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:08:12 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/HangarMain2022Customization/settings.yaml for read
12:08:12 [warning] 14:08:12 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:08:12 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/bp_season_29/settings.yaml for read
12:08:12 [warning] 14:08:12 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:08:12 [error] 14:08:12 +2 [shop] No prices fetched, clearing! steam
12:08:12 [warning] HeavyResourceValidationChecker: No CRC file
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::connect
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] XChatInstance::onClientCreated
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask::ConnectionTask
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask: try to start
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask: start
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask: complete
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask::~ConnectionTask
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading end, duration
1391 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate start
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarLoadingController
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate end,
duration 1 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
9 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 14 ms
12:08:12 [info] 14:08:12 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 267C6D08
12:08:12 [error] 14:08:12 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetStar.sc2
12:08:12 [error] 14:08:12 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Free.sc2
12:08:12 [error] 14:08:12 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Prem.sc2
12:08:12 [error] 14:08:12 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow.sc2
12:08:13 [info] 14:08:13 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3860455226.webp:0
12:08:13 [info] 14:08:13 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:08:13 [info] 14:08:13 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:08:13 [info] 14:08:13 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:08:13 [warning] WGXmppClientPrivate::onConnect
12:08:13 [info] 14:08:13 +2 [chat] XChatInstance::onConnect()
12:08:13 [info] 14:08:13 +2 [chat] block list size 0
12:08:17 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult
12:08:17 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult
12:08:17 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult
12:08:17 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult
12:08:17 [info] 14:08:17 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 267C6D08
12:08:17 [info] 14:08:17 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 267C6D08 dialogOnScreen: 0
subscribed: 0
12:08:17 [info] 14:08:17 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:08:17 [info] 14:08:17 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:08:17 [info] 14:08:17 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 9 ms
12:08:17 [info] 14:08:17 +2 [base] Controller activated: WelcomeController
12:08:17 [info] 14:08:17 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1698974945.jpg:0
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: CloseButton -> event: CLOSE_EVENT_FROM_BUTTON , control:
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: WelcomeController
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
0 ms
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 3 ms
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 267C6D08
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed: WelcomeController
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:08:19 [info] 14:08:19 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:08:24 [info] 14:08:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: HOVER , control:
ButtonDecorator -> event: HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:08:24 [info] 14:08:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CANCEL_HOVER ,
control: ButtonDecorator -> event: CANCEL_HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:08:24 [info] 14:08:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: HOVER , control:
ButtonDecorator -> event: HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:08:24 [info] 14:08:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CANCEL_HOVER ,
control: ButtonDecorator -> event: CANCEL_HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:08:25 [info] 14:08:25 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: HOVER , control:
ButtonDecorator -> event: HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:08:26 [info] 14:08:26 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CANCEL_HOVER ,
control: ButtonDecorator -> event: CANCEL_HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:08:30 [warning] 14:08:30 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_PRESSED ,
control: PlayerAvatar -> event: ON_PRESSED , control: Avatar
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_PRESSED ,
control: AvatarWithRating -> event: AVATAR_PRESSED , control: Avatar
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: AVATAR_PRESSED ,
control: SideBar -> event: SHOW_ACHIEVEMENTS , control: SideBar
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 267C6D08
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 267C6D08 dialogOnScreen: 0
subscribed: 0
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 8 ms
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [base] Controller activated: ProfileController
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [base] Controller activated: UIBriefTabController
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2865099658.webp:0
12:08:32 [info] 14:08:32 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3813375642.png:0
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: BackButton -> event: BACK_EVENT , control: BaseHeader
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: BACK_EVENT ,
control: BaseHeader -> event: BACK_EVENT , control: Header
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] Processing Back event. Controller:
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: UIBriefTabController
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: ProfileController
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
0 ms
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 3 ms
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 267C6D08
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed: ProfileController
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:08:46 [info] 14:08:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:08:47 [info] 14:08:47 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: HOVER , control:
ButtonDecorator -> event: HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:09:08 [info] 14:09:08 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CANCEL_HOVER ,
control: ButtonDecorator -> event: CANCEL_HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:09:14 [info] 14:09:14 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SETTINGS_PRESSED ,
control: SideBar -> event: SETTINGS_PRESSED , control: SideBar
12:09:14 [info] 14:09:14 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 267C6D08
12:09:14 [info] 14:09:14 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 267C6D08 dialogOnScreen: 0
subscribed: 0
12:09:14 [info] 14:09:14 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:09:14 [info] 14:09:14 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:09:14 [info] 14:09:14 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 8 ms
12:09:14 [info] 14:09:14 +2 [base] Controller activated: PlayerOptionsController
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: PlayerOptionsController
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
1 ms
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
0 ms
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 4 ms
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 267C6D08
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:09:16 [info] 14:09:16 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:09:23 [info] 14:09:23 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: HOVER , control:
ButtonDecorator -> event: HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:09:23 [info] 14:09:23 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CANCEL_HOVER ,
control: ButtonDecorator -> event: CANCEL_HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: ChatButton -> event: CHAT_PRESSED , control: BottomHolder
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 267C6D08
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 267C6D08 dialogOnScreen: 0
subscribed: 0
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 9 ms
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [base] Controller activated: ExternalChatController
12:09:24 [info] 14:09:24 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3813375642.png:0
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] Processing Back event. Controller:
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: ExternalChatController
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
0 ms
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
0 ms
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 3 ms
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 267C6D08
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:06 [info] 14:10:06 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:10:11 [info] 14:10:11 +2 [base] {
"end_date" : "2023-02-03 08:50:00",
"icon" :
"localizations" :
"ru" :
"text" : "WZ-114 x12"
12:10:11 [info] 14:10:11 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2169561865.png:0
12:10:11 [info] 14:10:11 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:10:11 [info] 14:10:11 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:10:12 [info] 14:10:12 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: ChatButton -> event: CHAT_PRESSED , control: BottomHolder
12:10:12 [info] 14:10:12 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 267C6D08
12:10:12 [info] 14:10:12 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 267C6D08 dialogOnScreen: 0
subscribed: 0
12:10:12 [info] 14:10:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:10:12 [info] 14:10:12 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:10:12 [info] 14:10:12 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 9 ms
12:10:12 [info] 14:10:12 +2 [base] Controller activated: ExternalChatController
12:10:16 [error] 14:10:16 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control Content
12:10:16 [error] 14:10:16 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control Content
12:10:16 [error] 14:10:16 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UIOpacityComponent in control HoverBg
12:10:16 [error] 14:10:16 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UIOpacityComponent in control HoverBg
12:10:16 [info] 14:10:16 +2 [base] Dialog activated: SquadInviteDialog
12:10:17 [info] 14:10:17 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: ButtonApprove -> event: CLOSE_DIALOG_ACCENT , control: ButtonsWrapper
12:10:17 [info] 14:10:17 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::AcceptInvite: 812372231
12:10:17 [info] 14:10:17 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleLeave
12:10:17 [info] 14:10:17 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleAcceptInvite
12:10:17 [info] 14:10:17 +2 [base] Dialog deactivated: SquadInviteDialog
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnPrebattleJoined
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleJoin
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle SETTINGS
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] {'isOpened': False, 'teamRoles': {1: 32, 2:
0}, 'gameModeID': 1, 'creatorDBID': 603717114, 'creator': 'pushbabaxablyat',
'startType': 2, 'roles': {603717114: 6689}, 'lifeTime': 0, 'ver': 2, 'limits': {1:
{'maxCount': (2, 0, 0), 'minCount': 1}, 2: {'maxCount': (0, 0, 0)}}, 'type': 1,
'defaultRoster': 1}
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PROPERTIES
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] {'createTime': 1673698206, 'battlesCount':
0, 'wins': [0, 0, 0], 'waitPrepareClients': False}
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle ROSTER
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] [(812372061, 'pushbabaxablyat', 603717114,
1, 1, 32241.9, '', 0, '', 2, 0, 0, None, [], True, False, True), (542739983,
'Maksemen_gunner', 602848520, 1, 1, 32243.7, '', 160916, 'PACK9', 2, 0, 0, None,
[], True, False, True)]
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] ClientPrebattle::SetSquadTeamMate
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PerformEventWithData(EVENT_SQUAD_FORMED)
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnSquadFormed
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] [1, 3]
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_ADDED
12:10:18 [info] 14:10:18 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 'Maksemen_gunner', 602848520,
1, 1, 32243.7, '', 160916, 'PACK9', 2, 0, 0, None, [], True, False, True)
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] Processing Back event. Controller:
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: ExternalChatController
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
1 ms
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 3 ms
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 267C6D08
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::ShowDialogAndSubscribeToLogic 267C6D08 squadView: 00000000
subscribed: 0 dialogOnScreen: 0
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::constructor: 15AD5BF8
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 15AD5BF8
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 15AD5BF8
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:10:19 [info] 14:10:19 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:10:20 [info] 14:10:20 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:20 [info] 14:10:20 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:10:20 [info] 14:10:20 +2 [prebattle] (812372061, 1, 4, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\
x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 2, 9, 0, '', 0, None, [], True, 1, True)
12:10:20 [warning] 14:10:20 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:21 [warning] 14:10:21 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:21 [warning] 14:10:21 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:21 [warning] 14:10:21 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:22 [warning] 14:10:22 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:10:24 [info] 14:10:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_TANK_PRESS ,
control: TankCell:usa:A77_T6M -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control:
12:10:24 [info] 14:10:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:A77_T6M -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:10:24 [info] 14:10:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: OnTankSelected , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:24 [info] 14:10:24 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:26 [warning] 14:10:26 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:10:26 [warning] 14:10:26 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:10:26 [info] 14:10:26 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_TANK_PRESS ,
control: TankCell:uk:Sentinel_AC1 -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control:
12:10:26 [info] 14:10:26 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:uk:Sentinel_AC1 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:10:26 [info] 14:10:26 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: OnTankSelected , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:26 [info] 14:10:26 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:27 [info] 14:10:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_TANK_PRESS ,
control: TankCell:usa:A77_T6M -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control:
12:10:27 [info] 14:10:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:A77_T6M -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:10:27 [info] 14:10:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: OnTankSelected , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:27 [info] 14:10:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:10:27 [warning] 14:10:27 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:10:27 [warning] 14:10:27 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:28 [warning] 14:10:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:28 [info] 14:10:28 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleReady
12:10:28 [info] 14:10:28 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:28 [info] 14:10:28 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:10:28 [info] 14:10:28 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 4, '!0c\x00L\x00\xcc\x00\
x00\x00T\x00\x1a\x00\x00', 2, 5, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, 1, True)
12:10:28 [warning] 14:10:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:28 [warning] 14:10:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:28 [warning] 14:10:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:28 [warning] 14:10:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:28 [warning] 14:10:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:35 [warning] 14:10:35 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:35 [warning] 14:10:35 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:35 [warning] 14:10:35 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:35 [warning] 14:10:35 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle] [3, 3]
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 267C6D08
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 267C6D08 dialogOnScreen: 1
subscribed: 1
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 15AD5BF8
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 15AD5BF8
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::destructor: 15AD5BF8
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 9 ms
12:10:35 [info] 14:10:35 +2 [base] Controller activated: RandomPrebattleController
12:10:39 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer() 15477
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed: HangarController
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::~SquadController 267C6D08
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [prebattle] RemoveEvent
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [battle] AvatarGameLogic::onBecomePlayer in Frame:
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [battle] Game mode: regular
12:10:39 [info] SetBattleState CREATED
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [battle] Battle started on map: holland
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [net] Traceroute: Successfuly initialized
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen GarageScreen:42
-> BattleScreen:721077 15483
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [battle] ClientArena::ClearVehicleMap size: 0
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleLoadingController
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:10:39 [info] SetBattleState LOADING

12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3195046047.webp:0
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:39 [info] 14:10:39 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene begins
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3080452808.png:0
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2846291220.webp:0
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 606506348.webp:0
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 855645844.png:0
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1636106019.png:0
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:40 [info] 14:10:40 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:10:42 [warning] Quality not defined for template:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/Data/Materials/SpeedTree.SphericalLit.material, using default
12:10:47 [warning] Quality not defined for template:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/Data/Materials/SpeedTree.SphericalLit.material, using default
12:10:47 [warning] Quality not defined for template:
A:/steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/Data/Materials/SpeedTree.SphericalLit.material, using default
12:10:49 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:49 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:49 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:49 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:49 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:49 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:50 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:50 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:51 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:10:51 [info] 14:10:51 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene ends
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleLoadingController
12:10:52 [info] SetBattleState LOADED
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [net] Traceroute::BackgroundWorker: Main thread started
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [battle]
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleDialogController
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3195046047.webp:0
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 606506348.webp:0
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2846291220.webp:0
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3080452808.png:0
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 855645844.png:0
12:10:52 [info] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1636106019.png:0
12:10:52 [error] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] [ConvertedFileSpriteDataLoader] File
"~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022" not found
12:10:52 [error] 14:10:52 +2 [engine] [AutoSpriteDataLoaderWrapper] Failed to
initialize sprite "~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022". Pink placeholder is
12:14:12 [info] 14:14:12 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1923492390.webp:0
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [battle] VehiclesInBattle: player's vehicle leave world
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [battle]
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [battle] AvatarGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer in Frame:
12:14:13 [info] SetBattleState LEAVE
12:14:13 [info] BattleController::OnLeaveBattle
12:14:13 [info] SetBattleState WAIT
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [battle]
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [battle] GameplaySoundController::StopSoundIfActive
Name: GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 0
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleDialogController
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:14:13 [info] 14:14:13 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [net] Traceroute::BackgroundWorker destroyed.
12:14:16 [info] SetBattleState UNLOAD
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [battle] ClientArena::ClearVehicleMap size: 14
12:14:16 [info] SetBattleState UNLOADED
12:14:16 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomePlayer() 542739983 38937
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] AddEvent
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnPrebattleJoined
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleJoin
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle SETTINGS
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] {'isOpened': False, 'teamRoles': {1: 32, 2:
0}, 'gameModeID': 1, 'creatorDBID': 603717114, 'creator': 'pushbabaxablyat',
'startType': 2, 'roles': {603717114: 6689}, 'lifeTime': 0, 'ver': 2, 'limits': {1:
{'maxCount': (2, 0, 0), 'minCount': 1}, 2: {'maxCount': (0, 0, 0)}}, 'type': 1,
'defaultRoster': 1}
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PROPERTIES
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] {'createTime': 1673698206, 'battlesCount':
1, 'wins': [0, 1, 0], 'waitPrepareClients': False}
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle ROSTER
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] [(812372061, 'pushbabaxablyat', 603717114,
1, 1, 32241.9, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 0, '', 2, 0, 0, None,
[], True, False, True), (542739983, 'Maksemen_gunner', 602848520, 1, 1, 32243.7, '!
0c\x00L\x00\xcc\x00\x00\x00T\x00\x1a\x00\x00', 160916, 'PACK9', 2, 0, 0, None, [],
True, False, True)]
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] ClientPrebattle::SetSquadTeamMate
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PerformEventWithData(EVENT_SQUAD_FORMED)
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnSquadFormed
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [prebattle] [1, 3]
12:14:16 [warning] 14:14:16 +2 [BW] W ServerConnection::processInput(542739983):
There were 3048 ms between packets
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
BattleScreen:721077 -> GarageScreen:42 38943
12:14:16 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/HangarMain2022Customization/settings.yaml for read
12:14:16 [warning] 14:14:16 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:14:16 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/bp_season_29/settings.yaml for read
12:14:16 [warning] 14:14:16 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:14:16 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/HangarMain2022Customization/settings.yaml for read
12:14:16 [warning] 14:14:16 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:14:16 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/bp_season_29/settings.yaml for read
12:14:16 [warning] 14:14:16 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:14:16 [warning] 14:14:16 +2 [ads] IronSource application key is not configured!
12:14:16 [info] [BattleMetrics] Stats has been sent
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:14:16 [info] GarageScreen::LoadResources begin

12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: right_track - 1
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: fuel_tank - 1
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarLoadingController
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading start
12:14:16 [info] 14:14:16 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:14:17 [warning] 14:14:17 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_1.sc2 is invalid.
12:14:17 [warning] 14:14:17 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_2.sc2 is invalid.
12:14:17 [warning] 14:14:17 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_3.sc2 is invalid.
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [prebattle] (812372061, 1, 1, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\
x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 2, 0, 0, '', 0, None, [], True, False, True)
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: right_track - 1
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: fuel_tank - 1
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading end, duration
921 ms
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate start
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarLoadingController
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate end,
duration 0 ms
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] specificXp = %f, 1873 experience.heroReward =
%f, 0 damagePortion = %f, assistPortion = %f, 0.0257732 teamBonusPortion = %f
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] specificXp = %f, 1248 experience.heroReward =
%f, 0 damagePortion = %f, assistPortion = %f, 0.0257732 teamBonusPortion = %f
12:14:17 [info] 14:14:17 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleResultsController
12:14:18 [info] 14:14:18 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:14:18 [info] 14:14:18 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:14:18 [info] 14:14:18 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:18 [info] 14:14:18 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:14:18 [info] 14:14:18 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 1, '!0c\x00L\x00\xcc\x00\
x00\x00T\x00\x1a\x00\x00', 2, 0, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, False, True)
12:14:20 [info] 14:14:20 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
END_STATS_ANIMATION , control: PersonalStat -> event: END_STATS_ANIMATION ,
control: VisibleParamSecond
12:14:21 [warning] 14:14:21 +2 [ui] Animation BASE_INIT has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:21 [warning] 14:14:21 +2 [ui] Animation BASE_INIT has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:21 [warning] 14:14:21 +2 [ui] Animation BASE_INIT has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:21 [warning] 14:14:21 +2 [ui] Animation BASE_INIT has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:21 [warning] 14:14:21 +2 [ui] Animation BASE_INIT has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:21 [warning] 14:14:21 +2 [ui] Animation BASE_INIT has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:21 [warning] 14:14:21 +2 [ui] Animation BASE_INIT has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:22 [info] 14:14:22 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_BUTTON_CLICK ,
control: NotificationButtonWithText -> event: GO_TO_TASK_JOURNAL , control:
12:14:22 [info] 14:14:22 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: GO_TO_TASK_JOURNAL ,
control: NotificationBaseContent -> event: GO_TO_TASK_JOURNAL , control:
12:14:22 [info] 14:14:22 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:14:22 [info] 14:14:22 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleResultsController
12:14:22 [info] 14:14:22 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:14:22 [info] 14:14:22 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed: replayLesson
12:14:22 [info] 14:14:22 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1376478366.webp:0
12:14:23 [info] 14:14:23 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: Button -> event: APPLY_QUEST_PRESSED , control: ButtonHolder
12:14:23 [info] 14:14:23 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
APPLY_QUEST_PRESSED , control: task_slot_2 -> event: APPLY_QUEST_PRESSED ,
control: Tasks
12:14:24 [info] 14:14:24 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:14:24 [info] 14:14:24 +2 [base] Controller activated: ChestUsageController
12:14:25 [info] 14:14:25 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CLOSE_NOTIFICATION ,
control: FullscreenPopupWithContentSlot -> event: OnNotificationCloseRequested ,
control: UI2DView
12:14:25 [info] 14:14:25 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CLOSE_NOTIFICATION ,
control: FullscreenPopupWithContentSlot -> event: OnNotificationCloseRequested ,
control: UI2DView
12:14:25 [info] 14:14:25 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: ChestUsageController
12:14:25 [info] 14:14:25 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:14:25 [info] 14:14:25 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [prebattle] (812372061, 1, 4, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\
x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 2, 9, 0, '', 0, None, [], True, 1, True)
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: BackButton -> event: ON_CLICK_BACK , control: Top
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BACK ,
control: Sidebar -> event: BACK_EVENT , control: TaskJournalScreen
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [base] Processing Back event. Controller:
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleResultsController
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 606506348.webp:0
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3195046047.webp:0
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] message:Render pass limit exceeded 2 times
during frame
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2389597221.webp:0
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3080452808.png:0
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1636106019.png:0
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2846291220.webp:0
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] message:Render pass limit exceeded 2 times
during frame
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3149794924.webp:0
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 855645844.png:0
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [warning] 14:14:26 +2 [ui] Animation UpdateOpacity has stopped due to the
same animation has started recently
12:14:26 [info] 14:14:26 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 954165244.webp:0
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: IconButton -> event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON , control: CloseButton
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON
, control: Header -> event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON , control: Header
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleResultsController
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed: replayLesson
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
3 ms
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
1 ms
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
2 ms
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
0 ms
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 9 ms
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 2B973A08
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::ShowDialogAndSubscribeToLogic 2B973A08 squadView: 00000000
subscribed: 0 dialogOnScreen: 0
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::constructor: 30C40888
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 30C40888
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 30C40888
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:14:27 [error] 14:14:27 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetStar.sc2
12:14:27 [error] 14:14:27 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Free.sc2
12:14:27 [error] 14:14:27 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Prem.sc2
12:14:27 [error] 14:14:27 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow.sc2
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3860455226.webp:0
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2169561865.png:0
12:14:27 [warning] 14:14:27 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [analytics] VigoSdkProvider: is allowed to show user
dialog (popups & stuff) true
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [analytics] VigoSdkProvider: is allowed to show user
dialog (decision of VigoSdkProvider) false
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:14:27 [info] 14:14:27 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:A77_T6M -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:14:28 [info] 14:14:28 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: HOVER , control:
ButtonDecorator -> event: HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:14:28 [info] 14:14:28 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: CANCEL_HOVER ,
control: ButtonDecorator -> event: CANCEL_HOVER , control: ContentHolder
12:14:28 [warning] 14:14:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:28 [warning] 14:14:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:28 [info] 14:14:28 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleReady
12:14:28 [info] 14:14:28 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:28 [info] 14:14:28 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:14:28 [info] 14:14:28 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 4, '!0c\x00L\x00\xcc\x00\
x00\x00T\x00\x1a\x00\x00', 2, 5, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, 1, True)
12:14:28 [warning] 14:14:28 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:46 [info] 14:14:46 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleNotReady
12:14:46 [info] 14:14:46 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:46 [info] 14:14:46 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:14:46 [info] 14:14:46 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 1, '!0c\x00L\x00\xcc\x00\
x00\x00T\x00\x1a\x00\x00', 2, 0, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, False, True)
12:14:47 [warning] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:47 [warning] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:47 [warning] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:47 [info] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_TANK_PRESS ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: PlayerTanks
12:14:47 [info] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:M6 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:14:47 [info] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: OnTankSelected , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:14:47 [info] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:14:47 [warning] 14:14:47 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:48 [warning] 14:14:48 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:48 [warning] 14:14:48 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:48 [warning] 14:14:48 +2 [ui] [UIEventsSystem] More then one event on frame '
HoverAnim ' occured after ' HoverAnim '
12:14:48 [warning] 14:14:48 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:48 [warning] 14:14:48 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_TANK_PRESS ,
control: TankCell:usa:T1_hvy -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: PlayerTanks
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:T1_hvy -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: OnTankSelected , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:14:49 [warning] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:14:49 [warning] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:49 [warning] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleReady
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:14:49 [info] 14:14:49 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 4, '!\r\x1a\x00\x0b\x00\xcb\
x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x08\x00\x00', 2, 11, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, 1,
12:14:49 [warning] 14:14:49 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:50 [warning] 14:14:50 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:50 [warning] 14:14:50 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:50 [warning] 14:14:50 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:50 [warning] 14:14:50 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle] [3, 3]
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 2B973A08
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 2B973A08 dialogOnScreen: 1
subscribed: 1
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 30C40888
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 30C40888
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::destructor: 30C40888
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 9 ms
12:14:52 [info] 14:14:52 +2 [base] Controller activated: RandomPrebattleController
12:14:54 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer() 43071
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed: HangarController
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::~SquadController 2B973A08
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [prebattle] RemoveEvent
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [battle] AvatarGameLogic::onBecomePlayer in Frame:
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [battle] Game mode: regular
12:14:54 [info] SetBattleState CREATED
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [battle] Battle started on map: fort
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [net] Traceroute: Successfuly initialized
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen GarageScreen:42
-> BattleScreen:721077 43077
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleLoadingController
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [battle] ClientArena::ClearVehicleMap size: 0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:14:54 [info] SetBattleState LOADING

12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 4150092636.png:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene begins
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2831648827.png:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2841629821.png:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1374624831.png:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:1
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:2
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:3
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:4
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:5
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:6
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:7
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:8
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:9
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:10
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:11
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:12
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:13
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:14
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:15
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:16
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:17
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:18
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:19
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:20
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:21
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:22
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:23
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2735832197.png:0
12:14:54 [info] 14:14:54 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 710094660.png:0
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2872724277.png:0
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 935818481.png:0
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2526999462.png:0
12:14:55 [info] 14:14:55 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:14:59 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:14:59 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:14:59 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:14:59 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:15:00 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:15:00 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:15:01 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:15:01 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:15:01 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:15:02 [info] 14:15:02 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene ends
12:15:02 [info] 14:15:02 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleLoadingController
12:15:02 [info] SetBattleState LOADED
12:15:02 [info] 14:15:02 +2 [net] Traceroute::BackgroundWorker: Main thread started
12:15:02 [info] 14:15:02 +2 [battle]
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleDialogController
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2841629821.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:1
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:2
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:3
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:4
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:5
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:6
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:7
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:8
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:9
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:10
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:11
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:12
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:13
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:14
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:15
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:16
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:17
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:18
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:19
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:20
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:21
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:22
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2590913172.webp:23
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2526999462.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2831648827.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1374624831.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 710094660.png:0
12:15:03 [error] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] [ConvertedFileSpriteDataLoader] File
"~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022" not found
12:15:03 [error] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] [AutoSpriteDataLoaderWrapper] Failed to
initialize sprite "~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022". Pink placeholder is
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2735832197.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2872724277.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 4150092636.png:0
12:15:03 [info] 14:15:03 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 935818481.png:0
12:16:42 [info] 14:16:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event:
12:16:46 [info] 14:16:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event:
12:16:47 [info] 14:16:47 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event:
12:16:47 [info] 14:16:47 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event:
12:16:48 [info] 14:16:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event:
12:17:17 [info] 14:17:17 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 0
12:17:17 [info] 14:17:17 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:17 [info] 14:17:17 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:18 [info] 14:17:18 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:18 [info] 14:17:18 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:18 [info] 14:17:18 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:18 [info] 14:17:18 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:19 [info] 14:17:19 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:19 [info] 14:17:19 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:19 [info] 14:17:19 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:19 [info] 14:17:19 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:20 [info] 14:17:20 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:20 [info] 14:17:20 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:20 [info] 14:17:20 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:20 [info] 14:17:20 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:21 [info] 14:17:21 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:21 [info] 14:17:21 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:21 [info] 14:17:21 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:21 [info] 14:17:21 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:21 [info] 14:17:21 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:21 [info] 14:17:21 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:22 [info] 14:17:22 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:22 [info] 14:17:22 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:22 [info] 14:17:22 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:22 [info] 14:17:22 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:23 [info] 14:17:23 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:23 [info] 14:17:23 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:23 [info] 14:17:23 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:23 [info] 14:17:23 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:24 [info] 14:17:24 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:24 [info] 14:17:24 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:24 [info] 14:17:24 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:24 [info] 14:17:24 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:25 [info] 14:17:25 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:25 [info] 14:17:25 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:25 [info] 14:17:25 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:25 [info] 14:17:25 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:26 [info] 14:17:26 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:26 [info] 14:17:26 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:26 [info] 14:17:26 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:26 [info] 14:17:26 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:27 [info] 14:17:27 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:27 [info] 14:17:27 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:27 [info] 14:17:27 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:27 [info] 14:17:27 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:28 [info] 14:17:28 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:28 [info] 14:17:28 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:28 [info] 14:17:28 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:28 [info] 14:17:28 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:29 [info] 14:17:29 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:29 [info] 14:17:29 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:29 [info] 14:17:29 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:29 [info] 14:17:29 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:30 [info] 14:17:30 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:30 [info] 14:17:30 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:30 [info] 14:17:30 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:30 [info] 14:17:30 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:31 [info] 14:17:31 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:31 [info] 14:17:31 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:31 [info] 14:17:31 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:31 [info] 14:17:31 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:32 [info] 14:17:32 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:32 [info] 14:17:32 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:32 [info] 14:17:32 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:32 [info] 14:17:32 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:33 [info] 14:17:33 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:33 [info] 14:17:33 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:33 [info] 14:17:33 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:33 [info] 14:17:33 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:34 [info] 14:17:34 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:17:34 [info] 14:17:34 +2 [battle] GameplaySoundController::StopSoundIfActive
Name: GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:18:12 [info] 14:18:12 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event:
12:18:13 [info] 14:18:13 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event:
12:18:35 [info] 14:18:35 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1923492390.webp:0
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [battle] VehiclesInBattle: player's vehicle leave world
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [battle]
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [battle] AvatarGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer in Frame:
12:18:36 [info] SetBattleState LEAVE
12:18:36 [info] BattleController::OnLeaveBattle
12:18:36 [info] SetBattleState WAIT
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [battle]
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [battle] GameplaySoundController::StopSoundIfActive
Name: GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 0
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleDialogController
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:18:36 [info] 14:18:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [net] Traceroute::BackgroundWorker destroyed.
12:18:39 [info] SetBattleState UNLOAD
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [battle] ClientArena::ClearVehicleMap size: 14
12:18:39 [info] SetBattleState UNLOADED
12:18:39 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomePlayer() 542739983 67788
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] AddEvent
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnPrebattleJoined
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleJoin
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle SETTINGS
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] {'isOpened': False, 'teamRoles': {1: 32, 2:
0}, 'gameModeID': 1, 'creatorDBID': 603717114, 'creator': 'pushbabaxablyat',
'startType': 2, 'roles': {603717114: 6689}, 'lifeTime': 0, 'ver': 2, 'limits': {1:
{'maxCount': (2, 0, 0), 'minCount': 1}, 2: {'maxCount': (0, 0, 0)}}, 'type': 1,
'defaultRoster': 1}
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PROPERTIES
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] {'createTime': 1673698206, 'battlesCount':
2, 'wins': [0, 1, 1], 'waitPrepareClients': False}
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle ROSTER
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] [(812372061, 'pushbabaxablyat', 603717114,
1, 1, 32241.9, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 0, '', 2, 0, 0, None,
[], True, False, True), (542739983, 'Maksemen_gunner', 602848520, 1, 1, 32243.7,
'!\r\x1a\x00\x0b\x00\xcb\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x08\x00\x00', 160916, 'PACK9', 2, 0,
0, None, [], True, False, True)]
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] ClientPrebattle::SetSquadTeamMate
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PerformEventWithData(EVENT_SQUAD_FORMED)
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnSquadFormed
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [prebattle] [1, 3]
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
BattleScreen:721077 -> GarageScreen:42 67794
12:18:39 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/HangarMain2022Customization/settings.yaml for read
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:18:39 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/bp_season_29/settings.yaml for read
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:18:39 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/HangarMain2022Customization/settings.yaml for read
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:18:39 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/bp_season_29/settings.yaml for read
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [ads] IronSource application key is not configured!
12:18:39 [info] [BattleMetrics] Stats has been sent
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:18:39 [info] GarageScreen::LoadResources begin

12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarLoadingController
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading start
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_1.sc2 is invalid.
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_2.sc2 is invalid.
12:18:39 [warning] 14:18:39 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_3.sc2 is invalid.
12:18:39 [info] 14:18:39 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading end, duration
933 ms
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate start
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarLoadingController
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate end,
duration 1 ms
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] specificXp = %f, 181 experience.heroReward =
%f, 0 damagePortion = %f, assistPortion = %f, 0 teamBonusPortion = %f 0.388571
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] specificXp = %f, 121 experience.heroReward =
%f, 0 damagePortion = %f, assistPortion = %f, 0 teamBonusPortion = %f 0.388571
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleResultsController
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:18:40 [info] 14:18:40 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 1, '!\r\x1a\x00\x0b\x00\xcb\
x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x08\x00\x00', 2, 0, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, False,
12:18:41 [info] 14:18:41 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:41 [info] 14:18:41 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:18:41 [info] 14:18:41 +2 [prebattle] (812372061, 1, 1, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\
x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 2, 0, 0, '', 0, None, [], True, False, True)
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: IconButton -> event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON , control: CloseButton
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON
, control: Header -> event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON , control: Header
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleResultsController
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed: replayLesson
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
4 ms
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 9 ms
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 2C383160
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::ShowDialogAndSubscribeToLogic 2C383160 squadView: 00000000
subscribed: 0 dialogOnScreen: 0
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::constructor: 267C8A10
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 267C8A10
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 267C8A10
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:18:42 [error] 14:18:42 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetStar.sc2
12:18:42 [error] 14:18:42 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Free.sc2
12:18:42 [error] 14:18:42 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Prem.sc2
12:18:42 [error] 14:18:42 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow.sc2
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3860455226.webp:0
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2169561865.png:0
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [analytics] VigoSdkProvider: is allowed to show user
dialog (popups & stuff) true
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [analytics] VigoSdkProvider: is allowed to show user
dialog (decision of VigoSdkProvider) false
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:usa:T1_hvy -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:18:42 [info] 14:18:42 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
ON_MODULE_PROGRESS_ANIMATION_STARTED , control: ModulesContent -> event:
12:18:43 [error] 14:18:43 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UIOpacityComponent in control HoverBg
12:18:43 [info] 14:18:43 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleReady
12:18:43 [info] 14:18:43 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:43 [info] 14:18:43 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:18:43 [info] 14:18:43 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 4, '!\r\x1a\x00\x0b\x00\xcb\
x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x08\x00\x00', 2, 11, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, 1,
12:18:43 [warning] 14:18:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:43 [warning] 14:18:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:43 [warning] 14:18:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:43 [warning] 14:18:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:44 [warning] 14:18:44 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:44 [info] 14:18:44 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleNotReady
12:18:45 [info] 14:18:45 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:45 [info] 14:18:45 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:18:45 [info] 14:18:45 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 1, '!\r\x1a\x00\x0b\x00\xcb\
x00\x00\x00\x1a\x00\x08\x00\x00', 2, 0, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, False,
12:18:45 [warning] 14:18:45 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:18:45 [warning] 14:18:45 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:18:45 [warning] 14:18:45 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:18:46 [info] 14:18:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_TANK_PRESS ,
control: TankCell:uk:Sentinel_AC1 -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control:
12:18:46 [info] 14:18:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:uk:Sentinel_AC1 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:18:46 [info] 14:18:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: OnTankSelected , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:18:46 [info] 14:18:46 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK ,
control: TanksPanel -> event: SELECT_PLAYER_TANK , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:18:46 [warning] 14:18:46 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:18:47 [warning] 14:18:47 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:18:47 [warning] 14:18:47 +2 [ui] Animation HoverAnim has stopped due to the same
animation has started recently
12:18:50 [info] 14:18:50 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleReady
12:18:50 [info] 14:18:50 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:50 [info] 14:18:50 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:18:50 [info] 14:18:50 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 4, 'Q\xfd\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\
xcb\x00\x00\x00\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\x00', 2, 1, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, 1,
12:18:50 [warning] 14:18:50 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:52 [warning] 14:18:52 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:52 [warning] 14:18:52 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:52 [warning] 14:18:52 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:52 [warning] 14:18:52 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: TASK_JOURNAL_PRESSED
, control: SideBar -> event: TASK_JOURNAL_PRESSED , control: SideBar
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 2C383160
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 2C383160 dialogOnScreen: 1
subscribed: 1
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 267C8A10
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 267C8A10
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::destructor: 267C8A10
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 9 ms
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:18:53 [info] 14:18:53 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1376478366.webp:0
12:18:54 [info] 14:18:54 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:54 [info] 14:18:54 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:18:54 [info] 14:18:54 +2 [prebattle] (812372061, 1, 4, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\
x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 2, 9, 0, '', 0, None, [], True, 1, True)
12:18:54 [info] 14:18:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: Button -> event: APPLY_QUEST_PRESSED , control: ButtonHolder
12:18:54 [info] 14:18:54 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
APPLY_QUEST_PRESSED , control: task_slot_3 -> event: APPLY_QUEST_PRESSED ,
control: Tasks
12:18:55 [info] 14:18:55 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:18:55 [info] 14:18:55 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:18:55 [info] 14:18:55 +2 [prebattle] [3, 3]
12:18:55 [info] 14:18:55 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:18:55 [info] 14:18:55 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:18:55 [info] 14:18:55 +2 [base] Controller activated: RandomPrebattleController
12:19:00 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer() 70083
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed: HangarController
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::~SquadController 2C383160
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [prebattle] RemoveEvent
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [battle] AvatarGameLogic::onBecomePlayer in Frame:
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [battle] Game mode: regular
12:19:00 [info] SetBattleState CREATED
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [battle] Battle started on map: erlenberg
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [net] Traceroute: Successfuly initialized
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen GarageScreen:42
-> BattleScreen:721077 70089
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [battle] ClientArena::ClearVehicleMap size: 0
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleLoadingController
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:19:00 [info] SetBattleState LOADING

12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2526999462.png:0
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2872724277.png:0
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene begins
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2831648827.png:0
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3080452808.png:0
12:19:00 [info] 14:19:00 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1731898725.webp:0
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 707227192.png:0
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3446319478.webp:0
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3539905420.png:0
12:19:01 [info] 14:19:01 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:19:06 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:06 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:06 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:06 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:06 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:07 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:07 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:07 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:07 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:19:08 [info] 14:19:08 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene ends
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleLoadingController
12:19:09 [info] SetBattleState LOADED
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [net] Traceroute::BackgroundWorker: Main thread started
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [battle]
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleDialogController
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3539905420.png:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2526999462.png:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2872724277.png:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 707227192.png:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1731898725.webp:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3446319478.webp:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2831648827.png:0
12:19:09 [info] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3080452808.png:0
12:19:09 [error] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] [ConvertedFileSpriteDataLoader] File
"~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022" not found
12:19:09 [error] 14:19:09 +2 [engine] [AutoSpriteDataLoaderWrapper] Failed to
initialize sprite "~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022". Pink placeholder is
12:21:22 [warning] 14:21:22 +2 [ui] Animation START_ICON_UPPERSCALE_ANIMATION has
stopped due to the same animation has started recently
12:21:22 [warning] 14:21:22 +2 [ui] Animation START_TEXT_ANIMATION has stopped due
to the same animation has started recently
12:23:34 [info] 14:23:34 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1923492390.webp:0
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [battle] VehiclesInBattle: player's vehicle leave world
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [battle]
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [battle] AvatarGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer in Frame:
12:23:35 [info] SetBattleState LEAVE
12:23:35 [info] BattleController::OnLeaveBattle
12:23:35 [info] SetBattleState WAIT
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [battle]
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [battle] GameplaySoundController::StopSoundIfActive
Name: GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 0
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleDialogController
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:23:35 [info] 14:23:35 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [net] Traceroute::BackgroundWorker destroyed.
12:23:37 [info] SetBattleState UNLOAD
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [battle] ClientArena::ClearVehicleMap size: 14
12:23:37 [info] SetBattleState UNLOADED
12:23:37 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomePlayer() 542739983 101036
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] AddEvent
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnPrebattleJoined
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleJoin
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle SETTINGS
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] {'isOpened': False, 'teamRoles': {1: 32, 2:
0}, 'gameModeID': 1, 'creatorDBID': 603717114, 'creator': 'pushbabaxablyat',
'startType': 2, 'roles': {603717114: 6689}, 'lifeTime': 0, 'ver': 2, 'limits': {1:
{'maxCount': (2, 0, 0), 'minCount': 1}, 2: {'maxCount': (0, 0, 0)}}, 'type': 1,
'defaultRoster': 1}
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PROPERTIES
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] {'createTime': 1673698206, 'battlesCount':
3, 'wins': [0, 2, 1], 'waitPrepareClients': False}
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle ROSTER
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] [(812372061, 'pushbabaxablyat', 603717114,
1, 1, 32241.9, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 0, '', 2, 0, 0, None,
[], True, False, True), (542739983, 'Maksemen_gunner', 602848520, 1, 1, 32243.7,
'Q\xfd\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\xcb\x00\x00\x00\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\x00', 160916, 'PACK9', 2, 0,
0, None, [], True, False, True)]
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] ClientPrebattle::SetSquadTeamMate
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PerformEventWithData(EVENT_SQUAD_FORMED)
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnSquadFormed
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [prebattle] [1, 3]
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
BattleScreen:721077 -> GarageScreen:42 101042
12:23:37 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/HangarMain2022Customization/settings.yaml for read
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:23:37 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/bp_season_29/settings.yaml for read
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:23:37 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/HangarMain2022Customization/settings.yaml for read
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:23:37 [error] [YamlParser::Parse] Can't Open file
Stories/bp_season_29/settings.yaml for read
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [story] could not create parser:
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [ads] IronSource application key is not configured!
12:23:37 [info] [BattleMetrics] Stats has been sent
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:23:37 [info] GarageScreen::LoadResources begin

12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: right_track - 2
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarLoadingController
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading start
12:23:37 [info] 14:23:37 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_1.sc2 is invalid.
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_2.sc2 is invalid.
12:23:37 [warning] 14:23:37 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_3.sc2 is invalid.
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: right_track - 2
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] [Damaged] modules: left_track - 1
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading end, duration
883 ms
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate start
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarLoadingController
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate end,
duration 0 ms
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] specificXp = %f, 1368 experience.heroReward =
%f, 0 damagePortion = %f, assistPortion = %f, 0.0144737 teamBonusPortion = %f
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] specificXp = %f, 912 experience.heroReward =
%f, 0 damagePortion = %f, assistPortion = %f, 0.0144737 teamBonusPortion = %f
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleResultsController
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:23:38 [info] 14:23:38 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 1, 'Q\xfd\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\
xcb\x00\x00\x00\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\x00', 2, 0, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True,
False, True)
12:23:40 [info] 14:23:40 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:40 [info] 14:23:40 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:23:40 [info] 14:23:40 +2 [prebattle] (812372061, 1, 1, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\
x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 2, 0, 0, '', 0, None, [], True, False, True)
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
END_STATS_ANIMATION , control: PersonalStat -> event: END_STATS_ANIMATION ,
control: VisibleParamSecond
12:23:41 [error] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UIOpacityComponent in control HoverBg
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: IconButton -> event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON , control: CloseButton
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON
, control: Header -> event: ON_CLICK_BACK_BUTTON , control: Header
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleResultsController
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed: replayLesson
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
4 ms
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
2 ms
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hv_main.sc2
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 9 ms
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Activate 307165F0
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::ShowDialogAndSubscribeToLogic 307165F0 squadView: 00000000
subscribed: 0 dialogOnScreen: 0
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::constructor: 2CA08E98
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 2CA08E98
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 2CA08E98
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:23:41 [error] 14:23:41 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetStar.sc2
12:23:41 [error] 14:23:41 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Free.sc2
12:23:41 [error] 14:23:41 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow_circuit_Prem.sc2
12:23:41 [error] 14:23:41 +2 [engine] SceneFileV2::LoadSceneArchive failed to open
file: ~res:/3d/FX/UI/BattlePass/Season_16/WidgetGlow.sc2
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3860455226.webp:0
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2169561865.png:0
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [analytics] VigoSdkProvider: is allowed to show user
dialog (popups & stuff) true
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [analytics] VigoSdkProvider: is allowed to show user
dialog (decision of VigoSdkProvider) false
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: Promotions
12:23:41 [info] 14:23:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:uk:Sentinel_AC1 -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::PrebattleReady
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] (542739983, 1, 4, 'Q\xfd\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\
xcb\x00\x00\x00\xe8\x03\xe8\x03\x00', 2, 1, 160916, 'PACK9', 0, None, [], True, 1,
12:23:43 [warning] 14:23:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:23:43 [warning] 14:23:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:23:43 [warning] 14:23:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:23:43 [warning] 14:23:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:23:43 [warning] 14:23:43 +2 [ui] Opacity value is not in range [0, 1.0]
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: TASK_JOURNAL_PRESSED
, control: SideBar -> event: TASK_JOURNAL_PRESSED , control: SideBar
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::Deactivate 307165F0
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle]
SquadController::HideDialogAndUnsubscribeFromLogic 307165F0 dialogOnScreen: 1
subscribed: 1
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetReadyCallback: 2CA08E98
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::SetDisbandCallback: 2CA08E98
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [prebattle] SquadView::destructor: 2CA08E98
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 9 ms
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [base] Controller activated:
12:23:43 [info] 14:23:43 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1054483662.webp:0
12:23:43 [error] 14:23:43 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextureComponent in control Texture
12:23:45 [info] 14:23:45 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:45 [info] 14:23:45 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle PLAYER_STATE
12:23:45 [info] 14:23:45 +2 [prebattle] (812372061, 1, 4, 'Q#M\x00<\x00\xca\x00\
x00\x00D\x005\x00\x00', 2, 9, 0, '', 0, None, [], True, 1, True)
12:23:46 [info] 14:23:46 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::OnUpdatePrebattle
12:23:46 [info] 14:23:46 +2 [prebattle] OnUpdatePrebattle TEAM_STATES
12:23:46 [info] 14:23:46 +2 [prebattle] [3, 3]
12:23:46 [info] 14:23:46 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:23:46 [info] 14:23:46 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:23:46 [info] 14:23:46 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:23:46 [info] 14:23:46 +2 [base] Controller activated: RandomPrebattleController
12:23:47 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer() 102041
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed: HangarController
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::~SquadController 307165F0
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [prebattle] RemoveEvent
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [battle] AvatarGameLogic::onBecomePlayer in Frame:
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [battle] Game mode: regular
12:23:47 [info] SetBattleState CREATED
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [battle] Battle started on map: milbase
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [net] Traceroute: Successfuly initialized
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen GarageScreen:42
-> BattleScreen:721077 102047
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [battle] ClientArena::ClearVehicleMap size: 0
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleLoadingController
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] currentVersion = 11 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 11 , loadedFromFile = 1
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
12:23:47 [info] 14:23:47 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: 4X
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

12:23:48 [info] SetBattleState LOADING

12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1636106019.png:0
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2526999462.png:0
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene begins
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 855645844.png:0
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 36119444.webp:0
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:0
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:1
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:2
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:3
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:4
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:5
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:6
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:7
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:8
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:9
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:10
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:11
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:12
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:13
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:14
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:15
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:16
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:17
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:18
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:19
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:20
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:21
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:22
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:23
12:23:48 [info] 14:23:48 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED , control: PlayerAvatar -> event: AVATAR_IMAGE_LOADED ,
control: table-cell
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:53 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:54 [info] Cant purge lods: no render object
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [battle] BattleController::LoadGameScene ends
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: BattleLoadingController
12:23:55 [info] SetBattleState LOADED
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [net] Traceroute::BackgroundWorker: Main thread started
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [battle]
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = ULTRA
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = ULTRA
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = ON
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [base] Controller activated: BattleDialogController
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 36119444.webp:0
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
12:23:55 [info] 14:23:55 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3817447541.png:0
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1636106019.png:0
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2526999462.png:0
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:0
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:1
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:2
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:3
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:4
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:5
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:6
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:7
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:8
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:9
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:10
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:11
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:12
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:13
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:14
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:15
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:16
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:17
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:18
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:19
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:20
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:21
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:22
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1524683613.webp:23
12:23:56 [info] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 855645844.png:0
12:23:56 [error] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] [ConvertedFileSpriteDataLoader] File
"~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022" not found
12:23:56 [error] 14:23:56 +2 [engine] [AutoSpriteDataLoaderWrapper] Failed to
initialize sprite "~res:/Gfx/Shared/boosters/booster_rrs2022". Pink placeholder is
12:24:33 [info] 14:24:33 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 0
12:24:33 [info] 14:24:33 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:24:33 [info] 14:24:33 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1
12:24:34 [info] 14:24:34 +2 [battle]
GameplaySoundController::TriggerSoundIfInactive Name:
GUI_notifications_FX_base_capture_enemy Active: 1

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