Dennis New CHAPTER 1
Dennis New CHAPTER 1
Dennis New CHAPTER 1
rates of mortality, injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and criminal activity. The
causally affect at least some of these outcomes. However, there is little evidence on
reduces intimate partner violence, as well as some other crimes against women. The
effectiveness and effects of other (and perhaps less fiscally and politically costly)
regulatory measures, such as varying the minimum legal drinking age, however, are
prohibition status across in Caibiran, Biliran to assess their effects on violence and
crime. Throughout the history, there have been attempts to prohibit or limit drinking
of alcohol and beverages. Prohibition is normal in Islamic state where the religion
forbids the consumption of alcohol. Use range from a legal ban against the drinking
the luxury taxation on all alcoholic beverages. Most of these measures have little or
law (Reyes, 1993 quoted by Kimbungan, Mabini and Saltin, 2005). Further, there
were many protection rackets run by the notorious gangster during the period of
against the principles of Islam. Yemenis are not allowed to consume alcohol in the
country and the sale of alcohol is illegal in all parts of the country with the exception
of Aden and Sana’a where the drink is sold in certain permitted restaurants, hotels,
and nightclubs. Foreigners who are non-Muslims are allowed to carry a limited
volume of alcohol into the country and drink in their private space.
world. Data from recent decades show a steady increase in alcohol production and
consumption and in rates of alcohol-related conditions (Hao, Chen & Su, 2005;
during major social events, such as the spring festival, wedding ceremonies and
birthday parties. However, the rapid growth in the Chinese economy has been
wide range of violent acts which include, accidents, suicide, sexual assault,
Alcoholism (NIAAA) coincided with a large increase in Federal research funds for
studies of alcohol policies related to highway deaths and injuries, as well as injuries
flowing from alcohol-related crime and health problems resulting from heavy alcohol
(Modad et al. 2004; NIAAA, 1998). In the 40 years since the founding of NIAAA,
those losses have been substantially reduced through the implementation of laws
and public health policies growing out of research that has been summarized
injuries, reckless driving and other offenses committed by those persons under
the influence of liquor. With these problems happening, the municipal councilors
regulating the selling and serving of alcoholic beverages in all sari-sari stores, and
In this context, the present study aimed to determine the impact of liquor ban
in crime rate in Caibiran, Biliran. This study is essential for the community to gain
better understanding about the influence of alchohol to individual and how the
The present study generally sought to analyze the impact of liquor ban on crime
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
1.4 Occupation;
Theoretical Framework
drinking, taking in, alcoholic or intoxicating beverage, wine and liquor such as
whiskey, gin, brandy, rhum, beer, basi, tuba, tapey, etc., whether foreign-brewed or
locally manufactured in the community, within a radius of two hundred (200) lineal
meters from any public buildings, educational institutions and/or churches; and
wine and liquor in the immediate edge of road ways of any public roads and in any
controlled. Solely treating people with medication cannot control problem drinking
and alcoholism. Treatment should be coupled with proper education both in the
schools and in adult community to develop the nation habits of moderation in the use
ordinance composed the independent variables while the dependent variables are
moderator variables.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
1. Implementation of 1. Level of
Liquor ban Ordinance implementation of
liquor ordinance
2. Effectiveness of 2. Level of
the Strategies used by effectiveness of the
Law Enforcers in the strategies
Implementation of
Liquor ban Ordinance 3. Level of
implementation of
3. Implementation of strategies
4. High correlation
4. Correlation between between effectiveness
effectiveness and and implementation of
implementation of the the strategies used on
strategies used in on liquor ban ordinance
liquor ban ordinance
Moderator Variables
1. Implementers
2. Community
knowing the strategies used, the support given by the various sectors and the
PNP Personnel. It will serve as a guide to improve and promote peace and
effectiveness of the ordinance; thus, they can make revisions as to its content and
Community Residents. They will benefit from the findings because a liquor-
free community assures them of living peacefully. This study will also give them the
Future Researchers. This study may serve as their basis to conduct similar
The Researcher. Being a future police officers, this study will provide
The study determined the impact of Liquor ban Ordinance in the crime rate
liquor ban ordinance, and the correlation between the level of effectiveness and
Definition of Terms
Important terms used in this study are defined according to how they were
barangay officials.
gin, vodka, and other kinds of foreign and domestically fermented drinks to include
Review of Literature
This section presents the review of literature, related readings, and related
Article 155 paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code state that, any
person who, while intoxicated or otherwise, shall cause any disturbance or scandal
in public places shall be penalized of not exceeding 200 pesos or suffer arrest menor
(Reyes, 1993).
The police officer, in the performance of his multifarious task is charged with
bringing all law-breakers to court, but while doing so, he is compelled to observe
their constitutional rights. Thus, it can be observed that the police officers are the
prime mover of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) that without the police, the system
is at stand-still.
Law enforcer being the first major component in the operation of the CJS, is
responsible for accomplishing the enforcement of laws, decrees, and ordinances; the
prevention of crime; the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace and
a physician must exercise due care and diligence in the history taking, physical
examination and in the observation of the signs and symptoms coupled with the
Among the strategies used to prevent drinking are school based, involving
prevalence of adolescent alcohol use by decreasing personal and social risk factors
tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana prevention curricula exist, including Life Skills
Training (Botvin et al., 1995), Project Northland (Perry et al., 1996), the Midwestern
Prevention Project (Pentz et al., 1989), Project SMART (Hansen and Graham,
1991), and Project ALERT (Ellickson et al., 1993). These programs have given
country, both the individual and national levels. Evidence of undisciplined and a
rebellion to ethical rules are very noticeable to private as well as in the public places.
Hostility to laws, customs and traditions are very patent and a local disregard of good
manners and right conduct is fast being accepted. The perverted concept of liberty
that “a person may do whatever he pleases” and the mistaken notion of democracy
that “the least of government is the best,” is constituting immensely to the breakdown
of discipline. The youth of today seem to revolt against anything that restrains the
expression of their ego and their emotions. So much of that restrictive legislation for
public officials employees and the constituent members of the society have been
Observations have shown that many liquor establishment owners are not
following the rules and regulations such as violations of the curfew hours. They are
allowing their customers consume alcohol beyond eight o’clock in the evening from
Monday to Saturday and even during Sundays and holidays. On the part of the law
enforcers, the implementation of the liquor ordinance is very weak because they are
not doing it every night making the owner of liquor establishments serve alcohol
of a local ordinance that has prohibited residents from drinking alcoholic beverages
out in the streets. Based on ordinance no. 0937 series of 2005, anyone that will be
caught having booze on the street will be promptly arrested by authorities, risking
Davao City are banned from 1 a.m. to 8 a.m. Duterte’s spokesperson says the liquor
ban will give hotel and restaurant employees enough time to rest and allow them to
go back to work the next day. Violators face a hefty fine: Php 3,000 for the first
offense, Php 5,000 or a three-month jail time for the second offense, and Php 5,000
and one year in jail, including the revocation of the establishment’s business permit,
Personal Data:
___ Implementor
Name (Optional):
Age: ______________
Gender: ___________
Occupation: _____________________________________
implementation of the liquor ban ordinance in Caibiran, Biliran, using the legend
and/or churches.
4 3 2 1
residence certificate.
and/or churches.
4 3 2 1
Strategies 4 3 2 1
Police officers
3. Implementation of the
4. Information campaign
5. Patrolling
and others
Part III. The level of implementation of the Strageies Used in Liquor ban Ordinance
in Caibiran, Biliran.
Police officers
3. Implementation of the
4. Information campaign
5. Patrolling
and others
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