Paper 13

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PILE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN INDIA -A REVIEW by Dr. S.R. GANDHI Associate Professor Department of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology Madras CHENNAI 600 036 INTRODUCTION In last 2-3 decades, here has been considerable improve- ‘ment in our capabilities for design and construction of pile foundation, both on land and in marine conditions. Present construction technology is in no way inferior to the international standards. Piling under very challenging conditions, e.g. rough ses, very soft ground, limited head Toom, etc. have been successfully carried out. There are improvements in instrumentation, monitoring and losd testing. Our piling contractors certainly deserve appre- ciation for their achievements, Similarly, there has been a matching improvement in the theory and design methods. The actual data from full scale tests have been continuously used to improve the theo- retical predictions. Also a number of computer software are now available for design and analysis of pile foundations, ‘This paper briefly discusses various salient points on de- sign, construction and load testing of pile foundation, PILE DESIGN Detailed formulae for pile capacity have been excluded from this note. Only salient features concerning the esti- mate of pile capacity are discussed. SOIL PARAMETERS ‘The soil data is the most important in estimating the pile ‘capacity. In most of the cases the tender provides inad- equate soil data and the time available is often inadequate 10 carry out soil investigation. As a result, the pile pen- étrations are estimated based on only limited data avail- able, Subsequently, during execution, there can be large ‘variations in the quantities due to change in the strata con- ditions. It is therefore important that a need for deta subsoil investigation is emphasised for any project, The uality of subsoil investigation is also generally poor due {0 stiff competition. It is therefore necessary to identify agencies which have equipments in good condition and also good laboratory facility LIMITATIONS IN THEORY. Available theories are to be treated only as guidelines for ough estimate ofthe pile capacity. The formulae in codes are for general purpose and cannot truly reflect the method of installation. For example, the IS code recommends same bearing capacity for precast driven and driven cast-in-situ piles. Incase of skin frictional resistance, the parameter of earth Pressure coefficient (K) varies from I to 3, Depending on the value of K adopted, the predicted value will have varia- tions upto 100%. Itis therefore necessary to collect more field test data for different types of piles installed in dif. ferent types of soil and analyse the data, This will enable to arrive at more realistic values. When the pile is terminated on rock or socketed into the tock, no guidelines are available regarding skin friction and end bearing capacity. The termination of pile is nor. ‘mally based on thumb rule of half to 3 times the pile di- ameter into the rock. Quite often the criteria is based on chisel penetration rate. Such criteria are very much site ‘Specific and also applicable for the set of equipment used for the particular project. Such criteria cannot be ‘eneralised as guidelines to be followed for other projects, In view of the above, in spite of detailed soil data, it is necessary to carry out pile load test to confirm the design ‘even if the total number of piles is small, PILE CONSTRUCTION DRIVEN PILES Precast Piles : Compared to the scenario in other de- eloped countries, the use of ready-made prefabricated piles has not yet developed in our country. This is mainly because the transportation of such prefabricated pile seg- ‘ments from the point of manufacture to the point of installation is very difficult, The process of casting the piles at site requires fairly large casting yard which be- ‘comes economical only if the number of piles to be in- stalled is large. Precast pile has many advantages like good quality con- ‘of using high grade concrete (upto M60), better corrosion resistance, possibility of providing bitu. men coating on the surface to reduce negative drag, etc. The use of jointed pile is also becoming popular. The Jointed pile has smaller segments which can be handled easily, requires lesser percentage of steel and the length ‘can be adjusted depending on the changes in the strata. Apart from concrete piles of solid section, hollow pipe piles have also been used successfully. Such pipe pile has better rigidity and higher lateral capacity comparedto solid Section forthe same given cross sectional area. At present hollow pipe piles upto 1.2 m diameter and 40 m length are being installed for marine structures. In case of precast driven pile the termination is decided based on the set value. The dynamic formulae available {in codes do not truly reflect various parameters like weight of pile cap, properties of cushion, dynamic properties of Soil, etc. It is therefore preferable to carry out a detailed pile drivability analysis. Simple software are available to carry out such drivability analysis, This will provide relationship between set and ultimate capacity, maximum and minimum (tensile) stress developed during driving, etc, Cast-in-situ Piles: Driven castin-situ piles are usually found to be cheaper compared to precast driven piles, The percentage steel required is no handling of the pile is required. Though itis cast-in-situ pile, it has the advan- tages of compaction of the ground surrounding the pile during the process of driving ofthe casing pipe. The length Of pile need not be predetermined and the casing length can be varied depending on the strata condition, ‘Some of the important points to be noted while execution of driven cast-in-situ pile are as follows : i. Pile shoe should have a water tight joint with the casing pipe. Ifnot, this will lead to seepage of ground water into the casing pipe. This can increase the water-cement ratio at the pile tip and affect the strength of concrete, which is not desirable. It is therefore preferable to provide bitumen or other suit- able water proofing material at the joint between casing pipe and shoe. fi, The reinforcement grills should move freely into the ‘casing pipe. In case of intial bend in the reinforce ‘ment, it may get stuck with the easing pipe and can ‘even get lifted slightly during the process of initial concreting. It is therefore preferable to monitor the top level of the reinforcement rods to check such upward movements, ‘The illing of concrete, withdrawing ofthe casing and ‘amping of the casing for compaction needs very careful operations. Withdrawal of casing shall be such that minimum 1 to 1.5 m of fresh concrete is always within the casing pipe, + When the ground water table is high, special precau- tions shall be taken to ensure that fresh concrete is not subjected to seepage forces at the time of withdrawal of the casing pipe. ‘While installing the pile at closer interval, care shall be taken to avoid damage to the adjacent fresh pile. For this, itis preferable to instal alternative piles. BORED PILES Installation of bored cast-in-situ pile upto 2min diameter have been adopted successfully. The following different ‘methods of advancing the bore holes are commonly used, i. Chisel and bailer method fi, Direct Mud Cireulation (DMC) iii, Reverse Mud Circulation (MC) iv. Continuous flight auger ¥, Rotary Drill In all the above methods stabilisation of the bore hole is ‘most important. Usually the steel liner penetrating though the loose strata provided. Ifthe penetration is small (3 0 (61m) the liner is withdrawn after concreting, Inbored cast-in-situ piles, cleaning of the bottom of bore hole is very important. This is carried out by continuous Alushing of bentonite slurry for 15 minutes, After cleaning the bottom the concreting shal be carried out immediately without any delay. To ensure that concreting is smooth, Pile length to diameter ratio shall be limited to maximum of 40 to 50. If deeper piles are required the minimum diameter shall be accordingly chosen, PILE TESTING Conventional pile load test with steel Kentledge is very {ime consuming. Also the loading if applied at very slow rate takes a long time for completion of the test -and hampers the other works at site. Ifa faster rate of loading 's adopted, the ultimate capacity obtained is generally lower compared to when the rate of loading is slow. Therefore, result obtained by faster loading will be conservative. If suitable rock/hard strata is available within reasonable

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