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Application Note

Formation of spheroids and suppression

of adhesion by adherent growing cells
in inertGrade™ microplates
Author: Dr. Benedikt Busse, zell-kontakt GmbH,
Nörten-Hardenberg, Germany

Introduction Materials and methods

Suppression of the cell adhesion that is In this comparative study, HeLa, CHO, L929 and MCF-7 cells (DSMZ Braunschweig)
mediated by integrin is of significant im- were cultivated in BRANDplates® inertGrade™ plates (F-bottom, 781902) and in
portance in many experimental procedu- competitor cell-repellent plates, while BRANDplates® cellGrade™ plates (F-bottom,
res, such as the production of embryo- 781962) were used as a control.
nic bodies, self-assembled 3D cultures, In each case, the cells were seeded at a density of 4000 cells/well in 200 µl DMEM (PAA
and dose-response relationships in cul- Laboratories, E15-810) + 5 % FCS (PAA Laboratories, A11-101), and incubated under
tivated tumor spheroids. BRANDplates® a 5 % CO2 atmosphere at 37 °C in a C200 incubator (Labotect Labor-Technik Göttin-
inertGrade™ surfaces suppress the ad- gen GmbH). The cell morphology and distribution were evaluated after 24, 48, 72, and
hesion and spreading of adherent growing 96 h using a microscope (IX81, Olympus Europe GmbH, with F-View II camera and
cells. Subsequently, cell migration and cell^P software), and proliferation was determined via indirect cell count measure-
preferential biological adaptation of the ments using a resazurin assay (Gemini EM fluorescence plate reader, Molecular Devices
cells through cadherin-facilitated cell-cell GmbH).
contacts leads to the spontaneous forma-
tion of spheroids. The size and density of
these spheroids increases over the course
of the cultivation period through prolifera- On the BRANDplates® cellGrade™ surfaces, all four cell lines showed rapid adherence
tion. and formation of a closed (HeLa, CHO, L929) or semi-confluent monolayer (MCF-7)
The present study indicates that within 96 h (Figure 1).
inertGrade™ surfaces suppress adhesi-
on in a variety of adherent growing cell
lines (HeLa, CHO-K1, L929, MCF-7).
The proliferative capacity is retained, and
spheroids are formed with uniform distri-
bution throughout the well.

Figure 1: Cell morphology after cell culture for 96 h on cellGrade™ surfaces. Shown here are phase-
contrast photomicrographs of cells: a) HeLa, b) CHO, c) L929 and d) MCF-7 (200× magnification).

The inertGrade™ and competitor cell-repellent surfaces reliably and reproducibly inhibit
cell binding. However, there are significant differences between the two surfaces with
respect to the morphology and distribution of the resulting cell aggregates and sphero-
ids. While the cell aggregates in the competitor plates formed rapidly, were larger, fewer,
and densely packed, and exhibited a preference for accumulating on the outer edges of

BRAND GMBH + CO KG · P.O. Box 11 55 · 97861 Wertheim · · November 2012
Application Note

the wells (Figure 2), a trend of smaller aggregates and spheroids was observed with the Discussion
inertGrade™ surfaces, with a more uniform distribution over the well surfaces
(Figure 3). BRANDplates® inertGrade™ surfaces
exhibit reliable suppression of adhesion
in the growth of HeLa, CHO, L929 and
MCF-7 cell lines. This suppression of cell
adhesion leads to the formation of ag-
gregates, the size and density of which
increases over the course of the cultiva-
tion period. Compared to a competitor
cell-repellent surface, larger numbers of
smaller aggregates form and are uniform-
ly distributed over the entire well surface.
The proliferation capacity is retained, alt-
hough as expected, it is diminished with
respect to monolayer culture.

Figure 2: Cell morphology after cell culture for 96 h on the cell-repellent competitor surface. Shown
here are 1) microscopic close-ups (200× magnification) and 2) well scan photographs (40× magnification) of a)
HeLa, b) CHO, c) L929 and d) MCF-7 cells in phase contrast images.

Figure 3: Cell morphology after cell culture for 96 h on cell-repellent BRANDplates® inertGrade™
surfaces. Shown here are 1) microscopic close-ups (200× magnification) and 2) well scan photographs (40×
magnification) of a) HeLa, b) CHO, c) L929 and d) MCF-7 cells in phase contrast images.

As expected, when proliferation in all cell

lines was evaluated using indirect cell count
measurements (Figure 4), the monolayer
cultures exhibited the highest growth rate.
Due to the smaller spheroids and higher
metabolic activity, the rates of prolifera-
tion when the cells were cultivated on
inertGrade™ plates were comparable
(CHO) or higher (HeLa, L929, and MCF-
7) than those for culturing on the compe-
titor cell-repellent surfaces.
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Figure 4: Comparison of proliferation rates on the cellGrade™, inertGrade™, and competitor

cell-repellent surfaces using indirect cell count measurements. Shown here are the absolute values of
the fluorescence intensities for resorufin liberated from the a) HeLa, b) CHO, c) L929 and d) MCF-7 cells in the
resazurin assay.

BRAND GMBH + CO KG · P.O. Box 11 55 · 97861 Wertheim · · November 2012

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