Thesis Chapter 1 - 5
Thesis Chapter 1 - 5
Thesis Chapter 1 - 5
The Problem
Background of the Study
with the exception of Aden and Sana’a where the drink is sold in
of alcohol bottles into the country for their personal use (Nag,
other parts of the world. Data from recent decades show a steady
Hao, 2013).
in Atok, Benguet.
liquor ordinance?
barangay officials.
Future Researchers. This study may serve as their basis to
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
road ways of any public roads and to limit, regulate the selling,
rights. Thus, it can be observed that the police officers are the
prime mover of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) that without the
There is a consensus that today a general decay of
very weak because they are not doing it every night making the
owner of liquor establishments serve alcohol beyond the curfew
(Calleja, 2011).
Duterte’s spokesperson says the liquor ban will give hotel and
back to work the next day. Violators face a hefty fine: Php 3,000
for the first offense, Php 5,000 or a three-month jail time for
the second offense, and Php 5,000 and one year in jail, including
third offense.
1. Implementation of 1. Level of
Liquor Ordinance implementation of
liquor ordinance
Moderator Variables
1. Implementers
2. Community
Definition of Terms
Important terms used in this study are defined according to
(Orig, 1997).
Research Design
permission from the Chief of Police and Municipal Mayor for her
Treatment of Data
Calmorin, 2007):
∑ fx
∑ = summation
n= number of respondents
F = frequency
t = X1 – X 2
⌡SD12 + SD12
N1 N2
2 2 2 2
√ [ n ∑ x −(∑ ❑ x )❑ ] [ n ∑ ❑ y −(∑ ❑ y )❑ ]
because the
Indicators W.M Equivalent Rank
Section 1. No alcoholic or intoxicating
beverage, wine and liquor, such as
whiskey, gin, brandy, rhum, beer, basi,
tuba, tapey and the like whether foreign-
brewed or locally manufactured shall be
sold, displayed, offered to customers,
drank, taken in, and/or consumed, brought
in any sari-sari stores, restaurants,
carinderias, and other similar
establishments within a radius of two
hundred (200) lineal meters from any
public buildings, educational institutions
and/or churches. And, no such alcoholic or
intoxicating beverage, wine and liquor
shall be sold, brought by any person in
any residential building, other private-
owned building within the same distance
from any public building, educational Moderately
institutions and/or churches. 2.92 Implemented 3
Section 2. No alcoholic or intoxicating
beverage, wine and liquor shall be drank,
taken in and/or consumed in the immediate
edge of road ways, within road ways of any
public roads within the territorial Moderately
jurisdiction of Atok Municipality. 2.95 Implemented 1.5
Section 3. Duly licensed sari-sari stores,
grocery stores, restaurants, tiendas,
carinderias, and other similar
establishments shall sell alcoholic or
intoxicating beverage, wine and liquor
only from 8:00AM to 8:00PM from Mondays to
Saturdays and on town fiestas then from
9:00AM to 2:00PM on Sundays, legal or Moderately
special holidays. 2.95 Implemented 1.5
Section 4. No alcoholic or intoxicating 2.77 Moderately 4
beverage, wine and liquor whether foreign Implemented
brewed or locally manufactured shall be
sold, offered, dispensed, and/or given to
person below 21 years of age.
their jurisdiction.
beverage, wine and liquor only from 8:00AM to 8:00PM from Mondays
Catajan (2013) reported that the 8 p.m. liquor ban is seen as the
whiskey, gin, brandy, rhum, beer, basi, tuba, tapey and the like
Considering the area of Atok, houses are far from each other
that when the minors are accompanied by adults, they are being
vulnerable youth.
years old show that the rate of current drinkers among males was
person below 21 years of age shall carry, keep and/or conceal any
when someone buys liquor, they do not anymore check if the one
all sums which may have been paid in respect for said
and are not being punished. “Kumpadre and Kabagyan” system are
community residents.
community residents.
of liquor ordinance.
Indicators Descriptive
W.M Equivalent Rank
1. Inspection by members of the
police officers of all
establishments that are Moderately
liquor-oriented 3.16 Effective 4
2. Periodic inspection of the
task force created by the
Municipal Mayor to strengthen
Inspections made by the Moderately
police officers 3.20 Effective 3
3. Implementation of the
ordinance by the barangay
officials in their respective Moderately
barangays 3.15 Effective 5
4. Information campaign Moderately
3.22 Effective 2
5. Patrolling Highly
3.54 Effective 1
6. Partnering with other Law
Enforcement Agencies, NGOs/NGAs, Moderately
Force Multipliers and others 3.12 Effective 6
Average Moderately
3.23 Effective
Patrolling ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.54
officers is done six (6) times a day and more, though it will
and officials.
in order to show to the owners that the ordinance will not only
establishments. There are those small stores that are not being
when they are the once implementing the liquor ordinance; that in
some cases the barangay officials need to ask the help from the
because absolutely the owners would not want many officials and
them. Even the implementers cannot work well if there are lot of
Implementer Resident
Indicators s s
1. Inspection by members of the
police officers of all
establishments that are 3.11 3.18
liquor-oriented ME ME
2. Periodic inspection of the
task force created by the
Municipal Mayor to strengthen
Inspections made by the 3.39 3.13
police officers HE ME
3. Implementation of the
ordinance by the barangay
officials in their respective 3.47 3.03
barangays HE ME
4. Information campaign 3.50 3.11
5. Patrolling 3.92 3.40
6. Partnering with Partnering 3.16 3.11
with other Law Enforcement ME ME
Agencies, NGOs/NGAs, Force
Multipliers and others
3.43 3.16
Average HE ME
p-value= 0.04 α = 0.05 *significant
liquor ordinance.
of the community.
Enforce all laws and ordinances which are applicable within the
the same may be necessary for the maintenance of peace and order
However, the community residents are not much aware about this
other officials.
strategies that they have been implementing them and each of the
liquor ordinance.
Table 4.1 Difference in the Level of implementation of the
strategies used in the implementation of liquor ordinance
Indicators Implementer Residents
1. Inspection by members of the
Police officers of all
establishments that are 3.59 3.20
liquor-oriented FI MI
2. Periodic inspection of the
task force created by the Municipal
Mayor to strengthen Inspections made by 3.62 3.13
the Police officers FI MI
3. Implementation of the
ordinance by the barangay officials in 3.59 3.18
their respective barangays FI MI
4. Information campaign 3.76 2.91
5. Patrolling 3.84 3.27
6. Partnering with other Law
Enforcement Agencies, NGOs/NGAs, Force 3.41 3.15
Multipliers and others FI MI
Average 3.64 3.14
p-value= 0.00 α = 0.05 *significant
that the points are reasonable closely scattered about the underlying
Summary of Findings
1. The liquor ordinance is moderate implemented in Atok,
liquor ordinance.
specific problems.
are recommended:
Communication Letters
Appendix A
Personal Data:
___ Implementor
Liquor Ordinance 4 3 2 1
Section 1. No alcoholic or
intoxicating beverage, wine and
liquor, such as whiskey, gin,
brandy, rhum, beer, basi, tuba,
tapey and the like whether foreign-
brewed or locally manufactured shall
be sold, displayed, offered to
customers, drank, taken in, and/or
consumed, brought in any sari-sari
stores, restaurants, carinderias,
and other similar establishments
within a radius of two hundred (200)
lineal meters from any public
buildings, educational institutions
and/or churches. And, no such
alcoholic or intoxicating beverage,
wine and liquor shall be sold,
brought by any person in any
residential building, other private-
owned building within the same
distance from any public building,
educational institutions and/or
4 3 2 1
Section 2. No alcoholic or
intoxicating beverage, wine and
liquor shall be drank, taken in
and/or consumed in the immediate
edge of road ways, within road ways
of any public roads within the
territyorial jurisdiction of Atok
Section 3. Duly licensed sari-sari
stores, grocery stores, restaurants,
tiendas, carinderias, and other
similar establishments shall sell
alcoholic or intoxicating beverage,
wine and liquor only from 8:00AM to
8:00PM from Mondays to Saturdays
anmd on town fiestas then from
9:00AM to 2:00PM on Sundays, legal
or special holidays.
Section 4. No alcoholic or
intoxicating beverage, wine and
liquor whether foreign brewed or
locally manufactured shall be sold,
offered, dispensed, and/pr given to
person below 21 years of age.
Strategies 4 3 2 1
1. Inspection by members of the
Police officers of all
establishments that are
2. Periodic inspection of the
task force created by the
Municipal Mayor to strengthen
Inspections made by the
Police officers
3. Implementation of the
ordinance by the barangay
officials in their respective
4. Information campaign
5. Patrolling
6. Partnering with other Law
Enforcement Agencies, NGOs/NGAs,
Force Multipliers and others
7. Others, please specify
Liquor Ordinance 4 3 2 1
1. Inspection by members of the
Police officers of all
establishments that are
2. Periodic inspection of the
task force created by the
Municipal Mayor to strengthen
Inspections made by the
Police officers
3. Implementation of the
ordinance by the barangay
officials in their respective
4. Information campaign
5. Patrolling
6. Partnering with other Law
Enforcement Agencies, NGOs/NGAs,
Force Multipliers and others
7. Others, please specify
Appendix C
Table 2.1 Difference in the Level of Implementation of Liquor
Observations 6 6
df 10
t Stat 5.64492892
Variable 1 2
Mean 3.4254386 3.161565
Variance 0.08571099 0.015844
Observations 6 6
df 10
t Stat 2.02824937
Variable 1 2
3.6351351 3.14115
Mean 4 6
0.0224251 0.01513
Variance 3 6
Observations 6 6
Pooled Variance 9
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
Df 10
t Stat 6.2432999
P(T<=t) one-tail 05
Column 1 2
Column 1 1
Column 2 0.675051963 1