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Published in
Berlin (1887)
Chapter 8
Two Reasons Why 1886 Bleak
Winter was Memorable in life of
1. It was a painful episode for he was hungry,
sick, and despondent in a strange city.

2. It brought him joy because his first novel,

Noli Me Tangere came off the press in March
Idea of Writing a Novel in the Philippines
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”- authored by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Portrays the brutalities of slave-owners and pathetic conditions of the
unfortunate Negro slaves
January 2, 1884- Rizal proposed the writings of a novel about Philippines at
the Paterno’s residence in Madrid
Paterno Brothers (Pedro, Maximo, and Antonio)
Evaristo Aguirre
Graciono Lopez Jaena
Eduardo de Lete
Julio Elorente
Melecio Figueroa
Valentin Ventura
The Writing of The Noli
1884- finished about one half of the novel in Madrid
1885- after studying at Central University of Madrid,
he finished one half of the second half
- finished the last fourth of the novel in the
April-June 1886- wrote the last few chapters of Noli
in Wilhelmsfeld
February 1886- Rizal made the final revisions of the
manuscript of the Noli in Berlin
- He was depressed during this time and almost
threw the novel into the fire.
Viola, Savior of the Noli
Dr. Maximo Viola- scion of rich family of San
Miguel, Bulacan
- wrote a telegram to Rizal stating that he would
come to Belin
- was shocked to find Rizal living in poverty
- finance the printing of Noli
- Rizal deleted passages in his manuscript,
including a whole chapter, “Elias and Salome,” to
save printing expenses.
Febuary 21, 1887- Rizal founded a printing shop named “Berliner
Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft,” with the lowest rate of 300 pesos
for 2,000 copies of the novel.
Rizal Suspected as French Spy
Chief of Berlin paid a sudden visit to Rizal’s boarding
house requesting to see his passport.
Gave Rizal 4 days to comply with the document,
otherwise he would be departed
Because of Rizal’s frequent visits to the little villages
and towns in rural areas, it aroused the German
authorities that he was a French spy
Rizal explained to the police chief in fluent in
german, that he was not a French spy, but a Filipino
The police was satisfied and allowed him to stay
freely in Germany
Printing of the Noli Finished
March 21, 1887
- Noli Me Tangere came off press
- Sent the first copies of the printed novel to his
intimate friends Blumentritt, Dr. Antonio Ma.
Regidor, G. Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce and Felix R.

March 28, 1887

- Rizal gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli carefully
rolled around the pen that he used in writing it.
The Tittle of the Novel
March 5, 1887
Rizal wrote to Felix Hidalgo stating the
origin of the title.
”Noli Me Tangere” are words taken
from the Gospel of St. Luke which
signifies “Do Not Touch Me”
Rizal made mistake. It should be the
“ Touch Me Not”
Gospel of St. John (Chapter 20, verse
The Author’s Dedication
Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines- “To My
Synopsis of the Noli
It begins in the reception given by Capitan Tiago.
(Santiago de Ios Santos)
Ibarra arrives in the event produecing favorable
imperssion among the guests except for Padre Damaso.
After dinner, Ibarra left Captain Tiago’s house to
return to his hotel.
On the way, Lieutenent Guevara told him the story of
his father’s death in San diego.
Don Rafaels was thrown in prison, were he died
Ibarra thanked the kind Spanish Lieutenant and find out the truth about hid father’s
The following morning, Ibarra visited Maria Clara.
He went to San Diego to visit his father’s grave.
The grave-digger told Ibarra that the corpse of Don
Rafael was removed bye order of the parish priest.
He met Padre Salvi on his way and pound on the
priest demanding redress for desecrating his father
mortal remains.
Padre Salvi told him that the had nothing to do with it
but it was Padre Damaso who was responsible for it.
In his town, Ibarra met several interesting people
such as philosopher Tasio.
The Tale of Sisa
Sisa, a formerly rich girl became poor because she
married a gambler and a westrel.
She became crazy because she lost her two boys,
Basilio and Crispin, the joys of her wretched life.
Capitan Tiago, Maria Clara and Auntie Isabel
arrived in San Diego.
Ibarra and his friends gave a picnic at the lake.
An incident of the picnic was the saving of Elias
life by Ibarra.
Another incident was the the
rendering of a beautiful song by
Maria Clara.
After the meal was over, Ibarra
and Capitan Tiago played chess,
while Maria Clara and her friends
played the “ Wheel of Chance. “
The next day, Ibarra visited old
Tasio to consult him on hid pet
project about the school house.
The Feast
Meanwhile, San Diego was merrily preparing
for its annual fiesta, in honor of its patron
saint San Diego de Alcala, whose feast day is
the 11th of November.
During the fiesta there was a high mass in the
church officiated by Padre Salvi.
Elias quietly moved to Ibarra, who was
kneeling and praying by Maria Clara’s side,
and warned him to be carefull during the
ceremony of the laying of the corner stone of
the school house.
After the Feast
Maria Clara became ill. She was treated by a
quack Spanish Physician, Tiburcio de
Espadaña, whose wiffe had hallucinations of
being a Spanish Castillan.
She wanted to be called “ Doctora Doña
Victorina de Ios Reyes de Españada.”
She introuduce Capitan Tiago’s young
Spaniards, Don Alfonso Linares de Españsada,
coudin of his husband and godson of Padre
Damaso’s brother in law.
The Story of Elias
The story of Elias was like that of Sisa, a tale of pathos
and tradegy.
His wife was pregnant and became a prostitute in order
to support her sick husband and their son.
After giving to her second son and the death of her
husband, fled with her sons to the mountains.
Years later, the first boy became a dreaded tulisan named
Balat. He terrorized the provinces.
His younger brother, fled and became trusted laborer in
the house of rich man in Tayabas. He fell in love with
the master’s daughter.
The girl’s father, enraged by romance, investigate
his past and found out the truth. The unfortunate
father (Elias father) was sent to jail, the girl give
birth to twins, a boy (Elais) and a girl.
Their rich grandfather took care of them, keeping
secret their scandalous origin, and reared them as
rich children.
An old male servant was forced to testify in court
and the truth came out that he was their real
Elias and his sister left Tabayas to hide. Since then,
they lived a vagabond life.
The Scape of Elias and Ibarra
Elias, learning of Ibarra’s arrest, burned all the
papers that might incriminate his friend and set
Ibarra’s house on fire.
He and Ibarra jumped into a banca loaded with
sacate (grass).
Ibarra stoppped at the house of Capitan Tiago to say
goodbye to Maria Clara.
After bidding Maria Clara ferwell, he returned to the
He and Elias padded up the Pasig River toward
Laguna de Bay.
A police boat with the Guardian Civil on board
pursued them. Elias jumped out of the water and
swam toward the shore.
In this way, he diverted the attention of the
soldiers, thereby giving Ibarra a chance to escape.
Elias reached the shore and staggered into forest.
He met Basilio who was weeping over his dead
mother’s body.
He told him to make a pyre on which their bodies
were to be burned to ashes.
Maria Clara, out of her loyalty to the
memory of Ibarra, entered the Santa Clara
Padre Salvi left the parish of San Diego and
became a chaplain of the nunnery.
Padre Damaso was transferred to remote
province, but the next morning he was
found dead.
Capitan Tiago became an opium addict and
human wreck.
Doña Victorina, had taken to wearing
eye-glasses because of weakening
Linares, died of dysentery and was
buried in Paco cemetery.
The Alfarez was promoted major. He
returned to Spain, leaving behind his
shabby mistress, Doña Consolacion.
The novel ends with Maria Clara, an
unhappy nun in Santa Clara-forever lost
to the world.
The “Noli” Based on the Truth
Unlike many literary works, it was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last
decades of the Spanish rule.
The places, characters, and situations really existed.
“I can prove them“ - Rizal said.
Maria Clara was Leonor Rivera
Ibarra and Elias represented Rizal
Tasio the Philosopher was Paciano
Padre Salvi was Padre Antonio Piernavieja
Capitan Tiago was Capitan Hilario Sunico of San Nicolas
Doña Victorina was Doña Agustina Medel
Basilio and Crispin - Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy
Padre Damaso - Typical domineering friar who was arrogant, immoral and anti-Filipino.
Missing Chapter of the Noli
Elias and Salome was originally the 25th chapter of the
Noli but Rizal removed it due to financial constraits.

Salome waits desperately for Elias, thinking that he
would pass by the water any time soon. Elias, however,
is somewhere to be seen because he is in fact hiding
from the authorities who are currently patrolling
arround the lake. Whe the two fianlly get meet, Salome
tells the youth of her plan to Mindoro and live with her.

But Elias refuses.

Rizal’s Friends Praised the Noli
Blumentritt’s letter- was the most
significant congratulatory letter Rizal

Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor- a Filipino patriot

and a lawyer who had been exiled due to his
complicity in the Cavite Mutiny 1872.

Wrote to Rizal on May 3, 1887 in Landon.

Group 7
Sarita, Kristellaine
Rhenalyn, Yandoc
Broqueza, Reniel
Balagtas, Jerry Yan

Thank you!

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