Thats Conversation Flexibility RED

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Things don’t have to change the world to be important.

Steve Jobs


1. Discuss the questions.

Where do you work: at home or in an office?

Somewhere else?

What do you like and dislike about working in

an office?

What do you like and dislike about working

from home?

What are the biggest challenges to working

Flexible working is an alternative to traditional office hours or locations. This may
include working part-time, working from home, or working in different spots
around the same office.
2. Look at the list of activities below. Which of
them can you do when you work in an office, and
which when you work from home?

babysit listen to office gossip

brainstorm make phone calls
chat with colleagues meet people over lunch
commute play loud music
do the laundry prepare meals
dress smartly sit at a desk
eat out take a nap
lie on the couch video conference

3. What other things do you do when working? Use

the words and phrases below to describe your
average day at work.

always never rarely

every day not often sometimes
every morning often twice a day
hardly ever once a day usually
4. Check if you understand the phrases in bold and
then complete the sentences with your own

1. People who work nine-to-five often …

2. People who work half time usually …

3. People who are on flexi time sometimes …

4. People who do shift work rarely …

5. People who work remotely never …

6. People who work in a hybrid model hardly ever …

7. People who do overtime always …

8. People who are workaholics do not often …

5. Which is better?

to work nine-to-five or to do shift work

to work half time or to work remotely

to be a workaholic or a slacker
6. What are the most important things in a job?
Rank the following from the most important to
the least important.

company car

flexible hours

free food

good communication

good pay

health insurance

job security

meaningful tasks

natural light

parental leave options

professional growth


recreational areas at work

team building events

7. Talk about a person you know who …

works half time

works shifts

works remotely

is a workaholic

needs to dress smartly for work

enjoys free food at work

works without natural light

drives a company car

has been on a parental leave

takes part in team building events

8. Look at the photo to the right and answer the

1. What are the people doing?

2. Where are they?

3. Why are they there?

4. What do they do for a living?

5. Do you think they work flexitime or nine-to-five?

6. Is their work similar to yours? How do you think it is

9. Study the list of possible workplace amenities.
Which of them would you like to have at work?

bike storage cubicles

break room game room
cafeteria green outdoor space
child care gym or swimming pool
collaboration areas phone room

10. Which workplace amenities help people to …?

be creative
feel satisfied
lead healthy lifestyle
reduce stress
share ideas
stay productive
11. Transform the sentences so that they are true for

1. I hardly ever work from home.

2. I never chat with colleagues at work.

3. I get a new company car every two years.

4. I sit in a cubicle every day.

5. I am usually very creative at work.

6. I always dress smartly.

7. I sometimes take a break in the relaxation zone we

have at work.

8. I often have "mobile" meetings in green outdoor


9. I usually have lunch at the office cafeteria.

12. Answer the questions.

1. What does workplace mean?

2. What does your workplace look like?

3. What would you like it to look like?

4. Can you improve your workplace yourself? How?

That's Conversation! - Flexibility Office work, work schedules, workplace amenities
Present Simple for routines and habits
A2+/B1/B2 Adverbs of frequency

Teacher's Notes Videos to watch: Reading suggestions:

You may introduce the lesson by showing your • Inside Google's Massive Headquarters - Tech • Comfortable Changes to Office Wear - VOA
students a fragment of one of the videos Vision
suggested below or asking them to read one of comfortable-changes-to-office-wear/
the suggested articles before class. 6559796.html
• Inside LinkedIn’s New Hybrid Office - Wall
Use tasks 3 & 4 to revise the use present simple Street Journal • The 31 Coolest Offices You've Ever Seen -
for routines and habits, and the use of frequency Insider
adverbs. Ask students additional questions so
• A week in my life working at Vogue - Ching
that they elaborate on their choices. offices-youve-ever-seen-2014-8?IR=T
6. Encourage students to justify their opinions. • 8 Big Mistakes To Avoid When Working From
• What is a Hybrid Work Model? - HR Party of One
8. Suggest that the people might be working. Home - Bright Side
• Why working from home is good for business - TED tricks/ive-been-working-from-home-for-3-
Topics for possible research/students' years-and-here-are-8-big-mistakes-i-wish-i-
matt_mullenweg_why_working_from_home_ had-avoided-796672/
projects is_good_for_business • I Switched from 9 to 5 Job to Flexible Working
• Tech Giants' HQs • Milton's Cubicle - Office Space (1999) Hours - Chanty
• Remote work
• Back to the Office: When Meetings are No working-hours/
• Workation
Longer Online - Foil Arms and Hog • Four-Hour Work Week - Urban List
• Four-Hour Work Week
• James Corden Pays The White House a Visit - hour-working-week
The Late Late Show • 8 Things About Shift Work Most People Don't Know - Fairygodboss
• 9-5 Jobs Are Great Actually - How Money
Works work

MiniEbooki "That's Conversation!" podlegają ochronie na mocy prawa autorskiego. Fotografie: Pexels, Unsplash.
Copyright © 2023 IceBreaker Anna Barbarska

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