Medical Cert
Medical Cert
Medical Cert
Table 1:
1 Issue OPD Number to the Client
2 Vital Signs Taking and Weighing of the Client
Interview and record Client's Personal Information and
3 reason of consultation
Ensure the completeness of documents from the Client
4 (Brgy Clearance, CXR Result, Urinalysis, CBC)
5 Endorse the Client to the Municipal Health Officer
6 Perform medical examination to the Client
7 Issue OR of Payment for Medical Certificate
8 Print Medical Certificate
9 Sign the Medical Certificate
10 Issue the Medical Certificate to the Client
infrared thermometer, BP
2 Vital Signs Taking and Weighing of the Client MHO Midwife/ Nurse/ RSI Apparatus, Weighing Scale,
tables and chairs
If the LGU does not provide vehicles for inspection, but only allows the reimbursement of actual transportation expenses, the annual cost should be computed
by determining the monthly reimbursements multiplied by 12
Table 7:
Variable Cost - Allowance/Reimbursement for Fuel 0.5 x 44/52 weeks. Since normal
inspection activities are done half
day every week day from February
% Time assigned in to November.
Transportation Cost based on
the delivery of the Annual Cost of the
Name and Position Allowance/Reimbursements
"Subject Service" Service
- - AND FUEL: -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Instructions in Filling the Form
Column 1. List down the supplies, materials and other resources which are issued to each applicant or varies directly with the number of
Column 2. Count all filled application forms, schedule slips, results forms, etc., and those issued with official receipts. Consider if applicants
were successfully processed and approved, and provided with new business plate, stickers and/or certificates.
Column 3. Secure the unit cost for each and every item identified as other variable cost from the City Accounting Office.
Column 4. Compute for the annual other variable cost by multiplying column 2 and column 3
Table 8:
Variable Cost - Other variable cost
Note: Other basis may be used (e. g. the DTI classification as to Cottage, Small, etc)
Instruction in Filling Up the Form
Column 1 - Describes the cost formula for determining share of office cost for delivering "Subject Service". Determine the cost of
construction per square meter (approximately P20,000/sq.m.) and the floor area of the entire City Hall. The building construction
cost is the product of the two values. Knowing the floor area occupied by the different offices delivering the "Subject Service", its
proportionate share in the total floor area of the city hall multiplied by cost of constructing the building will be the cost of office space
occupied. The annual depreciation rate is 4% since the normal economic life of reinforced concrete structures is 25 years. We can
compute for the annual depreciation expense by multiplying the cost of office space occupied by depreciation rate and approximately
the annual maintenance cost by apportioning 20% of the annual depreciation expenses. The 20% is used whenever actual data from
the Accounting Office is unavailable. The share of cost for delivering "Subject Service" can be computed by adding annual depreciation
expense and annual maintenance cost multiplied by the percent of work by the Office utilized for delivering the "Subject Service".
Column 2 - Apply the formula described above for the office involved in the delivery of the "Subject Service".
Table 10:
Fixed Cost - Office Space (Owned by the LGU)
Particulars Offices Involved in the delivery of "Subject Service" Fee
(col 1) (col 2)
Construction Cost (per sq m) 130.95
Floor area of City Hall (sq m) 1,572.00
Building Construction Cost (Php) 205,853.70
Office Area Occupied (sq. m) 363.44
Cost of Office Area Occupied (Php) 47,592.54
Depreciation Rate (%) 0.05
Annual Depreciation Expense (Php) 2,379.63
Annual Maintenance Cost (Php) 475.93
Percent of Work for "Subject Service" (%) 0.15
Column 2 - Apply the formula described above for the office involved in the delivery of the "Subject Service".
Table 11:
Fixed Cost - Office Space (Rented by the LGU)
Particulars Offices Involved in the delivery of "Subject Service" Fee
(col 1) (col 2)
Rental rate per month
Number of months use
Annual cost of rental -
Maintenance Cost -
Annual cost of rented office space -
Percentage of time used for the delivery of the service in
relation to the responsibility of the Office
Annual fixed cost (rented office space) attributable to
delivering the service -
Instructions for Filling Up the Form Instructions for Filling Up the Form Instructions for Filling Up the Form
Column 1. Describes the formula for computing the proportion of Column 1. Describes the formula for computing the proportion of Column 1. The cost of telephone can be computed by knowing the number of
electricity cost of the offices delivering the service (e.g. "Subject water cost of the offices delivering the service (e.g. "Subject telephone lines available in the Office and the monthly subscription rate per
Service"). Initially, know the cost of electricity rate per kilowatt hour Service"). Initially, know the number of people directly related to month. The annual cost of telephone services is the number of telephone lines
and the kilowatt consumption/hour of the Office delivering the the processing and issuance of "Subject Service". The estimated multiplied by the monthly subscription rate over a period of twelve months. The
service. The regular operations of a City Office is 7:30am-5:30pm or water bill per person per month is P100. The net cost of water net cost of telephone services attributed to processing and issuance of mayors
10 hrs and there are approximately 260 days per year. The annual attributed to the delivery of "Subject Service" can be computed by permit is the annual cost of telephone services multiplied by the percent of work
cost of electricity for the ofices delivering the service is the product of the estimated water bill of the office per year multiplied by the performed by the Office in processing and issuance of "Subject Service" in as a
the electricity rate per kwh, the kilowatt consumption per hour of the percent of "Subject Service" work performed by the office in percentage of the total responsibilities of the Office.
office, the number of operating hours per days, and the number of relation to the total responsibilities assigned to the Office.
operating days per year. The percent of work to be considered is an
Column 2 - Apply the formula described above for the office involved Column 2 - Apply the formula described above for the office Column 2 - Apply the formula described above for the office involved in the
in the delivery of the "Subject Service". involved in the delivery of the "Subject Service". delivery of the "Subject Service".
Number of
telephone/cellphone lines in
Electricity rate per kilowatt the Office delivering the
hour (Php) Number of People service
Kilowatt consumption/hour
for the unit delivering the Water bill per person per Rate of subscription per
service month month
Number of operating hours Estimated water bill of the Annual cost of
per day office per year telephone/mobile services
Percent of work for the Percent of work for the
Number of days per year service rendered 15% service rendered 15%
Column 2. Verify actual office expenses from the LGU Accounting Office. If data are hard to get, reflect the
budget allocation of each office (c/o LGU Budget Office).
Column 3. Determine the percentage of time used by the Office in delivering the specific service in relation
to its total responsibilities.
Column 4. Compute for the other variable cost by multiplying column 2 and column 3.
NOTE: Note: The LGU may have other major fixed costs not mentioned in this illustration. When costs are
significant, those fixed cost must be identified and added in the template. Conversely, costs that are
negligible may be dropped from the calculations.
Table 16:
Other Fixed Cost
Particulars Annual Rate Percent of Use for Annual Cost
"Subject Service" Fees
(col 1) (col 2) (col 3) (col 4)
Internet Services -
Security Team -
Janitorial Team -
Reception Services -
Total -
Instructions for Filling Up the Form
Column 1 - List all identified fixed costs.
Column 2 - Fill up the fixed costs for the "Subject Service" and reflect the sum of all entries of each
cell under "Total".
Column 3 - Divide the amount in column 2 with the number of applications (annual) to get the
Estimated Routine Fixed Cost Per Application.
Table 17:
Summary Table - Fixed Costs
Estimated Routine Fixed Cost Per
Fixed Cost Total
(col 1) (col 2) (col 3)
(3) Input the results in a summary form using Table 23 for ease in reference and appreciation during the review and deliberation of the results of the Toolkit.
(4) If so, then the LGU must submit, along with the report of the results, a proposed Rationalization of Fees and Charges using the options.
Compare Fee with Cost of Delivering Services
Fee Rate Estimation using Costs of Issuing
permits plus cost of surveillance Comparison with Current Fee Rates
Number of Applications
Total Number of Applicants Processed
10,594 10,594
Average Fee Rate 959.46 Average Fee Rates 1,250.00 290.54 30%
10,594.00 Total
Scenario 1 % of Applicants Number of Applicants Cost (with weight) SPCL-PERSONNEL STD-VAR STD-FXD Cost per Application
Simple 80% 8,475 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 420.00 520.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Complex 20% 2,119 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 420.00 520.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
100% 10,594 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
235801.42 847.52 211.88 69.56 350.00 525.00 944.56 200,132.59 1,133.47 240,159.11
235801.42 847.52 211.88 69.56 350.00 525.00 944.56 200,132.59 1,133.47 240,159.11
#REF! 2,118.80
834.68 350.00 525.00 1,709.68 1,448,984.26 2,051.61 1,738,781.11
834.68 350.00 525.00 1,709.68 1,448,984.26 2,051.61 1,738,781.11
Summary of Rationalized Local Fees and Charges
Local Fee/Charge Current Rate Rationalized Rate % Variance Remarks
Medical Certificate 100.00 160.23 -38%