50 Academic Passages

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UNIT 1 1-2
UNIT 2 3-4
UNIT 3 5-6
UNIT 4 7-8
UNIT 5 9-10
UNIT 6 11-12
UNIT 7 13-14
UNIT 8 15-16
UNIT 9 17-18
UNIT 10 19-20
UNIT 11 21-22
UNIT 12 23-24
UNIT 13 25-26
UNIT 14 27-28
UNIT 15 29-30
UNIT 16 31-34
UNIT 17 34-35
UNIT 18 36-37
UNIT 19 38-39
UNIT 20 40-41
UNIT 21 42-43
UNIT 22 44-45
UNIT 23 46-47
UNIT 24 48-49
UNIT 25 50-51
UNIT 26 52-53
UNIT 27 54-55
UNIT 28 56-57
UNIT 29 58-59
UNIT 30 60-61
UNIT 31 62-63
UNIT 32 64-65
UNIT 33 66-67
UNIT 34 68-69
UNIT 35 70-71
UNIT 36 72-73
UNIT 37 74-75
UNIT 38 76-77
UNIT 39 78-79
UNIT 40 80-82
UNIT 41 83-84
UNIT 42 85-87
UNIT 43 88-90
UNIT 44 91-93
UNIT 45 94-95
UNIT 46 96-97
UNIT 47 98-100
UNIT 48 101-103
UNIT 49 104-106
UNIT 50 107-108


roots kökler
uncertain belirsiz
ubdoubtedly şüphesiz
herbs yararlı otlar
contain içermek
extremely son derece
ingredients içerik
treatments tedavi
adjudicate karara bağlamak,
Despite its deep roots in China, the future for holistic bütünleyici
traditional Chinese medicine is uncertain. Un-
prescription reçete
doubtedly some herbs contains extremely
powerful active ingredients and these will con- objective objektif, tarafsız
tinue in use whatever happens. But other treat-
ments are much more difficult to adjudicate. mere sadece
The very nature of TCM, with its holistic treat- quackery şarlatanlık
ments and individualised prescriptions, means
it is impossible to produce an objective guide afford paraca gücü yetmek
to what works and what is mere quackery. In likely to muhtemelen olur
the end, money is likely to be the deciding fac-
tor. Those who can afford to pay thousands of call in uğramak
dollars for expensive, but potentially effective,
herbalist aktar
western drugs will do so; those that can’t will do
what they have always done and call in on the
herbalist in the market.



1- The writer of this passage strongly be- 1. Despite its deep roots in China, the future
lieves that -------- for traditional Chinese medicine is uncer-
a) traditional Chinese medicine actually serves
no purpose at all a) unclear b) impossible

b) currently no one can be sure of what will

happen to traditional Chinese medicine in fu-
ture 2. Undoubtedly some herbs contains extre-
mely powerful active ingredients.

2- According to the writer -------- a) elements b) roots

a) while some traditional Chinese herbs are

considered helpful, others may have little effect
3. Those who can afford to pay thousands
b) fortunately Chinese officials will soon bring of dollars for expensive, but potentially ef-
out an objective guide that covers all good and fective, western drugs will do so.
bad Chinese herbs
a) give b) buy

3- What does the abbreviation “TCM” stand

for? 4. For Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is im-
possible to produce an objective guide to
a) Treatments of Chinese Medicine what works and what is mere quackery.

b) Traditional Chinese Medicine a) cheating b) honesty

4- In the writer’s opinion, what is the deter-

minant factor that directs some people to 5. Those that can’t afford will do what they
expensive drugs but others to herbalists? have always done and call in on the herbal-
ist in the market.
a) money
a) visit b) phone
b) education



massive kocaman
numerous çeşitli
province bölge
wind through içinden kıvrılarak
varied çeşitli
terrain bölge
extend uzanmak
estimate tahmin
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is approximately yaklaşık
massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow
Sea, travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and thickness kalınlık
continues west through numerous provinces.
range aralıkta kalmak
For thousands of miles, it winds like a snake
through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls in height yükseklik olarak
extend from the main wall. According to esti-
mates, the Great Wall’s length is approxi- consider değerlendirmek
mately 2,400 miles, its thickness ranges from mistakenly yanlışlıkla
15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to
about 25 feet. For many centuries, the Great construct inşa etmek
Wall has been considered one of the world’s expand genişlemek
wonders. Although it is often mistakenly
thought of as a single wall, the Great Wall is a depend on e bağlı olmak
series of walls that were constructed, recon-
emperor imparator
structed and expanded over several centuries
and, depending on the location, using different regional bölgesel
materials. The massive construction project
was the idea of China’s first emperor, Shi unite birleştirmek
Huangdi, who ended more than 250 years of once yapar yapmaz
regional fighting between several independent
states, and united China. Once in control, Shi border sınır
Huangdi wanted to maintain his power and po- conceive hayal etmek, kafada
sition. The idea to create a massive wall along yaratmak
the northern border of the country was con- bar engelemek
ceived by the emperor to bar assailants from
kingdoms to the north of China. assailants saldırganlar
kingdom krallık



1- As it is pointed out in the passage, the 1. The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chi-
construction of The Great Wall of China nese, is massive.
a) enormous b) functional
a) took no more than a century

b) took a great deal of time 2. According to estimates, the Great Wall’s

length is approximately 2,400 miles.

a) exactly b) roughly
2- The Great Wall of China --------

a) is actually a combination of numerous walls

united together 3. The Great Wall is a series of walls that
were constructed, reconstructed and ex-
b) is a uniform, one piece construction panded over several centuries.

a) enlarged b) repaired

3- What was the reason for building the

Great Wall of China?
4. China’s first emperor, Shi Huangdi ended
a) To create one of the world’s wonders more than 250 years of regional fighting be-
tween several independent states.
b) To block attackers from other countries
a) civil war b) treaty

4- As we understand from the passage,

-------- . 5. The idea to create a massive wall along
the northern border of the country was con-
a) there had been long-lasting conflicts in the ceived by the emperor to bar assailants
area before Shi Huangdi came to power from kingdoms to the north of China.

b) Shi Huangdi was actually a coward King who a) allow b) prevent

had no choice but to build a wall against assai-



issue konu, mesele

poverty fakirlik
territories bölgeler
drained of tüketmek, drene ol-
exceptions istisnalar
deny inkar etmek
entire bütün

When analyzing such a global issue as pov- continent kıta

erty, one should consider historical and cultural in terms of açısından, bakı-
factors. Nations which are nowadays among mından
the poorest in the world were once colonies, or due to the fact that den dolayı
areas from which richer countries exported
slaves; also, some of these territories were sim- contributed to katkıda bulunmak
ply drained of resources. Rare exceptions like access erişmek
Canada or Australia do not deny the fact that,
for example, almost the entire continent of exist var olmak
Africa is a problematic area in terms of poverty
so-called adlı, denilen
and hunger. This happened due to the fact
that colonialism contributed to the establish- hot spots sıcak nokta
ment of conditions where people living in for-
mer colonies cannot access capital or educa- instability istikrarsızlık
tion. In addition, there exist several so-called significant önemli
hot spots in the world where wars and political
instability also cause a significant decrease decrease azalmak
in the quality of life: Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, and
so on.



1- Major factors that contribute to poverty, 1. When analyzing such a global issue as
as mentioned in the text are ---------. poverty, one should consider historical and
cultural factors.
a) colonialism, wars and political instability
a) power b) misery
b) slaves, education and capital

2. Canada or Australia do not deny the fact

2- Why does the writer of the text mention that, for example, almost the entire conti-
Canada and Australia ? nent of Africa is a problematic area .

a) Although there was colonialism in these a) whole b) massive

countries in the past, they are not regarded as
poor countries today.

b) Because there was colonialism there in the 3. Colonialism contributed to the establish-
past, we still see its negative effects on both ment of conditions .
a) helped b) attributed to

3- The writer emphasizes that people living

in former colonies ---------. 4. People living in former colonies cannot
access capital or education.
a) lacked capital and education to a large ex-
tent a) obtain b) accelerate

b) did not know how to use their resources

4- What would be a good synonym for the 5. Wars and political instability also cause a
underlined word in: “some of these terri- significant decrease in the quality of life:
tories were simply drained of resources”. Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, and so on.

a) emptied a) rise b) fall

b) utilized



with sahip olan
expression ifade
phrase tabir, ifade
invariably daima, devamlı
associated with bağlantılı olmak
prosperity refah, zenginlik
wealth zenginlik, mal, mülk
immigrants göçmen
shores kıyılar
collapse çökme
dominating baskın
last sürmek, devam et-
gradually aşama aşama, tedri-
America has been considered to be a country cen
with one of the highest life standards in the foremost en önde giden
world. Not only in the US, but globally people
poverty fakirlik
know the expression, “The American Dream,”
and though each individual puts their own counted saymak
meaning in this phrase, America has been in-
variably associated with prosperity and citizens vatandaş
wealth. Thousands of immigrants have looked classified sınıflandırmak
for happiness on its shores. In the 20th cen-
tury, the US had become one of the two most implies ima etmek
powerful countries in the world; after the col- sustain sürdürmek
lapse of the USSR, America managed to keep
its dominating position. However, it did not sustainability sürdürülebilirlik
last for long; nowadays, more and more re-
prosperous refah
searchers claim America is gradually trans-
forming into a third world country. The fore- traditionally geleneksel olarak
most argument in favor of this thesis must be
the increasing rates of poverty. According
to World Affairs, in 2009, the US counted 43.6
million citizens as officially poor; moreover,
over 19 million Americans were classified as
extremely poor, which implies that they could
hardly find the financial sources to sustain their
living. In practice, it also means the shrinking of
the middle class; the sustainability of the mid-
dle class is traditionally considered to be the
basis of any economically prosperous society.



1- The writer believes that America -------- 1. America has been invariably associated
with prosperity and wealth.
a) is still as economically strong as it was back
in the 20th century a) hardly b) always

b) does not economically rank as high as it was

in the 20th century
2. After the collapse of the USSR, America
managed to keep its dominating position .
2- For the writer, the expression “The Ameri-
can Dream” a) foundation b) fall

a) is not known in the US

b) is globally known 3. America is gradually transforming into a

third world country.

3- In recent years, the middle class in the a) step by step b) rapidly

US --------

a) has grown in size

b) has diminished in size 4. They could hardly find the financial

sources to sustain their living.

4- What is the author’s attitude towards a) continue b) terminate

America’s current financial status ?

a) pessimistic

b) optimistic 5. The sustainability of the middle class is

traditionally considered to be the basis of
any economically prosperous society.

a) poor b) wealthy



point out belirtmek, işaret etmek

situation durum
call for gerektirmek
immediately hemen
without -meksizin
require gerektirmek
reasonable makul, akla yatkın
no matter how nasıl olursa olsun
boast böbürlenmek
Among the advantages of cell phones, one can
obviously point out their simplicity – even a at the same time aynı anda
granny can use it with ease and comfort . They
are also useful for small children and for any- appliances aletler
one facing an extreme situation, when they instead of yerine
need to call for help immediately; As regards
their low price, people are not afraid that the
phone will be lost, broken, or stolen; no danger
of losing other personal data than phone num-
bers and a couple of SMS; considering their
long battery life, nowadays people have almost
forgotten that a phone can be recharged once a
week, not every day; always in touch without a
recharger; cheap phones do no require expen-
sive repairs, because it is cheaper and easier
to buy a new phone then to look for a service
center; it is reasonable to use a phone for call-
ing, not for playing games or taking pictures,
which are often low-quality, no matter how
many megapixels the phone can boast of.



1- This passage mainly fouses on --------- 1. Among the advantages of cell phones,
one can obviously point out their simplicity.
a) advantages of cellphones
a) avoid b) pinpoint
b) disadvantages of cellphones

2. Cheap phones do no require expensive

2- The writer points out that losing a cell- repairs.
phone ----------
a) necessitate b) maintain
a) would cause a considerable expense to its

b) could be compensated relatively easier

3. It is reasonable to use a phone for
calling, not for playing games or taking
3- Which one of the following would run
longer when recharged ? a) sensible b) comfortable

a) a smart phone

b) a cellphone
4. It is reasonable to use a phone for call-
ing, not for playing games or taking pic-
4- The writer strongly believes that --------- tures, which are often low-quality, no matter
how many megapixels the phone can boast
a) we should not trust in the megapixels pro- of.
mised by the smart phone producers
a) regardless of b) instead of
b) whatever is written on phones by producers
is always true

5. Cell phones are also useful for small

children when they need to call for help

a) without hurry b) without delay



various çeşitli
Complex kompleks
calculations hesaplamalar
doesn’t have to gerek yok
numerous çeşitli
appliances aletler
surroundings çevre
due to den dolayı
in the case of durumunda
exposed to maruz kalmak
A smartphone can be easily used as an audio connected to bağlantılı
and video player, an electronic book, a GPS na-
vigator, a photo camera, a web browser, a com- pay ödemek
munication device, a text processor, a business slightly çok az
tool for solving various problems and making
complex calculations. The user doesn’t have released piyasaya çıkarmak
to carry numerous appliances, and can stay lead to neden olmak
in touch with all his or her surroundings due
to the help of mobile applications. However, called adlandırılan
smartphones have numerous disadvantages as
afraid korkma
well (high price; a need of regular of constant
recharges; all personal data stored on one de- so that amacıyla
vice: in the case of losing the phone its owner
will be exposed to various dangers connected
to hacking of their accounts, banking data, per-
sonal notes and content, and so on; size and
weight; expensive service and repair cost; con-
stantly stained screen + viruses. Mention the
obsession of having brand new hardware, so
that users are ready to pay more and more
money for devices that differ slightly and are
released on the market rather often. Hi-tech
gadgets lead to forming a phobia called
F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out): people are
afraid to miss an important event or interesting
information, to be forgotten by their contacts,
so that they have to stay in touch 24/7, post in-
formation and so on.



1- A smartphone is considered riskier be- 1. The user doesn’t have to carry numerous
cause --------- appliances.

a) if you lose it, your personal data may be a) devices b) data

used for fraudulent purposes.

b) if you drop it, its screen may get easily bro- 2. In the case of losing the phone its owner
ken. will be exposed to various dangers con-
nected to hacking of their accounts, bank-
ing data, personal notes and content.
2- Which one of the following has absoultely
more functions? a) In the event of b) In spite of

a) A smartphone
3. Users are ready to pay more and more
b) A mobilephone money for devices that differ slightly and
are released on the market rather often.

3- F.O.M.O. is a phobia -------- a) put b) withdrawn

a) that people may feel when they are losing an

opportunity 4. Hi-tech gadgets lead to forming a phobia
called F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out).
b) that is similar to certain disappointments
a) bring about b) apply to

4- According to the writer, many customers

are unaware that --------
5. The user can stay in touch with all his or
a) a newly released telephone may actually be her surroundings due to the help of mobile
a copy of its predecessor applications.

b) smartphones are more vulnerable to viruses a) as well as b) thanks to

than mobilephones



bear arms silah taşımak
protect korumak
violent şiddetli
assaults saldırı
tend to eğilimli olmak
household ev ahalisi
according to e göre
likely to muhtemelen olur
relative akraba
American Constitution gives citizens a right to alcohol affectation alkol etkisi
bear arms to protect themselves from violent
suicidal intihar
assaults. Unfortunately, reality shows that guns
kept at home tend to be more dangerous for jealousy kıskançlık
the members of a household than for potential
criminals. According to Doctor Cesar Chelala, quarrels kavga
a gun stored at home is 43 times more likely to mental disorders akıl hastalıkları
kill a relative than a robber. Alcohol affecta-
tion, suicidal tendencies, jealousy, quarrels, negligence ihmal
mental disorders, even children’s negligence lead to neden olmak
can lead to a tragedy with firearms involved.
Even when injuries from the domestic gunfire involved olaya dahil olan
are non-lethal, the fact of using it against
injuries yaralanmalar
household members is disturbing. Besides, a
house or an apartment is a rather unsafe place disturbing rahatsız edici
to keep firearms, for they can be stolen. Using
a gun for protection involves will and psycholo- Besides ayrıca, yanı sıra
gical readiness to hurt other individuals. For a task görev
psychologically normal person, it is a difficult
task, except in cases of strong emotional con- except hariç
ditions, such as panic. On the other hand, emotional duygusal
there are individuals who are prone to use fire-
arms against others – the most debated cases on the other hand diğer yandan
refer to teenagers. Adam Lanza from the San-
prone to eğilimli olmak
dy Hook Elementary School was known as an
intelligent, silent teenager until he came to debated tartışmalı
school with a gun and fatally shot 26 people –
20 of whom were children (CNN). Since 1979, refer to ilgili olmak
gun violence has resulted in the deaths of resulted in neden olmak
101,413 children and teens in the USA, which
is more than the total number of American fatal-
ities since the end of World War II, the Korean,
Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars.



1- The writer firmly believes that in the US 1. American Constitution gives citizens a
------------. right to bear arms to protect themselves
from violent assaults.
a) bearing arms do protect people against crim-
inals a) attacks b) requests

b) keeping arms at home may cause fatal acci-

dents 2. According to Doctor Cesar Chelala, a gun
stored at home is 43 times more likely to kill
a relative than a robber.
2- Doctor Cesar Chelala mentions “alcohol
affectation, suicidal tendencies, jealousy, a) similar b) probable
quarrels ” to emphasize the fact that ---------.

a) under the effect of such feelings, people may

use firearms kept at home 3. There are individuals who are prone to
use firearms against others – the most de-
b) they only cause non-lethal accidents bated cases refer to teenagers.

a) disputed b) resolved
3- Adam Lanza from the Sandy Hook Ele-
mentary School was actually ---------.

a) a normal teenager but had inclination to use 4. Gun violence has resulted in the deaths
guns of 101,413 children and teens in the USA.

b) an insane boy who shot 26 people dead. a) caused b) ended

4- For the last several decades more Ameri-

cans are reported to have died in ---------.

a) gun violence

b) wars



consciousness bilinç, farkındalık

foresee önceden tahmin
consequences neticeleri
rabbits tavşanlar
devastate yıkmak, mahvetmek
habitat yaşam ortamı
humanity insanlık
pollute kirletmek
species tür
We have consciousness and the ability to
spread filth pislik yaymak
foresee the consequences of our actions; un-
like rabbits who have devastated the Austra- environments çevre
lian continent and thus destroyed their own ha-
reinvent yeniden icat etmek
bitat, we can foresee and prevent the damage.
Humanity should do everything not to pollute the rest gerisi
nature – no other species is as toxic and de-
up to e bağlı
structive for nature as ours. We should clean
where we have spread filth, radiation, and other going extinct yokolmak
pollution. We should restore environments we
task görev
have damaged. We should reinvent our en-
ergy, make it cleaner, safer for our planet. But abstain from kaçınmak
the rest is up to nature. Species going ex-
intervening karışmak, müdahale
tinct, species appearing – it is not our busi-
ness. Our task is to abstain from intervening
into natural processes; trying to regulate what harm zarar vermek
you do not completely understand will only do
consuming tüketme
harm. Worrying about consuming animals for
food, appealing to morality of those who eat appealing to itiraz etmek
meat, or trying to protect a couple of cute spe-
morality ahlak
cies from “evil humanity” is akin to sitting on a
gunpowder barrel with a burning fuse, and try- cute şirin
ing to make your haircut look prettier. If you evil şeytani
really care about nature, you should accept its
laws and do everything to protect its laws; they akin to benzer
have formed over billions of years, compared to gunpowder barrel barut fıçısı
the period of humankind’s existence, which is a
blink in Nature’s eye. fuse fünye



1. We have consciousness and the ability to

1- According to the writer, people should foresee the consequences of our actions.
give priority to ---------
a) predict b) manage
a) keeping nature clean

b) protecting cute animal species that may go 2. Humanity should do everything not to pol-
extinct lute nature – no other species is as toxic
and destructive for nature as ours.

2- What does the writer mean by saying : ” a) damage b) contaminate

humankind’s existence, which is a blink in
Nature’s eye” ?

a) humans have existed on Earth comparatively 3. The rest is up to nature.

for a very short time
a) depends on b) concentrates on
b) humankind’s existence is determined by Nat-
ure itself
4. Our task is to abstain from intervening
into natural processes.
3- In the writer’s opinion, --------- .
a) result from b) avoid
a) rabbits can protect Nature but humans may
5. Worrying about consuming animals for
b) humans can protect nature but rabbits may food, appealing to morality of those who eat
not meat, or trying to protect a couple of cute
species from “evil humanity” is akin to sit-
ting on a gunpowder barrel with a burning
4- We understand from the passage that it fuse.
is our duty ----------
a) similar to b) different from
a) to find a safer alternative energy

b) to use energy left more economically



solar güneş (sıfat)

unlike tersine
conventional geleneksel
charge masraf
except hariç
installation kurulum
maintenance bakım
fee bedel, ücret
negligible ihmal edilebilir
ongoing devam eden
Solar energy, unlike other sources of conven- raw ham
tional energy, is free from monthly or other
charges, except the first installation and such as gibi
maintenance fees. Operational costs are also coal kömür
negligible. Solar energy does not require
costly and ongoing raw materials, such as redundant fazla, atıl
coal or oil, and unlike conventional power pro- price bedel, ücret
duction, operational labor is redundant. Pro-
fessor Richards Hans from the University of keep devam etmek
South Calgary (2012) notes that the prices of reduce düşürmek, azaltmak
fossil fuels keep increasing and the production
price per watt of solar energy has reduced by power plant güç santralı
60% in the past five years. This, together with grid şebeke
the fact that solar energy power plants may be
independent from the national energy grid, is a localities alanlar, yerler
significant advantage for people in isolated lo- cost-effective maliyet düşürücü
calities; solar energy is more cost-effective
and practical for self-reliant societies, or those self-reliant özerk, bağımsız
who live in rural or isolated areas. It is practical rural kırsal
since it is much cheaper to install solar energy
systems than putting up power lines; it is install kurmak
cost-effective due to conventional sources of put up döşemek, dikmek
energy depending on a variety of factors, like
power lines enerji hattı
transportation of petroleum and frequent main-



1. Solar energy, unlike other sources of con-

1- The writer clearly states that --------- . ventional energy, is free from monthly or
other charges, except the first installation
a) all types of energy sources require standard and maintenance fees.
monthly maintenance costs after installation

b) solar energy does not entail extra costs after a) costs b) installations

2. The production price per watt of solar en-

2- Professor Richards Hans from the Univer- ergy has reduced by 60% in the past five
sity of South Calgary emphasizes that years.
--------- .
a) fallen b) risen
a) today solar enegy is definitely advantageous
for those who live in isolated places

b) the high cost of installation still makes solar 3. Solar energy is more cost-effective and
energy far from acceptable practical for self-reliant societies.

3- We can infer from the passage that in fu- a) expensive b) economical

ture --------- .

a) solar enegry will be used more and more 4. It is practical since it is much cheaper to
install solar energy systems than putting up
b) conventional sources of energy will still out- power lines.
weigh other alternative energy sources
a) set up b) bring down

4- What does the expression “operational

labor is redundant” mean in the text ?
5. It is cost-effective due to conventional
a) there is almost no need for maintenance sources of energy depending on a variety of
costs factors, like transportation of petroleum and
frequent maintenance.
b) more and more workforce is needed

a) repairs b) activations



pressure baskı
curiosity merak
stave off defetmek, engelle-
furthermore ilave olarak
convinced ikna olmak
pot esrar otu
compared with kıyaslandığında
like gibi
thoroughly baştan sona, komple
The use of marijuana in the United States starts
at an early age of between 12 and 17, usually substances madde
due to peer pressure and curiosity. For sev- named diye adlandırılan
eral decades now, many youngsters have be-
lieved that smoking marijuana is no big deal – it entrenched öyle kabul etmek
simply helps to stave off stress and to have acceptable kabul edilebilir
fun. Furthermore, some adults are also con-
vinced that pot is relatively ‘safe’ when com- cannabis esrar otu
pared with other hard drugs like cocaine or
heroin. However, the truth is quite the opposite
of this commonly held belief. Having thor-
oughly examined the harm of all known psy-
choactive drugs and narcotic substances for
the human body and the society overall, British
scientists named marijuana the eighth most
dangerous drug. The United States Congress
entrenched marijuana as ‘no acceptable medi-
cal use’. Yet today, of the total 50 states, 16
have legalized the medical use of cannabis.
Medical cannabis is claimed to be a safe and
useful treatment for such medical conditions as
cancer, pain, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and
epilepsy, among others.



1- What does “pot” mean in the text ? 1. For several decades now, many young-
sters have believed that smoking marijuana
a) a kind of drug is no big deal – it simply helps to stave off
stress and to have fun.
b) the same as marijuana
a) get rid of b) keep up with

2- The writer points out that the use of mari-

juana ---------. 2. Furthermore, some adults are also con-
vinced that pot is relatively ‘safe’ when com-
a) is still considered safe, and is taken to avoid pared with other hard drugs like cocaine or
stress by youngsters heroin.

b) is regarded as a harmful drug by some re- a) Moreover b) In the end

searchers in several countries

3. Having thoroughly examined the harm of

all known psychoactive drugs and narcotic
3- Even though the USA Congress sees substances for the human body and the so-
marijuana as a dangerous drug, ---------. ciety overall, British scientists named mari-
juana the eighth most dangerous drug.
a) its medical use is in fact confirmed in a quar-
ter of states
a) constantly b) completely
b) British scientists are still trying to prove its
medicinal benefits
4. Medical cannabis is claimed to be a safe
and useful treatment for such medical con-
ditions as cancer.
4- The writer of the passage states that
--------. a) cure b) application

a) due to its harmful content medical use of

cannabis should be banned all over the world 5. The United States Congress entrenched
marijuana as ‘no acceptable medical use’.
b) cannabis is said to be treating such disor-
ders as cancer, pain, glaucoma, multiple sclero- a) established b) refused
sis and epilepsy, and others


UNIT 11 - --------------?-------------- VOCABULARY

damage to hasar vermek

opposing arguments karşıt görüşler
assume farzetmek
expand büyümek,
significantly epeyce
on a mass scale devasa ölçüde
essentials temel ihtiyaçlar
facilities tesisler
involve içermek
Though nowadays it is more often claimed that exploitation kullanma
humanity can develop without causing damage
in turn buna karşılık
to nature, there still exists strong opposing ar-
guments to this hypothesis. Development as- inevitably kaçınılmaz olarak
sumes economic growth, and economic growth
associated with bağlantılı
is impossible without industry, which needs en-
ergy resources. Currently, the range of goods lead to neden olmak
required by common people has expanded
severe şiddetli
significantly compared to the times before
modern industrial technology was employed on inseparable ayrılmaz
a mass scale. People feel the need, not only inflicted on uğratmak, vermek
for primary essentials, such as a piece of
bread and a roof over their heads, but also for
various facilities and luxuries. Providing
humanity with these objects involves the ex-
ploitation of natural resources. In turn, the
conventional sources of energy we use today
cause pollution, so economic growth is almost
inevitably associated with environmental da-
mage. Constant economic growth leads to the
increase in the rate of industrial production.
With the expansion of industry, more conven-
tional resources are needed, and since their
usage causes severe pollution, it can be con-
cluded that economic growth is inseparable
from the damage inflicted on the environment.



1.Though nowadays it is more often claimed

1- What would be the best title for this text? that humanity can develop without causing
damage to nature, there still exists strong
a) Economic Growth and Environmental Da- opposing arguments to this hypothesis.
a) get rid of b) keep up with
b) Conventional and Modern Sources of Energy

2. Furthermore, some adults are also con-

2- In this text the writer seems to be in favor vinced that pot is relatively ‘safe’ when com-
of those who claim that --------- pared with other hard drugs like cocaine or
a) humanity can develop without harming nat-
ure a) Moreover b) In the end

b) development can not take place without ex-

ploiting natural resources
3. Having thoroughly examined the harm of
all known psychoactive drugs and narcotic
substances for the human body and the so-
3- We understand from the passage that the ciety overall, British scientists named mari-
need for facilities and luxuries---------. juana the eighth most dangerous drug.

a) can only be met by inevitably damaging the

environment a) constantly b) completely

b) will be fulfilled by using clean energy in near

4. Medical cannabis is claimed to be a safe
and useful treatment for such medical con-
ditions as cancer.
4- The enviranmental damage caused by
the exploitation of natural resources is in a) cure b) application
fact a consequence of ---------

a) increasing demand for luxuries and facilities

5. The United States Congress entrenched
b) the competition between countries marijuana as ‘no acceptable medical use’.

a) established b) refused



sign işaret, belirti

gadget cihaz
addiction bağımlılık
so-called diye adlandırılan
constantly sürekli
miss kaçırmak
relatives akrabalar
and so on ve benzeri
manifest göstermek
desire arzu
One of the most common signs of developing participate in katılmak
gadget addiction is the so-called FOMO, or
“the fear of missing out.” People with this syn- phantom hayalet
drome feel that they must constantly stay on- vibrate titreşim
line in order not to miss something exciting or
interesting that their friends might share; the alert uyarmak
same refers to the fear to miss important news, incoming gelen
be it news on TV, or a message about the
health of a person’s relatives or friends, and updates güncellemeler
so on. FOMO can also manifest itself in the abstain from kaçınmak
desire to comment on every little thing happen-
ing online – sometimes just to show that a per- urge dürtü, istek
son is also “there,” participating in the lives of
their friends. Other common symptoms include,
for example, the phantom cellphone syndrome.
This is rather common even among people who
have little or no gadget addiction; in the case of
this addiction, gadget users tend to feel that
their phone is vibrating, alerting them about
incoming messages or updates. However,
when they check it, they see that there were no
alerts, it was just their imagination. Anxiety
when abstaining from using a phone, or an
urge to answer all incoming messages and
emails immediately after receiving them may
also be a symptom of gadget addiction.



1- According to the passage FOMO is a kind 1- People with this syndrome feel that they
of fear that people feel ---------. must constantly stay online in order not to
miss something exciting.
a) when they think they haven’t heard of recent
developments in social networks or in real life a) occassionally b) all the time

b) anxious about the health of their friends or

2- FOMO can also manifest itself in the de-
sire to comment on every little thing hap-
2- It is clearly stated in the passage that a pening online.
person who suffers from “phantom cell-
phone syndrome” is ---------- a) show b) withdraw

a) said to be just hallucinating

b) believed to be gradually going insane
3- Sometimes just to show that a person is
also “there,” participating in the lives of
3- Which one of the following can be ac- their friends.
cepted as a sympton of gadget addiction?

a) if you feel worried when you are away a) joining in b) precipitating

from your cellphone

b) if you leave your phone here and there

unintentionally 4- Anxiety when abstaining from using a
phone, or an urge to answer all incoming
messages and emails immediately after re-
4- The writer of this passage decribes ceiving them may also be a symptom of
what FOMO is --------- gadget addiction.

a) but gives no advice to treat the problem a) preventing b) avoiding

b) and presents proper solutions to overcome

the problem

5- An urge to answer all incoming messages

and emails immediately after receiving them
may also be a symptom of gadget addiction.

a) emergency b) motivation, drive



throughout boyunca
overprotected aşırı korumalı
municipal belediye
obstacles engeller
occupations meslekler
misfortune talihsizlik
occur meydana gelmek
appeal to başvurmak
subtle ince, hassas
tender narin, çıtkırıldım

Throughout the recent decades, American otherwise aksi takdirde

youth seem to have become overprotected by annoying sinirlendirici
parents, relatives, municipal services, and the
society in general. The ways in which different obvious açık
obstacles, substances, and occupations af- self-sufficient kendine yeten
fect young people are numerous: society tries
to protect young people from every little misfor- imply ima etmek
tune that might occur in their lives and politi- predefined önceden belirlenmiş
cians appeal to youth protection problems to
gain political benefits. All this may create an im- afford vermek
age of a young person as a subtle and tender leap into içine atlar, dalar
being that needs to be protected and taken
honest labor dürüst çalışma
care of, otherwise something terrible might
happen. This is annoying; in fact, the only and schedule program
the best possible thing that can be done by par-
competitive rekabetçi
ents for their children is to let them live their
lives seperately. burden yük
at least en azından
The benefits of independent living for a devel-
oping personality are obvious. One of them is expenditures masraflar
that such a person quickly becomes self-suffi-
working bee işçi arı
cient and learns how to sustain themselves –
they just have to do it. The most common sce- drone erkek arı, asalak
nario is when a teenager goes to college, which
often implies living in a different city, on cam-
pus or a rented apartment. Staying at home
with parents allows young people to live by pre-
defined parental rules and affords the luxury
of being unemployed. However, the sooner a
youngster leaves their parents and leaps into
the adult world, the sooner he or she will under-
stand the value of money and honest labor;
the sooner they will learn to organize their
schedule; start developing and improving their
skills to be competitive in the labor market;
they will also stop being a financial burden for
their parents, or at least share the part of finan-
cial expenditures with them. In other words,
being a working bee is better than being a



1- Throughout the recent decades, Ameri-

1- The writer of this text seems to favor the can youth seem to have become overpro-
idea that --------- tected by parents, relatives.

a) young people must be overprotected by par- a) Following b) Over

ents, relatives, society and governments

b) young people should be granted freedom to 2- This is annoying; in fact, the only and the
live their lives independently best possible thing that can be done by par-
ents for their children is to let them live their
lives seperately.
2- Why does the writer stand against the
current system towards the youth in the a) irritating b) surprising

a) Because the current system gives the youth 3- The benefits of independent living for a
an impression that they are too vulnerable. developing personality are obvious.

b) Because the currents system brings an extra a) vague c) clear

load to the government expenses.

3- The sooner a youngster leaves their par-

3- The writer points out that young people ents and leaps into the adult world, the
---------. sooner he or she will understand the value
of money.
a) may not understand what labor is if they
keep staying with their parents a) leaves b) enters

b) obviously know the real value of money

wherever they attend shools 4- They will also stop being a financial bur-
den for their parents.

4- What do the underlined words refer to in a) drone b) transportation

the sentence, ” being a working bee is bet-
ter than being a drone.”

a) a working bee refers to a student living with

his parents, while a drone refers to an em-
ployed one

b) a drone refers to an unemployed students,

wheres a working bee refers to an unemployed



encourage cesaret vermek
accessible erişilebilir
spam istenmeden yolla-
mak, bir alanı istem-
neden doldurmak
gadgets ıvır zıvır alet
for a child’s sake çocuğun iyiliğine
hold organize etmek
engaged in meşgul olan,
moderate orta karar, ılımlı
About twenty years ago, when the Internet was
not so easily accessible, and daily life was not vigorous hareketli
spammed with all kinds of gadgets and elec- interactions etkileşim
tronic toys, children used to spend much more
time outdoors. Nowadays, however, children peers akranlar
prefer to spend free time at home, as this way on average ortalama olarak
they can watch more TV, play XBox or Playsta-
tion, play games on their parents’ tablets, and senior kıdemli
so on. Although this may also be more comfor- fellow şahıs
table for parents, as they can watch and control
their child easier when at home, for a child’s conscious of bilincinde olmak
sake, it is better to encourage him or her to beneficial to faydalı
play outdoors. According to a new study held in
Australia, teenagers who are regularly en- overall genel
gaged in moderate-to-vigorous outdoor activ- well-being esenlik, zindelik
ity tend to have better health and easier social
interactions than their peers who prefer to screen ekran
stay at home and play games. On average, the
difference in time spent outdoors for these two
groups was about 2.5 hours. Bamini Gopinath,
a senior research fellow at the university’s
Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Re-
search, says that “Parents should be con-
scious of the fact that outdoor physical activity
is beneficial to their child’s overall health and
well-being, and should try to limit the time their
child spends in front of the screen”.



1- Almost two decades ago, kids ---------. 1- About twenty years ago the Internet was not
so easily accessible, and daily life was not
a) spent more time indoors spammed with all kinds of gadgets and elec-
tronic toys.
b) spent more time outdoors
a) full of b) responsible for

2- The writer claims that all those gadgets,

electronic toys and internet ---------. 2- According to a new study held in Australia,
teenagers who are regularly engaged in moder-
a) are actually beneficial to children’s health ate-to-vigorous outdoor activity tend to have
better health.
b) are indirectly hazardous to children’s health
a) weak b) active

3- A study held in Australia proves that

---------. 3- The benefits of independent living for a de-
veloping personality are obvious.
a) sedentary children are healthier
a) vague c) clear
b) hectic children are healthier
3- Parents should be conscious of the fact that
outdoor physical activity is beneficial.
4- What solution does the writer bring to the
problem of “techno children” ? a) useful b) disadvantegous

a) They should be banned from using their gad-

gets altogether. 4- Parents should try to limit the time their child
spends in front of the screen”.
b) They should be given less time to use their
gadgets. a) mobile phone b) TV


UNIT 15 - --------- VOCABULARY

wonder harika
in perspective bakışa göre
literally tam olarak, harfiyen
revolutionize devrim yaratmak
stand durmak, bulunmak
on the edge of kenarında
imply ima etmek
matter madde
dimensions boyutlar
Among all the technological wonders of moder-
nity, there is one that, in perspective, can lit- approximately yaklaşık olarak
erally revolutionize reality. During the recent involve içermek
two centuries, there have been several such
discoveries: electricity, radio waves, flight, nu- manipulating yönetmek
clear energy, the Internet, and others. But to- estimated tahmini
day humanity stands on the edge of some-
thing completely new – nanotechnology. humanity insanlık
What exactly is nanotechnology? According to exist var olmak
the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative, na-
notechnology implies the ability to understand turn into dönüştürmek
and control matter at dimensions between ap- artificial muscle yapay kas
proximately from 100 up to one nanometers; it
also involves imaging, measuring, modeling, self-healing kendini onaran
and manipulating matter at the estimated such as gibi
length scale. Nanotechnology is still in the pro-
cess of development, but nevertheless it can al- concrete beton
ready surprise humanity with wonders that cracks çatlaklar
were impossible several decades ago. For ex-
ample, there exist special carbon nanotubes ship hull gemi teknesi
that are able to turn into an artificial muscle; knit örmek, onarmak
there is a 3D printer that can print new cancer
drugs; there already exist self-healing materi- era çağ
als such as concrete that fills in its own cracks
to ship hulls that knit back together; there were
created viruses that convert pressure into elec-
trical energy, and so on. These and other inven-
tions are just the beginning of a new technologi-
cal era.



1- According to the writer which one of the 1- Among all the technological wonders of
following may change reality? modernity, there is one that, in perspective,
can literally revolutionize reality.
a) nuclear energy
a) break through b) bring forward
b) nonotechnology

2- Nano technology involves imaging, mea-

2- We can understand from the passage that suring, modeling, and manipulating matter
nanotechology ---------. at the estimated length scale.

a) is still in its development process a) guessed b) eliminated

b) has already been developed completely

3- There exist special carbon nanotubes that

3- The examples like “3D printer and carbon are able to turn into an artificial muscle.
nanotubes” are given in the paragraph to
---------. a) change into b) break into

a) emphasize the possibilities that are created

by nanotechnology
4- There already exist self-healing materials
b) demonstrate how nuclear energy and radio such as concrete that fills in its own cracks.
waves have so far served the humanity
a) unlike b) like

4- Which one of the following would be a

better title for this passage?

a) Nanotehnology 5- These and other inventions are just the

beginning of a new technological era.
b) Technological wonders of modernity
a) decade b) age


UNIT 16 - ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE whole grains; it should be low in fat and added
sugar. In particular, people who ate a “Mediter-
ranean diet” are reported to have had a 28 per-
cent lower risk of developing a mild cognitive
impairment, and a 48 percent lower risk of pro-
gressing from this impairment to Alzheimer’s
disease. All this suggests that proper nutrition
can help prevent the development of Alzhei-
mer’s disease.

Although humanity has greatly advanced in the

matter of treating various diseases, there still
exist health problems that neither medicine nor
science has been able to solve. Cancer, HIV,
Ebola, and other major illnesses kill thousands
of people every year. However, there are disor-
ders which not only influence the human body,
but also twist and distort the way the human
mind works. Among such diseases one of the
most often diagnosed problems is Alzheimer’s
disease. It is impossible to cure, but possible to
prevent; therefore, people of all ages and pro-
fessions should be aware of this problem, and
the ways one can avoid it – especially consid-
ering the number of misconceptions sur-
rounding this sickness. Alzheimer’s disease
generally means memory loss and the de-
crease of intellectual capabilities in a degree
that interferes with the daily life of a pa-
tient. Unlike many people tend to think, Alzhei-
mer’s disease is not a normal part of aging,
although the majority of people suffering from it
are above 65 years old; however, there are
cases when people in their 50′s or even 40’s al-
ready show some of this illness’ symptoms. In
its early stages, patients suffer a mild loss of
memory, but at later stages, they lose their abil-
ity to carry on conversations and to respond
to their environment. On average, it takes
from eight to twenty years for the symptoms to
become noticeable, depending on the patient’s
age and other health conditions. Although there
exists no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, studies
show that physical exercise (or physical activity,
in general) may play a role in reducing the risk
of Alzheimer’s disease. Also, a number of stu-
dies suggest that eating certain foods can help
an individual keep their brain healthier, thus
preventing the development of Alzheimer’s dis-
ease. In particular, such a preventive diet
should include lots of fruits, vegetables, and



treating tedavi etme 1- According to the writer Alzheimer’s dis-

ease ---------.
disorders hastalıklar
twist bükmek a) affects both the human mind and the body
distort bulanıklaştırmak b) affects the human mind but not the body
diagnosed teşhis koyma
aware of farkında olmak 2- The writer claims that today Alzheimer’s
avoid kaçınmak disease ---------.
misconceptions yanlış kanı a) can be cured with right medicine
surrounding saran, çevreleyen
b) is still incurable but preventable
memory loss hafıza kaybı
capability kapasite
3) In order to prevent the risk of Alzheimer’s
interferes with karışmak, müdahale disease the writer ---------.
patient hasta a) offers almost no solid solution
case vaka b) makes several suggestions
stage safha
4) It is clearly stated in the passage that
mild orta ---------.
carry on devam etmek
a) Alzheimer’s disease inevitably hits people as
respond to yanıt vermek they age
environment çevre
b) it may take decades for the disease to be
noticeable farkedilebilir full-blown
suggest göstermek
in particular özellikle
whole grains tam tahıl
cognitive bilişsel
impairment bozukluk
proper uygun
nutrition beslenme



1- Humanity has greatly advanced in the matter

of treating various diseases.

a) threatening b) curing

2- There are disorders which not only influ-

ence the human body, but also twist and distort
the way the human mind works.

a) diseases b) vaccinations

3- There exist special carbon nanotubes that

are able to turn into an artificial muscle.

a) change into b) break into

4- Alzheimer’s disease generally means mem-

ory loss and the decrease of intellectual cap-
abilities in a degree that interferes with the
daily life of a patient.

a) investigates b) intervenes

5- These and other inventions are just the be-

ginning of a new technological era.

a) decade b) age

6- At later stages, they lose their ability to car-

ry on conversations.

a) continue b) prevent


UNIT 17 - EUTHANASIA and law should not prevent them from doing so.


incredibly inanılmaz
sickness hastalık
torture işkence
prohibit yasaklamak
immoral ahlaksız
terminally sürekli
grant bahşetmek, vermek
During the last 100 years, medicine has ad- opponents karşı çıkanlar
vanced incredibly; humanity has learned to
recover iyileşme
treat diseases which has killed thousands of
people throughout centuries. However, there life span ömür
still exist many sicknesses which not only can-
case vaka
not be cured for now, but also cause incredible
suffering to people who have them. Patients agony ızdırap, acı
with such diseases might want to ask for eutha- excruciating işkence veren
nasia, as life can be torture for them. However,
societies and laws of different countries prohi- justify onaylamak
bit euthanasia as something immoral and ille- iterally tam olarak
gal – which is not necessarily true. Terminally
sick people who are in extreme pain or suffer- withstand tahammül etmek
ing should be granted the right to euthanasia.
The opponents of euthanasia claim that help-
ing a person to die is wrong, because one can
never know when the cure for a terminal dis-
ease will be invented, or when recovery will oc-
cur; thus, claim the opponents, euthanasia
shortens life spans of patients. However, ac-
cording to statistics, in 86% of the cases, eutha-
nasia shortened a patient’s life no more than
one week – usually, just a couple of hours. Pa-
tients ask for euthanasia when their chances
for recovery are nearly impossible; besides, the
last days of a patient’s life are usually full of ag-
ony and excruciating pain, and euthanasia is
the only way to stop it. in some cases, eutha-
nasia is justified. There exist diseases
which cause severe suffering; sometimes, a
patient might try to commit suicide only to
end this suffering; life for such patients is
worse than death. Euthanasia is not literally
killing; it is more like bringing a patient’s inevita-
ble death closer – according to the statistics,
patients usually ask for euthanasia a maximum
of one week before they would die. In addition,
keeping a person alive against their will and
making him or her withstand pain and suffering
is not different from torture, and thus should not
be allowed: if a patient wants to die, and their
condition is truly hopeless, relatives, doctors,



1- During the last 100 years, medicine has ad- 1- The writer of this text believes that ---------
vanced incredibly. .

a) normally b) unbelievably a) in the last century humankind has made

great strides in medicine

2- Patients with such diseases might want to b) all diseases once considered incurable can
ask for euthanasia, as life can be torture for be cured completely today

a) severe pain b) elimination 2- The writer is of the opinion that euthana-

sia ---------.

a) should be an alternative for patients who suf-

3- Terminally sick people who are in extreme fer from incurable diseases
pain or suffering should be granted the right to
euthanasia. b) must be banned in all countries

a) given b) allowed
3- For the opponents of euthanasia, ---------.

a) a cure for a terminal disease may be discov-

4- The opponents of euthanasia claim that ered at any time
helping a person to die is wrong.
b) it should be absolutely a terminally diseased
a) supporters b) rival patient’s right to choose to live or to die

4- For the writer, --------- .

5- In addition, keeping a person alive against a) letting someone live with incredible pain is
their will and making him or her withstand pain nothing different from torture
and suffering is not different from torture,
b) euthanasia means killing and therefore
a) tolerate b) postpone should be stopped


UNIT 18 - The Beneficial Effects of Music more alert.


accompany eşlik etmek

species tür
cave-dwelling mağarada yaşayan
ancestor ata
ending up with --ile sonuçlanmak
surround çevrelemek
gradually aşama aşama
beneficial faydalı
Music is a form of art which has accompanied disorder hastalık
humankind since the origins of our species.
Starting from the early primitive instruments stroke felç
used by our cave-dwelling ancestors, and alter değiştirmek
ending up with modern synthesizers and com-
puter programs that create new musical so-called denilen
sounds, human beings have constantly tried to counteract karşı savaşmak
surround themselves with music. It gradually
became more complex, as well as the instru- release salmak
ments on which it was performed. Research sedative sakinleştirici
has shown that music can positively impact
plants and animals, and scientists discovered mood ruh hali
that it can also provide beneficial effects to hu- boost yükseltmek
man health; today, music therapy is a popular
and effective way of treating psychological dis- In this respect bu bakımdan
orders. So, what are the positive effects of mu- beat tempo
sic on the human brain and human health? Mu-
sic can decrease the risks of heart attack and resonate yankılamak
stroke. Music has been found to lower blood alert uyanık
pressure; changes in the “autonomic” nervous
system, such as breathing and heart rate can
also be altered by music. This helps to create a
so-called “relaxation response,” which coun-
teracts the damaging effects of chronic stress.
Music contributes to the release of endorphins,
which are protein molecules produced by the
nervous system that works with sedative re-
ceptors in the brain. They improve mood,
boost the immune system, reduce eating disor-
der symptoms, and help fight cancer. In this re-
spect, music has powerful positive effects on
the functioning of the human body. Music also
affects the way our brain functions. It is re-
ported that easy-listening and classical music
improves the duration and intensity of concen-
tration in all age groups and ability levels. At
the same time, another research study has
shown that music with a strong beat stimulates
brain waves to resonate with them. In other
words, the faster the beat is, the sharper con-
centration becomes, and thinking becomes



1- As we understand from the passage, mu- 1- Music is a form of art which has accompa-
sic --------- . nied humankind since the origins of our spe-
a) has become more important for humans in
modern times. a) gone with b) run up

b) has always been an insespinsible part of hu-

man beings 2- Music gradually became more complex, as
well as the instruments on which it was per-
2- The writer belives that music ---------.
a) again and again b) step by step
a) helps human beings considerably more than
it does plants and animals

b) helps not only human beings but plants and 3- Terminally sick people who are in extreme
animals as well pain or suffering should be granted the right to

3- For the opponents of euthanasia, ---------. a) given b) allowed

a) a cure for a terminal disease may be discov-

ered at any time
4- Breathing and heart rate can also be altered
b) it should be absolutely a terminally diseased by music.
patient’s right to choose to live or to die
a) modified b) created
4- In the passage it is claimed that --------- .

a) human mind and body are influenced by mu-

sic in a positive way
5- Music contributes to the release of endor-
b) music has no signifacant impact on the hu- phins, which are protein molecules produced by
man mind the nervous system,

a) secretion b) absorbtion



humanity insanlık
worrisome endişelendirici
conscious about bilinçli
overall genel
situation durum
prominence belirginlik
spoil bozmak
outcome ürün, sonuç
foremost önde gelen
Among the problems that worry modern
humanity the most, pollution is one of the most leading to yol açan
worrisome. Through the recent decades, peo- excavate kazmak
ple – especially in western countries such as
the U.S., Canada, and in European countries – raw materials ham madde
have become more conscious about ecology, compounds bileşen
the overall situation has not seemed to
change for the better. The present prominence In particular özellikle
of pollution has happened due to a number of releases yaymak
major factors which have significantly spoiled
the environment, and decreased the outcomes soil toprak
of peoples’ efforts to make our planet a cleaner allocate tahsis etmek
place. The first and foremost factor leading to
pollution is industrial production. This includes civilization medeniyet
excavating fossils and raw materials from the scale ölçü
depths of the planet, as well as their further re-
finement, and emissions from factories and en- enormous kocaman
ergy plants such as carbon monoxide, hydro- yet fakat
carbons, and organic compounds. In particu-
lar, petroleum, which is refined from fossils, the what is called denilen
process of refinement releases hydrocarbons household ev içi
and other chemicals that pollute the air and
soil. Refineries and factories are allocated all unconsciously farkında olmadan
around the world, and the excavation of fossils contribute to kakıda bulunmak
is crucial for civilization to exist, so the scales
of pollution caused by industry are – and possi- massive büyük
bly will remain – enormous. Yet another factor fumigate dezenfekte etmek
of environmental pollution is what is usually
called household chemicals. Many people un- painting supplies boya malzemeleri
consciously contribute to massive atmo- pest repellents böcek kovucu
sphere pollution without even knowing it. Fumi-
gating homes, household cleaning products or liquid sıvı
painting supplies, insect and pest repellents,
refrigerator liquids, deodorants, hairspray, and
other similar products pollute air every day.



1- Certain developed countries are aware of 1- Among the problems that worry modern
the hazards of pollution, --------. humanity the most, pollution is one of the most
a) nevertheless, the precautions taken have not
borne fruit yet. a) upsetting b) exciting

b) and therefore the problem has been re-

versed 2- The present prominence of pollution has
happened due to a number of major factors

2- According to the passage among the fac- a) importance b) absence

tors that contribute to pollution, the most
worrying one is ---------.

a) industrial pollution 3- Petroleum, which is refined from fossils, the

process of refinement releases hydrocarbons
b) household chemicals and other chemicals that pollute the air and

3- When refining petrol, a significant amount a) relieves b) emits

of pollution occurs because ---------.

a) hydrocarbons and other chemicals are given

off into the air 4- The scales of pollution caused by industry
are – and possibly will remain – enormous..
b) excavating fossils and raw materials requires
use of energy a) insignificant b) huge

4- Which one of the following would be an

example of household chemicals? --------- .
5- Many people unconsciously contribute to
massive atmosphere pollution without even
knowing it.

a) help b) harm





exceed aşmak
gender cinsiyet
well-being esenlik
contagious bulaşıcı
flu grip
irreversible geri döndürülemez
numerous çeşitli
heart-related kalple ilgili
passiveness dirençsizlik
premature erken
When the weight of a person significantly ex-
ceeds a certain norm for their age and gender, in particular özellikle
the health and well-being of a person tends to
pinpoint vurgulamak
generally decrease in quality. Obesity might not
be a serious disease in the commonly estab- ration oran
lished meaning of this term, since it is not con-
lack of eksiklik
tagious like the flu, irreversible like AIDs, or
deadly like cancer. Yet it has been proven there flavor tatlandırmak
are numerous links to a higher probability of
artificial sweetener yapay tatlandırıcı
heart-related diseases, depression and pas-
siveness, diabetes, and premature aging of the grape üzüm
body as a whole and brain in particular. When do the trick görev yapmak
talking about dieting habits we should pinpoint
the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in their far from being true doğru değil
everyday ration. We seem to think a glass of requirement ihtiyaç
orange juice, watered down from concentrate
and flavored with artificial sweeteners, or a recently-picked yakında toplanmış
few grapes on top of a cupcake for dessert, or case vaka
a bowl of spinach salad for dinner, does the
trick and provides the necessary amount of vi- compared to kıyaslandığında
tamins, microelements and minerals for our consumption tüketim
body and mind. However, this is far from being
true, as dietitians inform. Five different fruits pesticides böcek öldürücü
and five different vegetables a day is the mini- fertilizers gübre
mum requirement for healthy development.
The key is to eat in variety and to eat fresh, gar-
den-grown products. In the United States, there
are few places where fresh, recently-picked
and naturally-grown fruits and vegetables are
sold at local markets. In the majority of cases, it
is the supermarket chains which distribute such
products to Americans across the country. Fruit
and vegetables from a supermarket do not sup-
ply us with even half of the valuable nutrients
compared to fruits and vegetables from one’s
own garden, picked right before consumption
and grown without using pesticides and fertili-



1- In the writer’s opinion, obesity --------. 1- When the weight of a person significantly ex-
ceeds a certain norm for their age and gender,
a) is as serious as other deadly diseases such the health and well-being of a person tends to
as cancer or Aids generally decrease in quality.

b) may not be considered a serious disease a) exerts b) surpasses

2- The writer of this text advises people to 2- Obesity might not be a serious disease in the
---------. commonly established meaning of this term,
since it is not infectious like the flu.
a) put a few grapes on top of a cupcake or des-
sert a) contagious b) corrosive

b) consume a variety of fruits and vegetables

3- When talking about dieting habits we should
pinpoint the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables
3- What is wrong with the fruit and vegetav- in their everyday ration.
bles sold at a majority of supermarkets to-
day? a) imply b) emphasize

a) They lack valuable nutrients

b) They are picked up long after they get ripe. 4- Five different fruits and five different vegeta-
bles a day is the minimum requirement for
healthy development.
4- Which would be a synonym of the word
“contagious” ? a) need b) expenditure

a) fatal

b) infectious
5- Fruit and vegetables from a supermarket do
not supply us with even half of the valuable nu-
trients compared to fruits and vegetables from
one’s own garden, picked right before con-
sumption and grown without using pesticides
and fertilizers.

a) insecticide b) herbicides



abortion kürtaj
issue konu, mesele
sort out çözmek
proponent taraftar
opponent karşı çıkanlar
immoral ahlaksız
inexcusable affedilmez
human rights insan hakları
convinced ikna olmuş
Abortion is, perhaps, one of the oldest, and reasonable makul, akla yatkın
one of the most difficult issues to sort out
among them; while proponents of abortion call sound sağlam, aklı başında
for its acceptance, its opponents believe that it outraged çok kızgın
is immoral and inexcusable. And though
many human rights protectors claim that every grant bahşetmek
woman can do whatever she sees as just, I am inhumane insanlık dışı
strongly convinced that abortions can not be
tolerated, as they harm mothers and their inno- etching kesme, parçalama
cent children. Any reasonable and sound per- ignore gözardı etmek
son would be outraged and anxious if some-
one offered to grant mothers a right to kill their conceive gebe kalmak
babies immediately after birth. This would be fetal stage cenin safhası
called inhumane and immoral – it would be a
crime. However, this is what proponents of through yoluyla, aracılığıyla
abortions do by standing for the etching of an infancy bebeklik dönemi
embryo before birth. They ignore the fact that
the baby is already a human being, from the infanticide bebek öldürme
very first days after conceiving. According to womb anne karnı
W. L. Saunders, “Every human being begins as
a single-cell zygote, grows through the embryo- underage küçük yaşta
nic stage, then the fetal stage, is born and de- victims of rape tecavüz kurbanları
velops through infancy, through childhood,
and through adulthood, until death. Each hu- calm down sakinleşmek
man being is genetically the same human being commit suicide intahar etmek
at every stage, despite changes in his or her
appearance. In other words, abortion is still in- attempt girişim, teşebbüs
fanticide, a killing of a living human being, de- drug abuse uyuşturucu kullanımı
spite the fact that the child is still in the womb.
Though an abortion may seem to be an option disorder hastalık
for underage mothers, or victims of rape, etch-
ing the baby does not free a woman, or calm
her down. According to statistics, women who
had abortions tend to commit suicides much
more often than those who chose to give birth
to a baby: 28% of women who committed an
abortion attempted suicides. Among other pro-
blems are alcohol and drug abuse, post-trau-
matic stress disorder, sexual dysfunction, and
many other issues.



1- We understand from the passage that the 1- Any reasonable and sound person would
issue of abortion -------- . be outraged and anxious if someone offered
to grant mothers a right to kill their babies
a) is still hotly debated immediately after birth.
b) has already been solved
a) furious
b) fatigued
2- Where does the writer stand on the issue
of abortion?
2- They ignore the fact that the baby is al-
a) He is unbiased. ready a human being, from the very first
b) He is definitely against it. days after conceiving.

a) being pregnant
3- What does the underlined word mean in b) giving birth
the sentence:

“However, this is what proponents of abor- 3. “Every human being begins as a single-
tions do by standing for the etching of an cell zygote, grows through the embryonic
embryo before birth” ? stage, then the fatal stage, is born and de-
velops through infancy, through childhood,
a) Cutting and through adulthood, until death.
b) Giving birth to
a) mortal level
b) period of embryo
4- W.L. Saunders believes that --------

a) Only after a baby is born can we regard him 4- In other words, abortion is still infanti-
or her as a human being. cide, a killing of a living human being, de-
spite the fact that the child is still in the
b) a baby even still in its embyonic stage is a womb.
a) adopting a baby
b) killing a baby
5- Mothers who decide to abort their babies
5. According to statistics, women who had
a) are more likely to suffer from psychological abortions tend to commit suicides much
problems later on more often than those who chose to give
birth to a baby:women who committed an
b) tend to live happily ever after abortion attempted suicides.

a) be inclined to
b) abstain from


UNIT 22 - Why E-books are Preferable to VOCABULARY

substitute yerini almak (replace)
bulky hantal, kocaman
tiny minik
distinguish from ayırmak
undergo yaşamak, maruz kal-
most likely büyük ihtimalle
backpack sırt çantası
purse çanta
folder dosya
Modern digital technologies today can easily
substitute almost any analogue thing that peo- on the other hand öte yandan
ple have been using for decades or even centu- by the way bu arada
ries. Bulky vinyl players have turned into tiny
iPods, huge TV-sets have become super-flat device alet, cihaz
plasma wall panels, phones are getting more
and more impossible to distinguish from pock-
et computers, and so on. Books have also un-
dergone such a transformation, and today
many people prefer using an electronic book, or
e-book, rather than a regular printed one.
Why? Because e-books are in every possible
way better than printed books, no matter what
the antique lovers say. The most obvious ad-
vantage is portability. If you have been a book-
lover for a long time, you most likely had to
carry a book or two with you wherever you go.
If you could afford carrying a backpack around,
it was not a problem; however, if you are a lady
or a clerk in some serious corporation, most
likely you either had to fit a book into your
purse or folder, or leave it at home. On the
other hand, any modern e-book is almost flat
and light weight, so you can easily carry one –
even in your pocket. You can read it in any po-
sition, and take it anywhere with you. By the
way, try to make it comfortable to read a
printed book while lying on your side – it is al-
most impossible. With an e-book device, all
your problems with a book’s weight and shape
are solved.



1- According to the writer which one of the 1-Modern digital technologies today can easily
following would an antique lover prefer? substitute almost any analogue thing that
people had been using for decades or even
a) A regular printed book centuries.
b) An electronic book
a) examine
b) replace
2- The writer maintains that the most impor-
tant reason why people prefer e-books is 2-Books have also undergone
that _____- such a transformation, and today many
people prefer using an electronic book, or
a) they are cheaper to buy e-book, rather than a regular printed one.
b) they are easier to carry
a) undermined
b) experienced
3- The writer seems to favor unconditionally
______ 3-The most obvious advantage is portability.

a) Bulky vinyl players a) mobility

b) E-books b) compliable

4- If you could afford carrying a backpack

4- It is stated in the passage that while lying around, it was not a problem; however, if you
in bed _____ are a lady or a clerk in some serious corpora-
tion, most likely you either had to fit a book into
a) e-books can be read when you are almost in your purse or folder, or leave it at home.
any position
a) be able to buy
b) printed books can be positioned in any direc- b) support
tion you like, therefore they are better
5-With an ebook device, all your problems with
a book’s weight and shape are solved.

5- what is the writer’s attitude in this text? a) tool

b) lens
a) Biased

b) Criticising



whereabouts nerelerde olduğu
occupation neyle meşgul olduğu
factually gerçekten
on their own yalnız başlarına
at least en azından
pose a distraction dikkati dağıtmak
numerous çeşitli
entertainment eğlence
prohibit from yasaklamak
Today, almost any parent can use a cellphone stand for bu yanda durmak
to ask their children about their whereabouts,
possession eşya, sahip olmak
occupation, or health. At the same time, most
parents can remember the days when cell- entirely tamamen
phones simply did not exist, and children were
safety güvenlik
factually left on their own for at least half of
the day. I believe cellphones today pose a foremost en önde gelen
great distraction for students—especially
manifestation gösterge
higher-end smartphones that provide numer-
ous opportunities for entertainment—and cheating kopya çekme
thus should be prohibited from use in schools;
access to erişim
but at the same time, I stand for not prohibiting
cellphones from students’ possession en- consult with danışmak
tirely, since they allow parents to monitor their
peer akran, arkadaş
children’s safety. The first and foremost rea-
son why cellphones should be prohibited from even if ...sa bile
use in schools is that they pose a significant temptation kışkırtma
disruption in the educational process. The
most obvious manifestation of such disruption browse internette gezinmek
is cheating during exams or other testing meth- texting mesajlaşma
ods; access to the Internet, electronic books,
and consulting with peers through mobile wander boş boş gezinmek
Skype right from the classroom. Phone rings,
incoming message signals, and/or games inter-
fere with the educational process by distracting
teachers and students from classes. Even if
the sound is turned off, a phone’s vibration still
distracts students. Another reason for prohibit-
ing cellphones in classes is an increased temp-
tation for students to communicate with friends
instead of focusing on study material. Once
again, the level of technology allows clever
smartphone owners to regularly check their so-
cial network profiles and browse Internet con-
tent. Texting itself, while being an extremely
popular way of mobile communication among
youth, becomes even more tempting when a
student is listening to a lecture but has their
mind wandering.



1- We understand from the passage that the 1- I believe cellphones today pose a great
writer ____. distraction for students.

a) is absolutely against the use of cell phones a) encouragement

by school children b) disorientation

b) disapproves of cell phone use at schools

only 2- Higher-end smartphones provide numer-
ous opportunities for entertainment.

2- For the writer cellphones _____- a) various

b) few
a) may be misused by students at school

b) help students improve their cognitive skills 3-The most obvious manifestation of such
disruption is cheating during exams.

3- It is stated in the passage that cell a) claim

phones at school ______ b) indication

a) still distract other students even if they are

muted 4- Another reason for prohibiting cell-
phones in classes is an increased tempta-
b) may be another form of teaching aid tion for students to communicate with
friends instead of focusing on study materi-
4- It is implied in the passage that _____
a) banning
a) a cellphone is indeed a distractor not only for b) releasing
student who owns it but also for his classmates

b) each student should be granted a cellphone 5- The level of technology allows clever
at school so that jealousy between students smartphone owners to regularly check their
can be prevented social network profiles and browse Internet

a) navigate
5- “Texting” in the passage means _____, b) float

a) Proofreading texts

b) Sending messages



mutual karşılıklı
consent rıza
without a doubt şüphesiz
forever sonsuza dek
adjustment ayarlama
divorce boşanma
deal with başa çıkmak
consequences sonuçları, neticeleri
suffer from acı çekmek
pre-schoolers okul öncesi yaşta
Marriage by mutual consent is without a
doubt one of the most important and happy
events in the life of an individual. When two decrease azalmak
people meet and once decide to create a fa-
a sense of -nin -nın hissi
mily, it may seem they will stay together for-
ever. However, the reality brings in its own ad- grief ızdırap, acı
justments, and about 50% of marriages end up
loss kayıp
with a divorce in the USA. Though divorce is
often a psychologically difficult procedure, consciously bilinçli olarak
adults can deal with the consequences. The
express ifade etmek
situation changes to worse if the couple gave
birth to a child, who is often the one to suffer disapproval reddetme, onaylama-
the most from divorce. Divorce causes different ma
emotional reactions in children of different
distress sıkıntı
ages. Preschoolers, who are often unable to
understand the reasons behind their parents’ di-
vorce, tend to blame themselves and feel re-
sponsible for bringing their parents back to-
gether again (Clinical Psychology Associates).
Children of 6-8 years continue to have similar
fantasies, though the feeling of guilt and re-
sponsibility for the divorce decreases; they,
however, experience a strong sense of grief
and loss. Children of 9-12 years are able to un-
derstand the reasons of their parents’ divorce
better, and tend to consciously express their
anger and disapproval, and take the side of
one of the parents. As it can be seen, divorce
causes intense emotional distress in children,
and can make them feel guilty and responsible
for bringing their parents back together.



1- According to the passage, although cou- 1- Marriage by mutual consent is without a

ples marry with the hope of living happily doubt one of the most important and happy
forever in America, ____ events in the life of an individual.

a) nearly half of them end up in divorce a) approval

b) refusal
b) only a fraction of them get divorced

2- Though divorce is often a psychologically

2- The writer belives that it is _____- difficult procedure, adults can deal with the
a) children that are badly influenced by their
parents’ divorce a) results
b) starters
b) parents themselves that suffer from divorce

3- Pre-schoolers, who are often unable to

3- We understand from the passage ______. understand the reasons behind their par-
ents’ divorce, tend to blame themselves and
a) pre-schoolers feel a great sense of grief and feel responsible for bringing their parents
loss for their parents’ divorce back together again

b) Pre-schoolers accuse themselves for their a) defend

parents’ divorce b) accuse

4- It is stated in the passage that while lying 4- Children of 9-12 years are able to under-
in bed _____ stand the reasons of their parents’ divorce
better, and tend to consciously express
a) e-books can be read when you are almost in their anger and disapproval, and take the
any position side of one of the parents.

b) printed books can be positioned in any direc- a) irresistably

tion you like, therefore they are better b) knowingly

5- As it can be seen, divorce causes intense

5- What is the writer’s attitude towards di- emotional distress in children, and can
vorce in the text? make them feel guilty and responsible for
bringing their parents back together.
a) Strong disapproval
a) wrong
b) Neutral b) right



MORE TO A WIN? forward forvet
defender savunma oyuncusu
comtribute to katkıda bulunmak
soccer futbol
fascinating büyüleyici
for a myriad of çok sayıda, binlerce
a hint of ima
unpredictability tahmin edilmezlik
twist of fate kaderin cilvesi
no doubt şüphesiz
Soccer is a fascinating sport for a myriad of dribble top sürmek
reasons: it has changing speeds, dynamics in overall genel
the variety of player positions and a hint of un-
predictability where a twist of fate can turn substitute bench yedek kulübesi
the game around. Soccer is no doubt a team spirit ruh
game – one can seldom score a goal by drib-
bling the ball across the field and getting it undoubted şüphesiz
across the goal line alone. Every player contri- consistently sürekli
butes to the overall result – even those players
sitting on the substitute bench can contribute as to ---ile ilgili olarak
to the general winning spirit of their team. Yet, instructive öğretici
despite the undoubted fact that soccer is a
team game, there has consistently been the after all herşeyden önce
argument as to who contributes more to a win, longed-for özlenen
and thus, which role is to be considered more
valuable: is it the defender or the forward chant the name adını tezahurat
players? I believe it is incorrect to consider yaptırmak
choosing between these two positions. To opposing player rakip oyuncu
prove my point, it will be instructive to com-
pare the two roles in detail. The forward posi- commit a foul foul yapmak
tion is no doubt both exciting and fascinating. It marauding hücum eden
is no secret that forward players are commonly
the most popular names in the world of soccer, striker forvet oyuncu, golcü
and are also usually sold to clubs at a much non-fans taraftar olmayanlar
higher rate than players in any other position.
After all, it is a forward in most cases who in the majority of çoğu durumlarda
scores that longed-for goal and makes the cases
whole stadium chant their name. Forwards observe gözlemek
also most often earn free kicks and penalties
for their team by forcing the opposing player on and off the field saha içi saha dışı
to commit a foul to stop the marauding striker
from getting the ball across the goal line. For-
wards are the most widely-recognized, that
even non-fans can identify them by face and
name. Soccer fans themselves will, in the ma-
jority of cases, agree that forwards are the
players one observes, on-and-off the field,
more than any other.



1- The writer states that soccer is a game in 1- Soccer is a fascinating sport for a myriad
which ____ of reasons.

a) options are unlimited a) different

b) a large number of
b) players have a higher effect on than the
2- It has changing speeds, dynamics in the
variety of player positions and a hint of
2- The writer’s main point in the passage is unpredictability where a twist of fate can
that _____- turn the game around.

a) though soccer is a team game, individual a) disadvantage

players may seem more valuable b) uncertainity

b) all players are equal and the team is more

important than any individual player 3- Every player contributes to the overall re-
sult – even those players sitting on the sub-
stitute bench can contribute to the general
3- We understand from the passage that winning spirit of their team.
those sitting on the substitute bench
______. a) support
b) export
a) still play a role in the game

b) are usuall passive 4- After all, it is a forward in most cases who

scores that longed-for goal and makes the
whole stadium chant their name.
4- Which player is meant by “marauding stri-
ker” in the sentence below? a) memorize
b) shout
Forwards also most often earn free kicks
and penalties for their team by forcing the
opposing player to commit a foul to stop the 5- Soccer fans themselves will, in the major-
marauding striker from getting the ball ity of cases, agree that forwards are the
across the goal line. players one observes, on-and-off the field,
more than any other.
a) defender of the opponent team
a) in and out
b) forward of our own team b) on or off

5- According to the passage, in addition to

scoring goals, a forward player ____.

a) also forces opponent players to commit fouls

b) helps defending players to stop opponent




talented yetenekli
criminal suç
case olay, dava
entirely tamamen
fortunately Allahtan, çok şükür ki
science fiction bilim kurgu
distinguish ayırmak
rather nispeten
deception yalan söyleme, aldat-
Perhaps some of you have seen the TV show gestures jestler
“Lie to Me”. In it, a talented psychologist solves facial expression yüz ifadesi
criminal cases based entirely on the behavior
of people. Whom of us would not want to be stiff sert
able to understand whether we are lied to, or aim hedeflemek
told the truth? Fortunately, this is not science
fiction, and reading body language is possible; liar yalancı
it is not difficult, and with some extra attention incorporate dahil etmek
and experience, you will be able to distinguish
truth and lies rather often. avoid kaçınmak
politeness nezaket
Deception can be detected by the way a per-
son moves. Usually, a lying person moves less obvious açık, aşikar
freely than one telling the truth; gestures, arm blink göz kırpmak
and hands movements, and facial expres-
sions become stiff. Moreover, these arm and deceive aldatmak
hand movements are aimed in the direction in- nervousness gerginlik
ward to the liar, as if he or she is trying to in-
corporate something within themselves. Lying fidget telaşla kıpır kıpır et-
people often try to avoid eye contact (although mek
in some countries this is a sign of politeness cognitive load mental yük
and respect).
in fact hatta
A less obvious but still effective way to catch a
liar is to watch his or her eyes. According to re-
cent studies of deception, people blink less
when trying to deceive a person they talk to.
Because of nervousness, liars would be ex-
pected to fidget more, but cognitive load
has the opposite effect. Against all expecta-
tions, in deceptive situations, liars usually be-
have calmer than a normal person would, and
fidget less. This leads, in particular, to the effect
when liars blink or move their eyes less; in fact,
it is common for liars to stare at one point when
talking. This is due to having to invent lies,
which is more difficult than truth.



1- The writer is of the opinion that ____- 1- In it, a talented psycholo-gist solves crim-
inal cases based entirely on the behavior of
a) it is straighforward to understand whether people.
somebody is lying or not
a) thoroughly
b) science directly helps us understand whether b) evenly
someone is lying

2- Fortunately, this is not science fiction,

2- The writer emphasizes that a lying person and reading body language is possible; it is
_____- not difficult, and with some extra attention
and experience, you will be able to distin-
a) acts rather rigidly guish truth and lies rather often.

b) can control his movements easily a) extinguish

b) differentiate

3- It is stated in the passage that contrary

to what is expected, a lying person fid- 3- Deception can be detected by the way a
gets____. person moves.

a) more a) Disturbance
b) Cheating
b) less

4-Because of nervousness, liars would be

4- What does the writer mean by “cognitive expected to fidget more, but cognitive load
load” in the sentence below? has the opposite effect.

Because of nervousness, liars would be ex- a) act restlessly

pected to fidget more, but cognitive load has b) speak calmly
the opposite effect.

a) mental tiredness

b) mental power 5- This is due to having to invent lies, which

is more difficult than truth.

5) The writer emphasizes that a lying person a) deny

____. b) make up

a) avoids eye contact as much as possible

b) keeps staring at your eyes constantly


27 - ----------?------------- VOCABULARY

a sheet of paper sayfa kağıt

bet iddaya girmek
synonym to eş anlamlı kelime
fair adil
evaluate değerlendirmek
domestic ülke içi (bazen ev içi)
policy politika
neighbor komşu
Turn on your TV and switch to a news channel.
opponents rakipler
Take a pencil and a sheet of paper and pre-
pare to take notes. Your aim is to count the use allies müttefikler
of one of the most popular words in the modern
simultaneously eş zamanlı
world. This word is democracy. I bet that you
will hear it at least 5-6 times within an hour. The obvious aşikar
word democratic has almost become a syno-
misunderstand yanlış anlama
nym to such adjectives as ‘good,’ ‘fair’ and
‘equal’. Politicians use it to evaluate the do- manipulation yönlendirme
mestic and foreign policies of their neighbors,
cornerstone köşe taşı
opponents, and allies. Simultaneously, it is
obvious that in many cases, this word is mis- govern yönetmek
understood, as well as used for manipulation.
state devlet
What is democracy? Why has it become the affairs meseleler
cornerstone of modern civilization? Democ- consensus oy birliği
racy can be understood as a process of people
governing their state and managing commu- to my mind bana göre
nity affairs based on consensus. Though de- reasonable akla yatkın
mocracy is often defined as a form of govern-
ment, to my mind, it is more reasonable to contemplate düşünmek
contemplate it as a process, a constant oppor- citizens vatandaşlar
tunity by which citizens may bring changes into
their social and political life. construct oluşmak
gather toplanmak
The origins of democracy lie in Ancient Greece.
This term was constructed from two Greek square meydan
words: ‘demos,’ which means ‘people,’ and urgent acil
‘cratos,’ which means ‘power.’ A long time ago,
Greek men used to gather in the town square issue konu
to make decisions about urgent political is- vote oy vermek
sues. Greek democracy was direct – not only
in the sense that citizens could vote for deci- in the sense that şu anlamda
sions personally, but also in the sense that point out vurgulamak
they could control the political process and the
authorities. It must be pointed out that back previlege imtiyaz, ayrıcalık
then, not everyone could take part in voting – citizen vatandaş
this privilege was only available to male citi-
zens. Slaves – and ancient Greece was a slav- slavery kölelik
ery state – and women could not affect social
and political life.



1- The writer emphasizes that the word de- 1- Politicians use it to evaluate the domestic
mocracy ____- and foreign policies of their neighbors, op-
ponents, and allies.
a) is used to define domestic matters only
a) undermine
b) is a term states may use to interfere with b) appraise
their neighbors’ domestic isues

2- Simultaneously, it is obvious that in many

2- The writer sees democracy rather as cases, this word is misunderstood, as well
____. as used for manipulation.

a) a process a) at the same time

b) cautiously
b) a form of government

3- Why has it become the cornerstone of

3- It is implied in the passage that in demo- modern civilization?
cratic societies ____.
a) fund
a) people have the power to manipulate their b) foundation
social and political lives

b) governments are free to do whatever they 4- Democracy can be understood as a pro-

want after being elected cess of people governing their state and
managing community affairs based on con-
4- As argued In the text, back in Ancient
Greece _____- a) administration
b) unanimity
a) everybody could vote but slaves

b) only men could vote 5- It must be pointed out that back then, not
everyone could take part in voting.

5) Which one of the floowing would be a bet- a) participate

ter title for this passage? b) exclude

a) Democracy in Ancient Times

b) What is Democracy?



disappointment hayal kırıklığı
widespread yaygın
reliance bağımlılık
primary birincil
invention icat
leisure boş zaman
irreplaceable yeri doldurulamaz
throughout boyunca
remarkable kayda değer, önemli
expand genişletmek
consciousness bilinç
It is a disappointment that people read books
less often in these days of widespread techno- enrich zenginleştirmek
logical reliance. Books were the primary supply sağlamak
source of intellectual entertainment just a hun-
dred years ago, but with the invention of radio, inspiration ilham
television, cinematography, and most recently, compete with rekabet etmek
the Internet and computer games, it seems that
reading books is no longer a popular leisure conception kavram
activity. However, I believe that books are an documentary belgesel
irreplaceable part of our lives, and the role that
masterfully-written books play on the personal wish arzu etmek
growth and development of a particular person achieve elde etmek
throughout one’s life is a remarkable one.
Books directly expand our consciousness of through yoluyla, vasıtasıyla
how we live and where we live, enrich our result in neden olmak
power to express ourselves, supply us with
inspiration in a way that other mediums cannot interpretation yorum
compete with. unique biricik, eşsiz
narrate anlatmak
Books expand our knowledge and conception
of the world around us. One may argue that
films and TV documentaries do that too, but I
believe that books are a much better alterna-
tive, since they allow each reader to experience
the same story using one’s own imagination.
When a hundred people watch a film or a TV
show, they see the same content – whatever
the director and the producer wish to show.
Books are different. The experience achieved
through reading is richer and more personal,
since the same description and the same word
choice will result in as many different interpre-
tations as there are readers. We are all un-
ique, and books allow us to experience what-
ever is narrated in the light of our own personal
values, through our ideas and our imagination.



1- According to the writer, today people 1- It seems that reading books is no longer a
read less than before on account of ____- popular leisure activity.

a) technological developments a) absolute

b) free time
b) ever-increasing prices of publications

2- However, I believe that books are an irre-

2- It is claimed in the passage that no other placeable part of our lives.
media can help us develop ourselves than
____. a) irreversible
b) stable
a) internet

b) books 3- Books directly expand our conscious-

ness of how we live and where we live.

3- The writer maintains that reading books a) restrict

from all other types of media is different be- b) widen
cause books _____.

a) are available everywhere 4- Books enrich our power to express our-

selves, supply us with inspiration in a way
b) allow us to use our imagination that other mediums cannot compete with.

a) delay
4- For the writer, when people watch a doc- b) provide
umentary, they see it almost in the same
way, yet when they read a book, _____-
5- The experience achieved through reading
a) they still get the same message is richer and more personal, since the same
description and the same word choice will
b) each of them get different messages result in as many different interpretations as
there are readers.

5) How would you decribe the writer’s atti- a) by way of

tude in the passage? b) prior to

a) Persuasive

b) Ironic



realized anlamak
humanity insanlık, insanoğlu
prospective gelecekte yaşanabilir
existence varlık
vastly geniş çapta
mass-culture kitle kültürü
rationale mantıklı, akla yatkın
observation gözlem
assume varsaymak
moist yağışlı, suyun var
For hundreds of years – perhaps since the most likely yüksek ihtimalle
times when people realized that Earth is not
the center of Universe – humanity has won- mass kitle
dered whether there was life on other planets. lighter daha hafif
For some reason, Mars – the planet which is
especially easy to notice in the night sky – was gravity yerçekimi
always considered to be the most prospective sustain devam ettirmek
planet in these terms. Scientists, astronomers,
science fiction writers, and common people gradually yavaş yavaş, tedricen
have been excited by the possibility of the exis- evaporate buharlaşmak
tence of life on Mars; these hopes are vastly
reflected in modern mass-culture. And what is desolate ıssız
the most exciting is that these hopes may actu- desert çöl
ally have a rationale behind them; the most re-
cent astronomical observations show that
there is flowing water on Mars – and where is
water, there is life.

Observing the surface of the Red Planet allows

scientists to assume that sometime in the pla-
net’s early history – billions of years ago – it
was covered with oceans, and had rivers flow-
ing on its surface. It is considered that Mars
was warm and moist enough to host life – not
as we would like to imagine life on other pla-
nets, since most likely it was some sort of mi-
crobial life. However, the problem of the Red
Planet is that its mass is lighter compared to
Earth, which means its gravity was not strong
enough to sustain the atmosphere. Gradually,
the water evaporated into the atmosphere, and
the atmosphere escaped into space, leaving
Mars as the desolate desert we know today.



1- The writer firmly believes that ____. 1-For some reason, Mars – the planet which is
especially easy to notice in the night sky – was
a) in the light of recent research there is life on always considered to be the most prospective
Mars planet in these terms.

b) not only on Mars but also on other planets a) respective

there is water b) promising

2-Scientists, astronomers, science fiction wri-

2- It implied in the passage that ____. ters, and common people have been excited by
the possibility of the existence of life on Mars;
a) Mars has no atmosphere and therefore is in- these hopes are vastly reflected in modern
hospitable for humans mass-culture.

b) one day earth will be the same as Mars a) officially

b) broadly

3- The research cariied out on the surface of 3-And what is the most exciting is that these
Mars reveals that _____. hopes may actually have a rationale behind
a) a long time ago there was life on Mars just
as we have on Earth today a) reason
b) truth
b) there was life life on Mars before but in differ-
ent form 4-It is considered that Mars was warm and
moist enough to host life .

4- The findings we have on Mars today indi- a) spacious

cate that _____. b) humid

a) in future people will be able to live there 5-Gradually, the water evaporated into the at-
mosphere, and the atmosphere escaped into
b) conditions on Mars do not allow us to live space, leaving Mars as the desolate desert we
there know today.

a) isolated
b) obedient


UNIT 30 - NIKOLA TESLA He was also known to have several OCD’s

such as constant hand-washing and counting
items in his mind. His passion for cleanliness
was obsessive, as well as his proneness to
self-discipline; however, he never asked for
psychiatric aid, and even managed to use
some of his OCD’s in favor of his studies.


underestimate hor görmek

and so on vb
throughout history tarih boyunca
belong to ait olmak
humanity insanlık
It is difficult to underestimate the role of a sin- move forward ileriye adım atmak
gle person in the development of culture, wider public genel halk
science, technology, and so on. Throughout
history, the greatest inventions and greatest scale ölçek
discoveries usually belonged not to groups of genius dahi
people, but to single individuals; these persons
moved humanity forward. One such person compatible with --ile uyumlu
was a famous Serbian inventor, Nikola Te- forever sonsuza dek
sla. Widely known among scientists, he never-
theless remains almost unknown to the wider breakthrough çığır açan buluş
public, although the scale of his genius was alternating current alternatif akım
probably compatible with Einstein’s.
convert into dönüştürmek
Many of this man’s inventions have forever bring to life canlandırmak
changed the world we live in. For example, the
rotating magnetic field, which was his first introduce piyasaya çıkarmak
breakthrough in 1882; a rotating magnetic field wireless telsiz iletişim
allows power engines to have an alternating transmission
current without having to convert it into a di-
rect current (as it had to be done before the in- tuner alıcı aygıt
vention of a rotating magnetic field). Just a year credit for onur, şeref, puan
after Tesla had brought to life the idea of an
alternating current motor, he built an actual phy- peculiarities tuhaflıklar
sical model of it; within two years, the AC motor unique biricik
was used in AC generators and transfor-
mers. In 1897, Nikola Tesla had introduced the dirt pislik
idea of the radio to the world – he had sent a diseases hastalıklar
wireless transmission from his laboratory in
New York to a boat located 25 miles away. An- couldn’t stand tahammül edemedi
tennas, tuners, and everything else related to exposed to maruz kalmak
the radio was also invented by him, although
the credit for these inventions was given to an earrings küpeler
inventor named Guglielmo Marconi. This is not pearl inci
the full list, of course.He had his own mental
peculiarities, so to say; perhaps, all people do, OCD’s Takıntı (Obsesif
but those of his were as unique as himself. He Obsessive Kompulsif Bozukluk)
was afraid of dirt and diseases, and could not Compulsive Disorder
stand being exposed to certain things, such as proneness eğilim
earrings, pearls, hair, or overweight women.



1- We understand from the passage that Te- 1-It is difficult to underestimate the role of a
sla’s capabilities ____. single person in the development of culture,
science, technology, and so on.
a) were even higher than Einstein’s.
a) despise
b) were probably as high as Einstein’s b) reprimand

2- As is pointed out in the passage Nikola 2-Widely known among scientists, he neverthe-
Tesla was especially popular among _____. less remains al-most unknown to the wider pub-
lic, although the scale of his genius was prob-
a) the scientsists of his time ably compatible with Einstein’s.

b) general public at large a) prior to

b) in tune with

3- According to the passage, who was the

real inventor of radio ? 3-For example, the rotating magnetic field was
his first breakthrough in 1882.
a) Guglielmo Marconi
a) reform
b) Nicolas Tesla b) collapse

4- As we understand from the passage, 4-He had his own mental peculiarities.
although Tesla had several psyciatric pro-
blems and peculiarities, ____. a) bizarre behaviours
b) priorities
a) he did not let them ruin his studies

b) he was totally against psychiatric hospitals 5-His passion for cleanliness was obsessive, as
well as his proneness to self-discipline.

5- Which of the following proverbs would a) strong need

better suit Nicolas Tesla? b) inclination

a) There is no rose without a thorn.

b) There's no time like the present.


UNIT 31 - Domestic Violence should not expect improvements: the best op-
tion for them is to break away from their abu-
sive relationship.


domestic ev içi
violence şiddet
denote simgelemek
coercion baskı, zorlama
reasonable makul, akla yatkın
wider daha geniş (wide)
Most often, under the term domestic violence, clarification açıklığa kavuşturma
people denote physical or sexual coercion; narrower daha dar (narrow)
though this is a reasonable definition, domestic
violence is a significantly wider term that re- abuse taciz
quires clarification. Domestic violence is a pattern şekil, biçim
narrower term for domestic abuse – a beha-
vior pattern which implies controlling or domi- intimate samimi, yakın
nating one person who is an intimate relation- relative akraba
ship, whether it be a partner, children, or rela-
tives. It may have physical, emotional, sexual, aspect açı, yön
and economic aspects, sometimes combining simultaneously aynı anda
several of them simultaneously. The main pur-
pose of such control is to completely suppress suppress baskılamak
the partner’s will, and manipulate them. This is will irade
achieved by behavior that can be classified as
frightening, intimidating, terrorizing, hurtful, achieve elde etmek
humiliating, blaming, injuring, wounding, and intimidate göz dağı vermek
so on.
humiliate alaya almak
Domestic violence refers not only to women or wounding yaralamak
children. Men suffer from it as well: mostly
emotionally, though cases of physical violence as well ayrıca; de, da
are not rare as well. The main fact to compre- comprehend anlamak
hend about an abusive relationship is that the
partner who acts as an aggressor will not aggressor saldırgan
change, and will not stop their insulting beha- insulting küçük düşürücü
vior. The best option for people who suffer from
any kind of domestic violence is to break the re- useless işe yaramaz
lationship. It is useless to expect a certain be- obvious aşikar
havior or opposition will calm the violent partner
down. distinguish ayırt etmek
threatening tehdit etmek
Domestic violence remains a significant social
problem in many countries all over the world. express ifade etmek
Some of its forms are obvious (such as sexual freedom özgürlük
or physical violence), while other are not so
easy to distinguish. Such forms are emotional counterpart eş, mevkidaş
and financial abuse. Emotional abuse involves victim kurban
humiliating, threatening, and manipulating,
while financial violence can express itself in a break away uzaklaşmak, ayrıl-
partner limiting the economic freedoms of their mak
counterparts. The victims of domestic abuse



1- The writer believes that the majority of 1- Most often, under the term domestic vio-
people associate “domestic violence” with lence, people denote physical or sexual coer-
____. cion.

a) physical or sexual abuse a) refer to

b) notion
b) dominating a person

2- The main purpose of such control is to com-

2- As is pointed out in the passage, an ag- pletely suppress the partner’s will, and manipu-
gressor who employs violence may _____. late them.

a) may try to control his partner a) define

b) push down
b) may ba classified as an insane person

3- It is useless to expect a certain behavior or

3- The writer of the passage is of the opi- opposition will calm the violent partner down.
nion that aggressors_____.
a) defiance
a) may be treated in hospitals b) association
b) may not change their actions

4- Emotional abuse involves humiliating,

4- It is pointed in the passage that the best threatening, and manipulating.
way to deal with aggressors is to , ____.
a) insulting
a) stop your relationship with them b) ignoring

b) wait until they feel themselves better again

5- The victims of domestic abuse should not ex-
pect improvements: the best option for them is
5- What is the writer’s attitude in this pas- to break away from their abusive relationship.
a) abandon
a) Warning. b) pursue

b) Sarcastic.


UNIT 32 - People Should Not Be Allowed to ger killed a three year-old boy, who was its
Keep Exotic Animals as Pets guardian’s grandson. In another case, a Bengal
tiger has bitten off an arm of a four year-old
boy. Since the beginning of the century, four
people were hunted down (and killed) by wolf
hybrids. This is not to mention the cases when
wild animals attacked other domesticated pets
– cats, dogs, and so on.


species türler
close to yakın
extinction yokolma

Wild nature is home for hundreds of thousands solid sağlam, kalıcı

of species, many of which are exotic and/or somehow bir biçimde
close to extinction. Throughout recent dec-
ades, humanity has made a solid effort in order consequences neticeler
to prevent extinction, protect the habitat of presence varlık
these species, and somehow minimize the ne-
pets evcil hayvanlar
gative consequences of the presence of hu-
mans. However, there exists another problem owner sahip
which has not been paid enough attention to;
prohibit yasaklama
this problem is keeping exotic animals as pets.
Although owners of exotic animals might be- unique tek, biricik
lieve they are not doing anything bad, in fact
territory alan
such a practice should be prohibited due to a
number of reasons. roam gezinme
venemous zehirli
Almost no one, except perhaps the richest peo-
ple, can provide a wild animal with all its neces- puny minik, küçük
sary conditions. Exotic animals have unique
strike saldırmak
needs. For example, wild tigers need a large
territory to roam. A venomous Monocled co- bobcat vaşak
bra, which can be legally bought in a number of
primates maymunlar
states for a puny $100, will repeatedly strike
when feeling in danger. A bobcat can hunt a basin havuz
prey eight times bigger than itself. Chimpan- at least en azından
zees and other primates require a lot of space
for climbing, and sea mammals need vast cage kafes
water basins to swim freely. The examples are approach yaklaşmak
numerous. These needs require specific living
conditions – or at least housing structures. Can keeper bakıcı
an average American citizen afford keeping an pose a threat tehdit yaratmak
exotic pet? Not just for a year or two, but for 25
or 50 years? Just for an example, the annual commit an attack saldırı yapmak
cost of keeping a tiger (in a cage) approaches incident vaka
$6,000. Clearly, being a keeper of a wild animal
is beyond the capabilities of an average citizen. domesticated evcil
bite off ısırıp koparmak
In addition, wild animals can pose a direct
physical threat to their owners. During the last
10 years, there have been dozens of attacks
committed by captive big cats such as lions
and tigers; in one of the saddest incidents, a ti-



1- As we understand from the passage, late- 1- Wild nature is home for hundreds of thou-
ly mankind’s attitude towards threatened sands of species, many of which are exotic
species have been -------- . and/or close to extinction.

a) disinterested a) coming to an end

b) caring b) being present

2- Throughout recent decades, humanity has

2- The write of this passage is strongly made a solid effort in order to prevent extinc-
against _____. tion.

a) abusing animals a) permanent

b) keeping exotic animals as pets b) temporary

3- Exotic animals have unique needs.

3- The writer of this passage maintains that
a typical American citizen ______. a) ordinary
b) special
a) can easily buy and properly take care of
pets 4- A venomous Monocled cobra, which can be
b) can hardly afford to keep an exotic pet at legally bought in a number of states for a puny
home $100, will repeatedly strike when feeling in dan-
a) poisoned
4- “Although owners of exotic animals might be- b) wild
lieve they are not doing anything bad, in fact
such a practice should be prohibited due to a 5- In addition, wild animals can pose a direct
number of reasons.” physical threat to their owners.

Which one of the following would be a syno- a) cause

nym for “prohibit”? b) verify

a) protect
b) ban

5- Why does the write say “Exotic animals

have unique needs.” ?

a) In order to show how easy it is to keep rare

animals a
b) So as to explain why exotic animals are hard
to be kept.

6- In the passage another danger posed by

wild animals kept at home is that _______.

a) They may attack and harm human beings,

and even other family members.
b) They almost never feel full whatever they
feed on.


UNIT 33 - The Consequences of World War II VOCABULARY

consequence netice
impact etki
result in neden olmak
homeless evsiz
collapse çökmek
boundary sınır
literally hemen hemen
baby boom bebek patlaması
nuclear arms race nükleer silah yarışı
World War II can be rightly called one of the conflict çatışma
most significant events in the history of human- perceive algılamak
ity. It had a significant impact on the develop-
ment of the entire world, and resulted in the re- participant katılımcı
vision of many socio-political doctrines, poli- empowered güçlü
cies, and principles of international relations.
establish kurmak
World War II had many consequences. The
USSR lost over 24 million people, both military
and civilians, and over 21 million people were
left homeless and in poor conditions. Great
Britain and France had both collapsed as em-
pires, and European boundaries had been lit-
erally redrawn. The United States of America
claimed to lead the reconstruction efforts and
started to conduct policy, directed to establish-
ing itself as a new superpower. Thus, modern
geopolitical balance of power in the world can
also be considered as one of the direct conse-
quences of World War II. Among many others,
several consequences of this war are felt even
today, such as the increase in baby boomers
in the U. S., which has a continued effect on the
economy; cold wars and war sensitivity, includ-
ing the nuclear arms race today; and the es-
tablishment of the USA as a leading power in
the world.

After World War II, international conflicts have

been perceived differently. A century ago, a
war was mostly a local event, concerning only
its direct participants. Now, a war is a process
which involves multiple sides, and has conse-
quences which are often difficult to predict. Nu-
clear arms seem to be the weapon of choice,
and nations often feel empowered by display-
ing their arms for the entire world to see. To
promote peace and understanding among na-
tions, a special organization, the United Na-
tions, was established.



1- Acccording to the writer, the effects of 1- It had a significant impact on the develop-
World War II were -------- . ment of the entire world.

a) negligible a) harm
b) huge b) effect

2- It is emphasized in the passage that 2- Great Britain and France had both collapsed
_____ . as empires, and European boundaries had
been literally redrawn.
a) all countries participating in World War II suf-
fered great losses a) fallen apart
b) even today it is possible to witness many b) constructed
consequences of World War II in some coun-
3- Among many others, several consequences
of this war are felt even today, such as the in-
3- The writer of this passage maintains that crease in baby boomers in the U. S.
a typical American citizen ______.
a) results
a) can easily buy and properly take care of b) reasons
b) can hardly afford to keep an exotic pet at
home 4- After World War II, international conflicts
have been perceived differently.

4- Which country was considered the top a) negotiations

one leader of the world in the aftermath of b) contraverises
the World War II ?
4- Nuclear arms seem to be the weapon of
a) The USA choice, and nations often feel empowered by
b) Great Britain displaying their arms for the entire world to see.

a) ruled
5- It is stated in the passage that what war b) authorized
means for people today ______ .

a) was the same back in 1940s

b) was completely different in the past


UNIT 34 - Lack of Sleep name severe heart problems, low concentration

and increased risks of getting into accidents,
and its indirect contribution to the develop-
ment of obesity.


properly functioning dügün şekilde

self-sufficient kendine yetebilen
challenges zorluklar

The human body is a mechanism that is per- digestion sindirim

fectly designed. A healthy, properly function- alas ne yazık ki
ing body is a self-sufficient unit able to effec-
tively deal with all kinds of daily challenges. hidden gizli
Our bodies do not require conscious control— pay attention to dikkatini vermek
many processes, such as digestion, breathing,
lack of eksiklik
heartbeat, and so on are automatic. All that our
bodies requires from us is careful and proper social resposibilities sosyal sorumluluklar
handling; alas, this is where many problems
consume tüketmek
start. Except the obvious misuses, such as con-
suming fast-food, physical inactivity, or bad deprivations yoksunluk
ecology, there are hidden dangers which we
unfortunately maalesef
usually do not pay attention to. One of the
most dangerous (and the most typical nowa- prove ispatlamak
days) among them is the lack of sleep.
prone to eğilimli olmak
Today, it has become almost natural to sleep high blood pressure yüksek tansiyon
less. We often believe that there is nothing
irregular heartbeat düzensiz kalp atışı
wrong in sacrificing a couple of hours of sleep
in favor of other activities, while jobs and other stroke felç, inme
social responsibilities consume plenty of
moderate hafif, makul
time as well. Besides, many people suffer from
various kinds of sleep deprivations, caused by fast-paced world hızlı dünya
psychological or other reasons. Unfortunately,
underestimate azımsanmış
a lack of sleep is not so harmless. Recent stu-
dies prove that it significantly increases malfunction düzensizlikler
chances of heart disease; research conducted deprivation mahrumiyet
in 2011 prove that people who sleep less than
six hours per night are more likely to develop contribution to katkı
heart disease or die from it (ABC News). Be-
severe şiddetli
sides this problem, people who sleep less are
more prone to high blood pressure, irregular
heartbeat, stroke, and diabetes. On the con-
trary, people who practice healthy nutrition,
moderate physical exercises, and sleep seven
or more hours per night, lower their risks of get-
ting heart disease by up to 65%.

In the modern, fast-paced world, the lack of

sleep has become almost a norm. However, its
negative effects are being strongly underesti-
mated. Among the most common malfunc-
tions caused by sleep deprivations one can



1- Accoding to the text, which one is not 1- A healthy, properly functioning body is a
one of the major health problems caused by self-sufficient unit able to effectively deal
sleep deprivation ? with all kinds of daily challenges.

a) Strokes a) self-contained

b) Cancer b) self-absorbed

2- The term “sleep deprivation” can be best 2- Our bodies do not require conscious
decribed as: control—many processes, such as
a) Losing sleep because of physical reasons
a) excretion
b) Not getting enough sleep due to a number of
different reasons b) absorption

3- It is emphasized in the passage that

sleeping less has almost become a norm in 3- We often believe that there is nothing wrong
our society today mainly because -------- in sacrificing a couple of hours of sleep in
favor of other activities.
a) our busy life dictates it to be so
a) instead of
b) the damages caused by sleep deprivation
have not been fully comprehended b) for the benefit of

4- One might say that the tone of the writer

in this text is -------- 4- Besides this problem, people who sleep less
are more prone to high blood pressure.
a) cautionary
a) susceptible to
b) indifferent
b) accustomed to

5- Among the most common malfunctions

caused by sleep deprivations one can name
severe heart problems.

a) instabilites

b) disorders


UNIT 35 - The Pros and Cons of Using Face- children, but these friends have other friends,
book who have a negative influence on these chil-


means yöntem, araç

distance mesafe
through yoluyla
occur meydana gelmek
introduce sunmak, çıkarmak
threat tehdit
Before the first telephone had been invented setback dezavantaj
byJoseph Bell, there were no other means to at first glance ilk bakışta
communicate from long distances except by
telegraph or letters. This fact had set certain keep in touch with kontak kurmak
limits on the number of people one could con- reside ikamet etmek
tact at a distance; besides, communications
were much slower than today. With the inven- display sergilemek,
tion of the Internet, communicating with the göstermek
whole world through a personal computer has mood ruh hali
become a reality. However, the true revolution
in communication occurred when Mark Zucker- regardless of bakmaksızın
berg introduced his creation: Facebook. While sensation his
being attractive for people all over the world,
Zuckerberg’s social network also possesses explicit sakıncalı
serious threats and setbacks which may not to some extent bir ölçüde
be obvious at first glance.
browsing gezinme
Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with so-called sözde
people who are far away. According to surveys,
friends who reside in different countries and
use Facebook to communicate with each other
display a more optimistic mood and feel cal-
mer about those who are close to them, com-
pared to those who do not use any social net-
works, or use only email. People who use Fa-
cebook tend to feel like they are in touch with
the rest of the world regardless of distances,
and this sensation makes them feel better.

On the other hand, Facebook can be danger-

ous for teenagers and children. Parents who
would like to protect their children from nega-
tive information on the Internet should consider
how Facebook is full of links to other media re-
sources, some of which can be explicit.
Whereas it is possible, to some extent, to con-
trol a child’s use of Facebook, it is impossible to
predict where browsing these links could lead
them. Due to the same reason, parents have a
right to feel worried about the so-called friends
of friends. One can know all the friends of their



1- Acccording to the writer, the effects of Fa- 1- With the invention of the Internet, communi-
cebook might be -------- . cating with the whole world through a personal
computer has become a reality.
a) negligible
b) serious a) by means of
b) on behalf of

2- Author’s attitute towards Facebook

is_____ . 2- Zuckerberg’s social network also possesses
serious threats and setbacks.
a) biased
b) criticising a) merits
b) disadvantages

3- The writer of this passage maintains that 3- Facebook is full of links to other media re-
______. sources, some of which can be explicit.

a) Even if a parent knows all of the friends of a) undesirable

their children, it might be dangerous. b) clear
b) Facebook is the most safe social media
4- According to surveys, friends who reside in
different countries and use Facebook to com-
4- Mark Zuckerberk’s Facebook ______. municate with each other.

a) was widely criticised when it first came up. a) fight

b) is considered as a revolution communica- b) live

5- One can know all the friends of their chil-

5- It is stated in the passage that ______ . dren, but these friends have other friends, who
have a negative influence on these children.
a) browsing on the internet has no setbacks for
adults a) impact
b) parents should be aware of the risks in- b) fluency
volved in letting their children surf on the inter-


UNIT 36 - Unusual Vacation in Ukrain VOCABULARY

travelling seyahat
passion tutku
unfamiliar yabancı - aşina ol-
exceptionally olağanüstü bir
inspiring şekilde ilham verici
majority çoğunluk
volunteer gönüllü olmak
indulge in bulaşmak
spontaneous anında yapılan, ha-
Travelling has been a longtime passion of
mine. Being a photographer, I find seeing unfa- turned out to be olduğu ortaya
miliar places, meeting new people and getting çıkmak
to know different cultures exceptionally inspir- struggling to mücadele vermek
ing. By the age of 32, I had already been to the
majority of exotic places: the Emirates, Ethio- attractive çekici
pia, Turkey, India, Laos, Thailand, Japan, gorgeous göz kamaştırıcı
Egypt, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia and
Cuba. So, when a friend of mine who was work- take your breath nefesini almak
ing as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine in- away
vited me to visit him for a couple of weeks, I unexpectedly beklenmedik bir
thought: “Why not?!” I did not know what to ex- şekilde
pect from Ukraine since I knew little about it. I
usually studied up for weeks on the country that well-groomed bakımlı
I desired to leave to, but I did not have enough outstanding göze çarpan
time to indulge in this practice – the prices of
the plane tickets shot up after a week or so. I peculiar özgün
knew that it would be an intriguing experience
due to the spontaneous nature of my travel.

Ukraine turned out to be completely different

from any place I had visited so far. A post So-
viet Union country, it is still struggling to build
a developed society. But being a photographer,
I was far more interested in its nature, people
and sites, than its politics. Ukraine appeared to
be an attractive, even gorgeous country.
Being slightly smaller than Texas, it is extre-
mely diverse and is full of natural wonders that
take your breath away. Kyiv, the capital city,
appeared unexpectedly well-groomed, green
and wealthy. Lots of bridges across the Dnipro
River, a great number of outstanding parks, a
couple of botanical gardens, and many, many
flowers everywhere you go. A lot friendlier than
you would think. Next we went to Western Uk-
raine with its own peculiar culture and atmo-



1- Acccording to the writer, Ukraine ______. 1- Ukraine turned out to be completely differ-
ent from any place I had visited so far.
a) turned out to be the same as he thought pre-
viously. a) come to light
b) was not like what he was used to. b) outstanding

2- Kyiv, the capital city, appeared unexpect-

2- It is emphasized in the passage that edly well-groomed, green and wealthy.
_____ .
a) knowingly
a) he was not able to plan a lot before travelling b) unforeseen
to Ukraine.
b) normally he never plans what he is going to 3- A post Soviet Union country, it is still strug-
do in detail. gling to build a developed society.

a) trying to
3- The writer of this passage maintains that b) being able to
4- So, when a friend of mine who was working
a) Texas is smaller than Ukraine. as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine invited
b) Ukraine is smaller than Texas. me to visit him for a couple of weeks, I thought:
“Why not?!” I did not know what to expect from
4- In the passage, writer ______. Ukraine since I knew little about it.

a) puts emphasis on his passion for travelling. a) willing

b) talks about his trip to Ukraine. b) substitute

5- It is stated in the passage that ______.

a) the writer was more into Ukraine’s politics

than its people
b) Ukraine has a developed society


UNIT 37 - The Most Expensive Photograph VOCABULARY

Ever Sold
memorable anılmaya değer
contemporary çağdaş
nowadays bugünlerde
purchase satın almak
especially özellikle
famous ünlü
corresponds with uymak
estimate tahmin etmek
apart from -den başka
incredible inanılmaz
A long time has passed since photography was spectator seyirci
used to only record memorable events, and
turned into one of the most popular forms of vi- notice fark etmek
sual art. And, as well as other forms of contem- stripes çizgiler
porary art nowadays, photography can be ex-
pensive to purchase, especially if it was taken narrow dar
by a famous photographer, and corresponds shore kumsal
with the latest art trends. For now, the most ex-
pensive photo ever taken was estimated at adequately uygun bir şekilde
4.3 million dollars, in 1999, and was created by piece parça
the German photographer Andreas Gursky. The
photograph is named Rhein II, and apart from
its incredible cost, it is a truly remarkable piece
of contemporary art.

When looking at the photo, a spectator sees

six stripes of grayish blue, green, and grey col-
ors.From a certain distance, the photo might
look like a painting of an abstractionist artist,
something that perhaps Malevich or Rothko
would paint; however, as you take a closer
look, you can notice that the stripes are actu-
ally a sky, a river, grass, and asphalt. First
comes the grayish-blue sky; after it, there is a
narrow stripe of a farther shore, the river
Rhine, and a green piece of a closer shore of
the river, divided into two by the grey stripe of
the asphalt track.

For those who do not value contemporary art

much, Rhein II might seem like a regular photo;
however, there are experts who can ade-
quately estimate a piece of art, and are ready
and willing to pay huge amounts of money to
own it. This photo taken by Andreas Gursky is
proof of it.



1- Acccording to the writer, ______. 1-When looking at the photo, a spectator sees
six stripes of grayish blue, green, and grey col-
a) there are photos worth more than 4.3 million ors.
b) you may not understand the art unless you a) viewer
value contemporary art. b) willing

2-First comes the grayish-blue sky; after it,

2- It is emphasized in the passage that there is a narrow stripe of a farther shore, the
_____ . river Rhine, and a green piece of a closer shore
of the river, divided into two by the grey stripe
a) Photos are worth a lot of money even if they of the asphalt track.
do not corresponds with the latest trends of art.
b) There are more details when you look closer- a) wide
in Rhein II. b) tight

3- The writer of this passage maintains that 3-The photograph is named Rhein II, and apart
______. from its incredible cost, it is a truly remarkable
piece of contemporary art.
a) Rhein II costs more than any other photo.
b) Rhein II is a bit overrated a) unbelievable
b) impact
4- In the passage, writer states that ______.
4-Rhein II might seem like a regular photo;
a) The photo might seem something like Male- however, there are experts who can adequately
vich or Rothko would paint from a certain dis- estimate a piece of art, and are ready and will-
tance. ing to pay huge amounts of money to own it.
b) Malevich or Rothko were with Andreas when
he took the photo. a) tiny
b) part
5- It is stated in the passage that ______.

a) People used to only take photos of important

b) Some experts think that Rhein II is but a reg-
ular photo.


UNIT 38 - Fun Facts about Shakespeare 5. None of Shakespeare’s original manu-

scripts exist.

6. And sadly, Shakespeare had no descen-

dants. All of his children died childless.

7. Shakespeare was not known as a poet and

playwright back in his hometown, Stratford.
There he was considered a respectable busi-
nessman and landlord.


bet iddia etmek

tired yorulmak
For sure, you’ve studied Shakespeare in high boring sıkıcı
school and/or college. Shakespeare here, Sha-
kespeare there, Shakespeare said this, Shake- found kurmak
speare wrote that, and so on. I bet you’re tired attitude tavır
of Shakespeare. You might think Shakespeare
was a boring guy who only wrote plays and extraordinary olağanüstü
founded theaters now and then. However, relatives akraba
there are some fun facts about him and after
learning about them, you might change your at- arrested tutuklanmak
titude about this extraordinary man. executed idam etmek

1. Shakespeare was born into a quite rebellious plotting against komplo düzenlemek
family. William Arden, one of Shakespeare’s re- strict sıkı
latives on his mother’s side, was arrested and
executed for plotting against Queen Elizabeth conceive gebe kalmak
I. pregnant hamile
mystery gizem
2. Despite strict religious traditions in England, unknown bilinmeyen
Shakespeare’s daughter Susanna was con-
ceived before marriage. Anne Hathaway (not receive almak
the actress, but the poet’s first wife) was 26 duty görev
years old and three months pregnant when
she married Shakespeare. manuscripts el yazması
descendants soyundan gelen

3. The years between 1585 and 1592 are a playwright oyun yazarı
complete mystery to even Shakespeare’s bio- respectable saygı değer
graphers. What he was doing during this period
is unknown.

4. One of Shakespeare’s father’s jobs was to

drink beer. He literally received money for
drinking beer in a pub. The job was called an
“ale tester,” meaning that his duty was to in-
spect the quality of bread and malt liquors.



1- Acccording to the writer, ______. 1- Despite strict religious traditions in England,

Shakespeare’s daughter Susanna was con-
a) Shakespeare is but a boring person. ceived before marriage.
b) Shakespeare is seen like a boring person.
a) tight
b) willing
2- It is emphasized in the passage that
_____ . 2- And sadly, Shakespeare had no descen-
dants. All of his children died childless.
a) his relatives were getting along with the
Queen. a) children
b) he had a relative that is killed because he b) ancestor
3- The years between 1585 and 1592 are a
3- The writer of this passage maintains that complete mystery to even Shakespeare’s bio-
______. graphers. What he was doing during this period
is unknown.
a) there is about 7 years of his life that we have
no idea what he did. a) secret
b) his manuscripts are still in good shape. b) inhale

4- In the passage, writer ______. 4- You might think Shakespeare was a boring
guy who only wrote plays and founded
a) he did not know what his father did for living. theaters now and then.
b) he did not marry his wife until after she was
pregnant a) build
b) find
5- It is stated in the passage that ______.

a) his children died before him.

b) everyone in his town knew that he was a re-
putable playwright



amazing hayrete düşüren

discoveries buluş
nowadays bu günlerde
incredibly inanılmaz bir şekilde
confirms onaylamak
denies reddetmek
existing var olan
mysteries sır
black holes siyah delik

The amount of amazing scientific discoveries perhaps belki

being made nowadays is incredibly high. Al- phenomenon olgu
most every day, humanity discovers something
that either confirms or denies the existing un- possessing sahip olan
derstanding of the Universe. However, there density yoğunluk
still exist a number of mysteries that astrono-
gravitational yer çekimsel
mers are just about to solve. And among such
mysteries are black holes – being perhaps the devices alet
most popular and well-known (due to mass cul-
predict ön görmek
ture) space phenomenon – which are one of
the least researched. properties özellik
conundrums merak konusu
Generally speaking, a black hole is a space ob-
ject possessing extreme density; its mass is originating kaynaklı
so enormous, and the respective gravitational
collapsed çökmek
attraction is so powerful, that even light cannot
escape this trap. This is why they are called distort bükmek-bozmak
‘black holes’ – you cannot see them without
special devices, since there is no light in the
point where a black hole is. The first person to
have predicted this phenomena was Albert
Einstein, and the term ‘black hole’ appeared in
1967, introduced by the American astronomer
John Wheeler. But only in 1971 was the first
black hole actually discovered.

Black holes are quite the space phenomenon,

with its properties being mysterious. Although
predicted and described a century ago, they
still possess one of the biggest conundrums
for scientists all over the world. Originating
from collapsed stars, black holes possess
such an enormous gravity that they are able to
distort space and time.



1- Acccording to the writer, ______. 1- Black holes are quite the space phenomen-
on, with its properties being mysterious.
a) black holes are not even close to being pop-
ular a) characteristic
b) we discover something nearly everyday that b) timid
conflicts or confirms our point of view of the uni-
verse. 2- The first person to have predicted this phe-
nomena was Albert Einstein.

2- It is established in the passage that _____ a) foresee

. b) tear apart

a) we used to have even more and incredible 3- he amount of amazing scientific discoveries
discoveries. being made nowadays is incredibly high.
b) black holes are not completely understood.
a) findings
3- We understand from the passage that the b) willing
black holes ______.
4- Generally speaking, a black hole is a space
a) can be seen with naked eye. object possessing extreme density; its mass is
b) might be giant and very intense. so enormous, and the respective gravitational
attraction is so powerful, that even light cannot
4- It is stated in the passage that the Ameri- escape this trap.
can astronomer John Wheeler ______.
a) having
a) named the black holes. b) sealing
b) discovered the first black hole ever.

5- The black holes originate when ______.

a) a star dies.
b) something moves at the speed of light.


UNIT 40 - DIVORCE Lack of Preparation - Marriage do not usually

work out if couples were not yet ready to get
into such kind of relationship when they got
married. Be reminded that with lack of marital
preparation, the union can be filled with pro-
blems and struggles. Counselling can actually
help them make sure that they are emotionally
prepared to handle such kind of union.

Abuse - Splits happen due to domestic vio-

lence. Experts say that such process can be
more complicated for victims of abuse. Making
sure that you are safe before filing for a di-
vorce is very important. It is also advised that
you must let people close to you be aware of
the potential dangers that might come from an-
Divorce can be fault-based or no-fault. Fault- nouncing a divorce. It would be wise to get le-
based is if one of the parties did something gal advice.
which becomes a reason to break-up a mar-
riage. These may include abuse, addiction,
and adultery. No-fault divorce, on the other
hand, is when no one is to be blame but both
agree to end up their relationship.

Why Couples File For A Divorce

Lack of Commitment - Most couples said that
this is main reason that their marriage did not
work out. Based on a survey, 62% of exes said
they wished their spouse should have worked
harder to stay married.

Too Much Arguing - Among the main reasons

argument can perpetuate is because you are
not appreciating, understanding, or perhaps
even validating the perspective of your partner.
It is advisable that you appreciate a reality that
is different from your own. This is a great way
of de-escalating conflicts and figuring out
the best solutions.

Infidelity - Cheating will certainly play a very

significant role in divorce. Experts say that infi-
delity usually starts as a seemingly innocent
friendship. It will oftentimes begin as an emo-
tional affair, then after some time, it will be-
come a physical affair.

Marrying At A Young Age - Most couples agree

that age was a factor in the dissolution of their
marriage. In fact, studies show that nearly half
of teenage marriages fail.

Lack of Equality - Most divorces are caused by

inequality. If one party feels that an unfair
amount of responsibility is placed on him or her,
the relationship could be in danger.



based temelli 1- Acccording to the writer, divorces

parties taraflar
break-up ayrılma a) always happen because of someone’s fault
b) might happen without any faults whatsoever.
abuse kötüye kullanma
addiction bağımlılık
2- It is emphasized in the passage that
adultery aldatma _____ .
survey anket
a) more than half of the exes did want their
spouse eş spouse to work harder on their marriage
perpetuate devamlı kılmak b) most of the divorces are caused by marrying
at a young age.
advisable tavsiye edilir
de-escalating şiddetini azaltmak 3- The writer of this passage maintains that
conflicts çatışma - tartışma
figuring out çaresine bakmak, a) Physical affairs are likely to happen before
çözmek the emotional ones.
b) infidelity mostly starts with seemingly inno-
innocent masum cent friendships.
affair macera(gönül)
4- In the passage, writer asserts that
dissolution bozulma ______.
inequality eşitsizlik
a) Violence after divorce is not expected ever.
marital evlilikle ilgili b) Victims suffering domestic violence are in
counselling danışma even worse condition in the process.
splits ayrılmalar 5- It is stated in the passage that ______.
filing for a divorce boşanma davası
açmak a) you need to have tolerance towards your
victims kurbanlar
b) appreciate a reality that is different from your
announcing duyurma own might couse de-escalating of your relation-
legal advice hukuki tavsiye



1- Among the main reasons argument can per-

petuate is because you are not appreciating,
understanding, or perhaps even validating the
perspective of your partner.

a) continue
b) trap

2- Most divorces are caused by inequality.

a) uneven
b) order

3- Splits happen due to domestic violence.

a) seperation
b) investment

4-Experts say that infidelity usually starts as a

seemingly innocent friendship.

a) white clean
b) unknown


UNIT 41 - Turkey: A Rising Economic Power The government has set a goal of generating
over USD250 billion in GDP by 2023 through
investments in energy, transportation and infor-
mation technology. Such projects are intended
to attract big players to invest in the Turkish

There is no doubt that Turkey is a large and im-

portant country that holds a great deal of pro-
mise as a market as well as an investment lo-
cation. Its geographic location and skills base
make it an excellent hub to export to the Mid-
dle East and Europe - and one that is deeply
under-appreciated among the international
business community. Turkey is an oasis of sta-
bility and development in a turbulent region of
The Middle East is sometimes viewed as an the world.
economic failure story. But at the Western
fringe of that region, a new global economic VOCABULARY
powerhouse is rising - Turkey, the transconti-
nental country positioned strategically between
failure başarısızlık
Asia and Europe. With a Gross Domestic Pro-
duct (GDP) of USD786 billion for 2014, the na- fringe kenar
tion opens its doors to investment across multi-
transcontinental kıtalararası
ple sectors. Will Turkey continue to be a safe
haven for investment and can it be a spring- safe güvenli
board into Europe and the Middle East? haven liman
Strategic location springboard sıçrama tahtası
Turkey's strategic location - at the intersection intersection birleşke
of Europe, Central Asia and the Levant - pro-
vides access to major markets and 1.5 billion provides sağlamak
customers across Europe, Eurasia, Middle worth değerinde
East, and North Africa. This makes Turkey a
springboard for accessing a market worth ap- hub port aktarma merkezi
proximately USD25 trillion. The country also equivalent eşdeğer
plans to further develop three key hub ports to
position itself as a leading regional shipping lo- GDP(Gross domes- gayrisafi yurt içi hası-
gistics center. The largest port project under- tic product) la
way - the Candarli Port - is estimated to provide project(fiil hâli) ön görmek
11.4 million twenty-foot equivalent units upon
full completion, at a cost of €910 million. heady growth güçlü büyüme
a far cry from farklı
Future outlook
Turkey's GDP growth rate is projected to re- heyday doruk
main steady at 3.6 per cent through 2016 - a infrastructure altyapı
far cry from the heady growth in its heyday,
but still respectable for a middle-income coun- generating üretmek
try. Its liberal and attractive investment climate intend niyet etmek
will continue to help Turkey to invest in sectors
such as infrastructure, telecommunications skills base beceri temelli yapı
and energy. export to ihraç etmek
oasis of stability kararlılığın olmadığı
turbulent çalkantılı



1- Acccording to the writer, ______. 1- The largest port project underway - the Can-
darli Port - is estimated to provide 11.4 million
a) Turkey is a failure story economically. twenty-foot equivalent units upon full comple-
b) Turkey is an important international market. tion, at a cost of €910 million.

a) equal
2- It is established in the passage that _____ b) substitute
2- Its liberal and attractive investment climate
a) Turkey’s GDP is a lot more than $786 billion will continue to help Turkey to invest in sectors
b) some projects are being developed to attract such as infrastructure, telecommunications
more investors. and energy.

3- We understand from the passage that

______. a) basis
b) tight
a) In 2016 Turkey is expected to grow bigger
than ever before. 3- Such projects are intended to attract big
b) It is a goal for the government to produce players to invest in the Turkish economy.
over $250 billion dollars by the year 2023.
a) aim
4- It is stated in the passage that ______. b) sacrifice

a) Turkey’s net worth is $25 trillion dollars. 4- The Middle East is sometimes viewed as an
b) Turkey is both a big country and holds a economic failure story.
great market potential.
a) error
5- The largest port project ______. b) stop

a) has been completed recently and is ex-

pected to produce $11,4 million dollars worth of
b) has still not been completed and gonna cost
like €910 million.


UNIT 42 - How To Preserve The Life Span Of Always create a clean floral environment. Care-
Fresh Flowers fully wash and rinse the container so that the
fresh water will not be contaminated. Remove
decaying leaves and petals as they can create
a rich habitat for bacteria. Strip off leaves that
are below the water line.

Lastly, keep your flower arrangement away

from sunlight and other heat sources.
Send some flowers to someone special today.

One of life's most pleasurable moments is

greeting the delivery man at the door or getting
a phone call from the receptionist at your office
telling you that fresh flowers have been deliv-
ered for you. Because this is a tangible remin-
der that someone is thinking of you, you
wouldn't want the whole thing to die on the first
day or two after receiving it. To make sure that
you get the longest life span and enjoy the most
out of it, here are some tips.

The first thing to do is to remove the flowers

from the delivery box. Discard damaged pe-
tals and leaves. If they appear to be smashed
or dead flowers, worry not. While you can't con-
trol how they are shipped, you can certainly
take easy steps to take care of them. Next is to
fill the vase with lukewarm water and add
some flower food or floral preservatives. After
that, use a sharp knife to cut each stem at an
angle for about an inch. Finally, you can ar-
range them.

Place the bulkier stems first then add the small

flowers and greens to close any gaps and finish
your bouquet. Your arrangement will be revita-
lized after some time, depending on the type of
flowers. With proper care, most flowers will look
beautiful for 7 to 10 days. Others will still be
around for up to two weeks

Moisture in the air is another factor that helps

in preserving the freshness of flowers. To
maintain humidity, keep the vase filled with
water. Change the water every two to three
days. Remember that most cut flowers are very
thirsty. To make sure that water will be ab-
sorbed more efficiently, cut stems every time
you change the water.



pleasurable hoşa giden 1- Acccording to the writer, ______.

deliver teslim etmek a) getting flowers from someone is the most

tangible somut pleasurable thing in the world.
b) getting flowers from someone might be a
receive almak proof that somebody is thinking of you.
tips ipuçları
remove silmek/çıkartmak 2- It is emphasized in the passage that
delivery box teslimat kutusu _____ .
discard ayırmak/atmak a) the first thing to do is to let them rest in their
petals taç yaprağı original container for a while.
b) removing dead parts of the flower is advised
leaves yaprak
smash ezmek 3- The writer of this passage maintains that
ship kargolanmak
lukewarm ılık a) you need to place the big parts of the stem
floral çiçekle ilgili/-e ait b) moisturing the flowers is a myth and does
stem kök not really help.
angle açı 4- In the passage, writer ______.
arrange hazırlamak
a) recommends changing flower’s water at
bulky kalıplı least twice a week.
bouqet demet b) freshly cut flowers do not want water all that
revitalized tekrarlamak
moisture nemlendirmek 5- It is stated in the passage that ______.
preserving korumak
a) cutting the stems make it more efficient for
humidity nemlilik flowers to absorb the water.
b) keeping it in sunlight is good for the flowers.
thirsty susamak
absorb emmek
rinse kurulamak
container kap
decay çürümek
strip off kopartmak
contaminate kirletmek, mikrop



1- One of life's most pleasurable moments is

greeting the delivery man at the door or getting
a phone call from the receptionist at your office
telling you that fresh flowers have been deliv-
ered for you.

a) send
b) plausible

2-Always create a clean floral environment.

Carefully wash and rinse the container so that
the fresh water will not be contaminated.

a) pot
b) jacket

3- Strip off leaves that are below the water


a) remove
b) add

4- Finally, you can arrange them.

a) prepare
b) prohibit


UNIT 43 - Leopard Gecko Lifespan - Tips on ment. Most geckos are found in the dry, rocky
Prolonging the Lifespan of Leopard Geckos and tropical landscapes. This should be repli-
cated in their shelter such as cages, tanks or
aquariums. Initially, sand or other granular sub-
strates were used to cover the grounds. How-
ever, these materials cause impactions.
Substrates that are considered safe would in-
clude used newspaper, paper towels and wood
shavings. In addition, since leopard geckos are
cold-blooded and requires external heating,
their tanks should be provided with multiple
hides (warm, cool and moist). The different
hides assist in maintaining the temperature re-
quirements of these reptiles. They may change
hides whenever they need warm or cold envir-
onment especially during shedding and egg-
Leopard geckos have been considered one of laying.
the most commonly chosen household pets
among reptiles since they are small, easy to 4. Lessen the risk of stress. The presence of
keep, appear in varieties of color and design, another leopard gecko in the shelter tends to in-
cheaper as compared to other reptiles available crease the problem of stress and territorial dis-
at pet shops and can grow accustomed to putes. These shelters should be large enough
handling. especially if you plan to put in two or more in
one tank.
The geckos are among the few reptiles that are
bred from captivity to be sold as pets. The An average of 20 gallons should be the ideal
average leopard gecko lifespan is seen to be measure of a tank for two geckos and an addi-
10-20 years. Nevertheless, their life expectan- tional 10 gallons per gecko should be main-
cies vary differently from those that lived in its tained. Housing male and female gecko to-
external environment (20 years) as compared gether should also be supervised. Since the
to those raised in captivity (10-15 years). Here males tend to be more sexually aggressive
are some important tips that every leopard than females during breeding, enclosures
gecko owners and enthusiasts should know to should be created to separate the male from
extend the lives of their pets: the female.

1. Check your pet's diet. Most leopard gecko

eats live insects such as crickets, locusts and
mealworms. Since they prefer alive ones, safe-
keeping and storage of these insects, keeping
them healthy and alive should be a priority.
Once in a while, give them treats by feeding
them other more expensive insects like butter
worms, silkworms and wax worms. There
should also be an ample amount of water
source available for your pets.

2. Provide good food supplements. Since

some insects do not contain the necessary
nutritional value, calcium and vitamins should
be given to your pets. There are available cal-
cium powders in pet shops which you can
dust on the foods you feed your pets. However,
be cautious because giving large dosages can
be dangerous.

3. Keep a sufficient and adaptive environ-



chosen seçilmiş 1- Acccording to the writer, ______.

reptile sürüngen a) geckos can be very friendly towards each

varieties çeşitleri other
b) geckos need a space to act freely
accustomed to alışkın olmak
bred yetiştirmek 2- The main emphasis of this passage is on
average ortalama
captivity tutsaklık a) how to take care of geckos.
b) the things geckos eat.
enthusiasts sevenler
extend uzatmak 3- The writer suggests in the passage that
insect böcek
storage a) geckos should not be provided with extra vi-
tamins since they get enough from the bugs
treat atıştırmalık they eat.
ample bol b) some of the geckos are fed in a different and
expensive way.
source kaynak
contain içermek 4- Leopard geckos seem to live longer if
they are ______.
necessary gerekli
nutritional value besinsel değerler a) taken out of their habitat and taken care of.
b) in their natural environment.
powder toz
dust serpmek 5- The writer of the passage mainstains that
shelter sığınak
impaction çarpma a) if male and female geckos are to be main-
tained together, they need to be supervised.
consider düşünmek
b) they need no supervision as they would in
external dışsal their natural habitat.
heating ısıtma
hides deri
shedding dökülme
dispute çatışma
housing ev sahipliği yapmak
supervise kontrol etmek
enclosure çit, duvar



1- The average leopard gecko lifespan is seen

to be 10-20 years.

a) medium
b) majority

2- There should also be an ample amount of

water source available for your pets.

a) a lot
b) a few

3- There should also be an ample amount of

water source available for your pets.

a) spring
b) seal

4- The presence of another leopard gecko in

the shelter tends to increase the problem of
stress and territorial disputes.

a) conflict
b) cave


UNIT 44 - What Time Should You Sleep bad for your health. Besides not having enough
time to detoxify your body, you will miss out
other important body functions too.
From 3am to 5am, most blood circulation con-
centrates in your lung. What should you do at
this moment? Well, you should exercise and
breathe in fresh air. Take in good energy into
your body, preferably in a garden. At this time,
the air is very fresh with lots of beneficial nega-
tive ions.
From 5am to 7am, most blood circulation con-
centrates in your large intestine. What should
you do at this moment? You should poop! Pass
out all unwanted poop from your large intestine.
Prepare your body to absorb more nutrients
Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying throughout the day.
that sleeping early and waking up early is good
for your health. How true is that? Is it alright to From 7am to 9am, most blood circulation con-
sleep late and wake up late? centrates in your stomach. What should you
do at this moment? Have your breakfast! This
You actually have an amazing biological clock is your most important meal in a day. Make
ticking inside your body. It is very precise. It sure you have all the required nutrients from
helps to regulate your various body functions your breakfast. Not having breakfast causes
including your sleeping time. lots of health problems for you in the future.
From 11pm to 3am, most of your blood circula- That's the way to start your day
tion concentrates in your liver. Your liver gets There you are... the most ideal way to start your
larger when filled with more blood. This is an day. After fully detoxifying your blood during
important time when your body undergoes de- your sleep, you wake up fresh to inhale benefi-
toxification process. Your liver neutralizes cial energy. Then you pass out unwanted poop
and breaks down body toxins accumulated from your large intestine. After that, you take in
throughout the day. balanced nutrients to prepare your body for a
new day.
However if you don't sleep at this time, your li-
ver cannot carry out this detoxification process No wonder people living in villages or farms is
smoothly. healthier. They sleep early and wake up early.
They follow their natural biological clock.
If you sleep at 11pm, you have full 4 hours to
detoxify your body. Living in city, we have more difficulty in follow-
If you sleep at 12am, you have 3 hours. ing this sleeping schedule. We have good light-
If you sleep at 1am, you have 2 hours. ning, TV and internet to delay our precious
And if you sleep at 2am, you only have 1 sleeping time.
hour to detoxify.

What if you sleep after 3am? Unfortunately, you

won't have any time to actually detoxify your
body. If you continue with this sleeping pattern,
these toxins will accumulate in your body over
time. You know what happens next.

What if you sleep late and wake up late?

Have you tried going to bed very late at night?
Did you realize you feel very tired the next day
no matter how much you sleep?

Sleeping late and waking up late is indeed very


1- Acccording to the writer, ______.
ticking tik tak etmek
a) your body will detoxify eventually no matter
precise tam, kesin when you sleep
regulate düzenleme b) if you sleep after 3 am your body will never
circulation kan akışı
concentrates yoğunlaşma
2- It is established in the passage that _____
detoxification detoks, zehir atımı .
neutralizes etkisiz hâle getirme
a) blood circulation concentrates in different
accumulate toplanma, birikme parts of the body according to what hour it is.
smoothly pürüzsüz bir şekilde b) there is nothing you can do to absorb more
lung akciğer
breathe nefes almak 3- We understand from the passage that the
large intestine kalın bağırsak
absorb emmek a) our biological clock is flexible
b) if you sleep at 11 pm you will get more effi-
stomach mide cient detox.
required nutrients gerekli besinler
4- It is stated in the passage that ______.
beneficial yararlı
schedule program a) the writer thinks that villagers are more
b) it is easier for us to sleep well as we have
good lightning and etc.

5- The author’s attitude towards the pas-

sage is______.

a) informing
b) criticising



1- It is very precise.

a) half
b) exact

2- However if you don't sleep at this time, your

liver cannot carry out this detoxification process

a) fluent
b) tight

3- Well, you should exercise and breathe in

fresh air.

a) inhale
b) exhale

4- Make sure you have all the required nutri-

ents from your breakfast.

a) necessary
b) important


UNIT 45 - How Did Elvis Presley Influence VOCABULARY

influence etki
imagine hayal etmek
shake(-ing) sallamak
hips kalçaları
outrage öfkelenmek
controversy tartışma
waist up belden yukarısı
offend gücendirmek, rahat-
sız etmek
develop geliştirmek
ability beceri
Elvis Presley is well known as the King of Roll
and Roll, but this man had an influence in the venue mekân
areas of movies and dancing as well. If you crowd kalabalık
aren't aware of his influence over dancing then
you definitely need to keep on reading. It is appreciate takdir etmek
hard to imagine that when Elvis first was on decade on yıl
TV, appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show, shak-
ing his hips to his music outraged many peo- critics eleştirmen
ple. They felt his moves were too sexual in nat- inspiration ilham kaynağı
ure and they also believed that he was a white
man trying to dance like he was black.

For a while it became quite a controversy for

him to be on shows. In fact, many of the produ-
cers only wanted to show him from the waist
up so that they wouldn't offend their viewers.
Even so, there was no stopping the following
that Elvis developed in part due to his amazing
dancing abilities. It seemed that people all over
the world just couldn't get enough of him.

His concerts in Las Vegas and other venues

around the world always sold out. Many of
those that came to see him made it clear that
while they loved his voice they were there for
many other reasons. Among them was the fact
that they loved his dance style and it was won-
derful to see him offering something so new
and so energetic to the crowd before him.

Unfortunately, a great deal of the dancing that

Elvis did wasn't really appreciated until after
his death. Many believe he was decades
ahead of his time with the visions that he had.
He wasn't a rebel as so many critics back then
labeled him. Instead he was an artistic genius.
If you ask any great dancers or musicians out
there today many of them will tell you that one
of their inspirations has always been Elvis.



1- It is understood from the passage that

1- Elvis Presley is well known as the King of
Roll and Roll, but this man had an influence in
a) Elvis was widely criticised at first. the areas of movies and dancing as well.
b) Elvis is not appreciated ever.
a) affect
b) substitute
2- The writer of the passage asserts that
_____. 2-Unfortunately, a great deal of the dancing that
Elvis did wasn't really appreciated until after
a) many believe that he was ahead of his time. his death.
b) people at that time thought Elvis was not a
big deal. a) admire
b) seal

3- Which one of the following would de- 3-Among them was the fact that they loved his
scribe the writer’s attitude?______. dance style and it was wonderful to see him of-
fering something so new and so energetic to
a) he was not appreciated while he was alive. the crowd before him.
b) people were not watching Elvis solely for his
voice. a) horde
b) impact

4- Which of the following would be a better 4- For a while it became quite a controversy
synonym for the underlined word: for him to be on shows.
His concerts in Las Vegas and other venues
around the world always sold out. a) dispute
b) distraction
a) place
b) step

5- Critics at that time ______.

a) didn’t see him as a rebel

b) saw him as a rebel but the writer seems to
think he is not one.


UNIT 46 - Pele - The King of Football VOCABULARY

legendary efsanevi
was able to -e bilmek
grow (grew) büyümek
poverty fakirlik
shining parlamak
fame ün
fortune servet
contributions katkı
ambassador elçi
numerous çeşitli
Pele, the legendary soccer player, was born in
Três Coracoes, Brazil on October 23, 1940 son commendation övgü, takdir
of a renowned football player Dondinho. Edison
regularly mentioned düzenli olarak söz
Arantes Nascimento or commonly known as
Pele is a former Brazilian football player who
was rated by many as the greatest footballer of dedicate adamak
all time. He was able to gain the title as the
retirement emeklilik
Athlete of the Century given by the International
Olympic Committee. citation alıntı
award ödül
Pele grew in poverty and earned extra money
by shining shoes at the Bauru Athletic Club. At
the age of 15 he joined the Santos FC junior
team. He was able to earn his fame and for-
tune through his talent on the playing field.
Pele was considered as a national hero for his
accomplishments and contributions to the
sport of soccer. Because of his achievements in
the sport, he was officially declared by FIFA as
the Football Ambassador of the world. During
his career as a soccer player, he was also
known as "The King of Football". He is also a
member of the American National Soccer Hall
of Fame.

Pele is the first ever soccer player to achieve

numerous international commendation and
his name is regularly mentioned in news
events of soccer. As Pele have the heart for the
poor, he dedicated his 1,000th goal play to the
poor children of Brazil. Since his full retirement
in soccer on 1977, Pelé has been an ambassa-
dor for the Football League and receive various
citations and awards such as the prestigious
Laureus World Sports Lifetime Award from the
South African President Nelson Mandel in



1- Acccording to the writer, Pele ______. 1- Pele grew in poverty and earned extra
money by shining shoes at the Bauru Athletic
a) was very generous. Club.
b) did not really deserve to be this famous.
a) poor
b) wealth
2- It is established in the passage that _____
. 2- Pele was considered as a national hero for
his accomplishments and contributions to the
a) he bought shiny shoes with the first money sport of soccer.
he earned.
b) he was considered as a hero in the eyes of a) help
his country. b) part

3- We understand from the passage that 3- As Pele have the heart for the poor, he dedi-
Pele ______. cated his 1,000th goal play to the poor children
of Brazil.
a) was a football player at the Bauru Athletic
Club before he joined the Santos FC junior. a) devote
b) he retired at the age of 37. b) vote

4- It is stated in the passage that ______. 4- Pele is the first ever soccer player to achieve
numerous international commendation and his
a) he had at least 1.000 goals. name is regularly mentioned in news events of
b) although he is known and appreciated in his soccer.
country, he does not really have anyone that
knows him outside his country. a) various
b) few
5- Which of the following would be a better
synonym for the underlined word:

He was able to earn his fame and fortune

through his talent on the playing field.

a) reputation
b) treasure


UNIT 47 - The Advantages of Tourism in In day-to-day life, reading and getting lonely
Education theoretical knowledge cannot make any student
successful. They must know the habits,
manners, cultures and way of living of people
in other places. Traveling takes students to the
sphere of practical knowledge. They come
down to reality from the realm of dreams and
imagination. While traveling, students learn to
adjust to the changed conditions of living and
foot-habits and the environment also. Different
and varied difficulties encountered during travel-
ing make the students readily adjustable. As
such, tourism gives far more valuable lessons
to students than the lessons of text books.

Tourism is an important and most powerful tool

to promote national integration and bring peo-
ple from different parts of the country or sub -
continents close together. Advantages of tour-
ism are remarkable if it is accompanied with
education. Traveling is considered as the most
delightful experience in the life of students.
People have enjoyed and learnt a lot while tra-
veling on their educational tours. Students
eagerly look forward for such kind of oppor-
tunities when they are taken out of the four
walls of class rooms to distant places. English-
men consider their schooling complete only
after a tour of the continent.

Geography is considered a very dull and unin-

spiring subject if it is read sitting in class
rooms and just going through various books.
The Great Ganga may be thought of a snake
line running along the map. The Taj Mahal may
be taken as a monument just like many others
without actually visiting it. The dull subject of
Geography will definitely become interesting
and absorbing once these places of interest are
visited by the students. History is very boring
for students because they think of it as a story
of dead kings and their period of kingdom and
which is not going to pay student of today any-
thing. However, if students are taken frequently
to the sites of glories and defeats, architec-
tural master - pieces constructed during peri-
ods of these great dead monarchs, the subject
of History becomes more interesting and excit-
ing than any other subject.

Really we can learn a lot more things when we

actually come in contact or see such things or
sites associated with such happenings. Sitting
at home only will make our outlook a narrow
one. Any student will fail to understand the ef-
fect of environment on the life of human beings.



tool alet 1- Acccording to the writer, ______.

promote teşvik etmek a) tourism is not as important as education.

integration bütünleşme, birleşme b) students like journeys.
sub-continent alt kıta
remarkable kayda değer 2- It is established in the passage that
accompany with eşlik etmek
experience tecrübe a) geography would be a dull subject no matter
look forward for dört gözle beklemek b) some lessons might be actually enjoyed by
eagerly isteyerek students if they are accompanied with the real
life content.
opportunities fırsatlar
distant uzak 3- Which of the following would be a better
synonym for the underlined word:
dull sıkıcı
uninspiring ilham vermeyen They must know the habits, manners, cultures
and way of living of people in other places.
various çeşitli
snake line düz bir çizgi şeklinde a) routine
b) award
monument anıt
kingdom krallık 4- It is stated in the passage that ______.
glory görkem a)
architectural master- mimari başyapıt b)
5- The writer of the passage is ______.
monarchs hükümdarlar
exciting heyecan verici a) in favor of the trips and journeys.
b) against students’ spending time outside the
contact iletişimde bulunmak
associate with ile ilgili olmak
narrow dar
habit alışkanlık
manner tavır
sphere katman
realm alem
adjust to -e göre ayarlamak, uyar-



1- The Taj Mahal may be taken as a monu-

ment just like many others without actually visit-
ing it.

a) memorial
b) ancient

2- However, if students are taken frequently to

the sites of glories and defeats, architectural
master - pieces constructed during periods of
these great dead monarchs, the subject of His-
tory becomes more interesting and exciting
than any other subject.

a) Kings
b) Slaves

3- Tourism is an important and most powerful

tool to promote national integration and bring
people from different parts of the country or sub
- continents close together.

a) distraction
b) device

4- While traveling, students learn to adjust to

the changed conditions of living and foot-habits
and the environment also.

a) get used to
b) used to


UNIT 48 - How L-Glutamine Increases Mem- nia. When you normalize these levels, the brain
ory And Cognitive Functions! fogginess disappears as your cells receive
proper amounts of oxygen and nutrients for
healthy functioning.

Clinical tests performed on L-Glutamine to

improve your memory
There have been numerous clinical tests per-
formed on the efficacy of this organic ingredi-
ent. It is the most abundant amino acid of the
body providing rich nutritional value as well as
abilities to heal cellular injury. This key
component triggers the growth of cells
through modified metabolic activities so you
can recharge your mind one step at a time.
Clinical trials based on how L-Glutamine im-
proves memory function indicate that patients
experienced improved moods, emotional
states, and did not suffer from inhibited cogni-
tive functions after its consecutive use. This is a
non-toxic way to reach your goals of mental
If you are one of the many individuals that suf- health without causing harm to the rest of the
fer from brain fogginess, fatigue and even body.
lethargy, you can find the relief you need be-
cause L-Glutamine improves memory and
cognitive functions. This amino acid is very
prevalent in some parts of the brain, the spinal
cord, and even organs of digestion and
detoxification. These processes all work
synergistically with each other to produce op-
timal health conditions that leave you feeling
great at all times. If you have ever struggled to
remember certain events, information, or critical
details, you need to modify the way your brain
comprehends information, which can be effec-
tively accomplished when you use L-Glutamine
to enhance memory function. This powerful
antioxidant does it all, and revitalizes your
cells so you benefit from enhanced energy le-
vels for your health and anti-aging needs.

How the medicinal use of L-Glutamine im-

proves your memory
Now you can experience all the thrills of being
able to remember again when you utilize this
natural alternative health supplement for total
body strength and endurance. This active
amino acid works through protein synthesis and
chemical conversions in different parts of the
body which stimulate healthy reactions to oc-
cur. Empowering your mind from the cellular
level up, L-Glutamine improves memory and re-
moves accumulations of ammonia and nitro-
gen in the blood which ultimately affects the
functioning of your brain. Ammonia is present
when this ingredient is converted into glutamic
acid which requires certain amounts of ammo-



fogginess sisli, belirsiz

fatigue yorgunluk CHOOSE THE BETTER OPTION
lethargy uyuşukluk
1- Acccording to the writer, ______.
cognitive bilişsel
prevalent yaygın a) L-Glutamine enhances your memory in addi-
tion to improving cognitive skills
spinal cord omurilik b) L-Glutamine enhances memory but has no
detoxification zehirden arınma, detoks effect in improving cognitive skills.
synergistically uyum içinde
optimal ideal 2- It is established in the passage that _____
condition şart
struggle çaba a) L-Glutamine is able to heal cellular injuries.
b) Clinical trials show that L-Glutamine is just a
comprehend kavramak myth and has no practical use whatsoever.
enhance artmak
3- Which of the following would be a better
revitalize canlandırmak synonym for the underlined word:
thrill heyecan
Clinical trials based on how L-Glutamine im-
utilize kullanmak,değerlendir- proves memory function indicate that patients
mek experienced improved moods, emotional
supplement bütünleyici, ilave states, and did not suffer from inhibited cogni-
tive functions after its consecutive use.
strength güç
endurance dayanıklık a) show
b) estimate
conversion dönüşüm
stimulate güdülemek 4- It is stated in the passage that _____.
empowering güçlendirmek
a) in clinical trials some patients experienced
accumulations birikim inhibited cognitive functions.
b) L-Glutamine aims removing the nitrogen
receive almak
from the blood.
nutrient besin
5- The writer’s attitude towards L-Glutamine
ingredient içerik
is ______.
abundant bol
a) in favor of it.
value değer
b) neutral.
injury kaza
component bileşen
trigger tetiklemek
recharge yeniden şarj etmek
indicate göstermek
inhibit kısıtlamak



1- If you have ever struggled to remember cer-

tain events, information, or critical details, you
need to modify the way your brain compre-
hends information, which can be effectively ac-
complished when you use L-Glutamine to en-
hance memory function.

a) increase
b) decrease

2- Empowering your mind from the cellular le-

vel up, L-Glutamine improves memory and re-
moves accumulations of ammonia and nitrogen
in the blood which ultimately affects the func-
tioning of your brain.

a) strengthen
b) weaken

3- It is the most abundant amino acid of the

body providing rich nutritional value as well as
abilities to heal cellular injury.

a) rich amount
b) cease

4- If you are one of the many individuals that

suffer from brain fogginess, fatigue and even
lethargy, you can find the relief you need be-
cause L-Glutamine improves memory and
cognitive functions.

a) tired
b) stream


UNIT 49 - Tips for Learning Tennis Your next step is that you should be prepared
to face your adversity as much as you can.
There is possibility that you may not be able to
handle challenges in the beginning and there
is possibility that this kind of instructor will be
able to offer valuable guidance in this matter.

Once you detect your error the next step that

you should follow is to take proper action in or-
der to correct it as quickly as possible. Whether
you do not throw this type of ball properly or
you are unable to concentrate when you throw
this type of ball, it is advisable that you should
identify your mistake quickly and that you
should not repeat that mistake at any point of
If you want to learn the basic tennis techniques time.
in the best possible way and if you wish to be-
come a proficient tennis instructor within a If you play this type of sport during hot season,
short period of time, it is advisable that you it is advisable that you should drink plenty of
should take the help of an experienced tennis water within short intervals. If you are hungry it
instructor as soon as possible. This article will is advisable that you should eat light snacks
highlight on a few essential tips that you such as banana, apple and that you should
should follow in order to learn this type of sport play this type of sport in empty stomach at
in the best possible way. some point of time.
If you wish to learn this type of sport quickly, it
is advisable that you should try to practice it as
much as you can. Although there is no specific
rule to learn it effectively, it is vital that you
should show your dedication and
commitment in the best possible way. When
you practice with dedication as well as commit-
ment, there is possibility that your body as well
as your mind will be strong and that you will be
able to accomplish your goals to become a
good tennis player within a short period of time.
Even if you do not achieve your goals, it is vital
that you should identify your mistakes quickly
and that you should be able to rectify them suc-

The next step that you should follow is to main-

tain a diary or a journal where you are able to
write down the essential information in the best
possible way. For example, you should write
what your tennis instructor tells you as well as
what tennis techniques that you have to rectify
as soon as possible. For example, if you cannot
play a backhand stroke, it is vital that you
should write it down on your diary or your book
and that you should try to correct it without any
type of delay. If you do not bend your knees
when you serve the tennis ball or if you always
drop your hand before you throw this kind of
ball, it is important that you should write it down
on your dairy or your journal and then try to rec-
tify it as much as you can.



proficient yeterli 1- Which of the following would be a better

synonym for the underlined word:
instructor eğitmen
advisable tavsiye edilebilir
Once you detect your error the next step that
experienced tecrübeli you should follow is to take proper action in or-
highlight üzerinde durmak der to correct it as quickly as possible.
essential önemli a) identify
vital önemli b) seek
dedication kararlı 2- It is established in the passage that _____
commitment bağlılık .
identify belirlemek a) if you want to be instructor you should not go
diary günlük asking other instructors to help you.
b) if you have mistakes, you should note and
rectify düzeltmek try correcting them.
delay ertelemek
3- We understand from the passage that
bend bükmek ______.
knees diz kapakları
a) in the short intervals you are supposed to
adversity terslik drink water.
challenge meydan okuma b) you should not play with an empty stomach.
guidance rehber 4- It is stated in the passage that ______.
detect belirlemek
a) you should delay dealing with the adversities
interval aralık you face.
b) you should continue fighting even if you are
not able to handle it at first.

5- The type of this passage is______.

a) informing
b) criticising



1- Although there is no specific rule to learn it

effectively, it is vital that you should show your
dedication and commitment in the best possible

a) important
b) ingredient

2- There is possibility that you may not be able

to handle challenges in the beginning and there
is possibility that this kind of instructor will be
able to offer valuable guidance in this matter.

a) help
b) willing

3- For example, if you cannot play a backhand

stroke, it is vital that you should write it down on
your diary or your book and that you should try
to correct it without any type of delay.

a) postpone
b) shelter

4- If you do not bend your knees when you

serve the tennis ball or if you always drop your
hand before you throw this kind of ball, it is im-
portant that you should write it down on your
dairy or your journal and then try to rectify it as
much as you can.

a) legs
b) feet


50 - ARE HANDS FREE CALLS SAFER? favor of their inner 'visual world,'" which is a
concern for drivers' safety, Hole said. But dri-
vers don't necessarily need to drive in silence.
Chatty passengers tend to pose less of a risk
than phone conversations.


dangerous tehlikeli
distracting dikkat dağıtan
require gerektirmek
misconception yanılgı
Talking on your phone while driving — even if
lecturer konuşmacı
you use a hands-free connection — is still
statement açıklama
dangerous, a new study from England finds.
Conversations of any kind can be distracting if engaged in meşgul olmak
they require a driver to use mental imagery, ac- visual imagery görsel imgeleme
cording to the study. "A popular misconcep- wheel direksiyon
tion is that using a mobile phone while driving hazards tehlikeler
is safe as long as the driver uses a hands-free
include içermek
phone," Graham Hole, a psychology lecturer at
experiment deney
the University of Sussex in England and an
divide into bölmek
author of the study, said in a statement. "Our
research shows this is not the case." Rather, compete for yarışmak
the findings of the new study suggest that when silence sessizlik
drivers are engaged in a conversation and are passengers yolcu
using visual imagery behind the wheel, their
brains fail to all of the hazards on the road
ahead. The study included two experiments.
In the first experiment, 60 people, divided into
three groups of 20, completed a simulated driv-
ing course with a series of road hazards. A vi-
deo of the course was shown through the wind-
shield of a nonmoving car, and the researchers
measured when the drivers stepped on the
brake pedal. It's possible that the brain has a
limited capacity for visual processing, according
to the study. When a driver is tasked with both
recognizing hazards on the road and mentally
picturing some aspect of a conversation, that vi-
sual imagery "competes for processing re-
sources" in the brain, Hole said. "Conversations
are more visual than we might expect, leading
drivers to ignore parts of the outside world in



1- Talking on your phone while driving — even

1- It is understood from the passage that if you use a hands-free connection — is still
_____. dangerous, a new study from England finds.

a) slight
a) you are fine as long as you use hand-free b) hazardous
b) you are less likely to have an accident if you 2- When a driver is tasked with both recogniz-
ing hazards on the road and mentally picturing
have a talky passenger than a phone call. some aspect of a conversation, that visual ima-
gery "competes for processing resources" in
the brain, Hole said.
2- The writer of the passage says that _____. a) rivalry
b) strict
a) it does not make much of a difference
3- The study included two experiments. In the
whether or not it is an hand-free phone
first experiment, 60 people, divided into three
b) experiments shows that we don’t use visual groups of 20, completed a simulated driving
imagery when talking to someone on phone. course with a series of road hazards.

a) struggle
b) contain
3- Which one of the following would de-
scribe the writer’s attitude______. 4- Chatty passengers tend to pose less of a
risk than phone conversations.

a) informing a) traveler
b) refuting b) arrow

4- Which of the following would be a better

synonym for the underlined word:
"A popular misconception is that using a mo-
bile phone while driving is safe as long as the
driver uses a hands-free phone," Graham Hole,
a psychology lecturer at the University of Sus-
sex in England and an author of the study, said
in a statement.

a) speaker
b) admirer

5- Author asserts that_____.

a) it is a delusion that hand-free phone calls are

not a reason for accidents.
b) chatty passengers are even worse than
phone calls.

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