1 s2.0 S0926580512002191 Main
1 s2.0 S0926580512002191 Main
1 s2.0 S0926580512002191 Main
Automation in Construction
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Implementing ‘Site BIM’: A case study of ICT innovation on a large hospital project
Richard Davies ⁎, Chris Harty
Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre (HaCIRIC), School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217,
Reading, RG6 6AH, United Kingdom
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Numerous Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools are well established and potentially beneficial in certain
Accepted 8 November 2012 uses. However, issues of adoption and implementation persist, particularly for on-site use of BIM tools in the con-
Available online 12 December 2012 struction phase. We describe an empirical case-study of the implementation of an innovative ‘Site BIM’ system on
a major hospital construction project. The main contractor on the project developed BIM-enabled tools to allow
site workers using mobile tablet personal computers to access design information and to capture work quality
Building Information Modelling
and progress data on-site. Accounts show that ‘Site BIM’, while judged to be successful and actively supporting
Mobile computing users, was delivered through an exploratory and emergent development process of informal prototyping. Tech-
On-site nical IT skills were adopted into the construction project through personal relationships and arrangements rather
Implementation than formal processes. Implementation was driven by construction project employees rather than controlled
Project innovation centrally by the corporate IT function.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction part of a research project that seeks to contribute to that effort. Our re-
search is a case-study of a real-world project to implement BIM-related
Many aspects of construction suggest the significant benefits that tools and Tablet Personal Computers for mobile computing use on-site
the industry could derive from information and digital technologies: during the construction phase — ‘Site BIM’.
the huge amounts of information to be managed; the emphasis on This paper is organised into a number of sections. It begins with a
production; and the dispersal of participants. Despite this, IT adoption brief review into Site BIM and mobile computing and into innovation
is generally thought to be limited and predictions of future adoption in construction followed by an account of our research methods. Our
have proved to be optimistic [1]. Although more enthusiastic champions findings are presented in two parts; a non-technical description of the
have been disappointed, the use of digital technology has increased in Site BIM technologies implemented and then a detailed description of
construction. One important digital technology is Building Information the implementation effort itself drawing on interviews with the people
Modelling (BIM) — a means of representing and analysing building responsible. Finally, our general discussion draws out a number of themes
designs as three-dimensional assemblies of objects with multiple data and discusses them in terms of the construction innovation literature and
attributes. Elements of BIM such as: 3D representation; computer-aided implications for practitioners and researchers in this area.
design; automatic clash detection for design coordination; and various
forms of electronic communication are widely used in design projects [2]. 1.1. ‘Site BIM’ and mobile computing
However, site management work is still dominated by paper wheth-
er in the form of drawings and other design information or in the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in its most basic form is a
paper notes and forms for capturing information. Proponents of in- combination of CAD, database and graphical technologies that allow
creased use of digital technologies on-site point out the costs, errors users to design and represent buildings and their components in terms
and delays associated with translating paper-based data to digital and of an assembly of inter-connected objects in a coordinated, scaled 3D
vice-versa as information flows from site to office and back [3]. Research model. More broadly, the term “BIM” has come to mean a wide range
has largely concerned itself with design work in the office environment. of related digital technologies and associated business processes used
As Sacks et al. put it, “with few notable exceptions, most of the academic for representing and managing information throughout project and
and industrial research…deals with design and with pre-construction facility life cycles. The representation of building elements as objects in
planning. There has been far less effort to develop BIM based tools to a database allows for further information to be associated with each in-
support coherent production management on site” [4]. This paper is stance of an object in the building model.
There is apparent consensus that BIM technology is proven and
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 118 378 8585; fax: +44 118 931 3856.
that the design management benefits are clearly established and
E-mail addresses: richard.davies@reading.ac.uk (R. Davies), c.f.harty@reading.ac.uk widely used [2]. Recent industry surveys suggest adoption figures as
(C. Harty). high as 64% for responding designers [5]. This relative success of the
0926-5805/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
16 R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24
use of BIM for design appears to have encouraged the possibilities of composed of; trade contractors, specialist consultants and compo-
the technologies to automate and improve the construction process nent suppliers.
by joining up the design, construction and handover processes, The other significant feature of the construction industry neces-
re-using the same information down the supply chain and digitally sary for understanding construction innovation is the project-based
mediating construction activities. Participants in our research prefer mode of delivery. Significant amounts of the industries' work are deliv-
to talk about building information management, of which modelling ered on and through projects which are usually geographically separate
is only one part — so-called “Big BIM”, “The focus is on managing from the firm's permanent office. Temporary project organisations also
projects to get the right information to the right place at the right make up a large percentage of the overall construction organisation. The
time” [6]. distinction between project and firms is important as “innovations in
In construction, getting the right information to the right place construction are, typically, not implemented within the firm itself, but
means overcoming the challenges of the organisational fragmenta- on the projects upon which the firm is engaged” [14]. Winch outlines
tion of the industry and the site-based location of much of its work. two main innovation processes: firms adopt innovations and implement
The benefits of using tools such as BIM and 3D visualisation to com- them on projects; and projects solve problems and firm learn the solu-
municate design intent are limited when the final stage of delivery tions. Gann and Salter [15] also emphasise the role of projects in con-
of the information to the work site is dominated by paper drawings struction innovation outlining the importance of realising that firms
and information and limited to 2D representation [4]. In order to over- are not single, definable entities and that in project-based firms in par-
come this, various forms of personal computer systems have been ticular, project teams may have little contact with the firm's senior man-
trialled and implemented on construction sites since the early 1990s agement and tenuous links to the central core of the firm. It is implicit in
including electronic pocketbooks, laptop PCs and personal digital assis- Gann and Salter's research that project teams are thought of as needing
tants (PDA) (see Kimoto et al. [3] for a review). Other examples include: technical support and services from the firm and that the firms' central
delivery of steel fabrication drawings to PDAs [7]; delivering informa- departments are seen as both supporting projects and capturing learn-
tion to site via ‘information booths’ [8]; and large on-site touch screens ing on projects. However it is acknowledged that “project teams are
[4]. involved in a considerable amount of ‘practitioner-research’ and they
As well as delivering digital design data to site, a number of orga- often develop expertise in the course of their project activities” [15].
nisations and researchers have developed systems to use and capture The research in construction innovation tells us that understand-
site-generated data to support the construction process. Kimoto et al. ing the processes by which new digital technologies are implemented,
[3] describe a PDA-based software system including components for adopted and diffused, requires our analysis to consider the networked
site managers to perform inspections, position checks and progress and project-based nature of the industry. Recent in-depth case-studies
monitoring. The information on the PDA memory card is then uploaded of ICT innovation in construction have shown that the way ICT
to office PCs for collation and analysis. Kim et al. [9] implemented a sim- implementations unfold can be strongly influenced both by the
ilar wireless-networked system for quality inspections and defect man- emerging dynamics within the innovation project and the social and
agement also using PDAs. A step further towards automation can be organisational context in which it operates [16,17]. The aim of our re-
seen in trials of 3D scanning and photogrammetry to detect installed search is to describe and understand how new digital technologies are
building components [10]. implemented in construction projects. Descriptions of implemented
systems are important in communicating what is possible. Equally
important is to understand how such technologies are, and could be,
1.2. Research in construction innovation and the adoption of digital implemented in the construction context. Construction is not unique
technologies in all respects — for example, the conclusions that construction
firms, rather than projects, have the instigating and supervising role
The previous examples of construction-specific digital technolo- with respect to innovation processes is reflected in mainstream pro-
gies, along with the variety of commercial products available and ject management research [18]. This literature tends to view projects
the level of adoption in other industries, all support the view that as subordinate to the parent organisation [19]. However, the analysis
the technology innovation challenges for construction are institution- of challenges to technology adoption in previous research has shown
al and organisational in nature. In the construction management liter- the salience of distinct features of the industry's work and organisation.
ature, studies of technology development and adoption have drawn This paper draws on case study research to discuss one contractor's
heavily on the domain of innovation studies [11]. Much of the con- approach to developing a ‘Site BIM’ system to support construction
struction innovation research has been interested in innovation itself operations. In the following sections we describe the research methods,
as the focus of study drawing on examples of innovation to develop the site BIM system (portable tablet computers and software and data
general insights into innovation [12]. A common starting point for elements), the reasons for the innovation, the development methods
such research is the low rate of construction innovation compared to used and the relationship between the innovating project and the
other industries and consequent failure to improve productivity and parent firm.
quality [13]. This has lead to attempts to understand the nature of the
industry particularly as it relates to firms' willingness and ability to de- 2. Research methods
velop and adopt innovations. Central to this attempt are analyses of the
implications of the dominant forms of organisation in the industry and 2.1. Case study details and research design
its project-based mode of delivery.
Innovation researchers understand construction as a ‘complex Our research follows a leading, real-world project to develop and
systems industry’ [14]. For each construction project, a diverse group implement BIM technologies for use in the design, construction and
of actors and organisations (contractors, designers, suppliers, clients, operation of a large United Kingdom hospital. ‘Hospital Project’ is a
regulators etc.) has to be brought together in a network for the delivery combination of new build, demolition and refurbishment work across
of a particular project. In Winch's [14] model, principal contractors and two large city-centre hospitals and one of the largest such projects in
designers act as joint ‘systems integrators’ that bring together and Europe with a contemporary value of over £1 billion. At the time the
coordinate the elements of the network. In terms of innovation, interviews were conducted, design was complete and construction well
this network creates multiple sources of innovations both top-down progressed with phases of the work being handed over for commission-
from the ‘innovation superstructure’ (clients, regulators, professional ing. Final completion of the construction work is scheduled to be fully
institutions) and bottom-up from an ‘innovation infrastructure’ completed in 2016. The project was funded through a public–private
R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24 17
partnership deal and contracted on a design-and-build basis with a 3.1. Tablet computers
multi-national contractor (‘Contractor’) leading the project team. The
contractor also has responsibility for the facilities management of the For impact on on-site construction activities possibly the most sig-
project for thirty years after handover. nificant, and certainly the most visible component was the purchase
The research design is an on-going longitudinal case study under- of portable tablet computers. The tablets not only provided the vehi-
taken in phases of retrospective data collection. Our approach is to cle for making use of underlying BIM model data but also acted as a
focus on drawing lessons from specific cases as advocated by Flyvbjerg functional capability that placed opportunities, demands and expec-
[20]. Case study research has been criticised as ‘unscientific’ for not tations on the underlying IT systems. The tablets are fully functioning
supporting formal generalisation and being prone to bias and verifica- networked personal computers with the standard Contractor corpo-
tion. Flyvbjerg strongly defends case studies, arguing that formal rate build (Microsoft Office, corporate email etc.) as well as the addi-
generalisation is overvalued compared to the ‘force of example’. tional BIM systems developed for and implemented by the project.
Also, generalisation from case-study is possible — for example in pro- Tablets are operated via stylus as gloved hands and bulky cuffs were
viding a counter-example to widely held findings or beliefs. Further, found to cause issues for touch-screen interfaces (see Fig. 2). For
the complexity of real-world cases tends against confirmation bias as site use they operate in a stand-alone ‘briefcased’ mode. Project BIM
the complexity and internally contradictory nature of organisational data is synchronised when the tablet is connected to project office
life are likely to challenge simple preconceptions. This approach is corporate network.
reflected in, “a growing interest among several [digital construction]
research communities in the experiences gained from applying new 3.2. Coordinated 3D BIM models
technologies to practice” [21] and with Harty's [16] call for more stud-
ies of the process and context of implementing innovations on con- Coordinated 3D BIM models were produced during the design
struction projects. The research described in this paper focuses on phase of Hospital Project. Technically, the BIM models are standalone
the development of tools for use during the construction phase and copies of model files located on site office servers, maintained and
on the construction site. co-ordinated by Contractor Document Controllers. They are available
to networked PC users and, through a synchronisation process, on
tablet PCs for site users. Due to capacity limitations they are split
2.2. Data collection and analysis into floors and/or zones for each building. The BIM models were
used during the design phase to help achieve a co-ordinated design
Our data includes: formal, transcribed, semi-structured interviews; through automated clash-detection and design meetings in which
documents; informal meetings and discussions; observations; and feed- the models were projected on large screens. Once the design was fixed
back on reports. The formal interviews were conducted with fifteen of and project ‘financial close’ was achieved, they were not updated —
the main contractor's project staff responsible for oversight, implemen- small subsequent design changes were made to CAD drawings directly.
tation and use of BIM on the project (two Design Directors, Project As such the models are effectively a read-only element in these systems.
Manager, Operations Manager, two Document Managers, two Quantity They also function as the reference/navigation data for the new ‘Site
Surveyors, two Compliance Managers, BIM Co-ordinator, Design and BIM’ functionality developed on the project.
Compliance Manager, Environmental Manager, Project Information
Manager, BIM and 3D CAD Manager.) The interviews followed a sched- 3.3. DMS (Document Management System)
ule (participant information; use and experience with BIM tools on the
project; role within the IT implementation project; benefits and chal- DMS is Contractor's in-house developed and maintained project
lenges; changes to communication and construction practices; future document management system. It is accessible to designers and con-
developments) but participants were allowed freedom to discuss their tractors over the internet to upload and receive information. The in-
experiences and thoughts about BIM in their own terms. The initial re- formation distribution element of DMS is manually operated by
search question was to learn about ‘BIM’ in the construction phase and Contractor Document Controllers. Drawings are explicitly issued
on the construction site and site offices. Our participants told us about: (emailing a clickable fixed link to a specific version of a specific draw-
the BIM systems on the project (see Section 3); the salient features of ing) by Document Controllers using DMS. As an application DMS is an
construction work on Hospital Project and the problems that the BIM open platform. Projects can develop their own structure, document
systems were intended to address (see Section 4.1); and accounts of types and metadata. This means that all projects can, and do, set up
the implementation of the BIM systems (See Sections 4.2–4.4). Our ini- DMS differently and on Hospital Project went through a phase of
tial analysis of the data was to produce a descriptive account based on being “a bit of a shambles” with respect to meta-data setup and file
our participants' own words with limited reference to ICT or innovation structure. It is also considered difficult to search for documents via
research concepts. For example, the emphasis on tablet computers in its complex ‘administrator/super user’ interface.
the account reflects the importance attached to this aspect of the tech-
nology on the project by our participants rather than any prior assump- 3.4. Site dBase
tion about the role of artefacts in innovation processes. Subsequent
analysis of this account in terms of the literature identified general find- Site dBase is an externally produced software product purchased
ings with implications for construction ICT implementations and the by the Hospital Project. It consists of a 3D BIM model viewer and da-
relevant literature (Sections 5.1–5.3). tabase functionality to allow attribute metadata (including document
links) to be associated with objects in the model and to use these re-
lationships for display, searching and reporting. Site dBase also effec-
3. ‘Site BIM’ systems tively does the job of integrating other data elements. The 3D model
viewer packaged with Site dBase is also used as a standalone applica-
The ‘Site BIM’ systems implemented on the project, and their organi- tion by site office PC users. It allows navigation through the model. A
sation, are shown in Fig. 1. Although technically distinct, and sometimes DMS link from Site dBase presents latest drawings or other docu-
distinct in use, these components together are described as those mak- ments as a pdf or dwf (see Fig. 3). The ability to link from Site dBase
ing up ‘BIM’ on the project. As such they are all interconnected both in to DMS was developed as part of the BIM innovation project.
system terms and also in the understanding of project actors. The Further new development of Site dBase was undertaken to develop
following sections describe each of these elements in more detail. ‘Progress’, ‘Compliance’ and ‘Defects’ functionality. These are pieces of
18 R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24
discrete functionality implemented as bespoke Site dBase tables and defects created by the user. Alongside each item is the ability to select
forms to capture user-generated data and associate it with objects in a status for each element as well as associated comments. Additional
the 3D models. Each of the elements allows a user with a tablet PC development was done to use the progress data to automatically gener-
inspecting for progress, compliance or defects to select a building object ate ‘marked-up’ coloured general arrangement drawings showing prog-
via the 3D floor-plan generated from the BIM and complete a form to ress to use in coordination meetings.
enter the data (see Fig. 4).
For progress checking, this form is a list of around eighty
interdependent activities per room and a smaller number for each 3.5. Project office systems
wall section. For compliance checking, the form is a compliance check-
list generated from the room data sheet (a textual design document list- In addition to the specific ‘BIM’ elements adopted or developed by
ing the fixtures, fittings and equipment installed in each room). The the project, a number of other systems are necessary to support the
defects function is very similar to the compliance checklists although site BIM system. These were mentioned but not emphasised by our
more complex as any object (room, partition) can have any number of participants, being so well established as to be thought of as the con-
text for the BIM innovations rather than part of them. One class of re-
lated elements are the design tools and systems that were used for
the design of the buildings and the creation of the 3D BIM models.
This digital design environment is not the focus of this paper and so is
represented in Fig. 1 as an external source of drawings and other docu-
ments passed through the project DMS. The final element in Fig. 1, project
office systems, is a catch-all for the additional hardware and software
systems necessary for the ‘tablet user systems’ to function. These include
application and data servers, network infrastructure, operating systems
and so on. Also included here are generic software components such as
email (necessary for DMS distribution functions) and spreadsheet soft-
ware (to process data extracted from the BIM via Site dBase to perform
analyses such as materials take-off, or waste measurement).
The reasons given for the adoption of tablet PCs and related BIM
systems on Hospital Project fall into two broad categories: a general
concept of the problems of design and construction and the appropriate
Fig. 2. Use of tablet PCs during Hospital Project fit-out. response; and specific features of Hospital Project.
R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24 19
Fig. 3. Using 3D viewer and Site dBase to access design drawings for consulting room.
From the more general perspective, the implementation of BIM partial computerisation of the checking and handover process using Tab-
systems implicitly adopted a phased sequential view of the construc- let PCs and the Site dBase developments. The size of the buildings also
tion process in which the use of BIM during the design phase is meant that the simple ability to be able to call up a drawing when out
intended to support the development of a correct and therefore fix- on site has the potential to save significant time just in Construction
able ‘final design’. Technology then allows this to be presented to con- Managers walking back to (and getting “stuck” in) the site office. “Well
struction teams for error-free implementation and captures site data from one end of the site to the other, you know you waste a good hour,
that ensures and confirms compliance with the design. A number of two hours maybe… It's absolutely massive, you can get lost in it as well
the Site dBase developments described here are explicitly designed and once you get back to your office, you've got to sit down and catch up
to both ease and manage the way people work, “So what we're forcing on your e-mails quickly before going back out”.
the Construction Managers to do is to actually go down the road of actually The construction management approach adopted on Hospital Pro-
double checking and job checking everything they're doing”. And the sys- ject involves substantial on-site coordination and supervision by Con-
tems and associated procedures also appear to have been implemented tractor's staff (compared to a ‘construction management’ model of
in the expectation of the risk of deviation in their use. “It's controlling allowing trade contractors to manage their own coordination). Teams
them to do their job because it's got to be done in a certain mode. It can't of Construction Managers are responsible for handing over spatially
be done any other way, i.e. it's either yes or no in terms of room compliance”. defined areas of floor, across work packages. “So there is, therefore, an
The specific features of Hospital Project that were used to justify element of us acting as the Foreman in the field, … and sometimes these
the Tablet PC systems development were the scale and speed of the contractors, you know, were in effect co-ordinating where they work next
project and the construction management approach used. (Addition- week,… so having got the Tablets and the information, we then said,
ally, the complexity of the design had been an important reason for “Well these should be used for progress monitoring””.
the use of BIM for design-phase coordination). One issue in the latest
stage of the project is the scale of the works and the effort required to 4.2. Innovation history
manage their construction. Hospital Project has a programme of handing
over 6500 rooms to the client. Each handover requires a number of pro- The adoption of BIM for design coordination was undertaken dur-
cesses including progress monitoring, snagging (faults and damage), ing the design phase of the project before any decisions had been
compliance (correct equipment installed correctly as confirmed by the made to use tablet PCs on site or to develop software to support site
client's Independent Tester) and certification. “You know everyone's got BIM usage.
important deadlines to achieve. I mean at the moment, we're trying to do
fifty rooms a week to be finished and locked out and that goal is until July “no one knew that back then, this is all served off the back of the work
of next year”. This volume of work provided the business case for the that was done in the early days so our mind set was, we are going to
20 R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24
Fig. 4. Using 3D viewer and Site dBase to enter progress data for consulting room.
produce a 3D model, we are going to check it for compliance, we are now has over thirty tablets, some bought as part of the normal PC re-
going to clash detect it, we are going to convert it into 2D and then we placement cycle allowing people to ‘have their own’ with the tablet
are going to scrap it.” and docking station replacing laptop or desktop PCs.
The use of tablet PCs and the development of site BIM systems are 4.3. Implementation approach and practices
seen as building on the existence of the coordinated 3D models. The
use of BIM for design had given the construction teams not only a The development effort to implement tablet PCs and site BIM systems
“great visual diagram” but also “information in the background that on Hospital Project was lead by construction project office employees.
nobody knew about”. Particularly significant was the recruitment by Hospital Project of
The earliest event identified in the adoptions of tablet PCs was a BIM and 3D CAD Manager and a BIM Coordinator and the increasing
early in 2008, at the Contractor's worldwide R&D conference in Lon- involvement of Senior Document Controllers. This group made up a
don. Representatives of the North American business demonstrated core team of Contractor's project office staff who took responsibility
tablet PC functionality that they had attempted to introduce at for delivering the technology and worked on BIM and tablet related
home. Following this a broad ‘Handheld Computing Strategy’ was systems more or less full-time.
agreed for the exploration of site BIM as a six month experiment to
‘see how far it could go’ and a BIM and 3D CAD Manager and a BIM “But its took a long time to get it because basically its been [BIM & 3D
Coordinator were employed by Hospital Project. The first phase of de- CAD Manager] who's now on board and really involved with it [BIM
velopment was the DMS/Site dBase document link and the progress Coordinator, software vendor] and myself (Senior Document Controller)
monitoring system, and the purchase of eleven tablets over the getting everything up and running and its, you know, we couldn't devote
course of the year. In 2009 an additional twenty tablets were bought a serious amount of time to it at the start because we only had a couple of
for Hospital Project, compliance functionality added and the defect tablets but now everything is kind of flowing, the Directors have been
system started. At the time of the research the defect system was really impressed with the tablets and can understand why we spend
complete but waiting for an issue of a link to the DMS defect system [money on the project].”
to be resolved — this has since been implemented. It is anticipated
that technological development of the tablets will deliver more func- A more peripheral group of actors also participated in the innova-
tionality (which in turn may place further demands on the underlying tion process. These included those with responsibility for aspects of
systems and processes in order to support them). The Hospital Project the construction project (e.g. Compliance Managers) who spent
R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24 21
time on the BIM project because they saw it as a way of helping to the actual server, so they are now getting a bit more relaxed with Site
achieve their business objectives and users who interacted with the dBase”
innovation with requests, ideas or complaints that influenced the
ways in which the innovation progressed. For example, the Environ- There was even some concern that innovation was hampered by
mental Manager and some Quantity Surveyors requested help in IT “this is a perfect bit of software but IT have to approve it, it has to
extracting quantities of materials from the building models for use go through about a year of test before they say yeah, that's the one”.
in their own business processes. These were provided by querying More broadly, IT don't understand what's required on site. “A lot of
functionality in Site dBase but, more importantly, the requests provided the issues we've had with the Tablets is the IT Department set them up
another idea of what BIM was ‘for’ and provided evidence of the useful- to a working format and because they're detached from the site, it's —
ness and potential of the systems. The other significant group of project they need to come out to site more often to actually get… what they
actors were the managers who approved and supported the innovation. need on the site works 'cause they're just stuck back at [head office]”. It
Their role is discussed further in the later section covering the relation- is acknowledged that IT do not have the capacity to make changes re-
ship between the project and the corporate IT department. quired across many construction projects, often requiring projects to
The development approaches described by our research partici- develop their own ad-hoc, solutions. Central IT are seen more as a
pants were largely informal (by the standards of structured develop- barrier to be overcome than a source of support: “they will put their
ment methodologies) and incremental, probably best classified as a feet down, saying no you're not doing this when everyone says that's
form of prototyping. The rollout relied heavily on individual innova- the way forward but IT but you know they have to approve everything
tion team members, their efforts and their relationships. Contractor and sometimes it's very frustrating”.
only has one developer for its in-house DMS and Site dBase was devel- The implication of this is that the innovations were dependent on
oped by a very small software supplier with a handful of employees. The being able to acquire enough resources and local power to circum-
picture that emerges from the interviews is of a small group of people vent ‘the system’. Key to this is the approval and support of local pro-
working very closely together to develop a shared idea of what was ject directors: “With this project our director… he's given us the go
required. “The [Site dBase] programmer with the [DMS] programmer, ahead for us to say right IT, you can be involved but we are going
they can sit down, they've sat in this room many a time and coded out down the Site dBase route”. The resources necessary for the develop-
the requirements to get the portability onsite and all the documentation ments came mainly in the form of project staff to work on the imple-
on site.” Key to this was the personal trusting relationships between in- mentation (described earlier) as well as project budgets allocated to
novation team members and developers working sometimes without hardware and software costs. The increased use of technology for
the knowledge or explicit approval of their parent organisations, “it information management has meant that the role of Document Con-
was happen[ing] because individuals were in the right place at the right trollers has expanded into a “sub-IT Department function”. The only re-
time. It was all about creating relationships and getting people to do things sources external to Hospital Project have been development support
that actually they hadn't told their superiors that they were doing”. from one DMS developer from Contractor's IT department and from
In addition to the development effort, the rollout required substantial the Site dBase supplier — itself only consisting of a handful of people
investment of time in training and support. Participants emphasised the at the time. In Section 4.3 we described how development effort was
novelty of any forms of digital technology for many users; that, “there's sometimes ‘unofficial’ — motivated by personal relationships and in-
guys out there are still used to rolling up A3 drawings in the back pocket trinsic interest rather than formally allocated and supervised work
and then turning on a PC is quite a bit of fear for them actually”. The overall tasks. An example of this is the organisation of the coding of the inter-
perception is that ‘builders’ as a group are not computer users, although face between DMS and Site dBase:
adoption can be encouraged with appropriate support. This took the
form of formal training, publication of self-help guides and one-to-one “so it was [Developer] from [Site dBase supplier] who wasn't telling
support and coaching. ‘Training’ wasn't a one-off event — ongoing sup- [his manager] what on earth he was doing. He was just coming down
port was needed not only to assist but also to ‘bed-in’ the use of the tech- here “oh I've just got to pop down to [Hospital Project]… they've
nology. “We've got guys out there now who are 60 years of age . . .there's asked me to come and check the server they've got issues with it”
been a huge culture change … it literally has been walk around for three and he was coming and developing… and then we've got [Developer]
of four days, hold their hand”. The increased use of tablets by initially scep- off the [DMS] team, “oh, ok I'll do that. Don't say any.. don't tell
tical users is a source of some pride for the project team. “They've not [my manager] that I'm doing this”, y'know. Because they were actually..
come from a computer background, they're all builders you know. So they it was something that was a bit of interest y'know, it was real”.
are getting that level of support and now some of the guys, I mean there is
one guy that couldn't switch a computer on and now he's a tablet super The unofficial nature of the development projects did make them
user, you know, whatever he's doing, he's got his tablet with him so its partly reliant on personal relationships, vulnerable to prioritisation of
good to see people like that embracing the technology and understanding official work and they were presumably running at risk of being
what it is so I think you know, a lot has changed in the last three years of cancelled at any time (although sanctioned IT projects are hardly im-
this project.” mune from this). The implementation had, “some real successes and
we moved rapidly forward but because it was never planned it was
4.4. Relationship between Hospital Project and the central IT department often we (BIM Manager and Document Controller) would be waiting
for several weeks waiting for something to be done… and not being real-
The Tablet rollout and Site-BIM developments are clearly described ly in a position to say “look, can you make it a priority?” Cos it isn't. [the
as a Hospital Project innovation. The importance of the small group of Developers would say] “I shouldn't really be doing this. I'm doing it as a
project actors has already been described. The involvement of the favour.””
firm's central IT function (‘IT’) appears to have been limited. Even However, there is a clear narrative that the informality and small
where acknowledged (e.g. work by the in-house DMS developer) this scale of the development was crucial to the success of the innovation.
is presented as based on personal efforts and relationships in spite of, “We'd never been in the position we are now had we not had [internal
not due to, central IT support. DMS system] on this project. Had that been something like [a large
DMS database provider] and we'd have had to go off to [get] the costs in-
“Well what we did, we just employed Site dBase and it sort of came volved… we would never have got to where we've got because the costs
out of the Hospital Project budget and IT just helped out where they would have been a — there would have been an alarm bell ringing in the
can and you know its not going on their server but it now it is on first instance.” Our analysis is suggesting that the implementation
22 R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24
projects had just enough resources to achieve something but few This adoption context and set of users means that it is very impor-
enough that they were able to stay ‘under the radar’ until they tant that technology and systems are easy to use, help users to achieve
could demonstrate benefits. For the developers, “the point where it be- recognisable business tasks efficiently and that they actually work:
came obviously a successful, y'know, implementation… they were then “they don't want to be storming up and down the building, from the
able to show… tell [their managers] what they'd been up to”. tenth floor [laughs] back into the office, you know, a couple of times a
day because their machine's not working and it's not what they want.
They want — if it works, yes, they don't want it not working, you know”.
5. General discussion
This characterisation of site users' attitude to new technology supports
Jacobsson and Linderoth's [17] finding that there is a distinct construc-
Implementation and use of BIM on Hospital Project is ongoing, the
tion project ‘frame of reference’ for ICT adoption that favours immediate
construction phase is continuing and the operation and maintenance
efficiency benefits for any technology introduced.
phase has not started. This paper has focussed on a specific time and
purpose of the BIM implementation — technology developments during
the construction phase to support site operations. We have focussed on
5.2. An emergent implementation
the implementation of the technology and have sought to provide an
account of that effort. In the rest of the paper we reflect on three general
The accounts given of the Site BIM implementation give a picture
themes that we draw from our research: the way in which the imple-
of the emergent and dynamic nature of the ‘innovation journey’ [24]
mentation team talk about the success of the innovation; its emergent
undertaken by the project team. The first step on that journey ap-
quality; and the importance attributed to its project-led nature.
pears to have been to regard the 3D information as an exploitable re-
source that can be used to support site operations. Even in retrospect
5.1. A successful implementation though there appears to have been multiple ideas as to what the na-
ture of that support should entail. So, for example one participant
Contractor's BIM Managers have attempted to measure the benefits stated that the intention for the tablets was to simply get correct, us-
of the BIM implementation and have conservatively identified a num- able information to site users without any particular exploitation of
ber of returns on investment including; waste reduction, a lower than the data. Another idea was that using tablet PCs for monitoring progress
usual cost growth in packages for service installation, and significant and compliance was the driver and the information function arose out
savings in spending on administrative and coordinating staff time. In of that. In another account the purchase of the software that allowed
our primary data however, our research participants regard the Site the ‘site BIM’ functionality was originally motivated solely to produce
BIM implementation project as successful because the technology was electronic handover documentation.
approved, delivered, adopted by site users and found to be useful. This emergent strategy is in contrast to the usual advice that “success-
ful implementation of new and innovative Information Technology (IT)
“My responsibility was making sure or trying to do whatever I could for and Information Systems (IS) in construction requires the development
the man at the sharp end to have the latest correct information. So, of strategic implementation plans prior to IT/IS project commencement”
when I got to a point where we've got a Tablet that delivered the latest [25]. The gradual rollout of the numbers of tablets reflects the experi-
information, I was just delighted”. mental and exploratory nature of the development of the BIM systems
on Hospital Project. An initially small number of tablets and working un-
This finding of the local and fluid way in which agreement about derlying systems (otherwise restricted to people's desktops) provided
project success is established is consistent with some streams in the the confidence to purchase additional tablets which in turn created a
project management literature. Much project management practice demand for the development of additional functionality. These techno-
and research defines success in terms of projects proceeding to plan logical relationships also interacted with organisational factors. So, for
to deliver against pre-established time/cost/quality criteria. However, example, the business strategy to let small site work packages and get
research has shown that project participants apply other behavioural value from expertise in management created a requirement to support
or organisational criteria and that these vary along the course of the progress monitoring that the Tablets and emerging Site dBase were
project lifecycle [22]. For example, in one study of major infrastructure equipped to deliver. The resulting changes in practices are expected to
projects [18], participants assessed project success not only in terms of subsequently increase the number of tablet users which is likely to
cost, time and technical performance but also the nature of project drive further systems development and so on. This account of the
management inputs and experiences on the project (more specifically unfolding interactions between Tablet PCs, software systems, users
the absence of negative experiences). and system developers draws on and contributes to a growing body of
On the Hospital Project BIM implementation, in addition to tech- research in construction that analyses technology not just as the out-
nology delivery, success was discussed in terms of the degree of come of innovation processes but as an active shaper of those processes
take-up. Tablets are perceived to have been key to driving the use of [16,26,27]. The idea that technology can affect people, organisations and
BIM and project data more broadly as well as streamlining day-to-day behaviour is central to the application of ICT to construction and forms
work and allowing construction managers to be on site where “they the basis of the business case for most technology-enabled change pro-
should be”. The emphasis on the importance of site work highlights jects. Analysis of ICT implementations should recognise that technology
the fact that Site BIM is seen more as a tool to support and partly auto- affects its developers as well as those labelled ‘users’ (for a theoretical
mate existing processes and practices rather than transforming them discussion of these issues see [16,26]).
by, say, making site intervention less necessary. This is consistent with The emergent nature of the implementation is consistent with other
the findings of a survey of managers in large construction contractors longitudinal accounts of innovation developments [24]. As such, it is not
that measured the perceived importance of a number of reasons for possible to attribute this to either the construction project context or
the use of IT. “Reduced unnecessary site visits” was the lowest scored the technology deployed. The Site BIM implementation did involve sig-
item of thirty indicators and such an outlier that it was dropped from nificant software development and further research including the im-
further analysis [23]. Our interpretation, supported by this research, is plementation of more stable technologies into similar settings would
that reducing site visits isn't just seen as a very weak benefit of IT in con- help our understanding of these issues. In the meantime, we suggest
struction but it is not even an objective. In the case study, the purpose of that it is important for technology vendors and brokers to be aware of
the IT innovation was to keep people on site and to reduce unnecessary the possibility of this emergent informality in development when en-
visits to the office. gaging with construction projects to deliver technology.
R. Davies, C. Harty / Automation in Construction 30 (2013) 15–24 23
5.3. A project implementation construction project staff and enrolled IT personnel using informal
methods and strong personal working relationships. The current state
Contrary to Winch's [14] assertion that, in construction, firms adopt of the innovation emerged from the practices and changing context —
innovations and projects implement them, in this case the development the introduction of Tablet PCs into the innovation network was pivotal
of Site BIM and the tablet rollout was a project innovation. This is both in determining the shape of the systems and processes developed. The
an analytical finding in our research and a reflection of the real sense Site BIM implementation was judged by participants to be successful
of ownership among the Hospital Project team. The, project-adopted, and significant in scope and ambition for the current UK construction
Site dBase is; new, helpful, ours, optional, and the future. The in-house industry. It was also described as strongly project-based and project
corporate DMS is; clunky, difficult to use, and imposed. The site exploi- lead. The implementation included not only elements of straightfor-
tation of BIM is via tablet PCs and Site dBase — technologies that the ward technology adoption but also new technology development and
project developed independent from and in spite of Contractor corpo- process and organisational changes. The implementation was emergent
rate IT. and exploratory and, while Site BIM remains a technology in the process
The limited role of the firm's central IT department reflects the of being established, we would predict that this would be the same for
project-lead nature of the innovation. This is not uncommon in construc- other projects. Our findings on the roles of the construction project and
tion organisations: “because project teams are often self-contained, they the parent firm provide a counter-example [20] to the idea that it is
may draw little from central services” [15]. The innovation project's always firms that adopt innovations and then apply them on project.
status relative to ‘official’ IT programmes is likely to have contributed to Future research could help our understanding in this area by directing
its freedom to emerge and develop over time and also for the informality attention to the process and context as well as the content and out-
of the development methods used. Rarely mentioned by our participants, comes of similar construction IT innovations undertaken across a varie-
but perhaps significant here, is the large size of the project. Large organi- ty of project and organisational arrangements.
sations, including temporary project organisations, typically have more
slack resources than smaller, allowing the space and scope to experiment
and innovate [28]. The project-centre relationship identified here might Acknowledgments
in fact be an issue of relative size and power rather than a structural issue.
The importance of resources for innovation can be seen in the em- We would like to thank the organisation that gave us access for our
ployment of specific people with a mandate to develop ‘BIM’ on the research and the contractor and project staff who participated. We are
project and the existence and subsequent involvement of the sizeable grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.
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ed a project-specific IT capacity which supported subsequent develop-
ments. The importance that participants attributed to the existence of
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