Sufi 10
Sufi 10
Sufi 10
peaceful coexistence, and this culture has come from ancient times. Generally, Bangladesh is a
Muslim country with a majority in Islam. But, according to the constitution of Bangladesh, all
citizens have equal rights regardless of religion. There are 169 million people in Bangladesh.
There is about 90 percent of Bangladesh's population is Muslim, 9.5 percent of the people
depend on Hindu religion, 0.6 percent of people belong to Buddhists religion, 0.3 percent are
Christians. It has less than one percent is Ahmadi Muslims and Shi’ite as well. Every religion
of People gets vacations for their celebrating on national holidays according to the constitution
There is all public participation in religious programs and festivals like Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul
Azha for Muslims, Durga Puja for Hindus, Buddha Purnima for Buddhists and Christmas for
circumstances, there is no such kind of behavior in Bangladesh with respect to religious diversi-
ty in other parts of the world. The common masses of Bangladesh deserve praise for this
achievement. In the country's constitution, there has been an assurance of all religions, which
serves as a protector against intolerance. Bangladesh is recognized as a tolerant society for all
these reasons. Religious intolerance and extremism are not yet common in Bangladesh society.
Unfortunately, this is not the case in other parts of the world. The worlds advanced continents
like America and Europe, religious intolerance exists as well as there is widespread discrimina-
tion against Muslim men and women. To prevent Muslims from praying in the mosque, Mus-
lim women were prevented from wearing the hijab and scarf as well. Even Muslims are not
given vacation on the day of Eid festivals every year. Thus, the countries which were consid-
ered the ideal of tolerance could not be endurable like Bangladesh. The Religious communities
in Bangladesh are the main reason for peaceful coexistence and religious tolerance: the great
influence of Islamic Mysticism, Bengali Unity, and Bengali language as well. However, Islamic
Mysticism in Bangladesh depends directly on the beliefs, history, and culture of the Bangla-
deshi Muslims. Islamic Mysticism contributed to reducing the religious hatred, fanaticism, and
fundamentalism among the people of Bangladesh. Therefore, the result of my study shows that
how to Islamic Mysticism is establishing status equality, love, and brotherhood among the
masses and taught people to respect each other's religion, emotions, and practices in Bangla-
desh. The research tries to highlight that the influence of Islamic Mysticism was investigated to
promote religious cohesion and tolerance in Bangladesh from the 11th to the 21st century..
1AKM Shahnawaz, “Daily jugantor”, The primary section of the spread of Muslim
society in Bengal, Accessed 3 April 2019,
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
2. Research Question
Considering the importance of these matters, this research will
have a two-research question. The first is Primary question and
second is a secondary question.
Primary Research Question
The primary research question of this study will be-
Bangladesh is geographically located between India and
Myanmar. These two countries have been dominated by the by
Hindu and Buddhist religions basically. On the other hand, How
Sufi scholars were so much success in promoting Islam in Bangla-
Secondary Research Question
The secondary research question of this study will be-
i. There are 33 ethnic tribes of different religions in Bangladesh.
Why did so many people accept Islam as their main religion by
giving up their own religion?
ii. When the spread of Islam was started by prominent Sufis in
iii. How Sufi Tariqat and Sufi Dargah could have contributed to
the spread of Islam in Bangladesh?
3. Literature Review
Islam was started in Bangladesh through Sufism. Sufi researc-
her Dr. Muhammad Enamul Haque. He worked for Sufism for a
long time. He wrote a book titled 'Sufi Impact of Bengal which was
the first full-fledged Sufi research book in Bengali literature. The
book was first published in 1935 from Kolkata in India. According
to Dr. Enamul Haque in his book, “Father Adam came to be the
first Sufi to preach Islam in Bangladesh. 'Shah Muhammad Sultan
Rumi came to Bengal (1053 AD) to give the invitation to Islam after
the father Adam. He originally invited Islam in Mymensingh of
Bangladesh. Jalaluddin Tabrizi (died in 1,225 BCE) came to Bengal
after Shah Mohammed Sultan Rumi. After that, Hazrat Shahjalal
(r) came to Bangladesh from Turkey to preaching to Islam in 1303.
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Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
6 Choudhury, Dewan Nurul Hussain. Ed. Amader Sufiaye Kiram, (A collection of the
Life-sketch of the Sufis). 2nd ed. (Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh., 2004), 122.
7 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology in English Language Refe-
Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
Rumi. This Sufi saint is immortal in this region with the invitation
to Islam throughout his life.10
4. Findings and Analysis
The Sufis, who came to Bengal from different countries, often
performed miraculous works and fascinated and loyal people of
the region. Many of the holders and rulers of ancient religion could
not easily accept their arrival and religion publicity. In fact, the
fundamental principles of Islam and the main ideology of Tawhid
and its underlying spiritual power have been able to stand against
idol worship. Because of liberal social, state and economic policy of
Islam is so much attractive. 11 For this reason, people used to accept
Islam more intentionally. Lower caste of Hindus could not accept
racism and communalism of Hindu Brahmins. At all times, the
first class of Hindus like Brahmins did not hesitate to kill them as
well. That is why lower-class Hindus were easily attracted to Is-
lam.12 It has been discussed below,
4.1. Advent and Influence of Islamic Mysticism in Bengal
The propagation and spread of Islam in Bengal led to the col-
lapse of the Hindu rule. In 1203, Muslim commander Ikhtiyar Ud-
din Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji won the battle of Gaur in the
Indian subcontinent. From then on, the religion of Islam was ra-
pidly spread in Bangladesh and the path to the development of the
concept of Sufism was facilitated. When he went to the Tibetan
expedition, then he helped the coach king to accept Islam. Later, he
gave the name of the king Ali Mech and this Ali Mech later became
Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji's adviser.13
Other Muslim rulers, such as Husam Uddin (1212-1226),
10 Hasan, Syed Mahmudul. Islam. 2nd ed, (Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh,
1980), 122.
11 Syed Anwar Hossain, “Daily Manab Zamin”, Sufis contribution to the spread of
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Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
29 Tazeen, M. Murshid. The Secred and the Secular Muslim Discourses, (1871-1977),
Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
of this time was relatively easy. 30 In the third phase, Shah Nur
Qutbul Alam (r) was one of the preachers of Islam. Therefore, Haz-
rat Khan Jahan Ali (r) who proclaimed Islam in Jessore and Khulna
regions. The name of Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali came to the forefront
of reform the society with the Islamic ideology.
4.2. The Prime Islamic Mystic Orders in Bangladesh
Sufism has different rituals and Sufi orders in the world.
Many Sufi orders were introduced in the world by space and time.
The people who used to preach Islam and called on the path of
Islam. Impressed by their call and invitation, many non-Muslims
were converted to Islam. Basically, there are five main Sufi orders
in Bangladesh who follows the general people.
1. Kaderia Sufi order was founded by Ghausul Azam Pir Ab-
dul Kadir Jilani (r),
2. Chistia Sufi order was founded by Khwaja Moinuddin
Chishti (r),
3. Kaderia Maizbhandaria Sufi order was established by Haz-
rat Ahmad Ullah Maijabhandari,
4. Naqshbandi Sufi order was founded by Hazrat Khwaja Ba-
hauddin Nakshbandi (r),
5. Mujaddidiyya Sufi order was established by Hazrat Shaikh
Ahmad Mujaddid-i-Alf Sani.31
The names of these five Sufi orders are heard in Bangladesh as
well as to be widely spoken till now. In addition, many sub-signs
are found, such as Suhrawardia, Madariya, Ahmadiya, and Kalan-
dariya Tariqa. There are various cultures of the region have mixed
with different Sufi orders. There is no way to deny the influence of
Sufism as the people of Bangladesh. In the culture and civilization
of the people of this country for thousands of years, the influence
of Sufism has been affected. It is also true that some doctrines of
30 Miller Roland Eric, The Mappila Muslims of Southwest India- A Study in Islamic
Trends, (U.S.A: University Microfilms International., 1973).
31 Bahauddin, Sufism in Bangladesh, 7.
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
Buddhism and Hinduism have been mixed with it. Still, the simpli-
fied philosophy that was developed throughout Bengal was by the
hands of Sufism.32
4.3. The contribution of Islamic Mysticism to the Freedom of
Religion & Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh
When Bangladesh was conquered by Bakhtiar Khalji in 1204-5,
both the Shariah and the Marifat were promoted and spread qu-
ickly. Many Pirs-saints came to the country with the ruling class to
concentrate on spreading Islam. Among those who played an im-
portant role in promoting Islam and Sufism, Sheikh Jalaluddin
Tabrizi (r), Shah Jalal (r), Sheikh Alaul Haque (r), Khan Jahan Ali
(r), Sharfuddin Abu Taawama (ra), Shah Fariduddin (r) and others.
These were public greatly influenced by the prominent Sufis by
spreading the spiritual doctrines of Sufism, so this doctrine flou-
rished in different regions of Bengal. Before the arrival of Sufis,
people of Hindu and Buddhism lived in Bengal. At that time, they
were inspired by different doctrines. When prominent Sufi started
preaching Islam to the general people, most of the unbeliever ac-
cept Islam. Because Sufis have called people to Islam through love.
The main theme of Sufism is to the love of the creator by loving his
The Sufis were able to conquer the minds of ordinary people
of this country irrespective of caste and creed, promoting their
ideal life and love-brotherhood of Sufism. Some of them became
legends and men. Many people still pray in the shrine; Regardless
of the sanctity and the place of worship, some people regularly
visit with the reciting of the Holy Quran for them. By the love of
creation, love of God, this ideology of Sufism influenced to Vais-
nava (Hindu) religion, folk miracles, Baul culture, and other devo-
tion. Sufis influence is noticed in the normal life of ordinary peop-
le. During the journey of rivers and seas, Boatmen remembers the
reminiscences of Badr Pir’s advice and song.33 Not only that, the
Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
34 Carl. W. Ernst, Eternal Garden- Mysticism, (New York: History, and Politics at a
South Asain Sufi Centre, State University of New York Press, 2001).
35 Peter Hardy, “Modern European and Muslim Explanations of Conversion to Islam in
South Asia: A Preliminary Survey of the Literature,” in Conversion to Islam, ed. Ne-
hemia Levtzion, (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1979), 78.
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
36 Syed Anwar Husain, Human Rights in Bengal: Atish Dipankar to Sufis, p. 116
37 D. N. Majumdar and C. R. Rao, Race Elements in Bengal (Calcutta: Asia Publishing
House, 1960), 96-114.
38 Abdul Karim, Social History of the Muslim in Bengal, (2nd ed.) (Dhaka: Jatiya Sahit-
Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
Battuta was impressed with the cheap prices of food and other
consumer goods of Bengal. On the other hand, the weather in Ben-
gal made him frightened.”39
After nearly 600 years of Islam's birth, Muslims of Bengal were
mainly influenced by the Sufi saints and reflected the beauty of
Islam. Before that person of Bengal were Hindus, Buddhists, or
any other religion. So, the influence of Sufi saints in Bengal still
exists today. Jalaluddin Rumi (r), Ibn al Arabi (r), Hafiz Shirazi (r),
etc., influenced Sufi doctrine of murshidi, baul, and fakri songs;
Especially Lalon Shah, Hassan Raja's song has been unpreceden-
tedly reflected which is still singing to the singers. 40
4.3. At the Perspective of Religious Tolerance in the Consti-
tution of Bangladesh
There are 169 million people of a different religion in Bangla-
desh. Every religion of People gets vacations for their celebrating
on national holidays according to the constitution of Bangladesh.
In the country's constitution, there has been an assurance of all
religions, which serves as a protector against intolerance.
There is about 90 percent of Bangladesh's population is Mus-
lim. Generally, the cabinet of this country announces 6 days as a
general holiday and 8 days by the executive order for every year to
the Muslim People.41 Muslim celebrates in Eidul Fitr and Eidul
Adha with comfortably and freely. It has been discussed such as a
general holiday, 1. Eid-ul-Fitr holiday, 2. Eid-e-Miladunnabi, 3.,
Shab-e-Barat, 4. Shab-e-Kader, 5.6. Before and after Eid- Uth-
Fitr,7.8 before and after Eid-ul-Azhar, 9. Ashura. And as an optio-
nal holiday for Muslim like 10. Shab-e-Miraz, 11. Eid-ul-Fitr (the
second day after the Eid holiday), 12. Eid-ul-Aza (the second day
after the Eid holiday) 13. Akhari Chahar Swoba and, 14. Fateh-e-
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44 “Bangladesh, Easter is a national holiday”. accessed May 1, 2019.,-Easter-is-a-national-holiday-
45 “Bangladesh, Easter is a national holiday”. accessed May 1, 2019,-Easter-is-a-national-holiday-
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46 “List of holiday & vacations”. accessed April 30, 2019.
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
nalities have been working for the propagation of Islam and spre-
ading all over their life based on the Qur'an and Hadith. But after
their lifelong, many hypocrite devotees are using the popularity of
these great people and earning money by making general people
shirk. Many people split Islam and create a new doctrine and flou-
rish. Some people are screaming with the name but hate also co-
mes in the name. Some of these Pirs’ has upheld charges including
rape, extortion, possession of people and land. The name Hypocri-
tic Pir suppression platform (Bhand Pir Daman Mancha) an orga-
nization named after 100 Hypocrites and deceivers Pir and the
name of their Darbar, was published by analyzing the activities of
these Hypocrites and deceivers Peers across the country. Hypocri-
tes and deceivers Pirs’ compelled ordinary people to perform gra-
ve pooja, prostration in the grave and shirk the Pir sahibs. Encou-
rage ordinary people to work different bid' at. Through this, the
hypocrites tried to rescue their political interests. Another thing is
that there are many women coming to the Pir house. These hypoc-
rites, by misusing women, exploit their interests. Women are seen
to prostrate themselves, worship them. Because of this, the main
section of the mainstream of Bangladesh is also acknowledged
because of different times. Thus, the miscreants have secret con-
nections with various political parties. Through this political loo-
ting. A lot of ordinary people are admired by the fraud of hypocri-
tes Peers. So, the movement against them was a different time. The
common people of Bengal came to the streets and protested them.
But there is no success in finding the success of the state behind the
misguided peers.
The good Pirs’ of Bangladesh must continue the movement
against the false deceptive Pirs’ and to inform the common people
about the activities of the hypocrites, they must wake them up. The
honest Pirs’ will have to increase the propagation of Islam. All
good leaders must be united. It is seen in Bangladesh that as well
as for political reasons and the mainstream patrons of different
social causes, they cannot be united. One party does not hesitate to
give others the fatwa, the disbelievers, and the polytheists. There-
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Freedom of Religion, Faith and Religious Tolerance in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Islamic Mysticism
fore, the scholars and the Sufis should go out of the work and unite
and increase the invitation of Islam among ordinary people. And
to stop the work of uniting against hypocrisy in Bangladesh, their
work will be stopped. Then ordinary people can understand Islam
easily Islam. The misuse of religion will be reduced. At present,
various hypocrites Pirs’ encouraged to the general people to prost-
rate (Sujūd or sajdah) themselves. It is forbidden to prostrate to
anyone except Allah. So, now the Muslims' duty of faith is to pro-
test them with all the power. The Muslim's faithful duty is to pro-
test these with all power and to counter such unbelief. Pir who
encourage prostration (Sajdah or Sujūd) in the Dargah and
Khankqa, the people of the country will have to play a vocal role
against social evils against these shocking activities.
Tazeen, M. Murshid. The Secred and the Secular Muslim Discourses (1871-
1977). Calcutta: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Dr. Syed Anwar Hossain, Sufis contribution to the spread of Islam in Ben-
gal, Daily Manab Zamin, (June 2017): Retrieved 2 April 2019,
Sells, Michael. Ed. Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Qur'an, Mi'raj, Poetic and
Theological Writings. New York: Paulist Press, 1996.
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Vahit Göktaş & Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury
Abu İlham, Mystic Mist- Defining the Purpose of Life, the Submission,
Other Books Publication, Kolkatta, 1990
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See also Richard Eaton, The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, pp. 195-
Hasan, Syed Mahmudul. Islam. 2nd ed. Dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bang-
ladesh, 1980.
Abdul Karim. Social History of the Muslim in Bengal. (2nd ed.). Dhaka,
Jatiya Sahitta Prakash, 2007.
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