ChatGPT Student Interviews - Consent Form

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Consent Form for interviews


Thank you for your willingness to participate in this interview. The purpose of this study is to
explore the perceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students towards ChatGPT and its
effectiveness in aiding them in their respective tasks.

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), IIIT-Delhi.

This interview will take only 10-15 minutes. As a student, you will answer a few questions on
your perceptions about ChatGPT and its effectiveness in aiding you in your undergraduate
studies. There are no foreseeable risks associated with the interview. There will be no other cost
to participating other than your time.

Benefits for Taking Part in the Research Study: This study will help inform the role, design,
and integration of AI assistive technologies for education. At the end of these interviews, we aim
to propose a research framework aimed at improving existing AI assistance available for
undergraduate students and professors. Accuracy, diversity, and volume of information
contributed by yourself and your peers are the keys to inferring such education models.

Voluntary Participation: Participation in this study is strictly voluntary. You can withdraw your
consent and stop your participation in the interview now, or at any time, without affecting your
relationship with your university and without loss of any benefits to which you may otherwise be
entitled. If you are under 18, you cannot take part in this study.

Confidentiality: Please note that the interviews, transcripts, audio files, recordings and study
results will be treated as follows to maintain confidentiality: Each interviewee will be assigned a
random number. Only authorized members of the research group will have access to the audio
files and transcripts. Audio files and recordings will be kept in a password-protected computer
by researchers affiliated with Dr. Dhruv Kumar.

Consent: By giving your consent, you are giving Dr. Dhruv Kumar, other collaborating
researchers and associates the permission to present this work in written and/or other forms for
teaching or presentations to advance the knowledge of science and/or academia, without further
permission from you.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this interview or the research in general,
please do not hesitate to contact either of the following:
1. Dr. Dhruv Kumar, CSE Department, IIIT Delhi (
2. Dr. Jagat Sesh Challa, CS Department, BITS Pilani (
3. Dr. Harshal Akolekar, School of AIDE, IIT Jodhpur (

Thank you once again for your participation and valuable contribution to this study!

For any questions about your rights as a research participant, our objections to the study, you
may contact: IRB Chairperson, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi [Email:]

[P.S. By ChatGPT, we refer to only ChatGPT and not any other AI tools such as Google

Do you consent to participate in this study? Yes or No

PARTICIPANT’S SIGNATURE: _____________________________

Date: ____________________

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