Managing The Entrepreneurial Venture II - BBA

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Faculty of Business Administration

Course Outline

1. Course Code and General Information

Course Code BUS 475
Course Title Managing Entrepreneurial Venture
Credit Hours Three 03
Pre-requisite Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Program BBA
Semester Fall and Spring

2. Instructors Information
Faculty Name Najia Rizwan Syed
Contact Number 03215551007
Email Address
Office Number 111-264-264
Office Hours

3. Program Learning Outcomes

PLO1: Explain core concepts in business and related disciplines
PLO2: Demonstrate interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in groups and team
Critical thinking and decision making
PLO3: Analyze business and related problems and formulate optimal solutions
PLO4: Communicate through oral and written means by using appropriate technology
Entrepreneurship and leadership
PLO5: Identify and implement business opportunities and ideas
Ethics and Social Responsibility
PLO6: Exhibit work ethics and promote sustainable development goals

4. Course Description
This course provides real world, hands-on learning on what it’s like to actually start a company. It’s not
about how to compose a strategy for success. It's not an activity on how brilliant you are in a classroom, or
how well you utilize the exploration library to size markets. Instead, you will be getting on-hand
experience while talking to customers, partners, competitors, as you encounter the uncertainty of how a
startup actually works. You’ll work in teams learning how to turn a great idea into a great company.
You’ll learn how to use a business model to brainstorm each part of a company and customer development
to get out of the classroom to see whether anyone other than you would want/use your product.

5. Course Objectives
1. To develop an idea for a new venture.
2. Enable students to research its potential and understand the risks associated.
3. Enable students to undertake marketing, positioning, and customer development.
4. Enable students to Prepare an analysis of the financial requirements & strategy.
5. Enable students to plan for the execution of all the relevant functional areas.
6. Enable students to formulate and present an effective business plan.
6. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
1. To identify the core concepts required in managing the business venture.
2. To demonstrate teambuilding skills while executing the final business idea.
3. To apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills with respect to entrepreneurship
management and execution.
4. To demonstrate both the written and verbal communication skills required to present group-based
project and assessment.
5. To practice leadership skills while executing the final entrepreneurship project.
6. To employ ethical considerations while managing and executing the entrepreneurial activities.

7. Teaching and Assessment

Code CLO Teaching Strategies Course Assessment
1 Knowledge
To identify the core concepts required in
Lecture series MCQ based quiz
CLO1.1 managing the business venture.
2 Teambuilding -

To demonstrate teambuilding skills while Class room

CLO2.1 executing the final business idea. Final pitch deck
discussion/mentoring presentation
3 Critical thinking and decision making
To apply critical thinking and problem-solving Final pitch deck
CLO3.1 skills with respect to entrepreneurship Lecture/case studies presentation
management and execution.
4 Communication
To demonstrate both the written and verbal Final pitch deck
CLO4.1 communication skills required to present group- Mentoring session presentation
based project and assessment.
5 Entrepreneurship and leadership
CLO5.1 To practice leadership skills while executing Guest
Final pitch deck
the final entrepreneurship project. speaker/Mentoring
6 Ethics and Social Responsibility
CLO6.1 To practice leadership skills while executing
Final pitch deck
the final entrepreneurship project. Mentoring session

8. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Program Learning Outcomes

S No. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
2 CLO2 PLO2 and PLO5
5 CLO5 PLO2 and PLO5
9. Course Content
Week Topic Recommended Readings Potential Activities
Entrepreneurs: The Driving Force Icebreaker and Team
Behind Small Business Formation:
by Iman Youssef and Dr. Daw Conduct an icebreaker
1 Alwerfalli activity that encourages
Course Introduction students to share their
papers/354.pdf backgrounds, interests, and
and Group
aspirations. Afterward,
Formation Johnson, K. D. (2015). The allow students to form teams
Entrepreneur Mind. JAICO Publishing based on common interests,
Basics of House. skills, or business ideas.
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Have students take a self-
assessment to determine
their entrepreneurial mindset
and discuss the results in
class to explore strengths
and areas for improvement.
Recognizing opportunities across Opportunity Scouting:
campus: The effects of cognitive Assign students to identify
Recognizing training and entrepreneurial passion and analyze potential
opportunities on the business opportunity prototype business opportunities in
Costa, S. F., Santos, S. C., Wach, D., & their local or target markets.
2 Feasibility Caetano, A. (2018). Recognizing They should present their
analysis opportunities across campus: The effects findings, justifications, and
of cognitive training and entrepreneurial market research to the class.
Business plan passion on the business opportunity
writing prototype. Journal of Small Business
Management, 56(1), 51-75. Feasibility Assessment
Workshop: Provide students with a
10.1111/jsbm.12348 business idea or scenario.
Have them use the Business
Feasibility analysis, project report Model Canvas to analyze
and business plan feasibility, considering key
components like customer segments, value
entrepreneurship/pages/11-3- propositions, and revenue
conducting-a-feasibility-analysis streams.

Writing a business plan

An introduction to lean canvas model Lean Canvas Workshop:

Lean canvas by Steve Mullen Walk students through the
model/Team process of creating a Lean
building/funding & Canvas for a startup idea,
3 financing/Assessin focusing on the problem,
g financial solution, key metrics,
strengths viability channels, and customer
Startup Funding
Students participate in a
startup funding simulation
Building a new venture team
game, taking on roles as
founders, investors, and
advisors. This activity helps
them understand the
dynamics of securing
funding and making
investment decisions.
How to get funding or financing for
your startup

Assessing a new venture's financial

strength and viability
4 Proposed idea discussion - In class
5 Lean canvas model presentation

6 Mentoring session Pre-assessment– Industry expert

7 Mid Review Presentation

8 Mid-Term Exam – Paper based
9 Marketing and operational plan – In-class
10 Seminar on cost and revenue mdoelling
11 Mentoring session – Industry expert (Assessment of final
proposed idea)
12 Workshop on the Elevator pitch
13 Final business plan/progress discussion
14 &15 Final pitch deck presentation

10. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for students during the Semester

S. No. Course Assessment Method Week Due Percent of Total
1 Scenario based quiz 10th Week 25%
2 Market gap analysis report 13th Week 35%
2 Final pitch deck presentation/display 15th Week 40%
11. Grading Policy
‘A’ Grade 88 and above
‘B+’ Grade 81-87
‘B’ Grade 74-80
‘C+’ Grade 67-73
‘C’ Grade 60-66
‘F’ Grade Below 60

12. Text Books

Entrepreneurship 10th edition, 2017 by Robert D. Hisrich, Michael, Dean A. Shepherd

13. Reference Books & Learning Material

1. Entrepreneurship, 9th Edition, 2014, Robert D. Hisrich, Dean A. Shepherd. Michael P.

Peters, Mathew J. Manimala
2. Entrepreneurship, 8th Edition, 2013, Robert D. Hisrich, Dean A. Shepherd. Michael P.
Peters, Mathew J. Manimala
3. Entrepreneurship, Global Edition, 2016 Bruce R. Barringer and R. Duane Ireland

14. Code of Conduct

 Follow the University attendance policy.
 Observe the class schedule.
 Keep your cell phone off during the class.
 Submit assignments as per the requirements.
 Maintain a disciplined and respectful attitude towards the teacher and fellow students.
 Abstain from any form of plagiarism.

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