Module Plan
Module Plan
Module Plan
School Year 1 2 3 4 5
Personal and The class is composed of 12 students (8 girls and 3 boys). Migrant
social-cultural background: there are two students who come from extra UE countries.
preconditions Generally, they speak Italian, but at home, they use their mother tongue.
of all people Special Educational Needs: there are three students with special educational
involved needs. Two of them are DSA and one has a 104 certification and needs to be
supported during the lessons. As a group work, it is a little bit lazy, but with a
vivacious intelligence, creative, that always needs to be motivated and guided
to perform at their best in the various activities, especially in this difficult year
where the pandemic situation made them almost inactive and discouraged.
Moreover, lots of these students need to develop their self-esteem. They know
how to work in a group because in this subject (Design in Visual Art/Painting)
they usually work for a common aim: it could be a mural, a mosaic, an acrylic
painting, sometimes required by an association or a private company. When
they work in a team they are sociable, involved and curious. As a class, they
embrace a lot of new art projects and are always driven to improve their
competence. In contrast, when they work individually, some of them don't
make their homework and are very absent-minded. They never have been
studying in CLIL in High School, because in our Institut we start CLIL in the
third year. So, this is the first year for every subject. The average CEFR level
in English is an A2/B1. Anybody is very shy but they need to practice
conversation and speaking. They are quite confident with the listening skill.
Students' prior Subject Language
skills, Students know the rules of the visual Students have a medium level of
competencies language and what are the elements reading and speaking skills, but they
of the composition. They are very only know few artistic terms in
keen on drawing, especially life English. They have a low profile in
drawing pictures because in the two writing, but good skills in listening.
years (biennium) they have learned Grammar ability to reach during the
how to copy an image and how to third year: Present tenses; Past
create volume through shadows with simple; Past continuous; Future
different techniques. They are also forms: will / shall and going to; 1st
aware of the importance of and 2nd conditionals; Present perfect
perspective in Art, they know how to simple, Present perfect continuous;
use texture and colors. Moreover, To describe, compare and contrast
they can describe artwork and talk ideas; To express opinions; To take
about personal reactions. part in a discussion; Vocab and
Description of This module is divided into three units and, especially for the U3, there are
teaching and links to other curricular subjects such as Art Research Laboratory, IRC,
learning Science, Chemistry, and English. The first module, "The creative process" (6
strategies hours), is an introduction to all the projects students will face in this subject
(Graphic and Painting Discipline). The second unit, "Crazy Shoes" (10 hours),
is a practical activity to verify if students understood the main steps of the
creative process (in particular, the passages copy-transform-combine). The
third unit, "Strike like Banksy" (3 hours for a field trip + 31 hours in class) is
the main practical project and is about the Street Art Movement and the
actual issue of climate change. To motivate students by speaking English with
enthusiasm the breakout of the lessons will be different and there will balance
between theory and practice (even if the practice is the core of this subject).
For that reason, the teacher tries to integrate language and content talking in
English during the practical activities using ICT tools, such as PowerPoint
presentations, Mentimemeter, TeacherMade, EdPuzzle, Jigsaw Puzzle. The
teacher will constantly support students during the practice work and invite
them to take notes next to their sketches while drawing and constantly
communicate among them giving suggestions, advice, asking for
clarifications. There will be activated different strategies to make the lessons
more pleasant. The lessons will predominantly follow the “activate prior
knowledge/guide understanding/review” format and will privilege
collaborative and cooperative learning with the purpose to develop
communicative skills, without worrying too much about grammar mistakes.
The assessment will be focused on communicative skills, cognitive skills,
cooperation, and, last but not least, the attitude towards the project.
Overall Module Plan
Unit: 1 Lesson 1
Magic moments
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
How to be creative
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Unit: 2 Lesson 1
Shoes inspiration
Lesson 3
Unit: 3 Lesson 1
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 1 Lesson number 1 Title Introduction to the steps
2 10m Ss learn some basic T connects his Skills Whole U1_L2_ALL4_Stages.pdf Formative
vocabulary about tablet to a class assessment: T
MENTIMETER - Word clouds:
the topic. screen L S R W Group observs the
link U1_L2_ALL4_Stages.pdf
projector and work attitude of Ss
Key vocabulary shared with the class
shares the Pair work toward
document with Sub- something new
the class. T consciousness, for them in the
explains to the Gather, Bubbling secondary
Ss how to open away, Self- school,
the file on their criticism because
tablet. Then they've only
she/he asks had CLIL
them to discuss experience in
the text and the primary
underline the and middle
unknown school.
vocabulary. In
the last 2m, T
asks them to
write a word
using the link of
Activate lower
"Word cloud"
order thinking
prepared by
skills: Could you
him/her with
help me?; What
does this word
mean?; Do you
app. The
know the
question is:
meaning of...?;
"How do you
What do you
feel when you
think about…?
speak in
English?" Ss
answer with a
word and the
final result is a
colored image
composed of
words, in which
the size of each
word indicates
its frequency or
is an
activity to
break the ice
and help Ss to
buld confidence
and encourage
them to speak
more in English
during this CLIL
3 20m Learners start to Investigate - T Skills Whole U1_L2_ALL5_Pictures and Formative
reflect on the steps sends class definitions.pdf assessment: T
about the process Flashcards to L S R W Group assesses Ss’
U1_L2_ALL5_Pictures and
design; Identify the the classroom work knowledge
Key vocabulary Definitions. pdf (the photo
five steps with which gives five Pair work about the topic
Raw material, have been taken before Covid
pictures; Revisit labels about Individual and observes
Processing, pandemic); Homework: link
content vocabulary. the definitions work how Ss
of the five “Eureka” collaborate in
stages. The Moment, a group.
definitions are Wringer
an extension of
the keywords Communicative
seen in the structures
previous What happens
activity. Ss are if…?; In my
given a opinion…; Can
worksheet with you
jumbled associate…?;
sentences and Look at the
pictures (ALL.5, pictures...; / To
p.2). They have hypothesise: We
to cut and thing the word
paste the could
sentences and be...because the
pictures picture
together, in represents...
groups of four,
following these
steps: 1. put in
order the five
images; 2. give
the definition
and revise the
order; 3. write
the keyword for
each definition
without reading
them on the
worksheet. At
the end of the
exercise, T
sends in
the link to the
prepared in
Quizlet and, as
homework, Ss
have the
possibility to
review the
vocabulary and
the definition of
the lesson with
the relative
Suggestion: this
activity could
be also done as
a "Loop or
games"; one
learner read
the definition
on the first
domino, the
others look for
the word it
defines and
who has the
domino with
the word which
matches the
definition, calls
out the word.
3 10m Meta- Pair learners give Skills Whole U2_L3_ALL17_Self evaluation.pdf Peer
cognitive two positive class assessment:
U2_L3_ALL17_Self-assessment pdf
time: review comments and L S R W Group increase Ss
the project one suggestion work talking time
plan to see if about how their Key vocabulary Pair work (STT) and
all the partner can Task, Checklist, reduce T
necessary improve his/her Learning talking time
steps are work. At the end objectives / (TTT); Peer
included; of the discussion, outcomes, feedback. It
Cooperate T invites Ss to Achieve, Brief, provides
during task write on the Tips insight into Ss'
discussion, board positive true
giving and negative comprehension
suggestions results. Finally, Ss and develops
and tips to fill in a checklist their judgment
improve the self-assessment skills so they
performance. about the unit. can define
Be proud, what is 'good'
honest and or 'bad' about
critical, their work.
critical, their work.
continuously Communicative
strive for structures
growth. I usually,
never; I tend
to...; While
conversing, I...;
When I'm
When I discuss a
topic, I...; When I
give a person
feedback I...;
When I'm in a
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 3 Lesson number 1 Title The street art movement
1 30m Activate prior T shares with Skills Whole U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change.pdf Objective
knowledge; Ss a "Teacher class U3_L3_ALL22a_BanksyClimateChange.pdf assessmen
Integrate Made" link L S R W Group T checks if
Teacher Made: link - fill in the gap, short
science and art that shows the work the
Key vocabulary answer, open questions, Yes/no - (enter with
education for main Banky's Pair work assignment
Vocabulary your name or a fictitious name, it doesn't
creative climate paintings Individual has been
activeted as matter); U3_L3_ALL22_ClimateChange (Activity
change about a work sent and, if
prior knowledge, 1) pdf; U3_L3_ALL22a_BanksyClimateChange
communication; specific topic: there are
e.g: pdf (if you prefer a Handout instead of
Develop digital "Climate common
Environment, "Teacher Made" - The answers can be checked
competence; Be change". mistakes,
Global using the answer sheet at the end of the
aware of how Cross- she/he will
temperature worksheet); A tablet or a personal device
contemporary curricular correct them
art dealing with links: Pupils rise, Ecosystem, in plenary.
climate change. have just Global warming,
learned Fossil fuel,
something Climate change
about this
actual issue
they've made
activities with
Science and
teachers. Now Communicative
the attention structures
is focused on What vocabulary
what Banksy do you
has created, remember about
thinking about climate change?;
environmental How could you
problems. Ss aswear to this
should fill the open question?;
worksheet What are the
prepared by T keywords for...?;
with a tablet Have you ever
or their heard about the
personal Stencil
mobile phone technique?
and send the
answers. This
activity could
also be done
as homework.
The exercise
consists of: fill
in the gap,
short answers,
4 50m Identify the key Brainstorm: T Skills Whole U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change.pdf Formative
concepts to asks Ss to class U3_L3_ALL23_Thewordsearch.pdf assessmen
carry on for the quickly think L S R W Group T helps Ss
U3_L3_ALL22_Climate change (Activity 4) pdf;
newt activities; of ideas work reach the
Key vocabulary U3_L3_ALL23_Thewordsearch pdf; Colour
Gather ideas; connected to Pair work learning
The word search pencils / Worksheet
Encourage Ss the topic and Individual goals. Ss
thinking and make a vocabulary become
develop Brainstorming more
creative skills. about what we confident
could do to with the
slow down this topic they
devastating are going to
process. The deal with
process. The deal with
Brainstorm Communicative during the
should be like structures practical
a drawing with Express wishis: I ctivities.
some believe…; I
keywords. In hope…; I wish to
fact, in this change…; I
subject, is will…; I will not…
important that
the thoughts
are generated
not only from
written words
but also from
small related
sketches. To
help Ss in the
activity, T
prepared a
word search
game with the
solutions, so
Ss could
select some
words and
them with
their own
CLIL Lesson Plan
Unit number 3 Lesson number 4 Title Let's get started
2 400m/8h Activate Prior- T recaps the Skills Whole U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get Informal
knowledge creative process class started.pdf assessment:
strategies to steps (U1) and, L S R W Group T thinks
U3_L4_ALL24_Let's get
design (The after Ss have work about the
Key vocabulary started pdf (Activity 2); All
creative drawn some Pair work strength and
Generate, Arrange, materials needed for
process sketches, he/she Individual weaknesses
Draft, Placement, drawing
steps); asks them to work Ss are going
Identify and follow the design Ground to meet, with
analyse a strategies to particular
place where present the attention to
locate the entire project: their
mural; Create choice of the best progress
a setting; sketch or rather than
Increase the commission of setting an
Ss' awareness several elements evaluation
of appropriate in different grid. At the
register so, sketches; enlarge end of this
with practice details; study the lesson, T will
and support, environment (the ask them
they can then building or a what was fun
Does the process seem
communicate particular of it); and what
too complicated and
their ideas create a shape was
unpredictable to begin?
with proportional to challenging
/ How could you face
confidence. the wall; arrange about
up...? / How should a
the composition; working on
good design process
consider that plan. Ss
start? / What is
foreground, can express
important during the...?
middle ground, their opinion
and background; in L1 (first
draft the language)
composition with and T helps
the environment. them to
The crew must explain their
think about a knoledge in
public space (or the second
location) where language. T
the mural will observes
take place. T what
suggests taking a learning is
photo of the site taking place,
(by yourself or helping them
surfing the notice the
Internet). features of
used in the
1 25m Identify the This type of lesson Skills Whole U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil.pdf Formative
steps to could be done in the class assessment: T
U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil pdf
create Painting Laboratory, L S R W Group monitors learning
(Activity 1); Video 1 from
stencil art or in accordance work (observe and liste
Key vocabulary YouTube: How to Create
taking notes with the two Pair work to learners as the
Scratch, Iconic, Edge, Stencil Art Using Spray Paint
and using a subjects, which are Individual work in the
Asset sheets, Masking Cans - UK Street Graffiti
flow chart. strictly connected work classroom).
tape, Scalpel, Layer, Banksy _ link Video 2 from
with each other. Therefore, T mills
Label, Reference, Put YouTube: Graffiti - Blek Le Rat
Usually, the Painting around the class
aside, Registration "King of Chicago" DIY Stencil
Laboratory is the and gives some
marks, Canvas, Spray Graffiti STREET Art _ link
consequence of the clues for the step
Projection's (Design) over to follow. T also
activity, because Ss keep careful
realise what they Communicative records of Ss
have sketched. T structures progress and
shows two videos Then, next, after that, attitudes towards
about the Stencil later, eventually, finally learning.
technique. The first
one is a tutorial on
creating a stencil.
The second one is
used by another
Street Artist like
Banksy; his name is
Banksy; his name is
Blek Le Rat. Finally,
the first video must
be rewatched and Ss
should take note of
the materials
needed to make a
stencil and, in pairs,
use a flow chart to
show the order of
the steps to follow
and the possible,
even if minimal,
variations (eg. I use
cardboard instead of
the tracing paper).
While doing the
chart, learners could
rewatch the video
with their mobile
phones with
2 100m/2h How to Art and craft activity: Skills Whole U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil.pdf Activity-based
simplify the T asks Ss to class assessment: it's a
U3_L5_ALL27_Stencil pdf
work using transform the sketch L S R W Group learning by doing
(Activity 2)
the Stencil on climate change work approach that
technique, they did in Lesson n. Key vocabulary Pair work focuses on the
fill the gap; 4 in a Stencil. It's Shade, Simplify, Clues, activity rather tha
Learning to individual work, Trend the use of L2. Ss
learn where they must solve a problem,
simplify the image Communicative draw, paint, built
and use colours structures stencil. T puts
without shades. At What's a...?; What does learners at the
the same time, they ... do?; Who is ... for?; centre of the
have to complete a Which painting used process and
text about what the technique...?; Are interact with them
stencil art is and stencils favored by during the work.
check the answers street artist?
(at the end of the
page). There are
some clues in the
text (usually, the
first and the last
letter of the word).