Buat Ujian Binggris
Buat Ujian Binggris
Buat Ujian Binggris
BE: isn’t am not aren’t wasn’t weren’t
HAVE: haven’t hasn’t hadn’t
DO: don’t doesn’t didn’t
MODALS: can’t couldn’t shan’t shouldn’t won’t wouldn’t may not mightn’t mustn’t
Ordinary Verbs
1. Kolom Infinitive be, go, eat, sing, write, make dan seterusnya hanya bisa dipakai
oleh can, could, may, might, must, should, will, would, need…
can go, could go, should go, may go, might go, must go, will go, would go.
2. Kata kerja present mempunyai dua bentuk: Bentuk jamak dan bentuk tunggal.
Bentuk tunggal hanya bisa dipakai oleh He, she, it; bentuk jamak oleh I, we, you, they.
He goes, she goes, it goes; I go, you go, they go
3. Kolom Past dipakai oleh semua pokok kalimat (I, we, you, they, he, she, it).
He went, she went, it went, I went, you went, they went..
4. Kolom Past Participle hanya bisa dipakai oleh kata kerja pembantu have atau be
Have gone, has gone, had gone, be gone, is gone, are gone, been gone, being gone
5. Kolom Present Participle hanya bisa dipakai oleh salah satu bentuk be (is, am,
are, was, were, be, been).
is going, am going, are going, was going, were going, be going, been going
1. She will go to school
She WILL NOT go to school.
1. Singular Subjects : He, She, It
2. Plural Subjects : We, you, they, I (walaupun I bentuk tunggal, tetapi I
memakai bentuk kata kerja jamak)
Singular Subjects take singular Verbs. Plural Subjects take Plural Verbs
Contoh: He is, you are, she goes, she eats, she sings, they are, we go, you write, they
Subjects he, she, it tidak boleh memakai kata kerja are, eat, sing, write, make dst nya
begitu juga sebaliknya Subjects I. we, you, they tidak boleh memakai kata kerja is,
goes, eats, sings, writes, makes, catches dstnya
Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang disesuaikan dengan time signal/keterangan
waktu dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan kata lain Keterangan waktu berubah, kata kerja
juga berubah.
Simple Present Tense is used for Routines/habits, permanent situations, facts, future
official fixed arrangements or timetables we cannot change.
Time Signals:
1. Peter goes to work by bus
2. I have two cats and a dog.
3. She lives in Paris
4. Famous people suffer from a lot of stress.
5. If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.
6. The Chinese delegation arrives tomorrow at 10 a.m.
7. Christmas falls on a Sunday next year.
Catatan: The highlighted verbs are all from the column of present simple. (Semua kata
kerja yang bercetak tebal berasal dari kolom Kata Kerja Present)
We do not discuss the negative and questions of the Simple Present Tense. We had
discussed them last week. Kita tidak membahas cara membentuk kalimat negative dan
pertanyaan dalam present tense. Sudah dibahas pada pertemuan 1.
Present Continuous tense is used for (=Present Continuous Tense dipakai untuk):
1. actions/event that are happening at the moment of speaking (Peristiwa atau tindakan
yang sedang terjadi saat ini)
The boys are playing football at the moment.
2. temporary situations (Keadaan yang tidak tetap, sementara)
Dad is travelling a lot this year.
3. future arrangements (masa depan yang sudah diatur)
I am having a party on Saturday. (tersirat Undangan sudah dibagi, tempat pesta
dan makanan sudah diatur)
4. habits with always (often annoying)
They are always arguing about homework. (menunjukkan kekesalan si
5. actions that are happening around now.
I am reading a very good book at the moment.
Subject + is/am/are + verb (ing)/present participle
Time signals:
At the moment, right now, these days, today, this evening, tomorrow, next
summer, on Saturday, always (for an annoying habit), etc
Simple Present Tense mempunyai kesan berulang-ulang, sementara Present
continuous sedang.
1. Paola is the student who sits at the back of the class. ( Paola selalu duduk di
Paola is the student who is sitting at the back of the class. (Saat ini Paola
sedang duduk di belakang kelas, besok belum tentu)
Simple Past
Time signals :
- yesterday, two days/weeks/months ago, last week/month/year, in 1991, in the
end, at that moment, suddenly, then, when.
We use the past simple for actions completed at a particular time in the past, a
sequence of completed actions, past habits or regular events, situations or states in the
Time signals : while, as, when, at that time, meanwhile, at 7 o’clock last night
We use past continuous tense for events that were in progress at a particular time in the
past, two actions in progress at the same time in the past.
Used for:
- the background information (past continuous) and events (Past simple) in a story
The sun was shining and everyone on the beach was enjoying the nice weather
when the accident happened.
Matahari sedang bersinar dan semua orang sedang menikmati cuaca yang
menyenangkan Ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi
Ada dua peristiwa di dalam satu kalimat, satu sedang berlangsung (past
continuous) Ketika peristiwa lain terjadi (Past simple). yang sedang berlangsung
dalam bentuk Past continuous Tense dan peristiwa yg terjadi kemudian dalam
bentuk past simple.
Book 4 Unit 1
con·tem·po·rar·y adjective
When something is contemporary, it is related to the present time.
Contemporary scientists have learned quite a bit about DNA.
rate n. tingkat
A rate is the speed at which something happens.
Grass tends to grow at a very slow rate.
tex-ture n. tekstur
The texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels.
The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.
Many people believe that chocolate originally came from Europe. However, chocolate,
called the “food of the gods,” was first made in the Americas. The first chocolate was
very different from contemporary chocolate.
Wild chocolate trees can grow easily in the humid Amazon rainforest. Clusters of
flowers growing on these trees turn to seeds. About 20 to 60 cacao beans can be found
in the seeds. Cacao beans are the ingredient needed to create sweet, soothing, and
delicious chocolate treats.
The Mayan and Aztec cultures both thought that chocolate trees were brought from
paradise by gods. The Mayans and Aztecs used the beans from this divine tree to
create a special beverage with a very pleasant odor. Surprisingly, the Aztecs believed
that it would be toxic to women and children.
In the 1500s, the Spanish explorer Cortes met the Aztecs. Cortes became quite
interested in the plantations where the Aztecs cultivated chocolate trees. When he
returned to Europe, he took cacao beans with him. He introduced the people of Spain to
the Aztecs’ chocolate beverage.
Over the next 100 years or so, kings, queens, and members of the upper class enjoyed
drinking chocolate. They enjoyed it even more once they learned to add sugar to the
beverage! Soon, chocolate had spread all across Europe. New machines allowed
chocolate makers to perfect their products and produce them at a very rapid rate.
Preparing the beans in special ways brought out the aroma of chocolate. The beans
were combined with condensed milk to give the chocolate a smooth texture.
Today, contemporary chocolates with subtle flavors fill the shelves of expensive
chocolate shops. The different types of chocolate available today vary widely. True
chocolate lovers can tell which is best, though. They will tell you that the flavor of high-
quality chocolate stays on the palate long after you finish it.
Used to dan would mempunyai fungsi yang sama untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di
masa lalu yang tidak dilakukan lagi. Bedanya would tidak bisa dipakai dengan kata
kerja Statif.
I used to/would swim in the river when I was a kid.= Aku dulu biasanya berenang di
sungai sewaktu aku kecil.
I used to live here when I was a kid.= aku dulu tinggal di sana sewaktu aku kecil.
Would tidak bisa dipakai di sini karena live adalah state verb
Grammar explanation
When we talk about things in the past that are not true anymore, we can do it in different
Used to + infinitive
We can use used to to talk about past states that are not true anymore.
We used to live in New York when I was a kid.
There didn't use to be a supermarket there. When did it open?
Did you use to have a garden?
We can also use used to to talk about past habits (repeated past actions) that don't happen
I used to go swimming every Thursday when I was at school.
She used to smoke but she gave up a few years ago.
used to + infinitive should not be confused with be/get used to + -ing, which has a
different meaning.
Would + Infinitive
We can use would to talk about repeated past actions that don't happen anymore.
would for past habits is slightly more formal than used to. It is often used in stories. We
don't normally use the negative or question form of would for past habits. Note that
we can't usually use would to talk about past states.
Past simple
We can always use the past simple as an alternative to used to or would to talk about past
states or habits. The main difference is that the past simple doesn't emphasise the
repeated or continuous nature of the action or situation. Also, the past simple doesn't
make it so clear that the thing is no longer true.
Grammar explanation
Used to + infinitive and be/get used to + -ing look similar but they have very different
used to
We use used to + infinitive to talk about a past situation that is no longer true. It tells us
that there was a repeated action or state in the past which has now changed.
a) It refers to something you are accustomed to; if you are used to something, you have
often done it or experienced it, so it’s not strange, new or difficult for you. It can be used
in all tenses.
- Affirmative = I am used to getting up early in the morning (-ing form)
He is used to loud noises (noun)
- Negative
I am not used to getting up early in the morning.
He isn’t used to loud noises
- Interrogative
Are you used to getting up early in the morning?
Is he used to loud noises?
3) GET/ BECOME USED TO + Verb- ing or Noun (Acostumbrarse a…)
a) To become accustomed to something. It is the process of becoming accustomed to
something. It can be used in all tenses.
Affirmative = After a while he didn’t mind the noise in the office; he got used to it (-ing
form) You will get used to your new mattress. (noun)
Negative = He didn’t get used to it. / You won’t get used to your new mattress.
Interrogative = Did he get used to it? / Will you get used to your new mattress?
Be used to and get used to are followed by a noun, pronoun or the -ing form of a
verb, and can be used about the past, present or future.
Stative Verbs
Stative verbs (or state verbs) describe the status or quality of something… NOT an action. Verbs
of perception, opinion, the senses, emotion, possession, and state of being are often stative verbs.
Jika kita membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau kata benda, ada persamaan dan perbedaan
dari orang dan benda yang kita bandingkan. Yang dibandingkan adalah kata sifat dari orang
atau benda yang dibandingkan, Contoh: tinggi, pendek, hitam, cantik, besar, kecil dan
Untuk persamaan kita pakai positive degree (as..as), untuk perbedaan kita pakai Comparative
Degree (bentuk lebih), dan superlative (bentuk paling) yang disebut dengan Comparisons of
Degrees of Comparisons
Positive Degree/form -Comparing two things which are the same using as + adjective + as,
tidak ada perbedaan, benda yang dibandingkan berada pada degree yang sama.
1. Mary is as beautiful as Maria.= Mary secantik Maria
2. My brother is as dark as me. = Adikku sama hitamnya dengan aku
Untuk membandingkan dua orang atau benda, bentuk comparative digunakan untuk
menyatakan lebih, akhiran “er” ditambahkan kepada kata sifat yang dibandingkan.
Ketika membandingkan tiga atau lebih orang atau benda, pergunakan Superlative untuk
menyatakan paling, akhiran est ditambahkan kepada kata sifat yang dibandingkan.
1. The word than is often used to compare two things or people. Comparative selalu diikuti dengan
kata than For example:
Mr. Lee is taller than Philip. A car is faster than a bike.
2. The word the is often used before the superlative form. Superlative selalu diawali dengan kata the
For example:
A bee is a small insect. A ladybird is smaller, but an ant is the smallest
If the adjective ends in e, add r to form the comparative and ‘st’ to form the superlative
Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan huruf e, kita tambah r untuk lebih, dan est untuk paling.
Suppose the adjective is a short word that ends in a consonant and has a single vowel in the
middle. Just double the consonant and add “er” to make the comparative and “est” to make
the superlative.
Jika kata sifatnya kata yang pendek dan berakhir dengan huruf mati dan mempunyai huruf hidup di tengah, huruf
matinya di double kemudian ditambahkan er untuk lebih dan est untuk paling.
Suppose the adjective has two syllables and ends in “y”. Just change the y to i and add er to
make the comparative and add “est” to make the superlative. Jika kata sifatnya terdiri dari dua suku
kata dan berakhir dengan huruf y, Huruf y diganti ke I dan ditambah er untuk lebih dan est untuk paling.
Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms = Bentuk Comparative dan Superlative yang tidak
beraturan, tidak mempunyai bentuk menggunakan er, est, more, atau most.
A few adjectives don’t form their comparative and superlative forms in any of the usual ways.
The comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives are different words, called irregular
If there is a large difference between two objects, we can use much and a lot
For Small differences, we can use a little (bit) or slightly = sedikit berbeda
France is a little/a little bit/slightly bigger than Spain.
Perancis sedikit lebih besar dari Spanyol.
Common Phrase with superlatives = frase yang biasa dipakai bersamaan dengan superlative
not as … as
Silver isn’t as expensive as gold. = Gold is more expensive than Silver.
Time signals : already, yet, just, ever, never, for, since, before, how
long, today, recently, lately, this week/month/year, all my life, so far,
The present perfect tense shows action in the indefinite past/unknown time. The
present perfect
tense is also used to show action begun in the past and continuing into the
We have lived in this house for five years. (= and we still live there)
Your plane has already landed. (= and it’s still on the ground)
She has dirtied her new shoes. (= she made them dirty and they’re still dirty)
The teacher has pinned a notice on the board. (= and the notice is still there)
You don’t need your key. I’ve already opened the door. (= and it’s still open)
Simple Past
Time signals :
- yesterday, two days/weeks/months ago, last week/month/year, in 1991, in
the end, at that moment, suddenly, then, when.
We use the past simple for actions completed at a particular time in the past, a
sequence of completed actions, past habits or regular events, situations or states
in the past
I have been busy this morning (It’s still the morning now)
I was busy this morning (This morning is now finished past)
She has starred in a lot of major films (She is still alive and acting).
she starred in a lot of major films (Her acting career is finished or she is dead)
He has been in the army for fifteen years (And he is still in the army now).
He was in the army for fifteen years (But he is no longer in the army. The time
period of fifteen years finished in the past)
Conclusion: Past simple has nothing to do with the present, but present perfect
does. (Past Tense tidak ada hubungan dengan saat ini, tindakan/peristiwa/situasi
telah selesai di masa lalu. Sementara present perfect berhubungan dengan saat
I have taught for thirty years ( sampai saat ini. sekarang masih mengajar).
I taught for thirty years (sekarang tidak lagi)
Time signals : already, yet, just, ever, never, for, since, before, how long, today, recently, lately,
this week/month/year, all my life, so far,
We use the Present perfect to talk about the relationship between the past and the present. The
past action or situation is connected to the present in various ways.
We have lived in this house for five years. (= and we still live there)
Your plane has already landed. (= and it’s still on the ground)
She has dirtied her new shoes. (= she made them dirty and they’re still dirty)
The teacher has pinned a notice on the board. (= and the notice is still there)
You don’t need your key. I’ve already opened the door. (= and it’s still open)
The Present perfect continuous is like the Present perfect. However, we use the Present perfect
continuous if:
We want to emphasize that the action is long or repeated. (menekankan tindakan
yang lama dan berulang)
She’s been trying to pass her driving test for years.
Notice that we often use for and since with the Present perfect continuous).
We are more interested in the activity than the result. (Lebih fokus kepada kegiatan
daripada hasilnya)
I’m really hot - I’ve been running. (=the activity that made me hot)
I’ve just run ten kilometers. (that’s what I have achieved)
If we say how often the action happened, we always use the present perfect simple,
because the focus is on the result.
I’ve written ten/lots of emails today NOT I’ve been writing ten emails.
Like other continuous forms, we do not use the Present perfect continuous with ‘state
I’ve known Anne for years. NOT I’ve been knowing Anne for years.
Sentences with for and since answer the question How long?
How long have you been learning to drive?
State Verbs:
love, hate, want, need, have, own, want, belong, see, hear, smell, see, know, believe,
remember, agree, appear, belong, concern, consist, contain, depend, deserve, disagree,
dislike, doubt, feel (=have an opinion), fit,
Target Words:
conscience n. Your conscience is your inner sense of what is right and wrong. 1. hati
nurani 2. suara hati
I recycle everything I can, so my conscience is clear!
grapefruit n. A grapefruit is a fruit similar to an orange, but bigger and not as sweet.
Would you like a grapefruit with your breakfast?
horrified adj. If you are horrified, you are very shocked and feel upset.
I was horrified when I read about the old lady who was attacked.
loop n. A loop is a line made into the shape of a circle. Ikatan melingkar
He made a loop with the rope and placed it over the post.
paddle n. A paddle is a piece of wood or plastic that moves a boat across water.
We need a paddle to help us move across the water.
raft n. A raft is a floating platform made from pieces of wood tied together.
The man made a raft out of bamboo and floated out to sea.
sour adj. When something is sour, it has a sharp and unpleasant taste.
I don’t like lemons because I think they are too sour.
stake n. A stake is a small, sharp piece of wood or metal that is put into the ground.
tiang pancang
We marked our property by placing stakes into the ground.
steward n. A steward is a person like a waiter who serves food on planes and ships.
The steward is bringing some tea.
Monkey Island
In the middle of the ocean, there is a small island shaped like an arc. Here, monkeys
play on the beach and in the trees. But how did the monkeys get there?
Once, an English admiral was exploring Africa when he found hundreds of monkeys.
The admiral’s character was mean. He thought, “I could sell these monkeys and
become very rich! I’m going to take them to England.”
So, the admiral set traps to catch the monkeys. He put stakes in the ground, tied string
around them and made loops in the string. When the monkeys ran through the forest,
their feet got caught in the loops, and they couldn’t escape. Then the admiral put the
monkeys in cages on his ship and sailed away.
The cages were small and uncomfortable. There was no soft hay for the monkeys to
sleep on. Instead, they slept on branches with sharp thorns that cut into the monkeys’
flesh. For dinner, he gave them tiny pieces of sour grapefruit to eat. The monkeys
grew hungry and weak.
But one day, the admiral hired a new steward. He was a kind man with a good
conscience. He was horrified to see the thin monkeys in the cages. So one night he
let them out.
The monkeys ran and played all over the ship! They attacked the admiral and the
steward and ate their food. They completely wrecked the ship. One monkey ran into a
kerosene lamp, and it fell over. The ship caught fire and began to sink! The whole crew
was lost except for the monkeys.
After the accident, the monkeys jumped onto a raft. They floated away from the fiery
blaze of the ship. In the morning, they saw a little island in the distance. The monkeys
used a piece of wood as a paddle, and they went toward it. They found the island
shaped like an arc. They felt so happy to find a new home, and they still live there
Future forms = AKAN
Plans and Decisions in the future
1. Will
- We use will/won’t for a decision made at the moment of speaking. Keputusan diambil saat
terjadi pembicaraan
A: There isn’t any milk left.
B: Oh, isn’t there? I will get some in town. I am going there later on.
- Will is also used for promises and offers. Will juga dipakai untu janji dan tawaran
I will call you this evening (janji)
Here, I will carry that for you (tawaran)
- Use will after Used after verbs like: assume, believe, doubt, expect, hope, reckon,
suppose, think, and be sure/afraid and with adverbs like perhaps, possibly,
probably, definitely
I expect they will be here soon.
Do you think she will bring her boyfriend?
Don’t use will after If, when, before, after, in case, as long as, as soon as, once,
unless, etc. Use the present simple instead.
2. Going to
We use going to to express present intentions for the future. The action may be distant
or in the near future.
I am never going to get married
- The use of going to and the Present continuous is very similar. You can always use
going to instead of the present continuous to talk about the future.
I am going to meet Henry for lunch on Friday.
- The use of the Present continuous is more limited. you only use it to talk about definite
I’m going to get married before I’m 30. (=general intention)
I’m getting married in June. (=this has been arranged)
- When the main verb is go, the present continuous is often preferred to the going to
We are going (to go) to Greece for our holiday.
4. Present simple
When an action in the future is part of a regular timetable or has been officially fixed, the
present simple I used. Jika peristiwa di masa depan berdasarkan jadwal yang tetap, Present Simple
The show begins at eight o’clock
5. Future Continuous
- To describe an activity that will be in progress at a point in the future: untuk kegiatan yang
sedang terjadi di titik waktu di masa depan
This time tomorrow we will be sitting on the plane.
I will be studying math at nine next week
Predictions (ramalan)
- When the prediction is based on our own beliefs and expectations rather than present
evidence, we use will. Jika ramalan berdasarkan kepercayaan daripada bukti, will dipakai
A: I wonder where Anna is.
B: Don’t worry. I am sure she will get here soon.
- In many cases, there is no important difference in meaning. Dalam banyak hal, will dan
going to tidak mempunyai perbedaan yang bverarti
Who do you think is going to/will win the Champions league?
- to express a simple fact about the future, we use will. menyatakan fakta tentang mas depan,
pakai will
My birthday will be on Tuesday this year.
1. Singular Subjects : He, She, It
2. Plural Subjects : We, you, they, I (walaupun I bentuk tunggal, tetapi I
memakai bentuk kata kerja jamak)
Singular Subjects take singular Verbs. Plural Subjects take Plural Verbs
Contoh: He is, you are, she goes, she eats, she sings, they are, we go, you write, they
Subjects he, she, it tidak boleh memakai kata kerja are, eat, sing, write, make dst nya
begitu juga sebaliknya Subjects I. we, you, they tidak boleh memakai kata kerja is,
goes, eats, sings, writes, makes, catches dstnya
Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang disesuaikan dengan time signal/keterangan
waktu dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan kata lain Keterangan waktu berubah, kata kerja
juga berubah.
Simple Present Tense is used for Routines/habits, permanent situations, facts, future
official fixed arrangements or timetables we cannot change.
Time Signals:
Catatan: The highlighted verbs are all from the column of present simple. (Semua kata
kerja yang bercetak tebal berasal dari kolom Kata Kerja Present)
We do not discuss the negative and questions of the Simple Present Tense. We had
discussed them last week. Kita tidak membahas cara membentuk kalimat negative dan
pertanyaan dalam present tense. Sudah dibahas pada pertemuan 1.
Present Continuous tense is used for (=Present Continuous Tense dipakai untuk):
1. actions/event that are happening at the moment of speaking (Peristiwa atau tindakan
yang sedang terjadi saat ini)
The boys are playing football at the moment.
2. temporary situations (Keadaan yang tidak tetap, sementara)
Dad is travelling a lot this year.
3. future arrangements (masa depan yang sudah diatur)
I am having a party on Saturday. (tersirat Undangan sudah dibagi, tempat pesta
dan makanan sudah diatur)
4. habits with always (often annoying)
They are always arguing about homework. (menunjukkan kekesalan si
5. actions that are happening around now.
I am reading a very good book at the moment.
Subject + is/am/are + verb (ing)/present participle
Time signals:
At the moment, right now, these days, today, this evening, tomorrow, next
summer, on Saturday, always (for an annoying habit), etc
Simple Present Tense mempunyai kesan berulang-ulang, sementara Present
continuous sedang.
1. Paola is the student who sits at the back of the class. ( Paola selalu duduk di
Paola is the student who is sitting at the back of the class. (Saat ini Paola
sedang duduk di belakang kelas, besok belum tentu)
Simple Past
Time signals :
- yesterday, two days/weeks/months ago, last week/month/year, in 1991, in the
end, at that moment, suddenly, then, when.
We use the past simple for actions completed at a particular time in the past, a
sequence of completed actions, past habits or regular events, situations or states in the
Time signals : while, as, when, at that time, meanwhile, at 7 o’clock last night
We use past continuous tense for events that were in progress at a particular time in the
past, two actions in progress at the same time in the past.
When a sentence consists of past continuous and Past simple, the rules are as follows:
Used for:
- the background information (past continuous) and events (Past simple) in a story
The sun was shining and everyone on the beach was enjoying the nice weather
when the accident happened.
Matahari sedang bersinar dan semua orang sedang menikmati cuaca yang
menyenangkan Ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi
Ada dua peristiwa di dalam satu kalimat, satu sedang berlangsung (past
continuous) Ketika peristiwa lain terjadi (Past simple). yang sedang berlangsung
dalam bentuk Past continuous Tense dan peristiwa yg terjadi kemudian dalam
bentuk past simple.
Target Words: admonish, audible, awesome, beware, brag, conscious, disagree, echo,
eventual, hint, Idiot, immense, indirect, option, pastime, perfect, pinpoint, switch,
thorough, torment
conscious adj. If someone is conscious of something, then they are aware of it.
The new student was conscious of the other students staring at her.
disagree v. To disagree with someone means to have a different opinion from them.
The lawyers disagreed about the best way to settle the case.
echo v. To echo means that a sound repeats itself because it bounced off an object.
The child yelled over the canyon, and the wall echoed the sound.
eventual adj. If something is eventual, it will happen at the end of a series of events.
The constant training and planning led the team to an eventual victory.
idiot n. An idiot is a person who is not smart or who has done something silly.
Because he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.
indirect adj. If something is indirect, then it is not the easiest or straightest way.
He chose to take the most indirect route to the coast.
option n. An option is a choice between two or more things.
The children were given the option of three houses to pick from.
thorough adj. If something or someone is thorough, then they are complete in every way.
Tina did a thorough job of cleaning the stains out of the carpet.
torment v.
To torment someone means to cause them to suffer on purpose.
She tormented her little brother by taking his favorite toy.
A proud young man was looking for a new pastime. He heard about people hiking in the
national parks and decided to try it for himself. As he started his stroll, an old man walked up to
“Don’t go this way,” the old man said. “Beware. The paths are not clear. It’s easy to
become lost.”
But the young man disagreed with the old man and bragged that he had a perfect understanding
of the park. “I studied maps of this area,” he told him. “I believe I have a thorough knowledge
of these trails. I won’t become lost.”
The old man listened to the young man and then admonished him for his pride. “I have walked
these trails my entire life,” he said. “If you think you will be safe, then go ahead.”
The young man ignored the old man and started along the trail.
Whenever he had to choose between an easy or difficult route, he always chose the more difficult
option. In addition, he was not conscious of which direction he was going. After a while, he
decided to return home. Because his course through the wilderness was so indirect, he had no
idea where he was.
He looked at his map but could not pinpoint his location. He walked one path after another but
soon realized he was lost.
The sun was going down, and sudden strong winds gave a hint that it might rain. Immense
clouds filled the sky. Awesome sounds of thunder were audible from all directions. It echoed
off the mountains. The thought of the eventual storm tormented the young man. He hurried in
one direction, but soon switched out of confusion. Luckily, it led him out of the park.
When he arrived home, he knew that he had acted like an idiot. He realized he was lucky to be
alive. He decided to listen to people with more experience than himself.
Future clauses with if, when, unless, as soon as, until, before, once, etc.
Even when we are talking about the future, we use a present verb form after if, when,
unless, as soon as, until, before, once, etc.
Notice that in the other part of the sentence, which is the main clauses, a future
verb form is used (will. going to, etc.)