● Check all guard-rails by applying a short, sharp ● Harnesses should be full-body with a means of
pull on them while outside the equipment. connection to an anchorage point – do you use
your own or are they provided? Are they energy-
Operation absorbing or inertia-reel? Each one must be
suitable for its intended purpose and be subject to
The safe use of the SAE is essential and the following regular inspection by the provider under the
should be used as a checklist: Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998.
● Ensure that the operators have been fully trained ● If lanyards feel gritty to touch or are damaged in
in the use of all SAE (it is the responsibility of the any way, do not use them.
window cleaning contractor to carry this out but ● Gloves and overalls should be provided to protect
they must be provided with suitable information on the operators from adverse weather conditions but
the use of the SAE by the equipment’s owners, ie should not restrict their movement unnecessarily.
the building management).
● Ensure the safe working load is not exceeded – Rigging cradles on the day
with both people and equipment.
● Ensure all tools and equipment taken into the If you are involved in the use of cradles rigged on the
cradle are secured, eg by suitable lanyards. day, as well as ensuring that you and/or your
● It is a good idea to check that the cradle runs employees check all the matters referred to in the
smoothly and that there are no faults by carrying previous paragraphs with respect to permanently rigged
out a number of ascents and descents prior to cradle systems, all users must be properly trained in all
starting work. If there are any doubts about the the aspects of setting up the units correctly.
mechanical worthiness of the equipment, do not
use it. Do’s and don’ts
● If the building’s windows open outwards make
sure the building’s owner understands that people Do:
should not open windows while you are working.
Always check for obstructions in the direction of ● always wear a full-body harness with an energy-
travel. absorbing or an inertia-reel lanyard to the current
● Never work outside the confines of the platform. BS EN standards;
● Never alter the configuration of the equipment. ● always attach the harness to a designated eyebolt
● Stop work and report any malfunctions that occur. or attachment point;
● Consider the weather conditions and do not ● always ensure that all tools have lanyards
operate if the wind speed is too high: attached;
- Has the manufacturer prescribed a maximum ● always check the harness and other PPE is in
wind speed, eg 25 mph? good condition before using it.
- How is this to be measured?
- Is there excessive rain or snow or has ice Don’t:
formed on the equipment?
● Prevent other persons approaching the SAE when ● use the SAE in adverse weather conditions, eg
it is being operated: high winds, against manufacturer ’s or expert
- Has the area of operation been cordoned advice;
off? ● access or leave the cradle other than at ground
- Are warning signs posted? level or a designated safe access point;
- Can operations be carried out at a different ● enter the cradle from over the parapet unless your
time outside normal working hours, eg at harness can be attached to a secure anchor point;
weekends? ● attempt any reckless or dangerous practices, eg
● When work is completed, the SAE must be stored rocking the cradle, dropping equipment to
or garaged in accordance with local instructions: colleagues on the ground, taking friends ‘joy
- Does the power have to be manually riding’;
disconnected? ● by-pass any safety device incorporated in any part
- Does the SAE have to be secured on the of the system;
roof with ties or straps?
● overload the cradle beyond its safe working load
- Does the garage have to be secured and
(SWL), eg extra materials or people.
Mobile elevated working platforms (MEWPs)
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
● The equipment’s owners must have carried out
PPE will need to be maintained correctly and all
their own written risk assessment on its use under
operators trained in its safe use.
the Management of Health and Safety At Work
Regulations 1999 and the Provision and Use of personnel and the ground controller, eg two-way
Work Equipment Regulations 1998. radios or an intercom system.
● People must not operate a MEWP unless they ● Guard-rails at least 920 mm high, with mid-rails or
have been trained and authorised as competent or mesh infilling, and toeboards at least 150 mm
are undergoing formal training under close high, should be provided at the edges of
supervision. Training should be in accordance with platforms. Alternatively, solid enclosures at least
a recognised scheme such as one run by the 920 mm high should be provided. Access gates
CITB or the International Powered Access should not open outwards and should return
Federation (IPAF). automatically to the closed and fastened position;
● The responsibility for providing training lies a vertically sliding section of mid-rail can also be
primarily with the window cleaning contractor as an acceptable means of access.
the employer but they must be provided with ● The upper surface of the platform should be made
suitable information on the use of MEWPs by the slip-resistant and adequate means of attachment
equipment’s owners, ie the building management for safety harnesses should be provided. Properly
or hire company. secured guard-rails may provide a suitable
● The maximum number of people that may be attachment point.
carried on the platform and the safe working load ● Before being used for the first time on-site,
should be clearly marked on the platform. MEWPs should be thoroughly examined by a
● Anyone using the MEWP’s platform must wear a competent person and a copy of that examination
full body harness in good condition, with an report should be made available to the hirer/user.
energy-absorbing or inertia-reel lanyard to the
current BS EN standards. Use of such equipment Travelling ladders and gantries
as a fall restraint system that prevents falls is
currently most common. If fall arrest is used (to Travelling ladders and gantries are normally found
stop someone once they have fallen), then a running across large areas of glazed roofing and may
properly rated anchor point is essential (most are be powered or moved manually by the operators and
currently rated only for fall restraint). The (as when using SAE or MEWPs):
clearance height of the platform should also be
considered because, when working below 5 m, an ● operators must be fully trained in the use of the
energy-absorbing style lanyard may be too long to equipment and the relevant safe system of work;
stop someone’s fall. In all cases consult the maker ● PPE should include full body harnesses with
of the equipment on its suitability. lanyards and suitable footwear;
● A set of operating instructions must be available ● work should not be undertaken in adverse
for use and reference whenever the MEWP is in environmental conditions, eg rain, ice or high
use. winds;
● The maximum permissible wind speed in which ● rescue arrangements must be in place should an
the MEWP may operate or remain operative fall.
raised/extended should be clearly specified.
● The maximum gradient on which a MEWP may Key elements to check on any travelling ladder or
operate should be clearly marked on the platform, gantry system are:
and inclinometers should be provided to enable an
operator to establish the slope of the ground. ● Can the task reasonably be carried out from the
● Stabilisers/outriggers should be provided with ladder/gantry, ie is over-reaching a possibility?
suitable soleplates for use on soft ground. ● Is there safe access to the travelling
● Identify any localised ground hazards such as ladder/gantry?
ducts, manhole covers, holes or voids. ● Does the travelling ladder/gantry lock in position
● Ensure no parts of the MEWP can protrude into when being used or can the control box be
any areas where vehicles may strike the MEWP. activated by unauthorised people when the
● The user of the MEWP should make use of operators are on it, eg consider trapped-key-
information supplied by the manufacturer relating operated controls?
to the minimum supporting capacity of the ground ● Does the vertical sliding eyebolt/fall arrest system
needed by the MEWP and the site-specific risk lock in position if an operative falls?
assessment for the activity should take the nature ● Are the operators using the ladder/gantry capable
of the working environment into account. of moving it – does it need two or even three
● The person(s) on the platform should be in control people to move it?
of all movements at all times. However if, as in the ● Do operators need to be provided with double-
case of the road vehicle type of chassis-supported lanyard harnesses when transferring from one
MEWPs, where horizontal-travelling controls are ladder to another because there is no intervening
at ground level, then there should be a suitable place of safety?
system of communication between platform
Further reading
Further information
Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive MISC611 09/03 C100