Blitz-Logs 20230719215218
Blitz-Logs 20230719215218
Blitz-Logs 20230719215218
Graphics Family, RDP Encoder Mirror Driver, RDP Reflector Display Driver, RDPDD
Chained DD
00:52:19 [info] 21:52:19 -3 [engine] Network type: WiFi
00:52:19 [info] EngineBackend::OnGameLoopStarted: enter
00:52:19 [info] GameCore::OnAppStarted begin
00:52:20 [info] 21:52:20 -3 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
00:52:20 [info] 21:52:20 -3 [wwise] Wwise sound system was successfully
00:52:20 [info] SetBattleState unknown
00:52:20 [info] 21:52:20 -3 [base] Vendor OS version: no
00:52:20 [info] 21:52:20 -3 [base] Platform: Win32 steam
00:52:20 [info] 21:52:20 -3 [base] RAM size in gb: 3.90642
00:52:20 [info] Device kind: Desktop
00:52:20 [info] Device display: 16.32" (14.23"x8.00")
00:52:20 [info] GameCore::OnAppStarted done
00:52:20 [info] EngineBackend::OnGameLoopStarted: leave
00:52:20 [info] Window::HandleWindowCreated: enter
00:52:20 [info] 21:52:20 -3 [render] rhi::ShaderSourceCache::InitCacheDir start
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [render] rhi::ShaderSourceCache::InitCacheDir end,
duration 817 ms
00:52:21 [info] Rendering thread started
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Creating device
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] available adapters:
00:52:21 [info] 0 : 'Intel(R) HD Graphics Family' (vendor: 0x8086, subsystem:
0x6511028), feature level: 0xb000 (11.0)
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Using adapter `Intel(R) HD Graphics Family` (vendor:
8086, subsystem: 6511028)
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Creating device without selected adapter
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Init with feature level: 0xb000 (11.0)
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Using retrieved adapter `Intel(R) HD Graphics Family`
(vendor: 0x8086, subsystem: 0x6511028)
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Selected adapter has 192 Mb of video memory
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] OS registry version: 6.1.7601, is running on Win10: 0
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Starting swapchain resize. Set nullView.
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Reset targets and views
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Clear context state
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Flush context
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Resize swapchain buffers to size {1024, 690}
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [render] DeviceTier: Low (video memory <512mb)
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] hardware command buffers enabled: 0
00:52:21 [info] [RHI-DX11] Typeless texture formats supported: 1
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [render] DeviceInfo::GetGPUModel(): Intel(R) HD
Graphics Family
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [render] Default Framebuffer size: 1024 x 690
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [render] Default Framebuffer dpi x: 96 y: 96
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [render] Default Framebuffer Diagonal size in inches:
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] DeviceTier: Low
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] CurrentFlow: Forward
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Is Forward with Depth Prepass Supported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Is PBR Supported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Is Shadow Mapping Supported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Max Anisotropy: 16
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Max Texture Size: 16384
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Max Vertex Attributes Count: 16
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Max Varying Vectors Count: 15
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Max MRT Count: 4;
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] Max MSAA Sample Count: 1;
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] is32BitIndicesSupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isVertexTextureUnitsSupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] armOpenglDepthStencilFetchSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] armOpenglColorFetchSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] extOpenglColorFetchSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] androidMultisampleTextureEXTSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] metalColorFetchSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isUpperLeftRTOrigin: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isZeroBaseClipRange: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isCenterPixelMapping: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isInstancingSupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isPerfQuerySupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isGpuStageTrackingSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isDisjointPerfQuerySupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isComparisonSamplerSupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isInstanceIdSupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] framebufferDiscardSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isD24S8FormatSupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isD16FormatSupported: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isMemorylessSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] retrieveTileDataAllowed: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] tileDataCompatibleWithDenseVertices: YES
00:52:21 [info] [Renderer] isAstcCompressionSupported: NO
00:52:21 [info] GameCore::OnWindowCreated begin
00:52:21 [info] Desirable resource suffix: ""
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [graphics_options_module] Device tags: [Win32, ,
manufacturer-, maxFps-60, windows-low-tier]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [graphics_options_module] Detected preset:
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Highest allowed options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: Medium
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: High
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: true
TankSuspension: true
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Max graphics options according to our runtime
hardware clamping:
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Field with name: WaterQuality clamped from High
[3] to Medium [2]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Field with name: ObjectsQuality clamped from
Cinema [4] to High [3]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Field with name: LevelOfDetail clamped from
Cinema [4] to High [3]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Field with name: Antialiasing clamped from 4X
[2] to Off [0]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Field with name: GrassQuality clamped from
Cinema [3] to High [2]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Field with name: ShadowQuality clamped from
On(StencilOnly) [5] to High [3]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Field with name: FPSLimit clamped from 120 [2]
to 60 [1]
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
currentBuildInfoStr = release/10.1.0 WOTB_Win7 ,
currentBuildVersion =
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion, saved versionStr =
10.1.0 , versionStr = 10.1.0
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion, saved infoStr = release/10.1.0 WOTB_Win7 , currentBuildInfoStr = release/10.1.0 WOTB_Win7
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
needRefreshAppVersion = 0
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
majorMinorVersionChanged = 0
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] BattleControlsLayout::LoadLayout touch took 128
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] currentVersion = 13 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 8 , MaxVersion = 13 , loadedFromFile = 1
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
00:52:21 [info] 21:52:21 -3 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: Medium
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: Medium
FogQuality: Compatible
AnisotropicFiltering: 2X
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Off
VSync: true
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true