Growing Up Without A Dad
Growing Up Without A Dad
Growing Up Without A Dad
Today, over ten million families in the United States don’t have dads living in the home. So, if you’re growing
up without your dad living with you, you’re definitely not alone. Growing up with just one parent can be hard,
but God has a plan for helping you get through the tough times.
What do you think about the father in this story? How do you think his son felt?
What can we learn about God the Father from this story? Have you ever felt like the son?
Have you ever experienced God the Father this way?
Stupid Parents: Why They Just Don’t Understand and How You Can Help by Hayley DiMarco, Baker,
Not-So-Stupid Parents: Why Your Kids Think You’re Weird and How to Prove Otherwise by Hayley Di-
Marco, Baker, 2007.
Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter by Vicki Courtney, B&H Publishing, 2008.
For more topical Bible studies for teen girls, visit
Today, over ten million families in the United States don’t have dads living in the home. So, if you’re growing
up without your dad living with you, you’re definitely not alone. Growing up with just one parent can be hard,
but God has a plan for helping you get through the tough times.
Psalm 68:5–6.
Luke 15:11–24.
What do you think about the father in this story? How do you think his son felt?
What can we learn about God the Father from this story? Have you ever felt like the son?
Have you ever experienced God the Father this way?
Hebrews 2:10–13.
Prayer: Father, thank You for being the ultimate dad in my life. Your word and Your ways provide and pro-
tect me. May I be full of you and not focus on the losses in my life. You complete me.