Tensile Bond Strength of Cement Soil Mortar
Tensile Bond Strength of Cement Soil Mortar
Tensile Bond Strength of Cement Soil Mortar
Abstract: Soil-cement blocks and cement-soil mortars are used for the load bearing masonry. The paper deals with the scantily explored
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area of tensile bond strength of soil-cement block masonry using cement-soil mortars. Influence of initial moisture content of the block
and block characteristics 共strength, cement content, and surface characteristics兲 as well as composition and workability of cement-soil
mortar on direct tensile strength of masonry couplets has been explored. Major findings of this study are 共1兲 initial moisture content of the
block at the time of construction affects bond strength and use of partially saturated blocks is better than dry or fully saturated blocks; 共2兲
as the cement content of the block increases, its strength increases, and surface pore size decreases leading to higher bond strength
irrespective of the type of mortar; 共3兲 cement-soil mortar gives 15–50% more bond strength when compared to cement mortar and
cement-lime mortar; and 共4兲 bond strength of cement-soil mortar decreases with increase in clay content of the mortar. The study clearly
demonstrates the superiority of cement-soil mortar over other conventional mortar such as cement mortar. The results of this paper can be
conveniently used to select a proportion for cement-soil mortar for soil-cement block masonry structures.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2006兲18:1共36兲
CE Database subject headings: Soil cement; Masonry; Tensile strength; Bonding strength; Mortars; Blocks.
variation of 6–12%. Compressive strength of the block increases varies with the cement content of the block. For example, there
with increase in cement content. As the cement content of the could be more number of pores of smaller size in the block hav-
blocks is doubled from 6%, the compressive strength increases by ing 12% cement as compared to blocks having 6% cement.
2.3 times. Direct tensile strength of soil-cement blocks is in the
range of 0.18– 0.46 MPa, which is about 5 to 6% of compressive Mortars
strength. The surface pores are irregular in shape. Fig. 2 shows a
typical surface pore size distribution for blocks having 12% ce- Properties of mortars greatly depend upon the water content of
ment content. The length of major and minor axes of pores differs the mix. Workability of the mortars can be quantified by conduct-
significantly. The mean size of the bigger pores lies in the range ing flow table tests. Mortars used for masonry construction will
of 0.08– 0.28 mm. The pore size of the block varies with the have a certain range of flow values indicating the workability of
cement content of the block. The blocks with 6% cement show mortar. Ajay Gupta 共2003兲 conducted flow table tests on samples
larger pore size as compared to blocks with 8 and 12% cement of fresh mortars collected from different construction sites and
content. Even though there is not much variation in surface po- their flow values were determined in the laboratory and reports
rosity 共14 to 15%兲 for different cement contents of the blocks, the flow values in the range of 86–119%. Comparing the results of
pore size decreases drastically with the increase in cement content flow values for mortars used in the field, a flow of 100% has been
of the block. Thus the number of pores and their distribution used to investigate various characteristics of mortars as well as
bond strength. The workability of mortars is maintained constant
by keeping the flow value fixed at 100%, except when flow itself
is a parameter to be varied.
For cement-soil mortars, local red loamy soil has been used.
This soil has 16% clay fraction containing predominantly kaolo-
nite clay mineral 共liquid limit= 35%, plasticity index= 15.7兲. The
clay fraction of the mortar mix is varied either by diluting with
natural sand or by removing a fraction of sand from natural soil.
Thus cement-soil mortars with four different clay fractions 共4, 8,
16, and 24%兲 were generated. The grain size distribution curves
for natural soil, river sand, and reconstituted soils are shown in
Fig. 3. Similarly, three different cement percentages 共5, 10, and
15%兲 are used.
Mortar designation, composition, flow value, water cement
ratio, and compressive strength of mortars are given in Table 2.
BS: 4551 共BSI 1980兲 guidelines are followed to carry out experi-
ments to determine the flow of mortars. Compressive strength of
the mortar was obtained by testing 70-mm size cube specimens
after 28 days curing period. The mean of six cubes tested is re-
ported as compressive strength of the mortar. Variation in com-
pressive strength of cement-soil mortar with clay fraction and
Fig. 2. Typical SEM image for soil-cement block with 12% cement cement content of the mortar mix is shown in Figs. 4 and 5,
Influence of Mortar Type on Tensile Bond Strength Influence of Flow of Mortars on the Tensile
Bond Strength
The optimum tensile bond strength values for various mortar and
block combinations are in the range of 0.09– 0.25 MPa and are Influence of flow of mortars on tensile bond strength of couplets
tabulated in Table 3. The results show that the composite mortars is examined for cement mortar, cement-lime mortar, and cement-
such as cement-lime mortar and cement-soil mortars have better soil mortar using SB3 blocks. A comparison of tensile bond
tensile bond strength as compared to cement mortar. The three strength values with flow of different mortars is shown in Fig. 13.
Fig. 13. Tensile bond strength of masonry versus flow of mortar of failure can be attributed to lower tensile strength of block when
compared with tensile bond strength of the interface and tensile
strength of mortar.
There is a decrease in tensile bond strength when the flow of
mortars is reduced to 80% from 100% in all three cases. The Complete Mortar Failure „Type B…
percentage decrease in tensile bond strength is maximum for
cement-soil mortar as compared to the other two mortars. Tensile Fig. 15 shows the failure of the joint in which mortar has failed
bond strength decreases by about 5–9% in the case of cement completely. This type of failure is common in soil-cement block
mortar and cement-lime mortar for a decrease in flow from 100 to couplets using SB3 blocks with the leaner cement-soil mortar
80%. On the other hand, for cement-soil mortar the tensile bond containing 10% cement. This may be due to superior bond
strength decreases by 26% for the similar reduction in flow. The strength of the interface as well as the tensile strength of block as
average value of flow used in the field for the construction of compared to the mortar tensile strength.
soil-cement block buildings is about 100%. As the flow is reduced
below 100%, the mortar becomes dry, which will reduce the mor- Complete Interface Failure „Type C…
tar workability and hence it will become difficult for the fresh
mortar to effectively penetrate the pores on the block surface, Fig. 16 shows the complete interface failure of block and mortar
leading to reduced bond strength. joint. These types of failures are observed mainly in soil-cement
block couplets using SB2 and SB3 blocks and in some cases
using SB1 blocks also. This type of failure can be attributed to
interfacial bond strength being lower as compared to tensile
Failure Patterns for the Couplets Under Direct
strength of block and mortar.
Tensile Bond Test
As expected joint failure in tension test was sudden and brittle. A Partial Interface Failure „Type D…
number of failure patterns are observed during testing of the soil-
In partial interface failure one can notice that a portion of either
cement block couplets. Failure of the block-mortar interface dur-
block or mortar will be sticking to one another. Fig. 17 shows the
ing direct tensile bond tests using couplets can take place in any
of the following patterns.
1. Complete block failure 共Type A兲;
2. Complete mortar failure 共Type B兲;
3. Complete block-mortar interface failure 共Type C兲; and
4. Partial block-mortar interface failure 共Type D兲.
The type of failure depends on the relative strength of block,
mortar, and bond between block and mortar in direct tension.
Details of these failure patterns are discussed below.