CE 015 04 Design For Serviceability

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Design for Serviceability

CE 015
Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed
• Design of structural members are performed
with considerations on both strength and
• Serviceability affects the ability of a structure
to fulfill its intended uses or functions.
• Serviceability of concrete structures is
measured by:
– Deflections and displacements
– Cracks
– Vibrations
– Other factors (e.g. concrete deterioration, rebar
corrosion etc.)
• In design of RC beams, two types of
deflections are considered and checked:
– Immediate deflections (elastic deflections)
– Long-term deflections (sustained-load deflections)
• Immediate deflections are calculated using
classical methods of structural analysis
considering service loads.
• Effective Moment of Inertia

• Mcr: cracking moment of RC beam

• Ig: gross moment of inertia of RC beam
• yt: distance from centroidal axis of gross
section to extreme tension face
• fr: modulus of rupture of concrete
• Ma: maximum service-load moment at
stage where deflection is calculated
• Icr: cracked moment of inertia of the RC
beam section
• Transformed Sections for RC Beams
– Concept: Since RC beams are composed of two
materials (steel & concrete), to determine the
actual moment of inertia of an RC section, it must
be transformed to an equivalent section
composed of a single material only (transformed
• Modular Ratio
– Ratio of moduli of elasticity of two materials
present in a beam section
– Stiffer material (i.e. material with higher E) is
usually at the numerator.
– RC: n = Es/Ec
• Transformed Sections for RC Beams
– Singly-Reinforced RC Beam Section
• Transformed Sections for RC Beams
– Doubly-Reinforced RC Beam Section
• For beams with different beam sections (i.e.
different rebar quantities) at different span
locations (typical case for continuous beams):
Sample Problem
• Determine the cracked
moment of inertia of the
following RC beam section.
Use f’c = 25 MPa. Assume
positive bending. For
conversion, use 1 in = 25
Sample Problem
• Check if the maximum immediate
deflection of a six-meter floor beam
(modeled as simply-supported; not
supporting any nonstructural
element), with section given as
shown, satisfies code provisions
given in Table 424.2.2 of 2015 NSCP
Vol. 1. Use f’c = 25 MPa. The beam
is subjected to total uniform dead
load of 20 kN/m (inc. beam weight)
and total uniform live load of 35
kN/m. For conversion, use 1 in = 25
• Long-Term Deflections
• Long-Term Deflections
Sample Problem
• Calculate the long-term deflection for the
beam given in the previous problem (Slide 17).
Assume that the live load is 60% sustained for
at least 5 years.
Types of Cracks
Crack Control on RC Beams
• Maximum Bar Spacings
– Practice R.O.T.: “do not use a bar spacing larger
than 9 inches (225 mm)”
– Maximum acceptable crack widths range from
0.004 in to 0.016 in
– Refer to ACI 224R-01 (Control of Cracking of
Concrete Structures) for more details.
Crack Control on RC Beams
Crack Control on RC Beams
Sample Problem
Crack Control on RC Beams
Crack Control on RC Beams
• Spacing of longitudinal rebars for RC beams
should be between the minimum bar spacing
set in Section 425.2 and the maximum bar
spacing set in Table 424.3.2.
Deflection Control
• Camber
– Normally done for beams with long spans and
narrow cross-sections
– Serves to counteract expected deflection
Crack Control
• Checking bar spacings
• Proper treatment of concrete after pouring
• Providing extra reinforcements on areas
where cracking may happen first
• McCormac, J. (2014). Design of Reinforced
Concrete. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
• Association of Structural Engineers of the
Philippines. (2016). National Structural Code of
the Philippines 2015 Volume 1: Buildings, Towers,
and Other Vertical Structures (7th). Quezon City,
Philippines: Association of Structural Engineers of
the Philippines

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