2020 편입학 영어시험 인문계열 (오전)

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[배점 1-13: 각 1점; 14-17: 각 1.5점; 18-30: 각 2점; 31-40: 각 2.5점; [14~17: 1.

5 points each]

41-50: 각 3점. 총 100점]

[14-15] Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the

[1~13: 1 point each] given sentence.

[1-4] Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 14. Few foods are so innately well-suited to change into other
products as is milk.
1. A career as a _______ requires both a bachelor’s degree as well ① Milk goes bad as quickly as other products.
as an advanced degree in medicine. ② Milk can be easily converted into other products.
① patriot ② patriarch ③ pediatrician ④ pedestrian ③ Milk is the most suitable product for people’s health.
④ Milk has nutrients that other products cannot provide.
2. The three-day cricket match seemed _______ to our guests;
they were used to watching sports for only a couple of hours. 15. Constantly reacting to events rather than being prepared for
① irresolute ② interminable ③ comprehensible ④ fleeting them marks those who lack initiative.
① Preparation is as important as reaction for those who lack
3. To reach Pleasantville, the traveller should drive with extreme initiative.
caution along the _______ curves of the mountain road. ② Those who lack initiative are identified by their constant
① serpentine ② shady ③ rugged ④ precipitous need to react to events.
③ Initiative is given to those who prepare in advance for
4. The bus station was _______ and its two main buildings were events.
practically rubble. ④ Lack of initiative appears to indicate you’re well prepared.
① revamped ② overhauled ③ refurbished ④ annihilated
[16-17] Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

[5-9] Choose the one that best replaces the underlined word.

16. _______ our experience that we human beings grow wiser and
5. The explorer stopped to quench her thirst at the stream but gain greater control over our lives.
was scared away by an enraged bear. ① It is making sense of by ② By making sense of it is
① satiate ② absorb ③ savor ④ curb ③ By it is making sense of ④ It is by making sense of

6. The meal was prepared perfectly, but the diners found it 17. The most effective propaganda is _______, and images tend to
repugnant. be much more shareable than written texts.
① mediocre ② disgusting ③ tasteless ④ sumptuous ① that which will be shared ② which will share that
③ that will be shared ④ which that will be shared
7. The objective of this panel was to address the crux of the
problems faced by citizens. [18~30: 2 points each]

① apex ② gist ③ end ④ periphery

[18-19] Choose the one that makes the sentence

8. Even after a century of meticulous investigation, the relation of grammatically INCORRECT.

the solar cycle to terrestrial weather remains enigmatic.

① cursory ② thorough ③ prolonged ④ scientific 18. Microbes affect ①human life in many ways, from the day of
our birth to the day of our death, and ②even thereafter, since
9. The newspaper’s error was inadvertent; the editor did not mean ③it attacks our mortal remains and reduce them ④to mere
to include the victim’s name. dust.
① tolerant ② negligible ③ inevitable ④ unintended
19. Just as ①there are no two sets of fingerprints ②alike in the
[10-13] Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the world, ③so that the imprints of animals have ④similar uniqueness.
CONTEXTUAL meaning of the underlined word.

[20-21] Choose the one that is grammatically INCORRECT.

10. He could barely bring himself to be civil to the guests.

① private ② domestic ③ considerate ④ unarmed 20. ① Mr. Kang, with whom I worked for many years, is retiring
11. My sister’s oblique answers to my questions made me ② In my school, I met inspiring peers, some of whom became
suspicious. my friends.
① indirect ② unequal ③ slanting ④ diagonal ③ She asked me a lot of questions, most of which I couldn’t
12. Science is the systematic method by which we apprehend what ④ The building, on the top of which we can see from here,
is true about the world in which we live. was beautiful.
① fear ② arrest ③ seize ④ understand
21. ① Those sentenced were involved in organized crime.
13. Short-term fluctuations in the trajectory have little or no ② The majority remained satisfying with the new treatment.
bearing on how one might view the long-term situation. ③ People living in town by themselves had a hard time.
① demeanor ② sustaining ③ relevance ④ reproduction ④ The door has been kept closed all day long.

A 5-1
[22-50] Read the following passages and answer the [26-27] In examining writing on metaphor, it becomes helpful to
questions. consider it as existing on a continuum of linguistic conventionality.
The terms “conventional metaphor” and “novel metaphor” seem to
[22-23] A big stereotype about the Gypsy way of life is that it’s be mirrored by terms such as “dead metaphor” and “living
flashy, revealing, and attention grabbing. But we don’t get a full metaphor” in academic studies. The contention stands that whereas
picture of Gypsy culture. For example, Gypsy fashion for conventional, dead metaphors are no longer noticed (e.g. the
free-flowing clothes is guided by modesty, and strict cleanliness computer’s memory is full), novel, living metaphors can still be
codes are common, developed through centuries of life on the road perceived as a sometimes shocking act of imaginative union (e.g.
when hygiene was of utmost importance. If you search for depression is a cancer of the mind). Metaphors are typically
“Gypsy” online, you’ll find story after story that perpetuates the codified as “A is B” relationships, whereby in the process of
myth that the Gypsy community is ridden with crime, tax interpretation certain characteristics of B are transposed onto A.
avoidance, and voluntary unemployment. Nothing could be further Although the language of metaphors often uses the word “is,” the
from the truth. Members of Gypsy communities are, in fact, “is” represents a relationship best expressed by the term: “can be
statistically underrepresented in the mainstream prison population. thought of as,” not by “equals” or “is equivalent to.”
Just like with any other community, you will find criminals, just
as you will find teachers, nurses, police officers, artists, and 26. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
entrepreneurs. Many Gypsies have made it through mainstream ① Extensive Use of Metaphors in Language
education to top universities, whilst at the same time retaining ② Metaphors for Language in Popular Culture
their identity. ③ Ways of Categorizing and Interpreting Metaphors
④ Working Mechanism of Cognitive Operation in Metaphors
22. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
① Myths About Gypsy Culture 27. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
② Dress Tastes in Gypsy Culture ① Conventional metaphors are easily noticed by readers.
③ Changes in the Gypsy Community ② Dead metaphors are sometimes shocking to readers.
④ The Strong Identity of the Gypsy Community ③ “Depression is a cancer of the mind,” is a novel metaphor.
④ In metaphors, the word “is” means “is equivalent to.”
23. Which of the following is implied by the author?
① Gypsies wear provocative clothes. [28-30] When people learn to play video games, they are learning
② Gypsies aspire to live on benefits. a new literacy. Of course, this is not the way the word “literacy”
③ Gypsies are not work-shy. is normally used. Traditionally, people think of literacy as the
④ Gypsies lack education. ability to read and write, but there are two reasons we should
think of literacy more broadly. First, in the modern world,
[24-25] The latest self-help trend is niksen, a Dutch word for language is not the only communicational system. Today images,
literally doing nothing or being idle. Practicing niksen is as simple symbols, graphs, diagrams, artifacts, and many other visual
as just hanging around looking at your surroundings, listening to symbols are particularly significant. Thus, the idea of different
music without purpose, or simply sitting in a chair. While types of “visual literacy” is important. For example, knowing how
mindfulness is about concentrating on the moment, niksen is more to read interior designs, modernist art, and videos on MTV are
about taking time to just let your mind (A)_______ rather than other forms of visual literacy. The second reason is even though
focusing on the details of life. Niksen has historically been reading and writing seem so central to what literacy means
traditionally, reading and writing are not such general and obvious
dismissed as laziness; however, as stress levels climb globally and matters. After all, we never just read or write; rather, we always
their crushing health impacts, like burnout, are getting more read or write something in some way. So there are different ways
recognition from the medical community, doing nothing is to read different types of texts. Literacy is (A)_______, then, in
increasingly being considered a positive, stress-fighting tactic. The that the legal literacy needed for reading law books is not the
research is strong when it comes to the benefits of slowing down, same as the literacy needed for reading physics texts or superhero
from emotional perks, like reducing anxiety, to physical comic books. There are, even in regard to printed texts, different
advantages, like (B)________ the aging process and strengthening literacies.
the body’s ability to fight off a common cold. These potential
health effects might be enough to encourage even the most hectic 28. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
and overburdened among us to practice niksen. ① The Advent of Visual Literacy
② Limits of Reading and Writing
24. Which of the following ordered pairs best fits into (A) and (B)? ③ Broader Perspectives of Literacy
① behold – generating ④ A Lesson from Traditional Literacy
② fixate – reversing
③ diverge – engaging 29. Which of the following best fits into (A)?
④ wander – curtailing ① confounded ② triangular
③ coherent ④ multiple
25. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
① Traditionally, niksen has been viewed favorably. 30. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
② Niksen and mindfulness involve mental processes. ① Traditional literacy means the ability to read and write.
③ There are physical benefits to practicing niksen. ② Visual literacy is needed to read diagrams and artwork.
④ The advantages of niksen have been scientifically established. ③ Traditional writing is done in generalized and obvious ways.
④ There are different literacies for different kinds of printed

A 5-2
[31~40: 2.5 points each] [35-37] The American house spider produces a web with adhesion
that can be strong enough to stick to a wall or weak enough to
[31-32] Grandchildren often get their early values from parents and detach from the ground and thus act as a spring-loaded trap for
grandparents. As they mature, however, they are more likely to walking prey. How does the spider produce both strong and weak
grow their own set of values. Families are closest when they anchors for its web with a single type of glue? The spider
share values, but few families will ever be in total agreement. A anchors its web to a wall, a ceiling, or a similar surface by
generation gap develops when younger generations find older weaving highly adhesive patches of silk, called “scaffolding discs,”
generations lacking in social tolerance and even prone to which are strong enough to withstand the impact of flying prey.
hypocrisy. Grandparents should not abandon their values and Researchers have discovered that, on the other hand, the patches
standards, but a willingness to listen to the younger generation of silk that are attached to the ground, called “gumfoot discs,”
can go a long way. Moreover, grandparents need to (A)practice have an entirely different architecture. With far fewer attachment
what they preach. Remember, love for grandparents isn’t built into points than scaffolding discs, gumfoot discs allow the web to
the grandparent-grandchild relationship. Instead, grandchildren learn detach with ease and yank off the ground any prey that has
to value their grandparents and the way they occupy that role. walked into it. The researchers, who (A)_______, are already
Detached or uninvolved grandparents are unlikely to find a place working toward developing a synthetic adhesive that mimics this
of honor in the family circle. Grandparents who create family intelligent design strategy employed by the house spider. They
drama and conflict are unlikely to be valued family members, hope to create an adhesive that can be used both for common
either. To conclude, (B)_______ and it is the grandparent who bandages and for treating bone fractures.
should be determined to build a strong and lasting relationship
with grandchildren. 35. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
① Who Is Afraid of Spiders?
31. Which of the following is closest in meaning to (A)? ② The House Spider’s Sticky Secret
① Exercise their speech skills for better communication. ③ Figure out What Spiders Like Most
② Never fail to keep their promise with grandchildren. ④ Biological Calls for Working with Spiders
③ Provide their grandchildren with words of wisdom.
④ Behave the way they advise other people to do. 36. Which of the following best fits into (A)?
① designed health research studies
32. Which of the following best fits into (B)? ② uncovered this wonder of nature
① grandchildren don’t automatically value their grandparents ③ constructed scaffolding discs
② grandparents are naturally loved by their grandchildren ④ ignored gumfoot discs
③ grandparents should be strict with their grandchildren
④ grandchildren should detach from their grandparents 37. According to the passage, “gumfoot discs” are _______.
① highly adhesive patches of silk
[33-34] From the 15th century to the current day, the Renaissance ② strong enough to stick to a wall
maxim holds true: “Every painter paints himself.” Beyond ③ weak enough to detach from the ground
straightforward self-portraits, artists through the ages have left ④ made of more attachment points than scaffolding discs
special signatures on their canvases, covertly inserting their own
faces into their works in unusual and inventive ways. This sense
of self-importance for the artist arose in the Renaissance, a period
with humanist values that prized individualism and creativity.
During that era, two trends for hidden self-portraits emerged in
Europe. In Italy, artists tended to include their portraits on the
right side of paintings or altarpieces, with their eyes looking
knowingly out at the viewer. Northern Renaissance artists,
however, liked to toy with dense and precise symbolism that
showed off their technical skills. The self-portraits they worked
into their oil paintings are usually found distorted in reflective
surfaces, like mirrors. The traditions begun in this artistic golden
age have persisted to this day.
33. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
① When Did Painters Start to Work for a Patron?
② Why Did Painters Expect Appreciation of Their Work?
③ How Did Artists Hide Self-Portraits in Their Paintings?
④ What Were Art History’s Greatest Unsolved Mysteries?
34. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
① Renaissance artists valued usual and conventional paintings.
② In Italy, artists drew faces that avoided the glances of
③ Northern Renaissance artists liked to insert distorted
④ Modern artists decline to include their own portraits in their

A 5-3
[38-40] While some women experience pregnancy and childbirth as 41. Which of the following is the passage mainly about?
joyful, natural, and fulfilling, others find themselves recoiling in ① Merriam-Webster’s word of the year
horror at the physical demands of carrying and sustaining a child ② The etymology of the pronoun they
in their womb, and even more so at the potential brutality of ③ The predicament of they in English
giving birth. Some might view the blood, sweat, and tears as a ④ Culture as a mirror of language
necessary and unavoidable part of life. Others assume a less
forgiving view of the process as “barbaric.” Most oscillate between 42. Which of the following best fits into (A)?
the (A)two positions, or else sit somewhere in between. Whatever ① to indicate plurality
one’s position on the matter of the “naturalness” of pregnancy, it ② to describe one person
can’t be denied that the development of artificial-womb technology ③ as a first-person pronoun
would radically change the debate. First, there are the therapeutic ④ as a gender-specific pronoun
benefits it promises: women prone to risky pregnancies could
transfer the fetus to an artificial womb, thereby allowing fetal [43-44] Subtle changes in the way a person walks can be an early
development to continue at little cost to their own physical health; warning sign of cognitive decline and a signal of the need for
likewise, fetuses at risk of premature birth could be transferred to advanced testing. The findings are the first to link a physical
artificial wombs to complete their development as required. The symptom to Alzheimer’s, which up until now required doctors to
blood, sweat, and tears, it seems, might not be so intrinsic to the begin a diagnosis by focusing on cognition and administering
process after all. Second, the technology could have important lengthy neurological exams. Monitoring deterioration and other
social benefits for women. Artificial wombs would eliminate a changes in a person’s gait is (A)_______ because it doesn’t require
crucial condition that currently ensures women’s oppression by any expensive technology or take a lot of time to assess. The
neutralizing (B)the heavily gendered roles played in reproduction. disease affects 5.4 million mostly older people in the United States,
But if fetuses were to develop in artificial wombs, women would numbers expected to spike to 16 million in 2050 as baby boomers
finally be free to pursue their interests and desires. age. Walking requires a perfect and (B)_______ integration of
multiple areas of the brain. Walking changes occur because the
38. Which of the following is the major topic of the passage? disease interferes with the circuitry between these areas of brain.
① Females’ liberation from homekeeping In the Mayo Clinic, researchers measured the stride length and
② Mental and physical health for females velocity of more than 1,340 participants through a computerized
③ Planned pregnancies and physical health gait instrument at two or more visits 15 months apart. They found
④ Potential benefits of artificial-womb technology that study participants with lower velocity and length of stride
experienced significantly larger declines in cognition, memory, and
39. Which of the following is closest to what (A) refers to? executive function.
① Pros and cons of artificial wombs
② Brutal and horrific views on pregnancy 43. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
③ Proponents of artificial and natural wombs ① A Solution to Cognitive and Memory Decline
④ Positive and negative views on pregnancy and childbirth ② How to Prevent Alzheimer’s by Changing Gait
③ The Faster You Walk, the Healthier You Become
40. Which of the following is implied by (B)? ④ Walking Changes: An Early Warning of Alzheimer’s
① Social pressure on women for reproduction
② Health risks of childbearing and nursing 44. Which of the following ordered pairs best fits into (A) and (B)?
③ Child-raising demands on women ① ideal – simultaneous
④ Workplace handicaps for females
② challenging – instant
③ preferred – stationary
④ accurate – intermittent
[41~50: 3 points each]

[41-42] Merriam-Webster announced that the personal pronoun

they was its 2019 Word of the Year, noting that the tiny,
unassuming word had undergone a rather radical transformation in
usage in recent years, and found itself at the heart of some
wide-ranging cultural conversations in the process. “English
famously lacks a gender-neutral singular pronoun to correspond
neatly with singular pronouns like everyone or someone, and as a
consequence they has been used for this purpose for over 600
years,” the dictionary publisher explained. “More recently, though,
they has also been used to refer to one person whose gender
identity is non-binary, a sense that is increasingly common in
published, edited text, as well as social media and in daily
personal interactions between English speakers.” In other words,
the usual singular pronouns he or she, rooted as they are in a
male-female division of gender, can often prove misleading,
inaccurate, or disrespectful when describing a person who doesn’t
identify strictly as a man or woman. Faced with a lack of
satisfying singular options, folks have taken to doing what your
high school English teacher might have red-penciled 10 years ago:
using the typically plural pronoun they (A)_______.

A 5-4
[45-47] The present craze for cute things is motivated in part by [48-50] There are three categories of content being used to pollute
the urge to escape from our threatening world into a garden of the information ecosystem: disinformation, misinformation, and
innocence in which childlike qualities arouse protective feelings, “malinformation.” Spreaders of disinformation, false content
and bestow contentment and solace. “Cute cues” include behaviors designed to cause harm, are motivated by one of three distinct
that appear helpless, charming, and yielding, and anatomical goals: to make money, to have political influence, or to cause
features such as outsize heads, saucer-like eyes, and clumsy trouble for the sake of it. Those who spread misinformation, false
motions. Perhaps our response to cute cues evolved to motivate us content shared by a person who does not realize it is false or
to give our offspring the extensive care and nurturing that they misleading, are driven by sociopsychological factors. These people
need to prosper. But if cuteness were merely about the charming, are performing their identities on social platforms in order to feel
innocent, and unthreatening; or if our attraction to it were connected to others. Disinformation turns into misinformation when
motivated just by protective instincts, it would not be so people share disinformation without realizing it is false. Finally, a
ubiquitous. Those qualities speak only of what we might call the new term, “malinformation,” describes (A)_______ information that
“sweet” end of a whole spectrum of cuteness. As we move toward is shared with the intent to cause harm. An example of this
the “uncanny” end of the spectrum, sweet qualities get distorted happened when foreign agents hacked into politicians’ emails and
into something darker, more indeterminate, and more wounded: leaked personal secrets to the public to damage reputations. It
something like Balloon Dog, which seems at once powerful, made must be noted that the most effective disinformation always has a
of stainless steel, and powerless, hollow, and lacking a face. The kernel of truth to it, and indeed most of the content being
non-definability that pervades cute things, the erosion of borders disseminated now is not fake, but misleading. Instead of wholly
between what used to be seen as distinct realms, such as fabricated stories, influence agents are reframing (B)_______
childhood and adulthood, is also reflected in the blurred gender of content and using hyperbolic headlines.
many cute objects. It is reflected, too, in their frequent blending of
human and nonhuman forms, as in Hello Kitty. 48. Which of the following best fits into both (A) and (B)?
① political
45. What is the purpose of this passage? ② genuine
① To characterize and explain cuteness ③ imaginative
② To promote cute and charming objects ④ motivational
③ To outline the production of cute objects
④ To argue for a preferred style of cuteness 49. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
① Some people spread disinformation just to cause trouble.
46. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? ② People who spread misinformation are unaware it is false.
① The blurring of genders is an example of the vagueness of ③ Sociopsychological factors aid the spread of misinformation.
cuteness. ④ The damage caused by malinformation is not purposeful.
② Indeterminate and wounded characteristics pervade sweet
objects. 50. According to the passage, which of the following is an
③ The urge to escape has partly motivated the present trend example of spreading disinformation?
for cuteness. ① Publishing invented stories of someone online in order to
④ Our attraction to “uncanny” objects is due to more than have them fired
evolution. ② Hacking someone’s email and then posting lurid details of
their personal life to a website
47. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a ③ Believing and retweeting an unverified story about
cute cue? someone’s illegal activity
① graceful movements ④ Investigating a story about an official engaged in illegal
② oversize, round eyes behavior
③ helpless appearance
④ compliance

A 5-5

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