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Republic of the Philippines


La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph


Personal Data

Name: Crissa Johann Buendia

Age: 21 years old
Sex: Female
Cellphone number:
Address: Tabuc Suba Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
Email address: crissjohannlyn@gmail.com
Date of Birth: June 24, 2001
Citizenship: Filipino

Educational Attainment

Elementary: Barotac Nuevo Central Elementary School

High School: Barotac Nuevo National Comprehensive High School
College: Iloilo Science and Technology University

Family Information

Mother’s Name: Arlene Buendia

Date of Birth: June 12, 1975
Occupation: Tutor

Father’s Name: Stephen Buendia

Date of Birth: November 14, 1971
Occupation: Businessman
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph


As a Human Services worker, conducting an interview with the client is a crucial step in

the assessment and treatment process. We gather data through interviews to have a clear

understanding of the client’s situation and perception. It’s a chance to obtain the

necessary information including her current issues, medical, family and social

background. Through the interview we could provide a more accurate intervention plan

appropriate to her situation. Additionally, this can be a catharsis to her in some way

where she would feel heard.

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph



Educational Background:

Elementary School: Barotac Nuevo Central Elementary School

Highschool: Barotac Nuevo National Comprehensive High School
College: Iloilo Science and Technology University

Family Background:

Mother’s Name: Arlene Buendia

Date Of Birth: June 12, 1975
Occupation: Tutor
Fathers Name: Stephen Buendia
Date Of Birth: November 14, 1971
Occupation: Businessman
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph


Intake/ Case Conceptualization Form (using 5Ps)

Client’s Name: Crissa Johann Buendia Age: 21 Marital Status: Single

Date: April 3, 2023

A. Observation, information gathered through interview and/or Test Results.

1. Client’s Presenting Problem:

In this session, the client is a student living away from her family and currently staying

together with her partner. She suffers from physical, verbal and emotional abuse from her

partner that leads to self- abandonment and hyper-responsibility. According to the client,

her partner has history of unstable mental health condition because of her family

background and rough childhood experiences. The client stated that due to these reasons

she cannot abandon her partner, she was vulnerable as it has a history of attempted

suicide. The client is aware that there’s no hope that her partner will change, however she

is willing to conform in an unhealthy relationship if her partner keep her promise that she

will not physically abuse her the second time. Crissa stayed and claimed that she was

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

2. Precipitating Causes:

Based on the Client’s narrative, it happens almost every day especially when it’s just the

two of them and nothing happens if there’s a third party. Her partner takes the

domineering role to take control and make her fall silent which the client thought that her

partner was projecting herself as she has her background of lack of emotional support

from her family and poor treatment from her relatives. The client endure her partner’s

physical, emotional and verbal abuse such as shaming, controlling, and so on.

3. Predisposing Risk Factors:

The client was from a fortunate family. She began to grew apart from her family because

she was the “black sheep” of the family and a part of LGBTQ community. Her parents

favor her older brother more while she was neglected. From her childhood days, she did

not receive enough emotional support from her parents instead they just give her stuff

that is unnecessary. Her family made her think that every little thing that happened was

her fault. Additionally, she doesn’t have a harmonious relationship with her relatives.

4. Perpetuating Psychological Functioning

Crissa would usually go to school tired and would go home in a hurry. Sometimes she is

outgoing and loud, however mostly she is quiet because she thought sometimes its better

that way. She has a frank and assertive personality. She tends to not dwell on certain

things and just move on. She has thoughts like “I’m okay because I’m used to it” and
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

“It’s your choice, you deserve it”. She tends to bottle her problems and is unable to

release the emotional tension therefore her body is compensating the effect.

5. Protective Factors:

She is aware of her own strength and able to adjust her situation. She is calm and

collected. She is intellectual and critical in a lot of things. She has experience to lead an

organization and its members that explain her sense of responsibility. She is brave to

speak up her mind no matter what it is and will stand to fight for her beliefs. Fortunately,

a single mother living next to them often visit them so in some way she became an

external protective factor to the client.

Severity of Psychosocial Stressors

_____Mild _____Moderate __/__Severe

Highest Level of Functioning

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

B. Case Conceptualization

A 21-years-old young adult living away from her family. She reported that she was being

abuse by her current partner. The information given on the client has no clear biological

details. However, her partner has a history of unstable mental health conditions that may

have a genetic component, this detail is important to note. Due to her upbringing, the

client tends to feel neglected as well as lacking in emotional support from her parents.

She reportedly feels as the “black sheep” of the family, aside from the reason that she’s a

transgender which further affect her relationship with her family. She reportedly been

subjected to verbal, emotional, and physical abuse in her present relationship with her

partner, which has caused her to abandon herself and take on an excessive number of

responsibilities. Her ability to move on from certain things without dwelling on them is a

psychological function that she perpetuates and may be a coping mechanism for the

trauma she has experienced.

The stressors that the client is currently experiencing are caused by her partner’s

aggressive actions. Her social support system has also been influenced by her family

dynamics, making it challenging for her to ask her family for assistance. Although she

currently functions at a fair level, leaving her abusive partner may be challenging due to

her psychosocial stressors.

The client is physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by her partner, despite

everything she could not abandon her partner for these reasons, and that she was
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

vulnerable owing to a history of suicide attempts. She claims that her spouse has a history

of unstable mental health due to her family background and difficult childhood

experiences. The relationship is unhealthy for the both however the client refuses to leave

because she believes she is responsible for her partner.


The young adult reportedly does well in school academically when he applies herself.

She is aware of her own strength and able to adjust her situation. She is calm and

collected. She is intellectual and critical in a lot of things. She is agreeable to start

individual counseling.

Diagnostic Impression, treatment guidance and prognosis

This youth’s history, presentation on interview, and results of emotional–behavioral

forms suggest some self-abandonment and hyper-responsibility, likely contributing to

difficulty leave an unhealthy relationship. As she has no prior reported history of

depression, there is most likely a reaction to the abuse she’s experiencing that can be

observed in her physical condition.

Treatments should include individual counseling with an evidence-based approach such

as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Eye

movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

Prognosis is favorable, with anticipated benefit apparent sessions of CBT, EMDR and

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

Overall, the client’s bio-psycho-social synthesis indicates that considerable psychological

and social pressures have brought on by both her current connection with her spouse and

her childhood traumas. She might gain from treatments that address her trauma and

negative coping methods as well as advice on how to leave her abusive partner and build

a healthier support system.

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph


Based on the information gathered, our client, is dealing with serious psychological and

social stressors because of her current relationship and her past traumas. To address her

presenting problem, we recommend that Crissa receives treatment that addresses her

trauma and negative coping mechanisms. These Treatments include Cognitive-

Behavioral Therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization

and Reprocessing.

CBT could help Crissa recognize and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that

are keeping her in the abusive relationship. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy could potentially

help in addressing Crissa’s trauma symptoms that are related to her past experiences and

current relationship. This intervention strategy might assist Crissa in becoming more

conscious of her physical sensations and how they relate to her emotional experiences by

emphasizing the relationship between body and mind. She might be able to better control

her emotions and react to stimuli related to her trauma. The goal of EMDR is to process

traumatic memories while resolving the negative emotions and beliefs connected to them.

Since EMDR can assist Crissa in processing and resolving old traumas that may be a

factor in her current relationship issues, it may be especially helpful for her. It may also

help her develop more positive self-beliefs and reduce the negative emotions associated

with her traumatic experiences.

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

In addition, we, the counselors, can help Crissa develop healthy coping strategies and

build a support system outside of her current relationship. We may also need to provide

Crissa the support and resources for leaving her abusive partner safely. The treatment

would primarily aim to aid Crissa in enhancing her mental and emotional well-being and

live a healthier, happier life.


“My partner would abuse me physically, mentally, and emotionally but I’m okay.

I can endure all of it. I can’t just abandon her because I know if I do, something bad will



The client has no problem telling her problems but she would always change her sitting

posture especially during the probing. She would unconsciously play with her thumb.

She display eagerness to listen with our understanding of her situation and expectation of

how we will handle her situation.

Assessment Problem:

⚫ The client disclose that she isn’t able to cry for the past years

⚫ She was numb to some emotions

⚫ Thinks that she is responsible to her partner

⚫ Her situation makes her unable to leave her unhealthy relationship with her partner.
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

Plan: Treatment Plan

Objective Strategy Time scale Benefit

1. Connects self from past to ⚫ Self- reflection by Help the client to be clear

present taking down notes May 1, 2023 with her feelings and

her realization every emotions and at the same

week time would be able to

⚫ Meditation accept it to bring change

⚫ Talking Therapy in the behavior.

2. Understanding Value in a ⚫ Writing her values May 1, 2023 Clear understanding and

Relationship one by one and objective of what the

elaborate. client need in a

⚫ Meditation relationship that will help

⚫ Value Clarification her grow in that healthy


3. Understanding her Locus of ⚫ Value Clarification May 1, 2023 The client can become

control ⚫ EMDR more conscious of her

values, beliefs, and

attitudes regarding her

ability to control her life.

This can help the client

identify situations where

they feel helpless or

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

powerless and work on

gaining more control of

their lives.

4. Release emotional tension and ⚫ Stretch emotional May 1, 2023 Aids the client in reducing

improve physical condition rubber band through stress and anxiety,

challenging limit improve her mood and

⚫ Talk to friends sleep cycle, increase

⚫ Seek professional energy and productivity,

⚫ Sensorimotor as well as improve her

Psychotherapy physical health

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph


Crissa Buendia was not supposed to be our client however she told us that she felt more

comfortable to share her story with us, so we agreed. After the class, we decided to begin

our first session but before that we informed her that the information she would disclose

will be written in our report and assured her that the information will not be disclosed


We sat down face-to-face, and she began to tell us her current issue to her family

background. Both of us, the counselors, remain silent and listen attentively however there

are times we ask questions to avoid misunderstanding. We listened and observed her

body language. All throughout she kept it cool as if she wanted us to only listen and what

our feedback with her story, but she had no expectation that we could solve her problem.

With all those rough experiences, she repeatedly emphasized the word that she’s “okay”

that we thought that it was her defense mechanism to convince herself that she is “okay”

well in fact she’s not “okay”. This had led us to think that she had developed the habit of

telling she’s okay that has resulted to self-abandonment which she unconsciously ignores

the true condition of herself or that she was exhausted from all the pain that her current

problem can no longer hurt her as she disclose to us that she is not able to cry.

After the session, we input the information such as the client information, reason for

interview and background of the client. For the client’s problem, we relied on the data
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph

during our interview to identify the underlying factor that affects the principal problem of

the client which led us to self-abandonment and hyper-responsibility. Then, we research

the best test aligned to Crissa’s situation to gather clear data. We used the 1) How much

you worry test to grasp how much she overthinks or handle uncertainties 2) Control of

Fate test to know her locus of control 3) Mapping Emotion test to know how much she is

aware of her feelings and able to accept it 4) Anxious Attachment Patterns to dig deeper

an uncomfortable experiences in a relationship 5) Understanding the Values you want in

a relationship test it helps a better understanding of the values and what gives life


For the next session, we gave her time to answer the test. After that, we used the data to

create our action plan by using CBT, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and EMDR. Lastly,

we ask for Signature with credentials of the client to validate our case report.
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph



Bachelor in Human Services

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