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Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 516–523

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Signaling-Probe Displacement Electrochemical Aptamer-based Sensor

(SD-EAB) for Detection of Nanomolar Kanamycin A
Ran Liua , Zihua Yanga , Qian Guoa , Juncai Zhaoa , Jie Maa , Qian Kanga , Yunfei Tangb ,
Ying Xuec , Xinhui Loua,* , Miao Heb,*
Department of Chemistry, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuan North Road 105, Beijing 100048, China
School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Beijing, China


Article history: The signal transduction of most target induced strand displacement-based assays relies on the
Received 14 July 2015 conformational changes of aptamers, significantly limiting the general applications of these sensors. We
Received in revised form 23 September 2015 report on a very simple and general sensor named signaling-probe displacement electrochemical
Accepted 24 September 2015
aptamer-based sensor (SD-EAB), in which signal transduction is induced only by the affinity binding
Available online 28 September 2015
between an aptamer and its target and completely independent of the conformational state of the
aptamer. A typical SD-EAB is comprised of a gold electrode immobilized with DNA duplexes formed
between a thiolated capture probe (aptamer or its short complementary strand) and a redox tagged
kanamycin A
signaling probe (short complementary strand or aptamer). In the presence of target, the signaling probe is
strand displacement displaced and released from the electrode surface, leading to the decrease of current proportional to the
electrochemical sensors logarithm of target concentrations. SD-EAB achieved the reagentless detection of kanamycin A with 7
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy orders of magnitude dynamic ranges (1 nM–10 mM). Amazingly, SD-EAB clearly differentiated
kanamycin A from its structural analogues kanamycin B by showing opposite current change. In
contrast, its counterpart, the label-free electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)-based sensor, was
one thousand times less sensitive than SD-EAB and had a narrow dynamic range (1–100 mM) due to its
limited tolerance of nonspecific adsorption of kanamycin A.
ã 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country” in “WHO’s

first global report on antibiotic resistance”. The serious situation
Antibiotics revolutionized medicine in the 20th century due to has prompted the issue of regulations in many countries and the
their effectiveness and easy access. There are thousands of development of methods for the detection of antibiotic residues in
synthetic or natural antibiotics that have been synthesized or environment.
isolated as far. However, the abuse of them results in the serious Antibiotics are commonly classified based on their mechanism
environmental pollution due to the discharge of excrement and of action, chemical structure, or spectrum of activity. Kanamycin A,
urine by human being and poultry, and the emergence of one of the most widely used aminoglycoside antibiotics, is used to
resistance of bacteria. In 2014, the World Health Organization treat a wide variety of infections by inducing mistranslation and
classified the resistance of bacteria as “a serious threat that is blocks translocation by interacting with proteins [1]. The
happening right now in every region of the world and has the chromatography-based methods [2–5] and immunoassays, typi-
cally, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs) [6,7] and
colloidal gold test strips [8], are the most widely used methods for
the quantitative detection and screening of kanamycin A. However,
Abbreviations: ELISA, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; EAB, Electro-
chemical Aptamer-Based sensors; TREAS, Target-Responsive Electrochemical the chromatography-based methods require sophisticated instru-
Aptamer Switch; EIS, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; EIS-AB, EIS- ments, well-trained personnel, and long time, not suitable for on-
Aptamer-Based sensor; SD-EAB, Signaling-probe Displacement Electrochemical site applications. The immunoassays are advantageous to the
Aptamer-Based sensor. instrument-based methods because of its operational conve-
* Corresponding authors. Fax: +86 10 68902320.
E-mail addresses: xinhuilou@cnu.edu.cn (X. Lou), hemiao@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn nience, high sensitivity, specificity, and rapid turnaround time.
(M. He). Nanomolar kanamycin A was able to be detected with these

0013-4686/ ã 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 516–523 517

Table 1
Comparison of some recently reported aptamer-based sensors and immunoassays for detection of kanamycin A with SD-EAB.

Sensor types Limit of detection(M) Dynamics range (M) Reagent-less Assay time
electrochemical [19] 9.4  109 5  108–9  106 Yes 30
electrochemical [21] 5.8  109 1 108–1.5  107 No 60
electrochemical [45] 1.0  108 1 108–1 103 Yes 30
colorimetric [15] 1.0  108 1 108–1 107 No 60
luminescent [18] 1.4  107 2  107–1.5  104 No 10
FRET [17] 9  1012 1 1011–3  109 No 210
Rapid-ELISA [8] 1.7  109 (IC50) – No 40
Colloidal gold immunoassay [8] 1.0  108 – Yes 10
SD-EAB 1.0  109 1 109–1 102 Yes 30

IC50: 50% inhibition value.

methods. However, the immunoassays need expensive antibodies and liberates the complementary DNA, leading to the structural
and enzymes, which is not cost effective. Therefore, the develop- switch from the duplex to the tertiary aptamer structure. An
ment of fast, cheap, and easy detection systems is particularly increase of current is generated as the Fc moiety approaches the
important and urgently desired, especially in underdeveloped electrode surface. Willner and Dong respectively reported an even
areas. simpler strategy by using label-free signaling probe to detection of
Aptamers are peptides or oligonucleotides that specifically adenosine using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS),
recognize and bind to a wide range of targets ranging from small here referred as EIS-aptamer-based sensor (EIS-AB) [26,27].
molecules to large proteins and even cells [9,10]. Aptamers have The purpose of this work is to develop a sensitive, cheap, and
becoming attractive functional molecules for a variety of important easy aptamer-based method that is able to detect the trace amount
applications including biosensors, imaging, drug delivery, and of antibiotics in the environmental sample. Taking the detection of
bioengineering [11,12]. Aptamers are particularly useful as kanamycin A as an example, here we report a simple and general
biosensing elements as they are chemically stable, readily signaling-probe displacement electrochemical aptamer-based
available, with high purity, and ease of modification in biosensor sensor (SD-EAB, Fig. 1), capable of reagentless detection of
design [13,14]. kanamycin A with high sensitivity, selectivity, extremely broad
As the discovery of anti-kanamycin A aptamers, several dynamic ranges, and good tolerance of nonspecific adsorption.
aptamer-based kanamycin A biosensors including colorimetric Compared to the TREAS and EIS-AB, SD-EAB is also simple in
[15,16], fluorescent [17], luminescent [18], and electrochemical design and generalizable while it has several advantages. First, the
sensors [19–21] have been recently reported (Table 1). However, signal change of SD-EAB is induced only by the affinity binding
these sensors have some of the following problems that limit their between an aptamer and its target and completely independent of
practical applications: narrow dynamic range [15,17–21], compli- the conformational state of the aptamer before and after binding
cated sensor preparation process [20,21], or requirement of with target. The signal change of TREAS still highly relies on the
enzymatic reactions for signal amplification [16]. conformational state of the aptamer binding with its target
Target induced strand displacement is one of the most widely because it determines the distance between the redox moiety and
used signal transduction strategy in aptamer-based sensors for the electrode and therefore has a strong impact on the sensitivity.
fluorescent [22,23], colorimetric [24,25], and electrochemical The small increase of the distance can cause orders of magnitude
[26,27] detection of DNAs, proteins, ions, and small molecules. decrease of the electron exchange rate and therefore seriously
Typically, in those sensors, a short complementary DNA strand is confound the sensitivity of the sensor. Similarly, the impedance
hybridized with a DNA aptamer. A target can specifically bind with change of EIS-AB is not only determined by the amount of
the aptamer and induce the displacement of the complementary aptamers or the short complementary probes that are displaced,
strand, causing a corresponding signal change for quantitative but also strongly interfered by target itself or contaminants that
detection of the target. Among these methods, electrochemical
aptamer-based sensors (EAB) have attracted extensive attention
because they possess many properties that are required for on-site
applications: operational simplicity, high sensitivity, portability,
and low cost [26–30]. For example, Xiao et al. reported the first
target induced strand displacement-based EAB sensor for signal-
on detection of thrombin, where a short methylene blue (MB)-
tagged oligonucleotide hybridized partially with an anti-thrombin
aptamer and partially with a DNA sequence linking the aptamer to
the electrode. Thrombin binds with the aptamer and induces the
release of one end of MB tagged oligonucleotide to approach the
electrode surface, producing an increase of the Faradaic current
[29]. Later on, based on the similar concept, they designed an
ultrasensitive electrochemical sensor for DNA detection [30]. Fan
et al. further simplified the sensor probe design and demonstrated
a target-responsive electrochemical aptamer switch (TREAS) for
detection of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) at nanomolar concen- Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations of SD-EAB A (A) and B (B) for the detection of
tration, in which the anti-ATP aptamer dually labeled with SH and Kanamycin A. A SD-EAB is comprised of a gold electrode immobilized with DNA
ferrocene (Fc) at the two terminals was self-assembled on gold duplexes formed between (A) a thiolated aptamer capture probe and a Fc tagged
short complementary signalling probe, or (B) a thiolated short complementary
electrodes and its complementary strand then hybridized with the
capture probe and a Fc tagged aptamer signalling probe. Kanamycin A binds with an
aptamer to form the rigid duplex structure and limit the electron aptamer and induced the displacement of a short complementary (A) or an aptamer
transfer of Fc with the electrode [28]. ATP binds with its aptamer signalling probe (B).
518 R. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 516–523

are adsorbed on the electrode. Second, the design of SD-EAB is solution in buffer A. The mixture was then incubated in a 95  C
general for all aptamers regardless the length of them. Third, SD- water-bath for 10 min and slowly cooled down to the room
EAB is extremely sensitive due to the physical separation of redox temperature. Subsequently, to the mixture added 1 mL of TCEP
moiety from the electrode after the strand is displaced, attributing (10 mM, stock solution) and the mixture was kept for 1 h. The
to its much better tolerance of the nonspecific adsorption of targets cleaned gold electrode was then immersed in the above solution
and other contaminants on the electrode. In contrast, EIS-AB for 12 h, followed by the incubation in 1 mM MCH for 1 h. Finally,
suffers from the strong interference from the nonspecific adsorp- the functionalized electrode was stored at 4  C in buffer A prior to
tion of targets and other contaminants, leading to seriously use.
confound sensitivity.
2.4. Electrochemical measurements
2. Material and methods
All electrochemical measurements including square-wave
2.1. Materials voltammetry (SWV), chronocoulometry (CC), and electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were performed on a multichannel
Oligonucleotides were synthesized and purified via HPLC by potentiostat (VMP3, France) at room temperature, using a three-
Takara Biotechnology Co. (Dalian, China). All DNA strands were electrode system consisting of the DNA-modified gold electrode as
confirmed by mass spectrometry and the sequences are listed in the working electrode, a saturated calomel reference electrode
Table 2. All DNAs were dissolved in RNase-free water at 100 mM (SCE), and a platinum wire as counter electrode. SWV was
and stored at 80  C. Kanamycin A, kanamycin B, ampicillin, performed in buffer A within the potential range from 0.3 to
sulfadimethoxine, and tetracycline were all bought from National 0.7 V under a modulation amplitude of 25 mV and a scan rate of
Standard Substances Center (Beijing, China). Mercaptohexanol 50 mV/s with a step potential of 1 mV for all the detections. The
(MCH), Tris-(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP) and sensors were immersed in 200 mL buffer A containing targets at
hexaammineruthenium(III) chloride (RuHex) were purchased various concentrations for 30 min. The electrodes were then rinsed
from Sigma–Aldrich and used as received. All other reagents were with buffer A prior to the electrochemical measurements. CC
of analytical grade. RNase-free water was purchased from Takara measurements were performed in the absence and presence of
Biotechnology. All solutions were prepared with Milli-Q water 50 mM RuHex in 10 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.4) while holding the
(18.2 MV cm1) from a Millipore system. potential at 0.3 V vs SCE for 1 s. A negative potential was applied
to the working electrode to facilitate the reduction reaction of
2.2. Gold electrode cleaning RuHex.
EIS was performed in buffer A containing 5 mM Fe(CN)63/Fe
The electrode was polished carefully to a mirror-like surface (CN)64 in the frequency range from 0.03 Hz to 200 kHz with 10 mV
with 1, 0.3, and 0.05 mm Al2O3 powder on a microcloth (Shanghai as the amplitude before and after the sensors were incubated with
Chenhua, China) for 5 min and sonicated in both ethanol and buffer A containing targets at various concentrations for 30 min. All
ultrapure water respectively for 5 min to remove residual Al2O3. the SWV and EIS measurements were performed at 37  C, unless
The electrode was then cleaned by electrochemical polishing with otherwise specified.
35 successive cyclic voltammetry (CV) scans from 0.4 V to +1.2 V
(vs. Hg-Hg2SO4) in 0.5 M H2SO4 at 100 mV/s. 3. Results and discussion

2.3. Fabrication of SD-EABs 3.1. Design of SD-EAB

For the preparation of SD-EAB A (Fig. 1A), A-SH at 1 mM was Conceptually, similarly to the probe designs for EIS-AB [26,27],
mixed with TCEP at 100 mM in a buffer A (10 mM phosphate buffer there are two types of probe designs for SD-EAB as shown in Fig. 1:
(pH 7.0) /1.0 M NaCl /5 mM MgCl2) for 1 h. The cleaned gold either thiolated aptamer (A-SH, Table 2, Fig. 1A) or its short
electrode was then immersed in the above solution for 12 h, complementary probe (C-SH, Table 2, Fig. 1B) is served as the
followed by incubation in 2 mM MCH for 1 h. After that, the capture probe permanently attached to the gold electrode through
electrode was rinsed thoroughly with buffer A, followed by Au-S interaction. The Fc tagged short complementary probe (C-Fc,
incubation with 0.5 mM C-Fc in buffer A for 2 h. The functionalized Table 2, Fig. 1A) or aptamer (A-Fc, Table 2, Fig. 1B) signaling probe is
electrode was stored at 4  C in buffer A prior to use. As the then hybridized to the capture probe to form a duplex. Fc is close to
preparation of SD-EAB B (Fig. 1B), the same process was used the electrode surface, thus can efficiently exchange electrons with
except that A-SH and C-Fc were replaced by C-SH and A-Fc the underlying electrodes and generates high current. In the
(Table 2), respectively. presence of target, the signaling probe is displaced due to the
For the preparation of SD-EAB C, the following process was competitive binding of the aptamer with the target, resulting in a
utilized. One micro litter of A-SH stock solution (100 mM) and 5 mL measurable decrease of the current that is quantitatively related to
C-Fc stock solution (100 mM) were mixed to prepare 100 mL of the concentration of the target (Fig. 1).

Table 2
Probes used in this study

Name Sequence (from 50 to 30 ) Description

C-Fc Fc-(CH2)6-GTGACTCGGCTT signaling probe in SD-EAB A
C-SH HS-(CH2)6-TATGTGACTCGGCTT capture probe in SD-EAB B
C GTGACTCGGCTT signaling probe in EIS-AB A

Fc: ferrocene.
R. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 516–523 519

In this study, we employed an in vitro selected 21-base anti- By using SD-EAB A, kanamycin A as low as 1 nM was statistically
kanamycin A DNA aptamer [15] to fabricate the two sensors as detected, which was 5–10 times more sensitive than other
shown in Fig. 1: SD-EAB A and B. The position of the duplex was reported electrochemical kanamycin sensors and comparable to
arranged at the 30 end of the aptamer due to the presence of five the immunoassays [6–8] and chromatography-based standard
consecutive deoxyguanosines (G) at 50 end of the aptamer that methods [2–5] (Table 1). Importantly, the dynamic ranges of SD-
would cause the increased melting temperature of the duplex and EAB A ranged from 1 nM to 10 mM, 2–5 orders of magnitudes
the difficulty of the target induced displacement. Considering the wilder than other reported kanamycin A sensors (Table 1). The high
high G/C percentage of the aptamer, a six bases short sequence (50 - sensitivity and extraordinary broad dynamic range of SD-EAB A
AGTCAC-30 ) was extended at the 30 end of the aptamer to hybridize should be contributed to the physical separation of the redox
with the six bases of the short complimentary strand. Only six moiety from the electrode which produces the high absolute
bases of the aptamer are hybridized with the short complimentary current changes [31] and the exceptionally high sensitivity of
strand to ensure the successes of the target induced displacement. electrochemical current measurement techniques such as SWV
Thus, a total of 12 bases of capture and signaling probe are and DPV. Our previous studies have demonstrated that the linear
hybridized. A three more bases (TAT) were added as the spacer dynamic range of an electrochemical Hg2+ sensor (10 pM–100 mM)
between the thiol group and the capture aptamer or short [31] was 4 orders of magnitude wilder than its fluorescent
complimentary strand to avoid the possible steric hindrance counterpart (10 nM–10 mM) [32]. The semi-log dependence of the
between the electrode surface and the capture strand. calibration curves is quite common in electrochemical current
measurements that are conducted on electrode surface [30,31,33–
3.2. Detection of kanamycin A using SD-EAB 35]. We believe that the surface effect plays a significant role here.
It is possibly due to the fact that the concentration decrease of the
The detection of kanamycin A was conducted using SD-EAB A free probes attached to the electrode is much greater than that of
and B, respectively. We found that the signal reached level-off after its counterparts in the homogeneous solution when the probes are
30 min’s incubation with the sample at 37  C and therefore all the challenged with targets. The wide dynamic range enables the
data at different target concentrations were collected under these application of SD-EAB in wide concentration range and therefore
conditions. As shown in Fig. 2, the overall performance of SD-EAB A avoids the tedious dilution or pre-concentration step. SD-EAB is a
in sensitivity and signal linearity as the function of the logarithm of reagentless sensor, enabling the detection of kanamycin A in a very
target concentration was much better than that of SD-EAB B. For simple way, while the additional reagents are still required for
both sensors, the peak current near 0.2 V corresponding to the most reported recently methods during the detection process
oxidation peak of Fc, measured by SWV, gradually decreased as the (Table 1). In addition, the similar trend at room temperature was
increase of the concentration of kanamycin A. For SD-EAB A, a nice observed: the current decrease was also proportional to the
linear relationship between the relative current changes and the concentration of kanamycin at room temperature. However, the
logarithm of the concentration of kanamycin A with the correlation sensitivity of SD-EAB at 37  C was about 100 times lower than that
coefficient of 0.996 was observed in the concentration from 1 nM at room temperature (Fig. 2C, 2D), probably contributed to the
to 100 mM (Fig. 2A, 2D). Surprisingly, the detection limit of SD-EAB lower binding affinity between the capture and signaling probe at
B was only 0.5 mM, 500 times higher than that of SD-EAB A (Fig. 2B, the higher temperature. The wide temperature operation window
2D). The relationship between the relative current changes and the of SD-EAB adds additional value for on-site applications.
logarithm of the concentration of kanamycin A from 0.5 mM to In order to understand the reasons that cause the huge
10 mM was not linear any more. difference in sensor performance, we respectively characterized

Fig. 2. A direct comparison between SD-EAB A and B for the detection of kanamycin A as shown in SWV curves (A, B, and C) and the calibration curves (D). (A) and (C) were the
SWV curves of SD-EAB A collected at 37  C and room temperature, respectively. (B) was the SWV curves of SD-EAB B collected at 37  C. The calibration curves (a), (b), and (c)
shown in (D) were corresponding to Fig. (A), (B), and (C), respectively. The data reported are averages of three individual experiments. The percent signal decrease on the
ordinate of the calibration curves was calculated by the equation: signal % = (I0-I)/I0  100%. Here I denotes the peak current at the presence of target and I0 denotes the blank
current (0 nM target).
520 R. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 516–523

Table 3
The surface characterization of SD-EAB A and B.

SD-EAB Capture probe density (probes/cm2)a Capture Probe spacing (nm)b Hybridization efficiency (%)c Signaling probe density (probes/cm2) Aptamer density
A 1.6  0.1  1012 7.9  0.3 92.0  6.4 1.5  0.1 1012 1.6  0.1 1012
B 4.4  0.4  1012 4.8  0.2 33.1  0.2 1.5  0.1 1012 1.5  0.1 1012
measured and calculated from the four repeated standard chronocoulometry measurements (Fig. S-1, -2, SI). [31,36].
calculated according to the probe density. We assume that all the probes were uniformly immobilized on the electrode with a square footprint. Each probe’s footprint is
equal to the reciprocal of the capture probe density, and the probe spacing is equal to the square root of the footprint.
calculated according to the probe density before and after hybridization (Fig. S-1, -2, SI) [31,36].

the densities of the capture probes, signaling probes, and aptamers surface (as the capture probe) may also facilitate its conformation
on the electrodes for SD-EAB A and B, respectively, using the change upon binding to the analyte and the strand displacement.
standard chronocoulometry (CC) methods (Table 3) [31,36]. The
detailed procedure and equations were well described in the 3.3. Selectivity tests of SD-EAB A
reference [31,36]. Specifically, the capture probe (A-SH in SD-EAB A
or C-SH in SD-EAB B) density was 1.6  0.1 1012 and We challenged our SD-EAB A sensor with several common used
4.4  0.4  1012 probes/cm2 (Fig. S-1, -2, Supporting Information antibiotics that have either very similar or completely different
(SI)), respectively, corresponding well to the literature reported chemical structures with kanamycin A.
data [31,37]. The shorter probes usually have the higher density SD-EAB A possessed excellent selectivity against kanamycin B,
under the same immobilization conditions. The measured the structural analogues of kanamycin A, and other types of
hybridization efficiency for A-SH in SD-EAB A or C-SH in SD-EAB antibiotics including ampicillin, sulfadimethoxine, and tetracy-
B was 92.0  6.4 and 33.1  0.2 % (Fig. S-1, -2, SI), respectively. The cline, even at high concentrations. Specifically, as shown in Fig. 3,
much lower hybridization efficiency of C-SH in SD-EAB B should be when SD-EAB A was respectively challenged with these targets at
mainly due to their high density [38]. Eventually, the signaling 100 mM, 51.2% current decrease was observed in the presence of
probes with the same density (1.5  0.1 1012 probes/cm2) were kanamycin A. In sharp contrast, only 0  9.4 and 2.2  6.8% of
formed in SD-EAB A and B (Table 3). The densities of the aptamers current decreases were detected in the presence of sulfadime-
in SD-EAB A and B were also very similar: 1.6  0.1 1012 and thoxine and tetracycline, respectively. Interestingly, 9.8  1.0 and
1.5  0.1 1012 probes/cm2, respectively. However, the probe spac- 6.6  1.6% of current increases were detected in the presence of
ing between the two close-by capture probes of SD-EAB B kanamycin B and ampicillin, respectively. The sensor still possesses
(4.8  0.2 nm) was much smaller than that of SD-EAB A high selectivity at very high target concentrations (1 mM). It is
(7.9  0.3 nm), which may interfere the efficient binding of quite amazing that SD-EAB can easily differentiate kanamycin A
aptamers with their targets and the release of the aptamer-target from kanamycin B by showing the totally opposite signal changes,
complexes due to steric hindrance. In addition, kanamycin A is an which has never been achieved by any reported kanamycin
aminoglycoside antibiotic that has four amine groups per molecule sensors.
and is positively charged in the detection buffer A. Thus, the We reasoned that such an unprecedented selectivity was due to
nonspecific adsorption of kanamycin A on the negatively charged the following two factors. First, the pre-blocking of the binding
DNA probes should exist. The stronger nonspecific adsorption is sites of kanamycin aptamer by a short complementary strand
expected on the electrode surface of SD-EAB B with the higher DNA favors the improvement of the selectivity of the sensor similar to
probe density, which may interfere with the sensitivity of the the strategies used for the improved single mismatch detections
sensor. [40,41]. The 21-base anti-kanamycin A aptamer used in this study
To confirm if the steric hindrance is one of the critical factors possesses a higher affinity for kanamycin A (reported dissociation
attributed to the low sensitivity of SD-EAB B, we used the one-step constant, Kd = 78.8 nM) than for its structural analogue kanamycin
immobilization of pre-hybridized duplexes to fabricate a SD-EAB C B (Kd = 84.5 nM) [15]. The small affinity differences among them
that has the same probe design as that of SD-EAB B, but has the can be enlarged by lowering the free energy of the aptamer via
much lower capture probe spacing than that of SD-EAB B [39]. hybridizing with a short complimentary strand [42,43]. In another
Specifically, C-SH and A-Fc (Table 2) was mixed at the molar ratio of word, kanamycin B couldn't effectively bind with anti-kanamycin
1 to 5 in the hybridization buffer to ensure the formation of duplex. apatmer and induce the displacement of the signaling probe in SD-
The measured duplex density was 1.4  0.1 1012 probes/cm2 EAB while kanamycin A did. Therefore, no current decrease was
(Fig. S-3, SI), which was much lower than the density of C-SH in
SD-EAB B (4.4  0.4  1012 probes/cm2, Table 3). The density of both
signaling probes and aptamers on the electrode for SD-EAB C was
very close to the values for SD-EAB B (1.5  0.1 1012 probes/cm2,
Table 3). The calculated probe spacing between the two close-by
duplexes of SD-EAB C was 8.6  0.2 nm, even slightly greater than
that of SD-EAB A (7.9  0.3 nm). However, the detection limit of SD-
EAB C was still 0.5 mM (Fig. S-4), as same as that of SD-EAB B. The
data suggested that the steric hindrance and the nonspecific
adsorption of kanamycin A should not be the major reasons that
caused the low sensitivity of SD-EAB B. We suspect that the release
of the aptamer-kanamycin A complexes from the electrode surface
might be much more difficult than that of the short complemen-
Fig. 3. The selectivity tests of SD-EAB A against its structural analogue kanamycin B
tary probes due to their bigger sizes and the binding affinity
(Kan B), and other types of antibiotics including ampicillin (Amp), sulfadimethoxine
between positively charged kanamycin A and the negatively (Sul), and tetracycline (Tet). The data reported are averages of three individual
charged probes. The stable attachment of aptamer on sensor experiments.
R. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 516–523 521

observed in the presence of kanamycin B. Second, the nonspecifi- however, the impedance changes were not proportional to the
cally adsorbed aminoglycoside antibiotics can accelerate electron concentration of target (Fig. 4C).
transfer rate and cause the current increases due to the electro- The performances of these EIS-AB sensors rely on the following
activity of them [19,44]. On the basis of these two unique two opposite effects. First, the release of the signaling probes
properties, the current was increased in the presence of kanamycin causes the decrease of impedance of the electrode. Second,
B. Thus, SD-EAB A owns the outstanding selectivity to enable the kanamycin A is positively charged under the detection condition
easy differentiation of kanamycin A from kanamycin B by showing and can nonspecifically adsorb on the electrode surface. The
opposite current changes. nonspecific adsorption of kanamycin A causes the increase of
impedance. In addition, the conformational changes of aptamers
3.4. Comparison of SD-EAB with EIS-AB upon their binding with kanamycin A may also cause the block of
the electrode surface and cause the increase of the impedance. In
The EIS-ABs first reported by Willner and Dong are quite EIS-AB B, the signaling probe (aptamer) was much longer than the
attractive label-free techniques due to their simple probe designs one (short complimentary strand) in EIS-AB A, causing a greater
[26,27]. For direct comparison with our SD-EABs, we fabricated decrease of impedance of the electrode at the same concentration
EIS-AB A and B under the same conditions as used for SD-EAB A of kanamycin A. In EIS-AB A, the displacement of the short
and B except that the label-free signaling probes (short complimentary strand caused the smaller decrease of the
complementary probe C and anti-kanamycin aptamer A, Table 2) impedance of the electrode compared to EIS-AB B. Thus the
were used to replace the Fc tagged ones. Either the two-step nonspecific adsorption of kanamycin A had a stronger effect on
immobilization process as shown in Fig. 1 or the one-step the performance of EIS-AB A, leading to the failure of the sensor.
immobilization of the preformed duplexes was used for the Therefore, the performance of EIS-AB B was in general better than
fabrication of EIS-AB A and B. EIS measurements were then that of EIS-AB A. Kanamycin A is positively charged under the
conducted after the sensors were incubated with kanamycin A or detection condition, which caused its stronger nonspecific
other antibiotics at various concentrations. Theoretically, the adsorption on the electrode surface with higher DNA probe
impedance of the sensors should all decrease as the increase of density as shown in Fig. 4A and 4B. The measured impedance of
the target concentration. EIS-AB B prepared via the two-step immobilization process
However, in sharp contrast to SD-EAB A, the two EIS-AB A (5627 V, Fig. 4C) was much higher than that of EIS-AB B prepared
sensors prepared under the two different immobilization con- via the one-step immobilization process (3600 V, Fig. 4D),
ditions all failed the detection of kanamycin A, showing the implying the higher amount of DNA was immobilized on the
random increase of the impedance as the increase of the target electrode of EIS-AB B prepared via the two-step immobilization
concentration (Fig. 4A and 4B). While the two EIS-AB B sensors process. Therefore, the strong nonspecific adsorption of kanna-
prepared under the two different immobilization conditions were mycin A is expected on the electrode of EIS-AB B prepared via the
all able to specifically response to the presence of kanamycin A. The two-step immobilization process, resulting in the worse perfor-
impedance of the sensors all decreased in the presence of mance of sensor compared to EIS-AB B prepared via the one-step
kanamycin A (Fig. 4C and 4D). However, only the EIS-AB B immobilization process. The strong nonspecific adsorption of
prepared via the one-step immobilization of the preformed kanamycin A at the high concentration range resulted in the
duplexes achieved the quantitative and selective detection of narrow dynamic range of EIS-AB B.
kanamycin A with a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 1 mM and a narrow We also measured the selectivity of EIS-AB B prepared via the
dynamic range from 1 to 100 mM (Fig. 4D). The EIS-AB B prepared one-step immobilization process. The 23% and 6.3% of the
via the two-step immobilization process did showed impedance impedance decrease were observed in the presence of kanamycin
decrease in the presence of kanamycin A at varied concentrations; A and B at 100 mM, respectively. The same signal changes were also

Fig. 4. Nyquist plots of EIS-AB A (A, B) and B (C, D) for the detection of kanamycin A. EIS measurements were conducted before (blank) and after incubation with kanamycin A
at continuously increased concentrations, respectively. EIS-AB A and B are the counterparts of SD-EAB A and B, being prepared via either a two-step immobilization process as
shown in Fig. 1 (A and C) or a one-step immobilization of preformed duplexes (B and D). The data reported are averages of three individual experiments.
522 R. Liu et al. / Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 516–523

Fig. 5. The SWV curves (A) and the calibration curve (B, &) for the detection of kanamycin A in lake water using SD-EAB A. The calibration curve obtained in DI water was also
shown in B (*) for comparison. The data reported are averages of three individual experiments.

observed in the presence of kanamycin A and B at 1 mM, target complex on the electrode may add the difficulty in sensor
respectively. The data suggested that EIS-AB had the lower regeneration. However, just like the widely used glucose test strips,
selectivity compared to SD-EAB. many types of single-use electrode have been developed recently.
From the direct comparison between SD-EAB and EIS-AB, it is We believe that SD-EAB is a valuable addition to EAB family and
clear that SD-EAB possesses the much better sensitivity, selectivity, will find its practical applications due to its advantages described
and the much better tolerance to the interference from the above.
nonspecific adsorption than its counterpart sensor EIS-AB.
3.5. Detection kanamycin in lake water by SD-EAB
We are grateful for financial support from the National Natural
We chose the lake water (from The Summer’s Palace, Beijing) to Science Foundation (21305093, 20975108), National key scientific
examine the practical applicability of our SD-EAB A in environ- instrument and equipment development plan (2012YQ030111),
mental monitoring. A linear relationship between the logarithm of Beijing City Talent Training Aid Program (2012D005016000004),
concentration of kanamycin A and the signal decrease percentage Program for the Young Talents of Higher Learning Institutions in
with a high correlation efficiency (R2 = 0.994) was obtained in the Beijing (CIT&TCD201304145) and Special Fund of State Key Joint
range from 1 nM to 10 mM (Fig. 5). The signal decrease percentage Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control
at each concentration of kanamycin A in lake water was all slightly (13K03ESPCT).
smaller than that in DI water. The slopes of the two calibration
curves measured in DI water and in lake water were very similar Appendix A. Supplementary data
(Fig. 5B). The results clearly demonstrated the potential applica-
tions of SD-EAB A in real environmental water. Supplementary data associated with this article can
be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
4. Conclusions electacta.2015.09.140.

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