Exp. 5 Laser

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Diffraction of Helium-Neon Laser

1-To find the wavelength of He –Ne laser (by diffraction gratings)
2- Observe the interference pattern produced when laser light passes
through multiple slit grating (diffraction grating)

Safety precautions:
Laser should never be pointed on eyes.

What is a Laser?
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It is produced
by stimulated emission of atoms and also its properties are:-
1. Monochromatic.
2. Coherence, as phase difference is same.
3. Directionality, it follows one particular direction only.
4. LASER travels much more distance than light and with more intensity.
5- It has very low diffraction.
6- It can be used as continues or pulse wave depending on the required

What is diffraction?

When parallel waves of light are obstructed by a very small object (i.e.
sharp edge, slit, wire, etc.), the waves spread around the edges of the
obstruction and interfere, resulting in a pattern of dark and light fringes.
Diffractions grating is an optical element that divides (disperses light
composed of a lot of different wavelengths (e.g. white light) in to light
components by wavelength. The simplest type of grating is one with a
large number of evenly spaced parallel slits.
Diffraction grating

When light of a single wavelength, like the 632.8nm red light from a
helium-neon laser at left, strikes a diffraction grating it is diffracted to
each side in multiple orders. Orders 1 and 2 are shown to each side of the
direct beam. As in fig below Order 1


Order 1
Diffraction pattern


Diffraction grating
Diffraction envelop
(diffraction pattern)
Laser source (He-Ne) laser of wavelength (630 nm), screen, diffraction
grating, metric ruler.


.1.Switch on the Laser apparatus and notice the red beam

.2 .Arrange the diffraction grating so that the Laser will be transmitted
through the diffraction grating and incident on the screen
3. Move the screen forward and backward until you get the clearest
fringes on the screen
4. Measure the distance between the center of the central fringe and each
of the bright fringes

5. )Graph between D (y-axis), X(x-axis

6. Apply Snell’s Law : n λ = d sinθ
but θ is very small therefore
n λ = d sinθ {grating equation}
n=order of Diffraction.

λ= wavelength of laser
d= spacing between the slights (width of single slit for diffraction grating)
D= distance between the diffraction grating and screen


x= the distance between the centr of fring and bright fringe

Number of slits is 15000 line per inch

1 inch = 2.54 cm

When n=1……… first order

tanθ =x/D

θ= tan-1 x/D

θ= very small for laser light

tan θ = θ

θ= X/D

sin θ= θ

sin θ= θ= X/D
hm r Fh oa eh morF

sFh To rh hT

⸫ slope=ΔD /ΔX

n λ = d sin θ

n λ = d sin X/D……………………

Hence 1/slope= ΔX/ΔD

d= (2.54 cm) / (15000 line)

n=1 , …………………… λ=?

λ= (d*1/slope)/n

1. Define Laser and compare it with other light.

2. Discuss medical application for Different types of Laser.

Medical application

Medical applications of this experiment

The colored tissue at the front of eye that contains the pupil in the center.
This iris helps control the size of the pupil let more or less light in to the
The iris adjusts the size of the pupil and controls the amount of light that
can enter the eye.
All light waves undergo diffraction as they pass through a small opening.
Thus the iris produces a diffraction pattern on the retina.

Generally, normal pupil size in adults range from ( 2-4 )mm in diameter
in bright light to 4-8 mm in the dark. However, if the pupil becomes
much smaller, for example 1.0 mm, diffraction produce measurable effect
on visual acuity.
You can demonstrate this effect by reading an eye test chart through a
0.75 mm hole: you should notice a decrease in your ability to read the
small letters.

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