Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Manual Commodore64 en
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Manual Commodore64 en
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein Manual Commodore64 en
347 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Commodore 64
With 1541 disk drive
DO NOT UPDATE this disk with other versions of the disk operating
system (DOS). If you do it will destroy this program disk.
347 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(301) 659-7212
The BEYOND CASTLE WOLFENSTEINTM software package, including
program and documentation is copyrighted. This program may not be
copied or duplicated, in part or in whole. Willful violations of the Copy-
right Law of the United States can result in civil damages of up to $50,000
in addition to actual damages, plus criminal penalties up to one year
imprisonment and/or a $10,000 fine.
World War II is crippling Europe and the whole world has felt the impact
of one man.
Your mission:
Find the bomb, locate the Fuehrer's private conference room, and leave
the bomb, timed to detonate! Then return to the courtyard from which
you entered the bunker. Your underground liaison, Hans Undfusse, will
meet you there and convey you to safety. Good luck!
Insert your program disk into the drive with the label facing up. Turn on
the computer. When the title page appears, press RETURN to display the
control selection page, or wait approximately 15 seconds for a game
Turn on your disk drive, then your computer. Insert your program disk
into the drive with the label facing up. Never turn the computer or the disk
drive on or off when the disk Is In the drive. Insert or remove the disk only
when the red busy light is OFF II On your monitor screen the cursor will
be positioned under the word READY. Type the characters:
LOAD "*",8,1
After about a minute the title page will appear on the screen. Press
RETURN to display the control selection page, or wait about a minute for
a game demonstration.
controls. Once you have made your choice, the screen will display the
Select the option you want by pressing A, B or C. When you select the
option you want, a box will appear around your selection. Press RETURN
to begin the game.
When you select option A, you will play the game at your present rank
but with a new bunker. Option B allows you to reset your skill level and
change the bunker. Option Callows you to play at thesame skill level with
the same bunker.
You enter the bunker at ground level and proceed down to the third
level, where the Fuehrer's conference room is located. You will always
start in the same bunker until you accomplish your mission, or until you
generate a new bunker. You will always start with a gun, at least one pass,
and the maximum of ten bullets and 100 marks.
Each room in the bunker has at least one doorway that leads to an
adjoining room, or an elevator that leads to another level of the bunker.
As you roam from room to room, trying to find the closet that contains
the briefcase with the bomb and then the Fuehrer's conference room, you
will have to show the proper pass to the guard when he demands to see it.
If you show the wrong pass he will continue to demand that you show
your pass. At this time you can either try again to guess which one he
wants or you can bribe him with money. The guards seated at desks can
be bribed also, - for information, which they'll give in cryptic phrases
whose meaning you must decipher.
You can shoot the guards, but if any other guards see or hear you
shooting your gun, they will trip the alarm to alert the whole bunker. If you
kill a guard, you can drag the body away, out ofthe main thoroughfare, to
conceal it from the other guards. If you have a dagger you can kill them
silently. The guards will set off the alarms ifthey see a body, or ifthey are
at all suspicious, and unless you can find a way to disable the alarm
system, they will all come after you.
When you search a dead or su rrendered guard and fi nd some items that
you need, they will automatically be transferred to your supply. However,
bullets will be transferred only if the guard's clip contains more bullets
than your clip.
Replenish your supply of bullets and acquire money, passes and other
supplies by searching guards and opening supply closets. Some of the
supply closets are locked, and you'll have to use the number keys on your
keyboard to figure out the correct combination. Three single digit
numbers pressed in sequence unlock the door. You'll hear the tumblers
click for each number. If you press a wrong number, you must start the
combination over. For example, suppose that the combination for a closet
is 1-7-9. If you press 1, you will hear a click. If the next number you press
is anything BUTa 7, you will not hear the click, and you must re-enter the
combination from the beginning (Le., press 1 again). When you hear two
clicks in sequence, you have the first two numbers of the combination.
Repeat this trial-and-error process until you get all three numbers in
sequence. The door will then unlock. You can get first aid kits from the
closets. You'll find first aid kits useful when you get wounded.
After you find the bomb, you may have to reset the timer before you find
the Fuehrer's conference room. To do this, first set the briefcase down
(B), then reset the timer (R). Pick up the briefcase again, once the timer
has been reset (B).
1 - Passes
2 - Doorway
3 - Guard
4 - Seated Guard
5 - Dead Guard
6- You
7 - Elevator 1•
8 - Closet
9 - Alarm
10 - Bomb
To show passes, press the corresponding number key when the guard
requests it.
Press: Press:
L on Apple H on Apple
- on Commodore L on Commodore
Paddle 0 controls movement. The dial controls the direction of move-
ment, and holding DOWN the FIRE Button causes you to move. Paddle 1
controls the gun. Press H to take out gun. The dial controls the direction
of aim, and pressing the FIRE Button fires the gun. Press H again to
holster the gun.
To fire Gun: L
To holster Gun: H L
To switch weapons
(Gun or Dagger)
To drop and
pick up Bomb: B B
To reset Bomb: R R
Use contents of
Open Closet: U U
Show Pass: use number keys, 1 through 5
Bribe Guards: M M
Use contents of
First Aid Kit: F F
To use Tool Kit: CTRL-T CTRL-T
To use Keys: CTRL-K CTRL-K
Terminate play and
save position: ESC RUN/STOP or
Exit Demo Mode: ESC RUN/STOP
List Personal Supplies: RETURN RETURN
Opening Closets: aim gun at the closet and press the spacebar
Unlock Closets: aim gun at closet then use number keys for 3-digit
Search Dead Guards: stand over body and press spacebar (both
Apple and Commodore)
Drag Dead Guards: stand adjacent to body, aim gun in the general
direction of the body and press spacebar (both
Apple and Commodore)
*NOTE: if you have an Apple lie, the CAPS LOCK key must be down at all
The next time you load the game, the OPTIONS PAGE will include an
additional option:
Select option D to continue the game you've previously saved. If you
select any of the other options, you will lose the game you've saved.
l oulre practically a secret weapo n since
you escaped torture in Castl e Wolfen-
stein .™ Nobod y gets past Nazi guards
better tha n you. That's why your commanders
have a favo r to ask: deliver a "package" to th e
Fu ehrer. Th e Unde rground has smugg led a
bomb into a closet inside the Fuehrer's Berli n
Bunke r. Now it's up to yo u to move it to a secret
confe rence room , set the ti mer ... and escape.
And that won't b e easy. The bunker is crawling
w ith elite stormtroope rs . Anyone of them will
trip th e a larm a t the least suspicion of trouble ..
But you're not worried. You' re ready for what-
ever it takes to w in thi s w ar. You're read y to go
Beyond Castle Walfenstein. TIlt
The Features
Beyond Castle Wol fenstei nT " is the sequel to
one of America's all-time best-selling action
adventure games; s u s pen se, drama and
t ensi on mount as the game d e mands quick
manual response and even quicker d ecision-
Th e ingenuity that crea ted Castle Wolfen-
ste in is ali ve and we ll- and now more in·
genious than ever.
347 N . CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE , MD. 2120 1 (30 1) 659-7212