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Lets Talk About Reading Teacher

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Let’s talk about ...

Ex 1: Ask and answer the questions below in pairs.

1. Do you enjoy reading? 2. Why do you think people 3. How many books do you
Why? / Why not? enjoy reading so much? read in a year? Do you
usually set a target?

4. What is your favourite 6. Have you ever thought

5. Which books do/did you
book? What is it about? about writing a book?
study in school?
Who is your favourite Do you know anyone.
character? who has?

7. Did your parents read 8. Do you prefer to read 9. Do you agree with the
aloud to you as a child? online, on a device (e.g. a statement: “Books are
Do you think this is Kindle), or the hard copy better than films.” Why? /
important? of a book? Why not?

10. If you could be any 11. Have you ever read the 12. Do you read mostly in
character in any book, who ending of a book before English or in your first
would you choose to be? you got to it? language?

13. Do you judge a book by its 14. Do you prefer to read fact 15. Have you ever been in a
cover? How do you choose or fiction? Do you have a book club? If not, do you
which book to read next? favourite genre? think you’d enjoy it?

Ex 2: Match the reading-related phrasal verbs to the definitions.

1. read over A. to read more about a topic to gain more knowledge about it.

2. flick through B. to read something quickly, looking for particular details.

3. skim over C. to read something carefully, looking for mistakes/to check details.

4. read up on sth D. to think something means more than it actually does (usually sth someone says).

5. read into sth E. to look quickly through a book, magazine, etc. without reading everything.

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Ex 3: Complete the sentences below with the correct phrasal verb in the correct form.

read over flick through skim over read up on read into

1. Don’t _________ _________ what she says. She doesn’t mean what you think she does.

2. I love sitting in the waiting room at the dentist’s surgery, _________ _________ the magazines.

3. You need to _________ _________ the terms and conditions of your car insurance, so that you
understand what you’re paying for.

4. James never reads the newspaper fully, he usually just _________ _________ the articles for the most
important information.

5. You should really _________ _________ on the subject before giving your opinion on something you
know nothing about.

Ex 4: In pairs, practise using the phrasal verbs in conversation.

1. Do you flick through magazines, newspapers etc. or do you read every word?

2. Can you think of a situation where someone might read too much into something?

3. Is there anything you’d like to read up on to gain more knowledge about it?

4. Do you read over the terms and conditions when you purchase something online?

Ex 5: In pairs, brainstorm more phrasal verbs, phrases/idioms related to books/reading.

Phrase / Idiom
Explanation / Example Sentence:
/ Phrasal Verb:

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Teacher’s Notes & Answers
Lesson: Let’s talk about ... Reading Level: B1 – B2 Time: 45 minutes +

Try our other celebration day
- Print handouts or display them for online lessons.
- Read over the questions to check for any words you will need lessons for more practice!
to pre-teach.
- You maybe want to think about example answers for some of the questions to model for your students
so that they have full understanding of the language used.

Teaching Method:
Step 1: Did you enjoy this lesson?
- You may want to pre-teach target, character, read aloud, Subscribe for more at
device, hard copy, judge, cover, fact, fiction, genre, and book club
before starting the speaking task.
Step 2:
- Put students into pairs or small groups and have them take turns choosing a question to ask another
student in their group. The other student must answer the question and aim to speak for at least 1
minute to ensure they get lots of speaking practice. If they wish, students can time each other to add to
the challenge.
- Monitor, giving correction where necessary. Alternatively, take note of errors made for correction as a
class after this activity.
Step 3:
- Put students into pairs with someone who wasn’t in their original group.
- Have the students complete exercise 2, matching the phrasal verbs with the correct definitions.
- Correct answers as a class and drill pronunciation.
Step 4:
Exercise 2: Exercise 3:
- Have the students work alone to complete exercise 3. 1. C 1. read into
- Explain that they’re going to complete the sentences with the 2. E 2. flicking through
correct phrasal verb in the correct context. 3. B 3. read over
- Correct answers as a class. 4. A 4. skims over
Step 5: 5. D 5. read up on

- Put students into pairs again.

- Explain that they’re going to practising the phrasal verbs in conversation by asking and answering the
questions in exercise 4.

Step 6:
- Keep the students in pairs.
- Have the students brainstorm more phrasal verbs, phrases, or idioms related to books/reading.
- Elicit the responses students came up with and write them on the board.

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