PCR System

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Technical Note

BRAND PCR plates and PCR sealing films

– a perfectly adjusted system

Introduction Material & Methods

The PCR plates from BRAND are de- n Devices n PCR systems
signed to support polymerase chain reac- Thermal cycler Biometra T1 BRAND PCR system:
tions in several ways. The source materi- PCR plate Cat. No. 7813 68
Precision scale Sartorius CP 225 D
als selected are free of PCR inhibitors and with sealing film Cat. No. 7813 91
the smooth vessel interior minimizes the Transferpette® S (Cat. No. 7058 78)
Competitor 1 PCR system:
binding of enzymes and nucleic acid to the Pipette tips 200 µl (Cat. No. 7320 08)
PCR plate with matching sealing film
walls. In addition, the ultra thin-walled PCR TipBox (Cat. No. 7322 08) Competitor 2 PCR system:
plate design facilitates constant, rapid and
Sealing paddle (Cat. No. 7013 81) PCR plate with matching sealing film
precise heat transfer leading to convincing
yields and short PCR cycle times. Reagent reservoir (Cat. No. 7034 59)
n Chemicals reagents
Generating the desired PCR product and
Water (10 ml [50 µl each well])
shielding it from evaporation are decisive
Cationic dye methylene blue
elements of a successful PCR. The inno-
vative self-adhesive press-to-seal sealing
Measurement of evaporation losses of different PCR systems
film wins over with easy handling; it is not
tacky to the touch and provides superior A mixture of water with the cationic dye Temperatures und times during the
evaporation protection. The film is highly thermal cycler process (table 1)
methylene blue was prepared. In each
transparent and can be used for mea- PCR plate every well was filled with 50 µl Temperature Time
suring the smallest signals during optical of the water dye mixture and sealed with
94 °C 3 min
measurements like Real-Time PCR. adhesive sealing film. The weighed portion
94 °C 30 sec
The BRAND PCR plates and the BRAND of the plates and the sealing films was de-
50 °C 30 sec 25 x
PCR sealing films form an masterfully termined before and after the filling of the
72 °C 30 sec
tuned system. The surfaces of the PCR wells. The sealing paddle was used to en-
72 °C 10 min
plates and the adhesive side of the sealing sure a firm seal. The PCR plates were then
films are tailored to each other and reach put into the thermal cycler Biometra T1 and Finally the weighting portion of the
striking results. a PCR run was performed (table 1). PCR plates was examined again.

Analysis and Results

The percentaged evaporation losses of the different PCR sys-
tems were determined and represented in a graph (figure 1).

Evaporation losses (%)




2.0 1.8
BRAND® PCR system PCR system
PCR system competitor 1 competitor 2
9940 96 · Printed in Germany · WA/0623

To obtain successful PCR results it is important to use a harmonizing PCR system. The
PCR plates have to be securely sealed to preserve the generated PCR products. The ad-
hesive surface of the highly transparent self-adhesive sealing film of BRAND goes hand
in hand with the surface of the BRAND PCR plates. The encapsulated, pressure sensitive
adhesive keeps the film easy to handle and non-tacky to the touch. After sealing, areas
above the sample wells remain adhesive free and do not distort PCR samples. On top
the ultra-thin liner and high transparency allows detection of smallest signals during the
Real-Time PCR.

BRAND GMBH + CO KG · P.O. Box 11 55 · 97861 Wertheim · info@brand.de · www.brand.de July 2015

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