Paper 1
Paper 1
Paper 1
Research Article
An Effective Approach of Vehicle Detection Using Deep Learning
School of Physics and Electronic Science, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha,410114, China
School of Foreign Language, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Changsha 410205, China
Received 4 April 2022; Revised 14 May 2022; Accepted 20 May 2022; Published 30 July 2022
Copyright © 2022 Yidan Chen and Zhenjin Li. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
With the rise of unmanned driving and intelligent transportation research, great progress has been made in vehicle detection
technology. The purpose of this paper is employing the method of deep learning to study the vehicle detection algorithm, in which
primary-stage target detection algorithms, namely, YOLOv3 algorithm and SSD algorithm, are adopted. Therefore, the method
first processes the image data in the open-source road vehicle dataset for training. Then, the vehicle detection model is trained by
using YOLOv3 and SSD algorithms to show the detection effect, respectively. The result is by comparing the detection effects of the
two models on vehicles. The researchers accomplished the result analysis and summarized the characteristics of various models
obtained by training, to apply to target tracking, semantic segmentation, and unmanned driving.
transportation system can be controlled through commu- method uses the characteristics of the vehicle itself to carry
nication, computer, and artificial intelligence technologies. out the detection task, but this kind of method has certain
The purpose of improving traffic efficiency and relieving limitations and its detection recognition rate is not high, so it
traffic pressure can be achieved by extracting road infor- is difficult to meet the requirements of the detection task.
mation and intelligently dispatching vehicles. Traditional vehicle detection methods also include ve-
With the improvement of people’s material living hicle detection technology based on shallow machine
standards, more and more people own private vehicles, learning, which realizes vehicle detection by combining
which makes people have new and high demands for ve- machine learning algorithm on the basis of vehicle char-
hicles. Therefore, unmanned driving technology has become acteristics [4–6]. Detection accuracy can be improved by
more and more concerned by people. The increase in the introducing SVM and HOG features by means of shallow
number of vehicles not only is convenient for people to machine learning, but this method also brings some prob-
travel, but also leads to some problems. Road congestion lems while improving the accuracy. This method not only
makes travel no longer convenient, and the demand for improves the detection accuracy through simple cascade, but
intelligent transportation has also attracted widespread at- also increases the scale of the model used for detection and
tention. In recent years, the rise of deep learning and its wide the calculation amount accordingly. The addition of shallow
application in the field of computer vision have stimulated machine learning method does improve the accuracy of
the great progress of computer vision, and the computer vehicle detection to a certain extent, but this kind of method
vision technology has also been widely used in real life, such still relies on the selection of features. There is large amount
as automatic driving, face recognition, and image seg- of modeling work under complicated and changeable road
mentation [1–3]. Both unmanned driving and intelligent conditions, which is the main reason that its development
transportation depend on vehicle detection. In this paper, has been restricted. There are also some traditional vehicle
the deep neural network is applied to vehicle detection, detection algorithms such as frame difference method,
which is of great significance to automatic driving or in- streamer method, and background modeling method [7, 8].
telligent transportation. This kind of algorithm can achieve certain recognition effect
under specific conditions, but it also has many limitations,
which are easily influenced by environmental factors, such as
2. Related Works
illumination and weather [9, 10]. Therefore, it is difficult to
As a kind of target detection technology, vehicle detection is meet the real-time requirements of vehicle detection, and it
identical to target detection in the main task objectives, is also unable to adapt to the increasingly complex road
which can be divided into target location and target clas- traffic environment.
sification. Vehicle detection algorithm has three main cat-
egories, including vehicle detection algorithm based on prior
knowledge, vehicle detection algorithm based on shallow 2.2. Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Deep Learning.
machine learning, and vehicle detection algorithm based on The vehicle detection algorithm based on deep learning is the
deep learning. same as the target detection algorithm based on deep
learning, the methods employed are mainly classified into
two categories, i.e., one-stage and single-stage target de-
2.1. Traditional Vehicle Detection Algorithm. Like the tra- tection, and two-stage target detection can be available for
ditional target detection technology, tradition-based vehicle judging whether there is recommended region or candidate
detection algorithm needs manual design of target features. region. One-stage target detection is wholly completed by
Among them, the detection algorithm based on prior one network through inputting images and outputting
knowledge identifies the vehicle through the lines, shadows, bounding box and classification label. Two-stage target
or some edge features of the vehicle body, and then extracts detection is completed through two different networks
the position information of the vehicle in the image to through generating recommended regions by inputting
achieve the purpose of vehicle detection through the dif- images, and then sending them to a classifier for
ference between the gray levels of the shadow at the bottom classification.
of the vehicle and the surrounding pixels of the vehicle body. The representative algorithms of two-stage target de-
However, the effect of detection by this method will be tection include R–CNN, Fast R–CNN, and Faster R–CNN
greatly influenced by different lights, because the gray value [11, 12]. The biggest feature of this method is that firstly, a
of its image will be greatly influenced by light, and the certain number of candidate targets are generated based on
shadow of nonvehicle objects similar to the shape and size of regional recommendation, and then convolution neural
the vehicle will also be identical to that of the vehicle, so the network is used to process them. The R–CNN firstly con-
algorithm will be misjudged, which is not suitable for high- ducts sparse sampling on the input original image by using
precision detection. Vehicle detection by detecting vehicle candidate regions, then extracts features from the candidate
brake lights is also achieved by artificially designing vehicle regions by CNN, and finally classifies the extracted infor-
features. Vehicle detection can be realized by detecting mation by SVM (support vector machine). Compared with
vehicle brake lights, but its detection effect is not ideal the traditional target detection algorithm, R–CNN has
enough because this method has great limitations due to the achieved significant improvement in the detection accuracy
influence of light. The prior knowledge-based detection and the limitations of the algorithm have become much
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 3
smaller [13, 14]. However, there are also many problems, network. This greatly improves the detection rate of the
among which the detection rate problem is rather obvious. network and meets some tasks that require high real-time
This is because the network separately extracts features from detection. By adding a network scale on the basis of the
a large number of candidate regions, which leads to a large YOLOv3 series of end-to-end detection method to increase
number of repeated calculations conducted by the network, the connection between the convolution layer and the
resulting in a lot of redundant calculation information and original convolution layer, the receptive field is expanded
higher calculation cost. SPP-net adds a spatial pyramid thereby, which makes the traditional YOLO series network
pooling operation between convolution layer and full have great advantages in identifying small objects. An SE-
connection layer. In this operation, the features of the input TinyYOLOv3 algorithm is an improved algorithm structure
images are extracted once to generate images with a fixed based on YOLOv3. This algorithm reduces the number of
scale. However, the overall flow of the network still obtains parameters of the model by redesigning the network
candidate regions through region recommendation, then structure of feature extraction of YOLOv3 algorithm,
extracts Roi feature information of the images through replacing the ordinary convolution layer with depth sepa-
CNN, and then carries out category judgment and position ration convolution layer, and then extracting richer feature
modification to achieve the purpose of detecting objects. information data from the trained sample data by broad-
However, because all the Roi feature information is obtained ening the lateral depth of the feature extraction network. The
directly from the feature map, the operation of convolution network can reduce the number of parameters without
is reduced to a large extent and the operation efficiency of the losing too much feature information, which makes the
network is accordingly improved. model have the characteristics of ensuring certain detection
Through further optimization of SPP network, Fast accuracy and real-time detection at the same time.
R–CNN uses multi-task loss to replace the support vector In the real road environment, the surrounding envi-
machine (SVM) for classification, so that the regression of ronment is complex and changeable, which requires high
frame can also be trained through the network, and thereby real-time performance of vehicle detection system. Target
classification and frame regression can be trained through detection algorithm based on regional recommendation is
the same network. However, the method of generating the mainstream target detection algorithm at present, and its
candidate region based on traditional methods needs to be detection accuracy is also very high, which meets the re-
processed on CPU, which limits the running speed of the quirements of vehicle detection system in accuracy. How-
system to a certain extent. Till the Faster R–CNN method ever, it has difficulty in meeting the requirements of roads
was put forward, Faster R–CNN realized end-to-end target with heavy traffic because of the large amount of calculation
detection. The network extracts the candidate regions and the problem of detection rate of its model. For un-
through RPN network and then shares the convolution layer manned driving system, the speed of detection is more
with the generated candidate regions and the CNN which is important. The target detection method based on regression
classified. Firstly, multiple target candidate regions are is characterized by clear structure and good real-time de-
generated by Faster R–CNN, then the features of target tection. Although its detection accuracy is lower than that of
candidate regions are extracted based on region mapping the first method, it has better real-time performance for the
and spatial pyramid pooling, and then various attributes of vehicle detection system. Therefore, in practical application,
targets are identified in multiple branches led out by CNN in one-stage detection algorithm is generally adopted as the
parallel. Compared with Fast R–CNN, Faster R–CNN ac- vehicle detection algorithm. A neural network with 30
celerates the speed of region generation through the char- convolution layers is constructed by improving the basic
acteristics of RPN network [15, 16]. It classifies the detection network structure of DarkNet-53, which is a road vehicle
target by judging whether the candidate box meets the target detection method based on YOLOv3 [19–21]. This
feature requirements of the detection target first and then network not only reduces the cost of training network, but
processing with the multi-task loss function. also improves the detection rate of the network to a certain
The one-stage target detection algorithm is different extent.
from the two-stage detection algorithm. The one-stage target Real-time detection has always been an important re-
detection algorithm can directly calculate the classification search direction of vehicle identification, and an improved
and regression from multiple different positions of the vehicle detection model based on the original YOLOv3 is
image, so that the detection rate of the one-stage detection also proposed for real-time detection of road vehicles. The
algorithm is better than that of the two-stage detection al- improved network uses the inverse residual network as the
gorithm. YOLO series network, as the representative net- basic feature extraction layer, so as to reduce the number of
work of single-stage target detection algorithm, includes parameters, reduce the calculation amount and complexity
YOLO, YOLOv2, and YOLOv3 [17, 18]. These algorithms of the model, and thus solve the problems of gradient
turn the target detection task into a regression problem by disappearance and gradient explosion. At the same time, the
using the idea of regression, thus realizing the end-to-end improved network also uses group normalization to reduce
identification of detection algorithms. YOLO network di- the influence of batch data size on the accuracy of the model
vides the input image into grids, in which each grid only and reduces the number of missed detections by using the
needs to detect the target object whose center point falls on method of softening nonmaximum suppression, which not
the grid, and then uses the anchor frame on each grid to only ensures the real-time detection, but also takes into
replace the candidate frame in the two-stage detection account the accuracy of detection. As for the problem of
4 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
intelligent transportation, real-time problem of vehicle de- Table 1: Evaluation diagram of common detection algorithms.
tection is also the focus of attention and research [22]. Some Algorithm Training set Test set MAP fps
studies put forward a design basis with deep learning al-
Faster R–CNN VOC2007 + 2012[19] 2007 73.2 17
gorithm as the system and then design a vehicle tracking YOLO VOC2007 + 2012 2007 63.4 45
scheme with both real time and accuracy according to each SSD VOC2007 + 2012 2007 74.3 46
actual scene, in which the real-time problem of vehicle YOLOv3 VOC2007 + 2012 2007 76.1 50
detection serves as the key problem of the scheme design.
3. Design and Implementation of Vehicle network need to be carried out on the basis of initial can-
Identification Based on YOLOv3 didate box initialization. In YOLOv3, the size of the candidate
box is initialized by using k-means. The evaluation index of k-
When detecting the vehicle target, there are the following means clustering algorithm is the value obtained on the basis
problems for the vehicle dataset: small-sized target objects, of Euclidean distance. The so-called Euclidean distance index
the complexity of the vehicle environment, certain size means that for two targets, the smaller the Euclidean distance
scaling in the process of continuous detection, too many between them, the higher the similarity between the two
targets in a single image in the dataset, overlapping of targets will be and vice versa. For k-means clustering algo-
targets, and other difficulties. In addition, vehicle detection rithm, at first, it is necessary to determine several points as the
has certain requirements for real-time performance of center points of clustering and then calculate the value of
detection, so it is very important to choose a suitable Euclidean distance from other points or other targets to these
detection algorithm. Although there are some difficulties, clustering centers. The one with the smallest Euclidean dis-
some common features of vehicles are obvious, for ex- tance between the target and the clustering point is the
ample, no matter what kind of vehicle, its wheels are ba- category to which the target belongs, and then it is required to
sically round, and the most obvious feature of vehicles is move the clustering center point to the center position of the
the lines of the vehicle body. In this paper, a method based category. At this point, the operation is completed once, and
on deep learning will be adopted to realize vehicle then such iteration is repeated for a certain number of times
detection. until the center point no longer moves, so as to achieve the
clustering of targets.
For YOLOv3, the idea of employing k-means is for
3.1. Algorithm Selection Analysis. In practical application, clustering the bounding box. For each image used for
the detection accuracy and speed of the target detection training, there are several marked bounding boxes. The first
system serve as the key factors to be considered when de- step in bounding box clustering is to take out all bounding
signing the algorithm. The higher the detection accuracy, the boxes in the images used in training and put them together.
stronger the ability to detect objects will be; the faster the As the clustering of bounding box needs to use the elements
detection rate, the greater the practicability of applying it to of width and height of the box, but for the original data,
practical products. Table 1 shows the concrete performance width and height are contained in the coordinates of two
of several common target detection algorithms in detection points of the box, that is, the coordinates of the upper left
rate and detection accuracy. corner and the lower right corner, it is necessary to obtain
From Table 1, we can see that Faster R–CNN has a good the W and H values of the box through these two coordinate
performance in detection accuracy, but the detection rate is values. After processing, it is required to select K values in all
quite different from that of several one-stage detection bounding boxes as the clustering values of anchor box
networks. These one-stage detection networks do not have clusters, that is, the initial values of boxes, and K is selected as
bad performance in the detection rate, and it is obviously 9 in this paper.
better than the detection algorithm Faster R–CNN in the
second stage. As for the accuracy of detection, YOLO is
slightly inferior. Considering the problems mentioned 3.2.2. Detection Module of Network. The backbone network
above, YOLOv3 is better in detecting small-sized objects, used by YOLOv3 is DarkNet-53, through which the features
and it has a good performance in detection accuracy and of the input data can be extracted. The deep-level network
detection rate, so YOLOv3 is chosen as the vehicle detection structure is beneficial to the network extracting more feature
algorithm in this paper. information, but there are also some problems for the
network that resides in too deep level. Deep-level network
3.2. Model Design will lead to the lack of feature information of small-sized
objects, which will result in the decline of the network
3.2.1. Initialization Operation of Candidate Box. Training detection ability for small-sized objects, which is also the
the network is the key to the whole detection task, and some problem of several other one-stage detection networks.
parameters need to be initialized before training the network However, based on the idea of residual network, DarkNet-53
model. The initialization of candidate box size is one of the further improves the learning ability to image features by
most important initialization operations. The quality of using residual connection, and at the same time, it also
candidate box initialization will affect the training time and makes up for the shortcomings in the detection on small-
training effect, because the training and testing of the sized objects.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 5
The design of loss function plays a very important role software. However, the input data for training need simpler
for each detection network. The design of a loss function will format input, and redundant descriptions in the file need to
determine the training result of the model. be further removed. Finally, only the path of the image file,
In case of the maximum IOU value between the pre- the position of the box in the image, and the category of the
dicted frame and the real frame generated during training, object in the box are retained. At last, the data need to be
the target shall be marked as a positive sample and included processed into a text file with txt suffix as its format, using
in the loss function. For the anchor frame without the the absolute path of the image and the corresponding image
maximum IOU value, the target shall not be included in the name, and containing the position of the box contained in
loss function. Therefore, for each existing real frame, there is the image and the category information of the box. The
only one generated prediction frame that corresponds to the processed txt file contains the data information of all the
real frame one by one. The whole loss calculation includes images used in training. The images that need to be input can
loss of confidence, loss of category, and loss of anchor frame be found through the absolute path, which is followed by the
coordinates. contents of the inner box of the images. Thereby, all the
The loss of confidence is mainly expressed as whether a required images and data can be integrated through a. txt file
certain cell in the detection layer contains the target center to facilitate the network to read the data.
point, namely, the target object.
4.3. Model Detection. Model training is the last step to
4. Experiment Results and Analysis realize the vehicle detection model, and the final detection
task can be carried out by loading the trained weight on the
4.1. Selection of Dataset. The selection of dataset is the most model. Some parameter settings of the training process are
critical step in designing a target detection system by using as shown in Table 2.
deep learning method. In this paper, we select the image In the task of training or detection, YOLOv3 is mainly
dataset in BDD100K, as the input data for model training. used for target detection of three characteristic layers in the
Figure 1 shows some part of data in the dataset. backbone network, which are located in the bottom layer,
The data images contained in this dataset are all road middle lower layer, and middle layer of the backbone
vehicles photographed by driving vehicles, including dif- network.
ferent types and numbers of vehicles and person, and other
targets. The whole dataset contains a total of ten categories of 4.4. Results and Analysis. Training the detection network
target objects, and we only used six categories in the dataset, needs to set some parameters to ensure that the trained model
specifically cars, buses, pedestrian, trucks, motor, and bikes. can have good performance. In the YOLOv3 detection al-
gorithm used in this paper, the learning rate setting actually
has two values of 1 e − 3 and l e – 4, respectively. The learning
4.2. Data Processing. The downloaded data are classified into rate is changed by the method of breakpoint continuation, i.e.,
image part and label part. For the newly downloaded data first training the model by large learning rate and then op-
stored in JSON format as indicated on label part, each JSON timizing the model by using small learning rate. The epoch
file corresponds to an image with the same file name. This file value is set to 50. Of course, if the model can continue to be
contains the name of the corresponding image file, as well as optimized, the method of breakpoint continuation can also be
the category information, category name, and position in- used to retrain the epoch for a certain number of times. The
formation of the marked box in the image. The location value of loss after training is shown in Figure 2.
information includes two points, that is, the horizontal and The blue curve in the figure represents the loss value of
vertical coordinates of the top left corner of the box and the the training set, and the orange curve represents the loss
horizontal and vertical coordinates of the bottom right value of the test set. The loss values at the beginning of
corner of the box, through which the position of the box can training are particularly large, the loss values in several
be determined. At the same time, one image can contain epochs at the beginning of training drop very sharply, and
multiple boxes. then the falling speed slows down and then tends to con-
It is difficult to directly use the contents in JSON format verging. Although the loss value after training is still rela-
file, which contains some redundant information. Thus, it is tively large intuitively, the comparison shows that the model
necessary to transform the file in this format to simplify the has been converging. The loss value of the training set ba-
information structure and eliminate redundant information sically presents stable decreasing and tends to be stable at last
data at the same time. First, it is required to convert JSON- and then oscillates within a certain range. It is required to
formatted files into xml-formatted files. Compared with the continue training by changing the learning rate with the
original JSON file, the processed file is much simpler in method of breakpoint continuation, but the performance of
structure and contains more concise data information. At training results is not much different from those of the
the same time, the width and height of the image and the second half of Figure 3.
location of the file are properly written into the file. Map value is an important index to measure a target
The processed xml file cannot be directly used as input detection model. Each category has an ap value to be used as
data for training, and such processed xml is actually the recognition effect of the detection network for that cat-
equivalent to the file generated after tagging by tagging egory, while map is the average of all categories of ap. The map
6 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Table 2: Parameter settings. above 0.7. The detection effect of trucks is not too bad, but
the detection effect of bus categories is a little worse, and the
num_classes 6 score of detection box is mostly not high. Figure 4 shows the
Lr 1e−3 detection effect of the network on bike category and person
batch_size 32 category.
Input_ship (416,416) From the results in Figure 4, it can be seen that the
detection effect of the detection model on bike category and
person category is also not bad, but relatively speaking, the
score for person category is higher and that for bike category
400 is relatively lower. And the detection box for person category
is more accurate and the box selection is more
300 From the detection results in Figure 5, the detection
effect of bus category is general. Although it can be detected
as bus category, there are only three buses identified in the
200 figure on the left, and only the first bus has a higher score. On
the other hand, it can be seen from the right figure that the
150 box of bus category is not particularly complete, resulting in
100 part of the vehicle body being out of the detection box.
As far as the detection effect is concerned, the de-
50 tection effect of person category is much better, and the
0 10 20 30 40 50 detection effect of motor category is slightly worse. In
terms of scores, other score on person category is also
Figure 2: Loss value of YOLO training.
significantly higher.
The detection accuracy of the model used in this paper is
value of the model trained in this paper is 72.8. Numerically relatively good in terms of the overall detection, especially
speaking, its performance is slightly lower. As far as the the car category and person category, which have the best
detection effect is concerned, the detection effect of cars is still detection effect, but the detection accuracy for motor cat-
very good, but the detection performance of buses and motors egory and bus category is acceptable, and the detection box is
is relatively poorer. slightly insufficient. Reasons: There are millions of targets in
From the results shown in Figure 3, it can be seen that the car category, but there are only over 10,000 targets for
most of the detection of the car category by the model is bus category, and the motor category has even less targets,
good, and the scores of the detection boxes are mostly kept only over 4,000. As a result, most of the data trained by the
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 7
model during training are of car category, most of the high. For the person category, the number of targets has
features extracted are the feature information of car cate- reached 100,000; that is, it has a high proportion in training.
gory, and most of the parameters modified during reverse At the same time, the feature information of the person
feedback tend to be modified in a direction that is beneficial category is quite different from that of various vehicles,
to the detection on car category. This is also why the ac- which also makes the detection effect of the person category
curacy of the detection on the car category remains relatively much better.
8 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
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