CONSUMER STUDIES - Food & Nutrition Final

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1 Introduction 3
2 How to use this self-study guide Food and Nutrition 4
3.1 Notes/Summaries/Key concepts & Activities 5
3.1.1 Nutritional and Health related diseases 2022 5
3.1.2 Foodborne diseases 28
Food Additives and Food labelling
3.1.3 35
Food-related Consumer issues
3.1.4 41
3.2 Answers for activities of all topics 58
3.3 Question guidance 66
3.4 Exemplar examination questions and answers 80
4 General Examination Tips 81
5 Glossary 86
6 References 121
7 Acknowledgements 121

pg. 2

The declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic by the World Health

Organisation in 2020, led to the disruption of effective teaching and learning in all
schools across South Africa.

Many learners, across all grades, spent less time in class due to the phased-in
reopening of schools, as well as rotational attendance and alternative timetables
that were implemented across provinces, to comply with social distancing rules.
This led to severe teaching and learning time losses. Consequently, the majority of
schools were not able to complete all the relevant content prescribed in Grade 10-
12 in accordance with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement.

In order to mitigate and intervene against the negative impact of COVID-19, as part
of the Recovery Learning Plan for Grades 10-12, the Department of Basic Education
(DBE) worked in collaboration with Subject Specialists from various Provincial
Education Departments (PEDs) to develop this Self-Study Guide for learners in
Grade 12.

The content in this study guide is critical towards laying a strong foundation to
improve your performance in this subject.

The main aims of this study guide is to:

• Assist learners to improve their performance, by revising and consolidating

their understanding of the topic;
• Close existing content gaps in this topic; and
• Improve and strengthen understanding of the content prescribed for this topic.

This study-guide is meant as a self-study guide for learners and therefore should
be used as a revision resource to consolidate learning at the end of a particular
topic taught in class.

Learners are encouraged to complete the exercises and activities to test their
understanding and to expose themselves to high quality assessment.

This study guide can also be used by study groups and peer learning groups, to
prepare for the final NSC examination in this subject.

pg. 3
2. How to use the icons in this study guide

Key concepts

This icon will draw your attention to the key concepts we are using in this
study guide
Notes/ Summaries

This icon will draw your attention to the notes & summaries which you
need to study


This icon refers to the activities that you must complete to test your
understanding of the content you studied

This icon refers to tips we are sharing with you to better understand the
content or activities

This icon refers to the section with possible answers for the activities and
how best to have answered the activities.
Exam practise questions

This icon refers to questions from past examination papers you can
additionally use to prepare for the topic.
Terminology (see glossary for description)

The meaning of these terms is provided in the glossary


This is good/positive qualities


This is bad/negative qualities




pg. 4
3. Food and Nutrition
3.1 Combined/ Comprehensive Summary of Gr 10-12

3.1.1 Nutritional Health Related Health Conditions

GR 10 GR 11 GR 12

Energy and Nutritional and food-related

nutritional Functions and
sources health conditions
requirements of
consumers ***
Food ***
*** Foodborne diseases
The nutrients fortification
and their ***
Food ***
functions in the
contamination Food additives
food guide
Food labelling
Food spoilage,
hygiene safety
and storage ***
Food-related consumer issues
Impacting on the natural and
environment, including public


With the Recovery ATP the Nutritional and food-related health conditions was
divided over THREE years, ONLY STUDY the illnesses given the current year.


Content organised as follows in book
2023 2021
Coronary heart disease Food allergies High & Low blood
High blood cholesterol Dairy and gluten intolerance glucose levels
High blood pressure Eating disorders: Diabetes
Anemia Anorexia, Bulimia, Obesity Osteoporosis

pg. 5
Energy and
11. nutritional requirements
Food-related of consumers 2.
consumer issues impacting on The nutrients and
the natural and economic their functions in the
environment, including human body
public health


Food spoilage,

9. & hygiene, safety,

and storage
Food additives
8. 4.
Food borne Nutritional
diseases functions and

Nutritional and 5.
6. Food
food-related Food fortification
health contamination

pg. 6

Food energy and nutritional requirements of consumers SA dietary guidelines

SALT - Use salt sparingly

FATTY FOODS - Use fats sparingly
SUGAR - Use sparingly ONLY in meals no sugar intake between meals
ALCOHOL – Limit use of alcohol, drink sensibly

STARCHY FOODS - Make starchy foods the basis of most meals


WATER - Drink 6 to 8 glasses of clean, safe water daily
FRUIT AND VEGETABLES - Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit daily
VARIETY OF FOOD - Enjoy a variety of foods
LEGUMES - Eat dry beans, peas, lentils and soya regularly
CHICKEN, FISH, MILK, EGGS - Chicken, fish, meat, milk or egg could be
eaten daily

Carbohydrates Fruit and
(Bread, rice, vegetables
potatoes, pasta) (fresh, frozen,
tinned dried)

(Eggs, beans, meat, Dairy
fish, vegetarian options (milk, yoghurts,
like soya and Quorn) Food & drink high in cheese)
fat/& sugar
(Crisps, chocolates, sweets,
pastries, pies)

pg. 7

Building Maintaining & regulating Energy

• Proteins form the base • Repair and maintain • Provide energy

of all body cells tissue cells • Excess stored as fat
• Build new body muscle • Maintain body functions
cells • Build haemoglobin
• Excess stored as fat • Assist in the formation of
• Enzymes speed up
chemical reactions in the
• Animal sources: Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk & milk products
• Plant sources: Legumes, beans, nuts, soya





Carbohydrates – Energy Nutrients

STARCH • Provide energy

• Saves protein - if there is enough carbohydrates in body little
protein is used for energy
• Provide heat

• Fill you up / give bulk to your diet

• Cellulose ensure your digestive system works properly
(Stimulates Peristaltic Movement)

● Grains & grain products (rice; pasta;
baked goods; porridge; breakfast cereal; etc.)
● Starchy vegetables (potatoes; sweet potatoes; etc.)
● Skin of fruit e.g. apple provides cellulose and fibre


Saturated fats Polyunsaturated fats Trans fats
Fats that are solid at Fats that are liquid at room Fats formed by hydrogeneration,
room temperature e.g. temperature e.g. usually found in:
● Butter ● Sunflower oil, oily fish ● Fried food
● Fat from meat ● Olive Oil ● Doughnuts
● Hard margarine

• Provide energy to the body
• Protect the internal organs
• Contain the fat-soluble vitamins – Vitamin A,D, E and K
• Provide essential fatty acids
• Help to regulate body temperature

pg. 9
• Butter; cream; fatty bacon
• Plant oils (canola; sunflower; olive; peanut)
• Margarine; mayonnaise; salad dressings
• Nuts

Water is classified as a nutrient because it is essential for human survival. It does not provide
energy, and it does not build or repair body tissue.

• Flushes toxins out of vital organs.
• Provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.
• Essential for the body to function properly.
• Transport of blood cells, nutrients and waste products.
• Acts as a lubricant for joints.
• Regulates body temperature.
• Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day to prevent dehydration.

• Clean, safe water.
• Also acceptable: Tea, coffee, juices & soft drinks.
(little sugar, low kilojoules; no caffeine, etc)

pg. 10

Minerals: Classification of Mineral


• Calcium • Iron
• Phosphorus • Zinc
• Magnesium • Fluoride



• Builds strong
Milk, legumes, canned fish, cheese, green leafy vegetables
bones and teeth
• Helps with muscle
• Regulates heartbeat
• Normal functioning of
nerves and muscles



• Helps with the strengthening
Milk, nuts, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, meat
of bones and teeth
• Needed for different
metabolic processes
• Helps with energy release
• Regulates the pH level of
the body



• Involved in enzyme activity Green leafy vegetables, cocoa, chocolate, nuts
• Necessary for synthesis of proteins
• Involved in the functions of
muscles and nerves
pg. 11


• Essential for the Liver, kidneys/ heart, eggs, potatoes, beetroot
formation of red
blood cells
• Carries oxygen in the
Dried fruit, soya products, green leafy vegetables
• Involved with energy
metabolism and



• Helps with the hardening of tooth
Tea Added to
enamel drinking water
• Prevents tooth decay



• Involved with the functioning of
Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts
enzymes in the body
• Involved with different metabolic

Vitamins are small organic compounds that the body needs for normal growth, development and
maintenance of life.
Vitamins are divided into two groups.
Fat-soluble vitamins are Water-soluble vitamins need to be eaten every day
stored in body fat. because an excess of these is excreted in the urine.

pg. 12
VITAMIN A • Healthy eyes, mucus membranes Yellow and orange vegetables, liver,
(Retinol) and skin full cream milk, cheese
VITAMIN D • Helps with absorption of calcium Fortified margarine; liver; full-cream milk;
(Calciferol) • Builds strong bones & teeth sunshine produces Vit D in the skin
VITAMIN E • Powerful antioxidant Vegetable oils, margarine, nuts, seeds,
• Healthy cell membranes leafy greens
VITAMIN K • Helps with blood clotting Green vegetables and dark red berries

VITAMIN B • Important in metabolism Fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy
(Vit B 1 – Thiamine) (Releasing energy from products.
(Vit B 2 – Riboflavin) food) Leafy green vegetables, beans, peas;
(Vit B 3 – Niacin) • Important in cell growth Fortified cereals and fortified breads
(Vit B 12 – Cobalamin) • Supports nervous and
digestive systems
• Needed for healthy skin
VITAMIN C • Powerful antioxidant Fruit & vegetables: citrus, red, green
(Ascorbic acid) • Protects the body against peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, greens;
disease fortified juices
• Helps in healing of wounds
• Important in connective

pg. 13

With the Recovery ATP the Nutritional and food-related health conditions were
divided in THREE years, ONLY STUDY the illnesses given the current year.


Content organised as follows in book


• Coronary heart disease • Food allergies • High & Low blood
• High blood cholesterol • Dairy and gluten intolerance • glucose levels
• 2022
High blood pressure • 2023
Eating disorders •2021
• Anemia Anorexia, Bulimia, Obesity • Osteoporosis


Coronary heart disease, including high blood cholesterol, leading to atherosclerosis

Coronary Heart Disease

Definition of Coronary Heart Disease:

Coronary heart disease is because of the build–up of plaque
in the arteries that supply “food” to the heart. The coronary
heart disease develops when the arteries are blocked or
damaged or when the arteries are dysfunctional.

along the
inner part of
the artery

pg. 14
Causes of high cholesterol Foods to prevent cholesterol
High-fiber foods
An unhealthy diet (especially fatty foods)
Family history (genetic inheritance)
Not exercising
Whole wheat bread
Grilled meat
Too much salt
Olive oil
Beans, vegetables

Prevention and management

• Eat less red meat (small portions, 2-3 per week).
• Increase the intake of oily fish as it contains omega-3 fatty acids that help to lower the blood
cholesterol levels.
• Limit the intake of saturated fats, use margarine instead off butter.
• Limit the use of fats when cooking, use unsaturated fatty acids, e.g., Olive oil and canola oil.
• Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables that contains antioxidants, minerals, fibre.
• Increase the intake of legumes – they are low in fat.
• Be aware of hidden fats e.g., Muffins, biscuits.

pg. 15

UNSATURATED FATS Fats of plant origin: olive, peanut, canola oil,

Help reduce/ oily fish e.g. salmon, mackerel, trout, nuts
Fats found mainly in plants lower the LDL avocado pears, Omega-3 acids
and is a liquid at room cholesterol

SATURATED FATS Increase the blood Animal fats: fatty meat, egg yolks, butter,
cholesterol levels coconut and palm oil
Fats found mainly in and the LDL
animals and is solid at cholesterol
room temperature

Blocked arteries

HYDROGENATED Found in many fried, "fast" packaged, or

TRANS FATS Extremely processed foods, including anything fried and
unhealthy and battered.
Worst for your health. Trans increases LDL-
fats are made when food cholesterol and
makers turn liquid oils into lower the HDL -
solid fats, like shortening or cholesterol

pg. 16
High blood cholesterol

• Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the

• Body needs cholesterol as it is used to build healthy
• If cholesterol levels in the blood are too high.
• It causes a build-up of fatty plaque in the arteries.
• This narrows the arteries and obstructs blood flow.
HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol
(Good) (Bad) • If the heart does not receive oxygen-rich blood, risk of
heart attack is increased.
• Decrease blood to the brain causes a stroke.

Normal artery Narrowed artery • Decrease flow of blood to the limbs causes gangrene.

Factors influencing high

People with higher income often buy
food with higher fat content such as fast
People with lower incomes often grow
their own food and eat less fast foods.
Social- and peer pressure may cause
teenagers to smoke and drink.
Some cultures traditionally consume a
lot of salty, spicy, meaty or fatty foods.

pg. 17
Arteriosclerosis 2022


Description of arteriosclerosis

● Arteriosclerosis is a build-up of plaque (fatty deposits).

● This occurs in the inside of the arteries walls.
● Blood vessels that transport oxygen to the heart, brain, and numerous other body parts.

Part of body affected

1 Less blood to heart = HEART ATTACK
2. Less blood to brain = STROKE
3. Less blood to limbs = GANGRENE

Prevention and management to dietary guidelines

• An unhealthy diet can increase your risks of developing arteriosclerosis.
• Foods high in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, sodium (salt), sugar raise your risks.
• Limit the amount of sodium (salt) that you consume.
• Limit the amount of alcohol that you drink. Too much alcohol will raise your blood pressure.
• Eat balanced meals, rich in fibre and vitamins. (5 portions of fruit and vegetables)
• Eat lean protein e.g., fish, chicken.
• Eat foods containing vitamin A, C and E as they are antioxidants.
• Include mono-unsaturated fat into your diet as they keep your blood circulating smoothly.

pg. 18

Regular physical
activity. Quit

Maintain Manage
healthy Stress

Images source:

High blood pressure (2022)

High blood pressure = hypertension = silent killer

Description of hypertension
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common
condition in which the long-term force of the
blood against your artery walls is high enough
that it may eventually cause health problems,
such as heart disease.

pg. 19
Causes of hypertension

• Not exercising
• High intake of salt (sodium)
• Smoking
• Alcohol
• Genetic factors (family history)
• Obesity
• Stress
• High cholesterol

Lifestyle changes to
Dietary prevention and management
prevent hypertension
Dietary changes – eat healthy or follow a healthy diet:
• Exercise frequently.
• Less salt intake – limit your intake.
• Eat healthy.
• Avoid processed food – biltong, potato chips, salted
• Have regular sleeping patterns.
nuts, nuts, popcorn.
• Do not smoke.
• Replace salt with herbs and spices.
• Do not consume alcohol.
• Eat wholegrain products containing high fibre.
• Sometimes medication is
• Eat low fat dairy products.
• Eat foods – rich in potassium, calcium and
• Maintain a healthy body
magnesium – these minerals lower bold pressure.
• Eat less saturated fats.

pg. 20

Anaemia (2022)

Normal Blood Anaemic Blood

Description of anaemia

• Condition can occur in which the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin concentration within
the blood cells is lower than normal.

• Insufficient red blood cells or a lack of haemoglobin usually due to a shortage of iron, Vit C, Vit B12
and folic acid.

• It can be temporary or long-term or it can be mild or severe.

• This results in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath.

pg. 21
● Most common cause - blood loss.
● Menstrual bleeding.
● Bleeding in digestive or urinary tracts.
● Surgery – ulcer.
● Cancer.

Risk factors for anaemia

These factors place you at increased risk of anaemia:
● A diet low in iron, vitamin B-12 and folic acid.
● Menstruation: loss of red blood cells.
● Pregnancy: lack of multivitamins with folic acid and iron.
● Chronic conditions: cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, or another chronic condition.
● Family history: if your family has a history of anaemia.
● Menopause in women gives greater risk of iron deficiency anaemia than in men.
● Age: people over age 65 are at increased risk of anaemia.

Prevention and management

● Increasing the intake of foods that are rich in iron, folacin, vitamin B-12 and vitamin C:
• Iron: Iron-rich foods include beef and other meats, beans, lentils, iron-fortified cereals, dark
green leafy vegetables and dried fruit.
• Folic acid: This nutrient, and its synthetic form folic acid, can be found in fruits and fruit
juices, dark green leafy vegetables, green peas, kidney beans, peanuts, and enriched grain
products, such as bread, cereal, pasta and rice.
• Vitamin B-12: Food rich in vitamin B-12 include meat, dairy products, and fortified cereal
and soy products.
• Vitamin C: Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices, peppers, broccoli,
tomatoes, melons, strawberries. These also help increase iron absorption.
● Treatment includes increasing water intake.
● Reducing the intake of caffeine drastically.

pg. 22

Terminology (See glossary for description)

Nutritional and food-related health conditions

Macronutrients Saturated fats

Micronutrients Unsaturated fats

Cholesterol Trans fats

pg. 23
Activities grade 12

A. Nutritional and health related diseases

Coronary heart disease, cholesterol, hypertension and anaemia
1.1 Identify the meal that would be the best for a person with high blood cholesterol levels.
A Thai chicken curry, prepared with coconut milk and served with noodles.
B Chicken and lentil stew served with brown rice.
C Roasted chicken served with pumpkin fritters.
D Creamy chicken pasta served with salad. (1)

1.2 Identify the food which is high in cholesterol and should only be eaten in limited quantities.
A Liver, eggs, meat.
B Potatoes, liver, spinach.
C Dried beans, cheese, eggs.
D White fish, dried beans, whole-wheat bread. (1)

1.3 Indicate the combination of statements that is correct with regards to cholesterol.
1. Mono-unsaturated fatty acids increase blood cholesterol levels.
2. Avocado pear is low in cholesterol.
3. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil are low in saturated fats.
4. Cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 mg per day.
5. Include organ meat e. g. liver in the diet daily.
6. A high blood cholesterol level is associated with coronary heart disease.

A 1, 3 and 5.
B 2, 4 and 6.
C 1, 4 and 5.
D 1, 4 and 5. (1)

1.4 Select the food that will contribute to lower cholesterol levels:

A Coffee creamer.
B Sausages.
C Sardines.
D Vanilla cupcakes. (1)

pg. 24
1.5 The milk that may contribute to high cholesterol levels:

A Soya milk.
B Skimmed milk.
C Full-cream milk.
D Low-fat milk. (1)

1.6 Select FIVE CORRECT statements regarding a pasta salad below. Write only the
letters (A–J) next to the question number (1.6) in the ANSWER BOOK.

A The salad has a high-fat content.

B The salad has a high mono-unsaturated fat content.
C It is not suitable for a person with high blood cholesterol.
D It may not help to prevent and manage osteoporosis.
E The bacon/Macon may contain an additive that could cause cancer.
F The salad may help to prevent and manage Anaemia.
G The salad is suitable for a person with a milk allergy.
H It is not suitable for a person with gluten intolerance.
I A person with lactose intolerance can eat the salad.
J The cucumber will assist with the strengthening of the immune system. (5)

2. Answer the following questions on cholesterol.

2.1 Name TWO types of cholesterol. (2)
2.2 Explain the difference between the two types of cholesterol. (2 x 2)

3. Explain why spinach and broccoli are helpful in reducing the cholesterol level in the
blood. (2)

4. Study the list below, that gives various options for breakfast, and then answer the
question that follows:
● Egg, roasted cherry tomatoes and bacon.
● Egg, mushrooms, fresh tomato, bacon and beef sausage.
● Fresh fruit and oats with honey.
● Omelettes rolled with melted cheddar and ham.
● Scrambled egg and cheese on toast.
● Yoghurt mixed with fresh fruit and muesli.
Select the most suitable breakfast choice for a person with high cholesterol levels.
Motivate your choice. (4)

pg. 25
5. Write a paragraph to explain how cholesterol leads to coronary heart disease. (4)

6. Answer the following questions on high blood pressure:

6.1 Name THREE diet-related causes of high blood pressure. (3)
6.2 The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends regular testing of blood pressure.
Write a paragraph to give reasons for this recommendation. (3)

7. Give FIVE nutritional guidelines to manage hypertension. (5)

8. Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.
Saul is a 36-year-old bachelor who very seldomly cooks and regularly eats a lot of junk
food. He always sprinkles extra salt on his food.

8.1 Give a brief description of the cause of hypertension. (2)

8.2 Explain how Saul could reduce the amount of salt in his diet to prevent
hypertension. (5)

9. Read the information below and answer the question that follow.
A poor micronutrient status is known to be associated with food insecurity. In South
Africa, anaemia is a serious health concern. A survey found that almost double the
number of females have anaemia when compared with males.
[Adapted from: The Human Sciences Research Council Review. Volume 11, number 4)

9.1 Explain the link between food insecurity and anaemia. (2)
9.2 Explain the difference in the occurrence of Anaemia between males and females. (2)

10. Answer the following questions with reference to anaemia.

10.1 Give THREE specific dietary guidelines to prevent and manage iron-deficiency
anaemia. (3)
10.2 Provide a good reason for each suggestion. (3)

10.1 10.2.

pg. 26
11. A business runs a food and beverage canteen for employees. A popular light snack is
sandwiches with a choice of fillings. From the list below select a suitable combination for
an employee suffering from coronary heart disease and motivate your choice.


● White ● Butter ● Garlic polony ● Tomato
● Brown ● Margarine ● Smoked chicken ● Cucumber
● Wholewheat ● 'Lite' ● Tuna ● Low-fat
margarine mayonnaise cheese
● Lettuce
12. Read the information below and answer the questions that follow.



Potato crisps → popcorn

Butter → canola oil for food preparation
White, refined flour → brown, wholewheat flour

[Source: Pick-n-Pay Fresh living magazine, October 2016]

Explain reasons for the exchange of the foods above:

12.1 Potato crisps exchanged with popcorn (2)
12.2 Butter exchanged with canola oil for food preparation (4)
12.3 White, refined flour exchanged with brown, wholewheat flour (2)

13 Read the extract below and answer the question that follows. (3)

Ed's mother commented, 'I'm really worried about Ed. Just look at him, he is so
skinny. He loses weight constantly because he restricts his food intake, and he
exercises excessively. He possibly does not eat correctly at university.' Most
parents worry that their child at university is not eating properly. Usually this
concern is unfounded, but sometimes it is not.
[Adapted from The Guardian, 18 April 2014]
Discuss the disorder that Ed's mother is concerned about. (3)

pg. 27

3.1.2 foodborne diseases

Foodborne diseases 2022 – 2023 - Summary of food spoilage

Factors influencing growth of micro-organisms

● Food- bacteria grow best and faster in protein rich food.
● Mould and yeast grow best on carbohydrates.
● Meat, poultry, seafood, milk and milk products, rice and eggs
are most likely to carry pathogenic bacteria.
● Temperature: micro-organisms grow faster at 5⁰C to 60⁰C,
known as the danger zone.
● Time: micro-organisms double every 20 minutes under
ideal conditions.

● Moisture: pathogens need moisture to grow on.

● Oxygen: aerobic organisms need oxygen to grow.

pg. 28
pg. 29

Tuberculosis (TB)


Foodborne diseases
are infectious.
Irritate or poison the digestive
system after consumption of
contaminated foods or drinks.
Develop very quickly and last
for a short time.

pg. 30
Foodborne disease explanation Transmission Incubation
HEPATITIS A Being in contact with: Develop 15-50
* Is contagious Liver disease caused by the hepatitis
● Contaminated days after initial
food or drinks. infection.
* Associated with poor sanitation and lack of
● Infected person does not
personal hygiene.
wash hands after using 28 days
How do I know I have hepatitis A
toilet, and touches food. (4 weeks)

Tuberculosis (TB) ● Inhale of the bacterium Develop in

that causes it. 2 – 12 weeks
* Caused by a bacterium that usually affect the lungs.
● Transmitted through the after infection.
* Opportunistic infection.
* Weakens the
● Not transmitted through
immune system.

pg. 31
E-coli ● Drinking contaminated Develop in
water. 2 - 7 days after
The bacterium normally lives in the intestines of
● Swimming in exposure
healthy people and animals.
contaminated water.
● Eating contaminated
food, faeces of wild or
domestic animals.
● Come into contact with
raw fruit or vegetables.
● In undercooked beef.
● In unpasteurized milk.

Gastroenteritis Transmission Incubation

● Poor hygiene. period Develop
● People with diarrhoea do a few hours to a
Inflammation that irritates the stomach and /or the
not wash hands few days after
thoroughly after using the infection
● Touching your mouth after
contaminated item e.g.,
toy or diaper.
● In contact with or the
consuming of
contaminated foods
and/or drinks.
● Food not properly
● Swimming or playing in
infected water.

pg. 32
Terminology (see glossary for description)

Nutritional and food-related health conditions

e-Coli Saturated Fats Cholesterol Trans fatty acids

Gastroenteritis Unsaturated Fats Hepatitis A Tuberculosis

Activities grade 12
Activity 2: foodborne diseases
1.1.1 Highly contagious viral disease that attacks the liver
A gastro- enteritis
B Tuberculosis
D Hepatitis A (1)

1.1.2 A bacterial infection which is not foodborne but airborne disease

A Dysentery
B Tuberculosis
C Gastro-enteritis
D Hepatitis A (1)

1.1.3 A food-borne disease which takes its name after the bacteria that live actively in
the intestine of animals
A E-coli
B Hepatitis A
C Tuberculosis
D Gastro-enteritis (1)

1.1.4 Thato returned from the matric camp. He had diarrhoea and told his mother that he
had swam in a dam. The dam water in which they swam, was very dirty
A Hepatitis A
B Tuberculosis
C Food poisoning
D Gastro-enteritis (1)

1.1.5 Gastro-enteritis is/will …

A Inflammation of the bones
B Infection of the liver
C Affect the digestive system
D Affect the heart (1)

pg. 33
2. Choose the correct answer in Column B to match the foodborne diseases in Column A and the
incubation period of Column C. Write only the corresponding letter next to the question number:
Foodborne Disease Organs affected Incubation
2.2.1. Tuberculosis A Intestines i 17-20 days
2.2.2 Gastro-enteritis B Liver ii 28 days
2.2.3 E-coli C Stomach and intestine iii 2-12 weeks
2.2.4. Hepatitis D Heart iv 5-10 days
E Lungs v 2-7 days
(4 x 2) (8)

3. Answer the following questions with regards to hepatitis A.

3.1 Define the term hepatitis A. (2)
3.2 Explain why hepatitis A is closely linked to poor sanitation and lack of personal hygiene. (2)

4. Answer the following questions with regards to foodborne diseases.

4.1 State the foodborne disease that is also referred to as stomach flu. (1)
4.2 Outline the transmission possibilities of the above foodborne disease. (4)

5. Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow:

A boarding school had to be closed after 45 learners were diagnosed with


Write a paragraph to explain why so many learners could have been infected by the disease. (5)

6. Foodborne diseases have many transmission possibilities”. Discuss this statement. (6)

pg. 34

3.1.3 Food additives, food labelling

pg. 35
Food additives are substances added to food to
preserve flavour or enhance taste, appearance, or
other sensory qualities.

Food fortification is defined as the

practice of adding vitamins and
minerals to commonly consumed
foods during processing to
Vit A and Iron Iron Vit A fortified Vit A
fortified fortified fortified
increase their nutritional value.

What are food additives

Additives can be natural or synthetic drugs,
examples of natural preservatives
• Salt added to fish and meat.
• Sugar added to fruit.
• Herbs and spices in a variety of foods

Functions / Purpose of additives

• Extend shelf life / Maintain freshness
• Change / retain colour / appearance
and texture (sponginess).
• Improve flavour, taste, nutritional value
• Prevent becoming bad (preserve /
• Part of food processing
• Preserve / preserve food

E-numbers are used to identify various additives.

Important: different numbers NOT for study purposes
Types of additives
• Natural - is found in nature e.g., beet juice extracts which used as colorants.
• Artificial - synthetically made products that are not found in nature, e.g., Niacin, used for
preserving dairy products, semolina and tapioca puddings.

Possible reactions
• Usually do not cause problems but some
people are sensitive to additives such as -
colours, sulphites and benzoates

• Type of reaction (Difference from

individual to individual)
• Skin rash
• Asthma

pg. 36
Safety of additives
1. Often seen as harmful chemicals
2. Some such as salt, vinegar, Vit C, etc. is harmless
3. Use of additives are controlled by law:
3.1 Must be indicated on the label
3.2 Must be used responsibly
3.3 New additives must undergo biological
testing before being released
3.4 May only be used in limited quantities
4. Great concerns about the safety of some additives exist
5. Artificial dye and sodium benzoate have a negative effect on children's behaviour and may
cause hyperactivity
6. Sodium nitrite / nitrate used in bacon - can lead to the formation of cancer cells

Rules for labelling additives

● Tartrazine must be identified
● Mono-sodium glutamate must be
indicated as MSG flavour enhancer
● Antioxidant’s must be indicated by
chemical name / approved
abbreviation as applicable

Effect of additives on food

1. To give food a smoother texture with better consistency
1.1 Emulsifiers prevent ingredients from separating
1.2 Stabilisers and thickeners give a smoother texture

2 Anti-caking agents ensure that substances flow freely (prevent lumps) to enhance the shelf life
of foods/ make them last longer
2.1 Preservatives reduce the risk of waste due to air, mould, bacteria or yeast
2.2 Antioxidants retain the flavour of products as it prevent fats and oils from spoiling
2.3 Additives prevent the flesh of fresh fruit from turning brown (oxidation)

3 To help with the processing/ preparation of food

3.1 Raising agents contain baking soda

4 To enhance the taste/flavour of foods

4.1 Herbs and spices bring out the taste of food, change a flavour or create a new colour
4.2 To enhance the appearance/ colour of food to look more appetising

pg. 37

• Make it possible for oil to mix with

other liquids as they prevent
separation of water and oil.
• Used in margarine, mayonnaise, ice
cream, low-fat spreads, salad
• Lecithin from soy and egg yolk is
use as emulsifier.
• Enrichment – restore/replace lost
• Fortification - increases nutritional
value of food / strengthen the food.
• Ensure daily intake is achieved.
• Vitamins, minerals, amino acids
are added to certain foods.
• Some nutrients like Vit C also have
other functions like preservation or
Bleach and colours
• Dyes retain / improve appearance
in the following ways:
• delay colour loss
• enhance natural colour
• make the food look better
• Small percentage of people are
sensitive to the colouring agent
• Most colour additives do not have to be
declared by name on a label but may
simply be listed as ‘colouring’ or ‘colour

pg. 38
• Affects the physical quality of food
as they give even texture to food.
• Gelatine and pectin are mostly used.

Extends shelf life by protecting food
against deterioration.
● Inhibits or slows down the growth of
micro-organisms spoiling food or
causes food poisoning.
● Shelf life of food is extended.
● Extends safe-use period of food.

Frequently used preservatives

• Sulphur dioxide - prevent
the colour change in dried fruit.
• Sulphites
- inhibit the growth of bacteria in wine
and fermented foods.
- can act as antioxidants.
• Calcium propionate acid prevents moulds
growth in bread and baked goods.
• Nitrate and nitrite - preserve cold meat,
such as ham.
• Benzoates - used in fruit juices.

pg. 39
Additives to improve taste
• Spices, natural and artificial colours
and sweeteners are added to foods to
enhance flavour.
• Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - most
controversial ingredient as some
people show a negative reaction.
• Citric acid - natural preservative, also
give sour taste to soft drinks.

• Chemically concentrates of flavours are

used to boost flavour, like strawberry.

● When fruit juices, fats and oils get
expose to air and reacts to oxygen the
food turn rancid.
● Antioxidants prevent oxidation of fat and
the browning of fruit.

pg. 40
3.1.4 Food Labelling
Main purposes of food labelling
• To give information about ingredients
FOOD LABELLING • To protect the consumer
• To help with healthy food choices

Format of information on food labels

• Must be in English and another official
language if possible
• Must be clearly visible and legible
• Must not easily be removed or washed
• The font size for different types of
information on the food label are

Interpretation of information on food labels

1. Product name
1.1 Must be clearly legible with lettering at least 4mm in height.
1.2 A description must be included if the name/image does not describe it.

2. Image
2.1 May not be misleading.

3. List of ingredients
3.1 Ingredients must be listed.
3.2 Must be in decreasing order, the main
ingredient must be listed first.
3.4 Food additives must be listed according
to requirements.
3.5 Common allergens must be included e.g.,
eggs, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, shellfish, nuts, peanuts.

pg. 41
4. Instruction for use on preparation – cooking methods.
5. Storage instruction - to ensure the product’s quality before and after opening.

6. Net/actual content – mass, volume or serving size.

7. Nutritional information
● Prescribed tabular format.
● Appropriate units e.g., energy value in kilojoules.
● Mass or volume of a single serving.
● Total fat, protein, carbohydrate, and fibre content.
● Logo of the organization that endorse the product
e.g., Heart Foundation or SABS.

8. Nutritional claims – must be done in compliance with the Regulations

9. Mandatory warning
9.1 If the content is under pressure / do not prick or expose container to heat.

10. The name and address of the manufacturer

10.1 If necessary, also the importer, distributor, seller.

11. Date stamps – in format day – month – year

11.1 Date of manufacturer/packaging: to see how old the product is.
11.2 Best-before: indicates the length of time a product will keep its quality.
11.3 Sell-by-date: last date on which a product should be offered for sale.
11.4 Use-by-date: the last date it may be offered for sale and last day it should be used.
Found on perishable foods e.g., milk. May not be safe to eat after this date.

12. Client service or helpline

13. Bar code or price of the product

14. Country of origin

pg. 42
15. Batch identification number.

• To ensure traceability during production, processing and distribution.


Misleading claims about nutrient content on food labels

The purpose of the legislation from the Department of Health is to:
• Prevent misleading claims.
• Provide facts only.
• Avoid confusing the consumer through
words or by implication.
• Provide information for the consumer.

pg. 43
pg. 44

3.2 Food related consumer issues




1. Organic Foods


Refer to the way farmers grow and process agricultural


- without the use of artificial and toxic contaminants, pesticides, herbicides.
- without the use of growth hormones and antibiotics.
- use farming techniques such as crop rotation that will ensure optimal functioning of soil, plants,
animals and people in the eco-system.
Any kind of fruit, vegetables,
meat, milk products and wine.

pg. 45

Certified Organic Means

1. That toxic chemicals (herbicides and pesticides) are excluded from the production process
2. Nothing artificial (“not natural”) is included in the production process
3. Fossil fuel-based fertilizers are not used
4. Farmers use the following sustainable practices:
4.1 Fertilising soil naturally (compost).
4.2 Plant crops suited to the climate and soil type.
4.3 Animals receive no medication, hormones or antibiotics.
4.4 Animals can graze freely.
4.5 Biological pest and weed control are used.

Foods grown by organic methods are more expensive because of:

• Lower yield
• Labour intensive
• High start-up costs
• Mechanical methods used lead to greater energy consumption

pg. 46

• Fewer pesticides less harmful to • Increased risk of diseases like E-coli due to
environment use of organic fertilisers such as manure
• No artificial herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers • Lower crop yields per hectare
hormones • Labour intensive – more wages
• Conserves fossil energy used on farms • Usually more expensive
therefore, less pollution • High start-up costs
• Promotes biodiversity on and around farms • Shorter shelf life
• Food taste better • Appearance of products not perfect
• Creates more jobs, as it is labour intensive

pg. 47
2. Genetic Modified Foods

Manipulation of the genes in the DNA molecule. This word

is by identifying / taking the best features / characteristics
of one organism and transferring them to another

Examples of gm food:
Soybean, corn, cotton, canola, milk eggs, chicken, meat, fruits, vegetables.

Advantages - Consumers:
• Give food security - more people can be fed.
• Cheaper to buy.
• Seasonal products available throughout the year.
• Longer shelf life.
• Improved nutritional value, flavour, colour, size.
Farmers and Manufacturers:
• Longer shelf life.
• More yield per hectare results in:
• Cheaper to produce.
• Sustainable production.
• Higher turnover ensures greater profits.
• Increased insect resistance therefore requires
less insecticides and labour.
• Crops can be grown in environments with low
agricultural potential / unfavourable conditions.

• Harms the environment and disturbs food chain.
• GM crops can pollinate with wild plants to form “super weed”.
• Herbicide resistance can create super uncontrollable weeds.
• Can be considered unethical as GM animals can grow faster
than normal growth, then slaughtered at a younger age.

pg. 48
Labelling of GM foods
• By law GM MUST be indicated on labels.
• It may state claims such as improved nutrient content, but may not make misleading or false

3. Irradiated Foods

Food is irradiated / treated with very short light and

radio waves. The waves penetrate the food and kill
harmful organisms and insects without making the
food radioactive.

pg. 49
1. Make food safer - reduce bacteria and harmful organisms.
2. Longer shelf life - prevent spoilage and waste.
3. Destroy bacteria in herbs and spices and honey.
4. Prevent foodborne diseases.
5. It slows down ripening of fruits and vegetables and sprouting (potatoes).

Disadvantages/ effect of irradiation on food and consumers:

1. Loss of nutritional value. (Vitamins C and E).
2. May cause harmful micro-organisms to
become resistant.
3. Does not destroy all harmful micro-organisms
e.g., viruses.
4. Products can be more expensive.
5. The safety and effect of irradiation not yet clear.

pg. 50
4. Food Security

When all people, have daily access to enough safe and

nutritious food to lead an active and healthy life.

Depends on three main principles

1. Availability of food.
1.1 Always enough food.
1.2 Needs to be safe and nutritious.
2. Accessibility of food.
2.1 Must be able to get food.
2.2 Affordable food for what people want.
2.3 Food should be distributed to where it is needed.
3. Utilization of food.
3.1 Use knowledge of nutrition to safely use food
and water.
3.2 Make responsible decisions to maintain a healthy life.
3.3 Sustainable use of products and water. (do not waste).
3.4 Supply should be sustainable for now and the future.

Factors Contributing to Food Security


• Unemployment and poverty lead to • Locally produce own food (vegetable

insufficient money to buy food. garden).

• Inflation and rising food costs. • Ensure basic food is affordable.

• Irresponsible use of money and • Do not add taxes on basic food.

products. • To be self-sufficient – to be able to
• Political unrest/strikes. provide for yourself and not depend on
government grants.
• Drought / climate change.

pg. 51

On food additives, food labelling, consumer related-isssues

1.1 The type of additive that gives food an even or consistent texture:
A Anti-oxidants
B Emulsifiers
C Preservatives
D Stabilisers (1)

1.2 The use of antioxidants as an additive prevents…

A allergies and separation.
B discolouration and rancidity.
C rancidity and allergies.
D separation and discolouration. (1)

pg. 52
1.3 The picture below shows:


A Food irradiation
B Food security
C Genetic manipulation
D Organic food (1)

1.4 Identify the group of food additives that prevents rancidity and discoloration of food.
A Stabilizers
B Bleaches
C Chemical preservatives
D Antioxidants (1)

1.5 A/An … is the food additive that prevents the ingredients in ice cream from separating.
A emulsifier
B bleaching agent
C gelatinization agent
D preservative (1)

1.6 A disadvantage of organic farming

A Crops cannot be grown in winter.
B Less land is required for growing.
C Weeds are difficult to control.
D Yields of crops are higher. (1)

1.7 Identify the following symbols indicates to a consumer that the product was Irradiated. (1)

pg. 53
1.8 Indicate the type of food additive that is used in each of the descriptions below. Write down
only the word/term next to the question number (1.8.1–1.8.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.8.1 Additives added to margarine to mix oil and water permanently (1)
1.8.2 Additives used in frozen yoghurt to prevent large crystals (1)
1.8.3 Additives added to freshly milled flour to change the yellowish tint (1)

1.9 A person with high blood pressure is also at risk of developing …

A high blood glucose levels, Aids and kidney failure.

B stroke, osteoporosis and anorexia.
C heart attack, stroke and kidney failure.
D heart attack, anorexia and Aids. (1)

1. 1.10 A stabilizer is added to instant pudding to …

A give it an even, smooth consistency.

B prevent the fat from becoming rancid.
C create a lighter colour.
D retard the growth of micro-organisms. (1)

1.11 Food irradiation is a technology that …

A use agricultural methods to sustain the productivity of the eco-system.
B introduces characteristics from one species to another.
C improves the safety of food and extends their shelf life.
D enables a country to be self-sufficient. (1)

1.12 Food security means that …

A South African farmers produce their own food.

B South African goods are sent for sale or exchange to other countries.
C people eat enough safe food for an active healthy life.
D. everyone can afford to buy food.

2. Study the following label and then answer the questions (2.1 – 2.1.3). (3)

100% ORANGE JUICE Water,
orange juice,
potassium nitrate

pg. 54
2.1 Identify the misleading and false claim on the above product. Motivate your answer. (2)

2.2 Answer question 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in a table as shown below.

2.2.1. Identify TWO ingredients used in the product that might cause allergic conditions. (2)
2.2.2. Determine the purpose of these ingredients in the product. (2)

Tabulate as follows:
2.2.1 TWO Ingredients 2.2.2 Purpose

3. Give THREE reasons why antioxidants are used as food additives. (3)

4. Name the THREE allergic reactions to the food additive tartrazine. (3)

5. Explain what organic farming is. (2)

6. Name THREE benefits that organically grown foods may have for the natural Environment. (3)
7. State which foods are most irradiated. (2)
8. Study the label below and answer the questions that follow.
Cooking instructions Typical nutritional information
• Preheat oven to 200 °C. Average Values Per 100 g Per 80 g
• Bake fish cakes on a rack for 15–20 serving serving
Energy 839 kJ 671 kJ
Protein 10,2 g 8,2 g
Tuna (34%), milk, potato, crumbs
Carbohydrate of 18 g 14 g
(contains wheat flour, salt, sunflower oil,
which sugar 0g 0g
water, canola oil), crème fraiche (contains
Total fat of which: 10,5 g. 8,4 g
cream, starter cultures, preservative:
potassium sorbate), batter (contains Saturated fat 2,5 g 2g
potato starch, wheat starch, palm kernel
oil, raising agent, emulsifier), thickener, Trans fatty acids 0,1 g. 0,1 g
butter (contains butter fat, colorant), Monounsaturated fat 5,8 g. 4,6 g
lemon juice, parsley (radiused), onion
powder (radiused), garlic powder Polyunsaturated fat 2,2 g 1,8 g
(radiused), pepper (radiused) Omega 3 578 mg 462 mg
Cholesterol 36 mg 29 mg
Allergens Dietary fibre 2,9 g 2,3 g
Fish, wheat, gluten, cow's milk, sulphur Total sodium 338 mg 270 mg

High in omega 3

8.1 Discuss the possible economic consequences of food radiation could have on the
international trade (import and export) of fresh produce for countries such as South
Africa and Mauritius. (4)

pg. 55
9 Study the label below and answer the questions which follow:

9.1 Identify the ingredient that matches the following:

9.1.1 Found in the largest quantity
9.1.2 Name one preservative added
9.1.3 The allergen found in the food
9.1.4 Weight of product (4)

10. The following information appeared on the label for rusks. Study the information and answer the
questions that follow:

10.1 A product is considered high in salt when containing more than ___mg per 100g
of food. (1)

pg. 56
10.2 State whether the product is high or low in salt. (1)
10.3 The product states that this product is suitable for a Diabetic. Identify the
ingredient on the label substantiating this claim. (1)
10.4 Identify ONE common allergen that are present in the rusks. (1)
10.5 List TWO products from the ingredients which are high in fibre. (2)

11. Read the following case study and answer the questions which follow:

Poor households access their food from the market, subsistence production and transfers
from public programmes or other households. In the past rural households produced most
of their own food, but recent studies have shown an increase in dependence on market
purchases by both urban and rural households, in some cases reaching 90% of the food

Food expenditures can account for as much as 60-80% of total household income for low-
income households in some parts of sub- Saharan Africa. Subsistence/smallholder
agriculture can play an important role in reducing the vulnerability of rural and urban food-
insecure households, improving livelihoods, and helping to mitigate high food price

There is a need to significantly increase the productivity of subsistence/smallholder

agriculture and ensure long-term food security. This can be achieved by encouraging
farmers to pursue sustainable intensification of production using improved inputs.

This will require a dramatic increase in the use of fertiliser, organic inputs, and
conservation investments, combined with the development of well-functioning input and
output markets to help farmers acquire and use improved inputs, market their (surplus)
output and reduce transaction costs and risks.Increased productivity will reduce pressure
on marginal lands, as the intensification of cultivated land will reduce pressure to crop
fragile marginal lands.

There is a need to determine methods of identifying cost-effective ways to improve access

to inputs by, among other things, improving delivery, and assisting farmers to earn cash
to purchase inputs and invest in infrastructure, thereby improving food security.

11.1. Explain the concept of food security. (2)

11.2 Food insecurity is becoming a major worry in South Africa. Using examples from the
case study, explain how increasing the productivity will help solve this problem. (2)

11.3 Discuss the important role that subsistence agriculture can play in food in security. (2)

12. Explain the meaning of the following words:

12.1 Arable land (2)
12.2 Infrastructure (2)
12.3 Subsistence farmers (2)

pg. 57
3.2 Answers for activities
Nutritional and Food Related Health Conditions
Activity: coronary heart diseases, cholesterol, hypertension and anaemia
1.1 B (1)
1.2 A (1)
1.3 B (1)
1.4 C
1.5 C (1)
1.6 A C E H I (Any order) (5)

2.1 Name the TWO types of cholesterol.

Low density lipoprotein (cholesterol)
High density lipoprotein (cholesterol) (2)
2.2 Explain the difference between the two types of cholesterol.
• Low-density lipoprotein is the dangerous/ bad cholesterol. High- density lipoprotein is
the good cholesterol.
• Low-density lipoprotein builds up in the arteries/found in the fat deposits. High-
density lipoprotein gathers up excess cholesterol and transports it to the liver.
• Low-density lipoprotein causes the gradual narrowing of the blood vessels. High-
density lipoprotein is broken down and excreted.
• Low-density lipoprotein contributes to heart disease, while high density lipoprotein
lowers the risk of coronary heart disease. (4x2) ( 4)

3. Explain why spinach and broccoli are helpful in reducing the cholesterol level in the blood.
Dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli contain large amounts of
phytochemicals that help to reduce the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries and reduce
the risk of atherosclerosis (2)
4. Most suitable breakfast choice for a person with high cholesterol levels. Motivate
▪ Yoghurt mixed with fresh fruit and muesli is the best option for the person to eat
▪ Yoghurt –low fat product
• Fresh fruit for vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants
• Fruit no cholesterol
• Muesli high in fibre no cholesterol (4)

5. Write a paragraph to explain how cholesterol leads to coronary heart disease

Cholesterol is found in blood and can build up inside the coronary arteries if the level becomes

pg. 58
too high in the blood. The deposits, called plaque, cause the arteries to narrow , thicken
and harden . This condition is known as atherosclerosis. This blocks the flow of blood and
oxygen to the heart. This causes heart failure/heart attack. (Any 4) (4)

6.1. Name THREE diet-related causes of high blood pressure.

• Excessive/too much salt intake
• Consuming too much fat/refined carbohydrates/overindulgence leads to overweight or
• Excessive/too much alcohol
• Too less intake of fruit and vegetables (3)

6.2. The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends regular testing of blood pressure. Write a
paragraph to give reasons for this recommendation
High blood pressure is known as the silent killer as there are no warning signs or symptoms.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to a heart attack/ stroke/kidney failure/damage to the
eyesight. If people do not test their blood pressure; they will not know that they have the
condition and may suffer the consequences. If people test their blood pressure; they will know if
they have high blood pressure and can then make lifestyle changes/exercise more/stop
smoking/make dietary changes (Any 3) (3)

NOTE: If a paragraph format is not used, ONE mark will be deducted.

7 Give FIVE nutritional guidelines to manage hypertension.

• Use salt sparingly/reduce the amount of salt in your diet/no more than one teaspoon of
salt should be consumed per day/herbs and spices can be used to flavour food instead
of salt.
• Cut down on the consumption of processed foods/salty foods/smoked
meat/bacon/macon/biltong/potato crisps/salted nuts/salted popcorn.
• Watch your weight/lose weight if overweight/limit saturated fat/carbohydrate intake to
prevent weight gain.
• Consume enough calcium/potassium/magnesium.
• Limit the consumption of alcohol.
• Cut down on the intake of coffee and tea.
• Eat a healthy diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol.
• Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
• Choose high-fibre whole-grain cereals rather than refined cereal products.
• Use low-fat or skimmed dairy products. (5)

8.1. Give a brief description of the cause of hypertension

pg. 59
• Hypertension is caused when the blood pressure against the walls of the arteries remains
high for a long time.
• Hypertension develops if the walls of the larger arteries lose their natural elasticity and
become rigid, and the smaller blood vessels become narrower due to blood pressure that
remains high for a long time.
• The pressure of blood that flows in the arteries is measured at a high and a low point If
blood pressure is too high/hypertension puts you at risk of a heart attack/stroke/kidney
damage/eye damage. (Any 2) (2)

8.2 Explain how Saul could reduce the amount of salt in his diet to prevent hypertension
• Saul must use herbs/spices to flavour his food instead of salt.
• Reduce the intake of processed foods/snacks/smoked meat/bacon/biltong/potato
chips/junk foods/salted nuts/peanuts/salted popcorn/salty cracks/pizza as it contains
hidden salt.
• Avoid/limit food that has salt/sodium/sodium chloride/mono- sodium glutamate (MSG)
on the list of ingredients.
• Avoid/limit salty food products/products high in salt which is more than 600 mg/1,5 g
salt per 100 g .
• Do not consume more than 5 g/1 teaspoon salt per day .
• Eat food products low in salt/less than 120 mg/0,3 g salt per 100 g.
• Limit the amount of salt when cooking. (5)

9.1 Explain the link between food insecurity and anaemia.

• Food insecure people do not eat enough food and therefore lack certain nutrients in their
• Anaemia develops because of a lack of folic acid , vitamin B12 or iron . (2)

9.2 Explain the difference in the occurrence of anaemia between males and females.
• More females have / suffer from anaemia than males .
• The main reason for this is that females lose blood during menstruation .
• A loss of blood may lead to / cause anaemia .
• Avoid sprinkling extra salt on cooked food. (Any 4)

10. Provide a good reason for each: Use the table format

pg. 60
10.1.1 Dietary guidelines to prevent iron-deficiency anaemia (3)
10.2.1 Reasons (3)
10.1.1 Dietary guidelines to prevent 10.2.1 Reasons
iron - deficiency anaemia
• Eat liver/ red meat/ fish/ poultry • Iron from animal sources/ haem iron
OR is absorbed better/ more easily than
• Eat food rich in iron, such as liver iron from plant sources.
and red meat
• Eat foods that are rich in vitamin • Vitamin C promotes/ enhances the
C with iron-rich foods. absorption of iron.
• Avoid taking coffee/ tea with • Coffee/ tea can reduce iron
meals. absorption/ The tannin in tea and
coffee forms insoluble compounds
with iron, which inhibits the body’s
absorption of iron

11. Complete the table:

Wholewheat/ 'Lite' Smoked chicken/ Tomato/
brown bread margarine Tuna mayonnaise Cucumber/ Low fat
Reason: Cheese/ Lettuce
Reason: • Will lower the Reason: Reason:
• High in total fat • High in • Tomatoes/
fibre content. protein cucumber/
• Low GI • Protects the • Chicken without lettuce is rich
• Will reduce heart as the skin has a in vitamins/
the blood most lower fat minerals/
cholesterol contains the content. fibre/low in fat
level heart and • Tuna is rich in that reduces
stroke omega-3 fatty the risk of
foundation acids that coronary heart
logo protect the disease.
heart and • Low-fat cheese
blood vessels. has a reduced
fat content
which reduces
the risk
of coronary
heart disease.
NOTE: ONE mark for each choice and ONE mark for a reason.

12.1 Potato crisps exchanged with popcorn

• Crisps are high in fat and trans fatty acids. Popcorn is lower in fat and does not

pg. 61
contain trans fatty acids. therefore it has a lower impact/deposit less fat in the
arteries/ lessens blockage of arteries and contributes to a healthier heart.
• Total fat and trans fatty acids increase cholesterol levels. (Any 2) (2)

12.2 Butter exchanged with canola oil for food preparation

• Saturated fat increases low density lipoprotein levels (LDL) which carry cholesterol to
the arteries where it is deposited.
• This increases cholesterol levels which may lead to atherosclerosis (is a risk factor
for coronary heart disease).
• Canola oil is high in (mono) unsaturated fat.
• This increases high density lipoprotein levels (HDL) which carry cholesterol to the
liver where it is excreted from the body.
• This decreases cholesterol levels, which is beneficial for heart health. (Any 4)(4)

12.3 White, refined flour exchanged with brown, whole-wheat flour

• Whole wheat flour contains more fibre. Fibre has a cholesterol-lowering effect.
and thus less cholesterol deposits in the arteries thus a healthier heart. (2)

13. Discuss the disorder that Ed's mother is concerned about

• Anorexia
• She thinks her son is starving
• He has become thin/comes home so thin/constantly lose weight OR
• Starving and being very thin are characteristics of the disorder (3)
(NOTE: ONE mark must be allocated for anorexia and TWO marks for reasons.)

pg. 62
Answers: Food Borne Disease
Question 1:
1.1.1. D
1.1.2. B
1.1.3. A
1.1.4. D
1.1.5. C (5)

Question 2:
2.1 E (iii)
2.2 C (iv)
2.3 A (v)
2.4 B (ii) (8)

3.1 Describe the term hepatitis A.

Hepatitis: is a highly contagious liver infection that is caused by hepatitis A virus, and it is
excreted in faeces. (2)

3.2 Explain why hepatitis A is closely linked to poor sanitation and lack of personal hygiene.
Hepatitis A spreads in the food environment when an uninfected or unvaccinated person eats or
drinks something that was contaminated by the faeces of an infected person foods or drinks
may become contaminated when an infected person does not wash his/her hands after going to
the toilet and then touches them. (2)

4.1 State the food borne disease that is also referred to as stomach flu.
Gastro enteritis (1)

4.2 Outline the transmission possibilities of the above food borne disease.
Eating or drinking contaminated food or water, or if you share utensils towels or food with
someone who's infected. (4)

5. Reasons why learners where infected with TB

Learners could have been infected with TB when an infected person coughed/ sneezed on their
hands without covering their mouths. Tiny droplets of mucus and saliva could have spread in
the air. and these droplets transmitted the disease to others who inhaled them. Learners at
the boarding school live close to each other. and they breathe the same air for prolonged
periods of time and therefore they could have infected each other, due to little/ no ventilation.
The learners could have eaten food on which tiny droplets of mucus/ saliva had landed. and

pg. 63
the disease could have spread. Staff preparing the food could have been infected and spread
the disease to the food. (5)
(Answer be in paragraph form, minus 1 for not if not in paragraph)

6. ‘Food borne diseases have many transmission possibilities’ Discuss this statement.
Food-borne diseases like hepatitis A, E-coli and viral enteritis can easily spread by the person
who handles the food if they do not wash their hands after using the bathroom. Vectors like
flies and cockroaches take germs directly from faeces to food. Water sources may be directly
contaminated, for example by poorly maintained sewerage systems or foreign substances
dumped into rivers and streams. Humans get infected when they drink contaminated water or
use it to wash clothes or dishes or to prepare food. Bacteria can also be spread from animals
to humans, so you need to wash your hands well after touching animals. (6)

Consumer Related Issues

Answers: food additives, food labelling and consumer related issues
1.1. D
1.2. B
1.3. C
1.4. D
1.5. A
1.6. A
1.7. B
1.8.1 Emulsifiers
1.8.2 Stabilizers
1.8.3 Bleaches
1.9. C
1.10 D
1.11 A
1.12 C
2.1 Misleading and false claim on product:
100% or original orange juice according to ingredients the product has water (2)
2.2 Two ingredients

2.3 Purpose

2.2 Ingredients 2.3 Purpose

Tartrazine Serves as a colorant
Potassium nitrate (2) Acts as a preservative (2)

pg. 64
3. Give THREE reasons why antioxidants are used as food additives.
• Antioxidants preserve the quality of food/lengthen the shelf life of food.
• Prevent rancidity and unpleasant taste and smell in margarine/cooking
oil/biscuits/potato chips/soup mixtures.
• Preserve the colour of fresh cut fruit and vegetables/delay enzymatic
browning/discoloration in fruit and vegetables/fruit juice/soft drinks/ canned
vegetables/frozen fruit. (Any 3) (3)

4. Name THREE allergic reactions to the food additive tartrazine.

• Asthma
• Skin rashes
• Swelling
• Itching/running nose
• It can possibly cause hyperactivity in some children. (3)

5. Organic farming
• Use traditional, non-intensive methods without artificial ones
• Free from insecticides and pesticides
• No hormone, stimulant of growth accelerators is used on livestock to accelerate their
growth rate (2)

6. Name THREE benefits that organically grown foods may have for the natural
environment .
• Chemicals/Fertilizers/Pesticides/Herbicides which could harm the natural
environment is not used.
• Water is cleaner/Pollution is limited/less.
• Organic farming improves soil quality. (3)

7. State which foods are most irradiated.

• Herbs and spices – because of the high bacterial levels
• Imported garlic and honey Potatoes and garlic - to prevent them from sprouting and
growing (2)

8. Possible economic consequences on international trade

• A longer shelf life of food will help during transported to other countries; without
radiation this would not have been possible.
• Radiation enables products such as fresh vegetables and fruits to comply with
quarantine requirements, thus allowing for / no restrictions / increase in trade with

pg. 65
other countries.
• Product quality is enhanced - South Africa / Mauritius has a reputation for good quality
products, which leads to increased trade.
• An increase in international trade means economic growth for the exporting country -
more foreign investment, thus an increase in the international flow of capital - ensures
a good balance in the local economy.
• Without methods to preserve the quality of food, such as radiation, food spoilage can
lead to insufficient food for their population. They will have to import. That would mean
more imports, less exports that would be costly to the country. Job losses - negative
• Job creation (4)

9. Food labelling:
9.1 Cheese
9.2 Potassium sorbate, nisin
9.3 Cow’s milk
9.4 200g (4)

10. 10.1 120

10.2 High
10.3 Xylitol (sugar replacement)
10.4 Gluten / Milk
10.5 Rolled oats
Wheat bran
Sunflower seeds (6)
11.1 Explain the concept of food security.
Food security is the ability of individuals to obtain sufficient food on a day-to-day basis
for an active and healthy lifestyle. (2)

11.2 How increase the productivity will help this problem.

• Will reduce pressure on marginal lands
• Crops will be rotated and less pressure on fragile lands
• Improved delivery
• Farmers earn more cash and can invest in infrastructure. (2)

11.3 Discuss the important role that subsistence agriculture can play in food security:

• smallholder agriculture can play an important role in reducing the vulnerability of

rural and urban food-insecure households

pg. 66
• improving livelihoods
• helping to mitigate high food price inflation. (2)

12 Explain the meaning of the following words:

12.1 Arable land: Soil suitable for planting crops.
12.2 Infrastructure: Large-scale public systems, services , and facilities of a country of
region required for economic activities, including power and water supply
12.3 Subsistence farmers: Succeed at staying alive as there is only enough food of
money survival (3)

3.3 Examination Guidance - How to answer Food and Nutrition

Remember this is the question that has the biggest changes, as the health-related diseases was
divided into three years. The factors focused on is description, causes, prevention and


* Coronary heart disease * High blood cholesterol
* High blood pressure * Anaemia

How to prepare or study for the examination on this topic

• Back to the basic concepts of nutrients, food groups and dietary guidelines of gr 10.
Apply this knowledge in your answering of questions about the health diseases.

• Generic answers like healthy, good, is NOT accepted. Please refer to the nutrient in the food
and clearly state the function of the nutrient

• In case studies ensure that the answer refers to specifics given in scenario first before
addressing additional information.

• Highlight or underline the key concepts in the question. Ensure to follow the direction of the
instruction with regards to the topic. Consider all details given as sometimes there is more
than one factor to consider, look at this example:

2.5.2. Discuss the transmission possibilities of Hepatitis A in the food environment. (10)
Action Verb Discuss (encircled)
Topic Hepatitis A (underlined)
SPECIFIC DETAILS transmission possibilities AND required in the food environment
* In answering the question refer back to facts given IN THE SCENARIO

pg. 67
Typical examination questions / what to expect in the examination
• Learners will be expected to apply their knowledge to various given scenarios and to make
recommendations. Mostly solutions must be provided on how to manage or prevent the different
health related diseases. For example:
3.4 Evaluate the suitability of the fast foods above for the prevention and management of
coronary heart disease.
ACTION VERB Evaluate (encircled) you must give the good and the bad points
of fast foods and then come to a conclusion. Indicate whether it is suitable or not.
TOPIC coronary heart disease. (underlined)
SPECIFIC DETAILS suitability of fast foods AND prevention and management
* In answering the question look at all the different nutrients and explain why
it is good or bad and then make a conclusion on the suitability.

3.5 Read the following cartoon and answer Questions 2.5 – 2.9 that follow.

[Adapted from <>]

2.8 Debate whether the cartoon characters are correct, in their suggestion that
genetically modified foods are safe to eat and pose no risks to the consumer. (6)

pg. 68
ACTION VERB Debate (encircled) you must give the good and the bad points
of genetically modified foods and come to a conclusion. Indicate
whether you think it is safe or not and support with a reason.
(Debate is more or less the same as evaluate)
TOPIC genetically modified foods (underlined)
SPECIFIC DETAILS safe to eat and pose no risks

* In answering the question relate to the health of the consumer and not general points.

4 marks for the debate safe or unsafe and 1 mark for agree or disagree and 1 mark
for a sound reason.

pg. 69
Examples of Examination Questions

In the final NCS Question paper, the content from this booklet will be
covered in Question 3. The total mark allocation for this question will
always be 40 marks. Following are TWO question 3’s as you could expect to
find, named Exemplar 1 and exemplar 2

Exemplar 1
Examination question & answers: food and nutrition

1.1 Match the description from COLUMN B to match the terms in COLUMN A. Write only
the letter (A – G) next to the question number (1.1 – 1.5) on your answer sheet.
1.1 Allergen A A protein that speeds up chemical reaction

1.2 Enzyme B Sugar found in milk

1.3 Lactose C Protein found in grains

1.4 Allergies D An adverse reaction to food or an ingredient in

food that can lead to symptoms
1.5 Food
intolerance E A substance that causes an allergic reaction

F Abnormal reaction of immune system to

substances that are normally harmless

G Charged with or caused to combine with

hydrogen (5)


Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions of Foodborne diseases.
Write only the word/term next to the question number (1.2.1 – 1.2.3) on the folio paper.
1.2.1 Spreads from person to person through infected faeces which attacks the liver.
1.2.2 Caused by breathing in the vapour coughed out by infected person.
1.2.3 Caused by bacillus cereus bacteria and often called stomach flu. (3)

Select combination of three food items for a person suffering from high blood pressure.
Write the letters (A–D) next to the question number (1.3)

A Sweet biscuits
B Potato chips
C Pickled onions
D Fish
E Biltong (3)
F Milk

pg. 70
1.4 Selection
From the list below choose FOUR basic information that must appear on a food.
Write only the letters (A–F) next to the question number (1.4) on the answer sheets

A List of ingredients listed from the smallest to the biggest amounts.

B The nett content of the product.
C When a product only contains a flavour enhancer but not the ingredient itself,
it does not have to be indicated.
D Allergens must be indicated in the ingredients list.
E Fresh fruit and vegetables must have an ingredient list.
F Colourants must be listed with their E-numbers. (4)

Long questions
Question 3 food and nutrition

3.1. Atherosclerosis is an illness related to nutrition and lifestyle

3.1.1. Define the term Atherosclerosis. (2)

3.1.2. State THREE possible causes of the illness. (3)

3.2. Study the case study and answer questions that follow.

Portia is a director at a big financial institution. She often attends business lunches
where they serve lots of fried food and meat dishes. She is always busy and does
not have time to cook. Portia often eats out and orders a lot of ready-made food for
lunch at work. She likes adding salt to his food, drinks an excessive amount of
alcohol and does not exercise regularly. She suffers from high blood pressure. Portia
believes that smoking will help her lose weight.

3.2.1. Describe what high blood pressure is. (2)

3.2.2. Suggest and explain dietary changes Portia could adopt to reduce risk of
high blood pressure. (3)

3.2.3. Eating meat products will help Portia not to develop anaemia. Give a (2)
detailed description of anaemia.

3.2.4. Summarise the causes of Portia’s health problems. (2)

3.3. Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows:

The local supermarket sells a variety organic fruit and vegetables, milk, processed
food and organically produced meat products as well mass-produced products. The
organic vegetables are not as well shaped as the regular products and both the organic
vegetables, and the meat are much more expensive.

pg. 71
3.3.1 Give THREE reasons why you would still choose the organic products rather than
the mass-produced products. (3)
3.4.1. Explain why genetic modification of food creates so much controversy. (2)

3.4.2. Write down THREE ways where the genetic modification of food can be used to
develop food that will offer benefits to the health of the consumer. (3)

3.5. Study the list of ingredients as given on the label of a packet biscuits

Wheat flour Stabiliser Maltodextrin Creamer
Palm oil Emulsifier Beef extract Casein
Salt Tartrazine Flavour enhancer Milk solids
Monosodium Xanthan gum Anti-caking agent Whey powder

3.5.1. Define the term ‘food additives’ (2)

3.5.2. Identify from the list the ingredients that are responsible for:
A. Improving the natural taste of the product
B. Bringing out the flavour in the product
C. Improving the texture as it absorbs water, swells, and thickens
D. Improving the colour of the product

3.5.3. An emulsifier was used in the product to form a stable emulsion when mixed with
water. Give one example of:
A. An emulsifier
B. A food product where this example named in (A) can be found in. (2)

3.6. Read the scenario below and answer questions that follow.
Chef Gali works in a well-known Restaurant in town. She recently suffered from
Hepatitis A. She felt tired and constant nausea, even her eyes became yellow.

3.6.1. Give another name for Chef Gali’s illness. (1)

3.6.2. Discuss transmission possibilities of Hepatitis A in the food environment. (2)

3.7 Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

3.7.1 Identify the type of fat abundant in the dishes above. (1)

3.7.2 Evaluate the suitability of the fast foods above for the prevention and management of (6)
coronary heart disease.
TOTAL [40]

pg. 72
Exemplar 2
Examination Question & Answers: Food and Nutrition


1.1. Identify FIVE CORRECT statements in the list below regarding hypertension. Write
only the letters (A–J) next to the question number (1.6) in the ANSWER BOOK.

A. Avoid processed food. Consume enough potassium, magnesium and calcium.

B. Eat enough chicken and fish. It is caused by consuming too much sodium.
C. Include vitamin C in the diet to help with the absorption of sodium.
D. It increases the workload of the heart.
E. Normal blood pressure is 140/90. People that are anaemic are more likely to
suffer from hypertension.
F. Reduce the consumption of eggs.
G. The walls of the larger arteries lose their natural elasticity. (5)


3.1 List THREE types of information that must appear on a food label. (3)

3.2 Identify the additives that have been used in these biscuits and describe the (4)
functions of each additive in the product.

Chocolate fruit-cookies Ingredients:

Cake flour (gluten), sugar, non-hydrogenated vegetable fat, cocoa, currants,

cranberries, sultanas, salt, vitamin B, preservative sodium benzoate E211,
antioxidant TBHQ, flavour improver (e233), stabiliser.

3.3 Gastro enteritis is a common food borne disease that could be caused by a (4)
bacteria or virus and is very contagious. Discuss how the transmission of Gastro
enteritis can be limited in a food preparation area.

3.4.1 Give a brief description of the food-related health condition, high cholesterol. (3)

3.4.2 Explain how regular checking of blood cholesterol levels can benefit a person (2)
suffering from high cholesterol.

3.4.3 State FIVE dietary guidelines to manage high cholesterol. (5)

pg. 73
3.5 Explain the difference between food allergies and food intolerance by redrawing and
completing the table below in the ANSWER BOOK.


Type of response in the

body (1) (1)
The immune system’s
involvement (1) (1)

3.6 Explain how food irradiation can help South African households to be food secured. (4)

3.7 Study the meal plan below and answer the questions that follow.

125 ml muesli
250 ml low-fat unsweetened, plain yoghurt
50 ml fresh blueberries
1 banana
1 cup of coffee with full-cream milk
1 slice of buttered-whole-wheat bread with cheddar cheese

3.7.1. Evaluate the suitability of the meal plan for a person suffering from anaemia. (5)

3.8. Study the menu below, which is for one day and answer the questions that
Breakfast: Muesli with skimmed milk and a banana, a glass of unsweetened orange
Lunch: Cheese made of reduced-fat cheese and salad sandwich, wholegrain bread
and unsaturated fat spread. Salad ingredients: lettuce, tomato, cucumber
Supper: Jacket potato with baked salmon and broccoli Snacks: Handful of unsalted
peanuts, 3 oat cakes with low-fat cottage cheese.

3.8.1. Study the following statement and answer the question that follows:
‘The menu is suitable for a person with heart disease’.

Analyse the types of fat present in the menu, their sources and discuss how the
inclusion of this choice of fat would benefit a person with heart disease.

pg. 74

3.1.1 Atherosclerosis: when the inner wall of the coronary artery is damaged, plaque
(containing cholesterol) tends to accumulate in layers. As the plaque builds up the
coronary artery hardens and becomes narrower so that blood flow to the heart

3.1.2. State THREE possible causes of the illness.

• Smoking
• High cholesterol
• Inactive lifestyle
• Stress
• Family history
• Heredity (Any 3) (3)

3.2.1. Describe what high blood pressure is.

High blood pressure/ Hypertension is a disease characterised by an increase of the
workload of the heart, causing muscles to thicken and arteries to stretch. It is a
condition when the heart is pumping blood into the vessels at a pressure higher than
normal. (2)
3.2.2. Suggest and explain dietary changes Portia could adopt to reduce risk of high
blood pressure.
Reduce the intake of salt as it leads to high blood pressure. Use herbs and spices
to flavour your food. Limit the intake of alcohol and smoking. Eat less
readymade food as it contains a lot of salt. Limit the intake of fatty food (fried food)
to lose weight. Increase physical activity.
3.2.3. Eating meat products will help Portia not to develop anaemia. Give a detailed
description of anaemia.
Anaemia is a condition that lowers the blood ‘s ability to carry oxygen and it is
caused by lack of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.
3.2.4 Summarise the causes of Portia’s health problems.
• Meat and fried food can lead to high blood cholesterol levels.
• Excessive intake of alcohol leads to high blood pressure.
• High salt intake leads to high blood pressure
• Lack of exercising leads to high blood pressure.
• Excluding dairy products will lead to calcium deficiency and osteoporosis at a
later stage. (3)

pg. 75
3.3. Give FIVE reasons why you would still choose the organic products rather
than the mass - produced products.
1. Organic foods will not be genetically modified.
2. Organic meat and milk are free from growth hormones and antibiotics.
3. Processed organic foods are free from artificial additives.
4. Organic farmers are more concerned about animal welfare.
5. Organic food can taste better.
6. Less fuel is used in the production of organic foods/less pollution
7. Organic animals are fed a natural diet therefore can taste better.
8. Creates more jobs as more farm workers are needed on organic farms. ✓

3.4.1. Explain why genetic modification of food creates so much controversy.

We are not sure that genetic modification is not harmful to humans.
We do not know what the long-term consequences of genetically modified food are. (2)

3.4.2. Write down THREE ways where the genetic modification of food can be used to
develop food that will offer benefits to the health of the consumer.
1. Food can be developed with an increased vitamin or protein content.
2. Allergy-causing properties can be removed from foods.
3. Properties that can prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease
can be included in the food.
4. Fewer chemicals can be used during the production food and that will also benefit
the health of the consumer. (Any 3)

3.5.1 Define the term ‘food additives’

Food additives are natural or chemical substances added to food to preserve or
improve their flavour, texture, or appearance. This happens during the processing
or production processes. Natural additives are lecithin from Soybeans. Some
colourants are man-made.

3.5.2. Identify from the list the ingredients that are responsible for:

A. Improving the natural taste of the product: Salt and monosodium glutamate
B. Bringing out the flavour in the product. Flavour enhancer

C. Improving the texture as it absorbs water, swells and thickens, stabiliser and
D. Improving the colour of the product: Tartrazine (4)

pg. 76
3.5.3. A. An emulsifier Lecithin, egg yolk, soy (1)

B. Food product Mayonnaise, salad dressing, butter, ice cream (1)


3.6.1. Jaundice (1)

3.6.2. A person eats or drinks something that was contaminated by the faeces of an
infected person. Infected person did not wash her hands after using toilet. Poor
sanitation and lack of personal hygiene. (2)

3.7.1 Saturated / animal fats/ trans fatty acids (1)

3.7.2 Evaluate the suitability of the fast foods above for the prevention and management of
coronary heart disease.

• Patties/ cheese/ fries/ milk shake is all high in saturated fats/ animal fat/ lots of
fat and trans-fat which causes the cholesterol/ low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to
build up in the arteries/ increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
• This causes the gradual narrowing of the blood vessels, ✓ the cholesterol
eventually forms plaque which causes the arteries to narrow, thicken and harden
leading to atherosclerosis.
• The single burger is more suitable than the other burgers as it contains less
cheese and fewer patties.
• White bread rolls contain little fibre, fibre is necessary to lower cholesterol
• The takeaway dishes contain too much salt that increases the blood pressure
which is a risk factor of coronary heart disease. (6)
• Coke/ soda/ candy/ sweets/ milks shakes increase the kilojoule/ sugar intake that
will contribute to obesity, increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.
(Any 5)

Conclusion: The foods are not suitable for the prevention and management of
coronary heart disease. ( 1)

pg. 77
Answers to example
2 Exam Food and Nutrition

3.1 Nutritional information, product name , barcode, ingredients, allergens (3)

3.2. Identify the additives that have been used in these biscuits and describe the functions
of each additive in the product.

• preservative sodium benzoate E211 – preserving prevent spoilage

• antioxidant TBHQ –prevent browning of the flour
• flavour improver (e233) – improve the flavour of the product
• stabiliser- to keep the liquid and oil together, thickening (4)

3.3 Gastro enteritis is a common food borne disease that could be caused by a
bacteria or virus and is very contagious. Discuss how the transmission of
Gastro enteritis can be limited in a food preparation area.

An infected person can contaminate food served to others. ✓Stop unhygienic

practices, e.g., infected person handling food ✓ Wash hands after using toilet,
touching face, etc✓ Utensils should be kept clean to prevent cross contamination.
✓Keep food covered ✓

3.4.1. High cholesterol develops when excessive amounts of cholesterol/low density

lipoprotein is deposited in the arteries . This will narrow/block the
arteries/veins/restrict blood flow , cutting off the oxygen supply to the heart/brain
increasing the risk of cardio- vascular disease/heart attack/atherosclerosis/ stroke.
(Any 4) (4)

3.4.2. Cholesterol accumulates slowly/largely unnoticed/no symptoms/may be

genetic/hereditary , therefore regular (blood) checks are necessary to create
awareness/may reveal the condition, only then can the condition be managed/take
medication/make dietary/lifestyle changes .

pg. 78
3.4.3. State FIVE dietary guidelines to manage high cholesterol.
• Control the amount of fat/saturated fat/some seafood consumed on a daily
• Grill instead of frying/cut off visible fat .
• Eat lots of fibre/soluble fibre/oat bran/legumes.
• Eat lots of fruit and vegetables/onions/garlic/anti-oxidants
• Reduce high-fat dairy products/use low-fat dairy products
• Avoid hidden fat /trans-fat in your diet e.g., processed foods/junk foods
containing fat
• Increase the amount of omega 3 fatty acids/fish
• Increase low GI-food
• Cut down on refined carbohydrates/sugar
• Limit alcohol intake
• Limit food with high cholesterol levels e.g., egg yolk/organ meat
• Choose more (poly/mono) unsaturated fats e.g., olive oil, canola oil, avocados,
margarine if poly-unsaturated
• Increase water intake / Avoid excessive/high salt intake (5)


Type of Response to immune Adverse response to food
response/reaction system/immunological Body regards a chemical
in the body response substance in food as
Body sees a harmless harmful/body lacks an
ingredient/protein as harmful/a enzyme to digest food
threat substance
Life Not life
threatening/fatal/dangerous/ threatening/uncomfortable/
more severe less dangerous/severe
A fast response A slow response
(Any 1) (Any 1)
Immune system's Body produces anti- Does not involve the immune
involvement bodies/immunoglobin (IgE) to system/no effect
Yes or No is fight/attack the harmful
acceptable substance/allergen/protein
Involves the immune system
(Any 1) (Any 1)

pg. 79
3.6. Explain how food irradiation can help South African households to be food
• Irradiation reduces/destroys micro-organisms therefore food will last
longer✓and this reduces wastage ✓
• Delays the ripening of fruit/sprouting of potatoes/onions/garlic/greening of
potatoes✓thus the shelf-life/eating quality/freshness of food is lengthened.✓
Households can therefore have food for longer as food spoilage is reduced. ✓
• It destroys pathogenic bacteria✓which prevents food-borne diseases✓ and the
food is safe to eat. ✓
• Destroys salmonella bacteria✓so it improves the shelf life of raw meat, fish and
chicken. ✓
• Delays the ripening of fruit, ✓making it easier to transport/less damage
during transporting. ✓

3.7. Evaluate the suitability of the meal plan for a person suffering from anaemia.
Iron is necessary to form haemoglobin ✓which prevents/manages anaemia. ✓

• Banana/whole wheat bread✓contains folic acid ✓because a shortage of folic acid

can also cause anaemia✓
• The coffee✓because it prevents/inhibits the absorption of iron✓
• If the muesli contains raisins✓which are a good source of iron✓haemoglobin will
be formed✓
• Raisins contain iron✓which is less easily absorbed by the body✓
• There is no food/meat/liver✓which a good source of iron✓
• No good sources of haem iron✓which are more easily absorbed by the body✓
• The blueberries✓contain Vitamin C✓which improves the absorption of iron✓but
the role of the blueberries is minimal in this meal plan.
• Milk/cheese/yoghurt ✓contain Vitamin B12 ✓which manages a certain type of

pg. 80
4. General Examination Tips

There is a great amount of content to study, so do not leave it for the last day. You think that you
have sufficient time, but you do not. The closer you get to the end of the examinations the more tired
you become, so do not forget about this subject that could be scheduled as your last examination
In preparing for your final exams, work through as many past examination papers as you can.
Remember, your success in the final exam will depend on how much extra time you put into
preparing. Be careful to NOT only study the past papers and marking guidelines. The topics stay the
same, but the approach of the questions change. The same question is hardly ever repeated exactly in
the same way.
1. You MUST have a study session every day. STUDY means revising work, NOT doing
homework or work assigned for the day by the teacher.
2. Plan and get SPECIFIC times for studying EVERY DAY, preferable one topic per day.
Study times must become a habit - keep reminding yourself why you are studying.
3. Start working on the topic you feel you struggle with most.
4. Set up a STUDY TIMETABLE that includes ALL subjects and STICK to it.
5. Keep your study sessions short but effective then reward yourself with constructive break. Try
to study at the same time each day. DO NOT break your routine.
6. Do not study on your bed as the brain associates it with sleeping.
This causes you to easily feel tired.
7. Repetition is important to remember the information that you must learn.
Keep going – don’t give up!
8. Self-discipline is key. Be strict with yourself.
9. Connect with a STUDY BUDDY and encourage each other.
Don’t talk about anything else besides the work at hand during your study sessions.
10. Use weekends wisely - Review your class-work over the weekend and catch up on study time
that was lost during the week due to involvement in other school activities.
11. Teach your concepts to anyone who will listen. It might feel strange at first, but it is worth
reading your revision notes out aloud.
12. When you make notes, remember your brain learns well with colours when you underline,
highlight, and circle key words.
13. Create a mind map on every topic that can be revised quickly.
14. Ensure you are familiar with all the action verbs and Terminology (see glossary for description)
commonly used as this will enable you to clearly understand the questions.
15. Work through previous question papers in preparation of the final examination.

pg. 81
Read this section in conjunction with the Examination Guidelines for Consumer Studies.
• The Consumer Studies examination paper consists of a 3-hour paper of 200 marks.
• There are TWO sections, and SIX questions are COMPULSORY.
• The format of the examination paper is shown in the table below.


A 1 Short Questions (covering all topics) 40
B 2 The Consumer 40
3 Food and Nutrition 40
4 Clothing 20
5 Housing 20
6 Entrepreneurship 40
Section A must not be mistaken as the ‘easy’ part of the question paper. All topics and sub-topics in
Grade 12 Recovery ATP may be assessed in this section.
Type of questions you can expect in this section:
Type of Question Tips how to answer this question
Multiple choice • Read through ALL the possible answers: A to D
questions • Cancel out the ones that are totally incorrect.
• Read the other remaining answers again.
• Decide which ONE is the MOST correct.
• Never change an answer if you are not 200% sure that it is
incorrect, first instincts are usually correct.
• If you don’t know the answer GUESS!
Choose the correct • Know the Consumer Studies Terminology (see glossary for description);
word from the abbreviations and acronyms well.
options given in • Read the entire question and then answer it in your mind first.
brackets or from the • Eliminate the wrong answers.
list • Read the question again using your selected answer.
• Answer the questions that you know best first.

pg. 82
Matching items • Match the definition/term/statement of Column B to content given in Column
A, write only the corresponding letter next to the question number.
• There could also be three columns, always match Columns B and C with
Column A.
• First read the column on the right that contains the answers.
• Then look at the column on the left.
• If you don’t know the answer GUESS!

Identification • Read through ALL the answers given.

Items • Cancel out the ones that are totally incorrect.
• If a question asks for a specific number of responses, e.g. THREE, only the
first THREE responses will be marked.
Read the options carefully to determine which ones are correct.
• If you don’t know the answer GUESS!
Correct term • Give the correct term for the description.
• Write only the correct term next to the question number.
• Read the description carefully to determine the correct term.
• Write full sentences.
• No bullets must be given/ Answers can’t be in separate lines.
• Start and end the paragraph by referring to the statement / question asked.
• If a scenario was given do not use the exact wording from the scenario put
answer in your own.
• NOTE: marks are lost if instruction is not followed.

Type of questions you can expect:
• Each question will cover a new topic.
• It may require short or long answers and may include paragraph-type questions.
• Source-based questions are based on tables, pictures, case studies and cartoons.
• It will cover different levels of questions ranging from remembering, understanding, application and
problem-solving questions.

pg. 83
Read through all the questions before attempting to answer any question. Read attentively during the
allocated reading time and make quick notes after the reading time.
Decide which questions will be easier to attempt first.
Allocate the time you will spend on a question so that you do not run out of time.
Ensure that your hand writing is clear and legible. Untidy, illegible writing may result in the loss of marks.

SECTION A (Short Questions)

• It is suggested to attempt the short questions (Section A, Question 1) LAST, as it may lead
to confusion or stress, which may in turn lead to forgetting what you have studied.
• DO NOT leave a line open in between answers to Question 1.
• Write numbers below each other and not next to each other.
• Provide only ONE answer per line.
• Never leave a question un-attempted. GUESS if you must. NEVER leave blank, open spaces.

• Be 100% sure before changing your initial answer. Your first instinct is usually right.
• Be mindful of changing the correct answer to an incorrect one.

SECTION B (Longer Questions)

• Start each question on a NEW page. Leave a line open in-between each of the sub-questions.
• There is adequate paper so do NOT squeeze the last sub-question in at the bottom of a page.
That often prevents you from completing your answer.
• Circle the action verb in each question. The verb gives the instruction and indicates what is
expected in the response.
• Underline or highlight WHAT the question is about.

• Take note of the mark allocation per question: the mark allocation is an indication of the number of
facts required for the full attainment of marks.
• Where a specific number of facts are required e.g., List THREE …, ONLY THE FIRST THREE
facts will be marked.
• Follow all instructions: If the question says write a paragraph, you MUST formulate your answer in
a paragraph format.
• When a question asks you to tabulate your answer it must be presented in a table format. If you
are making a comparison in a table, then the same factors must be opposite one another.
• Where items such as menus, pictures, illustrations, case studies or scenarios are given, keep the
given scenario/context in mind when answering the question.
• Number the questions according to the numbering system used in the exam paper.
• If you do not know an answer, move on to the next question. Time saved on questions can be
used to revisit those challenging questions.
• All questions always start from easy to the more challenging (difficult) ones.
• Stay focused and work until the end of the examination session to use the time

pg. 84
effectively. If you are finished before the time compare the mark allocation of the
questions to your answers. Recheck that action verbs were correctly understood.
• Make sure that NO questions have been left out or unanswered.


It is important to look for the ACTION VERB (the words that tell you what to do) to correctly answer
what the examiner is asking. Use the words in the following table as a guide when answering


Analyse To study or examine something in detail, especially by separating it
into its parts, in order to understand or explain statements made with
Calculate Work out the amount or number of something by using mathematics
Classify Arrange in groups according to similar features or qualities
Comment Write generally about the topic
Compare Describe the similarities and/or differences between the two
Define Explain exactly what is meant (give a clear meaning)
Describe List the main characteristics of something or describe what it looks
Determine Find out; work out through observation or consideration
Discuss Write about the features or qualities of something, giving more than
only one opinion
Evaluate Give an idea of the value of something; assess. Write down positive
and negative aspects and make a decision
Explain Make clear by giving more information (interpret and spell out)

Give/provide/ Name/State Write down only facts

Identify Establish or name who or what someone or something is (e.g.,
Identify the health condition described in this paragraph.)
Indicate as something specific, something to be noted (e.g., Identify
the career needs of such a person.)
Interpret Give the intended meaning of
Justify Provide a good reasoning for the given statement, give reason why
statement is correct
List Write a list of items
Match Pair or put together something with something else to show that there
are link(s) between the two
Quote Copy the exact word or words from a text

pg. 85
Suggest Offer an explanation or solution
Predict Say what you think will happen in the future
Study Look at closely or read it carefully in order to observe or deduce
Tabulate Arrange the information in the form of a table with columns and rows

5.Glossary of food and nutrition:

Nutritional and Food-related Health Conditions
Macronutrients Nutrients that the body needs in large quantities to provide energy
when oxidised such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
Micronutrients Nutrients that the body needs in small quantities for growth,
maintenance, and reproduction such as minerals and vitamins
Cholesterol Cholesterol is a soft, white waxy substance produced in the liver and
body cells. The liver produces all the cholesterol that the body needs

High Cholesterol High levels of cholesterol in the blood can cause a build-up of fatty
plaque on the inner walls of arteries, obstructing blood flow through the

Atherosclerosis The clogging, narrowing and closing of arteries due to the build-up of
cholesterol and other fatty substances in the walls of the arteries

Saturated Fat Fats found mainly in animals and solid at room temperature

Unsaturated Fat Fats found mainly in plants and liquid at room temperature

Trans fat Hydrogenation is the process of converting vegetable oils into


Anaemia Is a condition in which the blood contains fewer red blood cells than
normal in the blood or lack of haemoglobin in the red blood cells due to
shortage of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid It is due to lack of iron

Hypertension Is the condition that occurs when the blood in the arteries pump at a
higher pressure than usual, is the pressure of the blood against the
artery walls is so high as it circulates through the body

pg. 86
Foodborne diseases
Cross contamination The contamination that occurs when bacteria are transferred
intentionally or unintentionally from one surface to another

Pathogenic organism Causing disease or illness

Food borne disease Infections that are transmitted by eating contaminated food or through
contact with contaminated water, animals and other environmental
Tuberculosis Is a serious, chronic bacterial infection affecting mostly lungs
Hepatitis Is a contagious liver disease that is caused by the hepatitis A virus
E-coli Is a type of bacterium that is found in the digestive track (intestines) of
healthy humans and animals and is usually harmless
Gastro-enteritis It is an inflammation that irritates the inner lining of the stomach in
reaction to an infection caused by a virus, bacterium, toxic substances,
or medication
Jaundice A medical condition in which bile pigments in the blood cause yellowing
of the whites of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes
Incubation Time interval between exposure to the organism causing the illness and
the first appearance of symptoms

Food additives, food labelling, food-related consumer issues

Food additives Are substances (natural or artificial) added to foods during production to
preserve or improve their flavour, texture or appearance

Emulsifiers Allow oil and liquid to mix together to form permanent emulsion

Stabilizers Are added to foodstuff to achieve an even texture and to improve the

Bleaches A bleaching agent is added to make flour to make it appear whiter as

freshly milled flour has a yellowish tint

Colourants Natural or synthetic colourants are used to improve the appearance of

food to make it more attractive

Chemical Preservatives Preservatives prevent or slow down spoilage caused by micro-

organisms. They inhibit or retard the growth of micro-organisms
Antioxidants Preservatives prevent or slow down spoilage caused by micro-
They inhibit or retard the growth of micro-organisms

Food security It is when all people have access at all times to sufficient safe, nutritious
food to maintain a healthy and active life

pg. 87
Self sufficiency Farmers consume some of their own produce, therefore they are self –
People keep vegetable gardens or some poultry in order to produce
some of their own foods. The country is able to provide food, through
production or imports, to meet the basic needs of its population

Import To bring something in from another country

Export To send goods for sale or exchange to other countries

Nutrients Are substances found in food that performs a specific function in the
body. Provide energy, build tissues and maintains basic health

Genetically modified and organic grown foods

Genetically modified food Genetic material from one organism is implanted into another
organism to introduce characteristics from one species into another

Organic foods: Are grown without artificial fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, growth
regulators and live-stock additives

It is produced through agricultural methods that sustain the health and

productivity of eco-system

Food irradiation: Is a technology that reduces or eliminate micro-organisms and insects

in food

Improve the safety of food and extends their shelf life

Food security

Food security It is when all people always have access to sufficient safe, nutritious
food to maintain a healthy and active life
Self-sufficiency Farmers consume some of their own produce, therefore they are self
People keep vegetable gardens or some poultry in order to produce
some of their own foods
The country is able to provide food, through production or imports, to
meet the basic needs of its population

pg. 88
8.1 Annexure
Nutritional Health Related Health Diseases 2023 & 2021


Content organised as follows in book
2022 2023 2021
Coronary heart disease Food allergies
High & Low blood
High blood cholesterol Dairy and gluten intolerance
glucose levels
High blood pressure Eating disorders
Anemia Anorexia - Bulimia

Content For 2023

Food Allergies

pg. 89


When the body does not digest or process food
When a person's immune system produces
properly, e.g., a lack of one or more enzymes.
antibodies in response on the intake of certain
Do not involve the immune system and are
seldom life threatening.
It is an immune response to certain foods. It is a
An unpleasant reaction to a specific food or
reaction to foods you have eaten
ingredient every time if eaten.
Occur when the body’s immune system wrongly
A counter-reaction to food because of a chemical
thinks that a food protein is harmful and acts
ingredient in food that the body sees as toxic.
against it

pg. 90
• Symptoms of allergies can occur minutes or hours or days
Skin reactions: itching red rash
after food has been eaten
• Food that are responsible for the most allergic response are:
Breathing reactions –
1. Cow’s milk – avoid dairy products
wheezing, asthma, difficulty to
2. Soya
breath, coughing, sneezing
3. Peanuts
Intestine reactions – stomach
4. Wheat
cramps, nausea, diarrhoea,
5. Tree nuts
vomiting, colic, bloating
6. Eggs – avoid the white of the eggs
7. Shellfish
8. Some food colouring – Tartrazine.
9. Flavouring – monosodium glutamate.
10. Preservatives – benzoates and sulphates.
Anaphylaxis = is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that requires immediate emergency

Prevention And Management:

• Food that causes the allergic reactions must be avoided
• Read the food labels carefully
• Replace foods causing allergies with similar foods – replace cow’s milk with soya milk
• Check the ingredients in the restaurant before you order
• Wear a medical identify alert bracelet or necklace

pg. 91
2023 Milk Allergy And Lactose Intolerance



When the digestive system cannot digest lactose properly.
This is caused by a shortage of the enzyme lactase.
Lactase: is the enzyme that breaks down lactose (milk sugar) to glucose and galactose in the
small intestine.
Too little of an enzyme produced in your small intestine (lactase) is usually responsible for
lactose intolerance.
Most people with lactose intolerance can manage the condition without having to give up all
dairy foods.

pg. 92
2023 Wheat Allergy and Gluten Intolerance

GLUTEN What is Gluten?

INTOLERANCE Gluten is a type of protein commonly found
in wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats. Gluten gives
these certain types of grains the elasticity / ability to hold
together. Gluten / wheat is also an ingredient added to
food to extend their shelf life.

Your genes combined with eating foods with gluten
A strict, lifelong gluten-
free diet is the only way
Infant-feeding practices, gastrointestinal infections
to manage celiac
and gut bacteria might also contribute.
disease. This condition
Sometimes celiac disease becomes active after
is not curable.
surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, viral infection or
severe emotional stress.
When the body's immune system overreacts to
gluten in food, the reaction damages the tiny, hair
like projections (villi) that line the small intestine.

pg. 93
Nutritional And Food-Related Health Conditions

Eating disorders

Anorexia Obesity



ANOREXIA It is a psychological Affects hormones Professional help
NERVOSA eating disorder. Slows down growth Increase the calcium
Common among Too much weight loss intake to reduce
adolescents. stops menstruation osteoporosis.
Unhealthy way of Long-term affect Drink plenty of water
dealing with emotional fertility negatively. throughout the day.
problems. Hair loss; Brittle nails Balanced, high
www. google Have an intense fear of kilojoules diet. Genetic
gaining weight. Zinc tablets can be
CAUSING FACTORS Will go to extremes beneficial.
Anorexia sufferers
• Genetic predisposition to avoid food intake. Stick to the treatment
deal with the genetic
• Psychological factors (Limited kJ intake) plan and do not
characteristics such
• Poor self-image Starve themselves deviate from the
as the tendency
• Environmental: to death. eating plan.
• Society emphasises the Extreme perfectionists. Join a support group.
importance of a thin Hospitalisation
sensitivity, and
body necessary in serious
• Peer pressure
factors: Poor self-

pg. 94
BULIMIA NERVOSA • An eating disorder ● Malnutrition • Get professional
where a person ● Vitamin & Mineral help
consumes large Deficiency (psychotherapy)
amounts of food ● Dehydration • Sufferer needs to
(binging) ● Teeth erosion lead a healthier
• Then get rid of it by ● Damage to the lifestyle
vomiting (throwing vocal cords • Medication to
up) • Sufferers are reduce the
• Purch to get rid of unsatisfied with symptoms of
the food or using their body image bulimia
TWO categories of laxatives and unsuccessful • Psychotherapy
bulimia: in weight loss

1. Frequently vomit, make • Emotional health

use of laxative, diuretic, and social

or enemas after binging expectations can

2. Use other ways to get increase the risk

rid of kilojoules to
avoid gaining weight
like extreme exercise

pg. 95

Definition Obesity

Obesity is a condition of excessive fatness/ body fat/ BMI over 30/ to the extent that it has a harmful
effect on health. Obesity is when a person weighs more than 20% more than the recommended weight
for his/her height/ age.


In most cases of obesity, it is a combination of excessive food (energy) intake and lack of
exercise. Other reasons that cause obesity include:
Medical reasons
Psychiatric illness
Emotional Factors
Lack of sleep
Bad food habits (junk food)/ ‘Hidden factors’

pg. 96
Coronary heart disease
High blood pressure
Type 2 diabetes-The body's blood
glucose, or blood sugar, level is too high.
Cancer-raises the risk of colon, breast,
endometrial, and gallbladder cancers.
Osteoarthritis-a common joint problem of
the knees, hips, and lower back.
Sleep apnoea -common disorder in which
you have one or more pauses in breathing
or shallow breaths while you sleep.
Reproductive problems-can cause
menstrual irregularity and infertility in
Gallstones - hard pieces of stone-like
material that form in the gallbladder.

Terminology (See glossary for description) for 2023

Food allergies Gluten intolerance (Celiac Obesity

Milk allergy Anorexia nervosa Dairy /lactose intolerance

Food intolerance Bulimia nervosa


1. A consumer who wants to prevent osteoporosis but suffers from lactose intolerance, may drink

A strawberry-flavoured milk
B sour milk/amasi

C cream soda flavoured milkshake

D hot chocolate made with milk (1)

pg. 97
2. Identify which nutrition-related condition is depicted in the diagram below

A Dairy intolerance
B Hyperglycaemia
C Hypertension
D Gluten allergy

1.3 Identify THREE statements in the list below that are CORRECT regarding gluten intolerance.
Write only the letters (A–F) next to the question number (1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.

A Allowed to eat rye bread

B May eat maize-meal porridge
C Leads to malabsorption of nutrients
D Do not eat macaroni and cheese
E Not allowed to eat potato salad
F The result of an enzyme deficiency (3)

2. Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow

Rosemary feels overweight. Often, she cannot help herself eating large amounts of food.
She then feels guilty and depressed, so she purges everything she eats. Her worried
mother took her to the doctor who suggested treatment.

2.1 Name the disorder Rosemary suffers from. (1)

2.2 Analyse how the following will assist Rosemary in recovering:

2.2.1 Psychological treatment (4)

2.2.2 Nutritional education and treatment (4)

pg. 98
3. Copy the table about the management of obesity below into the ANSWER BOOK and
complete it.


methods used (1) (1)
intake (1) (1)


pg. 99
4. Study the information below and answer the questions that follow

Nolac milk is milk to which

an enzyme has been added
to make it suitable for lactose
intolerant sufferers.

The milk is rich in calcium

and vitamin D.

4.1 Identify the enzyme that is added to the milk. (1)

4.2 Explain the advantage of adding the enzyme to the milk for a
person suffering from lactose intolerance. (2)

4.3 Explain the reason why Nolac milk is suitable for a person with
osteoporosis. (2)
4.4 State if Nolac milk is suitable for a person with milk allergies. (3)
Motivate your answer.

5. Recommend, with reasons, FOUR dietary guidelines for the management of obesity.
(4x2) (8)


Content organised as follows in book:

2022 2023 2021

Coronary heart disease Food allergies

High & Low blood
High blood cholesterol Dairy and gluten intolerance
glucose levels
High blood pressure Eating disorders
Anemia Anorexia - Bulimia

pg. 100
Content of 2021
2021 high & low blood glucose levels

Glycaemic Index (GI):

Gly- means glucose
Glycaemic index (GI) of food is the ranking of food that aemic – means blood
contains carbohydrates on a scale of 1-100, based on Index – means indicator
Thus, the Glycaemic Index
how fast and to what extent blood-glucose levels are
is a blood glucose indicator
raised after they have been consumed. Foods with
a ranking between 1-40 is classified as low GI.

Carbohydrates like
starches, fruit, vegetables,
dairy products, beans,
lentils and sweet things
digested in stomach and
Converted (absorbed
into the bloodstream)
Stimulates the pancreas
to secrete insulin (helps
body cells to absorb
glucose for energy)
Carbohydrates are broken down to
glucose that is absorbed in the
bloodstream Cake
• Insulin (from the pancreas) Chips
transports glucose from the Dates
bloodstream to the body cells
• Glucose is released in the body cells as energy
Wholegrain s

pg. 101
Gifsa index:
Divides food in four (4) categories



Breads, cakes Low GI breads (e.g., low Bran muffin White bread
and crackers GI Most rye breads Cakes
seed loaf or low GI Croissant Marie biscuits
brown bread), Provita
Cereals and Most All Bran flakes Cooked oats Maltabella porridge
porridge porridge Mealie meal porridge
Weetabix, Corn flakes
Dairy and dairy Milk (full cream, low fat Condensed milk
products and fat free); Buttermilk; Ice cream
Drinks and juices Apple juice; Appleltiser; Iced teas; Mango Energade (sport/ energy
Grapetiser; Peartiser juice; Orange drinks)
juice Litchi juice
Flour Digestive Bran Rye flour Bread flour
Oat Bran Cake flour
Corn flour


● Lowers Cholesterol.
● Lowers specific cancer risks. Lowers heart disease risks.
● Improves type 2 Diabetes as it reduces insulin levels, therefore helps control diabetes and can help
reduce the number of people suffering from diabetes.
● High sugar foods attack the immune system, low GI foods will help reduce the risk of colds and flu.
● Increase energy levels.
● Increased endurance.
● Low GI diets lead to happier people as serotonin levels (soothing) increase.
● Even energy levels - improve attention span and memory.

pg. 102

• When the blood glucose level (blood sugar) in the
blood is abnormally low, e.g., the sudden
withdrawal of glucose from the bloodstream.
• The normal blood glucose level in a person's
blood is 10 ml / litre.
• Hypo = below the normal blood glucose level.

Use the association technique to remember the two different

types (hippo is BELOW the water)


● Eating high GI or fatty foods
● Skipped meals, eating too little or eaten infrequently
● Exercising long and hard without extra food
● Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach
● Diabetic people having too much insulin /diabetic tablets


1. Eat mainly low GI foods - meals and snacks

Glucose is released more gradually into the bloodstream.
Insulin secretion is controlled
Have energy for longer
2. Reduce the total GI of a meal - combine Low and High GI
3. Eat small meals regularly and do not skip meals –

Blood glucose levels remain more constant

4. Eat high GI snacks after exercise to stabilize
blood glucose levels
5. Exercise regularly - Insulin action is promoted
6. Increase low blood glucose levels through food
intake -Raisins, honey, fruit juices or glucose tablets

pg. 103
● Eat low GI foods such as sweet potatoes, canned beans, lentils, chickpeas, whole grain bread,
rye bread, whole grain pasta and brown rice.
● Combine low GI foods with high GI foods.
● Eat high in fibre foods.
● Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads.
● Study food labels to ensure that foods are low GI and contain little carbohydrate, fat and sugar.
● Do not add extra fat and sugar to foods.
● Eat breakfast cereal made from oatmeal, barley and fibre.
● Reduce potatoes intake (allow potatoes and porridge to cool before eating)
● Eat brown, basmati and brown pasta, noodles or quinoa (seeds rich in amino acids).
● Eat smaller portions to maintain blood glucose levels.
● Eat 5-6 small meals a day / do not skip breakfast.


Diabetics can get hyperglycaemia due to:

Intake of foods with high sugar content
Non-insulin injections / other medication use
Not exercising enough
Prolonged stress

● Occurs if blood glucose levels remain too high for too long
● Too many high GI foods are eaten during a meal, which causes the blood glucose to rise rapidly
● The pancreas of a person with diabetes do not produce enough insulin or the cells do not respond
to the insulin which results in elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycaemia)
● Carbohydrates are broken down to release large amounts of glucose into blood
● Insulin action ensures that the excess glucose is to be absorbed

pg. 104
o Avoid high GI foods
o Exercise regularly

Hyperglycemia VS

pg. 105
● Bad eating habits ● Certain medication
and lifestyle ● Pregnancy
● Aging ● Any illness that
● Obesity causes damage to
● Physical inactivity the pancreas
● When blood glucose surges after food intake, and it stays elevated above normal levels,
because insulin is ineffective or inadequate.
● Glucose enters the bodies bloodstream and is used for fuel in our body.
● The pancreas makes insulin. The role of insulin is to move glucose from the bloodstream
into muscle, fat, liver cells to be used. (Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to
control blood sugar).
● Also known as hyperglycaemia.



This type is usually diagnosed in childhood. This type is more common. Usually
➢ Usually genetically transmitted occurred only in adulthood but due
➢ The body makes little or no insulin or is to poor eating habits it is nowadays
resistant to insulin or even both even found in younger children
➢ The cells in the pancreas are destroyed, ➢ Usually due to poor eating
causing a severe lack of insulin. This is habits
when the body attacks and destroys its own ➢ Insufficient insulin is available,
cells, which causes an autoimmune reaction or it is available, but body
cannot use it

➢ Infection
➢ Exposed to
foodborne chemical
➢ Family history


pg. 106
High Sugar Fruits Low Sugar Fruits
Which spike blood For balanced energy

pg. 107
What is Insulin?

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar.

Diabetes can be caused by too little insulin, or resistance to insulin or even both

● Eye problems / Blindness cataracts –
a thickening and clouding of the lens of the eye
glaucoma – pressure builds up inside the eye
● Kidney failure / problems
● Nerve damage
● Heart and blood vessel disease / Heart attacks
● Pregnancy complications
● Tooth and gum disease/infections
● Toe, foot, leg infections (sometimes even
requires amputation)


● Diabetic hyperglycaemic coma
● Atherosclerosis
● Coronary artery disease
● Erection problems
● Hypertension
● Infections
● Stroke
● Vascular disease
● Maintain an ideal body weight

pg. 108
● Active lifestyle, exercise regularly
● Eat a balanced diet
● Get plenty of sleep
● Quit smoking if you do smoke
● Manage stress
● To prevent complications of diabetes, visit your health care provider or diabetes educator
at least four times a year.

● People with type 1 diabetes should eat at about the same times each day and be
consistent with the food they choose, preventing extremely high or low blood sugar.
● Type 2 diabetics should follow a well-balanced and low-fat diet.
● Carry a supply of suitable food with you
● Drink plenty of fluids

“My diabetic research shows that test subjects are 98% more
likely to take their diabetic pills if the pills are covered in

pg. 109
Nutritional And Food-Related Health Conditions

● Osteoporosis is a silent thief that robs many women
of up to 25% of their skeleton by the age of 50.
● Particularly prevalent in women after menopause.
● It increases the risk of bone fractures.
● Changes in the diet are strongly related.
➢ Osteo = bone
➢ Porous = "with holes"
➢ Osteoporosis = bones with holes

● Osteoporosis causes bones to weaken and
become brittle.
● So brittle that a fall or even mild stresses such as
bending over, or coughing can cause a fracture.
● Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly
occur in the hip, wrist or spine.
● Bone is living tissue that is constantly being
broken down and replaced.
● Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone
doesn't keep up with the loss of old bone. vector/osteoporosis-cartoon-bone-vector-


1. Gender – women have lower bone mass than men and more at risk
2. Smoking increases bone loss
3. Excessive alcohol intake – prevents calcium absorption
4. Diet up to 30 years lacking calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and vit D
5. Some medication – such as cortisones
6. Hyperactive thyroid
7. Family history of osteoporosis
8. Body form
9. Excessive weight loss – anorexia
10. Age – menopausal women lose calcium

pg. 110


A number of factors can increase the likelihood of osteoporosis develop but some could not be
Gender: Women are much more likely to develop
osteoporosis than men.
Age: The older you get the bigger your risk .
Race: The risk of getting osteoporosis is
greater if you are light of skin or from Asian descent. osteoporosis/

Family history: Having a parent or sibling with

osteoporosis puts you at greater risk.
Body frame size: Men and women who have small body frames tend to have a higher risk
because they might have less bone mass to draw from as they age.
Hormone levels: Osteoporosis is more common in people who have too much or too little of
certain hormones in their bodies
Medical conditions: The risk of osteoporosis is higher in people who have certain medical
problems, including Celiac disease; Inflammatory bowel disease; Kidney or liver disease.
Cancer; Lupus; Rheumatoid arthritis.

pg. 111
• Follow a calcium rich diet – includes dairy products and vit D
• Take enough Vit C and phosphorus
• Sufficient intake of fluoride
• Take enough multi vitamins in
• Avoid too much protein intake
• Do not smoke
• Avoid excessive alcohol intake
• Do regular weight – bearing exercises
• Hormone therapy replacement

pg. 112
1.1 This drink may be taken with a meal to prevent osteoporosis:
A black tea
B energy drink
C flavoured Milk
D grape Juice (1)

1.2 The food-related health condition that could be managed by choosing carbohydrate-rich food with
a low Glycaemic index:
A Anaemia
B Diabetes
C Hypertension
D Osteoporosis (1)

2. Write a paragraph to explain the effect of high glycaemic index (GI) foods and low glycaemic
index (GI) foods on blood glucose levels. (4)

3. Answer the following questions about diabetes

3.1 Give a brief description of the condition diabetes. (3)
3.2 Explain what the consumer can do to prevent type 2 diabetes. (4)

4. Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow

Wendy and her three sisters live with their grandmother in a one-bedroom, low-cost (RDP)
house. Her grandmother has osteoporosis. The grandmother's pension money is too little
to provide them with balanced meals. Most of the time they eat porridge with milk.

Her grandmother has a small vegetable garden. She grows spinach, onions, green
peppers, tomatoes, carrots, strawberries and oranges for household use.

When her grandmother can afford it, she serves canned fish or eggs with the porridge for
supper. Occasionally they receive food parcels from the Government Feeding Scheme.

Wendy's aunt, who coughs a lot and is generally not well, visited them two months ago.
Wendy recently started coughing severely and has blood in her sputum. She also has
chest pains and is losing a lot of weight.

pg. 113
4.1 Name ONE health-related condition Wendy could be suffering from and explain how the disease
could have been transmitted. (2)

4.2 Name TWO ingredients, besides milk and eggs, that Wendy's grandmother can add to the
breakfast porridge to fulfil increased protein and energy needs. (2)

4.3 Discuss how their diet contributes positively to the grandmother's management of
osteoporosis. (6)

5. Evaluate the impact of the vegetables and fruit on Wendy's health (8)
6. Study the menus for BREAKFAST A and BREAKFAST B below and answer the questions
that follow:

Strawberry, mango, kiwifruit slices Chocolate croissants with cream

xxx xxx
Wholegrain muesli and low-fat yoghurt Cornflakes with milk
xxx xxx
Stewed liver in onion sauce Poached eggs Fried beef sausages
Wholewheat bread and margarine Fried eggs Brown
xxx bread and margarine
Coffee with low fat milk xxx
Coffee with non-dairy whitener

6.1 Identify TWO food items on the menus that must be avoided by a person with lactose intolerance.


1.1 B✓

1.2 A✓

1.3 B✓ C✓D✓(in any order)

2.1 Bulimia/bulimia nervosa✓

2.2 Psychological treatment

● Rosemary will need counselling✓ and support from family and friends for depression and

feelings of guilt. ✓

● She may need to get medication for depression/ anti-depressants. ✓

● The treatment must address Rosemary’s feelings of guilt and psychological needs✓ so that

her physical health✓ and normal eating pattern can be restored. ✓ (Any 4)
2.3 Nutritional education and treatment

● Nutritional education/a dietician will guide her on her eating habit and behavioural management.

pg. 114
✓ This will assist her to stop binge eating/eating large amounts of food/purging. ✓ This will result

in healthier alternatives to manage/stabilize/control her weight. ✓

● Rosemary will be encouraged to eat a balanced diet ✓with enough carbohydrate ✓and fats✓ to
give her energy and proteins to sustain the body. ✓ (Any 4)

3. Copy the table about the management of obesity below into the ANSWER BOOK
and complete it.


COOKING ● Avoid frying food/use less ● Grill/bake/steam food✔
METHODS USED fat in cooking.✔ (1) (1)
CARBOHYDRA ● Reduce the intake of ● Eat wholegrain
TE INTAKE refined carbohydrates/ carbohydrates✓
starch✔ ● Eat low GI food✓
● Eat low GI/unrefined
carbohydrates.✔ (Any 1) (Any 1)
NOTE: One mark must be deducted if not in table format

4.1 Identify the enzyme that is added to the milk.


4.2 Explain the advantage of adding the enzyme to the milk for a person suffering from lactose

The person will not suffer from lactose intolerance side effects anymore✔1 because

lactose (enzyme) lactase will help with the breakdown/ digest✔2 of glucose/ galactose✔3

to the lactose which are absorbed into the bloodstream.✔4

5.1 Nolac milk increase bone density✓.1 contains calcium It contains vitamin D which helps with the

absorption of calcium. ✓ 2 which strengthens the bones/✓

NOTE: No marks for naming the nutrients as they are stated in the question.

5.2 Nolac milk is not suitable✔. Nolac milk contains protein If consumed, / an allergen in milk. ✔2 the

body will harmful✔3 and the immune is system will react✔4 against the protein by building up

6 Recommend, with reasons, FOUR dietary guidelines for the management of obesity.
1. Eat more foods high in fibre. ✔1 This will fill you up/ delay the feeling of hunger✔2 so
that you will eat less. ✔3

2. Eat at least three meals a day/ do not skip breakfast. ✔4 Skipping meals can lead to

overeating later in the day. ✔5 Skipping breakfast slows down metabolism.6✔

pg. 115
3. Reduce the intake of fat/ eat lean meat/ fish/ chicken✔7 as this will reduce the total

energy intake✔8 and contribute to weight loss.

4. Grill/ bake/ steam food✔9 adds more energy/ kilojoules10✔ that

as frying could be stored as adipose fat.11✔

5. Eat low GI food adds more energy/ kilojoules 10 t✔hat12 as this will help with blood

glucose control1 adds more energy/ kilojoules10 t✔hat3 and delay the feeling of

hunger.1 adds more energy/ kilojoules1✔

6. Increase the intake of pulses15✔ adds more energy/ kilojoules✔10as they are filling

adds more energy/ kilojoules10 ✔ and low in fat.17 adds more energy/ kilojoules10

✔ This will reduce overeating.1 adds more energy/ kilojoules10✔

7. Snack on healthy foods/ choosing less junk/ fewer sweets in between
meals19 adds more energy/ kilojoules10 ✔ this will reduce the total kJ intake. 20✔
8. Drink lots of (clean) water21 adds more energy/ kilojoules10 ✔will make them feel

fuller✔22 adds more energy/ kilojoules10 ✔so that they will eat less adds more energy/
9. Eating at least 5 serving/ plenty of fruit and vegetables per day adds more
energy/kilojoules10✔ as they are rich in fibre adds more energy/ kilojoules✔10 and will
reduce hunger.26 adds more energy/ kilojoules10 ✔Therefore they will eat less. Reduce

alcohol intake28 ✔as it is high in energy/ kilojoule value adds more energy/


10. Eat small amounts/ portions of food 3✔will reduce the total energy intake and
contributes to weight loss. (Any 4 x 2) (8)

NOTE: Not exercise or active lifestyle as it is about dietary guidelines.

pg. 116

1.1 C✓

1.2 B✓

1. Foods with a high GI tend to be digested fast ✓and thus supply a sudden/rapid rise✓ in blood-

glucose levels. This provides instant energy. ✓ This triggers the excessive release/over

secretion of insulin✓ to stimulate the removal of glucose from the bloodstream. The sudden
removal of glucose then causes the blood glucose level to drop quickly✓. This then leaves the

blood with too little glucose for immediate energy. ✓ (Any 2)

Low GI food is digested slowly✓ thus the glucose is supplied/released

gradually/slowly/steadily ✓into the blood stream. This means there is a
steady/continuous supply of glucose for energy ✓for a prolonged time/over a long
period✓. The pancreas is not stimulated to produce too much insulin. ✓ (4)
Understanding, moderate (Focus, page 71; Successful, page 77)

NOTE: Learners can get a maximum of 2 marks for the explanation of high GI
foods and a maximum of 2 marks for the explanation of low GI foods.
NOTE: One mark must be deducted if the answer is not written in paragraph format.

1.1 Give a brief description of the condition diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the blood-glucose level is abnormally high✓

because the body cannot control it properly. ✓ It occurs when the beta cells in the
pancreas do not produce any insulin✓ or do not produce enough insulin, ✓ or when

the body does not use insulin effectively. ✓

Diabetes develops when the body does not make enough insulin ✓or is unable to
use the insulin ✓it makes. Insulin is needed to turn sugar into energy. ✓ Without
insulin sugar builds up in the blood/ high blood sugar levels develops✓ (Any 3)

3.2 Explain what the consumer can do to prevent type 2 diabetes.

● There is a link between type 2 diabetes and lifestyle. ✓

● The onset of type 2 diabetes may be prevented or delayed by following a

pg. 117
healthy diet. ✓

● Maintaining a normal body weight✓ as obesity/overweight increases the risk of

coronary heart disease and diabetes. ✓

● Having an active lifestyle/regular exercise ✓helps the body to use insulin more

effectively, ✓which controls blood glucose levels. ✓ (Any 5)

4. Name ONE health-related condition Wendy could be suffering from and explain how the
disease could have been transmitted

Inhaling the bacterium through the air✓ when the aunt✓ coughed/ sneezed/spat/spoke or sung.
✓/They lived in a crowded space with the aunt/being in close contact with the aunt/breathing

the same air as the aunt for prolonged periods. ✓ (2)

4.2 Sugar/Honey/Syrup✓
Non-fat dairy-milk powder/Amasi✓

Peanut butter✓

Vegetable oil/butter/margarine✓ (Any 2)

● They use milk✓ that contains calcium✓, phosphorus✓ and vitamin D✓

that strengthens bones. ✓

● The canned fish, if eaten with the bones✓, will provide calcium✓.

● The spinach✓ provides calcium✓.

● They occasionally eat canned fish (oily fish) ✓ that contains Vitamin D ✓that assists in

the absorption of calcium✓ and its incorporation into the bones. ✓

● The tomatoes✓, oranges✓ and strawberries✓ contain vitamin C✓ which is necessary for

collagen/connective tissue synthesis/building tissues. ✓

● She consumes protein✓ in the fish✓ and milk✓ which assist with connective tissue

synthesis/building tissues. ✓

● She does not eat too many protein-rich foods✓ as the body releases acids into the

bloodstream ✓when it digests protein and draws calcium from the bones to neutralize

the acids. ✓ (Any 6)

NOTE: The foods can only be awarded a mark when linked with the correct nutrient.

pg. 118
Spinach is a source of iron ✓and selenium ✓and plays a role in maintaining a

healthy Immune system. ✓

● Green peppers/tomatoes/strawberries/oranges are rich in vitamin C✓ that build the

immune system and assist people in recovering from infections. ✓ Vitamin C is an

antioxidant which✓ protects cells from damage. ✓

● Spinach/Carrots contain beta-carotene/vitamin A✓ and selenium✓ that are antioxidants✓

which protect cells against damage✓ and keep the immune system healthy. ✓ Vitamin A
keeps the linings of the lungs intact. ✓

● Fruit and vegetables are colourful✓ and may improve the appetite ✓of a person with
tuberculosis. (Any 6)

The seasonal fruit and vegetables will have a positive impact on ✓Wendy's health as they
will meet the increased need for vitamins and minerals/boosts the immune
system/protects the cells against damage. ✓ (2)

5. Identify TWO food items on the menus that must be avoided by a person with
lactose intolerance.
● Cream✓

● Milk✓

● Low fat milk✓ (2)

pg. 119

Anorexia nervosa: Is the restricted food intake to the point of excessive and dangerous
weight loss

The victim literally starves themselves to death

Eating disorder that causes an obsession about body weight and diet
with the fear of gaining weight

Bulimia nervosa: It is when a person eats large amounts of food (binge eating) in a very
short space of time and the gets rid of by vomiting or using laxative or

Obesity: It is when the weight exceeds a standard based on height

Is a condition of excessive fatness to the extent that it has a harmful

effect on health


Food allergy Occurs when the immune system responds to a protein which it
regards as harmful and acts against it

It is a response to the immune system

Milk allergy: Is caused when the immune system reacts to the milk proteins and
regards it as harmful. This can be life threatening

Food intolerance: Does not involve the immune system

Is a non-allergic hypersensitivity to a certain food, drink, food additives

that causes symptoms in the body

Dairy/lactose intolerance: The body lacks the enzyme lactase in the small intestine that breaks
down milk sugars into glucose and galactose so that it can be
absorbed into the bloodstream

Is the inability to digest the lactose (sugar in milk) found in dairy

products due to the lack of enzyme lactase

Gluten intolerance (Celiac Is an intestinal disorder that occurs when the body cannot tolerate
disease): gluten causing inflammation and long-term damage to the walls of the
small intestine that causes the nutrients to pass through quickly
without being absorbed (gluten is the protein found in oats, wheat, rye,

pg. 120
How to use study guide (see
glossary for description)/

Food and nutrition

Organic foods

Veena Govender (CES:SERVICES)
Ronel Henning (Northern Cape)
Catharina J Gebhardt (Gauteng)
Rosemary Busisiwe Xulu (KwaZulu-Natal)
Lesego Portia Smous (North West)

pg. 121
ISBN : 978-1-4315-3538-5

pg. 122

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