22-06-2023: Uttar Pradesh/Haryana: National Expressway (NE) : NE-2: Kundli To Palwal: 15+372: 16/1: Road Crossing: Simply Supported
22-06-2023: Uttar Pradesh/Haryana: National Expressway (NE) : NE-2: Kundli To Palwal: 15+372: 16/1: Road Crossing: Simply Supported
22-06-2023: Uttar Pradesh/Haryana: National Expressway (NE) : NE-2: Kundli To Palwal: 15+372: 16/1: Road Crossing: Simply Supported
The overall condition of the structure is found to be good and functional for both RHS and LHS.
Wearing coat and expansion joint needs maintenance.
1.1 Design Discharge in Cumecs Design data not available.
1.2 Design HFL & LWL Design data not available.
1.3 Design Scour Level at Pier (lowest) Design data not available.
1.4 Design Scour Level at Abutment (lowest) Design data not available.
1.5 Founding Strata Design data not available.
1.6 Water body lowest bed level Design data not available.
1.7 Whether the Bridge is in Grade Design data not available.
1.8 Road formation level Design data not available.
1.9 Ground level (for approach portion) Design data not available.
1.10 Deck soffit level or lowest level of superstructure Design data not available.
1.11 Roadway width for approaches (m) -
1.12 Safety kerb width (m) Not provided.
1.13 Footpath width (m) Not applicable.
1.14 Bridge railing type, material and width (m) Crash Barrier, Material RCC., 0.50m width
1.15 Whether Median, if yes, its width(m) Yes,
1.16 Shoulder width(m) and material Paved Shoulder of Bituminous material
1.17 Height of Approach Embankment (m) -
1.18 Average Skew angle 0.0
1.19 Whether Navigable Not Navigable
1.20 High level/ Submersible/ Causeway High level
2.1 Corrosion Protection Measures Not known.
2.2 Bank Protection & Type Bank protection not provided.
2.3 Floor Protection & Type Floor protection not provided.
Is the Bridge Located in backwater (Marine) or
2.4 No
chemical affected water body
Whether guardrail/ crash barrier/railing present,
2.5 42m
if yes, their length/ details
3.1 Type of Terrain Plain Terrain
3.2 Type of Approach Approach Slab
3.3 Material of Approach R.C.C
3.4 Approach Geometrics (Straight/Curvilinear etc.) Both sides are straight
3.5 If Approaches having any Span, then provide Span Design data not available
3.6 details
Pavement surface (Check unevenness settlement, Pavement surface is in good condition
cracking, potholes etc.)
3.7 Side slopes (Check pitched or un-pitched, Fair condition
condition of pitching/ turfing, any signs of slope
failure etc.)
3.8 Erosion of Embankment by rain cuts or any other Not found
damage to Embankment.
3.9 Approach slab (Check, settlement, cracks, Good Condition LHS & RHS
movement etc.)
3.10 Retaining walls Type Concrete
3.11 Retaining wall condition (Check Subsidence, tilting,
condition of weep holes, guard-stone and railing etc)
Silt and Debris (Check Accumulation of silt and
3.12 debris on submersible approaches in cutting and Not applicable
4.1 Type (Mention whether guide-bund or Protection RE Wall
around abutments or spurs.)
4.2 Layout, cross section profile (Check damage to the Cross section is in good condition.
layout and the general cross section are in order.)
4.3 Slope pitching, apron, and toe walls (Check for proper Good
slope, thickness of pitching in the slope, erosion of toe
wall and indicating the nature of damage if any etc.)
4.4 Floor Protection works (Condition if impervious floor, Not applicable
flexible apron, curtain wall sand indicates nature of
damage if any etc.)
4.5 Scour (Check any abnormal scour noticed.) Not observed
4.6 Reserve store material Reserve store material is not present
5.1 Check presence of obstruction inflow and its impact on Not applicable
flow, island Formation, vegetation growth etc.
5.2 Flow pattern (Check any abnormal change in Not applicable
Meandering inflow and erosion of banks)
5.3 Maximum Flood Level observed during the year and Not applicable
mark the same on the pier/ abutment both on the U/s
and D/s (Local enquiry if necessary)
5.4 Afflux from U/s and D/s Not applicable
(Check signs of Abnormal Afflux from U/s and D/s
watermark on piers if any)
6.1 Type (Main bridge and approach spans If any) Not visible
6.2 Material Design information not available
6.3 Condition of Foundation (Check Settlement, abnormal Not visible
Scour, Tilting, if any etc.)
6.4 Floating bodies, boulders etc. (Check damage due to Not applicable
impact off floating Bodies, boulders etc.)
6.5 Seepage, vehicle impact etc. (For sub- Not visible
Ways report seepage, vehicle impact, if any damage
to the foundations etc.)
7.1 Abutment (A1&A2) Abutment (A1) Abutment (A2)
7.1.1 Type Wall type Wall type
7.1.2 Material Concrete (LHS & RHS) Concrete (LHS & RHS)
7.1.3 Condition (Crack, Settlement, Scour, Tilting, Good Good
Rusting in exposed Steel, Strains and other
damages etc.)
7.1.4 Efficiency of drainage of the back fill behind Functional Functional
abutments (Check functioning of weep
holes, evidence of moisture on Abutment
faces, etc.)
7.1.5 Maximum foundation depth of Abutment Design data not Design data not
available available
7.2 Pier Not applicable
7.2.1 Type Not applicable
7.2.2 Material Not applicable
7.2.3 Condition (Crack, Settlement, Scour, Tilting, Not applicable
Rusting in exposed Steel, Strains and other
damages etc.)
7.2.4 Maximum Depth of Pier Foundation Not applicable
8.1 Check condition of side retaining wall Not applicable
Like cracking, disintegration and seepage, if any
8.2 Check large excavations done in the road below in the vicinity off lay Not applicable
over or Road over bridge of viaduct.
8.3 Check damages to protective measures to pier and abutments (For Not applicable
viaducts, Flyover and R.O.Bs.
8.4 Check damages to protective coating or paint. Not applicable
10.1 Total number of Spans & Arrangement 1 x 40.1m
10.2 Type of Span (T-beam, slab / box-girder etc.) PSC I-Girder
Structural System (Simply supported/ continuous/
10.3 Simply supported
Continuous overhang/Balance cantilever etc.)
10.4 Type of Material (RCC/PSC/Steel/Timber/Masonry etc.) RCC
Check spalling, disintegration or honey combing,
10.5 No Spalling observed
(special attention to be given at points of bearings)
Check cracks (Pattern, location, explains preferably by
photograph and plotting on sketch. A map of cracking
10.6 Good Condition
should be produced. The size and distribution of cracks
and their penetration should be noted)
10.7 Check exposed reinforcement, if any No exposed reinforcement
10.8 Check wear of deck surface No wears observed.
Check scaling (This is gradual and continuous loss of
10.9 Scaling is not observed.
surface mortar and aggregate over irregular areas.)
Check surface stains and rust10. SUPERSTRUCTURE
stains along with the
10.10 Surface stains are not found.
10.1 locations Total number of Spans & Arrangement
10.2 Type of Span (T-beam, slab / box-girder etc.)
10.3 Structural System (Simply supported/ continuous/ Simply supported
Continuous overhang/ Balance cantilever etc.) 4|Page
10.4 Type of Material (RCC/PSC/Steel/Timber/Masonry Steel
10.5 etc.)
Check spalling, disintegration or honey combing, No spalling, disintegration or honey
(special attention to be given at points of bearings) combing.
10.6 Check cracks (Pattern, location, explains preferably Good Condition
Check leaching (Effects are most usually evident on the
10.11 Leaching is not observed.
soffits of decks)
Check corrosion of reinforcements, sheathing and tend
10.12 Corrosion not observed.
on if visible
Check leakage (Leakage of water can take place
through concrete decks, construction joints or thin
10.13 No leakages are observed.
Sections of the deck viz.., kerb, etc.)
10.14 Check damages if any due to moving vehicle No damages observed
Check condition of articulation (Cracks, exposed
10.15 Good Condition
reinforcement if any)
10.16 Check excessive vibrations, if any No excessive vibration was observed
Check excessive deflections(sag) or loss of camber if No deflection deflections(sag) or loss
any at same point each time of camber
Check cracks, if any, around anchorage zone for pre-
10.18 No cracks observed
stressed concrete members
Check excessive deflection(sag) at central hinge, tip, of
10.19 Not applicable
cantilever for Cantilever bridge
In box-girders, the interior faces of flanges and webs
need to be examined for signs of cracking and report
10.20 excessive accumulation of water or debris. Interior Not applicable
diaphragms will also require examination, particularly for
any signs of cracking at their junction to the webs
Check accumulation of silt and debris on surface of Not applicable
deck (for submersible bridges)
10.22 Check peeling off of protective coat or paint Not applicable
10.23 Check steel members Not applicable
10.24 Check condition of protective system Not applicable
10.25 Check corrosion, if any Not applicable
10.26 Check excessive vibrations, if any Not applicable
10.27 Check alignment of members Not applicable
Check condition for Steel Superstructure (Adequacy, Not applicable
looseness of rivets, bolts or worn-out welds, especially
10.28 on connection of stringers to cross girders, cross girders
to main girders, gussets or splices, condition of hinges,
splices, etc.)
Check excessive loss of camber and Not applicable
Excessive deflections and deformations, if any
Not applicable
10.30 Check buckling, kinking, warping and waviness
10.31 Check apparent fracture if any Not applicable
Check excessive wear (such as in pins in Joints of Not applicable
truss) and their locations requiring close monitoring
10.33 Check conditions inside the closed members Not applicable
10.34 Check masonry arches Not applicable
10.35 Check condition of joints mortar, pointing, masonry, etc. Not applicable
Check profile, report flattening by observing rise of the Not applicable
arch at center and quarter points
Check cracks (indicate location, pattern, extent, depth; Not applicable
explain by sketches)
Check drainage of spandrel fillings (check bulging of
10.38 Not applicable
spandrel walls, if any)
10.39 Check growth of vegetation Nil
10.40 Check all cast iron/wrought iron components Not applicable
In case of steel bridges (Corrosion/ painting/ loose rivet
10.41 Not applicable
In case of masonry bridges (Pointing/joints mortar and
10.42 Not applicable
bulging of spandrel)
12.3 Details of water proofing system, if any Design data is not available
14.1 Present Yes/No Yes, Crash Barrier
14.2 Material Concrete
14.3 Condition Good
14.4 Expansion joint gap in hand rail /parapets/ Crash Clear
14.5 barriers
Presence of additional safety measures Not provided
14.6 Presence of Towers if any Not present
14.7 Inspection Galley/ ladder platform etc. Not present
15.1 Present Yes/No No
15.2 Material Not applicable
15.3 Condition Not applicable
16.1 Present Yes/No Yes
16.2 Type of Utility Electric line
16.3 Report damage due to Utility (if any) No
16.4 Any type of encroachment under the bridge No encroachment