Book Shaums BooleanAlgebraMendelson
Book Shaums BooleanAlgebraMendelson
Book Shaums BooleanAlgebraMendelson
Professor of Mathematics
Queens College
City University of New York
4.11 The Quine-McCluskey Method for Finding All Prime Implicants .......... 86
Negation is the simplest common example of a truth-functional operation. If A is a
proposition, then its denial, not-A, is true when A is false and false when A is true. We shall
use a special sign 1 to stand for negation. Thus, 1 A is the proposition which asserts the
denial of A. The relation between the truth values of 1 A and A can be made explicit by a
diagram called a truth table.
Fig. l-l
In this truth table, the column under A gives the two possible truth values T (truth)
and F (falsity) of A. Each entry in the column under 1 A gives the truth value of 1 A
corresponding to the truth value of A in the same row.
Con junction
Another truth-functional operation about which little discussion is necessary is con-
junction. We shall use A & B to stand for the conjunction (A and B). The truth table
for & is
A 1 B 1 A&l
Fig. 1-2
There are four possible assignments of truth values to A and B. Hence there are four rows
in the truth table. The only row in which A & B has the value T is the first row, where each
of A and B is true.
The use of the word “or” in English is ambiguous. Sometimes, “A or B”t means that
at least one of A and B is true, but that both A and B may be true. This is the inclusive
usage of “or”. Thus to explain someone’s success one might say “he is very smart or he
is very lucky”, and this clearly does not exclude the possibility that he is both smart and
lucky. The inclusive usage of “or” is often rendered in legal documents by the expression
Sometimes the word “or” is used in an exclusive sense. For example, “Either I will go
skating this afternoon or I will stay at home to study this afternoon” clearly means that I
will not both go skating and stay home to study this afternoon. Whether the exclusive usage
is intended by the speaker or is merely inferred by the listener is often difficult to determine
from the sentence itself.
In any case, the ambiguity in usage of the word “or” is something that we cannot allow
in a language intended for scientific applications. It is necessary to employ distinct symbols
for the different meanings of “or”, and it turns out to be more convenient to introduce
a special symbol for the inclusive usage, since this occurs more frequently in mathematical
“A v B” shall stand for “A or B or both”. Thus in its truth table (Fig. 1-3) the only case
where A v B is false is the case where both A and B are false. The expression A v B will be
called a disjunction (of A and B).
A B Avl
i-t F F F
Fig. 1-3
In mathematics, expressions of the form “If A then B” occur so often that it is necessary
to understand the corresponding truth-functional operation. It is obvious that, when A is T
and B is F, “If A then B” must be F. But in natural languages (like English) there is no
established usage in the other cases (when A is F, or when both A and B are T). In fact
when the meanings of A and B are not related (such as in “If the price of milk is 2% per
quart, then high tide is at 8:OO P.M. today”), the expression “If A then B” is not regarded
as having any meaning at all.
tstrictly speaking, we should employ quotation marks whenever we are talking about an expression
rather than using it. However, this would sometimes get the reader lost in a sea of quotation marks,
and we adopt instead the practice of omitting quotation marks whenever misunderstanding is improbable.
ttIn some natural languages, there are different words for the inclusive and exclusive “or”. For example,
in Latin, “vel” is used in the inclusive sense, while “aut” is used in the exclusive sense.
Thus if we wish to regard “If A then B” as truth-functional (i.e. the truth value must
be determined by those of A and B), we shall have to go beyond ordinary usage. To this
end we first introduce + as a symbol for the new operation. Thus we shall write “A + B”
instead of “If A then B”. A + B is called a conditional with antecedent A and consequent B.
The truth table for + contains so far only one entry, in the third row.
t F F
Fig. 1-4
As a guideline for deciding how to fill in the rest of the truth table, we can turn to
“If (C & D) then C”, which seems to be a proposition which should always be true. When
C is T and D is F, (C & D) is F. Thus the second line of our truth table should be !I’(since
(C & D) is F, C is T, and (If (C & D) then C) is T). Likewise when C is F and D is F,
(C & D) is F. Hence the fourth line should be T. Finally, when C is T and D is T, (C & D)
is T, and the first line should be T. We arrive at the following truth table:
T F Ii
Fig. 1-5
Example 1.1.
The propositions 2 + 2 = 5 + 1 # 1 and 2 + 2 = 6 + 1 = 1 are both trivially true, since 2 + 2 = 6
is false.
At this time we shall introduce a special symbol for just one more truth-functional
operation: A if and only if B. Let A c* B stand for “A if and only if B”, where we under-
stand the latter expression to mean that A and B have the same truth value (i.e. if A is T,
so is B, and vice versa). This gives rise to the truth table:
Up to this point, we have selected five truth-functional operations and introduced special
symbols for them: 1, &, v, J, t). Of course if we limit ourselves only to two variables,
then there are 24 = 16 different truth-functional operations. With two variables, a truth
table has four rows:
T T -
F T -
T F -
t-tF F -
Fig. l-7
A truth-functional operation can have either T or F in each row. Hence there are 2 2 *2 *2
The operationcorrespondingto the exclusiveusage of “or” could be designatedby a connective+ ,
having as its truth table:
i-tF F F
Fig. l-8
(1) All statement letters (with or without positive integral subscripts) are statement
(2) If A and B are statement forms, so are (1 A), (A & B), (A v B), (A + B), and (At, B).t
Example 1.3.
Examples of statement forms:
(i) (A + (B v (C & (TA)))); (ii) (l(A e (lB,))); (iii) (( l( IA,)) + (A2 + A,)).
Clearly we can talk about statement forms in any given set of connectives (instead of
just 1, &, V, +, e) by using the given connectives in clause (2) of the definition.
The need for parentheses in writing statement forms seems obvious. An expression
such as A v B & C might mean either ((A v B) & C) or (A v (B & C)), and these two statement
forms are not, in any sense, equivalent.
While parentheses are necessary, there are many cases in which some parentheses may
be conveniently and unambiguously omitted. For that purpose, we adopt the following
conventions for omission of parentheses.
(1) Every statement form other than a statement letter has an outer pair of parentheses.
We may omit this outer pair without any danger of ambiguity. Thus instead of
((A v B) 4%(1 C)), we write (A v B) & (1 C).
(2) We omit the pair of parentheses around a denial (1 A). Thus instead of (1 A) v C, we
write 1 A v C. This cannot be confused with 1 (A v C), since the parentheses will not
be dropped from the latter. As another example consider (A &B) v (l(l(1 B))). This
becomes (A &B) v 111 B.
(3) For any binary connective, we adopt the principle of association to the left. For
example, A & B & C will stand for (A & B) & C, and A + B + C will stand for (A + B) + C.
Example 1.4.
Applying (l)-(3) above, the statement forms in the column on the left below are reduced to the equiva-
lent expressions on the right.
tAn even more rigorous definition is: B is a statement form if and only if there is a finite sequence A,, . . .,
A,, such that
(1) A,, is B;
(2) if 1 L i f 72, then either Ai is a statement letter or there exist j, k < i such that Ai is (1Aj)
or Ai is (Aj Jz Ak) or Ai is (Ajv Ak) or Ai is (Aj + Ak) or Ai is (Ajt)Ak).
Example 1.5.
The statement form (1A v B) * A has the truth table
Fig. 1-9
Each row corresponds to an assignment of truth values to the statement letters. The columns give the
corresponding truth values for the statement forms occurring in the step-by-step construction of the
given statement form.
Example 1.6.
The statement form (A v (B & C)) + B has the truth table
Fig. l-10
When there are three statement letters, notice that the truth table has eight rows. In
general, when there are n statement letters, there are 2% rows in the truth table, since
there are two possibilities, T or F, for each statement letter.
Example 1.7.
Abbreviated truth table for (1A v B) f, A. We begin with Fig. l-11. Notice that each occurrence
of a statement letter requires a repetition of the truth assignment for that letter.
(IA v B) t) A
Fig. l-11
Of course our use of four separate diagrams was only for the sake of illustration. In practice all the
work can be carried out in one diagram.
t F T
Fig. 1-12
Fig. 1-13
Fig. 1-14
Fig. 1-15
Theorem 1.1. If K is a tautology, and statement forms A, B, C, . . . are substituted for the
statement letters A, B, C, . . . of K (the same statement form replacing all
occurrences of a statement letter), then the resulting statement form K# is
a tautology.
Example 1.12.
(A v B) * (B v A) is a tautology. Replace A by (B v C) and simultaneously replace B by A. The
new statement form [(B v C) v A] t) [A v (B v C)] is a tautology.
Fig. 1-16
*In writing this statement form, we have replaced some parentheses by brackets to improve legibility.
For the samepurpose, we also shall use t-aces.
Fig. 1-17
Fig. 1-18
Example 1.17. A logically implies A v B. For, whenever A is true, A v B also must be true.
Proof. A logically implies B if and only if, whenever A is true, B must also be true.
Therefore A logically implies B if and only if it is never the case that A is true and B is
false. But the latter assertion means that A + B is never false, i.e. that A + B is a tautology. )
Since we can ‘effectively determine by a truth table whether a given statement form is a
tautology, Theorem 1.2 provides us with an effective procedure for checking whether A
logically implies B.
Fig. 1-19
Statement forms A and B are called logically equivalent if and only if A and B always
take the same truth value for any truth assignment to the statement letters. Clearly this
means that A and B have the same entries in the last column of their truth tables.
Fig. l-20
Proof. A t) B is T when and only when A and B have the same truth value. Hence
A e B is a tautology (i.e. always takes the value T) if and only if A and B always have the
same truth value (i.e. are logically equivalent). )
Corollary 1.4. If A and B are logically equivalent and we replace statement letters in A
and B by statement forms (all occurrences of the same statement letter being
replaced in both A and B by the same statement form), then the resulting
statement forms are also logically equivalent.
Proof. This is a direct consequence of Theorems 1.3 and 1.1. )
Example 1.22.
A + (B + C) and (A &B) + C are logically equivalent. Hence so are (Cv A) + (B + (A v B)) and
((Cv A) & B) + (A v B) (and, in general, so are A + (B + C) and (A&B) + C for any statement forms
A, B, C).
Theorem 1.5 (Replacement). If B and C are logically equivalent and if, within a statement
form A, we replace one or more occurrences of B by C, then the resulting
statement form A% is logically equivalent to A.
Proof. In the calculation of the truth values of A and A%, the distinction between B
and C is unimportant, since B and C always take the same truth value. )
Example 1.23.
Let A be (A v B) + C. Since A v B is logically equivalent to B v A, A is logically equivalent to
(Bv A) + C.
The following examples of logically equivalent pairs of statement forms will be extremely
useful in the rest of this book, for the purpose of finding, for a given statement form,
logically equivalent statement forms which are simpler or have a particularly revealing
structure. We leave verification of their logical equivalence as an exercise.
Example 1.24. 77AandA (Law of Double Negation)
As a result of the associative laws, we can leave out parentheses in conjunctions or dis-
junctions, if we do not distinguish between logically equivalent statement forms. For
example, A v B v C v D stands for ((A v B) v C) v D, but the statement forms (A v (B v C)) v D,
Notice that there is a distributive law in arithmetic: a (b + c) = (a. b) + (a- c); but ??
We shall often have occasion to use the logical equivalence between (A & 1 B) v B and
A B, and between (A v 1 B) & B and A & B. We shall justify this by reference to Example
1.30(11), since it amounts to substituting 1 B for B in Example 1.30(11) and then using
Example 1.24.
Example 1.31. A+B and 1B+lA (Contrapositive)
Examples 1.32 and 1.33 enable us to transform any given statement form into a logically
equivalent statement form which contains neither + nor e.
(4 B
(b) 1Cv C
(c) A v (lB&C)
tMore precisely, if all literals of A which do not occur within another literal of A are also literals of B
which do not occur within another literal of B. Thus B &A is not included in C&A & 1 B, and 1 B &A is
not included in B &A.
Example 1.25(u)
[A&lB] v [lA& TB]
This example shows that there are two logically equivalent statement forms, both of which are in
disjunctive normal form.
Theorem 1.6. Every statement form which is not a contradiction is logically equivalent
to a statement form in disjunctive normal form.
Proof. By Examples 1.32 and 1.33 we may find a logically equivalent statement form
in the connectives 1, &, V, and then, by De Morgan’s Laws (Example 1.28) we can move the
negation signs inward so that negation signs apply only to statement letters. Thus we may
confine our attention to statement forms built up from literals by means of & and V. The
proof proceeds by induction on the number n of the connectives & and v in the given state-
ment form A. If n = 0, A is a literal, and every literal is already in dnf. Assume now
that A contains k of the connectives & and V, and that the theorem is true for all natural
numbers n < k.
Case 1: A is B v C. By inductive hypothesis, B and C are logically equivalent to state-
ment forms B# and C#, respectively, in dnf. Hence A is logically equivalent to B# v C#.
Now if any disjuncts D, of B# or of C# are included in any other disjuncts DZ of B# or of
C#, then we drop the disjuncts DP (by Example 1.30(Iu)). The resulting statement form is
in dnf and is logically equivalent to A.
Case 2: A is B & C. By inductive hypothesis, B and C are logically equivalent to state-
ment forms B# and C#, respectively, in dnf. Hence A is logically equivalent to Be & C#.
Let us assume that B# is (B1 v . . * v B,) and C# is (Cl v . . * v C,), where the Bi’s and C’s
are fundamental conjunctions, and r A 1, s 2 1. Then B# & C# is
(BI v - - - v B,) & (C, v . . - v C,)
and, again by a Distributive Law (Example 1.29(u)), each (BI v . . . v B7) & Cj is logically
equivalent to (Bl& Cj) v * . . v (B, & Cj). Thus we obtain the disjunction of all Bi & Cj, where
1 g i A r, 1 L j 4 S. Each Bi & Cj is a conjunction of literals. We can omit repeated literals
in Bi & Cj (by Example 1.25(a)), and, if both a statement letter and its denial occur as con-
juncts in Bi & Cj, then the latter is a contradiction and can be dropped (by Example
1.30(IIId)). (Not all the Bi & Cj will be dropped, since, in that case, A would be logically
equivalent to a disjunction of contradictions and hence, would be a contradiction itself.) The
resulting disjunction is in dnf. )
Remark (1) on Theorem 1.6. A statement form in dnf cannot be a contradiction. For,
if 11& . . . & Lk is one of its disjunctions, where each Li is a literal, then we assign to the
statement letter appearing in Lithe value T if Li is the statement letter itself, and the value
F if Li is the denial of the statement letter. This assignment of truth values makes each Li
true and hence L1& . . . & Lk true, and therefore the whole disjunction must be true (since
one of its disjuncts is true). Thus the disjunction cannot be a contradiction.
Example 1.39.
In (A & 1B & C) v ( 1A & 1B & C), if we make A true, B false and C true, then the first disjunct
A & 1B & C is true (and, alternatively, if we make A false, B false and C true, then the second disjunct is true).
Remark (2) on Theorem 1.6. From the proof it is clear that the logically equivalent
statement form in dnf may be chosen so that its statement letters already occur in the given
statement form, i.e. no new statement letters are introduced.
There is a special type of dnf which will be very useful. A statement form A in dnf is
said to be in full disjunctive normal form (with respect to the statement letters S1, . . . , Sk) if
(i) any statement letter in A is one of the letters S1, . . . , Sk, and
(ii) each disjunct in A contains all the letters S1, . . . , Sk.
Example 1.40.
Thestatementforms(A&B&lC)v(lA&B&C)v(A&lB&lC) and lB&A&lCareinfulldis-
junctive normal form (with respect to A, B, C). However, (A &B) v (1A & B & C) and 1A v (A & 1 B & 1 C)
are not in full disjunctive normal form with respect to A, B, C.
Example 1.41.
The statement form 1B is in full dnf with respect to B, but not with respect to A and B. The state-
ment form (A & 1 B) v (A &B) is in full dnf with respect to A and B, but not with respect to any other
collection of letters.
Example 1.42.
(A & 1B) v B v (1A & 1 B & 1C) is in dnf, but not in full dnf with respect to A, B, C. We obtain
a logically equivalent full dnf as follows:
In general, the method indicated in Theorem 1.7 can be summarized in the following
way. If letters Sj,, . . ., Sjr are missing from a disjunct Dj, we add as conjuncts to Di all of
the 2’ possible combinations of Sj,, . . . , Sjr or their denials. For example, to obtain a state-
ment form in full dnf (with respect to A, B, C) logically equivalent to 1 B, we construct
There are 2’*“’ truth functions of n variables. For, there are 2% truth assignments to
the n variables, and, to each of these assignments, the truth function can associate the value
T or the value F.
Example 1.43.
The four truth functions of one variable are
Fig. 1-22
Example 1.44.
The sixteen truth functions of two variables are
Fig. 1-23
Theorem 1.8. Every truth function is determined by a statement form in the connectives
1, &, v.
Proof. The given truth function f(xl, . . . , z,) can be exhibited as a “truth table”:
T T ... T
F T ... T
T F ... T
F F ... T
... .
Fig. l-24
There are 2” rows in the table. In each row, the last column indicates the corresponding
value f(xl, . . . , xn). In constructing an appropriate statement form, we shall associate the
letters AI, . . . , A, with the variables x1, . . . , x,,.
Case 1: The last column contains only F’s. Then the statement form (AI & 1 A) v * . . v
(A, & 1 A,) determines f. (Of course, any contradiction also determines f.)
Case 2: There are some T’s in the last column. For 14 i A n and 14 k 6 2”, let
Let Dk stand for the fundamental conjunction Alk & A2k & . . . & Ank. In an obvious way,
Dk is associated with the kth row of the truth table. For, Dk is T under the truth assignment
given in the kth row (where Ai is assigned the value given to Xi), and Dk is F under the truth
assignment given in any other row. (Notice that, in any other row, say the jth, some Ai
will be assigned a value different from its value in the kth row, Hence under the truth
assignment corresponding to the jth row, Aik will receive the value F and hence Dr will also
receive the value F.) Now let kl, . . . , k, be the rows in which the truth function f has the
value T. Let A be the statement form DQ v - - . v Dk,. Then A determines the truth func-
tion f. (For the k,th row, f takes the value T; but Dkl also is T, and therefore so is A. For
the jth row, where j is different from any of kl, . . . , k,, the function f takes the value F; but
each Dkl also is F on the jth row, and hence so is A.) Notice that A is a statement form in
the connectives 1, &, V. )
Remark on Theorem 1.8. If the given truth function is not always F (Case 2), the
statement form A constructed in the proof is in full disjunctive normal form. This gives
us a way of constructing a full dnf logically equivalent to a given non-contradictory state-
ment form C. Just write down the truth table for C and then construct the corresponding
statement form A as in the proof of Theorem 1.8.
Example 1.45.
Given the truth function
21 22 fh 22)
Fig. l-25
Fig. 1-28
A / B means “not both A and B”. The connective ( is called the Sheffer stroke. { I} is
adequate, since 1 A is logically equivalent to A) A, and A v B is logically equivalent to
(A I4 I P I W.
Let 1 be the connective corresponding to the truth-functional operation of joint denial,
given by the truth table
t F F T
Fig. 1-29
Theorem 1.10. The only one-element adequate systems of binary connectives are {(} and
Proof. Let g(x, y) be the truth function of a binary connective # forming an adequate
system. Clearly, g(T, T) = F. For, if g(T, T) were T, then any statement form in # alone
would always take the value T when its statement letters all took the value T, and no such
statement form could determine the negation operation. For the same reason (reversing
the roles of T and F), g(F, F) = T. The situation at this stage is given by Fig. l-30.
A 1 B 1 A#. I3
F T ?
T F ?
Fig. l-30
Case 1. The second row is F and the third row is T. Then A # B is logically equivalent
to 7 8, and all the statement forms in # alone using the letters A and B would be logically
equivalent to one of A, B, 1 A, 1 B. Then { #} would not be adequate.
Case 2. The second row is T and the third row is F. This is handIed in exactly the
same way as Case 1, since A # B would be logically equivalent to 1 A.
Solved Problems
1.1. Reduce the following sentences to statement forms.
(a) A necessary condition for x to be prime is that x is odd or x = 2.
(b) A sufficient condition for f to be continuous is that f is differentiable.
(c) A necessary and sufficient condition for Jones to be elected is that Jones wins
75 votes.
(d) Grass will grow only if enough moisture is available.
(e) It is raining but the sun is still shining.
(f) He will die today unless medical aid is obtained.
(9) If taxes are increased or government spending decreases, then inflation will not
occur this year.
(a) P + (0 v D), where P is “x is prime”, 0 is “x is odd”, and D is “x = 2”.
(b) D + C, where D is “f is differentiable” and C is “f is continuous”.
(c) Et) V, where E is “Jones will be elected” and V is “Jones will win 75 votes”.
(d) G + M, where G is “grass will grow”, and M is “enough moisture is available”.
(e) R &S, where R is “it is raining”, and S is “the sun is still shining”.
(Note that “but” indicates conjunction, usually with an element of surprise.)
(f) 1 D + M (or, equivalently, 1M + D), where D is “he will die today”, and M is “medical
aid is obtained”.
(g) T v G + lZ, where 2’ is “taxes are increased”, G is “government spending decreases”, and
Z is “inflation will occur this year”.
1.3. Write the truth tables for (a) (A v 1 B) + (C&A), (b) (A cs 1 B) v (B + A).
A B C Av 1B C&A (Av -IB)+(C&A)
- -
A B 1B AolB (A - 1B) v (B+A)
-i-t-t- F T F T
(b) Instead of using a truth table, we show that the statement form cannot be F. Assume that
some assignment makes it F. Then ((A + B) + C) is T while ((C + A) + (D + A)) is F. Since
the latter is F, C + A is T but D --*A is F. Since the latter is F, D is T and A is F. Since
C + A is T and A is F, C must also be F. Since ((A -+ B) + C) is T and C is F, it follows that
A + B is F. But this is impossible, since A is F.
(c) As in (b), we shall show that the statement form is a tautology by proving that the assumption
that it is ever F leads to a contradiction. Assume that some assignment makes it F. Then
A + B is T, while (B + C) -+ (A + C) is F. Since the latter is F, B + C is T and A + C is F.
Since the latter is F, A is T and C is F. Since B + C is T and C is F, it follows that B is F.
Since A + B is T and B is F, we know that A is F, contradicting the fact that A is T.
1.10. For each of the following, find a logically equivalent statement form in full disjunctive
normal form (with respect to all the variables occurring in the statement form):
(a) (A&lB) v (A&C) (c) B + (A v 1 C)
(b) (A v B) ti 1 C (d) (A + B) + ((B + C) + (A + C))
Solution :
(a) (A&lB)v(A&C)
1.11. Two statement forms A and B in full dnf (with respect to the same statement letters)
are logically equivalent if and only if they are essentially the same (i.e. they contain
the same fundamental conjunctions except possibly for a change in the order of the
conjuncts in each conjunction).
Assume that A has as one of its disjuncts a fundamental conjunction B, & . . . & B, (where each
B, is a literal), no permutation of the conjuncts of which is a disjunct of B. Under the truth assign-
ment which assigns T to a statement letter if it is one of the literals Bi and assigns F to a statement
letter if its denial is one of the literals Bi, B, & . . . & B, is T, and hence A is also. But every other
essentially different fundamental conjunction is F, and therefore B must be F. Thus A and B
could not be logically equivalent.
1.12. By a fundamental disjunction we mean either (i) a literal or (ii) a disjunction of two
or more literals no two of which involve the same statement letter. One fundamental
disjunction A is said to be included in another B if all the literals of A are also literals
of B. A statement form A is in conjunctive normal form (cnf) if either (i) A is a
fundamental disjunction or (ii) A is a conjunction of two or more fundamental dis-
junctions of which none is included in another. A statement form A in cnf is said
to be in full cnf (with respect to the statement letters SI, . . . , Sk) if and only if every
conjunct of A contains all the letters SI, . . . , Sk.
(a) Which of the following are in cnf? Which are in full cnf?
(i) (AvBv 1C) & (Av 1B) (iii) (AvB) & (Bv 1B)
(ii) (AvBvlC)&(AvB) (iv) 1 A
(b) The denial of a statement form A in (full) dnf is logically equivalent to a statement
form B in (full) cnf obtained by exchanging & and v and by changing each literal
to its opposite (i.e. omitting the negation sign if it is present or adding it if it is
absent). (Example: 1 ((A & 1 B & C) v (1 A & 1 B & C)) is logically equivalent to
(1AvBv 1C) & (AvBv lC).)
(c) Any non-tautologous statement form A is logically equivalent to a statement form
in full cnf (with respect to all statement letters in A).
(d) For each of the following, find a logically equivalent statement form in cnf (and
one in full cnf).
(i) (A+~B)&(Av(B&C)),
(ii) (A&B)v (‘AA&B),
(iii) A c) (B v 1 C).
(e) Given a truth table for a truth function (not always taking the value T), construct
a statement form in full cnf determining the given truth function.
(a) (i) In cnf, but not in full cnf. (ii) Not in cnf, since one conjunct is included in the other.
(iii) Not in cnf, since B v 1B is not a fundamental disjunction. (iv) In full cnf.
(b) This follows by several applications of De Morgan’s Laws (Example 1.28(a)).
(c) Assume A is non-tautologous. Then 1 A is not a contradiction, and, by Theorem 1.7, 1A is
logically equivalent to a statement form in full dnf (with respect to all the statement letters
in A). Hence by part (b), 11 A is logically equivalent to a statement form in full cnf.
But A is logically equivalent to 11 A.
(d) (i) (A+ IB)&(Av(B&C))
(1Av -IB)&((AvB)&(AvC))
(lAvlB)&(AvB)&(AvC) (cnf)
(full cnf)
(ii) (A&B)v (lA& 1B)
(Av lB)&(Bv -IA) (full cnf)
(iii) A @ (B v 1C)
(A+(Bv lC))&((Bv lC)+A)
(1AvBv lC)&((lB&C)vA)
(1AvBv lC)&(Av lB)&(AvC) (cnf)
(lAvBv~C)&(AvlBvC)&(AvlBvlC)&(AvBvC) (full cnf)
(e) Use the same procedure as in the proof of Theorem 1.8, except that we use only the rows ending
in F (rather than T), we exchange & and v throughout, and we replace each literal by its
Example. B C
1.13. Find a statement form in 1, &, v determining the truth function f(A, B, C):
f(A,B, C)
1.14. Find a statement form in the Sheffer stroke 1alone and one in 4 alone logically equiv-
alent to the statement form A & 1 B.
For the Sheffer stroke, A& 1B
l(lAv B)
l(t-4 IA)vB)
l{[@I4l(Al41 I(B/B)l
Alternative solution. We shall show that the truth function determined by a statement form
in 1, f) takes T an even number of times. This is clearly true for statement letters, and, when it
holds for A, it must hold for 1A. It remains to show that, if it holds for A and B, it also holds for
AC* B. Let n be the number of rows in the truth table. n is even (since n is of the form 2k, where
k s 1). Let j and I be the number of T’s of A and B respectively. Let m be the number of T’s of
A&B,andletsbethenumberofT’sof lA&lB. Then j-?-I-m=n-s; hence jfl-n=m-s.
Since j, 1,n are even, it follows that m - s is even, i.e. m and s have the same parity (both odd or
both even). Hence m + s is even. But m + s is the number of T’s of A e B.
1.17. Determine whether the following arguments are correct by representing the sen-
tences as statement forms and checking to see whether the conjunction of the aasump-
tions logically implies the conclusion.
(a) Either Arlen is lying or Brewster was in Mexico in April or Crawford was not a
blackmailer. If Brewster was not in Mexico in April, then either Arlen is telling
the truth or Crawford was a blackmailer. Hence Brewster must have been in
Mexico in April.
(b) If the budget is not cut, then a necessary and sufficient condition for prices to
remain stable is that taxes will be raised. Taxes will be raised only if the budget
is not cut. If prices remain stable, then taxes will not be raised. Hence taxes
will not be raised.
Solution :
Conclusion: B.
Conclusion: 7 R.
Does (lB+(PoR))&(R+lB)C(P + IR) logically imply lR? Let us try to find a
truth assignment making the former true and the latter false. Then 1 B + (P-R) is T,
R + 1 B is T, and P + 7 R is T. Since 7 R is F, R is T. But R + IB is T, and therefore
1B is T. Hence by the truth of 1 B + (P f) R), (P c* R) is T. Since R is T, P must be T.
Then since P + 1R is T, 1 R is T, which is impossible. Therefore the argument is correct.
(a) and (a) can be solved by writing down the truth tables, but the method used above is usually
1.18. Are the following assumptions consistent ? f will be continuous (D) if g is bounded
(C) or h is linear (E). g is bounded and h is integrable (B) if and only if h is bounded
(A) or f is not continuous. If g is bounded, then h is unbounded. If g is unbounded
or h is not integrable, then h is linear and f is not continuous.
This and similar problems can also be solved by writing out the complete truth table (which,
in this case, has sixteen rows).
1.19. If A is a statement form in 1, &, V, and A* results from A by interchanging & and v
and replacing all statement letters by their denials, show that A* is logically
equivalent to 1 A.
Apply De Morgan’s Laws (Example 1.28) to 1A until no denials of conjunctions or disjunctions
remain. The result is A*.
1.20. Let A and B be statement forms in 1, &, v. By the dual Ad of A we mean the state-
ment form obtained from A by interchanging & and V. Notice that (Ad)d= A.
(a) Show that A is a tautology if and only if 1 (Ad) is a tautoIogy.
(b) Assume A --* B is a tautology. Then 1 A v B is a tautology, and, by part (a), 1 (( 1 A v B)d) is a
tautology. But 1 (( 1 A v B)d) is 1 ( 1Ad & Bd), which is logically equivalent to Bd + Ad.
Supplementary Problems
1.21. I Write the following sentences as statement forms.
(a) A depression will occur if government spending does not increase, and inflation will result only
if government spending increases.
(b) Jones will lose his job unless he makes good on the deficit, although Jones is the cousin of the
boss’s wife.
(c) Either f is discontinuous or if f is nonlinear, then f is differentiable.
1.22. Assume that the truth values of A, B, C are T, F, F. Compute the truth values of (a) (A + 1 B) ++
((Av C) & B), (b) (A t) (A -+ B)) v (A -) C).
1.24. In each of the following cases, what further truth values can be deduced from those already given?
(a) 1Av (A-‘B), (b) l(A&B)o(lAv lB), (c) (lAvB)+(A+ -lC).
1.26. Which of the following are statement forms? For the statement forms, determine the principal
1.27. Write truth tables and abbreviated truth tables for the statement forms of Exercise 1.26.
1.28. Determine which of the following are tautologies, which are contradictions, and which are neither.
(a) [(A+B)-, l(B+A)] t) (A@B)
(b) ((A + B) + B) + B
(4 A - (B*(Ae(B*A)N
(d ((A + B) -, A) * (B + (B + A))
1.29. Show that A is logically equivalent to B if and only if A logically implies B and B logically implies A.
1.30. Show that a statement form logically equivalent to a tautology is a tautology, and a statement form
logically equivalent to a contradiction is a contradiction.
1.31. Give an example to show that, if A logically implies B, then B does not necessarily logically imply A.
1.32. Of the following pairs D and E, find those pairs for which D is logically equivalent to E, those for
which D logically implies B, and those for which E logically implies D.
(4 l(BvC) 1B
(4 A v (B&C) AvB
(4 A*0 BeA
(f) A c, (B-C) (A c, B) c) C
1.33. Prove: A, v A, v --a v A, is T if and only if at least one of the Ai’s is T; and A, & A, & . . . & A,
is T if and only if all of the Ai’s are T.
1.34. Prove generalizations of DeMorgan’s Laws and the Distributive Laws, in the sense that the
following pairs are logically equivalent:
(a) -I (A, v * - * v A,) lA, & . . . & lA,
(b) l(A,& . . . &A,) lA, v -++ v lA,
(c) A & (B, v + 1. v 8,) (A & 4) ” **a v (A&B,)
(d) A v (B, & . . . & B,) (AvB,)& . . . &(AvB,)
1.37. Find a statement form in disjunctive normal form IogicalIy equivalent to:
(a) (A-+lB)&(BvC), (b) (AvlB)-C, (e) (AvBvlC)&(BvC).
1.38. Which of the following are in full dnf (with respect to all the variables occurring in the statement
form)? For those not in full dnf, find a logically equivalent statement form in full dnf.
(a) (A&B) v (lA& 1B)
(b) (A&B) v (lA&C)
(c) (A&B&C) v (A&B& -IC) v (A& lB&C)
(d) (A&B) v C
1.39. Which of the following are in conjunctive normal form? In full cnf? For any not in full cnf
(with respect to all its statement letters), find a logically equivalent statement form in full cnf.
(a) AvlB
(b) (AvB)&(AvlB)&(AvBvC)
(c) A&lB
(d) (AvB)&(Av 1B)
(e) (A&B) v (lA& 1B)
1.41. For each of the following truth tables (a,) (b), (c), construct a corresponding statement in full
dnf and one in full cnf.
A B C (4 (b) (4
1.42. A statement form A is a tautology if and only if it is logically equivalent to a statement form in
full dnf having 2” disjuncts, where n is the number of statement letters in A.
1.43. Find a statement form in 1, &, v logically equivalent to the statement forms
(a) (A f) (BvC))+ lA, (b) ((A + B) -j B) + A.
1.44. Find a statement form in the Sheffer stroke ) and a statement form in 4 logically equivalent to the
statement forms (a) (A v 1 B) & (A + C), (b) l(A & 1 B).
1.45. Show that A + B is logically equivalent to 1 (A c) B). (Cf. Example 1.2 on page 4.)
1.46. Find a statement form logically equivalent to the denial of (A v (B Jz C)) v (1 A & (B v C)).
1.49. For which binary connectives 0 does { 1, 0) form an adequate system of connectives?
1.52.o A computer (called Farfel) has been built to answer any yes-or-no question, but it has been pro-
grammed either to answer all questions truthfully or to give incorrect answers to all questions.
If we wish to find out whether Fermat’s Last Theorem is true, what question should we put to the
computer? (Hint: Let A stand for “Fermat’s Last Theorem is true” and let B stand for “Farfel
answers all questions truthfully”. Construct a statement form A such that, if “A?” is put as a
question to Farfel, then the answer will be “Yes” if and only if A is true.)
1.53.JJ Find the duals of statement forms in 1, &, v which are logically equivalent to A + B and A * B,
and extend Problems 1.19-1.20 to statement forms in 1, &, V, +, @.
1.54.n Prove that a statement form A whose only connective is Cs is a tautology if and only if every state-
ment letter occurs in A an even number of times. (Hint: Problem 1.32(e, f).)
Chapter 2
2.1 SETS
By a set we mean any collection of objects.? For example, we may speak of the set of
all living Americans, the set of all letters of the English alphabet, or the set of all real
numbers less than 4. In most cases, sets will be defined by means of a characteristic
property of the objects belonging to the set. In the examples above, we used the properties
of being a living American, a letter of the English alphabet, or a real number less than 4.
Notation: For a given property P(x), let {x : P(z)} denote the set of all objects x such
that P(x) is true.
Example 2.1.
The set of all real roots of the equation x4 - 2x2 - 3 = 0 is denoted by
{z: xisarealnumber & d-2x2-3=0}
Sometimes we shall define a set merely by listing its elements within braces:
ia, b, c, . . . , h}. In particular, (b) is the set having b as its only member. Such a set {b)
is called a singleton. The set {b, c} contains b and e as its only members, and, if b Z c,
then {b, c} is called an unordered pair. Notice that {b, c} = {c, b}.
Example 2.2.
The set of integers strictly between 1 and 5 is equal to (2, 3,4}.
Example 2.3.
The set of all real roots of the equation x4 - 2x2 - 3 = 0 is equal to the set {&, -fl>.
We shall extend this method of denoting sets by listing a few elements of the set, fol-
lowed by dots, in such a way as to indicate the characteristic property of the elements of
the set.
Example 2.4.
{1,2,3, 4, * * .> is intended to represent the set of positive integers. (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, . . ., n2, . . .> is the
set of squares of positive integers. {Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, . . .} is the set of Presidents
of the United States.
It is convenient to introduce a special sign for the relation of proper inclusion. We shall
use A C B as an abbreviation for A c B & A #B. Thus A c B if and only if every member
of A is a member of B but there is a member of B which is not a member of A. If A c B,
we say that A is a proper subset of B. Hence the only subset of B which is not a proper
subset of B is B itself. The denial of A c B is written A C/ B.
Some basic properties of proper inclusion are:
PI(i) A @A.
PI(ii) If A c B & B c C, then A c C.
PI(iii) If A c B & B c C, then A c C.
PI(iv) If A C B, then B $ A.
Example 2.9.
The only subset of @ is @ itself.
Example 2.10.
The subsets of {z} are Q? and (2). Thus a singleton has two subsets.
Example 2.11.
If x # y, the subsets of the unordered pair {z, y} are a, {z}, {v} and (2, y}. Thus a two-element set
has four subsets.
Example 2.12.
If 2, y and .z are three distinct objects, then the subsets of (5, y, x} are e), (~1, {y}, {z}, {s, y}, (2, z},
{y, z} and {cc, y, z}. Thus there are eight subsets of a three-element set.
Let T(A) denote the set of all subsets of A. Then T(A) = {B : B C A}. Examples
2.9-2.12 suggest the following result.
Theorem 2.1. For any non-negative integer n, if a set A has n elements, then the set
T(A) of all subsets of A has 2” elements.
First proof: The result is clear when n = 0 (Example 2.9). Assume a set A has n
elements, where n > 0. In choosing an arbitrary subset C of A, there are two possibilities
for each element x of A: 2 E C or x B C. Whether one element x is in the subset C is
independent of whether any other element 2/ is in C. Hence there are 2” ways of choosing
a subset of A.
Second proof: By induction on n. The case for n = 0 is clear (Example 2.9). Assume
that the result is true for n = k, and assume that A is a set with k + 1 elements, i.e.
A = {al, . . ., akt ak+l}. We must prove that A has 2k+1 subsets. Let B = (al, . . ., ak}.
Since B has k elements, then by inductive hypothesis B has 2k subsets. Every subset C of
B can be thought of aa determining two distinct subsets of A, i.e. C itself and C together
with the element ak+l. In addition, every subset D of A is determined in this way by pre-
cisely one subset C of B, i.e. C is obtained by removing ak+ 1 from D (where, if ak+ I e D,
then C is identical with D). Thus the number of subsets of A is twice the number of subsets
of B. But since B has 2k subsets, A has 2k+1 subsets. )
Given sets A and B, their union AU B consists of all elements of A or B or both. Thus
AUB = {x: XEAVZEB}. Remember that v stands for the inclusive “or”, i.e. for any
sentences A, B, AV B A
means or B or both.
{a> u @I = {a, b)
U(iii) AU@ = A
U(iv) (AUB)UC = A U (SU C) (Associativity)
Given sets A and B, their intersection An B consists of all objects which are in both
A and B. Thus,
AnB = {x:x~A & LCEB)
The associative laws for unions and intersections allow us to omit parentheses in writing
unions or intersections of three or more sets. Thus we write An B rl C to stand for either
(A n B) n C or A n (B n C), since these sets are equal. Similarly A fl BnCnD has a unique
meaning, since any of the five ways of parentheses yields the same result.
Important relations between unions and intersections are given by the di8tributive laws:
Dist (i) A n (BUC) = (AnB) u (AnC).
Property Dist (i) can be verified directly from the definitions by logical manipulations.
An(BuC) = {x:: ZEA & xEBUC}
= {z: zEA & (XEBVZEC)}
= (AnB) u(AnC)
We also can check Dist (i) pictorially. In Fig. 2-3 below, we have vertical lines for
B U C and horizontal lines for A. Hence A n (B UC) is represented by the cross-hatched area.
In Fig. 2-4 below, the vertical lines indicate A rl B and the horizontal lines A n C. The com-
bined area represents (A n B) U (A n C) and is seen to be identical with the cross-hatched
area of Fig. 2-3. Dist (ii) may be handled in a similar manner (see Problem 2.3).
Diagrams as shown in Fig. 2-3 and 2-4 are called Venn diagrams. They are useful for
verifying identities involving operations on sets, but should not be considered tools of
rigorous mathematical proof. Similar pictorial methods can be given for four or more
sets (see [112]t and J. F. Randolph, American Mathematical Monthly, 1965, pp. 11’7-127),
but this does not seem fruitful enough to warrant consideration here.
The first equality is justified by Dist (ii), the second by U(i), and the third by Example 2.15.
B-A = {x: xEB&xBA}
A 3
D(i) B-B = $3
D(ii) B-e, = B
Fig. 2-5
D(iii) e)-A = @
SD(iii) A A $3 = A
Example 2.17.
Let A = {0,1,2,3,5}, B = {0,1,2,3}, C = {0,1,4,5}. Then BcA, C$A, AnC = {0,1,5},
B n C = (0, l), A -B = {5), A -C = {2,3}, B-C = {2,3}, C-B = {4,5}, A A B = (51, A AC = {2,3,4},
B A C = {2,3,4, 5).
From C(x) and C(xi) we see that difference and symmetric difference are dispensable in the
presence of union, intersection and complement.
Example 2.18.
Let us check C(ii) using definitions and logical transformations.
AuB = {s:sEX&z4AuB} = {z:zEX& -1(z6AvrEB)}
=I {x: zEX&(z4A&z4B)} = {x: (xEX&x4A)&(sEX&s4B)}
We also may use Venn diagrams to verify the validity of C(ii). Compare Fig. 2-7 and 2-8.
Cross-hatched: (A - B) n (A - C) Unshaded: A - (B u C)
Fig. 2-10 Fig. 2-11
More rigorously,
A-(BuC) = {z: xEA & x@(BuC)}
= (A - B) n (A - C)
Example 2.21.
Prove: (AuB)nB = A ifandonlyif AnB=JD.
In Fig. 2-12 below, the cross-hatched part represents (A UB) n B and lies entirely within A. The rest
of A is the lens-shaped intersection A n B. Hence to say that (A u B) n fi is identical with A is equiva-
lent to saying that A n B = @.
Logical proof:
= (An@u@ (byWV))
ZI AnB (by U(iii))
Example 2.22.
Simplify A- u (BnC).
Ani?u(BnC) = piu&u(BnC) (by C(iii))
= (AuB)u(BnC) (byC(i))
= Au (Bu(BnC)) (by U(iv))
In simplifying expressions, we make frequent use of De Morgan’s Laws C(ii) and C(iii)
for distributing complement bars over smaller expressions, C(i) for eliminating double
complements, Examples 2.15 and 2.16, and the distributive laws Dist (i) and Dist (ii).
Example 2.23.
Simplify (AuBuC) n (Am) n c.
= BnC
Example 2.24.
The operation of alternative denial determines the set-theoretic operation A n B, while joint denial
determines the operation A n B.
Theorem 2.2. (x, y) = {(x), (x, y}} is an adequate definition of an ordered pair.
Proof. Assume (x, y) = (u, v). We must prove that x = u and y = v. We have
We say that f is a function from A onto B if f is a function from A into B and every
element of B is a value f(x) for some x in A.
Example 2.25.
The function f such that f(z) = x2 for every x in the set A of all integers is a function from A into
(but not onto) A. On the other hand, f is a function from A onto the set B of all squares.
Example 2.26.
The function f in Example 2.26 is not one-one, since f(--n) = ns = f(n) for all integers n. On the
other hand, the function g such that g(x) = x 2 for all non-negative integers z is a one-one function, since
U* = V* implies u = ?I for all non-negative integers u and w.
For example, to justify the assertion that the set of fingers on a hand is finite we set
up the correspondence
It is clear that a subset of a finite set is finite (and hence that the intersection of any set
with a finite set is finite). Also obvious is the fact that the union of two finite sets is finite.
A set is said to be infinite if it is not finite. Examples are the set of positive integers,
the set of rational numbers, and the set of real numbers. Clearly any set containing an
infinite set must also be infinite, and therefore the union of an infinite set with any other
set is infinite. However, the intersection of two infinite sets need not be infinite. For
example, the set of even integers and the set of odd integers have an empty intersection.
A set A is said to be denumerable (or countably infinite) if and only if A can be enumer-
ated by the set P of all positive integers, i.e. if there is a one-one correspondence between
P and A.
Example 2.27.
(1) The set of positive even integers is denumerable. Here the one-one correspondence is given by
f(n) = 272. (2) The set of all integers is denumerable. Here the enumeration is given by 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3,
n/2 if n is even
-3,... . The one-one correspondence is s(n) =
-(n - 1)/Z if n is odd *
Clearly the union of a finite set and a denumerable set is also denumerable. (Just
enumerate the finite set first and continue with the enumeration of the denumerable set,
omitting repetitions.) The union of two denumerable sets is again denumerable. (For, if
A = {al, a2, . . . } and B = { bl, bz, . . . }, then A U B = {al, bl, ~2, b2, . . . }, where in the latter
enumeration we omit any repeated objects.) If we remove a finite number of elements from
a denumerable set, the remaining set is still denumerable.
(3) iam*
Notice that any field 7 of subsets of X must coniain both $3 and X. For, if B E 7, then
B E 7: and hence @= BITBET. Therefore X= @ET.
The general formula for n sets should be clear from the examples for n = 2,3,4.
Example 2.28.
In a two-party election district consisting of 136 voters, 67 people voted for at least one Democrat and
84 people voted for at least one Republican. How many people voted for candidates of both parties?
Example 2.29.
A government committee reported that, among the students using marijuana, LSD or heroin at a
certain university, 90% used marijuana, 6% used LSD and 7% heroin, while 4% took marijuana and LSD,
5% marijuana and heroin, 2% heroin and LSD, and 1% took all three. Are the committee’s figures
Note that, if there are n students taking at least one of the drugs, and if H is a set of students,
then the percentage in H is #(H)/n.Hence if we let A, B, C be the sets of students taking marijuana, LSD
and heroin respectively, and we divide the equation for #(A UBUC) by n to obtain the percentages,
Solved Problems
2.1. Show that the cancellation law
if AUB=AUC then B=C
is false by giving a counterexample.
A = C = {a}. B = $3.
2.2. Show that parentheses are necessary for writing expressions involving more than
one of the operations rl and U.
Consider A n B u C. This is either A n (BU C) or (An B) U C. But these two sets are not
necessarily equal. Take A = @ and B = C # @. Then An(BuC) = @, but (AnB)uC =
@UC = c.
2.8. Prove the distributive law Dist (ii), page 33: A U (Bn C) = (AU B) fl (A UC).
Logical Proof.
Au(BnC) = {z: SEA v zE(BnC)}
= (5: zEA v (xEB & xEC)} = {z: (zEA v s:EB) & (icEA v zEC)}
2.4. Prove the generalized distributive law Dist (ii’), page 34:
Au(Blnss -nB,) = (AuB1)n~~~n(AuB,)
For n = 1, the assertion is obvious and the case n = 2 is the distributive law Dist (ii).
Now using mathematical induction, we assume the result true for n = k. Then for n = k + 1,
Au (B,n-~.~TB~~B,+~)
= A u ((Bin---nB,)nB,+,)
= [Au (B,n-.-nBk)l n [AU&+1] (by Dist(ii))
= [(AuB,)n*** rl (AUB,)] rl (s‘iUBk+l) (by the inductive hypothesis)
= (AuB,)n ..a n (AuB,)n (AUB~+~)
In Fig. 2-15, (iv) says that E u F U G u H is non-empty. (i) says that E U F is empty. Hence
G U H is non-empty. (iii) says that G is empty and (ii) says that H is empty. Hence G U H*is empty.
Therefore conditions (i)-(iv) are inconsistent.
In Fig. 2-16, AAB=EuHuGuJ and C=HuIuJUK, and so (AAB)AC = EU
GuIuK. BAC = FuGuHUK and A = EuFUHUI, and soAA(BAC) = GUKUIUE.
Thus (AAB)AC = A A(BAC).
Observe that E G K I
(AAB)AC = mnBnCjU$ii%$nnnCjm
A logical derivation of this result is rather tedious and is left to the reader. It is easiest to prove
by showing (AAB)AC c AA(BAC) and AA(BAC) c (AAB)AC.
AAB = $3 ifandonlyif (A-B)u(B-A) = $3,
if and only if A = B.
A = B ifandonlyif (Anl?)u(AnB) = @
A: vertical, B: horizontal
Unshaded region: A nB Marked region: A U fi
Fig. 2-17 Fig. 2-18
2.12. Using mathematical induction prove the generalized DeMorgan Law C(iii’):
AIn--. nA, = A,uA,u~~~ uA,
It is obvious for n = 1. The case m= 2 is simply C(iii). Assume the result true for n = k.
Then for n = k + 1,
tWe have used here the logical law of contraposition: P --) Q is logically equivalent to 1 Q --) 1 P.
2.15. (a) Show that the four ellipses in the diagram below form an appropriate Venn
diagram for four sets.
(b) Using the diagram of part (a), what conclusion can you draw from the following
(i) C c (BnD) u (DnB).
(ii) Everything in both A and C is either in both B and D or in neither B nor D.
(iii) Everything in both B and C is either A or II.
(iv) Everything in both C and D is either in A or B.
(a) Show that the fifteen regions of the diagram cover all possible cases:
AnBnCnb, AnBncnD, AnBnCnD, AnBnCnD, AnBnCnD,
AnBncnb, AnBnCni?, AnBnCnD, AnBncnD, AnBncnD,
AnBnCnD, Anl?nCnb, AnBncnb, Anl?nCnb, AnL?nCnD.
(b)c = $3.
2.16. Algebra of Sets and Algebra of Logic. Given a statement form C in 1, &, v, let S(C)
be the expression obtained from C by substituting -, n, U for 1, &, v respectively.
S((AvB) & 1C) = (AUB)ne
(a) Prove: A is logically equivalent to B if and only if S(A) = S(B) holds for all sets
(where the statement letters of a statement form C are interpreted in S(C) as set
variables ranging over all subsets of a fixed universe).
(b) Prove that A logically implies B if and only if S(A) c S(B) holds for all sets.
(4 If we replace each statement letter 1 in A by MEL, then the resulting sentence is equivalent to
x E S(A) (since x E W,n W2 if and only if z E W, & x E W,; z E W, u W, if and only if
XEW, v xEW,; and x E I? if and only if 1 (z E W)). Hence if A is logically equivalent to B,
then x E S(A) if and only if x ES(B), which implies that S(A) = S(B). Conversely, assume that
A is not logically equivalent to B. In general if we are given a truth assignment to the state-
ment letters in an arbitrary statement form C, and if we replace statement letters which are
T by (0) and statement letters which are F by 8, then, under this substitution of sets for
statement letters, S(C) = {@d> if C is T under the given assignment, and S(C) = @ if C
is F under the given assignment. This holds because, under the correspondence associating (@}
with T and $ZJwith F, the truth-functional operations correspond to the set-theoretic operations
(where sets are restricted to subsets of the universe {@}).
-IT = F <a>=@
-IF = T G = {Q)
T&T = T 03 n Cal = {@I
T&F = F&T = F 18) n P = 0 n ~~1 = Qi
F&F = F On@ = @
TvT = TvF = FvT = T ($31 u (81 = {@I u 8 = 0 u {@d) = 181
FvF = F @ue, = 17,
Since A is not logically equivalent to B, there is a truth assignment making one of them T
and the other F, say A is T and B is F. Then under the substitution of {$3} for the true state-
ment letters and of $3 for the false statement letters, S(A) = {@> and S(B) = $3. Hence
S(A) = S(B) does not always hold.
Note that we also have shown that an equation S(A) = S(B) holds for all sets if and only if
it holds in the domain {{@}, @} of all subsets of {@}.
(b) A logically implies B if and only if A & B is logically equivalent to A. By part (a), the latter
holds if and only if S(A & B) = S(A) always holds. But S(A & B) = S(A) nS(B), and
S(A) nS(B) = S(A) if and only if S(A) r S(B).
Thus (CC,, x2, xB) = ((xl, x2), x3) and (XI, 22, ~3,x4 = ((PI, GA ~3)~~4). Prove that if
(x1,x2,..., x,) = (ul,uz ,..., u,,), then X~=UI, XZ,=U~, . . . . xn=un.
We already have proved this result for n = 2. Now assume it is true for n = k h 2, and we
shall prove it must then hold for k + 1. We have, by assumption,
Hence by definition,
((Xl, x21 . - ‘, xk), ++I) = (@,, US3. . *I uk), %+l)
By the result for n = 2, we conclude xk+, = uk+ I and (xl. 22, . . . ,zk) = (u,, up, . . . , uk). But the
latter equation, by virtue of the inductive hypothesis, implies x1 = U1, 52 = us, . . . , xk = uk.
Enumerate the ordered pairs as indicated by the arrows, going up each diagonal from left to right.
Notice that the pair (i, j) appears in the [((i + j)(i + j + 1)/2) i- (j + l)]th place in the enumeration.
This can be seen as follows: all pairs in the same diagonal have the same sum. Adding up all
pairs in diagonals preceding the one containing (i, j), we obtain
1+2+ 0.. + (ifj) = (i+j)(i+j+1)/2
There are j pairs in the same diagonal as (i, j) and preceding (i, j).
2.19. Prove that the set of all non-negative rational numbers is denumerable.
Every non-negative rational number corresponds to a fraction m/n, where (i) m and n are
non-negative integers, (ii) n St 0, and (iii) m and n have no common integral factors other than 51.
We can associate the ordered pair (m, n) with m/n, and use the enumeration given in Problem 2.18,
merely omitting those pairs (m, n) which do not satisfy conditions (i)-(iii).
2.20. The set A of all real roots of all nonzero polynomials with integral coefficients (such
roots are called real algebraic numbers) is denumerable.
Any nonzero polynomial has only a finite number of roots. First list the finite set of all real
roots of all polynomials of degree at most one whose coefficients are in magnitude 5 1 (i.e. whose
coefficients are either 0, 1, or -1). Then list the finite set of all real roots of all polynomials of
degree 5 2 whose coefficients are in magnitude f 2, etc. In general, at the nth step we list the
finite set of all real roots of all polynomials of degree 5 n whose coefficients are in magnitude 5 n.
Of course, we omit repetitions. In this way, we obtain an enumeration of all real algebraic numbers.
That the set A is not finite follows from the fact that all integers belong to A.
2.21. Show that the set of all real numbers is not countable.
Let R, be the set of all real numbers z such that 0 f z < 1. It suffices to show that RI is
not countable, since any subset of a countable set is countable. Every x in RI is representable as
a unique infinite decimal
2 = .a1a2a3. . .
where the infinite decimal does not end with an infinite string of 9’s. (Thus although a decimal
such as .1362000 . . is also representable as .1361999.. ., we shall use only the first representation.)
Assume now that RI can be enumerated:
Xl = .u11a,2a13.. .
x2 = .a2la22a23.. .
. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .
Xk = aaklak2ak3. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thus, for all i, aii # bi. But then, y is in RI and is different from all of the numbers x1, xs, . . .
(since the decimal representation of y differs from that of Xi in the ith place). This contradicts
the assumption that the sequence x1, x2, . . . exhausts RI.
2.22. Given two sets A and B. We say that A has the same cardinality as B if there is a
one-one correspondence between A and B. We say that A has smaller cardinalitg
than B if there is a one-one correspondence between A and a subset of B but A does
not have the same cardinality as B.
Prove that, for any set A, A has smaller cardinality than the set ‘Z-‘(A) of all sub-
sets of A (Cantor’s Theorem).
(1) There is a one-one correspondence between A and a subset of ‘P(A). Namely, to each element
x of A associate the set {x} in T(A). Clearly if x and y are distinct elements of A, {x} Z {y}.
(2) We must show that there is no one-one correspondence f between A and T(A). Assume, on
the contrary, that there is such a one-one correspondence f. Let C = {x : x GA & x 4 f(z)>.
Thus C consists of all elements x of A such that x is not a member of the corresponding
subset f(x) of A. But Cc A. Hence CE T(A). So there must be an element y in A such
that f(y) = C. Then by definition of C, y E C if and only if y 4 f(y). Since f(y) = C, it
follows that yE C if and only if y 4C. But either yE C or y4 C. Hence yE C & y 4 C,
which is a contradiction.
2.23. Prove that the collection 7 of all subsets B of X such that either B or I? is countable
is a field of sets.
Assume BE p. Then either B or B is countable. Hence BE p. Assume now that A is also
in 7.
Case 1: B is countable. Then A n B is countable. Hence A n B E p.
2.24. Let X be the set of all integers, and let k be a fixed integer. Let G be the collection
of all subsets B of X such that, for any u in B, both u + k and u - k are also in B.
(This means that a shift of k units does not alter B.) Show that S is a field of sets.
Let B E 6. Assume u E B. Hence u 4 B. So u - k 4 B. (For, if u - k E B, then
u = (u - k) + k E B.) Also, u + k E fi. (For, if u+kEB, then u = (u+k)-kkB.) Thus
B E 6. Assume now that A and B are in 6. Let us consider A n B. Assume u E A nB. Then
uEA & uEB. Hence u*kEA & u%kEB. Therefore u -Ck E A n B. Thus, A nB E g.
- #(AnB) -
#(AnC)- #(BnC) (1)
+ #(AnBnC)
for arbitrary finite sets A, B and C.
Take any element x in A u B u C. If x is in precisely one of the sets A, B, C, then x is
counted once on the right side of (1). (For example, if z E B nki n 6, then x is counted only
in #(B).) If x belongs to precisely two of the sets A, B, C, then x will be counted twice in the
positive sense on the right side and once in the negative sense. (For example, if x E A nBn C,
then z-cis counted twice in the positive sense in #(A) and #(C), and x is subtracted once in #(AnC).)
Lastly, if x belongs to A n B n C, then x is counted in every term on the right side, four times
in the positive sense and three times in the negative sense. Thus the net effect of the right side of
(I) is to count the number of elements in A U B U C.
Solution :
Let A = the set of all members owning sailboats, and B = the set of all members owning
#(AuB) = #(A) + #(B) - #(AnB)
75 = 48+33-#(AnB)
Hence #(A n B) = 6.
Let M, P, C stand for the collections of students passing mathematics, physics and chemistry,
#(MnPnC) L #(MnP) + #(MnC) + #(Pnc) - 54
5 19 + 29 + 20 - 54 = 14
Supplementary Problems
2.23. List all subsets of {@, {@}>.
2.33. Prove: If BcA & CGA, then BuCCA; and if AcB & AcC, then AcBnC.
In Problems 2.39-2.54, determine whether the given equation is always true, using rigorous logical
methods and also, if possible, Venn diagrams. If an equation is not always true, specify a counterexample.
2.45. An B = A - (A-B).
2.54. AAB=AAB=AAB.
2.55. Let Z = the set of integers = {. . ., -2, -l,O, 1,2, . . .); N = the set of non-negative integers =
ml, 2, . . .>; Np = the set of non-positive integers = (0, -1, -2 , . . . ); E = the set of even integers;
P = the set of prime numbers. Find: N n (Np), Z - N, Z - (Np), N - (Np), N u (Np), N A (Np),
Z-E, En P.
2.60. Using Venn diagrams, determine the compatibility of the following conditions.
(i) (AnB) u C = A -B and
CnA = BnA.
(ii) A-(B-C) c CUB and AnBnC = $3 and C-BGA.
(iii) (B-A)nC # @ and C-A c C-B.
2.63. Find the set-theoretic operations corresponding to the truth functions for + and c).
2.64. Determine whether each of the following sets of ordered pairs is a function,
0) ((2, Y) : x and y are human beings and x is the father of y}.
(3 {lx, Y) : x and y are human beings and y is the father of x}.
(iii) {(x, y) : x and y are real numbers and x2 + y2 = l}.
(iv) {(x, y) : (5 = 1 & y = 2) v (5 = -1 & y = 0)).
2.65. For each of the following functions f from the set of integers Z into I, determine whether f is a
function from Z onto Z and also whether f is one-one.
x+ 1 if x is even
(i) f(x) = 2x + 1 (iii) f(x) =
{ x- 1 if x is odd
(ii) f(x) = -x (iv) f(x) = x2 - 3x -I-5
2.67. Prove: The set of all irrational real numbers is not countable.
2.68. By a left-open interval of the set R of real numbers, we mean either an interval
(a, b] = {x : a < x f b}
or an infinite interval of the form
(a,m) = (5: a<x} or (-a, a] = {x: x f b}
Let T be the collection of sets of real numbers consisting of @, R, and all unions of a finite number
of left-open intervals. Show that 7 is a field of sets.
- #(AnBnCnD)
(2) Generalize the result of (1) to any finite sets A,, . . ., A,.
2.70. In an advertising survey of a hundred coffee and tea drinkers, 70 people were found to drink coffee
at times, and 30 people drank both tea and coffee. How many people sometimes drank tea?
2.71. Among Americans taking vacations last year, 90% took vacations in the summer, 65% in the winter,
10% in the spring, 7% in the autumn, 55% in the winter and summer, 3% in the spring and summer,
6% in the autumn and summer, 4% in the winter and spring, 4% in the winter and autumn,
3% in the spring and autumn, 3% in the summer, winter and spring, 3% in the summer, winter and
autumn, 2% in the summer, autumn and spring, and 2% in the winter, spring and autumn.
What percentage took vacations during every season?
2.72. If A and B both contain n elements, prove that A -B and B -A have an equal number of elements.
Show that this is no longer the case when A and B are infinite.
2.73. (a) Show that the maximum number of sets obtainable from A and B by applying the union and
difference operations is eight. (b) Show that the maximum number of sets obtainable from A, B, C
by applying the union and difference operations is 128 = 27. (Hint: How many regions appear in
the Venn diagram for A, B, C?) (c) Generalize (b) to the case of n sets Al, . . ., A,.
= (AuB)n(AuC)n(AuD)n(BuC)n(BUD)n(CUD).
(c)D Prove the following generalization of (a), (b) and Problem 2.41: Given n sets Al, . . ., A,.
Let k f n. Show that the union U of all intersections of k of the sets A,, . . ., A,, is equal
to the intersection I of all unions of n - k + 1 of the sets A,, . . . , A,. (Note: In Problem
2.41, n = 3, k = 2; in (a), n = 4, k = 3; in (b), n = 4, k = 2.) Hint: Prove U CZ and Zc U.
Boolean Algebras
An n-ary operation on a set Y is defined to be any function f which, to each n-tuple :
(Yl, * . . , yn) of elements 2j1,. . ., yn in Y, assigns an element f(yl, . . ., yn) in Y. A more
traditional way of asserting that f is an n-ary operation on Y is to say that Y is closed
under the function f.
Example 3.1.
Addition, multiplication and subtraction are binary operations on the set of integers. (We use “binary”
instead of “2-ary”.) The function f such that f(z) = x - 1 for every integer x is a singulary operation
on the set of all integers. (W e use “singulary” instead of “1-ary”.)
Example 3.2.
The subtraction function x - y is not a binary operation on the set of non-negative integers, because :
the value x-y is not always a non-negative integer. The division function x/y is not a binary _
on the set of positive integers. (Why?)
where B = {@, {@>I; A = the ordinary set-theoretic intersection operation n; v = the ordinary
set-theoretic union operation U; ’ = the ordinary set-theoretic operation of complex
0 = (d; and 1 = {Q}. In Chapter 2, we have verified properties (l)-(9). Of course, we first
that n, U and - are operations on (@, {(d}}.
_I (b) The Boolean algebra of all subsets of a non-empty set A, under the usual operations of inter-
section, union, and complementation, and with $?Jand A as the distinguished elements 0 and 1:
(T(A), n, U,- , $?l,A). When there is no danger of confusion, we shall refer to this Boolean algebra
I simply as T(A). Part (a) is a special case of (b) when A = (0). (Notice that we have omitted the case
I where A = $3; in this case, 0 = $8 = A = 1, violating Axiom (9).)
j \- Example 3.4. (This example should be omitted by those not familiar with elementary number theory.)
Let B be the set of all positive integers which are integral divisors of 70. Thus,
I B = {1,2,5,7,10,14,35,70}
For any z and y in B, let x A y be the greatest common divisor of r and y, let xv y be the least common
multiple of x and y, and let x’ = 70/x. (For example, 5 A 14 = 1, 5 v 14 = 70, 10 /\.35 = 5, 10 v 35 = 70,
5’ = 14, 10’ = 7.) Then (B, A, v, ‘, 1,70) is a Boolean algebra. Verification of Axioms (l)-(9) uses ele-
mentary properties of greatest common divisor and least common multiple.
c Example 3.5.
It seems evident that a set of sentences closed under the operations of conjunction, disjunction and
negation should form a Boolean algebra. However, this is not quite so. For example, A &B and B &A
are not equal, but only logically equivalent. Thus we should have to replace the equality sign = in Axioms
(l)-(9) by the relation of logical equivalence. In addition, 0 could be any sentence of the form A 8~ lA,
and 1 could be any sentence of the form A v 1 A. If we wish to retain the equality sign = with its usual
meaning (i.e. identity), then we may proceed as follows. By the statement bundle [A] determined by a
statement form A, we mean the set of all statement forms which are logically equivalent to A. Then, it
is clear that: (i) [A] = [B] if and only if A is logically equivalent to B; (ii) if [A] # [B], then
[A] fl [B] = @. If K, and K2 are statement bundles, it is obvious that if A, and B, are statement forms in
K, and A, and B, are statement forms in K,,then A, & A, is logically equivalent to B, & B,, A, v A, is
logically equivalent to B, v B,, and 1 A, is logically equivalent to 1 B,. Therefore if we take an arbitrary
statement form C, from K, and an arbitrary statement form C, from K,,then we may define K, & K, to
be [C, & C,], K, v K, to be [C, v Cc], and K; to be [l C,]. If B is taken to be the set of all statement
bundles, 0 is taken to be [A & 1 A], and 1 is taken to be {A v 1 A], then (B, &, v, ‘, 0,l) is a Boolean
algebra. Verification of Axioms (l)-(9) reduces to well-known properties of the algebra of logic. (For
example, to check Axiom (l), we consider any statement bundles K, and K,, and we take any statement
forms C, and C, in K, and K, respectively. Then K, v K, = [C, v C,] and K, v K, = [C, v C,]. But
[C, v C,} = [C, v CJ, since C, v Cc is logically equivalent to C, v Cr.)
If it is necessary to distinguish the meet, join, complement, zero element and unit
element of a Boolean algebra % from those of another Boolean algebra, we shall add the
subscript 48: A%, v%, ‘TV, 0,, 1,.
Unless something is said to the contrary, we shall assume in what follows that
8 = (B, A, V, 0,l) is an arbitrary Boolean algebra.
Theorem 3.1. Uniqueness of the complement: If xvy=l and x~y=O, then y=x’.
Proof. First, y = y v 0 by Axiom (5)
= y v (XAX’) by Axiom (8)
= (y v x) A (y v x’) by Axiom (4)
I = (x v y) A (y v x’) by Axiom (1)
= lr,(yvx’) by hypothesis
= (yVx’)Al by Axiom (2)
= yvx’ by Axiom (6)
Corollary 3.2. For any x in B, (2’)’ = x. (Notation: We shall denote (2’)’ by z”, ((2’)‘)’ by
x“‘, etc.)
Proof. First, x’v x = x v z’ by Axiom (1)
= 1 by Axiom (7)
Second, z’ Ax = x A x’ by Axiom (2)
= 0 by Axiom (8)
The dual of ZA(~VZ) = (ZAY)V(ZAZ) is ZV((YAZ) = (ZVY)A(SVZ), and vice versa. The
dual of z V tc’= 1 is z A a? = 0, and vice versa.
Proof. The dual of each of Axioms (l)-(9) is again an axiom: (1) and (2) are duals of
each other, and so are the pairs (3)-(4), (5)-(6), and (‘7)-(8). (9) is its own dual. Thus if in
a proof of A we replace every proposition by its dual, the result is again a proof (since
axioms are replaced by axioms), but this new proof is now a proof of the dual of A. )
The proof of Theorem 3.3 is twice as long as it need be. Since x v x = x is the dual of
x A x = x, it would have sufficed to prove x A x = x and then cite the Duality Principle to
obtain x v x = X. As a matter of fact, the proof of the Duality Principle is illustrated in
the proof of Theorem 3.3: the proof of (ii) is obtained by taking the duals of the proposi-
tions in the proof of (i).
(4 xv (yvx) = (xv y) v 2
Associative Laws
(vii) x A (yA 2) = (x Ay) A 2
(Viii) (x V y)’ = X’ A y’
De Morgan’s Laws
(ix) (x A y)’ = X’ V y’
(4 x V y = (X’ A y’)’
x A y = (X’V y’)’
(xiii) 0’ = 1
(xiv) 1’ = 0
(xv) x A (X’V y) = x A y
Proof. From now on, we usually will not cite the particular axioms or theorems being
used in a proof.
(i) x A 0 = (X A 0) V 0 = (X A 0) V (X A X’) = (X AX’) V (X A 0) = X A (X’V 0) = X A X’ = 0
(vi) We shall use (v), replacing y by x v (y v x) and x by (XV y) v x. Thus to apply (v) we
must show .
(a) (Z V (yv 2)) A X = ((Xv ZJ)v 2) A X and (b) (X v (y v 2)) A X’ = ((XV y) V 2) A X’
= x v (x A 2) by (iii)
=x by (iv>
= oV(x’A(yV2)) = X’A(z/Vx)
= [(X’Vx)Vy] A [XVl]
(ix) is the dual of (viii).
(x) By (viii), (XV y)’ = x’ A y’. Hence (xv y)” = (x’A y’)‘. But (z v y)” = xv y, by
Corollary 3.2.
(xi) is the dual of (x).
(xii) x = x A 1 = x A (y v y’) = (x A y) v (x A y’). Therefore x A y’ = 0 implies x = x A,y.
It is clear that a Boolean algebra (B, A, V, ‘, 0,l) has a unique zero element 0 and a unique
unit element 1. For, assume that x is also a possible zero element; in particular, x = z v x
forallxinB. Henceifwelet x=0, O=Ovz. But 0~x=z~0=z. Thus 0=x. Like-
wise, if u were a possible unit element, then 1 = 1 A u = u A 1 = %
Thus if we let ‘{o,l) denote the restrictions of the operations A, v, ’ to the set
A 10,1), v{~,~),
10, l>, then g* = V-4 11, A{o+ v{~,~), ‘{o,l), 0,l) is itself a Boolean algebra. Notice that
all we had to observe was that (0, l} is closed under the operations A, V, ‘; it is easy to check
that Axioms (l)-(9) are then automatically satisfied.
More generally, if A is any non-empty subset of B closed under the operations A, V, ‘,
then (A, AA9 vA, ‘A, 0, 1) is a Boolean algebra, where AA, vA, ‘A are the restrictions of the opera-
tions A, V, ’ to the set A. Observe that 0 and 1 must belong to A. For, if x E A, then x’ E A,
and thus we obtain 0 = x A x’ E A and 1 = x v x’ E A. The Boolean algebra (A, AA, vA, ‘A, 0,l)
is called a subalgebra of 48. In particular, the Boolean algebra 53* determined by (0, l} is
a subalgebra of 48. In fact, %* is the “smallest” subalgebra of %, since 3* is a subalgebra
of any other subalgebra of 5%
To show that a subset A of B is closed under A, V, I, it suffices to show that A is closed
either under A and ‘, or under v and ‘. For, if A is closed under A and I, then, for any
x,y in A, Xvy = (X’r\y’)‘EA. Likewise, if A is closed under v and ‘, then, for any
x, y in A, x A y = (X’ v y’)’ E A.
Example 3.7.
Let 9 be the Boolean algebra T’(K) of all subsets of an infinite set K under the usual set-theoretic
operations of intersection, union and complementation, and with $2 and K as the zero element and unit
element, respectively. Let A be the set of all subsets of K which are either finite or cofinite (i.e. the com-
plement of a finite set). Then A is closed under intersection, union and complement, and therefore A
determines a subalgebra of 9. In general, the subalgebras are the fields of subsets of K.
Example 3.8.
In a Boolean algebra T(A), the relation x f y is equivalent to x c y, for any subsets x and y of A.
tRecal1 that A is said to be closed under the operations A, v, ’ if, for any x and 2/ in A, the objects
z A y, XV l/, and x’ are also in A.
ttThe symbol f should not be confused with the symbol for the usual ordering of integers or of real
numbers. If necessary, use 5% instead of 5.
Example 3.9.
In the Boolean algebra 9 associated with the propositional calculus (Example 3.4, if A and B are
statement forms, then [A] 5 [B] if and only if [A] A [B] = [A]. But [A] A [B] = [A&B]. Thus
{A] 5 [B] if and only if [A & B] = [A], i.e. if and only if A & B and A are logically equivalent. Clearly
A & B is logically equivalent to A if and only if A logically implies B. Thus [A] 5 LB] if and only if A
logically implies B (or, equivalently, if and only if A + B is a tautology).
PO 1) XAX = X.
In general, a binary relation R on a set A is any subset of A x A, i.e. any set of ordered
pairs (u, v) such that u E A & v E A. For example, the relation of fatherhood on the set of
human beings is the set of all ordered pairs (x, y) such that x and y are people and x is the
father of y. In accordance with tradition, one often writes xRy instead of (x, y) E R.
A partial order on a set A is said to be reflexive if and only if xRx holds for all x in A,
while R is said to be G-reflexive on A if and only if xRx is false for all x in A. For example,
the ordinary relation 6 on the set of integers is reflexive while the relation < on the set of
integers is irreflexive. In Theorem 3.7 we have seen that the binary relation 4 on a
Boolean algebra % is a reflexive partial order.
If 4 is a reflexive partial order on a set A, we can define x < y to mean that x 4 y & x Z y.
Then we have
Of course, given an irreflexive partial order < on A, we can define a reflexive partial
order g on A as follows: x ‘y t, (x < y or x = y).
Example 3.11.
The usual order relation 5 on the set R of real numbers is a partial order on R. Any non-empty
subset of R having an upper bound (respectively, lower bound) must have a lub (respectively, glb).
Example 3.12.
The usual order relation 5 on the set Q of rational numbers is a partial order on Q. However, in
this case, there exist non-empty subsets of Q which are bounded above but do not have a lub. An example
is the set of all positive rational numbers x such that x2 < 2. (This is just another way of saying that
fi is not rational.)
A partial order satisfying (Conn) is called a total order (synonyms: simple order, linear
order). Not all partial orders are total orders.
Example 3.13.
The partial order c determined by the Boolean algebra of all subsets of (0, l} is not connected, for
we have neither (0) C (1) nor (1) c (0).
A partial order on a finite set A can be indicated by a diagram in which the elements
of A are pictured as points, and a point x has the relation to some point y if and only if y
can be reached from x by following a sequence of zero or more upward arrows. The order
relation G in the Boolean algebra of all subsets of {0, l} is pictured in Fig. 3-1, and the
order relation in the Boolean algebra of all subsets of (0, 1, 2} is shown in Fig. 3-2.
. Fig. 3-1 Fig. 3-2
The partial order 5 determined by a Boolean algebra 48 has a special property (L) not
possessed by all partial orders.
Theorem 3.9. (L) For any x and y, {x, y} has both a lub (namely, XV y) and a glb (namely,
i.e. xv y L w. Thus XV y is the Iub of {x, y). The proof for x A y is left to the reader. )
Example 3.14.
The following are Boolean expressions:
((XV (Y’)) A (z;)), (b”z) ” (b’) “1/h (b A (2 ” X))‘), ((((Y’)‘)A 2) A I//), (((Id’) A (2A II))
We shall use the same conventions for omitting parentheses as were used for statement
forms in Chapter 1 (cf. page 5). For this purpose, the symbols A, V, ’are to correspond to &, V, 1.
Example 3.15.
Using the conventions for omitting parentheses, we can write the Boolean expressions of Example 3.14
as follows:
(XV u’) A Z;, (?/ A 2) V (2’ A 2/), ($4 A (2 V CC))‘, $/” A 2 A 2,/, 2/” A (2 A y)
Given a Boolean algebra B = (B, A, v, ‘, 0,l) and a Boolean expression ~(241,. . . , uk)
having its variables among ul, . . . ,?&, we can determine a corresponding Boolean function
Tqh, . . . ,G): for each k-tuple (bl, . . . , bk) of elements of B, ~~(bl, . . ., bk) is the element of
B obtained by assigning the values bl, . . . , bk to UI,. . . , uk respectively, and interpreting the
symbols A, V, ’ to mean the corresponding operations in %. (In order to make the corre-
sponding function unique, we always shall list the variables ~1, . . . , uk in the order in which
they occur in the list x, y, x, x1, yl, xl, x2, y2, x2, . . . . For example, y v x’ determines the
function f(x, y) = y v x’; thus f(l,O) = 0 and f(O,l) = 1.)
Example 3.16.
The Boolean expression z v y’ determines the following function f(x, w) with respect to the two-element
Boolean algebra 53,.
f(O,O) = 1, f(0, 1) = 0, fU, 0) = 1, f(l, 1) = 1
Notice that, if bl, . . . , b, are in (0, l} and 5(u1, . . ., u,) is a Boolean expression, then
P(b1, . . . , bn) is also in (0, l}, since (0, l} is closed under A, v and ‘.
Observe also that different Boolean expressions may determine the same Boolean func-
tion. For example, x A (y v 2) and (z A y) v ( x Ax) always determine the same Boolean
tMore precisely, o is a Boolean expression if and only if there is a finite sequence T~, . . . ,T, such that T,, is
c, and, if 1 f i f n, then either 7i is a variable or there exist j, k < i such that 7i is (Tj A 7k) or Ti is
(Tjv Tk) or Ti is (7;).
Theorem 3.10. Given a Boolean expression T(U), which may contain other variables
Ul, . . ., uk as well as u. Then the equation
T(u) = [T(o) Au’] V [T(l) Au]
Now we shall present a normal form theorem for Boolean algebras which is a gen-
eralization of the disjunctive normal theorem for propositional logic (Theorem 1.6). The
following notation will be convenient:
T if i=l
For any expression T, 2 =
# if i=O’
The symbol 2, with appropriate indices, will be used to indicate repeated use of V. In
particular, c U(OI)stands for a(O) v a(l), while 2 i ~(a,, cy2)stands for 0(0,0) v u(0, 1) v
a=0 n,=o nz=o
up, 0) v u(l, 1).
Theorem 3.11. (Disjunctive Normal Form) For any Boolean expression s(u~, . . . , Uk), the
is derivable from the axioms for Boolean algebra (and therefore the corre-
sponding equation, with T replaced by 7%, holds in any Boolean algebra %).
Example 3.17.
When k = 1, Theorem 3.11 reads
When k = 2, we obtain
= (T(O,O)AU:AU~)V (T(~,~)AU;AZL~)
v (T(~,~)AZQAU;)V
Example 3.18.
When 7 is zvv y, Theorem 3.11 states
= [X A y’] V [%‘A y] V [X A v]
Example 3.19.
The representation of (x v y) A (x’ v y’) in disjunctive normal form is
= (X’AY) V (X Ay’)
-. Corollary 3.12. Let T(u~,. . . , Uk) and ~(ul, . . . ,uk) be Boolean expressions, and let 9 be
some Boolean algebra. If the Boolean functions s%(u~,. . . ,uk) and
0% (Ul, . . . , uk) are equal, then:
(a) the equation 7(U1,. . . , uk) = u(~I, . . . , t&k) is provable from the axioms
for Boolean algebras;
(b) 4 = UC for all Boolean algebras C.
Proof. (a) Since (0, I} C B, +((bl, . . . , bk) = dB(b1, . . . , bk) whenever bl, . . . , bk E (0, l}.
But rS(b1,. . ., bk) = Us(bl, . . . , bk) holds if and only if the corresponding equation
dbl, . . . , bk) = u(b1, . . . , bk) can be proved from the axioms for Boolean algebras. For,
the equations 0 A 0 = 0, 0 A 1 = 1 A 0 = 0, 1 A 1 = 1, etc., are all derivable from these axioms,
and the values rB(bl, . . ., &) and ~e(h, . . . , bk) are computable from these equations. Hence
by Theorem 3.11, T(u~,. . . , UI~)= ~(ul, . . . , uk) is derivable from the axioms.
(b) is an immediate consequence of (a). )
The remarkable thing about Corollary 3.12 is that, if an equation holds for one Boolean
algebra (in particular, if it holds for the two-element Boolean algebra 484, then it holds for
all Boolean algebras. To mathematicians it probably would not have been surprising if we
had only asserted that, if an equation holds for all Boolean algebras, then it is provable
from the axioms. This latter assertion follows, in fact, from the completeness theorem for
first-order logic (see Corollary 2.15(a), page 68 of [135]).
A function @ is called an isomorphism from a Boolean algebra 9 = (B, As, vI) , ‘g, O,, 1%)
into a Boolean algebra C = (C, AC, vc, ‘c , 0,, lc) if and only if
(a) @ is a one-one function from B into C,
(b) for any x, y in B,
tThe composite mapping (or composition) 8 0~ is the function defined on the domain B of + such that
(co+)(x) = 8(@(x)) for each z in B. The inverse e-1 is the function whose domain is the range +P[B] of +
(here, +[B] = {a(z) : 2 E B}) and such that, for any y in +[B], (+-l)(y) is the unique x in B such that
Nx) = y.
(4 @(OS) = @(X/l, x3) = Q(X) AC @(X’%)
= a(x) AC (a(x))‘c = 0,
(c) First, o O@ is one-one. (If x f y, then a(x) z a(y) and therefore @(G(X)) f @(a(y)).)
(d) Assume x, w E +[B]. Then x = Q(X) and w = a,(y) for some x and y in B. Hence
x = +-l(x) and y = @-l(w). First, if x f w, then x f y (for, if x = z/, then x = Q(X) =
a(y) = w). Thus rp-l is one-one. Second, @(x V~ ‘~j) = a(x) vc a(y) = x vc w. Hence
a-‘(xvc w) = x vs y = a-‘(x) v.g Q-1 (w). Third, @(x’s) = (@(x))‘c = 2%. Hence
W’(X’C) = x’s = (a-‘(x))‘%. )
We say that 9 is isomorphic with C if and only if there is an isomorphism from 9 onto
C. From Theorem 3.13(d, c) it follows that, if % is isomorphic with C, then C is isomorphic
with 93,and if, in addition, C is isomorphic with D, then % is isomorphic with D. Isomorphic
Boolean algebras have, in a certain sense, the same Boolean structure. More precisely, this
means that any property (formulated in the language of Boolean algebras) holding for one
Boolean algebra also holds for any isomorphic Boolean algebra.?
Example 3.20.
Consider the two-element subalgebra C = {O,, l%} of any Boolean algebra FB. Let ?) be the Boolean
algebra whose elements are the integers 0 and 1 and whose operations are:
Then the function + on {O%, ls} such that *(OS) = 0 and +(ls) = 1 is an isomorphism of C onto ?).
Example 3.21.
A v (B & 1 C) corresponds to z v (y A 2’). 1 (1A & (B, v A)) corresponds to (x’ A (y1 v X))‘.
Theorem 3.14. The equation T = u holds for all Boolean algebras if and only if SF(T) is
logically equivalent to SF(a). Hence we have a decision procedure to deter-
mine whether T = (T holds for all Boolean algebras.
Proof. By Corollary 3.12, 7 = u holds for all Boolean algebras if and only if 7 = 0
holds for the two-element Boolean algebra C = ({F, T}, &‘z(~,~),v{~,~) , ‘{F.T), F, T), where
the operations L?L~~,~),
v{~,~), ‘{F,T) have the obvious meanings given by the usual truth tables.
These are given in detail in Problem 2.16, page 44. It is clear that 7 = Q holds for C if
and only if SF(T) and SF(o) always take the same truth values. (For, an assignment of
truth values, T or F, to the statement letters in SF(T) and SF( (T) corresponds to substitution
of the same truth values for the corresponding variables in T and u.) )
Example 3.22.
Considerthe equation XA (yvx) = (XA~) V (XAZ). The corresponding statement forms are
A & (BvC) and (A&B) v (A&C). To check that these statement forms are logically equivalent, we
substitute T and F for A, B, C in all possible ways and verify that the outcomes are the same. For
example, if A is F, B is T, and C is F, then A & (B v C) and (A&B) v (A &C) both are F. The com-
putation we make to determine this is essentially the same as the one we make to see that x A (y V z) =
F = (x A u) v (x AZ) when x is F, g is T, and x is F. (Namely, FA(TvF) = FAT = F and
(F A T) v (F A F) = F v F = F.)
Solved Problems
3.1. In a Boolean algebra, let x - y be defined as x A y’. Prove:
(a) x v y = x v (y- 2)
(d) 5’ = 1 - x
(e) x 4 y t, x - y = 0 (i.e. x L y c* x A y’ = 0)
(a) x v (2/ - 2) = X V (y A 5’) = (XV y) A (XV 5’) = (XV y) A 1 = X V y
(4 1 -X = I,,%’ XZ 2’
f, X A y” = 0 (Theorem 3.5(xii))
f) XAy=o
3.2. In our axiom system for Boolean algebras, prove that Axiom (9), 0 # 1, is equivalent
(in the presence of the other axioms) to the assertion that the Boolean algebra contains
more than one element.
Solution :
Clearly, if 0 Z 1, then there is more than one element. Conversely, assume 0 = 1. Then
for any x, x = x A 1 = x A 0 = 0. (Notice that in proving results about Boolean algebras we have
not used Axiom (9).) Thus every element is equal to 0, and the Boolean algebra contains just one
3.3. Let n be an integer greater than 1. Let B be the set of positive integers which are
divisors of n. If x and y are in B, define x’ = n/x, x A y = the greatest common
divisor (gcd) of x and y, z v y = least common multiple (lcm) of x and y. (This is a
generalization of Example 3.5.)
Show that (B, A, V, ‘,l, n) is a Boolean algebra if and only if n is square-free (i.e.
n is not divisible by any square greater than 1).
Remember that the zero 0, and unit 1, of the algebra are the integers 1 and n respectively.
Axioms (l)-(6) and (9) represent simple properties of integers and of greatest common divisors and
least common multiples (cf., for example, [129]). However, Axioms (7) and (8) hold if and only if,
for all x in B, x and n/x have no factors in common (other than l), and this condition is equivalent
to n being square-free. (Example: if n = 60, which is not square-free, 6’ = 10 and 6 v 6’ =
Icm(6,10)=30#60=1~, 6 A 6’ = gcd (6,lO) = 2 # 1 = O,.)
3.4. In the Boolean algebra of all divisors of ‘70 (see Example 3.4), find all subalgebras.
We must find all subsets A of {1,2,5, ‘7,10,14,35, ‘70) closed under A and ‘. Remember that
x A y = gcd (x, g) and x’ = 70/x.
A, = {1,70) = {Oqp Is,)
A, = (1, 2, 35, 70)
A, = (1, 5, 14, 70)
A, = (1, 7, 10, 70)
A5 = (1, 2, 5, 7, 10,14, 35, 70)
3.5. (a) Given a subset D of a Boolean algebra 48, show that the intersection? of all sub-
algebras of B containing D as a subset is itself a subalgebra of 9 (called the sub-
algebra generated by D).
(b) What is the subalgebra generated by the empty set $9?
(c) If D = {b}, what is the subalgebra generated by D ?
(a) Let C be the intersection of all subalgebras containing D. Clearly, if x and y are in C, then
x A y and x’ are in all subalgebras containing D and hence also are in C.
(b) {(O%, 1%) is a subalgebra containing @ as a subset and is contained in all other subalgebras.
Hence (0%) Is} is the subalgebra generated by 0.
(c) {O%, 1%) b, b’} is a subalgebra containing {b} and is contained in every subalgebra contain-
ing {b}. Therefore {O%, l,, b, a’} is the subalgebra generated by {b}.
3.7. Prove Theorem 3.10: Given a Boolean expression T(U), which may contain other
variables ~1, . . . , uk as well as u. Then the equation
T(U) = [T(o) A u’] V [T(l) A u]
Now let m > 0 and assume that the result is true for all expressions with fewer than m occur-
rences of A, V, ‘.
Case 1. T(U) = [u(u)]‘. Now, by inductive hypothesis,
u(U) = [o(o) AU’] V [o(l) A U]
*The intersection of a collection of sets is the set of all objects belonging to every set in the collection.
Case 2. T(U) = u(u) v p(u). Then the inductive hypothesis holds for (T and p. Hence
4-4 = h-4 ” 44
= [b(O) A 4 ” (o(l) AU,] ” [MO) A u’) ” (P(l) A 41
= [b(o) A U’) ” (~(0) AU’,] ” [b(l) A U) ” (p(l) A U,]
= [(do) ” ~(0)) AU’] V [b’(l) ” /‘(I)) A u]
= [T(O) AU’] V [7(l) AU]
Case 3. 7(u) = U(U) A p(u). This is similar to Case 2 and is left to the reader.
3.8. Prove Theorem 3.11: For any Boolean expression r(ul, . . . , ZL~),the equation
is derivable from the axioms for Boolean algebras (and therefore the corresponding
equation for 7% holds for any Boolean algebra 48).
We shall use induction on k. The case k = 1 is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.10.
Now assume that the result holds for k and we shall prove it for an expression r($, us, . . ., uk+r).
By Theorem 3.10,
and 7(1,?&...,?&+l)
= x --* f: o [T(l, “2, . . ., “k+l) A Uza, A *” A Uz;]
a,=0 %+I=
3.9. Show that in any Boolean algebra 55 there are 22” different Boolean functions of n
By the Disjunctive Normal Form Theorem (Theorem 3.11), the equation
+-Q, = B **- a,=0
is derivable. Hence the function determined by 7 depends only on the 2n values T((Y~,. . . , cy,), where
each (Y~is either 0 or 1. Each such value is 0 or 1. Hence there are 22” different Boolean functions.
- 3.10. If D is a finite subset of a Boolean algebra 59, show that the subalgebra C generated
by D is also finite.
Let D have n elements. By Problem 3.6, the elements of C are the values obtained by substi-
tuting elements of D for the variables in all Boolean functions TV. Clearly, we may confine our
attention to functions 7% of at most n variables, since variables for which the same element of D is
substituted may be identified. By Problem 3.9, there are 22” such functions. Hence since each of
the n variables may be replaced by any of the elements of D, we obtain at most 22”* nn possible
elements in C.
for all elements cl, . . . , cn of some Boolean algebra C, then 7 4 u is derivable from the
axioms for Boolean algebras.
Let p(U,, . . ., 24,) = T A u’. If Ur, . . ., U, are given values 0 or 1, then:
(ii) if Q-takes the value 1, then, by assumption, so does 0, and therefore U’assumes the value 0,
and so does p. Hence p(u,, . . ., u,) = 0 for all values of ur, . . ., u, in the subalgebra (0, l}.
Hence by Corollary 3.12, the equation p(u,, . . ., u,) = 0 is derivable from the axioms for
Boolean algebras. (Although 0 itself is not officially a Boolean expression, one can use the
expression u1 A 24; instead of 0 so as to fit into the formulation of Corollary 3.12.) Thus
7 A U’= 0 is derivable. Hence 7 f (I is derivable (by Theorem 3.5(xii)).
Thus fi ~(a) denotes a(O) A V(1). Given a Boolean expression ~(uI, . . . , u,) having its
variables among ut, . . . , u,,, show that the equation
7(u,, . . . ,u,) = h
* * * jj, (7(a1, . . . , a,) v 24;; v * * * v 24:) (1)
is derivable from the axioms for Boolean algebras and therefore holds in every
Boolean algebra. Also, write equation (1) for the cases n = 1 and n = 2.
(4u1, a**, u n))’ is a Boolean expression, and, by the Disjunctive Normal Form Theorem, the
equation 1 1
4% ....uJ= 2 .** a,=0
. .‘AU;‘A **’ A U?]
is derivable. Taking the complements of both sides of (2) and applying De Morgan’s Laws, we
obtain (I). In the case n = 1, we obtain
3.13. Write the Boolean expression (x A (y’ v 2)) v x’ in both disjunctive and conjunctive
normal forms.
(2’ A $/’ A 2’) V (X’ A y A 2’) V (Z A y’ A 2’) V (x A 2/’ A 2) V (x A y A 2’) V (x A y A 2)
Sometimes, instead of using the theorems on disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms, it is
easier to find the appropriate expression by using known laws for Boolean algebras. Thus
3.14. Given a Boolean algebra 9. (i) Show that the set of all Boolean functions T* is a
Boolean algebra 7;. (ii) Prove that 7 is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of state-
ment bundles (cf. Example 3.6). (iii) Show that the set of all Boolean functions u*, - ’
where u is a variable, is a set of generators D of 7 (i.e. the subalgebra generated by
D is the whole algebra 7).
(4 The operations of A, v, ’ on Boolean functions are defined in the obvious way. The zero ele-
ment is (x A x’)% and the unit element is (x v x’)s. The straightforward verification of Axioms
(l)-(9) is left to the reader.
(ii) For each Boolean function ~“8, let *(T%) be the statement bundle containing the corresponding
statement form SF(T) defined in Section 3.7. This is a well-defined function, for if 7% = 09, then, by
Corollary 3.12, 7 = o holds for all Boolean algebras, and therefore by Theorem 3.14, SF(T)
and SF(o) belong to the same statement bundle. That the mapping ‘k is one-one follows from
the “if” part of Theorem 3.14. The fact that \k preserves the Boolean operation can be
checked easily by the reader.
(iii) Every Boolean function 7% belongs to every subalgebra containing the Boolean functions us,
since 7% is obtained from the functions us in the same way that 7 is built up from the corre-
sponding variables.
3.15. (Boolean Algebra and the Algebra of Sets.) For any Boolean expression T, form the
corresponding set-theoretic expression Set (T) by replacing A, V, ’ by fl, U, -. Show ’ .L C.,
that T = c holds for all Boolean algebras if and only if Set (7) = Set (u) holds in all
fields of sets.
Solution :
Use Problem 2.16(a) and Theorem 3.14.
Supplementary Problems
3.16. Prove the generalized Distributive and De Morgan’s Laws:
(U) X A (&V * . . ” Y,) = (X A 241) ” *** V (X A yn)
(e) (x-y) v (y - 2) = 0 f) x = y
3.18. Show by an example that a subset of a Boolean algebra containing 0 and 1 and closed under
A and v need not be a subalgebra.
(b)xfy c) x’vy=l
(b) [x ” (Y A (2 v x’))]’
3.22. Prove that two Boolean expressions either determine the same Boolean function in all Boolean
algebras or they never determine the same Boolean function.
3.23. Prove that, for any two disjunctive (conjunctive) normal forms in n variables 7 and 0, 7 = o holds
in all Boolean algebras if and only if 7 and (r are precisely the same (i.e. the identity
” ’ ,i, [+I, . . ., a,) A U;’ A * * * A 2421 = 2 ’ . * ,$, [O(Crl, . . ., a,) A U;l A - . . A U>]
a,=0 a,=0
II n
Switching Circuits
and logic Circuits
Example 4.1.
In Fig. 4-l points z and y are connected by a switching circuit. The four switches are said to be
in parallel. Clearly, current flows between x and y if and only if A v B v C v D is true. This example
mav be generalized to the case of any finite number of switches connected in parallel.
” -
Current flows
through the circuit of Fig. 4-2 if and only if the sentence A, v A2 v * * * v A, is true.
Example 4.2.
In the switching circuit of Fig. 4-3 current can
flow between the points z and y if and only if A &B is
true. The two switches are said to be in series. This
case may be generalized to the case of any finite number
of switches connected in series. The condition for cur-
rent flow through the circuit of Fig. 4-4 is A, & A2 &
A,&...&A,. Fig. 4-3
Fig. 4-4
Example 4.3.
In the switching circuit of Fig. 4-5 below, current can flow if and only if (A &C) v (1A v B) is true.
Fig. 4-5
Example 4.3 shows that we may combine switches in parallel and in series in the same
circuit. Such a circuit is called a series-parallel switching circuit. More precisely, if A is
any sentence, then -AL is a series-parallel switching circuit, and if S, &, . . . , S,
are series-parallel switching circuits, we may form a new series-parallel switching circuit
by replacing any switch in S by either
Clearly, a condition for flow of current through a series-parallel switching circuit can be
written down by means of conjunctions and disjunctions, starting from the expressions
representing the closure of the individual switches. In Example 4.3, this condition was
(A&C) v (1AvB).
The condition for flow of current through the cir-
cuit of Example 4.3 is (A & C) v (1 A v B). The latter
statement form is logically equivalent to the statement
form ((A & C) v 1 A) v B, which in turn is logically
equivalent to C v 1 A v B. Hence the circuit of Fig.
4-5 may be replaced by the circuit of Fig. 4-6.
The circuit of Fig. 4-6 is clearly a simplification
of that of Fig. 4-5, since it involves fewer switches. Fig. 4-6
Example 4.4.
A condition for current flow through the circuit of Fig. 4-7 is (A &B & 1C) v ( 1C & 1A). However,
this is logically equivalent to 1 C & [(A &B) v 1 A], which in turn is logically equivalent to 1 C & (B v 1 A).
Hence an equivalent, but simpler, circuit is that of Fig. 4-8. (The two circuits are equivalent in the sense
that one allows passage of current if and only if the other does.)
Example 4.5.
A committee of three decides questions by majority vote. Each member can press a button to signify
a “Yes” vote. Let us construct a switching circuit which will pass current when and only when a majority
votes “Yes”.
Let A stand for “member 1 approves”, B for “member 2 approves”, and C for “member 3 approves”.
Then a necessary and sufficient condition for a majority vote is
(A&B)v(A&C)v (B&C)
A corresponding circuit is shown in Fig. 4-9. However, the given statement form is logically equivalent to
(A & (B v C)) v (B & C), having the simpler circuit of Fig. 4-10.
Fig. 4-9 Fig. 4-10
Example 4.6.
A light in a room is to be controlled independently by three wall switches (not to be confused with
switches of a circuit), located at the three entrances of the room. This means that flicking any one of
the wall switches changes the state of the light (on to off, and off to on). Let us design a circuit which
allows current to flow to the light under the required conditions.
Let A stand for “wall switch 1 is up”, B for “wall switch 2 is up”, and C for “wall switch 3 is up”.
In the truth table of Fig. 4-11, we wish to construct a statement form f(A, B, C) for the required switch-
ing circuit.
A f(4 B, C) A f(A B, C)
(1) 'I' T
(2) F F
(4) 'I' F
(3) F T
(6) T F
(7) F T
(5) T T
(8) F F
The requirement on f(A, B, C) is that its truth value should change whenever the truth value of one
of A, B, C changes. We arbitrarily assign the value T to f(A, B, C) when A, B, C are all T (the first row);
thus the light will be on when all wall switches are up. Then we proceed down the truth table, changing
the truth value of f(A, B, C) whenever the truth value of precisely one of A, B, C changes. We have indi-
cated such a procedure in Fig. 4-12 by writing to the left of each row a number showing at what step the
truth value for that row has been determined. Another way of describing the assignment of truth values
is to note that T is assigned when an odd number of statement letters have the value T. We find the
resulting statement form by the method developed in the proof of Theorem 1.8; this amounts to forming
the disjunction of the truth assignments in the rows to which a T is attached:
(A&B&C)v(lA&lB&C)v (lA&B&lC)v(ABlB&lC)
This is logically equivalent to
[A&((B&C)v(-IB&lC))] v [lA&((lB&C)v(B&lC))]
Fig. 4-13
The circuit of Fig. 4-15 is an example of a circuit which is not a series-parallel circuit.
Such circuits are called bridge circuits. In Example 4.7, the bridge circuit had fewer
switches (6) than the corresponding series-parallel circuit (7).
Another example of a bridge circuit is given in Fig. 4-16. A corresponding statement
form is (A & [D v (C&E)]) v [B & (E v (C&D))], whose series-parallel circuit is shown in
Fig. 4-17.
Fig. 4-16
Fig. 4-17
Notice that any bridge circuit determines a truth function. A statement form for this
truth function is obtained by finding all possible paths through the circuit. For example,
the bridge circuit displayed in Fig. 4-18 corresponds to the statement form
Notice that the path 1 B + C + 1 C is impossible, since it contains a formula and its negation.
Fig. 4-18
An and-gate operates on two or more inputs AI, . . . , A, and produces their conjunction
AI&A~& . . . &A,. An and-gate is denoted @.
Fig. 4-19
More precisely, each input Ai has the form of a physical quantity (say, voltage level), of
which we choose to distinguish two states, denoted 0 and 1. The state 1 occurs if Ai is true,
and the state 0 if Ai is false. The output of the and-gate is likewise in two possible states,
0 and 1: it is 1 if and only if A1 & A2 & . . . & A, is true, and it is 0 if and only if
A1 & AZ & . . . & A, is false. Often the state of an input or output is taken to be 1 if it is
transmitting current and 0 if not. Arithmetically, the output of an and-gate is the product
of the inputs.
Thus the output is 1 if and only if the output of at least one Ai is 1. Arithmetically, the
output is the maximum of the inputs.
An inverter 1 is a device which has one input A and
produces as its output 1A. Thus the output is 1 if the
0 - -iA
Fig. 4-21
input is 0 and the output is 0 if the input is 1.
The actual electronic (or mechanical) devices used to construct and-gates, or-gates, and
inverters vary with the state of technology. For this reason, it is most convenient to
ignore (as far as possible) questions of hardware (diodes, transistors, vacuum tubes, etc.).
This also holds for our treatment of switching circuits. Readers interested in the physical
realization of switching and logic circuits can consult [53] and [13].
Example 4.8.
To construct a logic circuit producing the output Al e A,,notice that A, e A, is logically equivalent to
(A,&AZ) v (1 A, & 1 A,) (Fig. 4-22) as well as to (A,&A,) v l(A, v A2) (Fig. 4-23). Clearly the second
logic circuit is simpler.
Fig. 4-22
1 A,vAz
& 1 V
0 O- 0
t t
Fig. 4-23
Example 4.9.
Construct a logic circuit producing
(A,&-iA,)v -iA,v(Az&A3)
Fig. 4-24
Notice that, instead of a logic circuit, one could construct a series-parallel switching circuit through
which current flows if and only if (1) is true (see Fig. 4-25).
Fig. 4-25
Example 4.9 indicates that the same effect can be obtained by logic circuits as by series-
parallel switching circuits. Indeed, connection in series corresponds to an and-gate, while
connection in parallel corresponds to an or-gate.
A procedure for finding the binary representation of a number n is to find the highest
power 2” which is 4 n, subtract 2”” from n, then find the highest power 21 which is
6 n - 2”, etc.
Further examples:
1 11 1011
10 16 10000
11 35 100011
100 52 110100
101 117 1110101
Example 4.11.
Cv (A&B)
Fig. 4-26
Example 4.12.
Two numbers in binary notation are added in the same way as numbers in decimal notation.
If we just consider the addition of one digit numbers, 0 and 1, we have the following
values for the sum digit s and the carry digit c.
A B s c
1 1 0 1
-t-t0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
0 I 0 I 0 f 0
Thus s corresponds to the exclusive-or (which we shall denote A + B), while c corresponds
to the conjunction.
If we wished to construct a separate logic circuit for s we would obtain
s=A+B _
Fig. 4-27
& c
Fig. 4-28
However, we can combine these two circuits into a single multiple output circuit:
Ac& e =
Fig. 4-29
1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
We can use the circuit constructed for A + B in Fig. 4-27 to obtain the following diagram
corresponding to the above statement.
I > I
c :
Fig. 4-30
*Actually, A is the proposition that the first number is 1, and B is the proposition that the second num-
ber is 1.
We can construct a circuit for adding two three-digit binary numbers AzA,Ao and
-S -5
B2BIBo. Let - FA represent a full-adder, and let - HA
-c -c
:n -II
represent a half-adder. Then the sum is represented in Fig. 4-31 by CSZSISO.
A,- t so
Bo- co
u : ?? Sl
Bl .c : b -92
‘42 FA
Fig. 4-31
The cost of constructing and running a switching circuit or logic circuit depends upon
the state of technology and therefore varies with time. However, at a given time, some
circuits will be less expensive than other equivalent circuits.
Example 4.13.
The circuit (Fig. 4-32) corresponding to 1A v (B&A) is more expensive than the equivalent circuit
(Fig. 4-33) corresponding to 1A v B, since the latter contains fewer occurrences of statement letters and
fewer connectives. In general, decreasing the number of connectives (i.e. gates and inverters in a logic
circuit) lowers the cost, other things being equal, and decreasing the number of occurrences of statement
letters also lowers the cost, other things being equal. These two criteria usually are not the only measures
of cost; the special hardware used for constructing circuits imposes other criteria.
4:ImY.l. ---II”:
The minimization problem consists of determining methods for finding a simplest (i.e.
cheapest) circuit equivalent to a given circuit (or finding aZZsimplest circuits equivalent
to a given circuit). Since all that matters about the given circuit is the truth function that
it determines, the minimization problem amounts to. finding one or all simplest circuits
defining a given truth function. In Example 4.13, the circuit of Fig. 4-33 is clearly the
simplest circuit corresponding to the truth function represented by 1 A v B. Of course,
for any given truth function, one can find a circuit representing the truth function and
then check the cost of the finite number of all simpler or equally simple equivalent circuits.
This method will yield all simplest equivalent circuits, but, for three or more variables, the
application of this method often will be so involved and long that it becomes practically
unfeasible. Therefore what we are seeking is a fast, convenient and practical way of
finding one or all simplest circuits for a given truth function.
Notice that we have not pictured inverters. This common convention stems from the
fact that the presence or absence of a negation sign often results from an arbitrary decision
as to which of two contradictory assertions is to be labeled by a letter, say A, rather than
by 1 A. Since the number of negation signs often depends upon arbitrary decisions, it is
advisable to consider negations of letters as initial inputs, on a par with letters, and not to
count the number of inverters in computing the cost of the circuit.
(2) In solving minimization problem (II) for the case of logic circuits, we must consider
arbitrary statement forms (not just dnf’s). In this case, inverters are counted in computing
the cost, since negations may be applied not only to letters but also to arbitrary statement
forms. However, if we are only interested in switching circuits, consideration is restricted
to statement forms in which negation is applied only to statement letters.
Example 4.15.
ABCV ABC insteadof (A&lB&C) v (lA&B& 1C)
In Example 4.15 and in the sequel, we adopt the convention of omitting the parentheses
around the disjuncts of a disjunctive normal form. Thus, we have written ABC v ABC
instead of (ABC) v (ABC), and AB v ABeD v AC instead of (A@ v @B&l) v (AC). This
alternative notation saves time and space, and is customary in work on circuits.
Example 4.16.
The switching circuit of Fig. 4-37 has a corresponding statement form A@ v C) v A B 6. In the spe-
cial case where A is “5 is an even integer”, B is “z is a perfect square”, and C is “x is an integer divisible
by 4”, the three conditions ABC, ABC, ABC are impossible. Hence there is no danger if we build a
circuit which happens to allow current to flow if some of these impossible conditions occur. In particular,
a circuit corresponding to the statement form
will accomplish the same task as the original circuit. But this statement form turns out to be logically
equivalent to A v B, which has the much simpler circuit of Fig. 4-38. (To derive the logical equivalence,
notice that ABC v ABC is logically equivalent to AR, while A@ v C) v ABe is logically equivalent to
A(Bv Cv B6) and therefore to A. We are left with A v AB, which is logically equivalent to A v fi.)
Example 4.16 shows that addition of don’t care conditions sometimes allows simplifica-
tion of circuits. Later (Section 4.17), we shall learn a technique enabling us to choose
those don’t care conditions which lead to maximal simplification of the circuit.
Example 4.17.
The decimal digits 0 to 9 can be represented in binary notation as follows:
Notation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Notation 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001
c; 6 ; UiA&
-- --
Then ABCD corresponds to 0
- --
ABCD corresponds to 1
ABcD corresponds to 2
&&CD corresponds to 9
(Thus we are usin; four of the six don’t care conditions.) This statement form is logically
equivalent to BC v AD. (This is left as an exercise. It can be done laboriously by a truth
table, or much more easily using well-known logical equivalences from Chapter 1.) The
circuit for BC v AD is given in Fig. 4-39.
If we had not made use of the don’t care conditions, our original statement form
ABCb v ABCD v ABED could have been reduced to BCD v ABeD, with the costlier circuit
shown in Fig. 4-40.
For dnf’s Q and YP,we say that @ is simplex than ? if and only if 1~5 lQ and da 4 d,
and at least one of these inequalities is strict (<).
This definition of simpler is most suitable in the case of logic circuits. If one is inter-
ested only in switching circuits, then the size of 1~ alone would be a better measure of
That we do not take into account the number of negation signs stems from the fact,
already mentioned, that the number of such signs often depends only on arbitrary decisions
as to which one of a proposition and its negation is to be represented by a statement letter.
A dnf Q,is said to be a ,minimal dnf for a statement form A if and only if Q is logically
equivalent to A and no other dnf simpler than Q,is logically equivalent to A. We shall now
embark upon the task of describing various methods of finding the minimal dnf’s for a
given statement form.
We must emphasize again that we shall not distinguish between a fundamental con-
junction and any other permutation of the literals in that conjunction. Thus we shall not
distinguish between ABC, BAC, &‘A, ACE, CAB and C’BA. Likewise we shall not dis-
tinguish between a given dnf and any-- other dnf obtained by permuting the disjuncts.
Hence for our purposes, AB v ABC v ABC and ACB v BA v ACE are essentially the same.
Example 4.18.
Let A be AB v ABC v ABC. Then AC is a prime implicant of A. For, AC logically implies A, while
A alone does not logically imply A and C alone does not logically imply A. Other prime implicants of A are
AB and BC. (Verification of these facts is left to the reader. We have no way of knowing at this point
whether we have found all the prime implicants of A.)
Example 4.19.
Let A be (fi & (A v C)) v (I?& (A v c)). This is logically equivalent to Afi v BC v Al3 v BC. The
prime implicants turn out to be AB, BC, AB, B6, AC and AC.
The main significance of the notion of prime implicant is revealed by the following
Theorem 4.1. Any minimal dnf @ for A is a disjunction of one or more prime implicants
of A. -*/
Proof. Let $ be a disjunct of a,. If + were not a prime implicant of A, then I/ would
include a fundamental conjunction v such that B logically implies A. If @# is formed from
We shall see shortly that a minimal dnf for A need not be a disjunction of all the prime
implicants of A.
If (Yis a literal, $ is a fundamental conjunction, and 9 is a dnf, then we say that CYis
superfluous in a$ v Q when and only when # v 9 is logically equivalent to a$ v a.
We shall say that a dnf is h-redundant if and only if it contains no superfluous disjuncts
or literals.
Example 4.20.
Start with the dnf AB v ABC v ABC v Be.
(1) The first occurrence of B is superfluous. (For, AC implies B v AB v ABC v Be.) Thus we obtain
(2) AB is superfluous. (For, AB implies AC v ABC v BC.) We now have AC v ABC v B6.
(3) A is superfluous. (For, BC implies AC v A v Be.) This leaves us with AC v l?C v BE, which turns
out to be irredundant. (The reader can verify this without difficulty.)
Notice that AB is a prime implicant of the original dnf but that AB does not occur in the irredundant
dnf that we have constructed. Thus an irredundant dnf logically equivalent to a given statement form A
of A.
need not containallof theprime implicants
Example 4.21.
It is easy to verify that AB v AB v Bc v BC is irredundant. However, it is not a minimal dnf,
since AB v AC v B6 is a simpler logically equivalent dnf. Thus an irredundantdnf need not be a
minimal dnf. Hence the very simple procedure of reducing to an irredundant dnf does not solve the
problem of finding minimal dnf’s.
Lemma 4.2. Let, + be a full dnf (i.e. a dnf in which the letters contained in any one dis-
junct are precisely the letters in any other disjunct; see page 14). Let +
be a fundamental conjunction all of whose letters are in @. Then +
logically implies @ if and only if all completions of + relative to 4, are
disjuncts of ai.
Proof. (i) Assume 46logically implies a’, but some completion $Jof + relative to @ is not
a disjunct of a. Take the truth assignment corresponding to $ (i.e. letters unnegated in #
are T, while letters negated in + are F). Since $ is a completion of 4, the assignment makes
+ T, and, therefore, it also makes @ T. But all disjuncts of a, being different from # in at
least one letter, must be F. Hence @ would also be F, not T.
(ii) Assume all completions of + relative to @ are disjuncts of @. Take any truth assign-
ment making + T. We must prove that @ also is T. The truth assignment corresponds to
some completion + of + relative to 4, (a letter appears unnegated in $ if it is T and negated
if it is F). Then $ is a disjunct of @. But, since # is T, so is @. )
Lemma 4.3. If A is not a tautology, no prime implicant + of A contains any letters not
in A.
Proof. Assume some letter, say B, is in + but not in A. Let x be the fundamental
conjunction obtained from + by removing the literal containing B. (Notice that + is neither
B nor Z?. For, take a truth assignment making A false and choose the value of B so that
+ is T. Then + does not logically imply A.) x also logically implies @. (For, given any truth
assignment making x T, extend it by making B true or false according as B or B occurs as
a conjunct of 4. Then (b is T and therefore A is also T.) But this contradicts the assumption
that + is a prime implicant of A. )
Theorem 4.4. Let Q be a non-tautologous full dnf, and let + be some fundamental con-
junction. Then + is a prime implicant of @ if and only if
(i) all letters of (p are also in Q’;
(ii) all completions of + relative to Q are disjuncts of a’, but no other
fundamental conjunction included in + has this property.
(3) Repeat the process indicated in (2) until it can no longer be applied. Fundamental
conjunctions which already have been checked can be used again in applications of (2).
The unchecked fundamental conjunctions in the resulting list are the prime implicants
of a. (This assertion will be justified after consideration of a few examples.)
Example 4.23.
Let + be Al36 v ABC v ABC v AL% v ABC. Start with
Notice that ABC and ABC yield BC; ABC and ABC yield AC, ABC and ABC yield AB. Now (2) is no
longer applicable. Hence the prime implicants are ABC, BC, AC, AB.
Example 4.24.
Let @ be
ABCD v AB6D v AB6D v A&D v ABCb v ABcii v ABCD v A%D
Notice that the disjuncts are listed in groups: first, those with no negations, then those with one
negation, etc. Since process (2) is applicable only to a pair of fundamental conjunctions which differ
by one in the number of negations, in seeking to apply (2) we need only compare fundamental con-
junctions with those in the next group.
1 A&D / ACD
Al?CD /
ABC‘6 / 1 AL?D
i dBCb / BCD
/iBcD / BCD
tlB6ij / ABiS
ABi‘D / i ACD d
-iA&D 1/ A6D r/
AS&j r/ i ABD I/
1 ABCb r/
A&D / BCb
i /iBcD J I ABb
Process (2) is no longer applicable. Hence the prime implicants are ABC, k?D, Bc’b,ABb, AD.
Limitation of the &wine-McCluskey Method: One must start with a full dnf. If we
are given a dnf which is not full, we must expand it into a full dnf. This tedious and long
process can be avoided by another procedure which we shall study later.
Theorem 4.5. Let @ be a non-tautologous full dnf, and let Q be a dnf. If * is a minimal
dnf for @, then each disjunct of Q includes a disjunct of Q.
Proof. Assume not. Let + be a disjunct of cpwhich does not include any disjunct of +.
Hence each disjunct of 9 differs in at least one literal from + But then the assignment
of truth values making + T makes * F, and therefore makes + F. But + is a disjunct of Qk;
so Q must be T, which is a contradiction. )
Our overall strategy can now be made clear. We choose a disjunction @ of prime impli-
cants so that every disjunct of the full dnf 9 includes a disjunct of q. (Clearly, + is logically
equivalent to Q. Since q is a disjunction of prime implicants of a, * logically implies a.
On the other hand, since each disjunct of Q includes a disjunct of ‘k-, @ logically implies 9.)
Among all such q’s we find the minimal ones. We shall indicate techniques for narrowing
this choice to a relatively small number of *‘s.
Construct a matrix, one row for each prime implicant of 4, and one column for each
disjunct of a. Place a cross (x) at the intersection of a row corresponding to a prime
implicant + and a column corresponding to a disjunct I/ of + such that I+includes + This
matrix is called the prime implicant table for @.
Example 4.25.
Let + be ABC v dBc v ABC v ABC. Using the Quine-McCluskey method, we obtain
A& /
Thus the prime implicants are AC, AB, BC, and the prime implicant table is shown in Fig. 4-41.
~5 i A~ A~, A~ ~:i
Fig. 4-41
We shall now describe various operations performed on prime implicant tables in order
to obtain minimal dnf’s.
Core Operation. Assume there is a disjunct I/ of Q such that the column under + con-
tains a single cross. Let + be the prime implicant corresponding to this cross. + belongs
to what we shall call the core of @. By Theorem 4.5, + must be a disjunct of every minimal
dnf for @. We eliminate the row corresponding to + as well as all columns containing a
cross in the row corresponding to 4. (Since + must be a disjunct of every minimal dnf, the
condition of Theorem 4.5 is met for the disjuncts heading any such column.)
Example 4.26.
Let 9 be
Find the prime implicants:
AkD / BCD r/
i ABCD /
We draw circles around crosses which are the only ones in a given column. In this case there are such
crosses in the columns under ABc‘?i, ABCD,ABCB,AB6D. Hence ABC, ACD, ABC and dcD are in the
core. We draw a square around each cross in any row in which there is an encircled cross. In Example
4.26 we then have a square or circle in every column. Thus every disjunct of Q includes a prime implicant
in the core. Hence ABC v ACD v ABC v AcD is the unique minimal dnf for a.
The results of Examples 4.25 and 4.26 are exceptional. Sometimes a single application
of the core operation is not sufficient. Wider coverage is afforded by adding the following
two operations.
Dominant Column Operation. Jf a column /3 has a cross in every row in which a column
a has a cross, then we can eliminate column ,!A (To satisfy the condition of Theorem 4.5,
we have to use a prime implicant included in the fundamental conjunction heading column
Then by assumption the same prime implicant is included in the fundamental conjunc-
ken heading column p.)
Dominated Row Operation. If the row corresponding to a prime implicant #1 has a
cross in every column in which the row corresponding to a prime implicant q2 has a cross,
and if the number of literals of $1 is smaller than that of q2, then we eliminate the row
corresponding to +2. (F or, if a minimal dnf had $2 as a disjunct, replacing qz by #1 would
lower the cost, contradicting the assumption that $z is minimal.)
Example 4.27.
Let @ be
- -- _- --
Abed V A&D V ABcb V ABED V h%?D V ABED V A&B V Abed V &CD V &CD V ABED
A&D 1/
Al% v'
Ai?D I/
ACiS r/
1 A&b
/iBCD 4/
1/ ABC 4
_ _-
ABCD v' 1 ABD I/
/iBED 4
_- --
- _-
- --
--- ---
Thus the prime implicants are BCD, ACD, AC, BC, AB, AB. The prime implicant table is
- -- - - --
- --
- --
AB El El El 0
AB El 0 El 0
The columns under ABED and ABED have unique crosses, which we circle. Thus AB and AB belong to
the core. Put a square around each cross in the rows belonging to AB and AB. Hence all the columns
containing a circle or square can be eliminated. The new table is
The columns under ABCD and ABCB have crosses in the same row. Hence by a dominant column opera-
tion we may eliminate either column, say, the one under ABCD. This leaves us with the new table:
_- --
(1) - --
- --
(2) ACD X
(3) AC X
(4) t BC X
Fig. 4-42
None of our operations are applicable to this table. However, notice that in order that each column
include some disjunct of the required minimal dnf, we must have ((1) or (2)) and ((3) or (4))t, i.e.
((1) v (2)) & ((3) v (4)). This is logically equivalent to
These are the only possibilities for minimal dnf’s. Since they all have the same cost, all four are mini-
mal dnf’s.
We shall call the method we have used for handling the table of Fig. 4-42 the Booleanmethod.
Example 4.28.
Let + be
- -- _ - --
tBy (l), we mean that row (1) appears as a disjunct in the required minimal dnf, by (2) we mean that
row (2) appears as a disjunct, etc.
, ABCD 4 [ABD 4 BD
(ABCD r/ I.BCD 4
- --
i ABCD 1/
- - --
- --
Thus the prime implicants are ABC, ACD, BCD, ABb, BD, AC. The prime implicant table is
- -- - - --
- --
BD 0 El El 0X
AC El 0 0 El
Circle the crosses which are unique in their columns. Hence BD and A6 are in the core. Place squares
around all crosses in the rows of BD and AC. We then eliminate the rows of BD and AC, and all columns
containing squares or circles. The new table is
-_ --
(1) tlBC X
(2) ACB I X X
(3) - --
(4) ABii X X
Fig. 4-43
Now we can apply the Boolean method used in Example 4.27. We obtain 1(l) v (2)] 8~[(2) v (4)] & [(3) v (4)1,
which is equivalent to
[Cl) 65(2) & (3)] v [Cl) & (2) & (4)] v [Cl) & (4)] v [Cl) & (3) & (4)] v [(2) & (3)] v [(2) & (4)] v [(2) & (3) & (4)l
But, taking into account the fact that, when (2) is used, (1) is not required, and that, when (4) is used,
(3) is not required, we obtain
((2) & (3)) v ((2) & (4)) v ((1) & (4))
Since the costs are the same, all three are (the only) minimal dnf’s for a.
Instead of the Boolean method, we may use the so-called branching method for handling the table of
Fig. 4-43. We take a column with a minimal number of crosses. In our example, there are two crosses in
each column; so we may choose any column, say the one under .dBCD. To ensure that ABCD includes
a prime implicant of the sought-for dnf’s, we may use either ABC or ACD. Hence we obtain two tables
(in general, if there are n crosses in the column, we would obtain n tables) as follows: in the left-hand table
(Fig. 4-44) we assume that ABC is taken as a disjunct and we eliminate the row containing ABC as well
as every column containing a cross in that row. For the right-hand table (Fig. 4-45), we do the same
with ACD.
In the left-hand table, we can again apply the Boolean method or branching, but in this simple case it is
- _- that only the choice of ABi? will yield minimal cost. In the right-hand table, we can choose either
BCD or AED. Thus we have the following possibilities:
From the right-hand table, BD v At? v ACD v Bf?D and BD v AC’ v ACD v ~@fi.
Example 4.29.
Let @ be
A&D V ABCb V &?CD V &cb V A&L%
-- --
Let the don’t care conditions be: ABCD, ABED, ABeD, dBcD, ABCD. By the standard procedure (left
- -an
--exercise for the reader), we fmd that the prime implicants of 9 v ABCD v ABED v A%D v ABcD v
ABCD are: BD, AC, ABC, ACE, ficb, Al?b.
- --
AC El 0
Now the column of ABED has a unique cross. Hence we place A6 into what we call the secondary core.
(AC must be a disjunct of every minimal dnf.) Then by the core operation we drop the row of AC,
together with the columns under ABED and ABED:
Now we can apply either the Boolean method or the branching method. However, it is clear that the first
and third rows yield the only minimal dnf. Hence the unique minimal dnf is AC v BD v ACD.
Example 4.30.
(i) The consensus of A% and ABD is ACD.
(ii) The consensus of AB and Ak'D is BCD.
(iii) There is no consensus of ABC and ABD.
(iv) The consensus of A and AB is B.
(v) The consensus of A and AB is B.
Consider the following two operations transforming a dnf into a logically equivalent dnf.
(i) Eliminate any disjunct which includes another.
(ii) Add as a disjunct the consensus of two disjuncts, if that consensus neither is identical
with nor includes some disjunct of the given dnf.
Given a dnf a. (If we are given an arbitrary statement form, first transform it into a
logically equivalent dnf.) The consensus method consists of applying operations (i) and (ii)
until these operations are no longer applicable. The result turns out to be the disjunction
of all prime implicants of @.
Example 4.31.
Let + be ABi’ v Al?Cb v Al? v ABC v AfiCD.
By (i), ABC v AB v ABC v Al?cD (ABCD includes A@.
By (ii), ABC v Afi v ABe v L@~D v A6 (Consensus of ABC and A@.
By (i), Al? v ABC v ABcD v A6 (ABC includes AC).
By (ii), AR v ABC v ABC?D v A6 v BED (Consensus of AB and .dBcD).
By (i), AI? v BBC v A6 v BcD (.dBcD includes BED).
By (ii), AB v ABC v A6 v B6D v Bf? (Consensus of ABC and AC).
By (i), Al? v AC v fi6D v B(? (ABC includes Bc).
By (ii), AB v A6 v B6’D v Bc v CD (Consensus of BED and B6).
By (i), Ai? v AC v B(?v CD (i?cDincludes CD).
Thus, the prime implicants are Al!?,
AC, B6, CD.
Example 4.32.
Let 9 be AB v ABCb v ABC v E?D.
By (ii), AB v ABCn v ABC v BD v AC6 (Consensus of AB and A&%).
By (i), AB v ABC v BD v ACD (ABCD includes ACfi).
By (ii), AB v ABC v BD v ACD v Be (Consensus of AB and ABC).
By (i), AB v BD v AC?? v BE (ABC includes BE).
By (ii), AB v l?D v ACir v Bc v AD (Consensus of AB and ED).
By (ii), AB v l?D v ACfi v BC v AD v ABC (Consensus of BD and ACB).
By (ii), AB v ED v AC6 v BC v AD v ABC v AC (Consensus of AB and ABC).
By (i), AB v ED v Bc v AD v AC (ABC includes AC; ACfi includes AC).
By (ii), AB v ED v SC v AD v AC v CD (Consensus of BD and B6).
Hence the prime implicants are AB, BD, B6, AD, AC, CD.
Example 4.33.
Let + be ABCD v ABED v ABED v ABC v A6i.
By (i), ABCD v ABED v ABC v A6b (ABED includes A6n).
By (ii), ABCD v ABED v ABC v At% v t?cD (Consensus of ABcD and .&?Z‘).
By (i), ABCD v Al?C v A6D v AcD (ABED includes AED).
By (ii), ABCD v ABC v ACn v AC?D v Bcb (Consensus of ABe and ACB).
- --
Hence the prime implicants are ABCD, ABC, Acfi,AcD, BCD.
Also, B cannot contain all the letters of a,. (Otherwise, by (b), B would logically imply the
negation of each disjunct of +, and therefore would logically imply la. But only con-
tradictions logically imply both Q,and 1 Q, and no fundamental conjunction is a contradic-
tion.) Let A be a letter of Q not in 0. By the maximality of 8, A0 and A0 must lack one of
the properties (a)-(c). The only one they can lack is (6). Hence there are disjuncts +I and
qz of * such that AH includes #1 and &I includes q2. By property (b) of 0, A must be a literal
of I/~and A must be a literal of qz. Since A0 includes I+~and A6’includes q2, q1 and $, do not
have any other literals which are negations of each other. Then the consensus p of I#~and
qz is included in 8, and therefore, by (b), includes no disjunct of Q. Hence an application of
(ii) can be made to #I and g2, contradicting the assumption that the process has ended.
(3) Every disjunct + of the dnf !P remaining at the end of the process must be a prime
implicant of a. Otherwise + would include some prime implicant #. By (2), # would be a
disjunct of the final dnf, and operation (i) would still be applicable.
Example 4.34.
We have already found (Example 4.33) that -the
_- dnf ABCD v ABC6 v ABcD v ~~~ v Acid has as
its prime implicants ABCD, ABC, Acfi, ACD, BCD. Now we shall eliminate superfluous disjuncts from
ABCD v /ifiGv AC0 v ACD v k%n
- --
In the row corresponding to a fundamental conjunction @ we calculate what each of the other disjuncts
must be when @ is T. Then we check to see whether the disjunction - -- of the results in that row is a
tautology. In the table above, this holds only in the last row. Hence BCD is the only superfluous disjunct.
All the other disjuncts must occur in every minimal dnf. Thus we are reduced to
To eliminate superfluous literals, remember that a literal p is superfluous in p$ v * if and only if $ logi-
cally implies p v *. A quick check shows that none of the literals is superfluous. Hence we have a unique
irredundant dnf, which must be the only minimal dnf.
Example 4.35.
Consider the statement form @:
Since the consensus method yields no additional disjuncts, this is already the disjunction of all the prime
implicants of +. For finding superfluous disjuncts, we construct a table as in the preceding example.
$1 $2 $3 (h4 $5
$1 Bc F F D AD
+, BE F D F AD
$3 BD F c C A superfluous
$4 CD fi F B A superfluous
Since the disjunctions of the terms in the first, second and fifth rows (respectively) are not tautologies,
BC, B6 and AD are not superfluous and occur in all minimal dnf’s for +. Let ei mean that ci occurs as
a disjunct in a given dnf for a. Hence from the third row, if 5 then 0204, for, if +3 does not occur in the
given dnf for +, then both +s and @4 must occur. (Otherwise, when @s is T, then + would not necessarily
be T, contradicting the fact that +3 logically implies a,) Thus u3 v (u2g4) is true. Similarly, from the
fourth row, ch v (01u3) is true. Hence we must have
Hence the two irredundant dnf’s are BC v BE v CD v AD and l?C v B6 v BD v AD. Since these are
of equal cost, they are both minimal dnf’s. Notice that in this example we could have guessed this
immediately from the third and fourth rows.
Example 4.36.
Let the prime implicants of a statement form be BE, CDls?, ACD, ACE, ABD, ABE, BCD, BCE.
(Observe that the consensus method is no longer applicable to the disjunction + of these fundamental con-
junctions, and therefore the latter are all the prime implicants of a.)
$1 +2 $3 @4 $5 cs $7 $8
tlCD F E E F F B BE superfluous
ACE b F D F F BD B superfluous
Al?D F CE F F E c CE
ABE D F F F D CD C superfluous
BCD F B A AE A AE E superfluous
BCE D F AD A AD A D superfluous
Rows 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 show that ACD, ACE, ABE, BCD, kE are superfluous. Thus (r,, 02, a5 are true. From
the third row, n3 v 02~4 is true. From the fourth row, ~4 v c103 is true. From the sixth row, 06 v u1u5
is true. From the seventh row,
07 v up8 v (r.p,p6 v (1p30fj v 02r74c75
v (1305
is true. This has been obtained by finding those subsets of the entries in the seventh row, the disjunction
of which is a tautology and such that no proper subset of this subset has the same property. This process
can be carried out by constructing a table for the entries in the seventh row similar to the one constructed
above. From the eighth row,
OS ” Ol”7 v cT~c73(15
v (rl(ryJf,” (r1aqag” 0406
is true. Hence we have
o1q&3 ” v4)(u4 ” v3)b% ” UlC5)
(07 v QzC,s
” ozt,4mG
” rza3g,j” (7204m5
” a305)(08” 0lc7 ” 0103m5 ” 0l(r3(Tf,
” UlU405 ” 04d
(When multiplying out, we see that these are two of the disjuncts in the expansion, and, since all the other
disjuncts include one of these, all other disjuncts may be dropped.)
Example 4.37.
AB v AB is represented in the Karnaugh map of Fig. 4-47 and Ai? v AB v AB in the Karnaugh
map of Fig. 4-48.
tSee Karnaugh [42]. Another pictorial method, somewhat less graphic than Karnaugh’s, has been given
by Veitch [93].
squares. We place loops around the checks in each pair. Then the corresponding dnf is
logically equivalent to B v A. (B corresponds to the horizontal loop, and A to the vertical
loop.) Clearly, B v A is minimal.
Now let us turn to the case of three statement letters (Fig. 4-50). Each square rep-
resents the conjunction of the fundamental conjunctions heading the column and row
intersecting in that square.
Fig. 4-50
Example 4.38.
ABC v AL?C v ABC is represented in Fig. 4-51.
C 4 d
6 I/
Fig. 4-51
Example 4.39.
ABC v ABC v ABC v ABC v ABC is represented in Fig. 4-52.
Fig. 4-52
In Fig. 4-50, by adjacent squares we mean squares which differ in precisely one literal.
Thus two squares which have a side in common are adjacent. (Observe that we have used
the labeling AB, Al?, AB, AB so that as we move from one square to an adjoining one,
only one literal changes.) In addition, in the first row the left-most square ABC is adjacent
to the right-most square ABC; and in the second row, ABC
is adjacent to ABC. This amounts to an identification of
the left-most vertical line with the right-most vertical line.
Pictorially we can imagine the left-most vertical line glued
to the right-most vertical line so as to form a cylinder
(Fig. 4-53).
Example 4.40.
Fig. 4-54 shows ABC v ABC which is logically equivalent to At?.
AB AB iiB /iB
C 4
c 4
Fig. 4-54
Example 4.41.
ABC v ABC is represented in Fig. 4-55 and is logically equivalent to BC.
AB Al? /iB /iB
Fig. 4-55
Furthermore, four squares forming a square array or arranged in one row represent
a single literal.
Example 4.42.
Fig. 4-56
Fig. 4-56 exhibits ABC v ABC v ABe v ABC?, which is logically equivalent to B.
Example 4.43.
Fig. 4-57
In Fig. 4-57 we see ABC v ABC v ABC v ABC, which is logically equivalent to A.
Example 4.44.
Fig. 4-58
In Fig. 4-58 we have ABC v AL%? v ABZ‘ v ABi‘, which is logically equivalent to c.
Example 4.45.
c 4 4
c 4 4
Fig. 4-59
Fig. 4-59 represents ABC v ABC v ABC v ABC, which is logically equivalent to B.
Notice that if we picture Fig. 4-59 on a cylinder, the four checks form a square array.
Example 4.46.
Fig. 4-60
The Karnaugh map of Fig. 4-60 represents ABC v ABC v ABe v A&?. The unique minimal dnf is
AB v AC v A&?. AB corresponds to the vertical loop, and AC to the horizontal loop.
Example 4.47.
AB AB /iB /iB
Fig. 4-61
Fig. 4-61 represents ABC v ABC v ABC v ABC v ABe. There is a unique minimal dnf: B v AC.
B corresponds to the four checks ABC, ABC, ABC, ABC’, while AC corresponds to the horizontal loop
covering ABC and ABC.
Example 4.48.
Fig. 4-62
Example 4.49.
Fig. 4-63
In this case, Al?6 can be combined with either ABC or Al%?. Hence we have twb minimal dnf’s:
ACVA~VAB, ACv~~v~~
Let us consider now Karnaugh maps for four statement letters (Fig. 4-64).
AB AB /iI? /iB
Fig. 4-64
Again, adjacent squares are those which differ in exactly one literal. In particular, ABCD
and ABED are adjacent, as are ABED and ABeD. This amounts to identifying the left-
most and right-most vertical lines, and identifying the lowest and highest horizontal lines.
Pictorially we can imagine that we have glued together the left-most and right-most vertical
lines, and the lowest and highest horizontal lines, to form a doughnut-shaped surface
(called a torus). On this doughnut, adjacent squares are adjacent in the usual geometric
Example 4.50.
/iE /iB
Fig. 4-65
The Karnaugh map in Fig. 4-65 represents AB.
Example 4.51.
Fig. 4-66
Fig. 4-66 represents AD.
Example 4.52.
Fig. 4-67
Fig. 4-6’7 is the Karnaugh map for BD.
Example 4.53.
Fig. 4-68
Fig. 4-68 represents B.
Example 4.54.
Fig. 4-69
Minimization techniques for four statement letters are similar to those for three.
Example 4.55.
Fig. 4-70
The unique minimal dnf is AD v Bd. Observe that the four squares in the column under AB are
not joined by a loop, since the corresponding fundamental conjunction AB would be superfluous.
Example 4.56.
Fig. 4-71
The check in ABCD cannot be combined with any other. Hence ABCD must be in any minimal dnf.
The check in ABC% can be combined only with the check in A&D. Hence BCD must be a disjunct of
any minimal dnf. Similarly, the check in ABEiS can be combined only with the check in ABeD. Hence
Ai% is a disjunct of any minimal dnf. Now the checks in Ah% and Ah?ii already have been covered.
Thus the unique minimal dnf is
Examples 4.55-4.56 illustrate the method to be used. For each checked square, deter-
mine whether there is a unique largest combination of checked squares containing it. If
so, put a loop around that combination. To avoid superfluous disjuncts, first handle each
checked square whose unique largest combination consists only of itself; then, among the
remaining uncovered checks, handle those whose unique largest combination consists of two
checks; among the still uncovered checks, handle those whose unique largest combination
consists of four checks, etc. For any remaining checked square, determine all the possible
largest combinations containing them, and, among the corresponding dnf’s,t find the minimal
Example 4.57
AB Al? /iB iiB
Fig. 4-72
Considering ABCD, we see that ABC must be a disjunct (covering ABCD and ABC@. Looking at
ABCD, we note that ABC must be a disjunct (covering A&D and A&B). None of the other three checks
belongs to a unique largest combination. The only uncovered check is A&D, which can be combined
either with ABCD or with A&%. Hence we obtain two minimal dnf’s:
In the case of five statement letters, we can use a three-dimensional Karnaugh map
(Fig. 4-73).
Fig. 4-73
tSome choices among the remaining combinations may render superfluous some of the disjuncts already
obtained (cf. Problem 4.22).
The usual definition of adjacent squares implies that corresponding squares in the two
planes (e.g. Al?CiSE and ABCDE) are adjacent. Combinations of sixteen squares are pos-
sible and yield a fundamental conjunction consisting of a single literal. Combinations of
eight squares yield fundamental conjunctions of two literals, etc.
For six statement letters one could use four planes, but in that case, and even more so
for larger numbers of statement letters, the geometric picture often is too complex to permit
easy construction of minimal dnf’s.
Example 4.58.
Let + be
ABCD v A&D v AfiCfi v ABCfi v ABeD
--- _-_-
and assume that ABCD, ABED, ABED, ABCD, ABCD are don’t care conditions. The Karnaugh map is
shown in Fig. 4-74.
Fig. 4-74
First we handle the checked squares which belong to unique largest combinations (possibly including
crosses). Thus ABCD belongs to a unique largest combination: {ABCfi, ABCD}. Hence ABC must be a
disjunct of all minimal dnf’s. Likewise, A&b belongs to a unique largest combination (the second column),
and therefore AB must be a disjunct of all minimal dnf’s. The other checks do not belong to unique largest
combinations. The only check still not included in a loop is ABCD. For the latter, there are two possible
combinations of four squares. Hence we may use either AD or BD. Thus there are two minimal dnf’s:
ABC v AL? v AD and ABC v AB v BD.
Example 4.59.
Let 9 be _- --
---- -----
Let the don’t care conditions be
Fig. 4-75
We seek the checks belonging to unique largest combinations. First, ABCDE belongs to such a com-
bination (the four corners of both p-lanes). Hence BD is a disjunct of all minimal dnf’s. We get the
same result from the checks for ABCDE, ABCDE, ABCDE, ABEDI?. The checks
--- in the middle squares
of both planes
- - - belong
- - - to
- _ a- unique 8-square combination: (A&TEE, A&DE, ABCDE, ABCDE, A&%jE,
ABCnE, ABCDE, ARCDE}, yielding the disjunct fib. The only check still unaccounted for is A&DE.
This belongs to two Z-square combinations. Hence we must have either ABCE or ACDE. Thus there are
two minimal dnf’s:
Example 4.60.
Recall that a cnf is a conjunction of one or more disjunctions of one or more literals. The cnf
Example 4.61.
Let + be - --
If we examine the Karnaugh map for + (Fig. 4-76, below), we find that there are three minimal dnf’s:
Fig. 4-76
On the other hand, la has the Karnaugh map (Fig. 4-77) obtained by putting checks in the empty squares
and erasing the checks already present in Fig. 4-76.
AB Al?
Fig. 4-77
From Fig. 4-77, we see that the minimal dnf’s for 1Q are
AD v ABC v ABd v /i%
Since these are cheaper than the minimal dnf’s for +, these are minimal among all dnf’s or cnf’s for a.
The procedure in the above example for finding the minimal statement forms among all
dnf’s or cnf’s for @ does not provide a general method for finding minimal statement forms
for @ (i.e. minimal series-parallel switching circuits, or minimal logic circuits). For example,
(A&B) v (C&(DvE)) is minimal, but it is neither a dnf nor a cnf.
Final Remarks: (1) We have indicated methods for finding minimal dnf’s (or minimal
dnf’s or cnf’s). This constitutes a solution of Problem (I) on page 81, although possibly
not the best solution (cf. Remark (2)). No reasonably good general solutions for Problems
(II) or (III), page 81, are known. (2) The methods we have given for finding minimal
dnf’s require us to find all prime implicants. (This is not true of Karnaugh maps, but these
are useful only for statement forms involving at most five or six statement letters.) How-
ever, there are certain cases in which the number of prime implicants is so large that our
methods are not practical3 There is need then for a method for finding minimal dnf’s which
does not use the set of all prime implicants, but no general method of this kind is available.
Solved Problems
Fig. 4-78
Consider the bridge circuit shown in Fig. 4-79. The paths through this circuit are A &B t2 C,
A &D &E, A &D & c, A &B & 6, A &B &E. Hence a condition for passage of current is
which is logically equivalent to [A &B & C] v [(E v c) & ((A &D) v (A &&)I. But this is a con-
dition for passage of current through the given circuit.
Fig. 4-79
tFridsha1 [24] states that, for nine statement letters, the full dnf whose fundamental conjunctions are
those with 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 negated literals has 1698 prime implicants. The full dnf whose fundamental
conjunctions are those with 0, 1, 5, 6, or 7 negated literals has 765 prime implicants, and its negation has
the same number of prime implicants.
4.2. A committee consists of the chairman, president, secretary, and treasurer. A motion
passes if and only if it receives a majority vote or the vote of the chairman plus one
other member. Each member presses a button to indicate approval of a motion.
Design a switching circuit controlled by the buttons which passes current if and only
if a motion is approved.
Let C, P, S, T stand for “The chairman approves”, “The president approves”, etc. Then the
condition for approval is
[C&(PvSv T)] v (P&S&T)
The prime integers are
Decimal Notation 2 3 5 7
eO 1’
4.4. Justify the following algorithm for translating a number x from decimal into binary
Use two columns. Place x at the top of the left column 43
(in our example, x = 43). Divide x by 2, putting the re- 21
mainder TO in the right hand column and the quotient qo in 10
the left hand column below the given number. Repeat this 5
process with qo, etc. Stop when we get a quotient 0. The 2
resulting binary number is to be found by reading the right 1
hand column from the bottom up (in our example, 101011). 0
x = 2q, + 9.0, To = Oorl
Qo = 2% + r19 r1 = Oorl
..................... .............
4.5. Construct a logic circuit for adding 1 to a four-digit binary number U~UZCLNXO.
Solution :
Let A, stand for “q is 1”. Let b,bsb,b,bo be the result of adding 1, and let Bi stand for
“bi is 1”. Then
4.6. Describe a method for reducing the operation of subtraction of binary numbers to
the use of addition only.
Assume given two numbers x and y in binary notation. Let us assume that they are at most
n-digit numbers.
Example: x = 11010
y = 1101 (n=5)
Change all digits of y to their opposites; in our example, 10010. Add this new number z to 2.
+ 10010
Add 1 to the result: 101101. Omit the leading 1: 1101. This is x-y.
+ 001011
111011. Answer: 11011.
The purpose of reducing subtraction to other operations (addition, adding 1, etc.) is to facilitate
its implementation by logic circuits.
What does the process described above yield when y is greater than x?
4.7. Assume that a number between 0 and 9 is given as a four-digit binary number.
Employing the notation of Example 4.17, make use of don’t care conditions in order
to construct a simple switching circuit (or logic circuit) for the condition that the
given number is a prime.
The condition for being a prime is
(A method for choosing the proper don’t care conditions is presented in Section 4.17.) This state-
ment form is logically equivalent to Bc v AB (exercise for the reader) and hence to B(C'v A),
which has the switching circuit
4.10. Prove that if one of the disjuncts of a dnf @ is not a prime implicant of @, then a
literal of that disjunct is superfluous. Hence an irredundant dnf @ must be a dis-
junction of prime implicants of @.
Let o be + v q, where + is not a prime implicant of +. This means that there is a fundamental
conjunction e which is a proper part of + and such that B logically implies #V k. Let (Ybe any
literal of $ which is not a literal of 8, and let 3 be obtained from $ by deleting LY. Thus 6 is
included in 3. Hence 5 logically implies 8, and therefore $ logically implies $ v *. From this we
may conclude that 3 logically implies O!v q. Thus (Y is superfluous in CY$V9, i.e. in a.
(1) ACD is superfluous (since B v 2 is a tautology). This leaves
4.12. Find all prime implicants of ((A v B) -+ C) v AI?c by the Quine-McCluskey method.
First we must expand the given statement form into a full dnf:
ABCv/iBCvABCv A~Cv~~Cv/il?~
ABC r/ BC I/ C
ABC r/ 1 AC 4 A
{ ABC r/ AB 4
ABe r/ AC 4
{ ABC c' 1 Bc 4
ABC 4 AC /
AB r/
Thus there are two prime implicants: C, A.
-I AkDE J Ak?3
Al?CfjE r/ L?CaE
ABC~E / { /iCaE
1 ABCijl? ACDB
i A&DE /
/iL%?DE J
- - --
The prime implicants are ABCDE, ABDE, ACDE, Al?CE, ACbE, l?CDE, ACDl?, ABnE. The
prime implicant table is
-- --
0 X
El 0 X
Hence the core consists of ABCBL?, ABDE, ACBE,A(?Dl?, ABBE. Thus we obtain the new table:
It is clear from this table that a minimal dnf is obtained only if we choose ABCE (since all other
ways of covering both columns would require two disjuncts, each having four literals). Hence there
is a unique minimal dnf:
ABC~l?vABDEv/iC~Ev ticDz??vi@iiEvABCE
r Al?CijE / i A%'E
ti&%E / ABED
ABCbI? / i i?cDE
1 Ah.?Dl.? 4 i ACDE
Therefore the prime implicants are ABCD, BCDE, A&YE, ABcD, &DE, A&B, ACDl?, AeDl?,
ADE. We obtain the prime implicant table:
Aim X X
ADE R El 0
Hence ABCD and ADE belong to the core. We obtain the following new table. (Notice that row
Al?CE has been dropped, since it is empty.)
&%E X
We may now use the Boolean or branching method. However, in this case, it is obvious that the
minimal dnf is obtained using ABf.?D and ABC?i (since any other way of covering all the columns
would require more than two disjuncts). Hence there is a unique minimal dnf:
4.15. Find all solutions of Problem 4.7, using the Quine-McCluskey method and a prime
implicant table.
The given dnf is ABcfiv ABen v ABCBv ABCb. The don’t care conditions are: ABcD,
ABED, L@CD, AL%D, ABCD, ABCD. First we find the primeimplicants.
i CD
Hence the prime implicants are AB, AC, BD, CD, B6; and we obtain the following prime
implicant table
1 ABcb ABCb A&b ABCb
Thus we may choose either AB or AC, and there are two minimal dnf’s: Bcv AB (which factors
into B(c v A)), and B6 v AC. Notice that in Problem 4.7 we obtained only SC v AB. However,
the other answer SC v AC cannot be factored, and therefore the first answer gives us the simplest
statement form (although both give equally simple dnf’s).
4.16. Using the Quine-McCluskey method and prime implicant tables, find all minimal dnf’s
(Verification is left as an exercise for the reader.) We then draw up the prime implicant Table I.
Table I
No applications of the core operation are possible. However, we can eliminate the following col-
umns by dominant column operations:
Table II
CDz!?G X
ACEi.? X
In Table II we can apply the dominated row operation to eliminate the rows of CDEG and
ADl?G (both dominated by ACD). We can also drop the first row, since it is empty. Thus we
obtain Table III.
Table III
In Table III, the first and third columns have unique entries. Hence ACD belongs to the secondary
core. We then can drop the last row and the first, third and fourth coIumns, obtaining Table IV.
Table IV
_ --
CD.?.?G X
Clearly, application of the Boolean method to Table IV yields eight different minimal dnf’s
(by choosing either the first or second row, either the third or sixth row, and either the fourth or
fifth row):
A6D v CDEG v AcEt? v BCDI?
4.17. Using the consensus method, find all minimal dnf’s for the dnf of Problem 4.11.
(1) ABC v ACD v Ai?D v ABC v BED
(2) ABC v ACD v ABD v ABC v BCD v ABD (Consensus of ARC and BGDJ
(3) ABC v ACD v ABD v ABC v Bt?D v ABD \/ ACD (Consensus of Ai?D and B6D)
(4) ABC v ACD v ABD v ABC v BCD v ABD v A6D v AD (Consensus of ACD and ACD)
(5) ABC v ABC v Bi?D v AD (since ACD, Al?D, ABD, A6D all include AD)
Operations (i) and (ii), page 94, are no longer applicable. Hence ABC, ABC, BCD, AD are the
prime implicants.
B6D F A A superfluous
From the third row, (rav o~(T~,and we obtain u1u2(u3v u2u4)oq, which is equivalent to ~i~so4. Hence
the only irredundant dnf is
4.18. Apply the consensus method to find all minimal dnf’s for
(1) ABC v Bb v Ac?D v Ai%
(2) ABC v Bfi v ACD v Ah? v ABD (Consensus of ABC and ACD)
(6) Bd v AZ’D v ABC v Aefi v AB (ABC, ABD, ABC all include AB)
Operations (i) and (ii), page 94, are no longer applicable. Hence the prime implicants are Bd,
AeD, Al%, /iC6, AB, h?D.
91 $2 $3 +4 $5 $6
ACD F F F B B superfluous
/ifIG F F is F D superfluous
- --
ACD B F B F F superfluous
BED F A A F F superfluous
which is equivalent to
01C73”506 v OlC2U3O5 v (r10405(r6
Since they are of equal cost, all three are minimal dnf’s.
4.19. Using a Karnaugh map, find all minimal dnf’s for
--- ----
Al?CD v ABCb v ABCb v /iI%% v ABCD v ABCD v tlBeb v ABeD
Draw the Karnaugh map:
Handling the checks whose unique largest combination consists of two squares, we obtain the
four loops indicated in the diagram. Since all checks are covered, the unique minimal dnf is
Al%2 v ACB v A&? v /icij
Notice that, although each of the four checks in the middle belongs to a unique largest combination
of four squares, that combination is not required, since all the checks in it already have been
4.20. Use a Karnaugh map to find all minimal dnf’s for the dnf of Problem 4.18:
To use a Karnaugh map we need not expand the given dnf into a full dnf. It suffices to place
a check in every square containing one of the disjuncts. (For example, ABC generates the two
checks in ABCD and ABCB; Bd generates four checks, etc.)
There are no isolated checks and no checks with a unique largest 2-square combination.
However, there are checks belonging to unique largest I-square combinations. The first column
gives AB, and the other I-square combination yields Bb. The remaining three checks produce
three minimal dnf’s:
- - --
AB v Bb v ACD v ABC (A&?D combines with ABED, and ABCD with ABeD)
- - --
AB v Bb v BCD v ABC (ABeD combines with ABcD, and ABCD with ABeD)
-- --
AB v Bd v 860 v A6n (A%D combines with A&?D, and ABCD with ABeD)
- - --
- - -- -
The Karnaugh map is
AB Ai? tll? /iB
There is one isolated check, yielding the disjunct ABCfiE. There is one check (ABCDE)
belonging -to_- a unique _ 2-square
- -- combination, which yields the disjunct ACDE. There are two
- -
checks (ABCDE and ABCDE) belonging to a unique g-square combination, which yields BC.
Another check (dBCD8) belongs to a unique &square combination, yielding BD. Since all the
checks are covered, we have obtained a unique minimal dnf:
hK%E v ACDE V B6 V &I
AB /il? /iB
- - --
However, notice that in case (2) the 4-square combination (AfiCfiE, AI%~E, _Af@fiE, ABCDE)
has been covered by four different S-square combinations, and the disjunct BDE becomes super-
fluous. Thus there is actually only one minimal dnf:
-- --
Solution :
We use checks for the disjuncts of the given dnf, and crosses for the don’t care conditions.
AB Al? AB /iB
- --
The check in ABCD is in a unique largest I-square combination, yielding the disjunct AR. The
only uncovered check is in A&%. This belongs to two 4-square combinations. Hence there are
two minimal dnf’s: AB v AC and AB v BC.
---- -----
with the don’tcareconditions Ai?CDE,ABCDE, ABcDZ?, Abed,!?, ABCDE, ABE.
There is an isolated check at ABCDE. Hence this must be a disjunct. The checks at ABCDE
and .dBcDl? belong to unique largest 2-square combinations, producing the disjuncts A%E and
ABC%. The check in ABCDE belongs to a unique largest 4-square combination, yielding the dis-
junct BD8. The only uncovered check is ~~CD~. This belongs to two e-square combinations,
yielding either .@CE or A&D. Hence there are two minimal dnf’s:
Draw the following Karnaugh map.
The checks in Ah?D-, .dBcD and A&D belong to unique largest a-square combinations, yield-
ing the disjuncts ABC’, ABC and ABC. The remaining check in AfX?D belongs to three 2-square
combinations. Hence there are three minimal dnf’s:
Aih? v /iBC v ABC v lb?D
To find the minimal cnf’s, we draw the Karnaugh map for the negation:
CD d
cii 4
CD 4
ABeD belongs to a unique largest 4-square combination (the first column), yielding the disjunct AB.
A&D belongs to a unique largest 4-square combination, producing the disjunct AC, and ABCD - - --
belongs to a unique largest I-square combination, yielding BC. The only uncovered check is ABCD,
which is isolated. Hence the unique minimal dnf for the negation is
- - --
This is simpler than any of the minimal dnf’s. Hence it is the minimal dnf or cnf.
with the don’t care conditions ACD,??, ABCI?, BCDE, AB6E, A%'ijl?, Al?Cl?,
First we draw the Karnaugh map.
The check in ABCDE is in a unique largest 2-square combination, yielding the disjunct ABcD.
The check in Al?cDE is in a unique largest I-square combination, yielding the disjunct B&J.
The other checks are covered by two 8-square combinations, yielding Bb and AC. Hence there is
a unique minimal dnf:
ABCD v 1303 v BB v Ac
The check in .@CDE belongs to a unique largest 2-square combination, producing the dis-
junct %DE. The check in ABCDl? belongs to a unique largest 4-square combination, yielding ABd.
The remaining checks are covered by two unique largest %square combinations, generating AC and
AC. Hence there is a unique minimal dnf for the negation:
and therefore a unique minimal cnf for the given dnf:
? (BvCv~v~)(Av~vD)(~vC)(Av6) (2)
This cnf and the minimal dnf (I) are of equal cost. Hence there are two minimal dnf’s or cnf’s:
(I) and (2).
Supplementary Problems
4.27. Write down a statement form representing a condition for flow of current through each of the
following series-parallel circuits.
1 0
-I- 1B IA
---E ‘D\
4.28. Write down a statement form representing a condition for flow of current through each of the
folIowing bridge circuits.
4.29. Draw a switching circuit having the following corresponding statement forms.
4.30. Replace the following series-parallel switching circuits by simpler bridge circuits.
c \B\ \E\
\c\ 1G
Use at most seven switches.
4.31. Is there an equivalent bridge circuit simpler than the series-parallel circuit of Fig. 4-13
(Example 4.6)?
4.32. A light is to be controlled from two wall switches such that flicking one of the wall switches changes
the state of the light (“on” to “off”, or “off” to “on”). Construct a switching circuit that will allow
current to flow to the light under the given condition. (Hint: Compare Example 4.6.)
4.33. A municipal board consists of the Mayor, President of the City Council, Comptroller, and three
Borough Presidents. The Mayor has two votes and all the others one vote. A motion obtaining
a majority passes except that any motion opposed by all three Borough Presidents fails. Write a
switching circuit which will indicate passage of a motion.
4.34. Construct logic circuits corresponding to the following statement forms.
(a) (A& 1B) v (B&(Cv IA))
(b) (A+B)v 1C
4.35. Write down statement forms corresponding to the following logic circuits.
(b) A
0 0 0
4.37. Write the decimal notation for the following numbers given in binary notation: 10110, 111011,
4.38. Write the ternary notation (base 3) for the numbers given in Problem 4.36.
4.39. Write the decimal notation for the following numbers in ternary notation: 12011, 222110, 10110.
4.40. Solve Problem 4.36 for base 6 and base 8, instead of base 2.
4.41. Do the following additions in the binary system (and check by going over to the decimal system).
(4 11101 (b) 11000
+ 1011 + 101110
4.42. Do the following multiplications in the binary system (and check by going over to the decimal
(4 11101 (b) 11000
x 1011 x 1010
4.43. (CL) Let a non-negative integer less than 10 be given in binary notation: u3u2u1uo. Letting Ai stand
for “ai is l”, construct a logic circuit producing the statement that the given integer is a per-
fect square.
(b) Same as (a), except that the resulting proposition states that the given integer is even.
(c) Same as (a), except that the resulting proposition states that the given integer is a perfect
4.44. (a) Using half-adders and full adders, draw a logic circuit which carries out the addition of two
four-digit binary numbers.
(b) Same as (a), except that three two-digit numbers are to be added.
4.45. Translate the following decimal integers into binary notation using the method of Problem 4.4:
27, 59, 124.
4.46. Translate the decimal numbers of Problem 4.45 into ternary notation, using a method analogous
to the one given for binary notation.
4.47. Perform the following binary subtractions directly and also by the method indicated in Problem 4.6.
(4 1100110 (b) 1110001 (4 10101
- 111011 - 1011100 - 11010
4.49. Under the same assumptions as in Problem 4.7, use don’t care conditions to find a simple switching
circuit for the following properties:
(a) the given number is odd;
(b) the given number is composite (i.e. has a divisor different from 1 and itself).
4.50. Which of the following dnf’s are simpler than the dnf ABC v AR v BCD?
(a) AB v ABC; (b) A v I? v CD v AC; (c) ABCD v ABC; (d) ABCD v AC v A&
4.51. Which of the following are prime implicants of the dnf ABC v AR v BCD?
(a) A, (b) AC, (c) AB6, (d) BC?i.
(Note: There are prime implicants which do not occur in this list.)
4.55. Show that $Jv rP is logically equivalent to a# v + if and only if + logically implies (Yv 9.
4.59. Prove that a full dnf containing n letters is not a tautology if and only if it has fewer than 2”
4.60. Find full dnf’s logically equivalent to (a) ABD v ABC; (b) A v BC v AC.
4.61. Carry out the proof of Theorem 4.4, using Lemmas 4.2-4.3.
4.62. Show that if $a logically implies + and +Z logically implies a’, then + logically implies a.
4.63. Find all prime implicants of the following statement forms, using the Quine-McCluskey method.
(a) (ABeG)& AC
(b) AB(?v~BCvA%vAi?C
- _ __
(c) ABCDvABCDv~B~Dv/ii?C~vAl?CD
4.64. Do the irredundant dnf’s of Problem 4.58 contain all their prime implicants?
4.65. Prove that a statement form is logically equivalent to the disjunction of all its prime implicants.
4.66. Find all the prime implicants of the dnf in (a) Problem 4.11, (b) Problem 4.51.
4.67. Construct the prime implicant tables for the dnf’s in Problem 4.63b, c, d.
4.68. Find the minimal dnf’s for the dnf’s in Problem 4.63b, c,d, using the Quine-McCluskey method
and prime implicant tables.
4.69. Find the minimal dnf’s for the following dnf’s, using the Quine-McCluskey method and prime im-
plicant tables.
--- ----
(b) ABED V A&D V A&D V AkD V &CD V hid V A&% V A&% V Ah%
4.71. Give a full argument showing that, if + is a full dnf and, in the prime implicant table for a, every
column contains an entry from a row corresponding to a fundamental conjunction in the core,
then the disjunction of the members of the core is the unique minimal dnf for % (cf. Examples
4.72. Verify the assertion in Example 4.29 that members of the secondary core must be a disjunct of
every minimal dnf.
4.73. Find minimal dnf’s for the following dnf’s with don’t care conditions. Use the Quine-McCluskey
method and prime implicant tables.
(a) ABCDE v A&DE v ABCfil? v ABEDI? v A&DE v ABeDI?, with don’t care conditions
- _--
(b) ABCDE v ABCDE v i-iBcDE v Ah?Dl? v tlB@E v Ak?njE, with don’t care conditions
- -- -- ---
4.74. Show that if one fundamental conjunction $i includes another tip, then +a is logically equivalent
to +1v!k?.
4.75. By the consensus method, find all prime implicants of the following dnf’s:
(a) ABC v ABeD v &k’ v Beb; (b) ABCD v AD v BCD v Ah?ij v ABED.
4.76. By the consensus method, find all prime implicants of the dnf’s in:
(a) Problem 4.11, (b) Problem 4.13, (c) Problem 4.63b, (d) Problem 4.69u,c.
4.77. Check the solution to Problem 4.18 by expanding the original dnf into a full dnf and using the
Quine-McCluskey method.
4.78. Apply the consensus method to find all minimal dnf’s for:
-- --
(a) AE v BCE v ABCB v ABCDE; (b) ABC v Bcb v ACD v iifib; (c) A(? v BC v itfj v BD.
Check your results by using the Quine-McCluskey method.
4.79. Apply the consensus method to find all minimal dnf’s for:
(a) dnf in Problem 4.13; (b) dnf’s in Problem 4.69a, b, c, d; (c) dnf’s in Problem 4.75u, b.
4.80. Using Karnaugh maps, find the minimal dnf’s for:
(a) Ai% v ABC v ABC v ABC v ABC
-- --
- - --
lc) A&D v A&% v ABCD v ABCD v ABCD v tl~ciiABCD
- - --
(d) ABCD v ABCij v &kii v AL?Cb v Ah?D v AiiCD v ABCD
-- --
(e) .&?CDE v ABCDE v ABCDE v A&DE v Aik%E v Al?cDE v ABCDE v ABCDE
v Ak?DE v ABCDI? v /iBCfil? v ABCBE v A&Y~E
-- ---
v ABCDE v /iBf%jl? v ABCDE
4.84. Draw a Karnaugh map for six statement letters, and try to use it to solve Problem 4.69c and
Problem 4.16.
4.85. Using Karnaugh maps, find all minimal dnf’s for the given statement forms, with the indicated
don’t care conditions.
(CC) ABC v ABD v ACD v APO, with the don’t care conditions ABED, L-@CD, ABCD.
4.86. Find all minimal dnf’s or cnf’s for the statement forms in
4.87. Find all minimal dnf’s or cnf’s for the following statement forms, with the indicated don’t care
- --
(a) Al?CD v ABCD v ABCD, with the don’t care conditions ABCD,ABCD,ABcD,ABcD, ABCD,
- ABCD, ABED, ABcb, as in Problem 4.23.
A lattice is an ordered pair (I+ 6) consisting of a non-empty set L together with a
partial order 4 on L satisfying:
(L4) For any x and y in L, the set {x, y} has both a least upper bound (lub) and a greatest
lower bound (glb).
We have seen in Chapter 3 (Theorem 3.9) that a Boolean algebra 5!I determines a lattice
(I?, L), with XV y and x A y as the lub and glb respectively. Therefore it should cause no
confusion if, for any lattice (L, 4) and for any x and y in L, we use x v y and x A y to denote
the lub and glb of {x, y}, respectively.
Example 5.1.
The set {a, b, c, d, e, f} is not a lattice with respect to the partial order pictured in Fig. 5-l. For,
{a, b} has no lub.
Fig. 5-l
Proof. (a) and (b) follow directly from the definition of lub and glb.
(c) First,noticethat XA(YAX) 6 yr\x L x. Also, XA(~AX) 5 y~x 4 y and XA(YAZ) 4 x.
Therefore by definition of glb, x A (y AZ) L x A y. Thus since we have x A (y Ax) 4 2
and X A (yA2) A XAy, it follows by the definition of glb that XA(yAX) 4 (X Ay)~2.
Using this result twice, we have (x Ay) AX = x/Y (XAY) L @Ax) Ay = YA @Ax) 4
x A X (by (e))
By a unit 1 of a lattice (L, ‘) we mean an upper bound of the whole set L. It is clear
that, if a unit exists it is unique. By a zero 0 of (L, 6) we mean a lower bound of L, and
clearly, if a zero exists it is unique. Obviously we have OAX = 0, Ovx = x, xv1 = 1,
xA 1= x for all x in the lattice.
A lattice may lack a unit. For example, the set of all finite subsets of the set of integers,
with respect to the partial order C, is a lattice without a unit. A lattice may lack a zero,
e.g. the lattice of all cofinite subsets of the set of integers with respect to the partial order
C. In the lattice determined by a Boolean algebra (B, A~, v%, ‘B, 0,, l,}, 1, is the unit of
the lattice and 0, is the zero of the lattice.
A lattice is said to be distributive if and only if it satisfies the following two laws:
(L5) x A (y Vx) = &A\) V (x Ax);
Theorem 5.2. In any lattice, (L5) is equivalent to (L6) (and therefore in the definition of
distributive lattice it suffices to assume either (L5) or (L6)).
Therefore (L6) holds. The proof of (L5) from (L6) is similar and is left to the reader. )
The lattice determined by a Boolean algebra is distributive. (L5) and (L6) are simply
Axioms (3) and (4) for Boolean algebras.
Example 5.2.
The lattice shown in Fig. 5-2 is not distributive. For,
d/\(bvc) = dAl = d
Fig. 5-2
A lattice with zero 0 and unit 1 is said to be complemented if, for any x in the lattice,
there exists an inverse x’ in the lattice such that x Ax’ = 0 and xv x’ = 1. Obviously the
lattice determined by a Boolean algebra is complemented.
If a distributive lattice with zero and unit is complemented, then, for any x, the inverse
x’ is unique. To see this, note that the proof of Theorem 3.1 (uniqueness of complements
in Boolean algebras) still is valid under the given assumption.
Proof. Axioms (l)-(2) were proved in Theorem 3.1(b). Axioms (3)-(4) are just the dis-
tributive laws. Axioms (5)-(6) have already been treated above. Axioms (7)-(8) follow
from the fact that the lattice is complemented, and Axiom (9) is part of our hypothesis. )
A nonzero element b of a Boolean algebra is said to be an atom if and only if, for all
elements x of the Boolean algebra, the condition x G b implies that x = b or x = 0.
Example 5.3.
In the Boolean algebra T(A) of all subsets of a non-empty set A, the atoms are the singletons {z},
i.e. the sets consisting of a single element.
Example 5.4.
The Boolean algebra of all positive integral divisors of 70 (cf. Example 3.4) has as its atoms {2,5,7},
as is evident from Fig. 5-3. (Remember that the integer 1 is the zero element.)
Fig. 5-3
(i) If b is an atom and b 4 x1 v . . . v xn, then b 4 xi for some i. (For, if b + xi, then
bAXi+ b and SO bAXi=O. Hence if b 4 Xi for all i, then b = b A (XI v . * * v x,) =
(b A xl) v - . . v(b/,X,) = ov -a-v0 = 0, which is a contradiction.)
(ii) If b and c are different atoms, then b A c = 0. (For, if bAc#o, then b=br\c=
c A b = c.)
(iii) If b is an atom and b + x, then b 4 x’. (For, b 6 1 = XV x’, and we then use (i).)
A Boolean algebra is called atomic if and only if, for every nonzero element x of the
algebra, there is some atom b such that 2,d x. The Boolean algebras of Examples 5.3-5.4
are both atomic.
Proof. Given a nonzero element xo of the algebra. Assume there is no atom b such
that b 4 x0. In particular, x0 is not an atom and therefore there is some nonzero element
x1 such that x1 4x0 and x1 #x0, i.e. 0 <xl < XO. x1 cannot be an. atom; hence there is
some nonzero element x2 such that x2 < x1. Continuing in this way, we obtain a sequence
x0, Xl, x2, . . . such that x0 > x1 > x2 > . . . .t All the terms of this sequence are distinct
(by Theorem 3.8), contradicting the fact that there are only a finite number of elements
in the algebra. )
Given an element x of a Boolean algebra %, we define q(x) to be the set of all atoms b
of % such that b 4 x. Clearly, ~(0) = $9 and q(1) is the set A of all atoms of %
Theorem 5.6. Every finite Boolean algebra 48 has 2” elements, where the positive integer
n is the number of elements in the set A of atoms of CB.
Now if b were different from all the hi’s, then each b A bi = 0 and we would have
b=Ov-- . v 0 = 0 which is impossible. Thus b = bi for some i, i.e. q.(x) CC.) We have
proved that * is a one-one correspondence between B and the whole set T(A). Since A
has n elements, T(A) has 2” elements and therefore B also must have 2” elements. )
Theorem 5.7. If CBis an atomic Boolean algebra, then the function ?l! is an isomorphism
from % into the Boolean algebra T(A). If 9 is a finite Boolean algebra, then
YPis an isomorphism from 9 onto T(A).
Proof. Remember that A is the set of atoms of %, and X@(X)= {b : b E A & b 4 x}.
We already know from Lemma 5.5 that @ is one-one. Next, we show that *(xl) = q(x).
For, on the one hand, if b is an atom and b 6 x’, then b + x. Thus Y&+(X’ C+(X).
) On the
other hand, if b is an atom and b f x, then b 4 x’. Thus G) c*‘(Y). Hence *(xl) = q(x).
Finally, we shall show that +(x A y) = q(x) rl q(y). On the one hand, if an atom b 4 x A y,
then b 6 x and b 6 y. Thus q(x A y) c q(x) n q(y). On the other hand, if b is an
atom and b 5 x dz b L y, then b 6 x A y. Thus q(x) n q-(y) C +(x A y). Hence %‘(X A y) =
*(x)n*(y). Hence q is an isomorphism from B into T(A). When B is finite, the proof of
tWe use the usual conventions: z s y means y 6 x; z > y means y < z; z # y means 1 (z f y); z Q y means
1 (z < Y).
CHAP. 51
Corollary 5.8.
5.6 shows that the range
of * is all of T(A). )
Proof. By the second part of Theorem 5.7 and Theorem 5.6, it suffices to show that, if
A and C are finite sets with the same number of elements, then the Boolean algebras T(A)
and T(C) are isomorphic. Let A = {al, . . . , a,} and C = {cl, . . . , c,}. Define the function
0 from T(A) into T(C) as follows: for any subset (~~1, . . ., ajk} of A, let o({ujl, . . . , ujk}) =
{cjl, . . .,cjk}. It is obvious that o is the required isomorphism. )
The second part of Theorem 5.7 shows that any finite Boolean algebra is isomorphic
with a Boolean algebra of all subsets of a set A. This turns out not to be true for arbitrary
infinite Boolean algebras, although, as we shall see later, any Boolean algebra is isomorphic
with a field of sets (i.e. to a subalgebra of the Boolean algebra of all subsets of a set).
(f) 2 -I- x = 0
(h) 1 4- x = x’
(i) x+y=x+ 2/=x+x
(j) x=zt)x+x=o
(a) X +y = (%A\‘) V (x’“y)
= x + (y +q
By a ring, we mean a structure T = (R, +, X, 0), where R is a set, + and x are binary
operations on R, and 0 is an element of R, such that
(2) x + y = y + 2;
(3) 2 + 0 = x;
(4) for any x, there is a unique element (-x) such that x + (-x) = 0;
A ring T is said to have a unit element if and only if there is an element 1 in R such that
(9) xx1 = lxx = 2.
(Clearly, there cannot be another unit element u, for we would then have u = 1 X u = 1.)
In Theorem 5.9 we have already verified that a Boolean algebra determines the com-
mutative ring (B, +, A, 0) with unit element 1. This enables us to apply the highly developed
algebraic theory of rings to the study of Boolean algebras. But we also can give a more
precise characterization of Boolean algebras in terms of rings, in the following way.
(b) x = -x
(c) x+y=o c) x=y
(d) x x y = y x x (Thus the ring must be commutative.)
Proof. First, we observe that for an arbitrary ring the cancellation law x + y = x + x +
y=x holds. For,if x+y=x+x, then
(-x) + (x + y) = (-x) + (x + 2)
((-x) +x) + y = ((-x) +x) + 2
o+y = 0+x
From the cancellation law it follows that
x=x+x + x=0 (1)
For, if x = x +x, then x + 0 = x +x, and the cancellation law yields x = 0.
(d) (x + y) = (x + y) x (x + y) = x2 + (x x y) + (y x x) + y2 = (x + Y) + (x x Y) + (Y x 2).
By (I), 0 = (x x y) + (y x x). Hence by (c), x x y = y x x. )
(xAy)V(xAx) = (~~~)+(~~~)+((~~~)~(X~~))
= (x x y) + (x x 2) + (x2 x y x 2)
= (xxy)+(xxx)+(xxyxx)
x V (y A 2) = x + (y x 2) + (x x y x x)
(Note that we have used the fact that, in any ring, x x 0 = 0. To see this fact, observe
that x x 0 = x x (0 + 0) = (x x 0) + (x x 0); and then by (1) in the proof of Theorem
5.10, x x 0 = 0.)
(6) x A 1 = x.
This is just x x 1 = x, which follows from the definition of a unit element.
(7) xvx’= 1.
xvx’ = x + x’ + (x x x’) = x + (1 +x) + (x x (1 +x))
= 1 + (x+x) + ((x-x 1) + (x x x)) = 1 + 0 + (x+x) = 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
(8) x A d = 0.
Thus we see that a Boolean ring with nonzero unit element determines a Boolean algebra,
and vice versa any Boolean algebra determines a Boolean ring with nonzero unit element
(essentially Theorem 5.9).
tThe one we have used (Axioms (l)-(9)) is due to Huntington [121]. For systems proposed up to 1933,
cf. Huntington [122]. For later work, cf. Sikorski [148], p. 1, footnote 1.
(B2) X A (y AZ) = (X A y) A 2
P3) XAX = x
(B5) 0 # 0’
Definitions. 1 for 0’
X V y for (X' Ay’)’
From what we have already proved, it follows that, for any Boolean algebra (B, A, v, I, 0, l),
the structure (B, A, ‘, 0) is a Byrne algebra. The converse is established in the following
Theorem 5.12. For any Byrne algebra (B, A, ‘, 0), the structure (B, A, v, ‘, 0,l) is a l3oolean
algebra, where v and 1 are defined as above. In particular,
(a) XAX = 0
xAy’=o H x”y
(4 x4x
x&y&y’x + x=y
x’y&y~x + XL.2
(f) xAyLx
(9) $A0 = 0
(h) x” = x
0) xvy = yvx
(4 x v (yv 2) = (xv y) v 2
(4 xvx = x
(4 xvx’ = 1
(t) x 52 xvy
(4 xV(XAy) = xA((xVy) = x
(Y) X A (x’V y) = x A y
(4 x A x = x. Hence by (B4), x A x’ = 0.
(b) This follows immediately from (B4) and the definition of L.
(c) This follows immediately from (B3) and the definition of A.
(d) Assume x’y & y’x. Then xAy=x & yAx=y. By(Bl), x=y.
(e) Assume xsy & y&x. Then x~y=x & yAz=y. Hence XAX = (XA~)AX =
(9) x A 0 = x A (x A x’) = (x A x) A x’ = x A x’ = 0.
x” A x’ = = xf A x”
0 (by (a)). Therefore x” 5 x (by (b)). Likewise, x”’ 6 x’ and
x”” 4 x’t. Hence
x,,” & x (by (e)). Therefore x”” A x’ = 0 (by (b)). Hence x’ 4 x”’
(by (b)), and therefore x’ = x”’ (by (d)). Thus x Ax”’ = 0 (by (a)), and then x 4 x”
(by (b)). Therefore x = x” (by (d)).
(9 x’ V y’ = (x” A y”)’ = (x A y)‘. Hence (X’v y’)’ = (X A y)” = X A y.
(0 x V x = (x’ Ax’)’ = x” = x.
(0) Changing A to v and 0 to 1 transforms the axioms for Byrne algebras into theorems.
((Bl) becomes (j); (B2) becomes (k); (B3) becomes (1); (B4) becomes (n); and (B5) becomes
1 # 1’ which by (h) is equivalent to 1 # 0.) Hence if we make these changes in all
propositions of a proof, we obtain a proof of the transformed theorem.
(P) x”y H y/Lx’
tf y’ A x’ = y’
tf (y’ A x’)’ = y”
e xvy = y
= XA(~VX)A(X’V~‘)A(X’VX’)
= x A (y V 2) A (y’ A x’)
= XAO = 0
An ideal of a Boolean algebra 3 = (B, A, v, ‘, 0,l) is a non-empty subset J of B such
(i) (zEJ& yEJ) + XV~EJ
For, assume (ii) and let x E J & y 6 x. Then since y 6 x, we have y = x A y. Hence by
(ii), y E J. Conversely, assume (ii’) and let x E J & y E B. Since x A y 6 x, it follows by
(ii’) that x A y E J.
Every ideal different from B is called a proper ideal. In particular, (0) is a proper ideal.
Note: An ideal J is proper if and only if 1 4 J. For, if 1 4 J, then JC B. Conversely,
iflEJandifyEB,theny’l. Hence by (ii’), y E B. Thus J = B.
Example 5.7.
If A is a non-empty set and if P(A) is the Boolean algebra of all subsets of A, then the set J of all
finite subsets of A is an ideal. J is proper if and only if A is infinite. (More generally, if m is any
infinite cardinal number, the set of all subsets of cardinality less than m is an ideal.)
Example 5.8.
Given u E B, the set J, of all v f u is an ideal. For, if wi f u and v2 5 u, then ~1 v vs f u; and if
v f u and y 4 v, then y f u. The ideal J, is called the principal ideal generated by u.
Theorem 5.13. Given any subset C of a Boolean algebra 23, the intersection W of all ideals
J containing C (i.e. such that CcJ) is itself an ideal containing C. W is
said to be generated by C, and is denoted Gen (C).
Proof. There is at least one ideal containing C, namely B itself. Assume x and y are in
W, and x is in B. If J is any ideal containing C, then x E J & y E J. Hence x v y E J.
Likewise, x Ax E J. Thus x v y and x Ax are in W, and therefore W is an ideal. )
Theorem 5.14. Given any subset C of a Boolean algebra, the ideal Gen (C) consists of all
elements of the form
(yl A xl) V * ’ * V (yk A xk), k?l
where x1, . ..,XkEC and yl,. . . , yk are arbitrary elements of B.
Proof. Let D be the set of elements of the given form. The join of any two elements
of D is clearly again of the same form and therefore also in D. In addition, for any y E B,
the meet
y A ((yl A XI) V ’* ’ V (yk A xk)) = (y A (yl A xl)) v ’ * . V (y A (yk A Xk))
= ((yAyl)Axl) v --’ v ((yAyk)AXk)
Theorem 5.15. Given any subset C of a Boolean algebra 9, the ideal Gen (C) consists of
the set E of all y such that
y L x1 v * ’’ v xk
where x1, . . . , xk are arbitrary members of C.
Corollary 5.16. If C is any subset of a Boolean algebra CB,then the ideal Gen (C) generated
by C is a proper ideal if and only if
XIV ** ‘Vxk # 1
Proof. Note first that 1 4 u if equivalent to 1 = u, for any u. Hence by Theorem 5.15,
lEGen if and only if l=xlV”-Vxk for some rl,...,xk in C. But, lEGen(C)if
i and only if Gen (C) is not a proper ideal. )
Theorem 5.17. If J is an ideal of a Boolean algebra 48, and if y E B, then the ideal
Gen (JU {y}), generated by J plus y, consists of all elements of the form
(2 A Y) ” x
where x E B and x E J.
Also, if x E J, then
w A ((x A y) v x) = ((w A x) A y) v (w A x) E H
Corollary 5.18. If J is an ideal of a Boolean algebra %, and if y E B-J, then the ideal
Gen (J U {y}) generated by J plus y is a proper ideal if and only if x v y Z 1
for all x in J, i.e. if and only if, for all x in J, y’ =b x.
Definition. An ideal J in a Boolean algebra ‘B is prime if and only if, for any x and y
in B, (x 4 J & y G J) + x A y 4 J.
Theorem 5.21. The maximal principal ideals are the principal ideals J,,, where u is an
(a) Assume u is an atom. To prove J,, maximal, we shall use Theorem 5.19. Assume
y E B and y 4 J,,. Then y 4 u’. Hence u f y’. Since u is an atom, u 4 y (by Remark
(iii) on page 135). Hence y’ g u’, i.e. y’ E J,,.
(b) Assume J,, maximal. To prove that u is an atom, we assume v 4 u and we must show
that v = 0 or v = u. Assume v # u. Since J,, is maximal, v E J,, or v’ E J,!. Hence
v 6 u’ or vu’g u’, i.e. v of u’ or u 6 v. But u 4 v, since v 6 u & v # u. Hence v L u’.
Since v 6 u and v 5 u’, it follows that v 4 u Au’ = 0. Therefore v = 0. )
Example 5.9.
In the Boolean algebra T(A) of all subsets of a non-empty set A, the atoms are the singletons {a},
where aEA. Hence a maximal principal ideal consists of all subsets X of A such that u 4X.
Example 5.10.
In a finite Boolean algebra %, every maximal ideal M is principal. For, there are a finite number of
atoms ai, . . . , ak in B, and aIva2~~-~vak=1. Hence there is some atom a which is not in M. Then
M = J,,. To see this, observe first that since a 4 M, then a’ EM. Therefore J,, c M. On the other hand,
if yEM, then aPy since a4M. Since a is an atom and a 4 y, it follows that a L y’, and so Y f a’.
Therefore M c J,,,.
(b) x =J y --, y =J x.
(c) x =J y & y =J .?i + x =J 2.
(d) (x=Jy & a=Jb) + (x’=Jy’& xAa=JyAb & xVo=JyVb).
(a) x +x = 0 E J.
(b) x + y = y + x.
Definition. [x] = {y : x =J y}
(a) First, assume [x] = [x]. Since x E [xl, we obtain x E [xl, i.e. x =J x. Second, assume
x =J 2. Then for any y,
YE I34+ x ‘J y + ?i =J y + y E [z]
Given an ideal J of the Boolean algebra %. Let B/J be the set of equivalence classes
modulo J. We define operations A~, vJ, ‘J on B/J as follows:
[‘I AJ [y] = Lx A y]
[‘I vJ [y] = Lx ” y]
[X]‘J = [X’]
These definitions are meaningful by virtue of Theorem 5.22(d). For example, if X and Y
are equivalence classes modulo J, we select any x E X and any y E Y. If x1 E X and yl E Y,
then [x A y] = [X~Ayl] by virtue of Theorem 5.22(d) and Theorem 5.23(u). Thus [x A y]
does not depend upon the particular x chosen in X or the particular y chosen in Y. This
shows that our definition of ~~ makes sense.
Let OJ stand for [O], and let 15 stand for [l]. Clearly, OJ = J and 13 = {y : y’ E J}.
Theorem 5.24. If J is a proper ideal of a Boolean algebra %, then LB/Jis a Boolean algebra
(called the quotient algebra of 48 by J).
Proof. We must check the axioms for Boolean algebras.
Example 5.11.
Let J be the ideal (0). Then x =J y if and only if z = y. Thus the elements of B/J are the single-
tons {z}, where x E B. The function f(z) = (5) is an isomorphism between 9 and g/(O).
Zorn’s Lemma: Given a set 2 of sets such that, for every C-chain C in Z,t the union
AliJCA is also in 2. Then there is an C-maximal set M in 2, i.e. M E 2,
and, if A is any set in 2, then M # A.
A proof of Zorn’s Lemma (based upon the use of a more transparent assumption, the
so-called axiom of choice) is given in Appendix C.
Theorem 5.26 (Maximal Ideal Theorem). If J is a proper ideal in a Boolean algebra S8:
then there is a maximal ideal M in % such that JC M (i.e. every proper
ideal can be extended to a maximal ideal).
Proof. Assume J is a proper ideal. Let 2 be the class of all proper ideals K in LBsuch
that J c K. Now assume that C is an c-chain in 2. Then I yc Z is a proper ideal (cf.
Problem 5.34) containing J. Hence by Zorn’s Lemma there is a maximal set M in 2. But
M > J and M is a maximal ideal in 9 (for, if M# is any proper ideal such that M c M#, then
M# EZ and hence M = M*). )
Example 5.12.
Consider the Boolean algebra T(A) of all subsets of an infinite set A. Let J be the ideal of all finite
subsets of A. By Theorem 5.26, J can be extended to a maximal ideal M. M cannot be a principal ideal.
(For, a principal maximal ideal consists of all subsets of A not containing some fixed element b of A
(cf. Example 5.9), while every singleton {b}, being finite, belongs to J and therefore to M. Hence if M
were principal, we would have A = {b} u (A - {b}) EM, and then M would not be a proper ideal.) No way
is known for describing such an ideal M in a constructive way, i.e. no property is known for which the
sets satisfying this property form a maximal ideal M containing J as a subset.
Corollary 5.27. Every Boolean algebra has at least one maximal ideal.
Proof. The set {0} is an ideal. Hence by Theorem 5.26, (0) can be extended to a
maximal ideal. )
Corollary 5.28. If C is any subset of a Boolean algebra % such that for any ~1, . . . , u,, in
c, 241v * *. VU,, # 1, then there is a maximal ideal M containing C.
Proof. By Corollary 5.16, the ideal Gen (C) generated by C is a proper ideal. Then
by Theorem 5.26 there is a maximal ideal M containing Gen (C), and therefore also
containing C. )
tBy an c-chain C in Z we mean a subset of Z such that, if A EC and BE C and A + B, then either
A C B or B c A. More generally, if R is a binary relation on a set W, then an R-chain in W is a subset
of W on which R is transitive, connected, and antisymmetric (i.e. xRy & yRx -f x = y).
Corollary 5.29. If x is a nonzero element of a Boolean algebra ‘i3, there is a maximal ideal
M not containing the element x.
Corollary 5.31. For any sentence A of the theory of Boolean algebras, A holds for all
Boolean algebras if and only if A holds for all fields of sets.
(By a sentence of the theory of Boolean algebras we mean either an equality 7 = U, where
T and v are Boolean expressions, or an expression obtained from such equalities by applying
the logical connectives and the quantifiers “for all x” and “there exists an x”.)
If the greatest lower bound (glb) of A exists, it is denoted A x and called the meet of A.
Notice that
VP” = 0, AoX = 1
v x = 1, A x=0
Definition. The Boolean algebra LBis said to be complete if and only if V x and A x
exist for all subsets A of B, i.e. every subset of B has both a lub and a glb.
Example 5.13.
I In the field T(K) of all subsets of a non-empty set K,
V x= uz and A 5= nz
(4 .YA x = ( Aa w)
P) Aa x = ( .ya w)
(Each equation is taken to mean that, if one side has meaning, then so does the other, and
they are equal.)
Proof. (a) Assume .y, x exists, and let y = (,xA x)‘. Now if u EA, then u 4 zyA x.
Hence y L u’. Thus y is a lower bound of the set W of all x’, where x EA. Now assume v
is a lower bound of W. Thus v 4 x’ for all x EA. Hence x Lv’ for all x EA. Thus
v x 4 v’. Hence v 4 (,‘$, x)’ = y. We have shown that y = z$A (2’). Hence .yA x =
y’ = ( A (x’))‘. On the other hand, assume .,$a (x’) exists. Let b = (,?, (xl))‘. If u E A,
then z$A (x’) g u’. Hence us b. Thus b is an upper bound of A. If c is an upper bound
of A, then x L c for all x E A; this implies that ~‘4 x’ for all x EA. Hence c’ 6 A (x’),
and b = (,$A (XI))’ 5 c. Therefore b = .:a x. The proof of (b) is similar. )
Corollary 5.33. If all subsets of B have a meet (respectively, a join), then B is complete.
Example 5.14.
Let S be the Boolean algebra of all finite and cofinite sets of positive integers. Let A be the set of all
sets of the form {2n}, where n is a positive integer, i.e. A is the set of singletons of the positive even integers.
Then A has no join. For, if u were equal to V 2, then u would have to contain all positive even integers.
But, since u would be cofinite, u would also have to contain all but finitely many odd positive integers.
Then any proper subset of u obtained by removing an odd integer also would be an upper bound of A,
contradicting the assumption that u is the least upper bound of A. Thus % is not complete.
Example 5.15.
Let A be the field of sets consisting of all finite sets of positive integers and all sets N-X, where N
is the set of all non-negative integers and X is any finite set of positive integers. A is a subfield of the
field F(N) of all subsets of N. Let C be the set of all singletons of the form {n}, where n is a positive
integer. Then the join of C in the Boolean algebra T(N) is N - (0). However, the join of C in the
Boolean algebra A is N. (Notice that N - (0) does not belong to A.) This illustrates two facts:
(1) The join of a set in a field of sets is not necessarily the union. (In Example 5.15, the union
of C is N - (0) but the join in A is N.)
(2) If Al is a Boolean subalgebra of a Boolean algebra A,, and if Y is a set of elements of A,,
then the join of Y in A, (if it exists) is not necessarily the join of Y in A, (if it exists).
Because of the fact illustrated in (2), we shall, if necessary, designate the join in a Boolean algebra
B of a set Y of elements by v 3 x, and the meet by A‘B 2.
Definition. By a complete field of sets we mean a field of sets such that, for any subset
A of the field, the union and intersection of the sets in A are also in the field. The field
T(K) of all subsets of a non-empty set K is an example of a complete field of sets. Clearly,
a complete field of sets is a complete Boolean algebra, with union and intersection serving
as join and meet.
If % = (B, A, v, ‘, 0,l) is a Boolean algebra, then its dual %* = (B, v, A, ‘, 1,O) is also
a Boolean algebra. In fact, the function f(x) = x’ is an isomorphism between 3 and %*
(cf. Problem 5.42).
Theorem 5.34. (Duality Principle). For any Boolean sentence A, the dual formula A*,
obtained from A by exchanging 0 and 1 and exchanging A and v, will be
true for !B if and only if A is true for 48.
Proof. A is true for % if and only if it is true for the isomorphic algebra 48*. But the
interpretation of A with respect to the model “8* is the same as the interpretation of A*
with respect to l3. )
There are various extensions of the Duality Principle. The transformation from A to
the dual A* exchanges 6 and 1. (For, x g y * z A y = x, and the dual of x A y = z is
XV y = x, which is equivalent to x 1 y.) In addition, the taking of duals interchanges the
general notions of meet and join.
Example 5.16.
The second part of DeMorgan’s Laws (Theorem 5.32)
@) A x = v (x0
ZEA ( 2EA )
is the dual of the first part:
(4 v 5 =
XEA (z?A(~‘))’
Example 5.17.
From v x=0, it follows by duality that A s=l. Similarly, A 5 = 0 follows from
zeg, ZEB 5EB
v x=1.
(b) x v A u = A @vu).
(These equations are intended to mean that, if the left side is meaningful, then the right
side is also meaningful and the two sides are equal.)
Proof. Since (b) is the dual of (a), it suffices to prove (a). As a preliminary, note that
(For, if ur\b-“c, then b = (u’Ab)v(uAb) 4 u’vc.) By taking the dual of (5.1) and
changing a to a’, we obtain
csu’vb + aAclb (5.2)
XAV &xA/\u
Thus x A ,ya u is an upper bound of the set Z of all x AU, where u EA. Now assume w
is an upper bound of the set 2. Then for all u E A, x AU 4 w; and therefore by (5.1),
u 2s x’vw. Hence v u 4 x’v w. By (5.2), x A V u 4 w. Thus x A v u =
v @AU).)
u E A
Remark. If the right-hand side of (a) or (b) of Theorem 5.35 is meaningful, the left-hand
side need not be. For example, if x = 0, then ,yA (x A u) = 0, but u yA u need not exist
if 48 is not complete.
By means of the ordinary distributive laws, one obtains identities of the form
For example,
(xl, V x12) A (x21 V x22 V x23) = (x II A x21) V (xl1 A x22) V (x11 A 223) V (xl2 A x21)
One even can extend these identities to the following infinite case.
= (5.3)
j, yA, (‘ljl A x2j2 A * ’ + A Xkj,)
I t
where the join on the right is taken over all possible terms xljl A XZJ,A * * * A xkjk, with
j, E AI, . . . , jk E Ak, and where we assume that all the joins on the left-hand side exist.
This identity is proved by induction on k, using Theorem 5.35(a) (plus generalized associ-
ativity; cf. Problem 5.37).
For any sets S and W, let SW stand for the set of all functions from W into S. Assume
given a function assigning to each w E W and s E S an element x~,~ of a given Boolean
algebra %. Consider
where the join on the right extends over all functions f E SW.
We have seen above (equation (5.3)) that if m is finite every Boolean algebra is (m, II)-
distributive, no matter what n is. Obviously (m, n)-distributivity also holds when n = 1.
However, if m is infinite and n% 2, then a Boolean algebra need not be (m, n)-distributive,
even when II is finite.
To verify (a), it suffices to choose a set W* such that Wrl W* = $Zj and WU W* has cardi-
nality m, and then to extend the given assignment by letting x~,~ = 1 for all w E W*. To
prove (b), we need only choose a set S* so that Sn S* = $Zj and SUS* has cardinality n, and
then extend the given assignment by letting x~,~ = 0 for all s E S*.
From (a) and (b) it follows that ?l is completely distributive if and only if % is m-dis-
tributive for all m.
It can be shown that 3 is m-distributive if and only if 48 is (m, 2)-distributive (cf. [I401
and [149]).
Example 5.18.
The field T(K) of all subsets of a non-empty set K is completely distributive. This follows from the
fact that
Let m be an infinite cardinal number. A Boolean algebra 9 is said to be m-complete if
and only if every subset of B having cardinal number Lnt possesses a least upper bound
(lub) and a greatest lower bound (glb).
By De Morgan’s Laws (Theorem 5.32), for m-completeness it suffices to know only that
every subset of B having cardinal number drn possesses a lub (or that every subset of B
having cardinal. number g m possesses a glb).
If HO is the cardinal number of the set of integers, it is customary to use the term
u-algebra instead of Ho-complete Boolean algebra. Thus l3 is a a-algebra if and only if every
denumerable subset of B has a lub.
We shall use the term m-comp2ete jie2d of sets for a field of sets 7 such that any subset
of JJ of cardinality gnt has its union in 7. In addition, by a a-field of sets we mean a field
of sets closed under denumerable unions.
Clearly, an m-complete field of sets is an m-complete Boolean algebra, and a o-field of
sets is a a-algebra.
Example 5.19.
Let K be a non-denumerable set. The field 10 of all subsets of K which are either countable (i.e. either
finite or denumerable) or co-countable (i.e. their complement is countable) is a a-field, but not a complete
field of sets (nor a complete Boolean algebra). For, let A be a subset of K such that both A and its
complement are non-denumerable. Then for each x EA, the set {x} E T. However, the union of all the
sets ix), where x E A, is equal to A, which does not belong to p.
Example 5.20.
The field 6 of all finite and cofinite subsets of an infinite set K is not a o-algebra. For, let A be an
infinite subset of K whose complement is also infinite. Then the union of all sets {x}, where xEA, is
infinite but not cofinite. This shows that we do not have a o-field. To see that 6 is not even a u-algebra,
observe that the same set E of all sets {z}, where x E A, cannot have a lub in 6. For, if C were such a
set, then x E A + {x} c C. Hence A c C, and so C would be infinite. Hence C must be cofinite, and
therefore C must intersect the complement A of A. If we choose y E Cn A, then C - (y} would be an
upper bound of E in 6, contradicting the assumption that C is the lub of E.
Solved Problems
5.1. In each of the following diagrams, a partial order -L of a set A is represented. For
which of them is (A, 6) a lattice ? A distributive lattice? A complemented lattice?
(4 (4
(b) (4
? ?? d.&
? ??? ??
? ?? ‘b ??
? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
(a) This is a distributive lattice with zero a and unit e, but it is not a complemented lattice. (For
example, there is no y corresponding to c such that c v y = e and c A y = a.)
(c) This is a complemented lattice with zero a and unit e, but it is not distributive. (For example,
d A (b v c) = d, while (d A b) v (d A c) = b.)
(d) This is a lattice with zero a and unit f, but it is not complemented (c has no complement) and
not distributive ( d A (b v c) = d A e = d, while (d A b) v (d A c) = b v a = b.)
5.2. Prove that any finite lattice has a zero element and a unit element.
Let al, . . ..a. be the elements of the lattice, and let b = a, v . * * v a,. Then b is a unit.
For, oi 5 b for each i. Similarly, a, A * * . A a, is a zero.
5.3. (a) Given a set A totally ordered by a binary relation 4. Prove that (A, 4) is a dis-
tributive lattice. When is (A, 6) a complemented lattice?
(b) Give an example of a distributive lattice lacking both zero and unit elements.
(a) For any z and y in A, either z 5 y or y f x. Then max (2, y), the larger of 2: and y, is
obviously the lub 2 v y, while min (5, y), the smaller of 2 and y, is the glb 2 A y. Thus (A, 6)
is a lattice. We must now prove the distributive law (L5) which becomes
min (z, max (y, 2)) = max (min (2, y), min (X,2))
First, max (y,z) 2 2 and max(y,z) 2 y. Hence min (x, max (y, z)) 5 min (2, z) and
min (2, max (y, z)) 2 min (2, y). Therefore min (5, max (y, z)) z max (min (x, y), min (x, 2)). Now
assume min (2, max(y, z)) > max (min (5, y), min (r, x)), and we shall derive a contradiction. It
follows from our assumption that x > max (min (x, y), min (x, 2)). Therefore z > min (z, y)
and x > min (x,2). Hence x > y and z > z. Consequently max (min (a, y), min (2,~)) =
max (y, z) and min (x, max (y, z)) = max (y, z), contradicting our assumption. The other dis-
tributive law (L6) must hold by virtue of Theorem 5.2.
For (A, 4) to be complemented, there would have to be a least element 0 and a greatest ele-
ment 1. Also, for any z in A, max (x, x’) = 1 and min (3c,x’) = 0. But either x = max (x,x’)
or 2 = min (x, z’). Hence x = 1 or 5 = 0. Therefore A would have to contain at most two
(b) By Part (a), such a lattice is given by (I, L), where Z is the set of all integers (positive,
zero, and negative) and f is the usual order relation on integers.
absorption laws
(f) x A (XV@ = 2 I
in the following sense: if (L, A, V) is a structure such that A and v are binary operation
on the set L satisfying the laws (a)-(f), and if we define xLy by xAy=z, then
(L, 4) is a lattice with lub ((x, y}) = x v y and glb ({x, y}) = x A y.
We already know, by Theorem 6.1, that any lattice satisfies (a)-(f). Conversely, assume that
(L, r\,v) is a structure satisfying (a)-(f) and define x ‘y by SAY = x. Notice that zhy c*
xvy=y. (For, assume z 5 y, i.e. o A y = 2. Then by (e) and (b), y=yv(y~x)=yvx=
z v y. Conversely, if y = xv y, then, by (f), r = z A (z v y) = x A y, i.e. z e y.) Now,
(v) xv y = lub ({x, y}). This is proved in a manner similar to that of (iv).
Remark. Since (a) and (b), (c) and (d), and (e) and (f) are duals of each other, the result
we have just demonstrated yields a Duality Principle for lattices.
5.5. (a) Show that the following inequalities hold in any lattice.
(i) (XAY)V(XAX) L XA(Z/VX)
(b) Show that each of the following inequalities is a necessary and sufficient condi-
tion for a lattice to be distributive.
(iii) x A (y V 2) L (x A 2/) V (x A 2)
(a) By duality, it suffices to prove (i). We have
Hence (~A~)v(~Az)~xA(~vz).
(a) For (iii) we just use (i), and for (iv) we use (ii). For (v) we first assume distributivity. Then
Conversely, let us assume that (v) holds. Since a A (b v c) 6 a, it follows by (v) that
UA(bVC) f UA((UAb)VC) = UA(CV(UAb))
f (a A c) v (a A b) by (v)
= (UAB) v (UAC)
Thus we have shown that (iii) holds and therefore that the lattice is distributive.
Assume z f 5. Hence z f r A (y v z). Also, x A y f x A (y v z). Therefore
(XAy)V Z f X A (YVZ)
5.7. Let us call a lattice modular if and only if it obeys the following law:
262 + xA(yvx) 26 (x/\y)vx
(a) Show that a lattice L is modular if and only if it obeys the law
X4X + (xA’lj)Vx = xA(z/Vx)
5.8. Determine which of the lattices appearing in Problems 5.1(c, d) and Example 5.2 are
The lattice of Problem 5.1(c) is
This is not modular since it contains the lattice of Problem 5.5(c) as a sublattice?, and we have just
seen that the latter is not modular.
The lattice of Example 5.2 is
“VT’” ??
tBy a sublattice of a lattice (L, 5) we mean a lattice determined by a subset of L closed under A and V.
5.9. Show that a lattice is modular if and only if it satisfies the identity
Assume L is modular. In the condition for modularity of Problem 5.7(a), substitute z for y,
y for z and x v y for x. The antecedent then becomes the true statement y f XV y, and we obtain
(2 A (X V Id) V Y = (XV Y) A (z V Y)
Conversely, assume that the indicated identity is true. Exchanging y and z, we obtain the
(yA(xVZ))VZ = (yVZ)A(XvZ) (1)
Now, to prove modularity, we assume zfx and we have to prove that (~AX)VZ=XA(~VZ).
But since zfx, zvx=x. Hence the identity (I) becomes (y A 2) v z = (yv z) AX, which is
precisely what is required.
5.10. Prove that a lattice L is modular if and only if it does not contain a sublattice iso-
morphic to the lattice of Problem 5.1(c),
If L is modular, then L cannot contain such a sublattice, since the latter is not modular
(cf. Problem 5.8). Conversely, assume L is not modular. Then there exist elements x. y, z such
that 2 f z and z v (y A x) < (2 v y) A x. Now let a = y A 2, b = 2 v (y A x), c = y, d = (2 v y) A 2,
e=zvy. We leave it as an exercise for the reader to show that a, b, c, d and e are pairwise
distinct and that d A c = b A c = a, bvd=d, and cvd=cvb=e. This shows that L has
a sublattice isomorphic to the one in the diagram above.
5.11. (a) Show that in any lattice the following inequality holds.
(XAy) V (PAX) V @AX) 4 (XVY) A (YVZ) A (ZVX)
(b) Show that a lattice L is distributive if and only if the folIowing identity hoIds.
(XAY) V (VAX) V @Ax) = (XV& A (yV%) A (ZVX)
(c) Prove that a lattice is distributive if and only if it has no sublattice isomorphic
with either the lattice of Problem 5.1(c), Fig. 5-4 below, or the lattice of Example
5.2, Fig. 5-5 below.
(a) From x~y~yvz and XAY &zvx, weinfer
and 2 A X f (XV y) A (y V 2) A (2 V 2)
= ((X V Y) A 2) V ((Y V 2) A $1
= (X A y) V (y A 2) V (2 A 5)
Conversely, assume the given identity holds. Now let us prove that the lattice is modular.
Assume x 5 z. Then
(xAy)V(yAZ)V(ZAX) = (XAy)V(yAZ)VX = XV(yA2)
= [X A (Y A z)] V [b A Y) V (X A z,]
(c) Clearly, if a lattice is distributive it has no sublattices of either of the two indicated forms,
since the latter are both non-distributive (cf. Example 6.2 and Problem 5.8). Conversely,
assume the lattice non-distributive. If it is not modular, then the result follows by Problem
5.10. So we may assume modularity. By parts (a) and (b) of this problem, there exist ele-
ments x, II, z such that
(XAy)V(yAZ)V(ZAX) < (XVy)A(yVZ)A(ZVX)
d = u V (5 A V) = (~‘4 2) A V,
C = UV(ZAV) = (UVZ)AV.
We leave it as an exercise for the reader to show that v, d, b, c, u are all distinct and that
dhb=bAc=eAd=u and dvb=bvc=cvd=v.
5.12. In an atomic Boolean algebra ‘B, prove that every element x is the lub of the set k(z)
of all atoms b 6 x (but x is not the lub of any proper subset of k(x)).
Clearly, z is an upper bound of q(x). Assume now that z is an upper bound of q(x) such that
x + z, and we shall obtain a contradiction. x $ z implies z A z’ # 0. Since % is atomic, there
is some atom b 6 5 A z’. Hence b f x, i.e. b E q(x). Also, b f 2’. But since z is an upper
bound of q(s), b f z. Therefore b f z A z’ = 0, contradicting the fact that b is an atom. Lastly,
assume z is the lub of WC*(x). Let b E ‘k(x) - W. Then for every cE W, c f x A b’ (since
c A (x A b’) = (c A x) A b’ = c A b’ = c, by properties (ii)-(iii), page 136, of atoms). Hence x A b’ is
an upper bound of W and therefore x 5 x A b’. But b 5 x. This implies b 5 b’ and therefore
b = 0, which is a contradiction.
5.13. (a) In an atomic Boolean algebra, show that 1 is the lub of the set of all atoms.
In particular, when the algebra has a finite number of atoms al, . . . , ak,
1 = al V ” ’ V ak.
(b) Prove that an atomic Boolean algebra is finite if and only if its set of atoms is
Solution :
(a) This is an immediate corollary of Problem 5.12. The additional remark follows from the fact
that alv “‘Vak is the lub of {a,, . . ..ok}.
(b) When an algebra is finite, then its set of atoms must be finite. Conversely, assume that there
are only finitely many atoms ai, . . ., ak. By Problem 5.12, every element 2 of the algebra is the
lub of all the atoms b 4 x, and therefore 2 is of the form ajl v . * . v aim where jr < * . * < j, f k.
But since there are only a finite number of joins of that form, there can be only a finite
number of elements in the algebra.
5.14. Show that any infinite Boolean algebra 9 contains an infinite set of pairwise-disjoint
Case 1. Assume ‘E is atomic. Then ‘3 has infinitely many atoms, by Problem 5.13(b). If 2
and 2/ are distinct atoms, then XA g = 0 (by property (ii) of atoms).
Case 2. ‘3 is not atomic. Then there is an element xo # 0 such that x,, contains no atom.
Hence there is some z1 such that 0 < x1 < x0. Similarly, there is some x2 such that 0 < xs < xi.
Proceeding in this manner, we obtain (using the axiom of choice) an infinite sequence x0, xi, x2, . . .
suchthat z,,>z,>z,>.*.. Let ~o=xo-~~,yl=x~-x~,~~=x~-x~, . . . . Then 2/ir\yj=O
w.henever i # j.
5.15. Exhibit a Boolean algebra which is not isomorphic to any Boolean algebra of the
form T(A).
Consider the Boolean algebra 4B of statement bundles, based upon the propositional calculus
(cf. Example 3.5). “B is denumerable. For, since there are denumerably many statement forms,
there can only be a countable number of statement bundles. However, distinct statement letters
determine distinct statement bundles, since distinct statement letters are not logically equivalent.
Hence there are denumerably many statement bundles. Assume % is isomorphic to some F(A).
Then A must be infinite, for otherwise ‘P(A) would be finite and so would S. Thus T(A) is
denumerable (since it is isomorphic with %) and A is infinite. By Cantor’s Theorem (Problem 2.22),
A must have smaller cardinality than T(A). A is equinumerous with a subset of T(A), and there-
fore A must be denumerable. But then A would be equinumerous with T(A) (since both are denum-
erable), contradicting Cantor’s Theorem. (What we have shown, by means of Cantor’s Theorem,
is that no denumerable Boolean algebra can be isomorphic with any T(A), and we also exhibited
a particular denumerable Boolean algebra.)
5.16. Show that the Boolean algebra % of statement bundles (cf. Example 3.5) is atomless.
Assume [A] is an atom. Then [A] # O,, and A cannot be a contradiction. Let Ai be any
statement letter not occurring in A. Then A does not logically imply Aip for we can assign Ai
the value F and assign the statement letters in A suitable values so that A is T. In addition,
Ai 8zA is not a contradiction, since we can make Ai T and, at the same time, make A T. Also, Ai & A
logically implies A. Thus 0, < [Ai & A] < [A], contradicting the assumption that [A] is an atom.
This problem provides another way of solving Problem 6.15, since any Boolean algebra T’(A)
is atomic.
(a) (XV y) A (X A $4)’ = (XV y) A (X’ V y’)
= 2” A y (by (c))
= XAlLj
5.18. Given a Boolean algebra % = (B, A, v, ‘, 0, l), we have seen that % determines a
Boolean ring with unit r(9) = (B, +, A, 0). Theorem 5.11 tell us that, starting with
a Boolean ring T = (R, +, X, 0) with unit element 1 # 0, and defining x’ = 1 +x,
x A y = x x y, and XV y = x + y + (x X y), we obtain a Boolean algebra
WY) = @, *, VP‘t Cl)
Show that these transformations are inverses of each other in the sense that
b(r(48)) = 48 and r(b(!Q) = %.
Start with a Boolean algebra % = (B, As, vs, ‘%, 0% , 1,). Then r(3) = (B, SFB,A~, 0, ) with
unit element 1,. Let C = b(r(9)). By definition of C,
2 AC Y = XAgy
NOW let US start with a Boolean ring ?K = (E, -i-%.’Xx., 0%) with unit element 1% # 0%.
Then in ‘D = b(T),
2’1, = l+Tz
XAQY = Xx~u
xv,y = x+KY+5y(xxqY)
= xfq y+1((xx~Y)+~(~x~Y)+~((“xqY)+~(~x~Y)
= x+Ky
(a) 7 = o if and only if (T Au’) v (T’A U) = 0, by Theorem 5.9(j).
(c) Write 7 in disjunctive normal form. Grouping those terms involving u and those involving u’,
we obtain
7 = (UA 01) V (U’ A 02)
* u-u; 82 02~24
t) u2~ufu;
Hence there is a solution if and only if 0s f u;, and the solutions are all u such that
02 f u f u;. Hence the set of solutions consists of all (ue v w) A u;, for all values of w. (For, if
02 2-zu 4 o;, then (Q v u) A ui = u A U; = u. Conversely, if us f ui, then, for any W, 02 f
(es v w) A ei 5 vi.) If we wish to solve for the remaining variables, we then solve the inequality
ue f ei, which is equivalent to the equality ue A 01 = 0.
(d) By (c), if there is a unique solution, ut = ui. (Otherwise, u2 and U; would be distinct solutions.)
7= (U A 01) V (U’ A 0;) = U + U; = U + (1 + “1)
Conversely, if 7 = u + p, then 7 = 0 + u = p.
5.20. Find necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of a solution and find all
solutions of the following equations.
(a) uvx = w, (b) UAX = UAW.
(4 uvz=w f) [(U V 2) A W’] V [(U V 2)’ A W] = 0
c, (UA[W’V(ZAW’)])V (U’A[(ZAW’)V(Z’AW)]) = 0
e (U A W’ ) V (U’A(Z+W)) = 0
01 Q2
A solution exists f) u2 f ui
t) z$wfw
ti (Z+W)AW’ = 0
c, (ZAW’) + (WAW’) = 0
t* ZAW’=O
When zA W’ = 0, all solutions are of the form ((x + w) v x) A w for arbitrary x. But
The equation z A w’ = 0 always has solutions z and the solutions are all elements g A w
t) (UAXAW’)V (UAWAZ’) = 0
-3 uA(w+x) = 0
A solution exists if and only if 0 4 (w + 2)‘. Hence a solution always exists. The solutions
are u = 5 A (w + 2)’ for all 2, w, 2.
Hence we must solve the system (a’), (b’), (c’). By Problem 5.19(b), this system is equivalent
to the single equation
(24A [(z’v w) A v’]) v (u’ A [(z A w’) v v]) v (2 A [(v’v w’) AU’])
which is equivalent to
(U A ([(Z’ V W) A ‘II’] V [W’ A W’]}) v (U’ A {[(Z A W’) v V]
5.22. In our axiom system for Boolean algebra (cf. Section 3.2), prove the independence of
each of Axioms (l)-(4) and (7)-(g). Show that each of Axioms (5)-(6) is not independent.
(A member A of a system 2jI of axioms is said to be independent if and only if A
is not provable from the set W u {A} of the other axioms.)
Solution :
Axiom (1): z v y = yv x. Define a model ((0, l), A,V,
A,v, ‘, 0,l) as follows:
Complement: 0’ = 1, 1’ = 0.
In the above table, the value of xv 2/ is to be found at the intersection of the row to the right
of x and the column under y. Thus
Thus OAO
= 0,
0, Olzl= 0, 1AO = 0, l/71=
IAl = 0
Then Axioms (2)-(g) hold, but Axiom (1) is false. (1) fails because 1 v 0 = 1 # 0 = 0 v 1. To see
that Axiom (2), z A Ay = y AA 2, holds, observe that all meets are 0. Verification of the other axioms
is left as an exercise for the reader.
V 0 1 A 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0
l- 1 1 1 l- 1 0 1
For the independence of Axiom (4), xv (y A z) = (xv y) A (xv z), use 0’ = 1, 1’ = 0, and
V 0 1 A 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
t 1 1 0 I- 1 0 1
For the independence of Axiom (‘7), xv x’ = 0, let the domain of the model be F(A), where
A is any non-empty set, take A to be fl, and v to be U. Let 0 be @ and let 1 be A. However, let
2’ = 0 for all x.
For the independence of Axiom (8), use the same model as for Axiom (7), except that
x’ = A = 1 for all x.
For the independence of Axiom (9), use the model (81, with A, v, ’ as n, U, and - (Q)n@ =
pug=e,=$g; O=l=@
To show that Axiom (5), xv 0 = x, is provable from the rest, note first that xv 1 = 1 for
all x. For,
1 = XVX’ = X V (2’ A 1) = (XV X’) A (XV 1) = 1 A (XV 1) = X V 1
To show that Axiom (6), z A 1 = x, follows from the rest, “dualize” the proof just given for
the axiom xv 0 = x. Thus, first, x A 0 = 0 for all x. For,
Detailed verification that the examples in the independence proofs satisfy the remaining axioms
is left to the reader,
5.23. If C is a subset of a Boolean algebra CBand if an ideal J contains C and is contained
in every ideal containing C, show that J is the ideal Gen (C) generated by C.
We have to show that J is equal to the intersection H of all ideals containing C. Since J is
contained in every ideal containing C, it follows that J c H. On the other hand, since J is itself
an ideal containing C, H C_J. Therefore, J = H.
5.24. If J is an ideal of a Boolean algebra % and @ E B, prove that Gen (JU {y}) is a proper
ideal if and only if Y’4 J.
Assume y’E J. Hence 1 = y v y’ E Gen (JU {y}), and therefore Gen (Ju {y}) is not a proper
ideal. Conversely, assume that Gen (Ju{y}) is not a proper ideal. Then 1 E Gen (JU {y}), and
by Theorem 5.17 there exist z E B and z E J such that 1 = (z A g) v X. Hence
g” = y’ A 1 = 1/’ A ((2 Ay) V 2) = (y’ A (2 Au)) V ($/A 2) = y’ A 2
(9 BY (4, 0 E JR. Assume x E J, and y E J,. Hence xR0 and yR0. By (d) x’R1, and, again by
(4, (2’ A Y’WY’. But from (d), yR0 implies y’R1. Hence by (c), (2’ A y’)Rl, and, again by (d),
(x’ A y’
)‘Ro, i.e. x v y E JR. Now assume that x E JR and zE B. Then xR0 and, by (d),
(x A x)RO, i.e. x A x E JR.
(ii) This follows immediately from the fact that an ideal is proper if and only if it does not
contain 1.
(iii) Since + is definable in terms of the meet and complement, it follows by (d) that xRy +
(x + y)R(y + y), i.e. xRy + (z + y)RO. But (x + y)RO is equivalent to x + y E JR, which in
turn is equivalent by definition to x ‘J, y.
5.26. A subset F of a Boolean algebra 23 is said to be a filter if and only if: (i) F is non-
empty; (ii) (x E F & y E F) +xA~EF’; (iii)xEF&yEB+xvyEF. Byanultra-
filter we mean a proper filter which is contained in no other proper filter. Prove:
(a) F is a filter if and only if F’ = {x’ : x E F) is an ideal.
(b) F is an ultrafilter if and only if F’ is a maximal ideal.
(c) Assumption (iii) in the definition of filter may be replaced by
(iii’) x E F & x g y + y E F
(a) Assume F is a filter. Given x E F’, y E F’, z E B. Then x’E F and y’ E F. Hence x’ A y’ E F
and X’VZ’E F. Therefore xv y = (x’ A y’)’ E F’ and x A z = (z’v 2’)’ E F’. Thus F’ is
an ideal. The converse is left as an exercise for the reader.
(b) This is an immediate consequence of (cc).
(c) The equivalence between (iii) and (iii’) follows from the equivalence between x f y and
5.27. Call a Boolean algebra 3 sim$e if and only if (0) is the only proper ideal. Prove
that 3 is simple if and only if B = (0, l}.
Clearly, if B = (0, l}, then (0) is the only proper ideal. Conversely, assume B is simple. Let
z be any element of B different from 1. Then the principal ideal J, is a proper ideal, since 1 =# X.
Since 9 is simple, J, = (0). But x E J, and therefore x = 0, i.e. B = (0, 1).
Let H = U J, where C is an c-chain of ideals. Given x and y in H, and z in B. Then
XE J, and y E J, for some J, and J, in C. Since C is an C-chain, either J1 L J, or J, c J,, say,
J, c_J,. Hence x E J, and y E J,. Since J, is an ideal, xv y E J2 and x A x E J,. But since J, c H,
we obtain: xv y E H and x A z E H. Hence H is an ideal. If each ideal in C is proper, then 14J
for each J in C. Hence 14 H and therefore H is also proper.
Notice that, for Boolean rings, (-y) = y, and therefore we may replace x-y in condition (i)
by z + y. Now assume that J is an ideal in %. Wealreadyknowthat (zEJ&yEJ) +s+yEJ,
which is condition (i), while condition (ii) reads (xEJ & zE B) + x A z E J, which is part of the
definition of an ideal. Conversely, assume that J is a ring-theoretic ideal. By (ii), (x E J & x E B) +
XAZEJ. Nowitremainstoshowthat (xEJ&yEJ)-+xvyEJ. SoassumexEJ&yEJ. By
(ii), x A y E J, and, since x v y = x + y + (x A y), we may conclude by (i) that 2 v y E J.
5.30. Show that, if J is an ideal of a Boolean algebra 48, then x =J y if and only if there
exists some element x in J such that x v x = y v x.
Assume x zJ y, i.e. x + y E J. Let z = z + y. Then
xv2 = xv(x+y) = xvy = yv(x+y) = yvz
5.31. Let 48 be the Boolean algebra T(A), where A is some infinite non-empty set, and let
J be the ideal of finite subsets of A. Prove that the quotient algebra WJ is atomless.
Given an element [Xj of WJ such that [X] # [O]. Hence X is infinite. Then there is an
infinite set Y such that Y c X and X - Y is infinite. (To see this, enumerate a subset of
x, Ia,, a,, . . .I, and let Y = {a,, as, a,, . . .}.) Since Y is infinite, [Y] # 09,J. Also, since Y cX,
[Y] 5 [Xl. However, since X - Y is infinite, X + Y 4 J, i.e. X +J Y. Hence [X] # [Y]. Thus
093/J < VI < [Xl, and therefore [Xj cannot be an atom.
5.32. Given Boolean algebras & = (A, A&, v~, ‘~4, O,, loA) and 9 = (B, A%, vs, ‘q, 0,, 1%).
A function f from A into B is called a homomorphism from CA into 9 if and only if
(4 fb v&.q Y) = f((X’d A\w4 y’d)‘=‘f)
f(0,) = f(X A& 5’4) = f(X) A\“B f(X’&) = f(X) “\II f(X)‘% = 023
(5) From now on we shall omit subscripts CA and 9, wherever this is not likely to cause confusion.
Assume now that j is a homomorphism from CA into ‘K Assume u, w E f(A). Then u = j(z)
and w = j(y) for some x, y in A. Hence u A v = j(x) A j(y) = j(x A y) E j(A). Similarly,
u’ = j(x)’ = j(x’) E f(A). Hence f(A) determines a subalgebra of CB.
(c) Assume x, y E j-r(C). Then j(x A y) = j(x) A j(y) E C, since C is closed under A. Similarly,
f(x’) = j(x)‘E C, since C is closed under complementation. Thus x A y E f-r(C) and x’E j-r(C).
(9) Assume j is one-one, and let x E Kp Then j(x) = 0 = j(0). Since j is one-one, z = 0. Con-
versely, assume Kf = {0}, and assume j(x) = j(y). Then j(x + y) = j(x) + j(y) = j(z) + j(z) = 0.
Thus x + y E Kf, but, since Kf = {0}, x + y = 0, which is equivalent to x = y.
Now 8%
F([X] A [W], = F([X A W], = f(XA W) = f(X) A f(w) = F([X]) A F([W])
Similarly, F([x]‘) = F([x’]) = j(x’) = j(x)’ = F([x])’
To see that F is one-one, we check that the kernel of F is (0). Assume F([x]) = 0. Then
j(x) = 0. Hence x E Kf, and therefore [x] = 0. That the range of F is B follows from the
fact that the range of j is B.
5.33. (a) Let b be a nonzero element of a Boolean algebra 23. Let Bt, denote {x : z 4 b}.
Define u# = b -u for every u in BL,. Then show that (Bt,, A, v, #, 0, b) is a
Boolean algebra (denoted 3 1b).
(b) Let b be a nonzero element of a Boolean algebra FB. Let J be the principal ideal
JV generated by b’, i.e. J = {x : x 6 b’}. Define 4(u) = [u] = u + J for every
u 4 b. Prove that + is an isomorphism of 23 1b onto WJ.
(a) Since the operations A, v and # are closed in B,, Axioms (l)-(4) are automatically satisfied.
Axioms (5) and (9) are obvious. Axiom (6) becomes z A b = z which holds for all z in Bb.
Axiom (7) reads z v (b - x) = b for all x in Bb, which is obvious. Finally, Axiom (8) becomes
z A (b - x) = 0 which holds for all 2.
Since b+l=b’EJ, wehave b+J=[l]. Hence
+(x#) = C(b - 2) = +(b~ 2’) = [b] A [cc’] = [l] A [z]’ = [xl’ = (&))’
Thus + is a homomorphism. To see that @ is one-one, assume that u is in the kernel K+. Then
[u] = 0 IIjJ = J, i.e. UE J. Hence u 5 b’. But u f b. Therefore u = 0. Hence K = {0},
and + is one-one. Assume now that [v] E B/J. Let u = u A b. Then [u] = [w] A [b] =
[w] A [l] = [w], and u E % ] b. Hence [v] is in the range of $. Therefore + is an isomorphism
of 4B/ b onto WJ.
By Theorem 5.26, there is a maximal ideal containing J. Now J C H. We must show that
H G J. Assume x 4 J. Then by Problem 5.24, Gen (J U {z’}) is a proper ideal. Hence by Theorem
5.26 there is a maximal ideal M containing Gen (J U (2’)). Therefore J c M and 5 B M. Thus z 4 H.
Hence H c J.
5.35. (For those readers acquainted with elementary point-set topology.) Definitions: A
clopen set of a topological space is a set which is both closed and open. A topological
space X is totally disconnected if and only if, for any distinct points x and y of X,
there exists a clopen set C such that x EC and y 4 C. A topological space which is
both compact and totally disconnected is called a Boolean space.
(a) Prove that the clopen subsets of a Boolean space X form a field of sets (called the
dual algebra Bx).
(b) Let x be the set of maximal ideals of a Boolean algebra 9. For any x in B, let
E(x) = {M : M E zw & x 4 M}. Then if we take arbitrary unions of sets of the
form E(x) to be open sets, show that 3M becomes a Boolean space (called the
Stone space of CB). Prove also that the sets E(x) are the clopen subsets of 3M, and
that the dual algebra B, is isomorphic with the original Boolean algebra 9.
(c) If X is a Boolean space, prove that the Stone space 3M of the dual algebra BX is
homeomorphic with the original space X.
(a) The complement of an open space is closed and vice versa. Hence the complement of a clopen
set is clopen. In addition, the union and intersection of a finite number of closed (open) sets
are also closed (open).
(b) Any maximal ideal is a proper ideal and therefore belongs to 2(z) for some 2. Now assume
that MI and M, are distinct maximal ideals. Then
- there must be some element z E MI - MP.
Hence M, E E(z’) and M, E E(z). Since g(z’) = E(z), &V is a totally disconnected space. To
prove compactness, assume &f is covered by some collection {O,}, e A of open sets, i.e.
CM= u 0,. Let us assume JM is not covered by any finite subset of the collection {O,), e A,
and let us show that this leads to a contradiction. Replace each 0, by the sets E(o) contained
in it. Hence we obtain a covering of &V by a collection U of sets of the form E(s), where x
ranges over some set C C B. It follows that no finite subset of lJ covers iu. (Otherwise,
replacing each 5(z) by a corresponding 0, containing it, we would obtain a finite covering of
&f by Ool’s.) Hence E(z,) v * . . v _C(z,) # &!z for any x1, . . ., zk in C. But -C(xl) v . . . v +?Z(r,)-=
E(xlv ... v xk) (by the proof of Theorem 5.30). Hence X(zi v . . . v xk) f d1 for any zl, . , zk
inc. Therefore x,v...vx,#l forahyx,,...,x,inC. By Theorem 5.16 the ideal Gen (C)
generated by C is a proper ideal, and therefore by Theorem 5.26 there is a maximal ideal M
containing C. Hence for every x in C, M 4 Z(z). This contradicts the fact that the set CJ~ of
all maximal ideals is covered by the collection U of open sets. Hence the space ~jlf is compact.
By definition, each E(x) is open, and, since E(X) = E(z’), each ~(2) is also closed. Con-
versely, assume that g is a clopen subset of c%‘. Since 9 is closed and ,T[ is compact, (1~
is itself compact. Since q is open, ‘JJ is a union of sets of the form T(x) and therefore, by
ComPactness, qj is a union of a finite number of such sets: s(xi), . , E(r,,). But
The isomorphism between the dual algebra B ej~ and ‘B already has been established in the
proof of Theorem 5.30.
(c) Given a Boolean space X. For each x in X, let G(z) be the set of all clopen sets A in the dual
algebra 2x such that x @A. Let us show that G(x) is a maximal ideal in B,. If A, and A,
are in G(x), then x4-4, and x4A,, and therefore z & A,uA,, i.e. A,uA,,E G(x). If, in addi-.
tion, A, E B,, then x 4 A,nA,, i.e. A, nA, E G(x). Thus G(x) is an ideal. Clearly, for any
clopen set A, either x 4 A or x 4 X - A. Hence G(x) is maximal. Thus G is a function from
X into the Stone space a of the dual algebra B,. To see that G is one-one, observe that if
1: and y are distinct points of X, then since X is totally disconnected, there is a clopen set
containing x but not y, and therefore G(x) # G(y). To see that the range of G is all of -Jl,
assume M is any maximal ideal in the field of clopen sets and assume for the sake of contra-
diction that M # G(x) for all x E X.
Case 1. For each x in X, there is a clopen set A in M - G(x). Hence x E A. Thus the
sets of M form a covering of X, and by compactness there must be finitely many sets of M
whose union is X. But the union of a finite number of sets in an ideal must again be in the
ideal. Therefore the unit element X of the field of clopen sets would have to be in M, and
M would not be a proper ideal, contradicting the definition of maximal ideal.
Case 2. There is some element x in X such that there is no clopen set in M - G(.y) but
there is a clopen set A in G(z) -M. So A 4M, and therefore the clopcn set X-A E M,
since M is maximal. Since there is no clopen set in M - G(x), X - A 6 G(z). Hence both A
and X-A are in G(x), which is impossible.
It remains to show that G is continuous. (That G-1 is also continuous then follows from
the fact that ~11 and X are compact Hausdorff spaces.) Let z E X. Since the open sets of ~77
are unions of clopen sets of the form E(A), where A is some clopen set of X, it suffices to con-
sider any clopen set %(A) having G(x) as a member. We must show that there is some open
set Y containing x as a member such that G[Y] c E(A). Since E(A) is the set of all maximal
ideals of the dual algebra not containing the clopen set A, it follows from the fact that
G(z) E E(A) that EEA. Then A is an open set such that x EA and, for any y in A, G(y) E E:(A).
Hence G is continuous.
Solution :
We already know that any Boolean algebra T(A) is atomic and complete. Conversely, assume
that 9 is atomic and complete, and let A be the set of atoms of %. For any element x in B, let
q(x) = {b : b E A & b g x}. By Theorem 5.7, * is an isomorphism of ‘5 into T(A). Let C E T(A),
i.e. CcA. By the completeness of ‘B, C has a lub x. Hence by Problem 5.12, C = q(r). Thus *
is an isomorphism of CBonto T(A).
5.37. Associativity of Meets and Joins. If for each w in a set W, X, is a set of elements
of a given Boolean algebra CB,and X = ~ VW X,, prove:
in the sense that, if the left-hand sides exist, then so do the right-hand sides and they
are equal.
Solution :
5.38. Prove that the following identities hold in any Boolean algebra.
(a) x v v u = v (xv4
(b) x A A u = A @AU)
(in the sense that, if the left-hand sides exist, so do the right-hand sides, and they
are equal).
Solution :
Observe first that if a set X of elements of a Boolean algebra contains as a member an upper
bound z of X, then z is the lub of X. To prove (a), assume v EA. Then v f V U, and SO
x v v f xv v u. Thus xv v u is an upper bound of {xv u : uE A}. Assume now that 2/
is any upper bound of {xv u : uEA}. Then xv u f v for all uE A. We must show that
xv V uf g, which isequivalent to xv V uvy = v. But the latter equation follows by
Problem 5.37(a) and the observation at the beginning of this proof.
This is an obvious consequence of the fact that the partial order LWQ is the restriction to 04
of the partial order 5% on S. (For,
Xf&W t, xA&W=W, XLCBW ts x/Ysw=w
and x A *w =xAgw.)
5.41. Let 7: be a field of subsets of a set W such that, for every w E W, {w} E y. Prove
that joins (meets) coincide with unions (intersections), i.e. if Y is a collection of sets
in 7, then VT y exists if and only if ,vy y E 7 (and therefore by Problem 5.40,
.y,’ Y = ,yy Y>.
Solution :
In one direction, if
U y E 7, then by Problem 5.40, y yy y is the lub in F of Y. Conversely,
assume that VT y exists. Then y C VF y for all y in Y. Hence u y c VF u. Let us assume
that equality does not hold and derive a contradiction. Then there is some u in W such that
u E vy y and u 4 U y. Since {u} belongs to the field T, x = V7: y - {u} also belongs
YEY ( >
to 7: Eld z < vy y. But z is an upper bound of Y, contradicting’tEeYfact that VT y is the
lub of Y. UEY YEY
5.42. Is a complete field of subsets of a set X necessarily the field of all subsets of X?
Solution :
If X contains more than one element, then {e),X} is a complete field of subsets. More gen-
erally, if A is any non-empty subset of X containing at least two elements, then the collection fF
of all subsets Y c X such that Y n A = @ or A C_Y is a complete field of subsets of X not con-
taining any of the non-empty proper subsets of A.
Let A be any non-empty set belonging to 7, and let s,, be some element of A. Then the inter-
section H of all sets in 7 which contain x0 is, by the completeness of T, also in T, and it is an atom
included in A. To see that H is an atom, assume W c H and WE 7.
5.44. (a) If 9 = (B, A, v, ‘, 0, 1) is a Boolean algebra, show that 4Bd = (B, V, A, ‘, 1, 0)
is also a Boolean algebra.
(b) Prove that the function f such that f(x) = x’ is an isomorphism of FE onto CBd.
(a) Verification of Axioms (l)-(9) for W is straightforward. Remember that O%d = 19,
1q(d = O‘B* Aq(d = Vs, and vs(d = A%.
(b) f is one-one, since 5’ = 2/’ + x = y. The range of f is B, since x = (z’)‘. Also, f(x A y) =
(Z A 1/)’= 2’ V II’= f(x) V j(y), and f(x’) = 2” = f(x)‘.
5.45. Let A be the set of atoms of a Boolean algebra 3. Prove that T is atomic if and only
if V x=1.
By Problem 5.13(a), if 9 is atomic, then v x=1. Conversely, assume v x=1.
Given any nonzero g in B, we must show that there is an atom b f y. Let us assume not and
derive a contradiction. Then for every atom x, x A y = 0. Hence v (x A y) = 0. But
V (x A y) = t/ A V x by Theorem 5.35(u). Since V x = 1, we have 0 = V (x AW) = g,
contradicting the fact that y Z 0.
5.46. Prove that a Boolean algebra 3 is isomorphic to a field T(K) of all subsets of a non-
empty set K if and only if T is complete and completely distributive.
We already know that T(K) is complete and completely distributive. Conversely, assume B is
complete and completely distributive. Let
w, if 8 is 1
W = B, s = (1, -1) and x,,, =
w’, if 8 is -1
By complete distributivity,
A (wvw’) =
U = UAl = UA v
f E se
A XW,f(W)+ 0
Now observe that if z = A xw,f(wj # 0, then z is an atom. (To see this, assume 0 f w < z.
We must prove that v = 0. But v < z 5 x,,f(,j. Since x,,f(vj is v or w’ and w < v is impossible,
it follows that x,,~(,,) = 2)‘. Hence v < w’, which implies that w = 0.) Thus for any nonzero
uE B there is an atom z such that z 5 u, i.e. FB is atomic. But we already have proved (cf.
Problem 5.36) that a complete atomic Boolean algebra is isomorphic to some F(K) where K is
5.47. Regular Open Sets (For those readers acquainted with elementary point-set topology).
Let W be a non-empty topological space. For any Y c W, we use the notation Yc for
the closure of Y. Recall that Y is the complement of Y.
(9) Let B be the set of regular sets of a topological space W. For any sets X and
Y in B, define
XAY = XnY, x v Y = (X u Y)““, X’ = X”
Then % = (B, A, V, ‘, e), ?V) is a complete Boolean algebra (called the regular
open algebra of W).
Solution :
(3) Since Y C_Yc, Ye = E c Y. Taking closures, we obtain Yet c (P)c = P, since Y is closed.
Hence Y = Y c- yet = Yee.
(5) If Y = Ze, then Y is open by (1). Conversely, if Y is open, and if we let Z = Y, then 2 is
closed. Hence Ze = 5 = 2 = Y.
(6) Assume Y open. Then by (3), Y c Yee. Hence by (2), Yeee G Ye. On the other hand, since Ye
is open by virtue of (l), it follows by (3) that Ye L Yeee.
X n Yee c (XnYp (4
To see this, observe that X n YC c (Xn Y)c. (For, let x be any point of X n YC and let N be
any open set containing the point x. We must show that N intersects X n Y. But N n X is an
open set containing x, and therefore N n X must intersect Y.) Taking complements, we obtain
(Xn Y)e c Bu Ye. Taking closures, we have (Xn Y)eC c acU Yet = 8U Y~c, and, taking com-
plements again, we obtain the inclusion (a). Now substituting Xee for X in (a), we have
Xeen Yee c (X-n Yp. But exchanging X and Y in (a), we also have (Y nXee) G (Y rlX)ee,
and therefore by (2), (YnXe+e C (Yf7X)eeee. But the last term, by (6), is (Y nX)=?. Hence
Xeen Yee c (Xn Yp. Conversely, since Xn Y L X and XnY c Y, two applications of (2)
yield (Xn Y)ee c Xeen Ye=.
(9) By (‘I), $?lE B and CJvc B. The operation A is closed in B, for, by (8), (XfJY)ee = Xeen Yee =
XnY. The operation v is closed in B, since, by (6),
Similarly, the operation ’ is closed in B, since (X’)ee = Xeee = Xe = X’. Now we must show that
all the axioms for Boolean algebras are satisfied. Axioms (l), (2), (6) and (9) are obvious.
X A (Yv 2) = Xn (YuZp
= X== n (YuZp
= (Xn(YuZ))ee (by (8))
= ((Xn Y) u (XnZ)p
= (XAY) v (XAZ)
For Axiom (4):
XV (YAZ) = (Xu(YnZ)p = ((XuY)n(XuZ)p
= (XuYp n (XuZp (by (8))
= (Xv Y) A (XVZ)
Axiom (5) is easy: Xv 0 = (XU @)ee= Xee = X. Axiom (8) is also easy: X ~XC. Hence
Xe = XT L 2. Therefore Xn Xe = $3. It remains to prove Axiom (7). First, let us show that
(XUXe)e = 8. Assume, to the contrary, that some point u lies in (XUX+ = (XUX+. Thus
u 4 (xuxy, which implies that there is an open set N containing u and disjoint from
XuX= = XUB. Since NnX=Q, u4Xc, i.e. uE=, contradicting the fact that N is dis-
joint from X u E. Taking closures and complements, we obtain Xv X’ = (XUXe)ee = w = l,,
which is Axiom (7). Thus we have shown that S is a Boolean algebra.
a lower bound of X. Assume that Z is a regular set which is a lower bound of X. Then Z c Y
for all YE X. Hence Z G y ?x Y, and therefore
z = z== c-
This proves the completeness of ‘8. It may easily be checked that the lub of a collection X
is (y~xY~.)
5.48. Show that a complete Boolean subalgebra % of an algebra of the form T(K) need not
be a complete field of sets (i.e. infinite joins and meets need not coincide with unions
and intersections, respectively).
Consider the regular open algebra % of the real line (cf. Problem 5.4’7). It is easy to verify
that every finite open interval is regular. Since every regular set must contain a finite open inter-
val, it follows that the algebra “B is atomless. Hence by Problem 5.43, B cannot be isomorphic to a
complete field of sets.
5.49. Give an example of a complete but not completely distributive Boolean algebra.
The regular open algebra of the real line is complete and atomless (cf. Problems 6.47-6.48).
Hence by Problems 5.46 and 5.36, the algebra cannot be completely distributive.
5.50. Given o-algebras CA and 48. By a a-subalgebra of CA we mean a subalgebra determined
by a subset closed under denumerable joins and meets. By a u-homomorphism of CA
into CBwe mean a homomorphism g of ~4 into LB preserving denumerable joins and
meets (i.e. such that g( A Xi) = A g(Xi); the corresponding equality for joins follows
by De Morgan’s Laws). i By a &deal of CA we mean an ideal of & closed under
denumerable joins.
(a) These are just obvious extensions of the results in Problem 5.32.
(a) We must show that fA/J is closed under denumerable unions. To see this; we shall show that
Assume now that [z] is an upper bound of the [zi]‘s. Note that, in general, [u] 5 [v] if and
is an upper bound.
is a o-ideal,
mapping 44
V (zi A 2’) “J 0, i.e. 2’ A V 5i =J 0. Hence
1 1
V Xi
[i 1
f [z]. That the natural
c 1
‘y’Xi = y [Xi]*
5.51. For any subset C c T(K), the intersection of all u-subfields of T(K) containing C is
itself a u-subfield containing C.
The intersection H clearly is closed under denumerable joins and complements. The u-subfield
H is called the a-subfield generated by C.
5.52. Given a subset C of a a-algebra CA. The intersection D of all a-ideals containing C
is itself a o-ideal containing C (called the u-ideal generated by C). The elements of
D are all those x L y ci for elements ct in C (1 g i < 01).
Solution :
That D is a o-ideal containing C is obvious. Let E be the set of all x f V Ci for some CiE C.
First, if ~1 5 V Cij for cij E C, then V xj 6 V cij.
I j i.j Thus E is closed under denumerable joins.
Also, if x E E and y 5 x, then x f V ci for ci E C, and therefore ?/ 5 V Ci, i.e. 2/E E. Thus E
1 t
is a o-ideal containing C. Hence D c E. On the other hand, for any u-ideal J containing C, if
xf V ci for Ci E C, then V ci E J and therefore x E J. Hence E c; D.
f i
Call YE ‘P(A) a selection if and only if, for any a E A, Y contains exactly one of a and a'. Let
S be the set of selections. Define a function 7 from CA into T(S) by setting T(U) equal to the set of
all selections Y such that aE Y. Let 2’be the range of r. Clearly, T is closed under complements:
(r(a)) = ~(a’). Let F be the o-field of subsets of S generated by T. Let N be the subset of F con-
sisting of countable intersections n ~(a~) such that A ai = 0. Let J be the o-ideal generated by
E 1
N. Consider the mapping +(a) = ~(a) + J E F/J. We now show that + is a o-isomorphism of 04
onto F/J.
Hence + is a o-homomorphism. It is readily seen that the range of $ is F/J. (For, a yd +(4 is a
o-subfield of F containing T and is therefore equal to all of F. Hence $[04] = F/J.) It remains to
show that $ is one-one. To do this, we shall show that the kernel K, is (0). Assume a E K,p So,
&a) = OF/J. Therefore r(a) E J. Note that J consists of all p in F such that p C IJ pi, where
Y~EN. Here vi = n 7(Uij) where A aij = 0. Therefore T(U) C $J fl T(Uij) for sode aij such
j 5 ( j >
that A aij = 0. Hence
da) C y T(%,fCi)) (1)
where f is any function such that Ui,fci, is defined for all i. Since we wish to prove that a = 0,
let us assume the contrary, i.e. a # 0. Hence 1 > a’ = a’~ 0 = a’v A alj = ,\ (U’V U,j). There-
fore some a’v Ulj Z 1; say, a’v uifcl, # 1. Then ( 5 > 5
Hence 1 > u’v aif v u2fc2) for some j = f(2); etc. We obtain a sequence aifcl), a2f(2), . . . such
1 ’ u’ ” alf(l, v a2ft2, v -‘* v ukfck, for each k
Therefore among ulfcl,, u2f(2), . . . neither a nor a complement of any aif occurs. Therefore there
exists a selection Y containing a and all Ul’r(i,. Thus YE T(U), but Y 4 r(oif(i)), contradicting (1).
Remark: This result of Loomis fails to hold for non-denumerable cardinalities [125].
Supplementary Problems
5.54. Which of the partially ordered sets given by the following diagrams are lattices? Among the
lattices, which (i) have a zero element, (ii) have a unit element, (iii) are complemented, (iv) are
modular, (v) are distributive?
(a) eb (b)
d; ‘*c
(4 (4
5.55. Which of the following structures (L, 5) are partially ordered sets, totally ordered sets, lattices,
distributive lattices, lattices with a zero element, lattices with a unit element, complemented lat-
tices? For those which are lattices, describe the operations A and v.
(a) L is the set of all finite subsets of a set A and f is the inclusion relation c_.
(b) Same as (a), except that A itself is also a member of L.
(c) L is the set of complex numbers and a + bi 4 c + di @ a f c.
(d) L is the set of all complex numbers and a + bi 5 c + di e (a < c) v (a = c & b 4 d).
(e) L is the set of all complex numbers and a + bi f c + di @ a 5 c & b f d.
(f) L is the set of all subalgebras of a given Boolean algebra, and f is the inclusion relation C.
(g) L is the set of all sublattices of a given lattice and 5 is the inclusion relation C.
(h) L is the set of all polynomials with real coefficients and f 5 g means that f divides g.
(i) Same as (h), except that the coefficients of the polynomials must be integers.
(j) L is the set of all subsets of a set A, and f is C.
(k) L is the set of positive integers and z 9 y if and only if y is an integral multiple of x (i.e. x
divides y).
(I) Assume (A, 5) is a given partially ordered set. Let C be a fixed set. Let L be the set of all
functions from C into A. For any f and g in L, let f f g if and only if f(s) f g(x) for all
2 in C.
(m) Assume (A, 5) is a given partially ordered set. Let L = A, and x 5 y ff y f x.
(n) L is the set of all infinite subsets of an infinite set A, and 5 is L.
(0) L is the set of all subsets of a set A containing a fixed subset C, i.e. L = {Y : C G Y c A),
and 5 is c_.
(p) L consists of the empty set @ and all points, lines and planes of three-dimensional Euclidean
space, and f is 5.
(q) L is the set of all subgroups of a group G, and f is c_. (This exercise is for those readers
acquainted with elementary group theory.)
(r) L is the set of all convex planar sets and f is C. (By a convex set we mean a set such that,
for any two points in the set, all the points on the line connecting the two given points are
also in the set.)
(s) L is the set of all functions from the unit interval [0, l] of the real line into the set of all
real numbers, and f L g means that f(x) 4 g(x) for all r in [O, 11.
(t) L is the set of all functions from a fixed set A into a lattice (L,, h), and f f g means that
f(x) f g(x) for all z in A.
5.56. In a lattice, prove that u1 v . . . v uk is the lub of {u,, . . .,uk} and u1 A *. . A %k is the glb of
{u,, . . . , d’.
5.57. How many partial orders can be defined on a fixed set of two elements? Of three elements?
(What is the largest number of mutually non-isomorphic partial orders in each case? We say
that a partially ordered structure (A, La) is isomorphic to a partially ordered structure (B, fa) if
and only if there is a one-one function f from A onto B such that x EA y c) f(x) 4s f(y) for all
x and y in A.) Try to extend these results to more than three elements.
5.58. How many (mutually non-isomorphic) lattices are there of two elements? Three elements? Four?
*Five? Six? Draw diagrams of the lattices.
5.59. Given a lattice (L, g). Show by an example that a substructure (L,, s), where L, c L, may be a
lattice, but not a sublattice of (L, 5) (i.e. the operations A~1 and vL1 may not be the restrictions of
the operations A,. and vr,).
5.60. Let L be a lattice with zero 0 and unit 1. An element x in L is said to be complemented if and
only if r has an inverse y (i.e. x A y = 0 and xv y = 1).
(a) If L is distributive, prove that the set of complemented elements is a Boolean algebra (under
the operations A and v of L).
(b) If L is modular (but not distributive), give an example containing six elements to show that
the set of complemented elements need not form a sublattice.
(c) Show by an example that, if L is not distributive, an element can have more than one
5.61. Show that a lattice (L, g) is complemented if and only if L contains a zero element 0 and there is a
singulary operation x + x’ on L such that:
(i) x A 5’ = 0, (ii) 2” ZY x , (iii) (z V y)’ = x’ A y’
5.62. Finish the proof of Theorem 5.2, i.e. prove that (L6) implies (L5).
5.63. Using Problem 5.4, state and prove a Duality Theorem for lattices.
(C) (YV 2) A X = (y A 5) V (2 A 5)
serve to characterize distributive lattices with a unit element 1 in the sense that if the structure
(A, A,V, 1) satisfies these laws then (A, A, v) is a distributive lattice with unit element 1, and
vice versa [99].
5.67. Prove that each of the following conditions is equivalent to distributivity of a lattice.
(a) (xnyL-2 & x’-yvx) + xfz
(b) (x~z~y~z&xvz~yvz) --f x’y (Hint: Use (a).)
(c) (ZAZ=~AZ & xVZ=~VX) + x=y (Hint: In one direction, use Problem 5.11(c).)
(d) (XV y) A (y V 2) A (XV 2) f (x A y) V (y A 2) V (5 A 2)
5.69. Give an example of a distributive lattice (L, 5) lacking both zero and unit elements such that f
is not a total order on L.
5.700. If (L, 4) is a lattice, prove that f totally orders L if and only if all subsets of L are sublattices (i.e.
are closed under A and v).
5.71. Prove that any distributive (modular) lattice can be extended to a distributive (modular) lattice
with zero and unit elements simply by adjoining such elements if they are not already present.
5.72. Prove that a lattice is modular if and only if it satisfies the law
(~~~=~Ay&xv,2=yvz&x~y) + x=y
5.73. A lattice (L, 5) is said to be complete if and only if every subset of L has a lub and a glb. Prove
that in order to verify completeness it suffices to show that every subset has a lub or that every
subset has a glb.
5.74. Given lattices (L,, fi) and (L,, fz) and a function f from L1 into L,.
f is an order-homomorphism if and only if x L1 y -+ f(x) L2 f(y).
f is a meet-homomorphism if and only if f(x A~ y) = f(x) off.
(a) Every meet-homomorphism is an order-homomorphism.
(b) Every join-homomorphism is an order-homomorphism.
(c) Every lattice homomorphism is a meet-homomorphism.
(d) Every lattice homomorphism is a join-homomorphism.
(e) The converses of (a)-(d) do not hold. (Counterexamples may be found using lattices of at
most four elements.)
(f) For one-one functions f from L, onto L,, the notions of order-, meet-, join-, and lattice-
homomorphism are equivalent.
(g) Any order-isomorphism from a Boolean algebra CA onto a Boolean algebra ‘5 is a Boolean
isomorphism, i.e. not only is it a lattice-homomorphism, but it also preserves complements:
f(x’) = (f(x))‘.
5.15. A lattice (L, L--‘)is said to be relatively pseudo-complemented if and only if, for any x, y in .L, the
set {,z : !I 4 z 5 x} has a lub. (Such a lub is denoted y 3 x.) By a pseudo-Boolean algebra, we
mean a relatively pseudo-complemented lattice possessing a zero element 0. Prove ([142]):
(4 In a relatively pseudo-complemented lattice:
(ii z 5 y + x if and only if y A x 5 x.
(ii) The distributive laws hold.
[iii) For any x, x 3 x is a unit element 1.
(ivj y 3 x = 1 if and only if y 5 x.
(VI x = !/ if and only if x 3 y = y 3 x = 1.
(vi) z,+1=1
(vii) I 2 x = x
(viii) YA(Y3Xx)“X
(ix) If x 5 y, then y * z f x 3 z and z I$ x 5 z 3 y.
ix) x’y+x
(xij yA(y*x) = y/\x
(xii) (y +’ X) A X = X
(xvi) (x 3 Y) A (Y rs x) 4 x + x
(xvii) (x 3 y) G (y I$ 2) 3 (x 3 2)
(xviii) x s y j (x A y).
(i) -0 = 1 and -1 = 0
(ii) x A (-x) = 0
(iii) xey + -y”-x
(iv) x&--x
(vi) -(xvy) = -x/Y-y
(vii) -(xPty) 2 -xv-y
(viii) (-2) v y f x 3 y
(ix) x 3 Y f C-Y) 3 (-4
c-4 X +'(-Y) = -(XAY) = Y+'(-X)
(4 0+x=1
(xii) A subset F is a filter if and only if 1 E F and
(xEF&z+yEF) --) yEF
5.76. Prove that two finite Boolean algebras are isomorphic if and only if they have the same number
of atoms.
5.78. In the Boolean algebra of all divisors of n, where n is a square-free integer > 1 (cf. Problem 3.3),
what are the atoms? Note that x 5 y t) x divides y.
5.79. (a) How many subalgebras are there of the Boolean algebra of all subsets of a four-element set?
(5) Given a Boolean algebra 9 with 2k elements, show that the number of subalgebras of 4B is
equal to the number of partitions of a set with k elements (where a partition is a division of
the set into one or more disjoint non-empty sets).
5.80. If CA and % are Boolean algebras with the same finite number 2k of elements, how many isomor-
phisms are there from 04 onto %?
5.81. Consider the Boolean algebra given by the field of sets consisting of all finite unions of left-open
intervals of real numbers (cf. Problem 2.68). What are the atoms of this algebra?
5.82n. Does the set of atoms of a Boolean algebra always have a supremum?
5.83, Show that every atomic, uniquely complemented lattice with zero and unit elements is isomorphic
to a field of sets and is therefore a Boolean algebra. (Hint: Use the proof of Theorem 5.7.)
5.85. In the Boolean algebra of all divisors of n, where n is a square-free integer > 1 (cf. Problem 3.3),
find an arithmetic formula for the symmetric difference z + y.
5.87. In a.ring, z-y is defined to be 5 + (-y). In a Boolean ring, what is (-y)? Is there any difference
between x - y in the ring-theoretic sense and x - y as defined in Problem 3.1?
5.88. Prove that the uniqueness of (-5) in Axiom (4) for rings need not be assumed (i.e. it can be proved
from the other axioms).
5.89. (a) Give an example of a Boolean ring without a unit element. (b) Show that every Boolean ring
without a unit element can be extended (by addition of new elements and extension of the ring
operations to the enlarged set) to a Boolean ring with unit element. Prove that the original ring
is a maximal ideal of the extension.
5.90. In the axioms for Boolean rings, show that 5+ y = y + z is not independent.
5.91. Let q = (R, f, X, 0) be a commutative ring with unit element 1. We say that an element x in R
is idempotent if and only if xs = x. Let R* be the set of idempotent elements of R. For any x
and 2/ in R*, define x@y=s+y-22s~. Prove that (R*, @, X, 0) is a Boolean ring with unit
element 1. Express the Boolean operations A,V, ’ in terms of the original ring operations +, X.
u’ A z f w’
5.96. If T(U) is a Boolean expression and b is an element of a Boolean algebra 9, and if T(O)A ~(1) f
b 6 ~(0) v r(l), prove:
(a) T(U) = b has a solution. Find all solutions.
(b) If T(U) = b has a unique solution, then, for any c, r(u) = c has a unique solution (namely,
(c) If FBis finite and there are k atoms which are 5 ~(0)’+ 7(l), then r(u) = b has 2k solutions.
5.97D. In our axiom system for Boolean algebras, determine whether Axiom (6) can be proved from
Axioms (l)-(4), (7)-(g). (See Problem 5.22.)
5.98. Determine whether or not each of the axioms (Bl)-(B5) for Byrne algebras (cf. Section 5.4) is
5.99. Show that the following variation of the axioms for Byrne algebras (cf. Section 5.4) also may serve
as an axiom system for Boolean algebras. Consider structures (B, A, ‘) satisfying (Bl), (B2), (B5), and
(Cl xhy’ = ZAZ’ - XAy=X
(Hint: Prove that z A z’ = w A w’ for all z and w, and introduce 0 by definition as being equal
to this common value of all z A z’.)
5.100. (a) Prove that the following is a system of axioms for Boolean algebras.
WI XAy = yAX
5.101. Prove the independence of Axioms (a)-(f) for lattices in Problem 5.4.
5.102. [121]. Let L be a complemented lattice. Show that L is a Boolean algebra if and only if, for any
x and y in L and for any complement z of y, x A y = 0 ++ x f z.
5.103. [loll. Given a structure % = (B, A, 9. Prove that ‘5 determines a Boolean algebra if and only
if the following two laws are satisfied.
(b) (X A y) A z = (y A z) A x
5.104. [122]. Prove that a structure ‘B = (B, v, ‘) determines a Boolean algebra if and only if the
following three laws are satisfied.
5.105. If A is an infinite set, prove that the ideal of all finite subsets of A is not a principal ideal in the
field of sets T(A).
5.106. Prove that a non-empty subset J of a Boolean algebra is an ideal if and only if the condition
xvyEJ t, (xEJ&yEJ) is satisfied.
5.107. What is the ideal generated by the empty subset P, of a Boolean algebra?
(b) Show that the set of ideals of % forms a distributive lattice under the operations of n and v.
Are there zero and unit elements? Is the lattice complemented?
5.109. A non-trivial finitely-additive measure on a Boolean algebra % is a function /I from B into the set
of non-negative real numbers such that
(1) ,U(xv y) = p(x) + p(y) if x A y = 0.
(d) Prove that every Boolean algebra admits a non-trivial e-valued finitely-additive measure.
5.110. Given a subset D of a Boolean algebra !B, recall (cf. Problem 3.5) that the intersection of all sub-
algebras containing D is a subalgebra G,, called the subalgebra generated by D.
(a) Prove that the elements of Gn are all elements of the form c1 v -0. v c,, where each
ci = dj,” --. Ad., and either dj,, E D or dj’, E D, i.e. the elements of GD are finite joins of
finite meets of elements of D and complements of elements of D.
(b) Show that the subalgebra Gn of T(K) generated by the set D of all singletons consists of all
finite and cofinite sets. Prove that Go is complete if and only if K is finite.
(c) We say that a set D is a set of generators of the Boolean algebra ‘B if and only if the sub-
algebra GD generated by D is the whole set B. We say that 73 is finitely generated if and only
if there is a finite set of generators of ‘3. Prove that every finitely generated Boolean algebra
is finite.
(d) We say that a set D of generators of a Boolean algebra % is a free set of generators of “B if
and only if, for every function h from D into a Boolean algebra C, there is an extension g
of h which is a Boolean homomorphism of 93 into C. The Boolean algebra ‘9 is said to be free
if and only if there is a free set of generators of %.
U) For any non-negative integer k, if FBis a Boolean algebra having a free set of k gen-
erators, prove that % has 2(2”) elements.
(ii) Is every subalgebra of a free Boolean algebra also free?
(iii) Show that the cardinal number of any infinite free Boolean algebra ‘5 is equal to the
cardinal number of any free set of generators of ‘5.
(iv) Show that if D, and D, are free sets of generators of the same Boolean algebra 9, then
D, and D, have the same cardinal number.
(v) If h is a function from a free set D of generators of a Boolean algebra CBinto a Boolean
algebra C, show that there is a unique homomorphism g from FBinto C such that g is an
extension of h.
(vi) If D, is a free set of generators of %i and D, is a free set of generators of ‘R2 and D,
and D, have the same cardinal number, then ‘BB,and 48, are isomorphic.
(vii) Let D be a set of generators of a Boolean algebra ‘3. Show that D is a free set of
generators of % if and only if, for any ui, . . ., u, in B, if uiE D or u;E D for each I*~,
then zii A . * * A u, f 0.
(viii) For any cardinal number m, prove that there is a Boolean algebra having a free set of
generators of cardinality m. (Hint: Generalize the Boolean algebra of statement bundles
(Example 3.5) by using a set of statement letters of cardinality m instead of a denumer-
able set of statement letters.)
(ix)n When is T(K) a free Boolean algebra?
5.111. Let J be a proper ideal of a Boolean algebra ‘% and let K be a proper ideal of the quotient algebra
‘Bs=TVJ. Let JO = {x: xEB & x+JJK}. Prove that Jo is a proper ideal in ‘B and that
the function + from WJO onto %#lK defined by
+(x + Jo) = (x + J) + K
is an isomorphism.
5.112. In a Boolean algebra ‘3, B is an ideal. What is ‘B/B? Why isn’t it a Boolean algebra?
5.113. (For those readers acquainted with elementary point-set topology.) Let X be a topological space.
(a) Prove that the set F of subsets of 2 having nowhere dense boundary is a field of sets.
(b) Prove that the set N of nowhere dense sets of X is an ideal of F.
(c) Show that the quotient algebra F/N is isomorphic to the algebra of regular open sets of X
(cf. Problem 5.47). (Hint: If A E F, show that there is a unique regular set A, such that
A + A, is nowhere dense.)
5.115. For each s in a set S assume that there is an associated Boolean algebra ‘Bs. By the Cartesian
product n 48, we mean the set of all functions f defined on S such that, for each s E S, f(s) E B,.
We define Boolean operations on the Cartesian product in componentwise fashion, e.g. if f and g
are in the Cartesian product, let f A g be the function defined on S such that (f A g)(s) = f(s) +8, g(s)
for each s ES.
(a) Prove that the Cartesian product of Boolean algebras is a Boolean algebra.
(b) Prove that a finite Boolean algebra of cardinality 2n is isomorphic to a Cartesian product of
n copies of the Boolean algebra (0, l}.
(c) If the cardinal number of a set A is m, prove that the Boolean algebra T(A) is isomorphic to
a Cartesian product of m copies of {O,l}.
(d) Show that every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to a subalgebra of a Cartesian product of
copies of (0, l}.
5.116. (a) Prove that if x and y are distinct elements of a distributive lattice, then there is a prime ideal
containing one of x and y but not the other. (The notion of prime ideal, although
originally defined for Boolean algebras, also makes sense for lattices. Hint for the proof:
Since z f y, we may assume y $ 2. Let 2 be the set of all ideals containing x but not y,
and apply Zorn’s Lemma.)
(b) Prove that any distributive lattice is lattice-isomorphic to a lattice of sets. (Hint: To each
element z of the lattice associate the set of proper prime ideals not containing x.)
(c) Prove the converse of (a), i.e. a lattice is distributive if, for any two distinct elements of the
lattice, there is a prime ideal containing one of the elements but not the other.
5.117. Although every Boolean algebra is, by Theorem 5.30, isomorphic to a field of sets, show that there
are Boolean algebras % for which there is no isomorphism to a field of sets preserving infinite
joins and meets. (Hint: Consider the regular open algebra of the real line (Problem 5.47).)
5.118D. [137]. Prove that a distributive lattice is a Boolean algebra if and only if every proper prime
ideal is maximal.
5.120. In any lattice, prove (assuming that all the indicated lub’s and glb’s exist):
(4 If 2, f yw for all w E W, then A x, f A y, and V X, L_ V &,.
W V A sw f A V %t.
(4 A xl0 v A Y, 6 A hwv l/w).
(4 V (x,~vw) f V 2, A V ?dw.
(e) None of the inequalities in (a)-(d) can be changed into equalities valid for all lattices.
5.121. An ideal J of a Boolean algebra is said to be complete if and only if J is closed under arbitrary
joins of its elements.
(a) Prove that every complete ideal is a principal ideal.
(b) If .I is a complete ideal of a complete Boolean algebra “8, prove that the quotient algebra
S/J is complete.
5.122. (a) Prove that the set of sublattices of a lattice is a complete lattice with respect to the inclusion
relation C. What are the operations of join and meet?
(b) Prove that the set of subalgebras of a Boolean algebra is a complete lattice with respect to
the inclusion relation C. Describe the join and meet operations.
5.123. (a) Assume that g is a closure operation on a set L partially ordered by f, i.e. g is a function
from L into L such that:
(2) x 5 d4
(3) gkm) = g(x)
An element x in L is said to be g-closed if and only if g(x) = x. Prove:
(i) z is g-closed if and only if x = g(y) for some y.
(iii) A glb of a set of g-closed elements is also g-closed. In particular, if x and y are g-closed,
so is x A y (if it exists).
(iv) If (L, G) is a complete lattice, then the set C of g-closed elements is a complete lattice with
respect to the original ordering 5 on L, and, for any subset Y of L,
(9 YcYbs
(ii) Y c Ysb
(iii) XC Y -+ (YbcXb & Ys~XS) + (XbScYbs & XSbcYSb)
(iv) Xb = Xbsb & XS = Xsbs
(viii) The set C of all cuts is a complete lattice with respect to G. Meets are intersections and
v Y= yixY bs. The function f, such that f(x) = (x}bS for any x in L, is an
( >
order-isomorphism of (L, 4) into the complete lattice (C, c); f preserves all meets and
joins already existing in (L, c), i.e. if z = V 2, in L, then f(z) = V f(x,) in C,
and similarly for meets. CYEA CCEA
(ix) Let c = (L, 5) determine a Boolean algebra, i.e. it is a distributive, complemented lat-
tice. Define, for any XC L, X* = {y : yr\ x = O}. Then
(1) XnX* = (0) = oc
(2) (XuX*)b = (1)
(3) (XuX*)bs = L = 1,
(4) X** = XbS
(5) {x’}bs = {x}bs*
(6) X** is an ideal of L.
(7) The function F such that F(J) = J ** for any ideal J of < is a lattice-homomorphism
from the distributive lattice of all ideals of .4Jonto the lattice of cuts.
(8) Hence C forms a complete Boolean algebra, and the lattice-isomorphism f of (viii) is
a Boolean isomorphism. Thus every Boolean algebra is embeddable in a complete
Boolean algebra in such a way that unions and meets are preserved [131].
5.124. In Example 5.19, prove that the collection of all singletons {x}, where XE K, has no lub in 7 (in
addition to not having its union in 7).
5.125. Let p be the collection of all subsets A of a given set K such that the cardinality of A or the
cardinality of A is 5 a given infinite cardinal number m. Prove that 7 is an m-complete field of
sets. What happens if we change 5 to < ? If K has cardinal number n > m and m < p f n,
is 7 a p-complete field of sets?
5.127. Prove that an infinite u-algebra must have at least 2% elements. (Hint: Problem 5.14.)
5.128. By a free a-algebra with m generators we mean a a-algebra ‘B having a subset D of cardinality
m such that any function from D into a a-algebra C can be extended to a o-homomorphism h from
CBinto C.
(a)n For every cardinal number m, show that there is a free o-algebra with m generators.
(b) Prove the analogues of Problem 5.llO(d)(iv)-(vi) for free o-algebras.
(c) Prove that any free o-algebra with m generators is isomorphic to a u-field of sets. (Hint:
Use Problem 5.53.)
5.129. We say that a Boolean algebra 3 satisfies the countable chain condition (CCC) if and only if every
pairwise-disjoint set of nonzero elements of B is countable. (A set Y is said to be pairwise-dis-
joint if and only if, for any distinct elements q and z in Y, y A x = 0.)
(a) Prove that a Boolean algebra % satisfies (CCC) if and only if every subset 2 c B has a count-
able subset Y such that Y and 2 have the same set of upper bounds.
(b) Prove that any u-algebra satisfying (CCC) is complete.
(c) Show that the regular open algebra of a topological space with a countable base satisfies (CCC).
(Cf. Problem 5.47.)
Elimination of Parentheses
More extensive conventions for eliminating parentheses than those given in Section
1.4, page 5, will be presented here.
(I) We assign a rank to the connectives as follows:
t) 5
+ 4
i 2
1 1
A.l. (l(-iA)).
Applying (I), Case (i), twice, we obtain ( 1lA). Then by (II) we have 1lA. In general, no
parentheses are needed to separate successive negations.
A.3. (A v (B + C)).
The principal connective is v, of rank 3. Since (B+ C) has rank 4, we do not drop the parentheses
from (B + C). Thus in this example (I) allows no elimination of parentheses, and by (II) we obtain
A v (B-tC).
+ is the principal connective. Application of (I) to ((B v A) e B) yields (B v A c) B), and application
of (I) to (( 1 B) & C) yields (1 B & C). Since the rank of * is greater than that of +, we leave the outermost
pair of parentheses of (B v A H B). However, since the rank of & is less than that of +, we omit the
outermost pair of parentheses from ( 1 B & C). The final result is (B v A @ B) + 1B & C.
A.6. (A v (B v C)).
The left-most v is the principal connective. Since (B v C) has rank equal to that of v, we cannot drop
the parentheses. Thus (I) yields no elimination of parentheses, and by (II) we obtain A v (B v C).
The results given in Examples A.5 and A.6 illustrate the principle of association to the
left. Thus A v B v C stands for ((A v B) v C). Likewise A + B + C stands for ((A + B) + C),
and the same holds for the other binary connectives. Association to the left is due to our
agreemen that in (B CY
C), we omit outer parentheses from B if rank (B) 4 rank (a), but from
C if rank(C) < rank (a).
Application of (I) to (A v (23v C)) yields no elimination of parentheses, while (B & ( l(1 C))) becomes
(B & 11 C). Then by (I) we obtain (A v (B v C) vB& llC), and finally Av(BvC)v B&z llc.
The rough idea of convention (I) is that connectives of higher rank are to have greater
scope than those of lower rank. Thus if elimination of parentheses yields A v B + C, this
stands for ((A v B) + C). The connective +, being of higher rank than v, must “connect”
the longest possible statement forms to the left and right. Thus + has (A v B) as its ante-
cedent rather than just B. Similarly, in A + B&B H D v B, c) is the connective of highest
rank. Hence the left side of ti should be (A -+ B&B) and the right side should be D v B.
Thus we have (A + B&B) t) (D v B). Within (A + B&B), + is stronger, and we obtain
((A + (B&B)) t) (D v B)).
Solved Problems
A.l. Describe an algorithm (i.e. effective procedure) for determining whether a given
expression is a statement form, and for determining the principal connective when
the expression is a statement form.
The description is given by induction on the number of occurrences of connectives. If there are
no connectives, then the expression is a statement form if and only if it is a statement letter.
Assume now that an expression A has k connectives, where k > 0, and that our algorithm already
has been defined for expressions with fewer than k occurrences of connectives. If A does not
begin with a left parenthesis and end with a right parenthesis, then A is not a statement form.
If A does have the appropriate initial left and terminal right parentheses, omit them, obtaining an
expression 8.
Case 1. B has the form 1C. If C is a statement form, then A is a statement form and its
principal connective is 1. If C is not a statement form, then neither is A.
(a) The second v is the principal connective. Since v has higher rank than &, we can omit the
outer parentheses from (( 1 B) & C). Since + has higher rank than v, we cannot drop the outer
parentheses from ((A v B) + (1 C)). But within ((A v B) + (1 C)) we can drop the outer paren-
theses from (A v B), since + has higher rank than V:
(AvB+(lC)) v (lB)&C
(b) @ is the principal connective. We can omit the outer parentheses of (A & (l(1 B))), since e
has higher rank than &:
A&(l(lB)) - (B-(CvB))
However, we cannot omit the outer parentheses of (B @ (Cv B)), since the latter has the same
rank as t, and appears on the right hand side of the biconditional. Within (B W (Cv B)) we
can drop the parentheses of (Cv B), and, on the other side, we can drop the parentheses around
the denials:
A& l-iB - (BoCvB)
(c) This is the same as (b) except that the two sides of the biconditional have been reversed. Since
(B @ (Cv B)) now appears on the left hand side of the biconditional, we can drop the outer
B-(CvB) * A&(l(lB))
In practice, we would never eliminate all the parentheses in part (c), since their complete
elimination will not facilitate the interpretation of the original statement form.
A.3. Describe an algorithm for determining whether a given expression A has been
obtained from a statement form as a result of applying our conventions for elimi-
nating parentheses (and, if it has, find the statement form).
We shall describe, by induction on the number of symbols of A, a procedure which either will
find the statement form abbreviated by A or will eventually tell us that there is no such statement
form. Clearly, if A has one symbol, then A abbreviates a statement form (A itself) if and only if
A is a statement letter. Now assume that A has k symbols (where k > 1) and that our algorithm
has been defined for all expressions with fewer than k symbols.
Case 1. A either does not begin with a left parenthesis or does not end with a right paren-
thesis. (Hence if A does abbreviate a statement form F, then the outer parentheses of F were
Case la. Aisoftheform ll... l(B). If B abbreviates a statement form G (and hence B does
not have the outer parentheses of G), then A abbreviates (1 ( l(. . .( 1 G) . . .))). Otherwise, A is not
an abbreviation of a statement form.
Case le. A is not of the form 11 . . . l(B), and not of the form 11 . . . 1B (where B is a
statement letter). For each occurrence of a binary connective # in A, represent A as C # D. If
(iii) C contains the outer parentheses of H (if any) if the rank of H is greater than or equal to
that of #,
(iv) D contains the outer parentheses of J (if any) if the rank of J is greater than the rank of
#, then A abbreviates (H # 1).
If no occurrence of a binary connective in A satisfies (i)-(iv), then A does not abbreviate
a statement form.
Case 2a. Omit the initial left and terminal right parentheses, and then apply Case 1 to B.
If B abbreviates a statement form C, then A abbreviates C also.
Case 2b. If Case 2a does not show A to be an abbreviation of a statement form, apply the
procedure of Case lc. If we obtain a statement form D, then A abbreviates D.
(a) B * C v B. Case lc applies. First, we try H as principal connective. The left side is B,
and the right side C v B, which abbreviates (C v B). Since (C v B) has rank less than that of
@, the outer parentheses around Cv B have been legitimately omitted. Thus we obtain
(B - (Cv B)).
(b) A & 1 B & A. Case lc applies. First, we consider the left-most &. The left side is A and
the right side is 1B &A. Hence we must consider 1 B &A. Again, Case lc applies and we
consider &. The left side is 1B (which is an abbreviation of (1B)) and the right side is A.
Thus 1 B & A abbreviates (( 1 B) &A), but, since (( 1 B) & A) has rank equal to that of &, clause
(iv) has been violated. Next, we try the second &. The left side is A & 1 B, which is easily
seen to abbreviate (A & (1 B)). Hence the original statement form is ((A & ( 1B)) &A).
(c) 1lAvB. Case lc applies. The left side of v is 1 IA, which by Case lb abbreviates
(1 ( 1A)). Hence we obtain (( 1 (1A))v B).
(d) A v 1 (A v C). Case lc applies and we look at the first v. The right side is 1 (A v C). To
the latter, Case lb applies and we see immediately that A v C is a statement form. Hence the
original statement form is (A v ( 1 (A v C))).
Supplementary Problems
A.4 Find the ranks of the following statement forms.
(4 ((lA)+@+B))
A.& Determine whether each of the following expressions is an abbreviation of a statement form, and,
if so, construct the statement form.
(a) Av -IB+(BwC)&A
(c) l(AvB)vA&B
A.7. Show that if A is a statement form, then there is at most one connective 0 such that A is of the
form (B 0 C), where B and C are statement forms.
A.3 Show that the algorithm of Problem A.3 is correct, i.e. when B is an abbreviation of a statement
form A, then the algorithm applied to B yields A as its only answer, and when B is not an abbrevia-
tion of a statement form, then the algorithm says so.
Parenthesis-free Notation
We may avoid the use of parentheses if we redefine the notion of statement form as
follows: (i) every statement letter is a statement form; (ii) if A and B are statement forms,
so are 1 A, & AB, v AB, + AB, c) AB.
The statement form ((1A) & (B v A)) would be rewritten as & 1A v BA. The statement form
(A + (( 1B) e (A v C))) would be rewritten as -t A e 1B v AC.
This way of writing statement forms is sometimes called Polish notation (in honor of its
inventor J. Lukasiewicz).
+v AB v 1 C & 1 BC is Polish notation for the statement form ((A v B) + (( 1 C) v (( 1B) 6%C))). Sim-
ilarly, e KzAl 1B e B v CB is Polish notation for ((A & (1 (1B))) * (B e (C v B))).
Solved Problems
B.l. Write the following statement forms in Polish notation.
(4 ((((1 A) v (B & C)) + (A * (-’ B)))
(b) ((A + (‘(1 B))) v (‘(A &C>>>
(4 (((A + (1 A)) + B) + (A --, B))
(a) +v -IA&BC~AIB
(b) v+A~-IB~JzAC
(c) +-+AlAB+AB
B.2. Find the statement forms whose transcriptions into Polish notation are
(u)+vA~B&HBCA (c) vlvAB&AB
(b) ++ABvllAB (d)vvAB-,CD
(a) ((A v (1 B)) --* ((B * C) 6~A))
(b) ((A+B) -((l(lA))“B))
(4 ((1 (A ” B)) ” (A & B))
b-4 ((A ” 4 ” (C-+D))
Solution :
Assign the integer -1 to statement letters, 0 to 1, and +1 to the binary connectives &, v, +, t).
Then we have
(I) the sum #(A) of the integers assigned to all the occurrences of symbols in A is -1;
(II) the sum #(B) of the integers assigned to all the occurrences of symbols in every
proper initial segment Bt of A is non-negative.
Example. v-,vABlB&lBC
Proof of the Theorem. First, we shall prove that any statement form in Polish notation satisfies
conditions (I) and (II). This is shown by induction on the number k of occurrences of connectives
in A. If there are no connectives, A is a statement letter and conditions (I)-(II) are obvious.
(In this case there are no proper initial segments of A.) Now assume that the result has been
established for all statement forms having fewer than k occurrences of connectives (k 2 1). By our
new definition of statement form, A is of one of the forms 1 B, & BC, v BC, + BC, e BC, where
B and C are statement forms (having fewer than k occurrences of connectives). Use of the induc-
tive hypothesis now yields (I)-(II). (For instance, if A is & BC, then #(A) = 1 + #(B) + #(C) =
1 + (-1) + (-1) = -1, yielding (I). If D is a proper initial segment of A, then either D is & and
#t(D) is +l k 0; or D is &D, (where D, is a proper initial segment of B) and #(D) = 1 + #(D1) h
1 + 0 = 1 > 0; or D is &B and #(D) = 1 + #(B) = 1 + (-1) = 0; or D is & BC, (where C, is a proper
initial segment of C) and #(D) = 1 + #(B) + #(C,) = 1 + (-1) + #(C,) = 0 + #(C,) = #(C,) 2 0.)
Conversely, let us assume now that an expression A satisfies (I)-(II). We prove that A is a
statement form in Polish notation by induction on the number k of symbols in A. k = 1: then
by (I), A is a statement letter. Induction step: assume that k > 1 and that the result holds for
all expressions having fewer than k symbols. Case 1: A is of the form 1 B. It is then easy to
show that the truth of (I)-(II) for A implies the truth of (I)-(II) for B, and hence, by inductive
hypothesis, B is a statement form. Therefore 1 B is a statement form. Case 2: A is of the form
BC, where B is a statement letter. This contradicts (II), since B is a proper initial segment of A.
Case 3: A is of the form 0 C, where 0 is one of the binary connectives &, v, +, w. There must
be a shortest proper initial segment B of C such that #(B) = -1. For, as we move from left to
right in A, the sum of the symbols begins at +l (the integer for 0) and ends with -1 (= #(A)),
and moving from one symbol to the next either leaves the sum unchanged or changes it by 1-l or -1.
Hence we must finally arrive at the first proper initial segment of A whose sum is 0. This proper
initial segment is of the form ? ? B, where B is the shortest proper initial segment of C such that
#t(B) = -1. Then B satisfies (I). As for (II), consider any proper initial segment D of B. Then
+B is a proper initial segment of A if and only if A is of the form BC, where C contains at least one symbol.
since 0 D is a shorter proper initial segment of A than [7 B, #(l-J D) is > 0, and #(D) A 0. Hence
(II) holds for B, and, by inductive hypothesis, B is a statement form in Polish notation. Let C be
BE. Thus A is 0 BE. Since -1 = #(A) = 1 + #(B) + i?(E) = 1 + (-1) + #(E) = g(E), E satisfies (I).
As for (II), let F be any proper initial segment of E. Then 0 BF is a proper initial segment of A.
By (II) for A, 0 f #(O BF) = 1 + #(B) + #(F) = 1 + (-1) + #i(F) = #t(F). Thus (II) holds for E, and,
by inductive hypothesis, E is a statement form in Polish notation, and therefore so is ? ?BE.
Notice that the second part of the proof of the theorem gives a method for constructing the
corresponding statement form in our original notation (since it locates the statement forms out of
which our given statement form is constructed).
Example. -&A-~-IB-BvCB
The first proper initial segment whose sum is 0 is * & A 11 B. Thus we have (& A 11 B) @
(eB v CB). In &A 1-1 B, the first proper initial segment whose sum is 0 is &A. Hence we
obtain A & 11 B. In @B v CB, the first proper initial segment whose sum is 0 is @B, and we
obtain B t) (v CB). Thus, so far, (A & 1-1 B) f) (B @ (v CB)). Finally, v CB corresponds to
C v B, and the statement form in our original notation is (A & 1-1 B) e= (B t) (Cv B)).
Supplementary Problems
B.4. Write the following statement forms in Polish notation.
(a) B&z l(AvB)
(b) [(A-+B)+ l(B+A)] * (A-B)
(c) [(A+B)+(C+D)] + [E+{(D-+A)+(C+A)}]
B.5. Determine whether each of the following expressions is a statement form in Polish notation, and,
if it is, find the corresponding statement form in our original notation.
(a) + 1 vAB++C& TAB
(b) -I &A+B+A
(c) vv++AB lAA&BA
k-l) --+A+BC+&ABC
The Axiom of Choice
Implies Zorn’s lemma
By the axiom of choice we mean the assertion that, for any set x, there is a function f
(called a choice function for x), defined on T(x) - {@}, such that, for any non-empty subset
u of x, f(u) E u.
We shall say that a collection A of sets is well-ordered by inclusion if and only if A is
an C-chain and every non-empty subset C of A has a least element b (i.e. if u E C, then
b cu). Given a collection A well-ordered by inclusion, and given any set y in A, the segment
determined by y (denoted Seg (A, y)) is defined to be the set of all x in A such that XC y.
Notice that, if S is a section of A (i.e. if S is a subset of A such that (y E S 6i x CY) + X ES))
and if S # A, then S = Seg (A, u), where u is the least element of A c S.
Ul =
f (. E s2L,.Ul) uJ = f (u:, 4
Hence u1 = u2 and Seg (L1, ul) = K = Seg (Lz, 24. Thus UI E K, which contradicts the
fact that ul E Ll- K.
(2) The union of all ladders H = L 2 L L1 is again a ladder. For, by (1) it is clear that H
is an c-chain. H is well-ordereld by inclusion. (In fact, if @ # W’G H and u E W, then
N E L1 for some L1 E L and the least element of Wn LI must be the least element of W.)
Finally, for any x E H, x E L1 for some LIE L, and, by (l), Seg(H,x) = Seg(L1, x).
Hence x = f(
uE &,,2) = f (u E s~~H,*,“~ *
Since H is an C-chain, the union
is a ladder, and therefore f(v) E H.
v = u ‘;;‘, u E 2, by hypothesis. Hence H U {f(v)}
A lattice-Theoretic Proof
of the Schriider-Bernstein Theorem
Lemma. Let (L, 6) be a complete lattice and let + be a function from L into L such that
+ is order-preserving, i.e. x g y + 4(x) 6 4(g). Then + has a fixed point b in
L, i.e. +(b) = b.
Proof. For every subset ZcX, let +(Z) = X - g[Y - f[Z]] (Fig. D-l). (Recall that,
for any function h, h[C] = {h(u) : u E C}.)
Hence 4 is an order-preserving function from the complete lattice (T(X), C) into itself.
Hence by the lemma above, + has a fixed point Z*, i.e.
z* = +(Z*) = x - g[Y - f[z*]]
It is easy now to verify, using Fig. D-2 as a guide, that the following function h,
f(x) if xEZ*
h(x) =
i g-l(x) if x E X-Z*
is a one-one correspondence between X and Y. )
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1 1 dnf 12
& 1 cnf 22
V 2, 52, 133 (2: x . ..> 30
-3 3 Incl (i)-(iii) 31
3 PI(i)-(iv) 31
4 U(i)-(vi) 32
17 Int (i)-(vi) 33
18 Dist (i)-(ii) 33
30 D(i)-(iv) 34
31 SD(i)-(iii) 35
31 C(i)-(xi) 35
31 (PO l)-(PO 3) 58
32,53 (Conn) 59
32 CL) 60
33 (L4) 133
34,64 Gen (C) 144
A 34
A 35
(% Y) 38
#(A) 40
A 52,133
0 52
1 52
5 57
; 61
I-I 68
0& 75
V 75
1 76
8 78
C 78
JU 144
%f,J 147
V 149
A 149
Kf 168
By SEYMOUR LIPSCHUTZ, Ph.D., Professor of Moth., Rensselaer Polyfech. Insf. By N. J. EVERARD, MSCE, Ph.D.,
Assoc. Prof. of Moth., Temple Univerrify Prof. of Eng. Mech. EL Sfruc., Arlington Slate Cal.
including 530 SOLVED PROBLEMS including 720 SOLVED PROBLEMS including 3100 TEST ITEMS
Assoc. Prof. of Moth., Temple Universi)y Professor of Moth., Rensselaer Polylech. Inst. Professors of Education, University of Miomf