What Rumi Said About The Masnavi
What Rumi Said About The Masnavi
What Rumi Said About The Masnavi
This is the book of the Masnavi,1 and it is the roots of the roots of
the roots of "the Religion" [Qur'an 3:19] (of Islam) in regard to
unveiling the secrets of obtaining connection (with God)2 and
(spiritual) certainty3 (of the Truth). . . . For the possessors of
(advanced spiritual) stations and (spiritual) wonders,4 (the
Masnavi, like Paradise, is) "the best station and the best place of
rest" [Qur'an 25:24]. The righteous ones eat and drink in it, and the
(spiritually) free ones rejoice and delight in it. It is like the Nile
(River) of Egypt5 (in that) it is a pure drink to those who are
(devoutly) patient, but a sorrow to the followers of Pharaoh and the
unbelievers-- just as (God) said, "He leads many astray by it,6 and
He guides many (to the truth) by it" [Qur'an 2:26]. Because it is the
remedy for hearts, the brightening polish for sorrows, the revealer
of (the meanings of) the Qur'an, the opportunity for (finding
spiritual) riches, and the purifying of (bad) natures and
dispositions. . . . (Like the Qur'an), "Falsehood cannot reach it
from in front (or behind)" [Qur'an 41:42], and God watches it and
guards it. "And He is the Best of Preservers and He is the Most
Merciful of the merciful ones" [Qur'an 12:64]. And God Most
High has given other honorable titles to it.7
-- Mathnawi, I: Preface (Arabic text below)49
If the Masnavi were like the sky in size, not (even) half a part of
this (wisdom)8 would be contained in it.
-- Masnavi I: 2098 (Persian text below)50
5 When (Husâmu 'd-dîn Chalabî) came back to the shore from the
Sea,14 the harp of the Masnavi became tuned--
The Masnavi, which is the polisher of spirits15 -- (and) his return
was the day of (my) seeking to begin (the composition of the
second volume of it).
7 The (sun-) rise date of this "trade and profit" was during the year
six hundred and sixty-two [= 1263 CE].
-- Masnavi II: 5-7 (Persian text below)52
And to the praise and glory is to Him (alone) for the collection of
the divine and lordly book of the Mathnawi, for He is the One who
assists and causes to prosper and the Bestower of benefits. And to
Him is (the power to) give favor and kindness, especially upon His
servants, the mystic knowers16 -- in spite of the contempt of a group
who wish to extinguish the Light of God with their mouths. And
God will complete His Light, even if the unbelievers hate it.
"Truly, We have (gradually) sent down the Reminder [= the
Qur'an] and We will certainly protect it."17 [Qur'an 15:9]
-- Masnavi III: Preface (Arabic text below)53
4232 A stupid man suddenly brought his head (into sight) out of a
donkey shed,19 like a bitterly complaining woman,20
4238 (Saying), "It is (only) stories and obscure; there isn't any
deeply penetrating (insights) and exalted inquiry."
-- Masnavi III: 4232-4238 (Persian text below)55
(This is) the fourth journey to the best Spring habitation and the
most splendid benefits. The hearts of the mystic knowers will
rejoice in contemplating (this book of the Mathnawi), just as the
meadows rejoice at the (thunderous) sound of the clouds, and (just
as) the eyes are familiar with the sweetness of sleep. There is
happy rest for spirits within it, and healing for their corresponding
(bodies). It resembles what the sincere (spiritual seekers) long for
and take rest in. And (mystic) travellers seek it and desire it: a
refreshing coolness for the eyes and a joy for the souls; the
sweetest fruits for the one who plucks fruit; the most splendid of
things desired and yearned for; the bringer of the sick man to his
physician; the guide of the lover to his beloved. And it is-- God be
praised-- among the greatest of gifts bestowed and the most
precious of things longed for; the renewer of the pledge of
friendship (with God); the cause of ease for the difficulty of people
(suffering) hardship. Contemplating it increases the sadness of the
one (suffering) distance (from God) and (increases) the happiness
and gratitude for the one who is fortunate. It's breast contains
(beautiful) "garments" not enclosing the breasts of (the grandest)
ladies-- a reward for the people of (mystical) knowledge and
application.28 For it resembles a full-moon (newly) risen and the
return of riches and prosperity-- an increaser of hope of those who
are hopeful and a forager of "food and water" for those who do
(good) works. It lifts aspiration following depression and expands
hope after its contraction-- like a sun which shines amidst (newly)
scattered clouds. It is a light for our companions and a treasure for
our (spiritual) children and successors.29
-- Masnavi IV: Preface (Arabic text below)56
3459 Or are you thinking that when you recite the discourse of the
Mathnawi (that) you are hearing it free of charge?33
3460 Or (that) words of (Divine) wisdom and the hidden secret (of
God) may enter (your) ears and mouth easily?
It enters, but like tales and fables, it reveals the (outer) rind, not the
kernel (containing) the seeds--
(Just as) a heart-seizing (beloved) has concealed (her) face from
your eyes by drawing a veil over (her) head and face.
3463 Because of (your) insolent pride, the books of fables and
stories (such as) the "Shah-Nama" or "Khalilah" have become like
the Qur'an to you.34
-- Masnavi IV: 3459-63 (Persian text below)58
This is the fifth bound volume of the books of the Mathnawi and
the clarification of spiritual meanings, in explanation that the
(Islamic) religious Law [sharî`at] is like a candle (which) shows
the way. For if you can't bring a candle to hand, there is no
travelling on the way. And when you have come onto the way, that
travelling of yours is (called) the (mystical) Path [Tarîqat], and
when you have arrived to the goal, that is the Truth [Haqîqat]. And
in regard to this, it has been said, "If (Divine) truths and realities
were evident (for all to see), religious laws would be made
-- Masnavi V: Preface (Persian text below)59
(This is) the sixth bound volume of the books of the Mathnawi and
the demonstrations of spiritual reality which are (like) a "Lamp"
(Qur'an 24:35] in the darkness of groundless imaginary fears,
skepticism, day dreams, suspicions, and doubts. And the animal
senses (of the body) aren't able to perceive this Lamp, since the
rank of animality is "the lowest of the low" [Qur'an 95:5]-- since
they have been created (as animals) for the sake of making
habitable the (outer) form of the lower world; and a circle has been
drawn around (their) senses and comprehensions-- a circle beyond
which they can't pass: "That is the ordering of the All-Powerful,
the All-Knowing" [Qur'an 6:96]. In other words, He brought into
existence the (limited) amount of attainment of their actions and of
movement of their (mental) attention36 -- in the same way that there
is a (restricted) amount (of orbit) and work space for every star
from the sky, so that its actions reach to that limit.
-- Masnavi VI: Preface (Persian text below)60
1525 There is a different (kind of) commerce for every store: the
Mathnawi is the store for (spiritual) poverty,42 O son.
(For example), there is good leather in the shoe-maker's store: if
you observe wood, it is (used for) a shoe-mold.
There is raw silk and brownish gray (fabrics) in front of the (stores
of) cloth-sellers: if iron is (there) it is (used for) a unit of
1528 Our Mathnawi is the store of Unity: whatever you see besides
the Oneness (of God), (know that) it is an idol.43
-- Masnavi VI: 1525-28 (Persian text below)63
[Mawlânâ happened to see that someone had fallen asleep and, out
of lethargic apathy and forgetfulness, had put the book of the
Masnavi behind his back.] He said, "(Is) this what the meaning of
our words has become, fallen (and forgotten) behind the back (of
someone)? By Allah, by Allah! The meaning (of the words of the
Masnavi) will take hold and extend from the rising place of the sun
to where it sets, and it will travel to (all) the climates (of the
world). And there will not be any meeting or gathering where these
words will not be recited-- to the extent that they will be read (out
loud) in places of worship and on benches. And all religious
communities will wear a garment (consisting) of those words."
--acccording to Aflâki (died 1360, 87 years after Mawlânâ), "The
Glorious Talents and Abilities of the Knowers of God, Chapter 3,
section 387 (see the translation by John O'Kane, "The Feats of the
Knowers of God," p. 299) (Persian text below)67
Similarly, one day the scribes of the words (of Mawlânâ) and the
most noble memorizers (of the Masnavi) asked Hazrat-i Mawlânâ,
"Do the Books of the Masnavi have any pre-eminence and
superiority over each other? He said, "Regarding the second
(Book), there is a superiority over the first (Book) that the second
heaven has over the first (heaven);45 and regarding the third
(Book), (the same) over the second (Book). And the same way
regarding the sixth (Book) over the fifth (Book). Just as the
superiority of the (spiritual) world of Sovereignty [malakût] over
the (material) world of Dominion [mulk], and the superiority of the
world of Omnipotence [jabarût] over the world of Sovereignty, ad
infinitum. And similarly, as is said in the verse (of the Qur'an),
"And truly,46 We gave pre-eminence to some of the prophets over
some (others)" [Qur'an 17:55]." This may be understood (to mean
by extension), "And therefore We have given pre-eminence to
some of humanity over some (others)," "some things over some
(others)," "some (spiritual) secrets over some (others)." And
similarly, this superiority and excellence is active in all things and
existent beings."
--acccording to Aflâki (died 1360, 87 years after Mawlânâ), "The
Glorious Talents and Abilities of the Knowers of God, Chapter 3,
section 427 (see the translation by John O'Kane, "The Feats of the
Knowers of God," p. 315) (Persian text below)68
(I: Preface) This is the book of the Masnavi [kitâbu 'l-mathnawi]:
"In III, Pref., the poem is called 'al-Kitábu 'l-mathnawí.' Elsewhere
the author always refers to it simply as 'Mathnawí.' the title
'Mathnawí-yi ma`nawí' [= rhymed couplets of spiritual meaning],
by which it is often described, may have been suggested by such
phrases as 'Mathnawí u Tibyán-i ma`nawí [= the Mathnawi and the
clarification of spiritual meanings] (V, Pref). Cf. also VI 68:
'Mathnawí-rá ma`nawí bíní u bas." [=you will see the Mathnawi as
(entirely) spiritual and nothing else] (Nicholson, Commentary)
"And it is a treasure for our successors, who will come after us.
(The word" 'descendants' [a`qâb] (means) the total some
afterwards, in other words, children and (their) children and (their)
children. However in this speech the intention is the dervishes
[fuqarâ], lovers (of God) [aHbâb], and mystic knowers [`urafâ]
who had been seekers on the Mawlawî Way, and then following
Mawlânâ's transition (to the next world) will come after him."
(Anqaravi, Commentary)
(IV: 1) Husamuddin: Husamuddin Chalabi was Mawlânâ's closest
spiritual companion after the final disappearance of Shams-i
Tabriz, as well as his first successor. Husamuddin was the one who
first suggested that Mawlânâ compose a mathnawi poem, he was
the one to whom Mawlânâ dictated it, and he was the one whom
Mawlânâ credited as the recurring source of inspiration for
continuing the composition of the poem.
(IV: 1) the Mathnawi has passed beyond the (full) moon (in
beauty): "The light of the moon is taken from the sun. Therefore,
the sun is (the source of) the illumination of the moon. But the
light of the Mathnawi is the sun of spiritual meaning [ma`nà]."
(Anqaravi, Commentary)
(IV: 2) O hopeful one [murtajâ]: Nicholson translated, "O thou in
whom hopes are placed."
(IV: 3459) (that) you are hearing it free of charge: Nicholson
translated, "thou hearest them gratis (without giving aught in
return)?" And he commented: "I.e. 'do not imagine that the real
meaning of the Mathnawí is like something which you find on the
road and pick up without any trouble'." (Commentary)
"Therefore, you are seeing the words (of the Qur'an) of God Most
High only from the viewpoint of the (outwardly) existing stories,
metaphors, expressions, and words-- but you lack the ability to see
the meanings and truths of it. Likewise, you are understanding this
noble Mathnawi, which is the fountain of Divine secrets, only from
the viewpoint of the (outwardly) existing verses and in regard to
the existing metaphors and stories. . . . From this same viewpoint,
this noble book has been understood by your mind (to be) like the
rest of words made into poetic verses." (Anqaravi, Commentary)
(V: Preface): If (Divine) truths and realities were evident,
religious laws would be made useless: "Positive religion depends
on faith in the Unseen. Cf. I 3610 sqq. [= "This hope and fear are
in the veil (separating the seen from the unseen), that they may be
fostered behind this veil. When thou hast rent the veil, where are
fear and hope?" (I: 3616-17, translated by Nicholson)] and the note
on I 3555-3557 [= "God is the Concealer of faults (Sattáru
'l-`uyúb). He mercifully covers up the sins of His creatures and
leaves them in ignorance of their final destiny, so that they may
have hope and faith in the unseen" (translated by Nicholson)]."
(Nicholson, Commentary)
"Just as when the time of the Hereafter has occurred, the Divine
realities will become evident, the truths of the religious Law will
become useless. Thus the laws of the religious Law are only
(useful) up to a certain time-- when the soul exits from the body."
(Anqaravi, Commentary)
(VI: Preface) the (limited) amount of attainment of their actions
and of movement of their (mental) attention: "All my MSS. except
G [= the earliest manuscript, the "Konya Manuscript of the
Mathnawi] have miqdár-i rasídan-i nazar-i íshán ú jawlán-i `amal-i
íshán [= "the limited measure of their speculation and the
(confined) range of their action"], which is probably the correct
reading." (Nicholson, Commentary)
VI: 67) make a channel in the island of the Mathnawi: "I.e. 'break
through the words and expressions (alfáz) of the Mathnawí and
gain access to its inner meaning". Rúmí likens the form of his
poem to an island in the ocean of Reality, which flows in wherever
it finds a channel of spiritual perception." (Nicholson,
(VI: 71) the Ocean: Nicholson translated, "the (spiritual) Ocean."
(VI: 655) the person concerned with appearance is led astray by
the form of the words of the Mathnawi: compare to Mathnawi I,
Preface: "It is like the Nile (River) of Egypt (in that) it is a pure
drink to those who are (devoutly) patient, but a sorrow to the
followers of Pharaoh and the unbelievers-- just as (God) said, 'He
leads many astray by it, and He guides many (to the truth) by it'
[Qur'an 2:26]."
"It means, 'Our Mathnawi is, in regard to its essence, the shop of
(Divine) secrets and the Absolute Unity (of God), as well as the
shop of the branches of knowledge from His Presence [`ulûm-é
ladûnî] and the knowledge of certainty (of the Reality of God). The
one who is seeing, in this noble book, anything besides the
mysteries and Unity of (Divine) Reality and words about Divine
Unity [tawHîd-é ilâhî], those words are (for him) like an idol-- the
opposite of this speech-- for the sake of bringing some people into
(a state of) humiliation." (Anqaravi, Commentary)
(Aflaki, Chapter 3, section 204) O (you who have a) sister (who is
a) whore: the only swear words Mawlânâ used when angry, at
someone an expression used by the people of Khorâsân (the land
where he was born and raised) according Aflaki, Chapter 3, section
66 (see the translation by John O'Kane, "The Feats of the Knowers
of God," p. 106).
(Aflaki, Chapter 3, section 427) that the second heaven has over
the first (heaven): refers to traditional Islamic cosmology, based on
the ancient Ptolomaic system in which a series of larger sphere was
viewed, such as: the sphere or heaven of the Moon, then Venus,
Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the fixed stars, the starless heaven the
sphere of the Divine Throne. According to another scheme, there
are a series of worlds, such as the world of humanity [`âlam-é
nasût], the world of sovereignty [`âlam-é malak¸t], the world of
omnipotence [`âlam-é jabarût], and the world of Divinity [`âlam-é
(Aflaki, Chapter 3, section 427) "And truly [wa laqad]: the
Persian text-edition gives "wa ka-Zalika" which should be "wa
laqad" in this quote from the Qur'an (17:55).
(Aflaki, Chapter 6, section 19) our Masnavi [maSnawî-yé mâ]:
When Mawlânâ is quoted as saying "our," this is a formal Persian
way of expressing "mine." See VI: 1528 "Our Mathnawi is the store
of Unity: whatever you see besides the Oneness (of God), (know
that) it is an idol."
(Aflaki, Chapter 6, section 19) viewed with affection by the gaze
of grace of the men of God [malHûZ-é naZar-é `inâyat-é rijâlu
'llâh]: As John O'Kane explained, "The glance of a holy man has
immense power to transform another person for the better (naZar-e
`enâyat)." ("The Feats of the Knowers of God," p. 708). Aflaki
relates that Mawlâna declared that one of his close disciples,
Shamsuddîn Mardînî, became a saint [walî] without knowing it
because he had received, during his adolescence, a blessed gaze
[naZar-é mubârak] from one of the (saintly) men of God [az
mard-ân-é khodâ]. He had been asked for water by a dervish, he
immediately gave the dervish a jug of water and some food, and
this made the dervish so happy that he gave him an amazing glance
[yak naZarê `ajab]-- a sweet glance [naZar-é shîrîn] which caused
him to be full of ecstasy [Zawq-nâk]. (see the translation by John
O'Kane, "The Feats of the Knowers of God," pp. 266-67)
[I: Preface] haZa kibâbu 'l-mathnawiyya wa muwa uSûlu uSûli
uSûli 'd-dîn fi kashfi asrâri 'l-wuSûl wa 'l-yaqîn. . . . wa `inda
aSHâbi 'l-maqâmâti wa 'l-karâmâti "khayru maqâm-an wa aHsanu
maqîl-an." al-abrâru fî-hi ya'kulûna wa yashrabûn, wa 'l-aHrâru
fî-hi yafraHûna wa yaTrabûna. wa huwa kanîli miSra sharâb-un
li-'S-Sâbirîn wa Hasrat-un `alà âli fir`ûna wa 'l-kâfirîn, kamâ qâla
"yuZlillu bi-hi kathîr-an wa yahdî bi-hi kathîr-an." wa anna-hu
shifâ'u 'S-Sudûri wa jalâ'u 'l-'aHzâni wa kashâfu 'l-qur'ân, wa
sa`atu 'l-'arzâqi, wa taTayîbu 'l-'akhlâq. . . . "lâ ya'tî-hi 'l-bâTilu
min bayna yaday-hi" wa 'llâhu yurSidu-hu wa yarqubu-hu wa
huwa khayru HâfiZ-an "wa huwa arHamu 'r-râHimîn." wa la-hu
'alqâb-un 'ukharu laqqaba-hu 'llâhu ta`âlà.
I: 2098 maSnawî dar Hajm gar bûdy chô charkh
dar-na-gonjîdy dar-ô z-în nêm barkh
[II: Preface] bayân-é ba`Zê az Hikmat-é ta'khîr-é în mujallad-é
dowom: ke agar jomla-yé Hikmat-é ilâhî banda-râ ma`lûm shaw-ad
dar fawâ'îd-é ân kâr, banda az ân kâr ferô mân-ad; wa Hikmat-é
bê-pâyân-é Haqq idrâk-é ô-râ wîrân kon-ad ba-d-ân kâr na-pardâz-
ad. pas Haqq-é ta`âlà shamma-yê az ân Hikmat-é bê-pâyân mihâr-é
bînî-yé ô sâz-ad wa ô-râ ba-d-ân kâr kash-ad. ke agar ô-râ az ân
fâ'îda hêch khabar na-kon-ad hêch na-jonb-ad, z-î-râ jonbânanda az
bahrah-hây-é âdamiy-ân-ast ke az bahr-é ân maSlaHat kon-êm. wa
agar Hikmat-é ân bar wây ferô rêz-ad ham na-tawân-ad jonbîdan
chon-ân-ke agar dar bînî-yé oshtor mihâr na-bow-ad wa agar
mihâr-é bozorg bow-ad ham ferô khosp-ad. "wa in min shay-in illâ
`inda-nâ khazâ'inu-hu wa mâ nunazzilu-hu illâ bi-qadar-in
II: 5 chûn ze-daryâ sôy-é sâHil bâz-gasht
chang-é shi`r-é maSnawî bâ sâz gasht
[III: Preface] wa la-hu 'l-Hamdu wa 'l-majdu `alà talfîqi 'l-kitâbi
'l-mathnawiyyi 'l-ilâhiyyi 'r-rabbâniyyi wa huwa 'l-muwaffiqu wa
'l-mutafaZZilu wa la-hu 'T-Tawlu wa 'l-mannu lâ siyyamâ `alà
`ibâdi-hi 'l-`ârifîn `alà raghmi Hizbi yurîdûna an yuTfi'û nûra 'llâh
bi' afwâhi'him. wa 'llâhu mutimmu nûri-hi wa law kariha 'l-kâfirûn.
'annâ naHnu nazzal-na 'dh-dhikra wa annâ la-hu la-HâfiZûn."
I: 1 ay Ziyâ' al-Haq Husâmu 'd-dîn be-y-âr
în sewom daftar ke sunnat shod se bâr
III: 4232 kharbaTê nâgâh az khar-khâna'iyê
sar berûn âward chûn Ta``âna'iyê
[IV: Preface] aZZa`nu 'r-râbi`u ilà aHsani 'l-marâbi`i, wa ajalli
'l-manafi`i. tusarru qulûbu 'l-`ârifîna bi-muTâla`ati-hi ka-surûri
'r-riyâZi bi-Sawti 'l-ghamâmi, wa 'unsi 'l-`uyûni bi-Tayibi 'l-
manâmi. fî-hi irtiyâHu 'l-`arwâHi wa shifâ'u 'l-'ishbâHi. wa huwa
kamâ yashtahî-hi 'l-mukhliSûna wa yahwawna-hu. wa yaTlubu-hu
's-sâlikûn wa yatamannûna-hu: al-`uyûni qurrat-un wa li-n-nufûsi
masarrat-un; aTyabu 'th-thimâri li-man ijtanà; wa 'ajallu 'l-murâdâti
wa 'l-munà; muwiSilu 'l-`alîli ilà Tabîbi-hi; wa hâdî 'l-muHibbi ilà
Habîbi-hi. wa huwa bi-Hamdi 'llâhi min a`Zami 'l-mawâhib wa
'anfasi '-r-raghâyibi; mujaddidu `ahdi 'l-'alfati; musahhilu `usri
aSHâbi 'l-kulfati. yazîdu 'n-naZaru fî-hi asaf-an li-man ba`uda, wa
surûr-an wa shukr-an li-man sa`ida. taZammana Sadru-hu mâ lam
yataZamman Sudûru 'l-ghaniyâni mina 'l-Hulali, jazâ'an li- ahli
'l-`ilmi wa 'l-`amali, fa-huwa ka-badr-in Tala` wa jadd-in raja`a
zâyid-un `alà ta'mîli 'l-amilîn, râyid-un li-rawdi 'l-`âmilîna, yarfa`u
'l-'amala ba`da ankhifâZi-hi, wa yabsuTu 'r-rajâ'a ba`da anqibâZi-
hi, ka-shams-in `ashraqat min bayni ghamâm-in tafarraqat, nûr-un
li'aSHâbi-nâ wa kanz-un li-'a`qâbi-nâ.
IV: 1 ay Ziyâ'u 'l-Haq Husâmu 'd-dîn tôy-î
ke goZasht az mah ba-nûr-at mathnawî
IV: 3459 yâ tô pendâr-î ke Harf-é mathnawî
chûn be-khwân-î, râyegân-ash be-sh'naw-î?
[V: Preface] în mujallad-é pangom-ast az daftar-hây-é mathnawi
wa tibyân-é ma`nawî dar bayân ân-ke sharî`at, ham-chô sham`-ast,
rah mê-nomây-ad. wa bâ ân-ke sham` ba-dast na-y-ward-î, râh
rafta na-shaw-ad. wa bê-ân-ke sham` ba-dast âwar-î râh rafta
na-shawad. wa chûn dar rah âmad-î, ân raftan-é tô Tariqat-ast, wa
chûn rasîd-î ba-maqSûd, ân Haqîqat-ast. wa jehat-é în gofta-and
ke: law Zaharati 'l-Haqâyiqu baTalati 'sh-sharâyi`".
[VI: Preface] mujallad-é shashom az daftar-hây-é mathnawî wa
bayinât-é ma`nawî ke miSbâH-é Zalâm-é wahm wa shubhat wa
khayâlât wa shakk wa raybat bâsh-ad. wa în miSbâh-râ ba-Hiss-é
Haywânî idrâk na-tawân kardan, zîrâ maqâm-é Haywânî "asfal-é
sâfilîn"-ast ke êshân-râ az bahr-é `imârat-é Sûrat-é `âlam asfal
âferîda-and; wa bar Hawâss wa madârik dâyira'yê kashîda-and ke
az ân dâyira tajâwuz na-kon-and: "dhâlika taqdîru 'l-`azîzu
'l-`âlîm." ya`nî miqdâr-é rasîdan-é `amal-é êshân wa jawlân-é
naZar-é êshân padîd kard, chon-ân-ke har setâra-râ miqdârê-st wa
kâr-gâhê az falak ke tâ ân Hadd `amal-é ô be-rasîd.
VI: 67 gar shod-î `aTshân-é baHr-é ma`nawî
furja'yê kon dar jazîra-yé mathnawî
VI: 655 pas ze-naqsh-é lafZ-hây-é mathnawî
Sûratî Zâl-ast-o hâdî ma`nawî
[Aflâki, manâqibu 'l`ârifîn, 3/204] ham-chon-ân manqûl-ast ke
rôzê HaZrat-é sulTân walad farmûd ke: az yâr-ân, yakê ba-HaZrat-
é pedar-am shikâyatê kard ke: dânesh-mand-ân bâ man baHS
kard-and ke: maSnawî-râ qur'ân cherâ mê-gôy-and? man banda
goft-am ke: tafsîr-é qur'ân-ast. hamânâ ke pedar-am laHZa-yé
khâmôsh karda. farmûd ke: ay sag! cherâ na-bâsh-ad? ay khar!
cherâ na-bâsh-âd? ay ghar khwâhar! cherâ na-bâsh-ad? hamânâ ke
dar Zurûf-é Hurûf-é anbiyâ' wa awliyâ' joz anwâr-é ilâhî mudraj
nêst. wa kalâmu 'llâh az del-é pâk-é êshân rosta bar jûy-bâr-é
zabân-é êshân rawân shoda-ast."
[Aflâki, manâqibu 'l`ârifîn, 3/230] farmûd ke: "har ke ma`ânáyé
maSnawî-râ be-shenûd wa ba-d-ân kâr na-kon-ad, 'sami`-nâ wa
`aSay-nâ'-st; 'sami`-nâ wa aTa`-nâ' nêst."
[Aflâki, manâqibu 'l`ârifîn, 3/347] rôzê HaZrat-i Mawlânâ farmûd
ke: "haft karrat turba-yé mâ-râ `imârat kon-and. âkhirîn bâr torkê
bêrûn ây-ad mutamawwil wa turba-râ yak khesht az zar wa yak
khesht az nuqra-é khâm be-sâz-ad. wa hawâlî-yé turba-yé mâ
shahrê shaw-ad bas bozorg, wa turba-yee mâ dar meyâna-yé shahr
be-mân-ad. wa dar ân zamân maSnawî-yé mâ shaykhê kon-ad."
[Aflâki, manâqibu 'l`ârifîn, 3/387] farmûd ke: "ya`nî-yé în sokhan-
é mâ barây-é ân âmad ke pas-é posht oftad? w-allâh, w-allâh! az ân
jâ ke âftâb sar mê-zan-ad tâ ân-jâ ke forô mê-raw-ad, în ma`nà
khwâh-ad gereftan. wa dar eqlîm-hâ khwâh-ad raftan. wa hîch
maHfilê wa majma`'ê na-bâsh-ad ke în kalâm khwânda na-shaw-
ad. tâ ba-jiddî ke dar ma`bad-hâ wa miSTab-hâ khwânda shaw-ad.
wa jamî`-yé milal az ân sokhan Hulal pôsh-and wa ba-har damand
[?] shaw-and."
[Aflâki, manâqibu 'l`ârifîn, 3/427] ham-chon-ân kataba-yé kalâm
wa HafaZa-yé kirâm rôzê az HaZrat-é Mawlânâ porsîd-and ke:
"mujalladât-é maSnawî-râ bar ham-dîgar tarjîHê wa tafZîlê hast?"
farmûd ke: Sânî-râ bar awwal faZîlat chon-ân-ast ke âsmân-é
dowum-râ awwal. wa sewom-râ bar dowwom. wa ham-chon-ân
shashom-râ bar panjom. chon-ân-ke tafZîl-é malakût bar `âlam-é
mulk wa tafZîl-é jabarût bar malakût ilà mâ lâ nihâyat. wa ham-
chon-ân az manTûq-é âyat-é 'wa laqad faDDal-nâ ba`Za an-
nabiyyina `alà ba`Z-in." in mafhûm mê-shaw-ad ke: wa ka-Zalika
faDDal-nâ ba`Za an-nâsi `alà ba`Z-in, ba`Za 'l-`ashyâ'i `alà ba`Z-
in, ba`Za l-asrâri `alà ba`Z-in. wa ham-chon-ân dar jamî`-é ashyâ
wa mawjûdât-é in faZîlat wa rujHân dar kâr-ast."
[Aflâki, manâqibu 'l`ârifîn, 6/19] wa ham-chon-în maSnawî-yé mâ
nîz delbarê-st ma`nawî ke dar jamâl wa kamâl-é khwod ham-tâ'ê
na-dâr-ad. wa ham-chon-ân bâghê-st muhayâ wa rizqê-st mahnâ ke
jehat-é rawshân-del-ân-é SâHib-naZar wa `âshiq-ân-é sôkhta-jegar
sâkhta shoda-ast. khonok jânê-râ ke az mushâda-yé în shâhid-é
ghaybî maHZûZ shaw-ad wa malHûZ-é naZar-é `inâyat-é rijâlu
'llâh gard-ad, tâ dar jurîda-yé "ni`ma 'l-`abdu inna-hu 'awwâb-un"
munkhariT shaw-ad. ba`d az ân farmûd ke: idrâk-é ghawâmiZ-é
asrâr-é por-anwâr-é maSnawî-râ wa ZabT-é talfîqât wa taqrîbât wa
taqrîrât wa tawfîqât-é aHâdîS-râ wa âyât wa basT-é imSâl wa
Hikâyât wa bayyinât-é ramûz-é kanûz wa daqâyiq-é Haqâyiq-é
ô-râ i`tiqâdê bây-ad `aZîm wa `ishqê bây-ad muqîm wa Sidqê
bây-ad mustaqîm wa qalbê bây-ad salîm. wa ham-chon-ân
Zakâwat-é ba-ghâyat wa funûn-é `ulûm wa darâyat mê-bây-ad tâ
dar Zâhir-é ân sîrê tawân-ad kardan wa ba-sirr-é sirîy tawân-ad
rasîdan .wa bê în hama âlât agar `âshiq-é Sâdiq bâsh-ad `âqibat
`ishq-é ô rahbar-é ô shaw-ad wa ba-manzilê be-ras-ad. wa 'llâhu
'l-muwaffiqi wa 'l-murshidi wa huwa 'l-mu`în wa 'l-musaddid."