Module Plan

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CLIL Module Plan

Author(s) Irene Leveghi

School Liceo Artistico Alessandro Vittoria, TN

School Grade Primary Middle High

School Year 1 2 3 4 5

Subject Altro - Visual Art (Discipline Topic How to design

pittoriche - Progettazione)

CLIL Language English Deutsch

Personal and The class is composed of 12 students (8 girls and 3 boys). Migrant
social-cultural background: there are two students who come from extra UE countries.
preconditions Generally, they speak Italian, but at home, they use their mother tongue.
of all people Special Educational Needs: there are three students with special educational
involved needs. Two of them are DSA and one has a 104 certification and needs to be
supported during the lessons. As a group work, it is a little bit lazy, but with a
vivacious intelligence, creative, that always needs to be motivated and guided
to perform at their best in the various activities, especially in this difficult year
where the pandemic situation made them almost inactive and discouraged.
Moreover, lots of these students need to develop their self-esteem. They know
how to work in a group because in this subject (Design in Visual Art/Painting)
they usually work for a common aim: it could be a mural, a mosaic, an acrylic
painting, sometimes required by an association or a private company. When
they work in a team they are sociable, involved and curious. As a class, they
embrace a lot of new art projects and are always driven to improve their
competence. In contrast, when they work individually, some of them don't
make their homework and are very absent-minded. They never have been
studying in CLIL in High School, because in our Institut we start CLIL in the
third year. So, this is the first year for every subject. The average CEFR level
in English is an A2/B1. Anybody is very shy but they need to practice
conversation and speaking. They are quite confident with the listening skill.
Students' prior Subject Language
skills, Students know the rules of the visual Students have a medium level of
competencies language and what are the elements reading and speaking skills, but they
of the composition. They are very only know few artistic terms in
keen on drawing, especially life English. They have a low profile in
drawing pictures because in the two writing, but good skills in listening.
years (biennium) they have learned Grammar ability to reach during the
how to copy an image and how to third year: Present tenses; Past
create volume through shadows with simple; Past continuous; Future
different techniques. They are also forms: will / shall and going to; 1st
aware of the importance of and 2nd conditionals; Present perfect
perspective in Art, they know how to simple, Present perfect continuous;
use texture and colors. Moreover, To describe, compare and contrast
they can describe artwork and talk ideas; To express opinions; To take
about personal reactions. part in a discussion; Vocab and

Timetable fit Module Length 50 hours (of 50 minutes) - Number of

tuition hours per week: 6

Description of This module is divided into three units and, especially for the U3, there are
teaching and links to other curricular subjects such as Art Research Laboratory, IRC,
learning Science, Chemistry, and English. The first module, "The creative process" (6
strategies hours), is an introduction to all the projects students will face in this subject
(Graphic and Painting Discipline). The second unit, "Crazy Shoes" (10 hours),
is a practical activity to verify if students understood the main steps of the
creative process (in particular, the passages copy-transform-combine). The
third unit, "Strike like Banksy" (3 hours for a field trip + 31 hours in class) is
the main practical project and is about the Street Art Movement and the
actual issue of climate change. To motivate students by speaking English with
enthusiasm the breakout of the lessons will be different and there will balance
between theory and practice (even if the practice is the core of this subject).
For that reason, the teacher tries to integrate language and content talking in
English during the practical activities using ICT tools, such as PowerPoint
presentations, Mentimemeter, TeacherMade, EdPuzzle, Jigsaw Puzzle. The
teacher will constantly support students during the practice work and invite
them to take notes next to their sketches while drawing and constantly
communicate among them giving suggestions, advice, asking for
clarifications. There will be activated different strategies to make the lessons
more pleasant. The lessons will predominantly follow the “activate prior
knowledge/guide understanding/review” format and will privilege
collaborative and cooperative learning with the purpose to develop
communicative skills, without worrying too much about grammar mistakes.
The assessment will be focused on communicative skills, cognitive skills,
cooperation, and, last but not least, the attitude towards the project.
Overall Module Plan
Unit: 1 Lesson 1

The creative process Introduction to the steps

Unit length: 6h
Lesson 2

Magic moments

Lesson 3

The stages exercise

Lesson 4

How to be creative

Lesson 5

You are creative

Lesson 6


Unit: 2 Lesson 1

Crazy Shoes Introduction

Unit length: 10h
Lesson 2

Shoes inspiration

Lesson 3

Unit: 3 Lesson 1

Strike like Banksy The street art movement

Unit length: 34h
Lesson 2

The art of transforming the city

Lesson 3

The climate change

Lesson 4

Let's get started

Lesson 5

CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 1 Lesson number 1 Title Introduction to the steps

Activity Timing Learning Activity Procedure Language Interaction Materials Assessment

1 20' Introduce Ss Warming-up activity: T Skills Whole U1_L1_ALL1_The Formative
to the CLIL explains to the class the class steps.pptx assessment:
module and subject of the lesson. L S R W Group T observes
methodology; He/She connects his/her work how students
Key vocabulary steps_Presentation in
Identify the tablet to a screen Pair work are involved,
Thumbnail sketches, PowerPoint (Slides: 1-
steps to make projector and shows the Individual what input
Comprehensive, 7; 10-15)
up a creative PowerPoint: "The creative work they give to
artwork and process" on the LIM. T Craftmanship, Layout, the activity
what a asks Ss to think about a Worthwhile and what is
creative word that might define their
process is; the topic of this unit, Communicative background
Relate giving them the structures knowledge.
creativity & necessary wait time to Describe the creative
Logical start the topic. They can process: I think…., I
thinking also draw a picture or believe….., In my
take an object. In pairs, opinion….; Do you think
they reveal their idea and it is logical? Why/why
follow a quick class not?
discussion for general
Consequently, Ss must
imagine what are the 5
steps in an art project
before the work could be
considered finished.
2 25' Have a brief T returns to slide n. 8 of Skills Whole U1_L1_ALL1_The Ongoing
practice the "creative process" class steps.pptx assessment:
activity about presentation and asks Ss L S R W Group T observes
the first step to try to complete the work how Ss are
Key vocabulary Steps (Slides 8-9); A
of the first step of the creative Pair work able to
Tag, Wildstyle, Throw worksheet with the
creative process; the Individual connect their
up, Crew, Free Walls scheme, pencils,
process; brainstorming step. The work ideas with
black pen for
Arouse scheme is given to each simple words
Communicative sketches
interest S and represents the and the
through a main structure to reflect structures ability to
learning by on the beginning of a How can I represent connect
doing project. It is divided into this word?; What is the them with
activities; three sectors: topic, first word I think related drawings.
Encourage Ss words and drawings. The to "Street" and "Art"?;
to share topic is "Street Art" and Look at my ideas; At
ideas, is, therefore, an approach first I think that...
learning from to introduce unit n.3. Ss
each other think about words related
to street art movement
and draw some sketches.
In the last 5' they share
their brainstorming with
the class.
3 5' Order and In a group of three, T Skills Whole U1_L1_ALL1_The Peer
classify the asks Ss to remember and class steps.pptx assessment:
five steps of a get in order the five steps L S R W Group T will make
U1_L1_All1_The steps
creative of an art project. In the work sure every
Key vocabulary (Slide n. 16)
process; group, each S explains Pair work group has
Brainstorming, PowerPoint; a sheet
Remember one stage. T listens to the Individual understood
Thumbnail, and a pen to order
what T has conversation in each work the main
Comprehensive, the main steps.
explained; group. In the end, T steps of the
Develop recaps the right order. Artwork, Evaluation topics.
speaking He/she
skills. Communicative transcribes
structures on his/her
What do you think notebook
about…?; In my information
opinion…; In stage about Ss's
number 3/4 etc. you...; effort and
Are you sure about speaking
this? / Connectives skills.
(first, next, then, after
that, finally)
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 1 Lesson number 2 Title Magic moments

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 15m Activating Prior Warm-up Skills Whole U1_L2_ALL2_The Peer

Knowledge: activity: Ss class timetable.pdf assessment: T
Learners complete observe an L S R W Group U1_L2_ALL3_Moments.pdf observes how
a line chart about empty line with work Ss interact
Key vocabulary The creative process timeline:
the topic. different colors. Pair work with each
Deadline, link (for T); U1_L2_ALL2_The
T writes on Lim Individual other, the
Creative timetable.pdf - image adapted
five words or work accuracy of
process, from Google: link
short the use of
Infographics, U1_L2_ALL3_Moments.pdf
exclamations. specific terms
In a group of Timeline and their
four, Ss think communicative
about where Communicative skills.
they could put structures
the labels on What do you
the color line. think about…?;
The color line is In my opinion…;
referred to the Look at the
creative timetable; I
process. Then, agree/disagree
Ss read because…
individually the
text about the
five stages of
the creative
the creative
process given
by T,
underlining the
words they
The stages of
"how to be
creative" are
not the same
as the steps we
have previously
studied in
lesson n. 1, but
they are strictly

2 10m Ss learn some basic T connects his Skills Whole U1_L2_ALL4_Stages.pdf Formative
vocabulary about tablet to a class assessment: T
MENTIMETER - Word clouds:
the topic. screen L S R W Group observs the
link U1_L2_ALL4_Stages.pdf
projector and work attitude of Ss
Key vocabulary shared with the class
shares the Pair work toward
document with Sub- something new
the class. T consciousness, for them in the
explains to the Gather, Bubbling secondary
Ss how to open away, Self- school,
the file on their criticism because
tablet. Then they've only
she/he asks had CLIL
them to discuss experience in
the text and the primary
underline the and middle
unknown school.
vocabulary. In
the last 2m, T
asks them to
write a word
using the link of
Activate lower
"Word cloud"
order thinking
prepared by
skills: Could you
him/her with
help me?; What
does this word
mean?; Do you
app. The
know the
question is:
meaning of...?;
"How do you
What do you
feel when you
think about…?
speak in
English?" Ss
answer with a
word and the
final result is a
colored image
composed of
words, in which
the size of each
word indicates
its frequency or
is an
activity to
break the ice
and help Ss to
buld confidence
and encourage
them to speak
more in English
during this CLIL
3 20m Learners start to Investigate - T Skills Whole U1_L2_ALL5_Pictures and Formative
reflect on the steps sends class definitions.pdf assessment: T
about the process Flashcards to L S R W Group assesses Ss’
U1_L2_ALL5_Pictures and
design; Identify the the classroom work knowledge
Key vocabulary Definitions. pdf (the photo
five steps with which gives five Pair work about the topic
Raw material, have been taken before Covid
pictures; Revisit labels about Individual and observes
Processing, pandemic); Homework: link
content vocabulary. the definitions work how Ss
of the five “Eureka” collaborate in
stages. The Moment, a group.
definitions are Wringer
an extension of
the keywords Communicative
seen in the structures
previous What happens
activity. Ss are if…?; In my
given a opinion…; Can
worksheet with you
jumbled associate…?;
sentences and Look at the
pictures (ALL.5, pictures...; / To
p.2). They have hypothesise: We
to cut and thing the word
paste the could
sentences and be...because the
pictures picture
together, in represents...
groups of four,
following these
steps: 1. put in
order the five
images; 2. give
the definition
and revise the
order; 3. write
the keyword for
each definition
without reading
them on the
worksheet. At
the end of the
exercise, T
sends in
the link to the
prepared in
Quizlet and, as
homework, Ss
have the
possibility to
review the
vocabulary and
the definition of
the lesson with
the relative
Suggestion: this
activity could
be also done as
a "Loop or
games"; one
learner read
the definition
on the first
domino, the
others look for
the word it
defines and
who has the
domino with
the word which
matches the
definition, calls
out the word.

4 5m Review the exercise Ss give the Skills Whole Performance

Expressing Opinions in English:
to see if all the definition and class assessment: T
Agreeing and Disagreeing from
steps are revise the L S R W Group observes the
the website: link
correct,encouraging order. T reads work interaction
dialogue between aloud the Key vocabulary Pair work between Ss
learners; Become definition, Preparation, and
familiar with the revises the Incubation, encourages
functional language order and asks Illumination, them to speak
so it is easier for Ss the whole Verification English.
to focus on content group why the
language and tasks. five-stage are Communicative
so important. structures
Ss are free to BICS - In my
answer. opinion…; Do
you see what I'm
getting at?; I'm
with you whit
this point; I'm
afraid I don't
agree / CALP for
open questions
at the end of the
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 1 Lesson number 3 Title The stages exercise

Activity Timing Learning Activity Procedure Language Interaction Materials Assessment

1 20m Activating T projects the pdf about Skills Whole U1_L3_ALL6_The Ongoing
Prior the assignment on the class stages assessment:
Knowledge digital whiteboard and asks L S R W Group assignment.pdf T walks
acquired in Ss to focus on what the work around and
Key vocabulary U1_L3_ALL6_The
the previous assignment could be. After Pair work observes Ss,
Incubation, Evaluation, stages assignment
lesson; a 2m. discussion, T Individual checking
Elaboration, Insight, pdf; Teacher Made
Memorise; explains the assignment: work that Ss don't
Preparation link: link (enter with
Ss should "Draw a line to connect the copy from
your name or a
be able to steps of the creative the materials
Communicative fictional name, it
predict the process on the right with of the
structures doesn't matter)
vocabulary the right definitions. Then, previous
necessary complete the text with the Can I switch on the lessons,
to describe words below". So, the first computer/the because they
the creative exercise is about projector?; Can you might
process and MATCHING and the second guess...; When you remember
the relation is about FILLING the gaps. ready, you can start; and
between When everybody has Can we start? memorise.
them. understood the exercise, T
sends the link to complete
the assignment on google
classroom and invites Ss to
take their own devices out
(mobile phones, tablets,
laptops) to start the test
prepared with
2 30m Understand Ss watch the video on Skills Whole U1_L3_ALL7 Ongoing
the kinds of youtube: "How To Be class _How to be assessment:
thoughts an Creative" until 4:10 m. two L S R W Group creative T identifies
artist times, at first without work video.pdf ways to help
considers subtitles and then with Key vocabulary Pair work learners
Collaboration, U1_L3_ALL7_How to
when he is subtitles. The video is a Individual develop the
Conversation, Criticism, be creative video pdf
just starting little bit difficult, so it work abilities to
Copy, Transform, The Edpuzzles cutting
to embark needs to be edited with achieve their
Combine without subtitles: link
on a new some notes and questions. goals and
The original video
project; For that reason, T shares how well the
Communicative with subtitles: "How
Gathering on google classroom the learners
structures to be creative"_ link
some link about the video edited reflect on the
Are you ready for an Art (until 4:10 minutes)
honest with Edpuzzle and invites topic.
Adventure?; What is The Edpuzzle video
feedback Ss, in pairs, to answer the
creativity?; Do you "How to be creative"
from questions. T projects all the
remember...?; What is edited by T: link A
creative videos on the LIM.
the meaning of...? tablet or a personal
device for each S
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 1 Lesson number 4 Title How to be creative

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 15m Memorizssome T shows Ss a Skills Whole U1_L4_ALL8_Vocabulary.pptx Formative

important PowerPoint class assessment:
U3_L4_ALL8_Vocabulary ppt; An
vocabulary where is L S R W Group T monitors
animated PowerPoint presentation
from the written some work Ss learning
Key vocabulary projected on Lim by the T during
video: "How to important Pair work to provide
Capability, Pursue, the guess-game. A table draws by
be creative"; vocabulary Individual feedback.
Treshold, Craft, T on the board to assign the
Comprehend from the work
Endeavor, Nuanced, marks.
specific terms; video. At
Increase Ss’ first, Ss Carbon copy, Catch-all
technical should read
vocabulary. a sentence Communicative
from the structures
video and What is the word that
have a look defines this definition?;
at the image Do you know a
to guess the synonyms of this
word related word?; Look at the
to the picture...; What does
context. In the picture represent?
most of the
slides, there
is an empty
space to help
Ss to guess
Ss to guess
the missing
word that
could be in
that gap and
in the proper
When T
clicks on the
appears the
with its
The class is
divided into
three teams.
Each team
has to
choose a
name and a
sound to
reserve the
turn to say
the possible
answer. They
can find a
sound on
their mobile
phones or
they can
make up the
sound with
their voice.
After giving
After giving
the answer,
if another
about it, has
possibility to
make their
sound and
give the right
Each right
answer is 1
point, if a
team makes
a mistake it
loses one
point, if the
corrects the
answer of
team it is
double (2
points). T
writes on
board the
score for
each team. If
any group
guess the
vocabulary, T
reads its
meaning or
gives a clue
(like the
game") until
a team
guesses the

2 35m Express their T shows an Skills Whole U1_L4_ALL9_An Ongoing

own opinion overview of class overview.pptx feedback of
about which is what Ss L S R W Group subject
U1_L4_ALL9_Overview -
the most should know. work content: At
Key vocabulary Powerpoint shared in Google Drive
difficult part After the Pair work this point, Ss
Teamwork, Most, + Prezi Animation link: link
and the best "Prezi Individual are starting
part of the Presentation" Least, Worst to reflect
creative Ss are deeply about
process. invited to Communicative their own
express their structures creative
own opinion I think…; I believe…; I process. Ss
about two feel…; In my opinion…; are
matters: I would say… encouraged
"Which is the to freely
most difficult express their
part of the points of
creative view. T
process?" observes
and "The how Ss are
best part of engaged
the creative with the
process is...". topic and if
They must they are able
write briefly to connect
the stage their feelings
and, most with an
importantly, appropriate
find a picture and original
find a picture and original
that picture.
how they
feel immerse
in that
moment. Ss
are going to
find the
surfing on
the Internet.
For doing
this exercise,
T shares a
in Google
Drive with
the two
and a short
about the
issue. Each S
has two
slides where
charges his
opinion (a
thought) and
the relative
picture, so all
the pupils
can see what
are writing
and posting.
During the
lesson, T
talks with
each S and
helps them
in case of
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 1 Lesson number 5 Title You are creative

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 50m Make a draw T asks Ss to Skills Whole U1_L5_ALL10_VocabSketches.pdf Performance

immerse in draw class Assessment: T
U1_L5_ALL10_VocabSketches pdf:
one of the themselves in L S R W Group gives positive
each student draws a sketch and
creative one of the work reinforcement.
Key vocabulary completes one sector of the table
process in a creative Pair work During the
personal processes. The Draw, Sketch, lesson, Ss talk
style and in technique and Outline, Cartoon, in English and
the respect the use of Skit, Delineate, T
of the time colours are Rough out communicates
given; free. They can with each S,
Encourage also use Communicative giving advice
Visual symbolic structures or ask to
Analysis; colors. Ss What this express what
Improve should be able drawing means?; they have in
Hand-Eye to understand What have you mind. This is
Coordination; how to sketch chose?; How do the
Increase an efficient, you decide observation of
Individual original and between one or classroom
Confidence; communicative the other?; What performance
Use of basic image in a is the hardest to assess how
tools; lesson of only part to draw?; well learners
Progress 50'. T prepares What is your express
toward a table (ALL. process? themselves
developing a 10) to share in during a
developing a 10) to share in during a
personal Google Drive practical task
style; where each S, against
Explore the at home, will criteria.
expressive charge his
possibilities sketch with the
of various specific word
artistic and definition
language, in one of the
Work in sectors of the
autonomy. table (in small
size) so, in the
next lesson,
we can see all
the sketches
with their
explanation in
a general view.
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 1 Lesson number 6 Title Presentation

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessmen

Outcomes Procedure

1 40m Use slides T prints the Skills Whole U1_L5_ALL10_VocabSketches.pdf Ss receive a

and visual poster with class U1_L6_ALL11_Self-assessment sheet.pdf mark based
aids all the L S R W Group on their
All the sketches printed on a A3 poster (ALL10,
effectively; sketches and work enthusiasm,
Key vocabulary slide 2); U1_L6_ALL11_Comparative self-
Use body definitions Pair work clarity,
Linking word, assessment sheet pdf
language and prepared by Individual confidence
tone of voice Ss in an A3 Topic, and attitude
to enhance a format to Introduction, time, eye
presentation; show it to all Outline, contact,
Make eye the class. The Conclusion creativity;
contact with slide of the how to use
people in the poster the sketch
room; Define (ALL.10, slide technique
feelings; 2) will also be and the
Show some projected on originality o
passions. the their artwor
interactive It is a
whiteboards comparative
(IWBs). Then, self-
T asks assessment
volunteers to sheet (ALL.
present the 11) divided
sketch, the three
stage sectors: Self
stage sectors: Self
represented Communicative assessment
and the two structures Peer-
images Which one is the assessment
charged in most significant and Teacher
Drive about stage of the assessment
the creative creative At first, the
process process? Why?; sheet is
difficulties Which one the marked from
and phase that the
simplicities. mighty be the classmates
Each S has most stressful? (T asks them
3m to Why?; Which one to evaluate
present his is the phase that the
work. If counts the least? companion i
nobody wants Why?; Which plenary),
to talk in phase do you then from
public, T like the best? the presente
prepares (self-
some assessment
questions to and finally
encourage from the
them. Ss are teacher.
also allowed
to participate
with some
curiosity or
asking for

2 10m Reflect on T sends a Skills Whole U1_L6_ALL12_SatisfactionQuestionnaire.png Self-

how to CLIL class assessment
QR code for CLIL Satisfaction questionnaire to
highlight Satisfaction L S R W Group learners
summarise, amplify and reinforce the topic - see
good practice Questionnaire work reflect on th
attachment U1_L6_ALL12 png You might also
or aspects by email. Ss Pair work first unit and
click on the link: link
that would complete this decide how
benefit from satisfaction Individual well the
Key vocabulary
development. questionnaire work lessons are
anonymously, and which
Pie chart, Score
answering aspects T
system, Baffled,
some and the
questions class, in
and choosing Communicative general,
a scoring structures need to wor
system: 1 = Do you think the on. This type
no, not at all; time dedicated of
2=no, not to...?; Do you questionnair
very much; think you can...?; is going to b
3= a little; Was the proposed at
4= yes; 5 = language [...] the end of
yes, very difficult?; Were each unit. A
much. In the the teacher able pie-chart wi
end, the to...?; Which part automatical
module of the work...? display the
generates percentage
automatically values of the
a pie chart answers.
that Continuous
summarises assessment
the answers. it does not
Some involve a
illustrations final
and gifts will examination
help Ss to This unit is
grasp key marked by T
points. on a regular
basis and
these marks
go into the
calculation o
the final
grade given
to learners a
to learners a
the end of
unit three.
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 2 Lesson number 1 Title Introduction

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 35m Encourage Ss A fifth-year S Skills Whole U2_L1_ALL13_Interview.pdf Peer-

to study will illustrate class assessment: a
U2_L1_ALL13_Interview pdf:
abroad or, at her artistic L S R W Group fifth-year S
presentation of an abroad
least, to experience work gives
Key vocabulary experience (until p. 4)
become more during her Pair work information to
curious about abroad Abroad, Slow down, a third-year
different types exchange Graduation, Exchange classmate
of learning and program at programme about her
practice; the experience.
Develop “Worthing Communicative Ss could
questioning College” in structures gather
skills; Ask England. Will studying information
questions Before abroad...?; Which is the by asking
without fear of starting the best experience...? ; questions,
making presentation, How did you decide...?; decide
grammar there will be Is the school easiest between
mistakes in a a "hot seat" or...? different
speaking game: the already
conversation; abroad pupil prepared
Develop sits at the questions or
communicative front of the formulate new
fluency. class in her ones, develop
role. Ss take the skills
turns to needed for
turns to needed for
question the approaching a
role in the conversation.
hot seat.
her purpose,
pupils will
ask her
etc. about
After the
Ss have two
minutes to
and ask
questions. T
projects on
the LIM
questions, so
Ss can take
from them or
them; it
depends on
2 15m How to make a The abroad S Skills Whole U2_L1_ALL13_Interview.pdf Peer-
hypothesis; T’s will show class assessment:
U2_L1_ALL13 pdf (T shows the
introduction: and illustrate L S R W Group be able to
drawings of the abroad S) and
presentation of her artwork work make a
the QR code at the end of the
the focus unit, and will ask Key vocabulary Pair work hypothesis,
last pdf page; Alternatively -
description of the class Hypothesis, Prediction, Individual summarise
Menti's website_Q&A: link
the lessons how they Probable, work the
and activities; would have Prognostication, hypotheses.
Learning by performed Prevision Ss feedback
gaming. the same about
exercises, Communicative understanding
which one is structures the aim of the
their If...then; Likely to; In unit.
favorite, and my opinion... ; It's
which one probable that we will,
they would might, may; Highly
like to likely; I thing will...
Finally, T
invites the
class to
about a
possible new
unit about
shoes and
the creative
process. At
first, to
express their
opinion, they
must find
the QR code
hide in the
(not by
inside a shoe
that is
usually used
for the life
After hearing
the teacher
explains the
projects of
the chosen
work for the
class. It
won’t be
exactly the
same as the
fifth-year S,
but it will
have the
point in
shoes! Then,
Ss listen to
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 2 Lesson number 2 Title Shoes inspiration

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure
1 30m Gathering Research an artist Skills Whole U2_L2_ALL14_Crazy Formative
material; how to find out about class shoes.pdf assessment:
to make a their work. T gives L S R W Group T monitors
U2_L2_ALL14 pdf_Crazy
research about the possibility to work the
Key vocabulary shoes with the link for the
an artist and a choose one of the Pair work individual
Ballet shoes, Brogues, interactive presentation
specific shoes among four Individual work of Ss
Clogs, Sandals, (until slide 8); ICT tools:
topic/subject, different artists: work interacting
Slippers, Moccasins, Genially
read about the Vincent Van Gogh, whit each of
language of Lisa Milroy, Andy High heels, Flats them, trying
the artist; Warhol and to get
Social skills: Lorraine Shemesh. Communicative motivation
interaction Ss must look at the structures about their
with T; websites provided What do you think choices.
understand by T (or other about…?; Why did you
what art shoes internet sources) of choose this...; / What
could be and the four artists that the artist wanted to
what they can used shoes as express?; It's a realistic
be represented subject matter. The style?
for. interactive slides
for each artist have
some questions to
help Ss to reflect
on the topic.
Before Ss design a
shoe, T asks them
to write down the
names of types of
shoes they like

2 50m Demonstrate Recording from Skills Whole U2_L2_ALL14_Crazy Formative

techniques in observation: select class shoes.pdf assessment:
drawing and one of these artists L S R W Group T verify if Ss
U2_L2_ALL14_ Crazy Shoes
painting (how (e.g Shemesh or work copy the
pdf or the link with the ICT
to use the Warhol); replicate picture very
to use the Warhol); replicate picture very
chiaroscuro, artist work in order Pair work tool "Genially" (slide 05- closely,
Key vocabulary
the colours, to understand how Individual 09); Paper, colored and resulting in
how to copy it was produced; work grey pencils with different accurate
natural/artificial light;
the shape). make one drawing grades, tablet or mobile observation
shading; background;
They will of the selected phone, computers or of the
improve picture paying projector to access lesson original
observational attention to the Communicative picture, if the
skills through proportion and structures copy is neat,
sketch copy colours. This must What should I do about paying
practice. They show detail and this? / Look at my attention to
will effectively accuracy and copy..., Do you like details and
describe demonstrate that this? / How can I the use of
objects using Ss have looked at improve this particular? learned
line, value, the artwork /Where does the light chiaroscuro
and pattern. properly. In the come from? techniques.
They will end, Ss write about In the writing
understand the work, they can assessment
how to render answer the T checks if
objects in light questions on the Ss are able
and shadow. presentation or to identify
freely describe the keywords, if
reason for their language is
choice, the appropriate,
technique, the use concise and
of colours and the with some
meaning. During personal
the work, S talks comment.
with his/her Throughout
classmate who sits the practice
next to him/her activity, T
and expresses also listen to
his/her choice and the
motivation. conversation
between the
3 80m Identify still Copy your own Skills Whole U2_L2_ALL14_Crazy Formative
life drawings; shoes. T asks Ss to class shoes.pdf assessment:
teach use the paper and L S R W Group T observes if
Life drawing
themselves colored or pencils work Ss
Key vocabulary steps_Mentimeter_Ranking:
how to draw a with different Pair work understood
Still Life, Shape, Tone, link U2_L2_ALL14_Crazy
naturalistic still grades (HB-8B) to Individual the passages
Contrast, Surface, shoes: Edpuzzle: slide 10
life following create their own work to follow a
Three dimensional, (QRcode); watch, in order,
the main steps still life drawing still life
Outline slide 11-12-10 (exercise)
and using using their own painting;
pencil on shoes. Before how pupils
paper; starting, T invites Communicative draw the
demonstrate learners, in group structures shapes and
an of four, to put in Why is it called Still proportions
understanding order the main Life?; Describing a of the still
of perspective steps to draw process: First, then, life objects
drawing. Ss correctly a still life next, finally; Present using line,
will be able to (5'). tense; How can how they
demonstrate graphite be used to render the
understanding demonstrate shadow three-
of visual and value?; How do you dimensional
measuring use visual measuring form of the
through proper tool?; How do you still life using
visual portray highlights and tone.
measuring and shadows using only
proper shading graphite?
4 90m Coherent When all Ss have Skills Whole Performance
U2_L2_ALL14_Crazy Shoes
thumbnails completed their class assessment:
(slide 13) - some examples
and sketches still life drawings, L S R W Group T observes
of Ss drawings
will they must make a work the class,
demonstrate symbiosis between Key vocabulary Pair work understands
creative the two shoes: the Symbiosis; how well
exploration artist's shoe and Relationship; Combine learners are
and their own. The objects; Compound able to
development symbiosis sketch is shapes, to blend combine two
of a unique a combination of different
visual two different and Communicative shapes, and
vocabulary. unique languages. structures checks
Learners will While sketching Ss An action happening performance
be able to should write their now: I'm using...; A against
combe objects sensations, changing situation: The criteria.
and construct motivations, notes shoes is getting...; A
shapes in general. T and general truth: my shoes
through a Ss try to speak L2 has laces...; Deduction:
creative all the time. It's the drawing must/can't
process: like a curricular be...
create, define, lesson, but all the
identify, classmates are
interpret. invited to talk in
English naturally,
without fear of
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 2 Lesson number 3 Title Metamorphosis

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 25m Increase Viewing of the Skills Whole U2_L3_ALL15_Metamorphosis.pdf Based

interest and video “Abstract: class assessment:
Link to the video: link The video is
facilitate The Art of L S R W Group the video
edited with the ICT tool Edpuzzle, so it
discussions Design” by work makes it easy
Key vocabulary is cut and, sometimes, stops to point
among Christoph Pair work to give
Abstraction, out something important and gives
learners; Niemann edited Individual feedback,
Design, Showing useful information. A tablet or a
Increase the by T. The video work grade, analyze
up, Experiencing personal device is necessary for each
knowledge shows the information. T
art, Fearless, group to answer the questions during
about the attitude of a very will make sure
Pick me the video; Genially_Crazy Shoes (Slide
learning creative person that they have
14 - where there are written 5.
process; such as Christoph achieved some
Metamorphosis): link U2_L3_ALL15:
Make Niemann, an goals by
pdf (Activity 1)
associations illustrator, having them
and graphic designer, watch the
analogies and children’s video through
between book author. The some general
texts and video will stop at questions. Ss
images. some important also need to
points...there will justify
be notes or opinions,
questions. Ss, in express
two groups of six, thoughts and
will answer, and T feelings.
checks if the
checks if the
answer is correct. Communicative
At the end of the structures
documentary, T DISCUSSION
asks pupils some QUESTIONS: Did
discussion you learn
questions (5m). anything from
The video will be this video?; What
uploaded on the is the message
classroom of this
platform, so Ss documentary?;
could watch the Was there
entire video at something you
home with didn't
subtitles. understand
about the clip?;
What did you
like best or least
about this video?

2 150m/3h Ss will show Practical Skills Whole U2_L2_ALL14_Crazy shoes.pdf Formative

they can Activity/Learning class U2_L3_ALL15_Metamorphosis.pdf assessment: to
communicate by doing: T L S R W Group U2_L3_ALL16_BES.pdf give feedback
using humor, illustrates a work to learners on
Key vocabulary U2_L2_ALL14 (slides 15-16: "How to
symbolism, series of pictures Pair work their progress.
Morphing, Value, morph" - Slide 17 shows the work in
metaphor about how an Individual T encourages
Gradually, to get the Laboratory of Research; another
and irony. object can work learners to
closer, Ink, practical subject strictly connected
They will become another engage in a
Watercolor, with Visual Art);
push the thing. The link is reflection
Medium, Think U2_L2_ALL15_Metamorphosis pdf
limits of their strictly connected about their
outside the box (Activity 2); Materials: ink, watercolor,
artistic with the works.
graphite pencils, pastel pencils,
abilities and Surrealism
colored pencils, pens, brushes,
explore a movement. Ss
sharpeners, erasers, papers;
variety of have to gradually
U2_L3_ALL16_BES: pdf for Ss with
media to find transform their
special needs (prepared by the
methods and third shoes (the support T of the class - for technical
materials symbiosis) into reasons the audio is not available)
that best suit another thing
Questions that
their unique that is usually
probe reasons,
aesthetic and disconnected.
evidence, and
conceptual Alternatively,
causes; You
perspectives. pupils should
might do this...;
take two
Could you
unrelated visual
explain me your
objects (one of
these must be
their third shoes)
and creatively
join them
together to
create something
new. During the
activity, T mills
around the class
to ask questions
that help Ss
justify their ideas.
the project has
been developed
in the Research
Laboratory (Ss
created 3D shoes
that better
represents them).
In Science, they
also have learned
information about
recycling. For Ss
with Special
Need: has been
prepared a
presentation for
pupils with a 104
Obviously, it was
very personalised
for the specific S
in this class. The
special ed T will
often provide
structure for less
able learners in

3 10m Meta- Pair learners give Skills Whole U2_L3_ALL17_Self evaluation.pdf Peer
cognitive two positive class assessment:
U2_L3_ALL17_Self-assessment pdf
time: review comments and L S R W Group increase Ss
the project one suggestion work talking time
plan to see if about how their Key vocabulary Pair work (STT) and
all the partner can Task, Checklist, reduce T
necessary improve his/her Learning talking time
steps are work. At the end objectives / (TTT); Peer
included; of the discussion, outcomes, feedback. It
Cooperate T invites Ss to Achieve, Brief, provides
during task write on the Tips insight into Ss'
discussion, board positive true
giving and negative comprehension
suggestions results. Finally, Ss and develops
and tips to fill in a checklist their judgment
improve the self-assessment skills so they
performance. about the unit. can define
Be proud, what is 'good'
honest and or 'bad' about
critical, their work.
critical, their work.
continuously Communicative
strive for structures
growth. I usually,
never; I tend
to...; While
conversing, I...;
When I'm
When I discuss a
topic, I...; When I
give a person
feedback I...;
When I'm in a
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 3 Lesson number 1 Title The street art movement

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 10m Jigsaw helps Ss Warm-up Skills Whole U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy.pdf Peer-

learn cooperation activity: T class assessment:
U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy (Activity
as group asks Ss to L S R W Group Recognise and
1) - Jigsawplanet: link (Group
members, helps guess the task work understand the
Key vocabulary 1) link (Group 2) link (Group 3)
build of Unit 3. T Pair work topic through
comprehension provides three Words related to an interactive
learning by using images breaks puzzle: Mix up, slideshow;
critical thinking into pieces Baffle/befuddle, cooperate with
and social skills and Ss, who Compose, Head- the class to
to complete the are divided scratcher discover the
assignment. into three topic; describe
Cognitive skills: groups, have Communicative an image.
predicting a tablet to structures
(predict, think solve the Creative
about, guess, game and (imagining): Use of
hypothesise). guess what modal verbs; Qs:
the lesson is What do you think
going to be the lesson will be
about. They about?; Can you
assemble the guess the topic of
pieces the unit?; What is
together to represented?
complete the
puzzle. The
number of
puzzles is
three. Each
group solve
one puzzle
and then
share the
image with
the others
reading aloud

2 40m Understand the Learners Skills Whole U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy.pdf Comprehension

characteristics of collaborate on class assessment of
U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy: Activity
the Street Art a project L S R W Group the text: how
2 pdf Authentic material -
movement, what about work to express
Key vocabulary Example of a Street Art mind-
Muralism is; environmental Pair work general and
Counterculture, map: link
Distinguish art. T wants to Individual personal
Graffiti Art from find out what Scratch, Akin, Self- opinions, the
Street Art; they have taught, to grab fluency in
Identifying key already speaking; give
content known about examples,
vocabulary. the subject. At reasons;
Individual first, Ss summarise the
reflection: should make article.
highlight key an individual
subject reflection
vocabulary, about what
answer some the Street Art
questions. Movement
might be
(2m), writing
down five
words they
Language for mind-
map: the 5 Wh
with the task.
question words;
Then, through
and, also, in
a mind-map, T
addition, as well as,
asks to show
too; Pair work: What
facts and
do you think...?; Do
you agree that...;
about the
Use of present
Street Art
structure and
reported speech -
"She said (that) she
When, Who,
liked..."; Connectors
Why, What).
(and, but, or,
Next, Ss
skimming and
scamming the
text given by
in pairs, Ss
keywords and
make notes
about what
they haven't
Finally, they
answer orally
the three
questions and
express their
3 10m Grab information T projects on Skills Whole U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy.pdf Feedback-
about Banksy and the IWBs the class Formative
U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy pdf -
his technique; video: L S R W Group Assesment: T
Activity 3 with an Edpuzzle
Have a look at “Banksy Artist work listens to the
Key vocabulary link: link
some of his or Vandal?” Pair work conversation
works; using the link Exhibition, among Ss and
Understand the with the ICT Countryside, Clever, records some
importance of Ed puzzle, so Cheeky, Stencil, significant
doing art with the the whole Vandalism express
aim to class is opinions.
communicate invited to Communicative
important answer some structures
messages. questions Who is...?; What
when the are...?; Where can
video stops you see...?; What
automatically. can you say
In some about...?; What's the
cases, there advantage of...?;
are open Can you stil see...?;
questions. At What can you say
the end of the about...?
video, in
pairs, Ss
answer four
prepared by
T. It's
important that
the discussion
is with a
partner, so
the classmate
must not be
the same as
the previous

4 15m Show awareness Ss watch two Skills Whole U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy.pdf Ongoing

of the affective videos about class assessment: T
U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy pdf -
power of visual the same L S R W Group increases
Activity 4: ICT tool Edpuzzle:
arts and how the performance work learners'
Key vocabulary Snowflake1 -link (cutting the
ambiguous of Banksy: Pair work confidence in
Get a glimpse, to original video and adding a
language of "Snowflake". Individual the target
depict, Snowfall, question) click on: JOIN OPEN
Banksy can The first video work language,
Metal bin, Ash, to CLASS to watch the edited
launch important is only with a encourages
caption, Acrylic, video; Youtube video:
messages; let Ss background hypothesising,
Wash-off, Bonfire, Snowflake2 - link
find inspiration song, that has interpreting,
from him, focuses the same title Chimney, justifying
on the bias, i.e. as the Vandalism, Come answers or
our tendency to artwork. At out, Owner opinions,
be subjective the end of the predicting,
when we weigh a video, Ss are Communicative guessing from
situation or judge invited to structures context.
something; discuss what Concrete thinking
Become critical the video (defining): What do
thinkers. might you think...?; What
represent. In is the...?
a second
moment, the
video is about
news from a
reporter that
what is
happened. Ss
watch the
video two
times, the first
subtitles and
the second
with subtitles.
Finally, make
a comparison
between their
and the real
meaning of
the artwork.
5 20m Understand what Viewing of Skills Whole U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy.pdf On-going
are the purposes some works class assessment: T
U3_L1_ALL18_Banksy pdf -
Banksy would like by “Banksy L S R W Group encourages
Activity 5: link - click on: JOIN
to give through a Exhibition work communication
Key vocabulary OPEN CLASS to watch the
strong political 2009”, Bristol Pair work skills to
Poverty, Hypocrisy, edited video; Teacher Made
message in a Museum. Individual interpret facts
Boredom, Despair, (about Banky's purpose): link
unique stencil Answer the work and thoughts.
Absurdity, Alienation (Enter your name or ID below
technique; questions: Ss need to
to start this assignment: write
Encouraging Ss to "What other share ideas,
Communicative your name or a fictional name,
do what they love characteristics take part in
structures it doesn't matter)
and what brings of Banksy’s debates and
joy - that's an work are Concrete thinking then complete
important aspect shown in this (defining): What is the writing
of our lives that video?" and Banksy's message?; exercise.
so often gets "What links Abstract (finding
overlooked and can we make patterns and
ignored. between the connections): What
artist’s links can we make
ideas?" Before between the artist's
doing it, Ss idea?
the worksheet
edited with
the Teacher
Made tool to
messages (5-

6 40m Develop Creative In a group of Skills Whole Performance

U3_L1_ALL18_Bannksy -
thinking/synthesis three, make class assessment: T
Activity 6 pdf with a link to a
skills, support individual L S R W checks how Ss
website (How to analyse an
speaking with comments on Group artwork): link (skimming and are able to
Key vocabulary
visual analysis. the videos work scamming the text). On the communicate,
Words to describe
Summarising: analysed in Pair work webpage, there is a very analyse,
an artwork: Colour,
reporting the key the L2 Individual useful video: "How to do visual describe,
Pictorial Space,
points from a text language, work (formal) analysis in art express
Tone, Composition,
with the producing history" (to watch at home as opinions, share
Texture, Pattern,
facilitation of thoughts from homework) that explain some them with the
Mark making, Line,
images. previous important keyword to describe group, transfer
Contour line, Mood
Cooperating with knowledge. In a painting. knowledge to
or atmosphere,
others: preparing turn, each others. T also
Form and shape,
a very synthetic pupil speaks facilitates Ss
Light, Viewpoint and
group orally at least 2' and presentations.
pose, Subject
presentation asks your
matter, Style,
(with the support teammates to
Media, Size or Scale
of T's slides) take note of
about the his/her
assigned mistakes
chapters. (peer-
This painting looks
just... ; How do you
Then, T
might describe...?;
assigns an
Why do you
appreciate...?; ‘I like
homework for
this’ or ‘I don’t like
an oral
this’ with an
choice and
comments a
Banksy work
in English
(surfing on
the Internet
choose a
Banksy work
and try to
comment on it
in 2', recorded
and listened
to check your
and grammar
Identify how
the artist used
features and
with what
intention: if
they were
ironic. Prepare
a slideshow
with the
image chosen
and some
keywords that
help you to
present it.
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 3 Lesson number 2 Title The art of transforming the city

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 50m Have a T divides the Skills Whole U3_L2_ALL19_The Performance

general view class into 5 class art of transforming assessment: T
about the groups (two with L S R W Group the city.pdf evaluates the
Street Art three Ss and work oral
Key vocabulary Padlet: link _"The art of
Movement; three with two Pair work presentation
The vocabulary at the transforming the city with
Memorise Ss) and projects Individual (well structured,
end of each paragraph the group exercise in
important her padlet about work correct and
PowerPoint "
vocabulary Street Art on the comprehensive,
Communicative Alternatively,
about Street LIM. T creates comprehensible)
structures U3_L2_ALL19_The art of
Art; Carry out groups, and explanation
Use of lower order skills transforming the city: pdf
the research especially those (organise
(LOTS) - describing, with the subdivision of
about Banksy; composed of information,
report: groups and some tips (e.g
Compare and two pupils, appropriate use
What...What...Which... ; the Banksy inspirations
contrast the paying attention of vocabulary,
Use of higher order from other artists and the
Mona Lisa of to balance the clear and
skills (HOTS) - defining keyword each group has
Banksy and abilities of each exhaustive). The
and comparing: Why do to use in their
the Mona Lisa S. T explains the main focus of
you think...; Is this like presentation) ICT Quizlet:
of Leonardo. general the assessment
the...; If you were link - Glossary of the main
outcomes to is the content
Banksy, what would you vocabulary use in Street
reach during the while the
change and why? Art (to study at home)
different language must
activities. The be
first exercise is understandable,
about reading but not
about reading but not
and speaking. necessarily
Each group has perfect. Code-
two captions to switching is
read about the accepted during
topic: "The art of the group
transforming the activity (at the
city". They must beginning to
construct a understand the
discourse using context).
the key
vocabulary at
the end of each
paragraph (3m).
After the oral
the whole class,
with T's support,
read the last
page "Compare
and contrast"
and answers the
Finally, T draws
a Venn Diagram
on the
blackboard and
Ss recap the
information by
filling in it with
the differences
and similarities
the class has
found between
the two
2 100m/2h Design an Practical Activity Skills Whole U3_L2_ALL20_Create Peer-
original and (drawing and class a tag.pdf assessment:
personal TAG; painting): create L S R W Group critical thinking
link - (recap homework)
Be able to your TAG (your work and analysis of
Key vocabulary U3_L2_ALL20_Create a
incorporate signature with a Pair work their own work.
Biancone, Blockbuster, tag pdf (the exercise and
the principles pseudonym). T Individual Ss evaluate the
Bubble style, Wild style, the rubric) link - create
of design in asks learners to work tag of their
Outline, 2D - 3D style your tag - Ss will upload
tag; Do some create their own classmates
their tag on the T's padlet
creative tag or word in a using the rubric
Communicative Materials: Washable
lettering; font style that at p. 2 (ALL19).
structures Markers, Black Permanent
Learn a they will create T constantly
Which kind of balance Markers, Tratto Pen,
glossary of art using the monitors Ss'
did you use?; Colored Pencils, Crayons,
techniques elements and activity,
Tell/describe how you Pastels., Acrylic Paint
and practices. principles of facilitate
used... ; How do you (provide as many choices
design. Ss content and
feel about... ; Tell me as you can manage), A3
should also cognition,
what your "tag" stands sheets
recap the supports Ss
vocabulary for expressing their
studied at home opinion and
with the Quizlet giving advice, if
prepared by the necessary.
T with different
types of TAG
and write, next
to their drawing,
the connected
used. While Ss
drawing T mills
around and ask
some questions
or have a
with them.
3 3h To promote T organises a Skills Whole Observation of
link For the trip: A photo
street art field trip by class behavior of the
camera or a mobile
tours; to contacting the L S R W Group class during
phone, comfortable
discover the "Alchemica" work experiential
Key vocabulary shoes, a raining coat. The
local street art Association in Pair work learning.
Field trip, Guided tour, snack will be provided by
and the own Trento. "What a Individual
Riding a bicycle, to the association; For
city, with a Wall" is an work
wonder sketching and notes: a
view to urban
pencil and block paper
openness and regeneration
Communicative (A4 format)
active project and a
participation. real experiential structures
A field trip trip in the city of What do you thing if...?;
also develops Trento looking Please kindly let me
cognitive, for the main know your thoughts
affective, and sites where on... ; I'm wondering if
social skills: street art has you would give some
Ss learn taken place. Ss suggestion; What is
things or will make this your first impression?
understand experience
them riding for 20 km.
differently with their
than in bicycle or a rent
traditional bicycle provided
classroom by the cultural
environments, association. The
they interact guided tour will
with each be in English.
other and First of all, T
enjoy doing shows the site's
an web page to the
experience. class, explains
the purpose of
the trip and
what they will
be doing. Then,
ask for
impressions and
suggestions. All
Ss will invite to
take notes,
sketches and
photos. It's
strictly advice to
do it for the
exercise they
are going to
carry out in
4 100m/2h Reflect on Practical Skills Whole U3_L2_ALL21_Like a Peer
strategies for activity: Ss must class real artist.pdf assessment: T
collaboratively create a crew of L S R W Group checks Ss'
U3_L2_ALL21_Like a real
approaching four people, work autonomy, the
Key vocabulary Street Artist pdf; Padlet:
art; make up a Pair work dynamics of the
Activism, Mural, link Material: pencils,
Consolidate character, Individual team as a
Community, Character coloured markers, acrylic
messages deform body work whole, and the
paint, brushes, paper (A2)
from previous and face, adapt contributions of
lessons; the position of Communicative his/her
Experiment the body to the structures teammates.
with a variety space to What kinds of benefits Each crew
of techniques, decorate, think might come from member
Makeup about an object creating a community documents and
something or activity, tell a mural?; What is helpful evaluates his
original. story, draw a and what is challenging own
background, about working with contributions to
adapt the size of others to create a work the team (for
the painting to of art?; How do you this activity is
the wall. deform your featers?; only an oral
Are you all agree with reflection, no
the others? worksheet is
necessary yet).
Ss follow the
instructions of T
using their own
ideas and
questions, if
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 3 Lesson number 3 Title The climate change

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessme

Outcomes Procedure

1 30m Activate prior T shares with Skills Whole U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change.pdf Objective
knowledge; Ss a "Teacher class U3_L3_ALL22a_BanksyClimateChange.pdf assessmen
Integrate Made" link L S R W Group T checks if
Teacher Made: link - fill in the gap, short
science and art that shows the work the
Key vocabulary answer, open questions, Yes/no - (enter with
education for main Banky's Pair work assignment
Vocabulary your name or a fictitious name, it doesn't
creative climate paintings Individual has been
activeted as matter); U3_L3_ALL22_ClimateChange (Activity
change about a work sent and, if
prior knowledge, 1) pdf; U3_L3_ALL22a_BanksyClimateChange
communication; specific topic: there are
e.g: pdf (if you prefer a Handout instead of
Develop digital "Climate common
Environment, "Teacher Made" - The answers can be checked
competence; Be change". mistakes,
Global using the answer sheet at the end of the
aware of how Cross- she/he will
temperature worksheet); A tablet or a personal device
contemporary curricular correct them
art dealing with links: Pupils rise, Ecosystem, in plenary.
climate change. have just Global warming,
learned Fossil fuel,
something Climate change
about this
actual issue
they've made
activities with
Science and
teachers. Now Communicative
the attention structures
is focused on What vocabulary
what Banksy do you
has created, remember about
thinking about climate change?;
environmental How could you
problems. Ss aswear to this
should fill the open question?;
worksheet What are the
prepared by T keywords for...?;
with a tablet Have you ever
or their heard about the
personal Stencil
mobile phone technique?
and send the
answers. This
activity could
also be done
as homework.
The exercise
consists of: fill
in the gap,
short answers,

2 30m Be able to Ss choose Skills Whole U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change.pdf Performativ

make a choice among a class assessmen
U3_L3_ALL22_ClimateChange pdf (Activity 2);
and support it; series of L S R W T observes
A tablet or personal devices
Interpret different and listens
information; Graffiti Group how Ss sha
Key vocabulary
Give peer realised by work ideas with a
From the
constructive some Pair work partner afte
website where
feedback to contemporary Individual writing.
Ss chooses the
improve Street Artists work
artworks: Social
someone's and write a
issues, Drain,
work; Editing; comment of
Give reasons one of the
Lock up, Trash,
for their own website
answers; pictures,
Compare ideas searched with
with a peer. a tablet or a
Deliver, Melt,
device. The
link is given Communicative
by the T. After structures
the writing Why have you
assessment, chosen...?; Why
Ss exchange did you
work with a choose...?; In my
response opinion... ; I see
partner, what you're
checking express, but... ;
possible That's a valid
mistakes and point; I
suggesting absolutely agree
changes or with you
their opinion
about the
chosen work
(2m in turn).

3 25m Contextualizing; T gives a text Skills Whole U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change.pdf Formative

Note-taking; to read. Ss class assessmen
locating look at the T monitors
locating look at the Group U3_L3_ALL22_Climate Change (Activity 3 - with T monitors
information; whole text, L S R W Ss learning
work keywords in bold font) pdf; ICT Tools:
Interpreting scanning, read Pair work Mentimeter (Multiple choice, Word Cloud) link to provide
information; it, and Key vocabulary Tablet or personal devices feedback. S
Activate underline key Existential risks, reflect on th
processing content The historical issue. This
knowledge, Use vocabulary. record, Wipes important
knowledge. Next, learners out, Plagues, before
write down Doomsday, starting the
three facts Doom and practical
about the gloom, False activity.
climate alarm
consequences Communicative
they didn't structures
already know. What is the
T, therefore, purpose of the
provides Ss a text?;
Mentimeter Summarise or
link to type wrap up the
with a laptop main points; Is it
(They can also too late to
use their prevent...?; How
mobile phone) can we
to access prevent...?; What
"Menti's" scares you the
website and most?
complete an
choice with an
to erase, Word
the main
the main
points and
knowledge: in
ECC (Civic and
learners have
used a cause-
which showed
the cause-
effect network
which leads to
the effect of
human's bad
towards the

4 50m Identify the key Brainstorm: T Skills Whole U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change.pdf Formative
concepts to asks Ss to class U3_L3_ALL23_Thewordsearch.pdf assessmen
carry on for the quickly think L S R W Group T helps Ss
U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change (Activity 4) pdf;
newt activities; of ideas work reach the
Key vocabulary U3_L3_ALL23_Thewordsearch pdf; Colour
Gather ideas; connected to Pair work learning
The word search pencils / Worksheet
Encourage Ss the topic and Individual goals. Ss
thinking and make a vocabulary become
develop Brainstorming more
creative skills. about what we confident
could do to with the
slow down this topic they
devastating are going to
process. The deal with
process. The deal with
Brainstorm Communicative during the
should be like structures practical
a drawing with Express wishis: I ctivities.
some believe…; I
keywords. In hope…; I wish to
fact, in this change…; I
subject, is will…; I will not…
important that
the thoughts
are generated
not only from
written words
but also from
small related
sketches. To
help Ss in the
activity, T
prepared a
word search
game with the
solutions, so
Ss could
select some
words and
them with
their own
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 3 Lesson number 4 Title Let's get started

Activity Timing Learning Activity Language Interaction Materials Assessment

Outcomes Procedure

1 100m/2h Experiment "Can do" Skills Whole U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get Peer

with art statement: T asks class started.pdf assessment:
materials and Ss to form a crew L S R W Group Ss work
U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get
techniques; of Street Artist. work together to
Key vocabulary started! pdf (Activity 1)
Reflect on Pupils will choose Pair work create a
Genre, Activist Drawing pencils, colour
strategies for if the crew will be Individual community
message, to convey, markers, different types of
collaboratively composed of the work artwork. T
Challenge, Mock-up pens, pencils grey grades,
approaching whole class or a monitors the
A3 paper (110 gr)
art; Convey group of them. At activity to
community first, as a warm- Communicative make sure
messages up activity, each structures that each S
through an component of the How can...?; What skills has a voice
artwork. crew shares the help... to communicate in the
brainstorm of the a message?; What creation of
previous lesson makes...?; Why might a the plan and
with their fellows. mural be...for will be
Consequently, T expressing a message?; contributing
invites the crews What messages do... something to
to think about convey?; How can you the mural.
and create an A3 tell?; What do you
format sketch on like/not like about...?
the topic of
climate change
(free technique)
(free technique)
and add a
description. A
logo of the crew
is also required. T
advises learners
to divide the
group into
specific roles: the
designer of the
mural, the logo
creator, who
selects the idea,
who describes
the work, who
chooses the
colors and

2 400m/8h Activate Prior- T recaps the Skills Whole U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get Informal
knowledge creative process class started.pdf assessment:
strategies to steps (U1) and, L S R W Group T thinks
U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get
design (The after Ss have work about the
Key vocabulary started pdf (Activity 2); All
creative drawn some Pair work strength and
Generate, Arrange, materials needed for
process sketches, he/she Individual weaknesses
Draft, Placement, drawing
steps); asks them to work Ss are going
Identify and follow the design Ground to meet, with
analyse a strategies to particular
place where present the attention to
locate the entire project: their
mural; Create choice of the best progress
a setting; sketch or rather than
Increase the commission of setting an
Ss' awareness several elements evaluation
of appropriate in different grid. At the
register so, sketches; enlarge end of this
with practice details; study the lesson, T will
and support, environment (the ask them
they can then building or a what was fun
Does the process seem
communicate particular of it); and what
too complicated and
their ideas create a shape was
unpredictable to begin?
with proportional to challenging
/ How could you face
confidence. the wall; arrange about
up...? / How should a
the composition; working on
good design process
consider that plan. Ss
start? / What is
foreground, can express
important during the...?
middle ground, their opinion
and background; in L1 (first
draft the language)
composition with and T helps
the environment. them to
The crew must explain their
think about a knoledge in
public space (or the second
location) where language. T
the mural will observes
take place. T what
suggests taking a learning is
photo of the site taking place,
(by yourself or helping them
surfing the notice the
Internet). features of
used in the

3 300m/6h Create Interpreting data Skills Whole U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get Performance

practical (with the class started.pdf assessment:
products: previous Activity L S R W Group T observes
U3_L4_ALL24 (Activity 3)
finalise the 2). Learners read work learners'
pdf; Colour pencils and
composition, about how to Pair work necessities,
calculate your identifying
calculate your plan a design Individual markers, watercolours, identifying
color needs, Key vocabulary ways to help
project work acrylic painting, brushes, a
mix and label Finalise, Rough draft, them,
(integrating the painting palette, drawing
the colours, Colour schemes, developing
steps of Activity paper (220 gr.) - A2 paper
end the Calculate, Label, the abilities
2) and then work size, paper towel, a
project. Strategy to achieve
out how much container for water
time to spend at the purpose
each stage of the of the task
project. T gives and possible
To activate higher order
suggestions barriers that
thinking skills: Do you
about time and could stop
think colours...?; Do you
guides them step their
associate any colours
by step. In this creativity. T
with...?; How important
lesson, in gives equal
colours...?; What
particular, T attention to
colours have what
invites Ss to all of the
effects? / GIVING
carry on the learners in
ADVICE: should form
project, analysing the class.
the colours. They This involves
have to finalise encouraging
the composition, quieter Ss to
choose the participate
colours, mix by asking
colours to create them to
more than one contribute
option, select the and ensuring
best option, draw that more
the definitive enthusiastic
project in scale pupils do not
and in the dominate.
environment Attitudes to
chosen with learning: ask
particular for help
attention to the when
shape and size of necessary. T
the wall on which accept some
L1 and
L1 and
take action. T
provide a translate.
worksheet to
enable learners
to focus on
information (ALL.
24). NB. It's only
a project, the
effective transfer
of the draw to
the wall could be
elaborate in the
Laboratory. In
the meanwhile,
Ss mingle around
the classroom
and talk to each
other to express
their feelings or
to give

4 100m/2h Make a T asks Ss to plan Skills Whole U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get Summative

storyboard for and write a draft class started.pdf group
a multimedia of passages to L S R W Group U3_L4_ALL25_Teacher assessment:
presentation describe a story, work grid team work.pdf drawing
on the stages sometimes with Key vocabulary Pair work U3_L4_ALL26_Students boards will
the crew speech and Template, Frames, Edit, grid team work.pdf be collected
followed from thought bubbles. Visual cues, Silhouette and
work U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get
the first Pree-knowledge: assessed by
started pdf (Activity 4);
sketches to Ss have just T. The
U3_L4_ALL25_Teacher grid
the final written technical following
teamwork pdf;
result; Editing relations about a criteria will
U3_L4_ALL26_Students grid
work. be used to
work. be used to
Cognitive project, in a teamwork pdf; Colour evaluate the
skills: discursive markers and pencils work:
evaluate their manner. Now the creativity
Direct speech for
own work and request is more and
storyboard / Teacher's
the work of challenging, originality of
questions: How do you
peers using because learners the drawing;
explain (apply)...?; Do
given criteria. need support to the correct
you remember the
plan how to write technique of
stages of...?; What is
a sort of play drawing and
the first step...?; What
script about the accuracy;
panel size...?
crew's artistic oral
process. This also description
reduces the and
amount of writing motivation of
and sentence the work. T
levels. If the crew uses a
is too big, the T specific
advises dividing assessment
the group into grid for
subgroups to teamwork.
think about the Self-
thirteen steps assessment:
they've followed Ss evaluate
for the project. T the
gives a module teamwork
structure to using a
facilitate the specific grid.
layout, but Ss are
free to use
another panel
size. Images and
texts are both
Afterward, each
group is going to
check the work
together to see if
they've made
any mistakes
with the stages of
the design
process. Next,
there will be an
oral description
of the work.
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 3 Lesson number 5 Title Stencil

Activity Timing Learning Activity Procedure Language Interaction Materials Assessment


1 25m Identify the This type of lesson Skills Whole U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil.pdf Formative
steps to could be done in the class assessment: T
U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil pdf
create Painting Laboratory, L S R W Group monitors learning
(Activity 1); Video 1 from
stencil art or in accordance work (observe and liste
Key vocabulary YouTube: How to Create
taking notes with the two Pair work to learners as the
Scratch, Iconic, Edge, Stencil Art Using Spray Paint
and using a subjects, which are Individual work in the
Asset sheets, Masking Cans - UK Street Graffiti
flow chart. strictly connected work classroom).
tape, Scalpel, Layer, Banksy _ link Video 2 from
with each other. Therefore, T mills
Label, Reference, Put YouTube: Graffiti - Blek Le Rat
Usually, the Painting around the class
aside, Registration "King of Chicago" DIY Stencil
Laboratory is the and gives some
marks, Canvas, Spray Graffiti STREET Art _ link
consequence of the clues for the step
Projection's (Design) over to follow. T also
activity, because Ss keep careful
realise what they Communicative records of Ss
have sketched. T structures progress and
shows two videos Then, next, after that, attitudes towards
about the Stencil later, eventually, finally learning.
technique. The first
one is a tutorial on
creating a stencil.
The second one is
used by another
Street Artist like
Banksy; his name is
Banksy; his name is
Blek Le Rat. Finally,
the first video must
be rewatched and Ss
should take note of
the materials
needed to make a
stencil and, in pairs,
use a flow chart to
show the order of
the steps to follow
and the possible,
even if minimal,
variations (eg. I use
cardboard instead of
the tracing paper).
While doing the
chart, learners could
rewatch the video
with their mobile
phones with
2 100m/2h How to Art and craft activity: Skills Whole U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil.pdf Activity-based
simplify the T asks Ss to class assessment: it's a
U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil pdf
work using transform the sketch L S R W Group learning by doing
(Activity 2)
the Stencil on climate change work approach that
technique, they did in Lesson n. Key vocabulary Pair work focuses on the
fill the gap; 4 in a Stencil. It's Shade, Simplify, Clues, activity rather tha
Learning to individual work, Trend the use of L2. Ss
learn where they must solve a problem,
simplify the image Communicative draw, paint, built
and use colours structures stencil. T puts
without shades. At What's a...?; What does learners at the
the same time, they ... do?; Who is ... for?; centre of the
have to complete a Which painting used process and
text about what the technique...?; Are interact with them
stencil art is and stencils favored by during the work.
check the answers street artist?
(at the end of the
page). There are
some clues in the
text (usually, the
first and the last
letter of the word).

3 5m Understand T delivers a rubric to Skills Whole U3_L6_ALL28_Rubric.pdf Summative/Portfo

the criteria T each S and explains class assessment of
U3_L6_ALL28_Rubric pdf:
used to the specific point L S R W Group subject content a
Specific Criteria Rubric for
evaluate the necessary to work language: it will b
individual work
whole evaluate the CLIL Pair work based on individu
module artistic project (How Individual work. This type o
using the to design), which work assessment will b
overall includes the three given with the wo
achievement units ("The creative produced during
of course process", "Crazy the lessons and,
objectives. shoes", and "Strike eventually, at
like Banksy"). The home. It's a
like Banksy"). The home. It's a
criteria consist of Key vocabulary collection of
these points: Communication, learner's work do
communication, Knowledge, Writing, over the three un
knowledge of topics, Elaboration, Design, ("The creative
writing skills, Technical, process", "Crazy
personal elaboration Partecipation, Shoes" and "Strik
and creativity, Cooperation, like Banksy") whi
design procedure, Autonomy, Deadlines show evidence of
technical operational their subject
skills, participation Communicative knowledge, skills
and cooperation, structures and cognitive
operational How do you handle development. Thi
autonomy/respecting with...? ; Are you leads to a subject
deadlines. T talks satisfied with...?; What qualification.
individually with are you suppose to...?;
each S to give Are you
further explanation agree/disagree/partially
and get an agry with...; What have
impression from you learned?; Tell me
them. about...; What
questions do you have
for me?

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