1605096043522-295a Final Report

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Third Party Audit of ROB’s and FOB’s Of SCR


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Page no
1. Visual Inspection……………………………………………………………………..................................... 03
1.1 General Information and Observation
1.2 Structural System of the Bridge
1.3 Survey of Signs of Distress, Deformation in Bridges
2. Repair and Retrofitting Recommendations…………………………………………………….. 18
3. ANNEXURE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
4. Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29
5. Reference…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30

Fig 1: View of ROB 07
Fig 2: View of Abutments (A1 and A2) 08
Fig 3: Bottom view of Bridge 08
Fig 4: Cracks observed in Exterior girder 09
Fig 5: Bottom view of FOB with corroded locations 10
Fig 6: Reinforcement exposed in exterior girder, pier and slab at drainage spout 10
Fig 7: Reinforcement exposed, Leaching and cracks at girder end and Pier haunch 11
Fig 8: Distresses observed at Bearings 12
Fig 9: Cracks observed on pier 13
Fig 10: Epoxy grouting on Abutment & newly constructed retaining wall 13
Fig 11: Wearing Coat condition & Accidental hitting marks on Crash Barrier. 14
Fig 12: Bottom view of ROB with corroded locations 15
Fig 13: Reinforcement exposed at girder end and Pier haunch 16
Fig 14: Cracks at observed at Abutment. 16
Fig 15: Bearings settled. 17
Fig 16: Minor spalled concrete holes on main girder 18

Annexure Repair Methodologies

Annexure-1a Debris Accumulation: Cleaning 20

Annexure-1b Spalling, Honeycomb: Patching 22
Annexure-1c Reinforcement Exposure Spalling and Cracking: Shotcrete 26

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Name of the Project : VISUAL INSPECTION OF ROB 295A


Location Co-ordinates : 14°17'25.2"N79°54'24.2"E

Date of Inspection : 28th NOVEMBER, 2019


a) Cracks, Spalling, Reinforcement exposure has been observed in mid span of exterior girders.
b) Cracks, Spalling, Reinforcement exposure has been observed in girder end portions.
c) Leaching observed in Abutment, Pier, slab & exterior girders.
d) Accidental hitting marks observed on crash barrier.
e) Cracks, Spalling & Reinforcement exposure has been observed in Abutments & pier.
f) Epoxy grouting has done on Abutment-1 & Pier of the bridge.
g) Moderate vibrations are observed in the Bridge.

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a. Name of the Bridge ROB 295A

b. Location Near Kommalapudi Railway station
Location co-ordinates 14°17'25.2"N 79°54'24.2"E
c. Type of Bridge RCC Girder Bridge
d. Year of Construction Data Not Available

e. Grade of Concrete (Slab) Data Not Available

f. Design Load Data Not Available

g. Carriageway Width 7.0 m

h. Overall Deck Width 8.5 m

i. Average Skew 450

j. Span arrangement (no x Span in meters) 2 x 13.6 m

k. No of Railway Lines Crossings 03 tracks

l. Vertical Clearance (from rail top to girder bottom) 6.0 m

m. History of Repair/ Maintenance Yes , Patch works and Epoxy grouting done
n. Existing Structural Drawings Not available

Key Plan

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a. Foundation details
Type of foundation
Foundation Details (if
Foundation Status
(Check Settlement, abnormal
Scour and Tilting, if any etc.…) Not visible at site
Type of Damage (Check cracking,
disintegration, decay, erosion,
Cavitation’s etc.,)
b. Abutment (A1 & A2)
Type RCC Wall
Maximum height of Abutment
from Ground level 5.15 m

Abutment width along the Track 13.4 m

Abutment thickness 2.2 m

Condition (Crack, Settlement,
Scour, T i l t i n g , S t e e l Cracks, Spalling, Honeycombing,
C o r r o s i o n , Strains, and other Reinforcement exposure are observed at
damages etc...) Abutment

Efficiency of drainage of backfill

Patching works and Epoxy grouting done.
Behind Abutments (Check
functioning of weep holes,
evidence of moisture on Weep holes are in dry condition.
Abutment faces, etc.)
c. Pier 01 No.
Type (Shape) Wall
Material RCC
No. of Piers in a row/column -
5.9 m
Maximum Height of Pier
Pier Diameter/Dimension 1.1 m Cracks, Spalling, Reinforcement exposure
Pier Cap Material RCC has been observed on Pier.
Pier Cap Condition
Pier Condition (Crack, Found Patching works and Epoxy grouting
Settlement, Scour, Tilting, Steel done.
Corrosion, Strains and other Distresses
Damages Found

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d. Bearing & Pedestal
Type of Bearings Metal plate
(Check Corrosion, cleanliness,
Debris accumulated at all bearings and filled
seizing of plates silting,
with Mortar (Refer Fig-9)
accumulations of dirt in case of
submersible bridges)
Type/ shape of Pedestal
General condition (Check
Corrosion, There is no Pedestal

cleanliness, seizing of plates

e. Super Structure (Concrete
Type/Shape of Girder (I-beam, I-Girder
Girder etc.)
Material of Girder RCC

No of Girder 06 Nos.
Girder Depth = 0.9 m
Dimensions of Girder Width of the bottom flange = 0.3 m
Structural System of Girder Simply Supported
Distresses Cracks, Spalling, Reinforcement exposure has
Condition of Girder been observed (Refer Fig-4 & 5)
Type/Shape of Secondary Girder

Material of Secondary Girder

No of Secondary Girders 7 Nos.
Condition of Secondary Girder Distresses

f. Slab
Material of Slab RCC
Thickness of Slab -
Condition of Slab from Bottom Leaching has been Observed.

Condition of Slab from Top Not visible, as covered with wearing coat
Condition of Flooring/Wearing Fair (Refer Fig-9)

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g. Parapet wall/Railing
Type of Parapet wall/Railing Crash Barrier
Height 1.1 m
Condition of Wall/Railing Accidental hit marks are observed on Crash
Barrier as Bridge is Narrow (Refer Fig-11)


Defects Location Notes
Girders, Cracks are observed on Girders, Abutments
Abutment & & Pier
Cracking in RCC components Pier

Girder & Slab Water seepage is observed on Girders & Slab

Water seepage
Girders, Spalling is observed on Girders, Abutments &
Abutment & Pier
Girders, Reinforcement Exposure is observed on
Reinforcement Exposure Abutment & Girders, Abutments & Pier

Fig: 1 View of ROB

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Fig: 2 View of Abutments (A1 and A2)

Fig: 3 Bottom view of Bridge

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Fig 4: Cracks observed in Exterior girder

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Fig 5: Reinforcement exposed in exterior girder

Fig 6: Reinforcement exposed in exterior girder, pier and slab at drainage spout

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Fig 7: Reinforcement exposed, Leaching and cracks at girder end and Pier haunch

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Fig 8: Distresses observed at Bearings

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Fig 9: Cracks observed on pier

Fig 10: Epoxy grouting on Abutment & newly constructed retaining wall

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Fig 11: Wearing Coat condition & Accidental hitting marks on Crash Barrier.

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3. Repair and Retrofitting Recommendations

Fig: 12 Bottom view of ROB with damaged locations

The detailed visual observation of ROB, the following observations are made spalling of concrete and cracks observed and bearings are setteled.(Refer fig 4,5,6,7,8)

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Fig 13: Reinforcement exposed at girder end and Pier haunch

Fig 14: cracks observed at Abutment.

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Fig 15: Bearings settled.

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Fig 16: Minor spalled concrete holes on main girder.

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Annexure-1a: Repair methods

Defects/Deficiency Debris accumulation

Remedial Measures Cleaning

Work sequence

Figure:1.1 Work sequence of removal of vegetation and accumulated debris

Material Requirement
Water to be used for cleaning of the bridge components shall be clean and free from unwanted
foreign materials such as sediments, salt contaminants, chemicals, grease, oil, rubbish, and other
substances which are harmful to the bridge components.
The contractor shall obtain necessary approvals of the source of water to be used for cleaning.
Engineer’s approval shall be taken on the source and quality of water. All necessary tests shall
be performed on water samples at laboratories to be specified by the Engineer, and test
certificates shall be provided as required.
Work Requirement
1. General
All accumulated foreign materials shall be removed from bridge sidewalks, bridge decks, top of
curbs, beam flanges, gusset plates, abutment bridge seats, and other locations specified and as
directed by the Engineer, prior to cleaning with water pressure. Removal shall be performed using
hand brooms, hand shovels, scrapers, vacuum cleaners, or other methods acceptable to the
Engineer. The removed materials shall be collected and disposed at an approved waste area in

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accordance with governing local regulations. At no time shall these materials be allowed to be
disposed into the river or on dry land portions below the bridge.
2. High pressure water
Salt contaminants, dirt, and other detrimental foreign matters shall be removed without damaging
the structure. If high-pressure water is used, the maximum water pressure shall not be so high
that may cause damage. The cleaning operation shall be discontinued if the foreign materials have
not been easily removed or if cleaning operation is causing damage to existing structure.
All deck drains and its accessories shall be flushed with high-pressure water after the accumulated
foreign material has been carefully removed. Drain systems may have to be disassembled to
remove large blockages of accumulated foreign material. Should this be necessary, these shall be
returned to their original configuration immediately after cleaning. Drainage systems shall drain
properly after cleaning.

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Annexure-1b: Repair methods
Defects/Deficiency Spalling, Honeycomb

Remedial Measures Patching

Work sequence

Figure: 1.2 Work sequence of Epoxy Coating

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Required Equipment/Tool and Material
Material List –
• Polymer Cement Mortar
• Portland Cement
• Epoxy Bonding
• Zinc rich primer
Tool/Equipment List –
• Chisel
• Portable Generator
• Wire Brush
Requirement, Specification
Material Specifications
The Engineer through mill certificate of the supplier shall approve the material.
1) Polymer Cement
Polymer cement mortar shall conform to the requirements of the specifications shown in Table
1.1 or equivalent ASTM Specifications.

Table:1.1 Specification of Polymer Cement for Patching

Property Test Method Specification
- above 60 minutes
Initial setting time
ASTM D2566 below 0.05 %
ASTM C531 2.0x10-5 mm/mm/ o C
Thermal expansion
ASTM C882 Concrete failure above 15
Slant shear bond to
ASTM D695M above 20 N/mm2
Compressive strength
2) Epoxy bonding agent
The epoxy-bonding agent to concrete surface shall conform to the requirements of the
specification indicated in Table 1.2 (Anti-corrosion zinc rich primer shall be applied to exposed

Table 1.2 Specification of Epoxy Bonding Agent to Concrete Surface

Property Test Method Specification
ASTM D695M 70 N/mm2
Compressive strength
ASTM D790M 40 N/mm2
Flexural strength
ASTM D638M 30 N/mm2
Tensile strength
ASTM 1002 15 N/mm2
Tensile shear bond to steel
ASTM C882 15 N/mm2
Slant shear bond to mortar
ASTM D7274 15 N/mm2
Bond Strength of Cured Concrete to
Fresh Concrete

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3) Zinc Rich Primer The zinc rich primer to rebar shall be in accordance with the requirements of
the specifications in Table 1.3

Table 1.3 Specification of Zinc Rich Primer for Rebar

Property Test Method Units Specification
ASTM D 523 - Flat
Gloss @ 60°Angle
ASTM D 3359 - Minimum 3A
ASTM D3-37 - Excellent
Salt Spray Resistance
% 87.5±2
%Zinc by Weight in Dried
Film Test

Work requirement
1) General

Patching repair works using Portland cement mortar shall be carried out in accordance with
provisions of relevant standards and manufacturer’s specifications. Patching, as a minor
repair work, should be carried out using an appropriate means to access the repair area
before the defect worsens. Patching repair work method using polymer cement mortar shall
be carried out as follows:

2) Marking of patching area

Evaluate surface area to be patched using hammer for hollow sounding delaminated area (or
by using instruments to detect unsound concrete).
Mark the area to be patch-repaired with paint or marker. Ensure complete coverage of the

3) Tipping damaged concrete off Using a small sledgehammer and chisel, remove all damaged
concrete at the edges and corners of area to be repaired. Use a wire brush to remove loose
debris. Care should be taken to ensure that no reinforcement is damaged.

Surface shall be cut to expose the reinforcement and to reach the sound concrete substrate,
without breaking the concrete behind the reinforcement. If rebar is exposed, anticorrosion
agent coating should be applied on the bar surface prior to patching. All works shall be
subjected to the approval of the designated Engineer.

Patch areas that are within 600 mm of each other should be combined into a single large
patch. If necessary, provide formwork around the damaged concrete to straighten the edges
of the damaged section.

4) Coating tipping area Concrete surfaces to receive repair mortar shall be prepared by
mechanical scrubbing to remove loose materials, surface laitance, organic contaminants, and
moss. The clean and dust free surface shall then be coated by a bonding primer.

Care shall be taken to ensure that vibration associated with the repair works does not cause
delamination of existing adjacent plaster or concrete.

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5) Applying bonding agent and anti-corrosion paint

Apply bonding agent to the damaged area for the patch material to adhere. Additionally,
concrete nails/bids may be set to reinforce the repair.

If rebar is exposed, anticorrosion coating should be applied on the bar surface prior to

6) Patching
mortal Prepare the mortar mix in a bucket using equipment approved by the Engineer. Use
a trowel to spread fresh mortar over the area, covering the concrete nails driven halfway in
the old concrete. Smoothen and level the mortar with a trowel. Polymer cement mortar is
suitable for both vertical and horizontal surface applications, with a thin coating of up to 15

7) Finishing
As may be required, the mortar surface can be smoothened using a trowel or broom finished.
The texture of the finish of the final repair mortar layer shall match the finish of the existing
surface. The repair mortar application shall be built up to the original surface profile in layers
not exceeding 20 mm with the final layer not exceeding 15 mm, unless otherwise
recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer.

The Engineer may approve repair mortar application thickness of up to 50 mm for

lightweight mortars, provided the mortar manufacturer furnishes technical data to justify a
layer thickness of greater than 20 mm.

8) Curing All types of concrete repair with repair mortar need thorough and continuous curing
to develop strength and impermeability. Curing also minimizes drying shrinkage while bond
strength is developing. Curing of the repair mortar shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions related to the polymer modified additive. Where curing agents
are specified by the manufacturer, they shall be applied immediately after the surfaces have
been scarified for the next repair mortar layer or troweled to a finish.

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Annexure-1c: Repair methods
Defects/Deficiency Reinforcement Exposure, Spalling and Cracking

Remedial Measures Shotcrete

Work sequence

Figure: 1.4 Work sequence of Shotcrete

Required Equipment/Tool and Material
• Cement
• Fine Aggregate
• Coarse Aggregate
• Admixture
• Water
• Batching and mixer
• Guniting equipment
• Compressor

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Requirement, Specification
Cement: The cement shall be ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade conforming to relevant
B.I.S. Code of Practice
Sand for shotcrete shall comply with the requirements given in IS 383 and graded evenly from
fine to coarse as per Zone-II and Zone III grading. Sand failing to satisfy this grading may,
however, be used only if pre-construction testing establishes that it gives good results.
Coarse aggregate when used shall comply with the requirements of IS 383. It shall, generally
conform to the grading given below:
Table 1.5 Gradation of the coarse aggregate


IS Sieve Designation, Percentage Passing by mass for

mm aggregate of nominal maximum size

10 100

4.75 10 – 30

2.36 0 – 10

1.18 0-5

All over sized pieces of aggregate shall be rejected by screening. Gradation of the combined
coarse and fine aggregate mixture used for shotcrete shall generally lie between the following
Table 1.6 Gradation of the combined coarse and fine aggregate mixture

I.S Sieve Percent passing by Weight

10 mm
72 - 85
4.75 mm
52 - 73
2.36 mm
36 - 55
1.18 mm
28 - 38
600 microns
7 - 20
300 microns
150 microns
Water used for shotcrete shall conform to the requirement of I.S. 456-2000
Admixture: Guniting admixtures & quick setting agents may be used to minimize the rebound
loss and increase the bond & enable thicker layers per coat. The admixture shall meet the
requirement of I.S. 456 and I.S. 9103
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Concrete: The grade of concrete shall be as specified i.e. the characteristic compressive
strength of 15 cm cube at 28 days should be as specified. The water cement ratio for shotcrete
shall be within the range 0.45- 0.50 by mass.
Work requirement
1) This specification covers only to the extent of restoring the concrete slab by way of short
creating. The specification excludes bearing replacement, expansion joint treatment etc.
2) Remove all loose and spalling concrete and expose the corroded reinforcement wherever
possible by careful chipping.
3) Carryout thorough sand blasting using dry coarse sand or by grinding.
4) Fix 8 mm dia PVC nozzles at all honey combed areas and wherever cavities exist. At all other
vulnerable areas drill 12/14 mm dia hole to a depth of 50 to 75 mm and fix 8 mm PVC nozzles.
5) Now drill 12/14 mm dia holes at a spacing of 500 mm c/c to a depth of 50 mm and fix 8 mm
dia shear connectors using polyester resin grout.
6) Fix 50 mm x 50 mm x 4 mm Geo grid tied to the exposed reinforcement / shear connectors.
7) Carryout 40 to 50 mm thick short - creating to underside of slab etc., using a mix proportion
of 1: 2: 2 (cement: sand: aggregate).
8) Now carryout cement injection grouting through the nozzles in sequential manner until
9) Carryout curing for 7 days.

Note: Grouting is done only after shotcrete to fill any leftover voids in the concrete slab.

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• Visual inspection of ROB (295A) near Kommalapudi Railway Station has been conducted
on 28th Nov 2019, following observations were made
a) Cracks, Spalling, Reinforcement exposure has been observed in mid span of exterior
b) Cracks, Spalling, Reinforcement exposure has been observed in girder end portions.
c) Leaching observed in Abutment, Pier, slab & exterior girders.
d) Accidental hitting marks observed on crash barrier.
e) Cracks, Spalling & Reinforcement exposure has been observed in Abutments & pier.
f) Epoxy grouting has done on Abutment-1 & Pier of the bridge.

• Based on visual inspections and its interpretations following recommendations were

a) Patching of Spalled concrete with polymer modified concrete
b) Replacement of distressed bearings.
c) Grouting of cracks and minor spalled concrete holes on girders.
d) Cleaning of debris.

Page 29 of 30
• Das, J., & Sil, A. (2020). Condition assessment of superstructure component of reinforced concrete
bridges through visual inspection in the Assam, India. Bridge Structures, 16(1), 39-57.
• Bridge inspection and maintenance, Indian railways institute of civil engineering,
• Central Public Works Department (CPWD). "Handbook on repair and rehabilitation of RCC
buildings." (2002).
• Bridge Rehabilitation and strengthening manual has been developed by the consultants under the
bridge management capacity development project of RHD with the cooperation of JICA.
• Weyers, R.E., Prowell, B.D., Sprinkel, M.M. and Vorster, M., 1993. Concrete bridge protection, repair,
and rehabilitation relative to reinforcement corrosion: A methods application manual. Contract,
100, p.103.
• Tabatabai, Habib, and Amy Turnquist-Nass. Rehabilitation techniques for concrete bridges.
Wisconsin Highway Research Program, 2005.
• Furlanetto, Guido, Lucio Ferretti Torricelli, and Alessandra Marchiondelli. "Structural assessment
and rehabilitation of concrete bridges." IABSE Symposium Report. Vol. 93. No. 22. International
Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 2007.

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