1 Simple Present - Present Progressive 2

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Course Description
This course provides students with knowledge of English tenses. It aims to explore twelve
English tenses, to make students learn how to differentiate each tense, to develop students’ skill
in verb patterns and sentence structures, to allow students identify various kinds of tenses, to
allow students use various kinds of sentences, to allow students do various practices, and to
allow students make, evaluate and develop written and oral expressions using correct and
appropriate verb patterns.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this topic, students will be able to:
1. define what simple present tense is
2. classify the verb patterns of simple present tense
3. demonstrate the simple present tense in both oral and written forms
4. differentiate various uses of simple present tense
5. argue when and why the simple present tense is used
6. develop their own sentences by using their own words in both oral and written forms

Simple Present Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang dilakukan
berulang-ulang atau kebiasaan.

Rumus Verbal:
Kalimat Positif : S + V1 + O
Kalimat Negatif : S + do/does + not + V1 + O
Kalimat Interogatif : Do/does + S + V1 + O?

Contoh Kalimat Verbal

They/We/I/You go to school every day.
She/He/It/Temon goes to school every day.
do not go to school every
She/He/It/Temon does not go to school every
they/we/I/you go to school every
Does she/he/it/Temon go to school every

Jika subjeknya adalah orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it), maka kata kerjanya mengalami
perubahan. Perhatikan aturan perubahannya sebagai berikut.
- Kata kerjanya ditambahkan -s.
 She always talks to me.
 He usually helps his girlfriend.
- Kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf vokal o, konsonan ch, sh, ss, dan x, maka
ditambahkan -es.
 She does her homework every night.
 Temon teaches me to drive on Sundays.
 Ani washes her clothes twice a week.
 He discusses about his project every morning.
 He fixes his computer every day.

- Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan konsonan y namun didahului oleh konsonan,
maka y diubah menjadi i lalu ditambahkan -es.
 He always tries to fix his computer every day.
 Ani studies very hard every night.

- Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan konsonan y namun didahului oleh huruf vokal,
maka cukup ditambahkan -s saja.
 He usually buys her a bouquet of flowers.
 The man always plays football with my brother.

Rumus Nominal:
Kalimat Positif : S + is/am/are + Kata Sifat/Kata Benda/Kata Keterangan
Kalimat Negatif : S + is/am/are + not + Kata Sifat/Kata Benda/Kata
Kalimat Interogatif : Is/Am/Are + S + Kata Sifat/Kata Benda/Kata Keterangan?

Contoh Kalimat Nominal

I am a student.

Positif They/We/You are fine.

She/He/It is here.

I am not a student.

Negatif They/We/You are not fine.

She/He/It is not here.

Am I a student?

Interogatif Are they/we/you fine?

Is she/he/it here?

Dalam kalimat nominal, subjek orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it) hanya boleh diikuti oleh
is, subjek I hanya boleh diikuti oleh am, dan subjek they, we, you hanya boleh diikuti
oleh are.

Kata keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan masa lampau yang sering digunakan dalam
simple present tense diantaranya adalah:
Always : selalu
Usually : biasanya
Often : sering
Never : tidak pernah
Sometimes : kadang-kadang
Seldom : jarang
Frequently : sering kali
Every day : setiap hari
Every week : setiap minggu
Every Tuesday : setiap hari Selasa
Occasionally : kadang-kadang

Once a week : sekali seminggu
Twice a week : dua kali seminggu
Once a year : sekali setahun

Penggunaan Simple Present Tense

1. untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang.
 I go to campus every day.
 She goes running twice a week.
2. untuk menyatakan suatu kebenaran umum.
 The sun rises in the east.
 A month has four weeks.
3. sebagai anak kalimat dalam kalimat pengandaian tipe 1.
 If I see her, I will tell her about you.
 If my brother passes the exam, I will give him some money.

Latihan 5.1
Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk kalimat negatif dan interogatif seperti contoh
pada nomor 1.
1. (+) The train arrives at 10.00 p.m.

(–) The train does not arrive at 10.00 p.m.

(?) Does the train arrive at 10.00 p.m.?

2. (+) She is beautiful.



3. (+) He always takes a bus to go to school.



4. (+) Temon goes to Bandung every year.



5. (+) We always dream about you every night.



Latihan 5.2
Lengkapilah tabel berikut menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
To be To go

They are … They go …

We We


You You

He He

She She

It It

Toni Toni

To do To have

They do … They have …

We We


You You

He He

She She

It It

Toni Toni

Latihan 5.3
Tulislah tentang kebiasaan/rutinitas/kebenaran umum dengan menggunakan Simple
Present Tense dalam bentuk negatif.
1. They ________________________________________________________.
2. We _________________________________________________________.
3. I _________________________________________________________.
4. You _________________________________________________________.
5. She _________________________________________________________.
6. He _________________________________________________________.
7. It _________________________________________________________.
8. Jane _________________________________________________________.
9. I _________________________________________________________.
10. I _________________________________________________________.

Latihan 5.4
Lengkapilah sentence blocks dalam Simple Present Tense di bawah ini. Perhatikan
She always gives me flowers every day.
Wh-question : When does she always give me flowers?
Jawaban Pendek : Every day.

Yes/No Question : Does she give me flowers every day?
Jawaban Pendek (+) : Yes, she does.
Jawaban Pendek (-) : No, she doesn’t.
Jawaban Panjang (-) : No, she doesn’t give me flowers every day.

1. They usually play football on Sundays.

Wh-question : When …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

2. She lives in Bandar Lampung.

Wh-question : Where …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

3. She is my girlfriend.
Wh-question : Who …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

4. Her father is a teacher.

Wh-question : What …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :

Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

5. The weather is always great in my hometown.

Wh-question : How …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :


Course Description
This course provides students with knowledge of English tenses. It aims to explore twelve
English tenses, to make students learn how to differentiate each tense, to develop students’ skill
in verb patterns and sentence structures, to allow students identify various kinds of tenses, to
allow students use various kinds of sentences, to allow students do various practices, and to
allow students make, evaluate and develop written and oral expressions using correct and
appropriate verb patterns.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this topic, students will be able to:
1. state what present progressive tense is
2. discuss the verb patterns of present progressive tense
3. implement the present progressive tense in both oral and written forms
4. relate various uses of present progressive tense to their daily lives
5. argue when and why the present progressive tense is used
6. formulate their own sentences by using their own words in both oral and written forms

Present Progressive/Continuous Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan

peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang atau rencana pasti di masa depan

Rumus Verbal:
Kalimat Positif : S + to be (is/am/are) + Ving

Kalimat Negatif : S + to be (is/am/are) + not + Ving

Kalimat Interogatif : To be (is/am/are) + Ving?

Contoh Kalimat Verbal

She/He/It/Temon is talking to Mr. President.
Positif I am talking to Mr. President.
They/We/You are talking to Mr. President.
is not talking to Mr.
am not talking to Mr.

are not talking to Mr.
talking to Mr.
Is she/he/it/Temon
Am talking to Mr.
Interogatif I
Are talking to Mr.


Terkadang to be (is/am/are) + kata sifat digunakan dalam tense ini untuk menjelaskan
sifat yang mengacu pada tindakan/perilaku sementara yang sedang berlangsung. I am
being, you are being, she/he/it is being, we are being, they are being. Perhatikan contoh

Simpe Present Tense Present Progressive/Continuous Tense

Abdel is a lazy person. (Abdel selalu Temon is being lazy. (Temon sedang
malas – malas merupakan sifatnya) bertindak malas sekarang – dia tidak
biasanya bertindak malas.

Is she always careful? (Apakah sifatnya She is being very careful. (Dia sedang
yang berhati-hati?) bertindak secara sangat hati-hati pada saat

Abdel is not usually quiet. (Sifat aslinya Why is Abdel being so quiet? (Kenapa dia
Abdel tidaklah diam). berperilaku begitu diam pada saat ini?)

Berikut adalah beberapa kata sifat yang dapat diikuti oleh Is/Am/Are + Being.

Bad (ill- Foolish Illogical Lasy Noisy Quiet

Careful Funny Impolite Logical Patient Responsible

Cruel Generous Irresponsible Loud Pleasant Rude

Fair Good (well- Kind Nice Polite Serious

Silly Unfair Unkind Unpleasan Selfish Stupid

Penggunaan Present Progressive/Continuous Tense

1. untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang.
 I am reading an English book now.
 She is singing a very good song at the moment.
2. untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa/perbuatan yang sifatnya hanya sementara.
 He is sleeping now but he will soon get up and pick you up.
 Abdel is listening to the song at the moment but he will sing a song soon.
3. untuk menyatakan peristiwa terencana yang akan terjadi di masa datang.
 I am going to the cinema tonight.
 She is leaving for Jakarta in a few weeks.
4. untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang kurang berkenan atau menjengkelkan yang
berulang-ulang, biasanya menggunakan kata keterangan always dan forever.
 The noise is always driving me crazy all the times.
 The man is always acting up in front of me.

Tidak semua kata kerja dapat ditambahkan –ing di dalam Present
Progressive/Continuous Tense ini meskipun diucapkan saat peristiwanya sedang
berlangsung. Ada beberapa kata kerja yang biasanya tidak digunakan dalam Present
Progressive/Continuous Tense.
 Verbs of the Senses atau kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan panca indera (to
taste, to look, to smell, to feel, to sound).
 Your idea sounds great. (Bukan: Your idea is sounding great)
 It looks good. (Bukan: It is looking good)
 Verbs of Possession atau kata kerja yang menyatakan kepunyaan (to own, to
belong to, to owe, dan sebagainya).
 Abdel owns five computers. (Bukan: Abdel is owning five computers)
 They owe me Rp. 50.000. (Bukan: They are owing me Rp. 50.000.)
 Verbs of Emotion atau kata kerja yang menyatakan perasaan. Misalnya to like, to
dislike, to refuse, to want, dan sebagainya.
 I like you. (Bukan: I am liking you)
 She wants to see the doctor again (Bukan: She is wanting to see the
doctor again)
 Verbs of Thought atau kata kerja yang menyatakan pendapat atau pikiran (to
believe, to expect, to forget, to know, to prefer, to realize, to think, to understand,
to remember, dan sebagainya).
 I understand your explanation. (Bukan: I am understanding your
 I realize how difficult it is going to be. (Bukan: I am realizing how
difficult it is going to be)

Kata keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan dalam present progressive/continuous

tense diantaranya adalah:
Now : sekarang
Right now : sekarang ini
At this moment : pada saat ini
At present : sekarang ini, pada waktu ini
Tonight : nanti malam

Next week : minggu depan
Soon : segera
Next month : bulan depan

Latihan 6.1
Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk kalimat negatif dan interogatif seperti contoh
pada nomor 1.
1. (+) Ani is writing a letter now.

(–) Ani is not writing a letter now.

(?) Is Ani writing a letter now?

2. (+) I am studying Mathematics at the moment.



3. (+) We are watching TV now.



4. (+) She is cooking in the kitchen now.



5. (+) One of my friends is teaching in the classroom at the moment.



Latihan 6.2
Lengkapilah tabel berikut menggunakan Present Progressive/Continuous Tense.

To be To go

They are (being) … They are going …

We We


You You

He He

She She

It It

Toni Toni

To do To have

They are doing … They are having …

We We


You You

He He

She She

It It

Toni Toni

Latihan 6.3
Tulislah kalimat menggunakan Present Progressive/Continuous Tense dalam bentuk

1. They are not watching TV right now.

2. We _________________________________________________________.
3. I _________________________________________________________.
4. You _________________________________________________________.
5. She _________________________________________________________.
6. He _________________________________________________________.
7. It _________________________________________________________.
8. Jane _________________________________________________________.
9. I _________________________________________________________.
10. I _________________________________________________________.

Latihan 6.4
Lengkapilah sentence blocks dalam Present Progressive/Continuous Tense di bawah ini.
Perhatikan contoh.

She is having her lunch now.
Wh-question : What is she having?
Jawaban Pendek : Her lunch.
Yes/No Question : Is she having her lunch now?
Jawaban Pendek (+) : Yes, she is.
Jawaban Pendek (-) : No, she isn’t.
Jawaban Panjang (-) : No, she isn’t having her lunch now.

1. She is coming on Monday next week.

Wh-question : When …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :

Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

2. Tom is sleeping in my bedroom.

Wh-question : Where …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

3. Bob is speaking to his wife.

Wh-question : Who …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

4. Sue is working on her new project.

Wh-question : What …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :
Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

5. They are cooking together.

Wh-question : What …
Jawaban Pendek :
Yes/No Question :
Jawaban Pendek (+) :

Jawaban Pendek (-) :
Jawaban Panjang (-) :

Latihan lanjutan …

1. Lengkapilah paragraf berikut dengan bentuk simple present atau present

progressive menggunakan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kurung.

Right now, Pam O’Neil (1 take) is taking a test, but she (2 not know)
_______________ it. She (3 think) _______________ about what she (4 write)
_______________ , not about how her handwriting (5 look) _______________. The
person who will look at the test is a graphologist – someone who (6 study)
_______________ handwriting. Graphologists (7 believe) _______________ that a
person’s handwriting (8 tell) _______________ something about his or her personality
and character. These days, many businesses (9 use) _______________ graphologists
to help them decide who to hire.

What exactly _______________ company graphologist Perry Vance (10 hope)

_______________ to learn from applicants’ writing samples? “I always (11 look)
_______________ for clues to possible behavior,” he explained. “For example, the
slant of the writing usually (12 tell) _______________ a lot. _______________ the
writing (13 lean) _______________ to the left or to the right? A left slant often (14
indicate) _______________ a shy personality. The position of the sample on the page
is also important,” Vance continued. “The right-hand margin of the page (15 represent)
_______________ the future. Here’s a writing sample from an executive who right now
(16 plan) _______________ a new direction for a large company. Notice that this
person (17 not leave) _______________ much room in the right-hand margin. This is
the writing of someone who never (18 avoid) _______________ looking at the future.”

“What about signatures?” I asked. “Yes, signatures (19 show) _______________ us a

lot about some,” said Vance. “Look at this one by a chief executive officer of a large
firm. You (20 read) _______________ about him in the news these days because the
government (21 investigate) _______________ his company. Those very large strokes

are typical of a person who (22 think) _______________ about himself first and (23
take) _______________ advantage of other people.

Vance always (24 warn) _______________, however, that his analysis (23 not
guarantee) _______________ an applicant’s future job performance. There’s no
substitute for careful review of a complete application.

(Sumber: Fuchs & Bonner. 2000. Focus on Grammar, 2nd Edition. p. 3)

2. Bacalah e-mail berikut. Ada 10 kesalahan penggunaan simple present tense dan
present progressive. Temukan kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut, lalu perbaiki.
Kesalahan pertama telah diperbaiki sebagai contoh.

Justin – I hope you don’t (seharusnya: aren’t) feeling angry at me about my last e-mail.
Remember that I wrote, “I not want to hear from you again! ‘-)” That title symbol at
the end means, “I’m winking, and I only joke.” We using a lot of these symbols in
email. We are calling them emoticons because they show how we are feeling at the
moment. Here are some more:
:-) I smile.
:-D I’m laughing.
:-( I’m frowning.
8-] Wow! I really surprised!
(::()::) This is meaning, “I want to help.” It looks like a Band-Aid.
:-C I’m not believing that!

Please write back soon and tell me that you’re not angry. ((((Justin)))) Those are hugs!

(Sumber: Fuchs & Bonner. 2000. Focus on Grammar, 2nd Edition. p. 4)


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