Social Issues and Environment
Social Issues and Environment
Social Issues and Environment
Human beings live in both natural and social world.
Our technological development has strong impacts on the natural as well as the social
Development does not mean an increase in GNP(Gross National Product) of a few
different nations
Until now development has been human oriented that too mainly for few rich nations
They have touched the greatest heights of scientific and technological development but at
what cost? The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat have all badly
Our natural resources are just dwindling due to over exploitation. If this growth continues
in the same way we will be facing a doom’s day as suggested by the world’s famous
report “The limits to growth”
Development has to be visualized in a holistic manner, where it brings benefits to all, not
only for the present generation but also for future generation
There is an urgent need to interlink the social aspects with development and environment
According to G.H.Brundtland (Norwegion Prime minister & Director of WHO)
Sustainable development is defined as “meeting the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs”
Minimizing the resource use: Reduced demand for any metallic product will
decrease the mining of their metal and cause less production of waste
Using them again and again: The refillable containers which are discarded after
use can be reused Ex: discarded rubber tubes can be used as rubber bands
Recycling the material: recycling is the reprocessing of discarded materials into
new useful products, Ex: recycling of paper
3) Promoting environmental education & awareness:
This will help in changing the thinking and attitude of people towards our earth
and the environment
Introducing the subject right from school stage will inculcate a feeling of
belongingness to the earth in the small children
Earth thinking will help to transform our lifestyles to sustainable ones
4) Resources utilization as per Carrying capacity:
Carrying capacity: Any system can sustain limited number of organisms on
sustainable basis
If the carrying capacity of a system is crossed, environmental degradation starts.
Carrying capacity has the two basic components
Supporting capacity: the capacity to regenerate
Assimilative capacity: the capacity to tolerate different stresses
If the resources are utilized based on the above two properties then sustainability
can be achieved
Water being one of the most precious and indispensable resources needs to be conserved
The following strategies can be adopted for conservation for water
1) Decreasing run off losses: This can be achieved by
Contour cultivation on small furrows and ridges across the slopes trap rainwater and
allow more time for infiltration
Conservation bench terracing involves construction of a series of benches for catching
the runoff water
Water spreading is done by channeling or lagoon travelling
Channeling means a series of diversions with vertical intervals
Lagoon travelling means small depressions are dug in the area so that there is temporary
storage of water
Chemical wetting agents or conditioners like Gypsum when applied to sodic soils
improves soil permeability and reduce runoff
Surface crop residues Tillage, mulch, animal residues
Water storage structures like farm ponds, dug wells
2) Reducing evaporation losses:
Horizontal barrier of asphalt placed below the soil surface increases water
A co-polymer of starch and acrylonitrile called super slurper absorbs water 4000
times its weight
3) Storing water in soil:
Soil should be wetted to field capacity
Leaving the soil fallow for one season water can be made available for the next
season for crop growth
4) Reducing irrigation losses:
Use of lined canals to reduce seepage
Irrigation in early morning or late evening
Sprinkling irrigation or drip irrigation
5) Reuse of water:
Treated waste water can be used for ferti-irrigation
Using grey water from washings, bath tubs for watering gardens washing cars
6) Preventing wastage of water:
Closing taps when not in use
Repairing any leakage from pipes
7) Increasing block pricing:
The consumer has to pay a proportionately higher bill with higher use of water
Traditional method: Traditionally rainwater is collected from roof tops and stored in open
storage bodies such as lakes, ponds, and tanks.
It is still practiced in villages. In rural areas the harvested rain water is stored in
underground tanks(called tankas in Rajastan) or embankments(called khadins in Rajastan)
In foot hills, water flowing from springs are collected by embankment type water storage
In Himalayan foot hills people use the hallow bamboo as pipeline to transport the water of
natural springs
Modern method:
There are two main techniques for rain water harvesting
Storage of water on the surface for future use
Recharge of ground water
Storage of water on the surface for future use is a very old practice. Recharge of ground
water is a recent concept and the structures used for the purpose are
Pits: For recharging shallow aquifer, recharge pits are constructed. These are 1-2 m wide
and 3m dept. This is backfilled with boulders, gravel, sand to aid filtration before
Trenches: About 0.5-1m wide, 1-1.5m deep and up to 20m long trenches are constructed
where a permeable stream is available at shallow dept. The trench is also backfilled with
filter material just as it is done in the case of pits
Dug wells: Existing dug wells may be utilized as recharge structures. The excess water
should pass through the filter media before percolation.
Spreading technique: The water is allowed to spread in streams/nullahs, making check
dams, nullah bunds, cement plugs or in a percolation pond
In addition to these, the urban areas roof top and road top collection of rain water is
also used to recharge aquifers
These days, the central ground water board along with the civic authorities is
encouraging artificial recharge of ground water through rain water harvesting.
1) Water shed is a geographic unit (a piece of land) that collects, stores, and releases water.
2) Collected water comes from rain, snow melt & fog
3) The water is stored in lakes, ponds, sub-surface soil etc
4) The stored water is released through rivers, streams and ground water flow
5) The water shed is defined as the land area from which water drains under gravity to a
common drainage channel like streams, rivers, lake, estuary, and even the ocean.
6) A water shed ranges from few square kilometers to few thousand square kilometers in size
7) The water shed comprises complex interactions of soil, land, vegetation, land use activities
and water
Causes of Watershed degradation:
Construction activities
Soil erosion
Shifting cultivation
Watershed management: Rational utilization of land and water resources for optimum
production causing minimum damage to the natural resources is known as watershed
Objectives of watershed management:
To promote sustainable economic development through optimum use of land, water and
To restore ecological balance through sustainable development of natural resources
Minimizing soil erosion and moisture retention
To minimize the risk of floods, droughts, and landslides
To manage watershed for the beneficial developmental activities like domestic water supply,
irrigation, hydro power generation etc
Various development projects often lead to displacement of native or tribal people who are poor
and very often not educated. Their rehabilitation is a major socio economic issue.
Problems and concerns:
Displacement problems due to dams:
The big river valley projects have one of the most serious socio economic impacts due to
large scale displacement of local people from their ancestral home and loss of their
traditional profession or occupation.
In India due to big dam construction, more than 20 million people are estimated to have been
directly or indirectly affected by these dams
The Hirakund dam has displaced more than 20,000 people residing about 250 villages.
The Bhakra Nangal dam was constructed durind 1950’s and till now it has not been possible
to rehabilitate even half of the displaced persons.
Tehri dam and Sardar sarovar dam also have same issues.
Displacement due to mining:
Mining is another developmental activity which causes displacement of the native people.
Several thousands of hectares of land area is covered in mining operation and the native
people are displaced.
Sometimes displacement of local people is due to accidents occurring in mined areas like
subsidence of land that often leads to shifting of people.
Jharia coal fields, Jharkhand have been posing big problems to the residents due to
underground fires and they are asked to vacate the area.
According to latest estimation, about Rs.18,000 crores will be spent for shifting the
population while the cost of extinguishing the fire would be around 8,000 crore.
Displacement due to creation of national parks:
When some forest area is covered under a national park, it is welcome step for conservation
of natural resources.
However it also has a social aspect associated with it.
A major portion of the forest is declared as core area where the entry of local people is
So they start destruction activities
The major issues related to displacement and rehabilitation are
Tribals are usually most affected amongst the displaced who are already poor
Break up of families and women are the worst affected.
The tribals are not familiar with market policies and trends
Kinship systems, marriages, social and cultural functions, their folk songs, dances and
activities vanish with their displacement
Loss of identity and loss of intimate link between the people
There is an urgent need to inculcate sensitivity towards environmental degradation among people
by fostering environmental ethical values. Environmental Ethics attempts to define what is right
and what is wrong regardless of cultural differences. We human beings have a fundamental duty
towards nature to respect and care for the Earth, protect life-support systems, biodiversity and
ensure sustainable development.
The following are the environmental ethical values to be inculcated:
Environmental consciousness
Humility and reverence
Responsibility and commitment
Respect for all forms of life and landscape
Global environmental citizenship
Adoption of eco-friendly culture
Preservation of diversity on the planet
Sharing a common environment
The spectrum of environmental activities for inculcating environmental ethical values are:
Using recycled paper for notes and circulars
Diverting wastes from kitchen to the garden
Switching off unnecessary lights
Using bicycles or walking
Using public transport systems
Collecting rainwater
Avoiding usage of freshwater for gardening
Using cloth towels instead of paper towels
Avoiding unnecessary outdoor lighting
Organizing tree-plantation campaigns
Reducing volume of radio and television to reasonable levels
Listening to radio programs on environment and its problems
Organizing eco-clubs
Placing trash cans and dustbins around the college premises
Observing Environment day on 5th June and Earth day on 22nd April
Planting trees in and around the campus
Encouraging healthy lifestyles through balanced nutrition, exercise and yoga
Helping enforce environment protection laws
Staging short plays on environmental crisis to create environmental awareness
Conserving energy resources by avoiding unnecessary wastage of energy
Cutting and displaying pictures and newspaper cuttings depicting environmental crisis
1) The penalties of offenders are not very harsh i.e just upto 3 years imprisonment or a fine of
Rs.25,000 or both
2) Personal ownership certificates for animal articles
1) The state boards are suffered with lack of adequate funds and expertise to pursue their objectives
2) The penalties are much less than the cost of treatment/pollution control equipments