Loom Hint Book

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. ht = oy “ CNY a i ) [UGASFIL 2 LOOM HINT BOOK Hint Book by Judith Lucero Turchin Additional Contributions by Kirk Roulston, Andrea Siegel, David Fox, Terry Bratcher, Carla Green and Liz Nagy Maps by Harrison Fong and Kirk Roulston Testing by Meredith Cahill and Carla Green Designed by Mark Shepard Print Production Management by Lyza Swearingen Latham Proofreading by Andrea Siegel Relentless Torment of Andrea, Carla, Judith, Liz and Meredith by Kirk Roulston and Terry Bratcher Thanks to Carolyn Knutson, Greg Hammond and Brian Moriarty Special thanks to George Lucas Additional copies of this hint book may be ordered from: Lucasfilm Games, BO. Box 5896, San Mateo, CA 94402-0896 U.S.A: 1-800-782-7927 (1-800-STAR-WARS) Canada: 1-800-828-7927 Loom, character names, and all other elements of the game fantasy are trademarks of LucasArts Entertainment Company. ™ and © 1990 LucasArts Entertainment Company. All rights reserved. Lucasfilm Games, P.O. Box 10307, San Rafael, CA 94912. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Introduction 5 Hints 6 Loom Island Map 28 Mainland Map 29 Crystalgard’s Chalice Room 30 Dragon’s Mountain Cavern 34 List of Experience Levels 28 List of Drafts 34 Transcript of Loom Audiotape 32 Game Walk-through 39 Things to Try 53 € ee LOOM HINT BOOK INTRODUCTION 5 Introduction Can't figure out how to steer past the waterspout? Worried about how long it'll be before that dragon gets hungry enough to eat yout ' Trying to decide how to spend that reward you got from the grateful shepherds¢ The Loom Hint Book can answer all those questions (well, except that last one. ..the shepherds won’t have time to give you a reward) and more. The Hints section is divided by geographical areas (for example, “The Island of Loom” or “Crystalgard”). ; You'll be using the decoder, made of red gel, to read the hints in the Hints section. Without it, you could all too easily find yourself reading clues you don’t want or need. .. which would take much of the fun out of the game. With the decoder, you only read the clues you absolutely need, so you can get yourself out of one jam without tak- ing the fun out of the next. Just skim the questions in the applicable area, and use the decoder to read the first clue under the question that’s stumping you. If that’s all you need, you're on your way. If not, read the next clue. Pes fore ‘At the end of the Hints section, under “General”, you'll find the answers to a couple of common questions that might crop up anywhere in the game. We've included maps that show you how all the areas in the game connect, as well as two detail maps — the Chalice Room in Crystalgard and the Cavern under Dragon’s Mountain. ain pete “es “ There’s a complete list of all the drafts to be found in Loom, and where they’re found, as well as an explanation of the experience levels through which Bobbin must go in order to play the higher notes on the distaff. Included for your reading pleasure is a transcript of the audiotape that came with your game package, and a complete narrative walk-through of the game. (If you're really stuck, the walk-through will take you step-by-step through the entire story.) At the very end of the Hint Book is a list of things that you might not have tried; ~ actions that may provoke silly or amusing responses. By its nature, this list will give away the answers to some of the puzzles, so try not to look at it until you've finished the game. Remember, the audiotape and the Book of Patterns that came in your game package _ provide lots of clues for playing the game. Try to use this hint book as a last resort; you can’t get “killed” in Loom, so you can experiment as much as you like, and fall back on the Hint Book whenever you want. © ‘And, above all — have furt! . 6 LOOM HINT BOOK Hints THE ISLAND OF LOOM (The Island of the Guild of Weavers) Cliff and Crossroads How do I pick up the leaf Vong after:the-passing of the: Second Shadow;-whien dragons ruled the twilight Long after thé:passing of the Setosid:Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight What about the sky icon? Ronig after the passing of theiSecond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long aftenthé possirig of the Sebohd Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long afterithe passing ofithe Second Shadaw, when:dragons ruled the twilight I’ve seen the Elders and I've spoken to Hetchel. Now what about the sky? Vongafter-thie passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Lng after thé passing of the Second Shadow, when:tragons.ruled the twilight skysanditheisthesavere bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds, Lang dftetthe passing of the: Soccind Shiaddw, when dragons-ruled the twilight skyiand theistatswere bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. What about the piece of sky I can see from the crossroads? Tong after the passing of the Second Shadow; when dragons ruled the twilight Long after'the, presing ofthe: Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Vong after:the passingrof the Second Shadow, when dragons tuled.the twilight HINTS 7 Sanctuary (Left) What use are the tapestries? Long\after the pissing of the SecondiShadowy:whemdragansmuled the twilight What's this stick for? Long after the passixig of théSecond:Shaddw, when dragons ruled the twilight Obviously, the Loom’s important. What can I do with itt Lonjjafter the passing, of the Segind Shadow; wher dragons ruled the twilight Longialtier the-passing of the Secanid Shadowy wherdtagonsiruled the.twilight sky-and ithe stars were bright and nitimerous; caine the age of the Gteat Guilds. Longaffter'the’passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight What about this egg? Tang after:thé pasting ofithe;Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Tding,after:the passing-of thie Serahd Shadow, whien dragons ruled the twilight Loigiafteh the ;pasting)of the Second:Stiadew, when dragons ruled the twilight Why doesn’t the Loom echo the drafts that I spin¢ ding after:thé:passing of the Secand Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Longrafterithe passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Lonig after-the passingiofithe Sécond Shadow}-when dragons culedithe twilight sky-andithe.stars were bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. Dark Tent (Middle) Hey, it’s dark in here! I learned a draft here. What's it for? 8 LOOM HINT BOOK Long after thé passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after‘the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight I want to take some of this with me, How do I pick it up? Loing after the passing af the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight vafter the’ passing of:the Second Shadow; wien dragons tuled:the twilight ~ ee and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. Hetchel’s Tent (Right) How do I use the Book of Patterns on the table? Long after:the:passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight after the passing of thelSécond Shdildw, when'dragons ruled the twilight oe star's-were brightand numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. Oops! I overturned the flask. How do I clean it up? Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Longaftenthe passing of the Second Shadew;when:dragons ruled.the twilight sky‘and the stars were bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. Vong aftet the passing of the Secind Shadow, whieh ciagoris ruledithe twilight after the passing of the Second Shadoiy, whem diagohs ruled theitwiligh spuaaaets Siahioncheanicnacoelacan nae Long after the:passing of the Second:Shadoiw; when dragons ruled the twilight Eongrafter the passing ofthe: Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Well, what's the flask draft for? Long after the'passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Latig after the passing of the: Second Shadow; whensdtagons:ruléd the:twilight Long after the: passing of the! Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long afterithe passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight HINTS 9: What about the dye pot draft? Long lafter the: passing of the Second Shadow; when dragons ruled:the twilight Eongjafterithe passing of ithe Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long afterithe'passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Yuck. I hate green. Long)aftet the passinig ofthe Second Shadow, when dragons ruled: the twilight sky and the'stars:were'bright and nutaerous, came the'age of the Great Guilds. Langraftex the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Woods How do I find the draft Eong)afteh the passing of the Secorid Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight I can only get three threads from the holes. What's the fourth thread? Long aftér the! passing of the:Second Shatow,'when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the passing of the Secand Shadowy when dragons ruled the twilight sky.ahdithe stars were bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. OK, now I’ve got all four threads. What does this draft dot Long after the’ passing of the Second Shadow; when dragons ruled the twilight skyjaind the stars wete bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. ong after the’passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the fiassing of the Sécond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight ong after the:passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight 10 LOOM HINT BOOK Cemetery How do I get that owl off the tombstone? Long after the: passing ofithe Setond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long afterthe passing of the Second: Shiddow; when dragomsiruled the twilight Long after the:passing df:the Second !Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long-after the passing ofthe Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Why a tombstone for Cygna¢ I thought she was just banished! Long after thie: pabsirig: bf the:Second Shadow; iwhemdtagonsiruled the twilight Longrafterithe passing of the: Second Shadowy Wheipdragons ruled thetwilight Long after: the: passing of tlie:Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Lorigafter the passing-of the-Sérond Shadow; whendragons ruled the twilight I can see a patch of sky from here. Can I do anything to it? Long aifterithe. passing ofithe:-Sécond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long |after:-the passing'ofithe Second Shadaw; whemdragons tuledthe twilight Dock What about these gulls? Lang 'afterthe passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight ‘Lang’ after the: passing ofthe Sécond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Hong after the'passihg of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Yong aftér the passing dfthe:Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long;after;the passing of the Secchnd Shadow, when dragons ruled'the twilight HINTS 4 And the clam? Vong after the paxsing of the Secand Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Téng after the passing of the Setond:Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the passing of:the Second Shadow, whehidragons neled the twilight sky/and tlie stars’ wete:titight and mumerous)-came the age of the Great Guilds. Yong after-the passing af.the Second Shadow, whiils dragons ruled the twilight What else can I do here? Dog.aftetithe assiny of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Longiaften thie:passing-of thieiSedond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Vong after the passing-of the Secand Shadowy) wliertdragosié ruiled:the-twilight Dongafter the passing sky.anid the starswWwerebright and aumerdusy cathe itheiage ofthe Great:Guilds. Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Longyafter the'passing of the: Second Shadaw, when dragons xuled:the twilight aky:aind the:stars- were bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. Long after’ the passing: of thé Secorid Shadow, when diagons filed the bwilight This is not a boat! Long after:the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Vong after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Longiafterthe passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight The Sea I can see land, but I keep getting tossed around in the funnel. How do I get around it? Long after the:passinglof the Seciind Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after thie passing/of theiSecénd Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long aftet the passinig-of the\Sedond:Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight 12 LOOM HINT BOOK I got the draft from the funnel. What good does that do me? Long after the pasting 6f the Second Shadow; when-dragons ruled the twilight ang after the'passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long hftenthe:passing of the:Séccind Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight One of the threads is too high for me! Vongiafter the passingrof the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Lorig after the!piassing of tlie Second 'Shadovi;xithen dragons ruled the twilight Rete error Ser ee dragons ruled the twilight af the Secon Shadow, when désgnsruledshe tight cow HINTS gcc 8 OUTSIDE THE SHEPHERDS’ REALM Forest How can I get past the shepherds? Long after the passing of the:Second:Shadéw,-when:dragons ruled the twilight sky:and.the:stars were bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. Long after the passirig iof the Second Shadow,;when dragons ruled the twilight Dong after: the passing:of the'Second: Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the:passing of the:Second Shadow) when dragons ruled the twilight ‘Long:after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight What's the meaning of the draft that the shepherds spun? Lang afterthe ‘passing of the Second Shadaw, when dragons ruled the twilight Long.after the, passing:of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the passing of the'S¢cond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after'the:passirigiofithe Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight I've been to the city. Now how do I get past the shepherds? Long after-the passirig of the! Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, whemdragons ruled the twilight Long after the passing of the Second:Shadow)whenidragons ruled the twilight Long:afterithe passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the ipassing dfithie Secahd Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight 14 LOOM HINT BOOK CRYSTALGARD (City of the Noble Guild of Glassblowers) Building (Left) How do I find my way around this place? Long:after the passing of the Setood Shadow; when cagons ruled: the twilight sky aldiboenencinuhtied numerous; came the age of the Great (Guilds. Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight orig: aftérithe passing of the Secdfid Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight What can I do with the chalice? Vong aftérithie passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Lang after thie! passing'of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long aftet the passing of thie Second Shadow, when dragons ruledithe twilight Skijyrandd thiesstars were bright and numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. The Tower How do I get to the Sphere? Those workers keep catching me... Vonjiafter thepassing ofthe Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the passing of the Second Shadow) when dragons ruled the twilight Vong after the pasding ofthe SecénchShadew, when dragons ruled the twilight Eang afterthe,passing ofthe Setonil Shatlow,when dragons ruled the twilight sky:and the'starsiwere bright.and.numerous, came the age of the Great Guilds. What's that draft I saw in the Sphere? Vong after the passing of the Second:Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after ith¢: passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the-passing iof the Setond Shadow; when dragonsiruled the twilight Aang SyrtTeH HINTS 15 What about the second scene in the Sphere? Long after bbe pasting of tix Sécond Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Loog:fter the passing of the'Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long.after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the passing Of the Seconét Shattow, when dragons ruled the twilight And the third scene? Long aftersthe:passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long after the: passing of the:Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Long afteritihe pasting of tlie‘Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight Top of the Tower ; What's the draft being played by the scythe? Longafttenthe|o Unmake the Loom. 8 MAPS “3 29 Mainland Map LOOM HINT BOOK Crystalgard’s Chalice Room MAPS Eu List of Drafts Draft Where Found Transcendence Any of the Spheres Opening Loom Chamber (from the egg) Night Vision Woods (from the owls) Straw Into Gold Dark Tent (from the spinning wheel) Dyeing Dye Tent (from the dye pot) Emptying Dye Tent (from the flask) Twisting At Sea (from the waterspout) Invisibility Mainland Forest (from the sentries) Sharpening Crystalgard (from the scythe) Terror Crystalgard (from the Sphere) Sleep Meadow Fence (from the sheep) Healing Shepherd’s Hut (from Fleece) Reflection Cavern under Dragon’s Mountain (from the pool) Silence Loom Chamber (from Chaos, via the Loom) Shaping Loom Chamber (from Chaos, via the Loom) Unmaking Loom Chamber (from Chaos, via the Loom) Dragon’s Mountain Cavern 32 LOOM HINT BOOK LOOM A Fantasy by Brian Moriarty Cloths (as Narrator): It was long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight sky, and _ the stars were bright and numerous, that humankind began to thirst again for dominion over nature. ‘Their weapon was industry, and they wielded it with confidence. One by one, the mysteries of light and darkness fell before the engines of progress. Whole nations came to believe that nothing lay beyond the power of their own arrogance. Competition was fierce in those pro- ductive days. Skilled labor became a valu- able commodity. And so the tradespeople of the land banded themselves together to promote their common interests, and to protect their secrets. These professional societies swelled in power as their mem- bership grew. A few, such as the Black- smiths and the Clerics, acquired vast terri- tories, with private armies to defend them. Thus began the Age of the Great Guilds: vast city-states devoted to the absolute control of dge, held together by stern traditions of pride...and of fear. Within the span of a few lifetimes, the commerce of the world was in their But not all of the Guilds were equally ambitious. The spinners of thread and ‘weavers of fabric wished only to pursue their labor without interference. They did not involve themselves in the politics of the day, and left the administration of taxes and wars to others. So the Guild of Weavers never attained the prominence of the Shepherds or the Glassmakers. Their number was small, for their strict rules forbade membership to any but the child of a member. Marriage outside the Guild was discouraged, and eventually outlawed. Outsiders regarded the Weaver’s ingrown society with distaste. Yet their customs were not without benefit. The natural talents of their membership were nurtured and purified, generation after generation, until the greatest among them wove fabrics of such extraordinary beauty that the whole world wondered at their achievements. Goods bearing the Seal of the Guild commanded a premium price, and the Weavers amassed considerable wealth in this period, which they quietly hoarded. Like the other Guilds, the Weavers had evolved a philosophy of living based on. the tools and terminology of their handi- _ work. They beheld in their great frames of wood and metal a symbol of universal truth, and found ways to work subtle pat- terns of influence into the fabrics they The cloth of the Guild soon became known for virtues other than mere beau- ty. Certain weaves seemed to possess remarkable powers of healing. Others held a charm against ill fortune. TRANSCRIPT OF LOOM AUDIOTAPE 33 In the fullness of time, the art of the Weavers transcended the limits of physical cloth. They abandoned the flax and dyes of their ancestors to wield the very stuff of light and music, and spun new patterns directly in the fabric of reality. The igno- rant looked upon these works with fear, and called them witchcraft. Many of the Guild were persecuted. A few were hanged. To protect their heritage, the Weavers expended a small fraction of their wealth to purchase a rocky island off the main- land coast. They packed up their spindles and skeins and shuttles, and retreated from the company of men to refine their arts in solitude. Many wars and plagues followed. Mighty Guilds fell into ruin. Others rose : to surpass them. The exhausted world all but forgot the humble Guild of Weavers, and few found reason to visit their home, an island of mystery shrouded in perpetu- al mist, shunned by sailors, which ancient > maps call...LOOM. Scene 1. A woman sweeps the floor of a small antechamber. Wind blows in from the outside as a door opens. _ Cygna: (Entering) Hetchel. Hetchel: Lady Cygna¢ Bless you, child, out of bed so soon? What brings yout Cygna: (Stiff formal.) L wish an audi- ence with the Elders. ik Hetchel: Look at you, pale as lace. And _ your hands trembling! Sit down. The idea of coming this way alone! You wouldn’t up and about if J was still midwifing, you can be sure of that. Now, what’s this you say¢ An audience? rae Cygna: I must speak to them. The Elders. At once. Hetchel: The Elders. I see. Concern- ing...¢ Cygna: A matter of importance. (Drops formality.) Please, Hetchel. Hetchel: An audience. Oh, my. (Open- ing a great inner door.) Wait here. Old Hetchel will get you in. The perspective moves into a vast cathedral space. Footsteps echo on a stone floor, and the rhythmic clunk of old machinery draws closer as we follow Hetchel into the Sanctuary of the Loom. Atropos: | do not remember summon- ing you, Hetchel. Hetchel: Forgive me, Elder Atropos. Lady Cygna is in the antechamber. She desires an audience. Lachesis: Now? So late in the after- noon¢ Hetchel: The girl is not yet recovered, your Reverence. Yet she comes alone. Distant footsteps as Cygna bursts into the room. ‘Cygna: | will speak. Hetchel: Cygna! Cygna: (Drawing closer.) Elders, hear me! I cannot remain silent. Lachesis: That much is obvious. Atropos: Lady Cygna. We are grieved to hear of your loss. (Cygna: Do not grieve on my account, Elder. Save your sympathy for the rest of the Guild. f ;: I am not aware that our Guild is in need of sympathy. (Cygna: How many more babies must die before the Guild will earn your condo- lences¢ Hetchel gasps. Lachesis: That is no way to address an Elder, young woman. 34 LOOM HINT BOOK ‘Cygna: Is it not¢ Then give me the words, Elder Lachesis. Tell me how to express my anger. Clothos: Anger does not become you. Calm yourself, child. Tell us what it is that troubles you so. (Cygna: Our seed is barren, Elder Clothos. We have lived under the Rules of Membership too long. Most of our chil- dren are born dead. Many that survive are monsters, beyond hope. Our numbers are failing; less than a score of us remain. And all in the name of Rules written in igno- rance, obsolete a thousand years! Lachesis: The same Rules that dis- tilled our not inconsiderable talent. (Cygna: What purpose will our talent serve when there is no one left to practice ite Atropos: The same purpose it serves now, Cygna. The Fulfillment of the Pat- tern. That is our only purpose. Cygna: You speak of the Pattern as if it were our master. But the Long Tapestry speaks of a time when we were the mas- ters. Please, Elders! There is power in the Loom. Lachesis: So. It is power that you seek. Clothos: What would you have us do with this power? Cygna: Use it. 1 beg you, Elder Clothos. Use the Loom to end our suffering and bring life and health to our children. The changes in the Pattern would be trivial. Any one of us could work the thread. All we lack is courage. : Lachesis: Do you make this request on behalf of the Guild? Or on your own behalfe Cygna: (Hesitant,) Both. Atropos: Cygna. It is true, the Great Loom holds the power you seek. It is also true that our ancestors wielded this power freely. It may be that they under- stood the Pattern better than we. Or per- haps the threads were easier to grasp in those simpler times. It does not matter. We dare not tamper with the Pattern now. Its subtleties have passed beyond our understanding. It is all we can do to observe our destiny in its fulfillment. Lachesis: You ask for a miracle, Cygna. But we are not gods. We are inter- preters. ‘Cygna: Interpreters? You are nothing but caretakers. How can you squander the heritage our ancestors gave their lives to preserve? Your pious hand-wringing mocks their devotion. Who are the Weavers now, and who are the woven? Atropos: Enough. | have tolerated your hysteria out of sympathy for your bereavement. But J cannot allow you to utter blasphemy in the presence of the Loom itself. You will return to your tent and forget that this conversation ever occurred. If I hear of it again outside this chamber, you will suffer the penalty pre- scribed to all who defy the will of the Elders. Must I specify that penalty¢ Cygna: No, Elder Atropos. Atropos: Then go. (Gentler,) And do not judge us, Cygna. Only the Pattern may judge. Scene 2. Night. The chirp of crickets and hoot of owls are tense and expectant. Anxious footsteps cross a yard of dead leaves. A key ring tinkles. We hear the dull click of a dead bolt, and the creak of a little- used door. The perspective slides indoors, drawing closer to the echoing rhythm of the Loom, TRANSCRIPT OF LOOM AUDIOTAPE 35 Cygna: (Muttering to herself.) Deserted. No one will hear me. No one will know. (Stepping across the floor.) The Loom. Power. The Elders are afraid to use it. 1am not afraid. (Sits.) The colors in the Pat- tern. Dancing. The shadow of rainbows. (Rustles through her cloak.) One gray thread, Gray goes with every color. Invisi- ble. No one will notice one gray thread. To work. Here’s the trick. Tied to the end of the shuttle. (She begins to work the Loom.) Let the harness do the work. Throw, beat, treadle, rest. Throw, beat, treadle, rest. Back and forth across the web. You taught me well, poor Hetchel. (The music of woven magic begins to rise as Cygna chants in rhythm with the mechanism.) Throw, beat, treadle, rest. Throw, beat, treadle, rest. In and under, through and back... The strange music reaches a climax. A door crashes open. Atropos: (Racing into the Sanctuary.) — Lady Cygna! The first cry of a newborn infant echoes in the room. Footsteps hurry across the floor. Lachesis: Too late. Clothos: Poor child. _ Atropos: You understand the gravity of what you have done. Cygna: Only the Pattern may judge, Elder Atropos. Lachesis: We cannot allow this out- rage to go unpunished. ‘Cygna: Do what you must. This baby is alive. am content. _ Clothos: Surrender the child to Dame letchel. : ~ Cygna: (Giving Hetchel the baby.) Care im the way you did for me, old =a ho |: (Upset.) It’s the only way I : Lam ready. Atropos: Lady Cygna, you are guilty of treason against the Guild. You have breached the sanctity of the Loom, and compromised the fulfillment of the Pattern to indulge your own selfish desires, in direct defiance of the Elders. (An eerie, ominous sound envelops the Sanctu- ary as the Elder's magic is woven.) You are henceforth and forever outcast from the Guild of Weavers. You shall neither behold this child, nor set foot upon this island again. From now until the end of your days, you shall wander the skies in perpet- ual solitude. Your mournful cry shall be a lesson to all who would defy their destiny. The eerie sound rises to a terrible crescendo, then condenses into the flutter of powerful wings. The cry of a swan echoes in the cham- ber. Witnesses gasp in surprise and horror. Hetchel: A swan. (Overcome with emo- tion.) Still beautiful... The proud bird utters a final cry ua takes flight. A great window crashes to pieces, and beating rings fade into he night. Clothos (as Nari): Few in the Weaver's village saw the great swan disap- pear across the sea that night. But it did not take long for them to hear of Lady Cygna’s defiance in the Sanctuary, and the Elders’ terrible vengeance. All were curious to behold the new infant, a child born not of woman, but out of the Loom itself, and whose creation was unforeseen. It was decreed that the child should be raised outside the ways of the Guild until his coming-of-age seventeen years hence, when his future would be decided by a High Council. The old serving-woman, Hetchel, agreed to raise the Loom-Child as her own. She named the little boy “Bob- bin.” ¥

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