FB-SOP-D&D-057 (Venue Maintenance)
FB-SOP-D&D-057 (Venue Maintenance)
FB-SOP-D&D-057 (Venue Maintenance)
Department: Food and Beverage Initiated by: Director – Food & Beverage Signature: Stephane Tremblay
部门:餐饮部 拟稿:餐饮部总监 签名:
Standard 标准:
It is the standard of St. Regis Hotel & Resort that all restaurants will be kept well maintained and clean at all times, a cleaning
schedule must be followed at all times.
所有的餐厅都必须保持干净并维护良好, 清洁工作须按清洁安排计划严格执行, 这是瑞吉酒店及度假村集团的运作标准
Procedure 程序:
(1) Procedure 程序
Restaurant cleaning schedule must be provided by venue manager
Assigned associate according to the cleaning task on daily basis
Cleaning of the restaurants and bar is usually done by the Housekeeping, however it is the responsibility of venue
associates to assist Housekeeping to keep the venue clean at all times.
部门的清洁通常是由房务部员工完成的, 但是部门的员工都有责任去协助房务部员工保持餐厅的干净清洁
Service trolleys cannot be overloaded. The wheels of the service trolley must be serviced and cleaned regularly.
服务用车不能负载过量. 服务用车的车轮必须定时的清洁和保养
Any maintenance must be reported to the Engineering Department and followed through via the maintenance
request system.
Always be on the lookout for any preventative measures that can be put in place prior to the occurrence of any
serious breakdowns.
经常检查和发现一些潜在的问题, 这样可以在任何严重问题出现前就能采取一些可预防的措施
All equipment and furniture must be checked before business.
Everyone is housekeeper
(2) Responsibility 责任
Venue manager, housekeeping and all staffs.
这是部门经理, 房务部员工和全体员工的责任
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