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API 571 - Exam #1 Study

API 571 - Exam #1

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Hydriding is a damage mechanism that is unique to a few

zirconium materials including alloys of titanium and

Hydriding of titanium is a metallurgical phenomenon in

which ________ diffuses into the titanium and
hydrogen ductility reacts to form an embrittling hydride phase. This can result
in a complete loss of ________ with no
noticeable sign of corrosion or loss in thickness.

Titanium Hydriding occurs in specific environments at

165 3 8 H2S temperatures above _____°F and at a pH below ____, pH
above ____ or neutral pH with high _____ content.

The solubility of hydrogen in pure titanium and alpha-beta

alloys is limited (50 - _____ ppm) and once this is exceeded,
300 2000
hydride is formed. Beta alloys, on the other hand, are
more tolerant of hydrogen and ______ ppm can be tolerated.

_______ _______ primarily occurs in sour water strippers and

amine units in overhead condensers, heat exchanger
Titanium Hydriding
tubes, piping and other equipment operating above about

HTHA can affect _____ _____ in very high pressure steam

Boiler tubes

HTHA affects hydrogen cleanup units, such as ______ ______

pressure swing
absorption units,

300 Series SS, as well as 5Cr, 9Cr and 12 Cr alloys, are not
HTHA susceptible to _ _ _ _ at conditions
normally seen in refinery units.

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API 571 -hours

#1 The HTHA incubation period varies from a few _____ to
many ______.

Mo The alloys in the C-0.5___ series are susceptible to HTHA.

In HTHA, hydrogen reacts with ______ in steel to form ______

carbides methane carbide which cannot diffuse through steel. The loss of ______ causes
a loss in strength.

In HTHA, methane builds up to form bubbles or _____, ________

cavities microfissures
and fissures that combine to form cracks.

Visual inspection for blisters on the inside surface may

methane indicate _____ formation and potential

In clad vessels, in particular, HTHA damage can occur in

base metal at locations where cladding has become ______ .
disbonded bulging
______ of the cladding away from the underlying base metal
may be a tell tale sign that HTHA has occurred.

With HTHA, in-situ metallography can only detect ________,

fissuring and decarburization near the surface.
microfissuring decarburized
However, most equipment has ________ surfaces due to the
various heat treatments used during fabrication.

Ultrasonic techniques using a combination of velocity ratio

and _____ have been the most successful
in finding fissuring and/or serious cracking. HTHA damage
AUBT microvoids 1500
can only be found using these techniques if damage has
progressed to the point where ______ would be visible at a
magnification of ______X or lower.

To prevent HTHA, use alloy steels with chromium and

_______ to increase carbide stability thereby minimizing ______
molybdenum methane vanadium
formation. Other carbide stabilizing elements include
tungsten and ______.

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API 571 - Exam #1 For HTHA, normal design practice is to use a ____°F to ____°F
safety factor approach when using the API RP 941 curves.
25 50 10000 (The curves are reasonably conservative for carbon steel
up to about _______ psi hydrogen partial

As a result of the problems with the 0.5 Mo alloy steels,

hot the material is not recommended for new construction in
____ hydrogen services. HTHA

HTHA damage may occur randomly in welds or weld ______

HAZ as well as the base metal, making detection of HTHA in
susceptible materials extremely difficult.

____ Series SS _____ and/or roll bond clad material is used in

300 overlay hydrogen service where the base metal does not have
adequate sulfidation resistance.

HTHA cracking and fissuring are _____ and occur adjacent to

intergranular pearlite
______ (iron carbide) areas in carbon steels.

In later stages of HTHA damage, _______ and/or fissures can

decarburization microscope be seen by examining samples under a _______ and may
sometimes be seen by in-situ metallography.

300 Series SS, as well as ___Cr, ___Cr and ____ Cr alloys, are
5 9 12 not susceptible to HTHA at conditions normally seen in
refinery units.

toughness 885 Embrittlement causes a loss in __________.

What am i?

A metallurgical change in alloys with a ferrite phase from

885 embrittlement
exposure to 600°F to 1000°F.

_________ ___________

With 885 Embrittlement, which element content is the

most critical factor regarding alloy composition?

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API 571 - Exam #1 Toughness loss with 885 Embrittlement occurs in which
temperature range? choose digit

1 1. During startups/shutdowns
2. At very high operating temperature
3. Between 600°F and 1000°F
4. At 885°F

Most refiners limit ______ stainless steels to non-pressure

ferritic boundary applications, where 885°F Embrittlement is a

With 885°F Embrittlement, damage is cumulative and

results from the precipitation of an embrittling _______ phase
intermetallic that occurs most readily at 885°F.
(Additional time is required to reach maximum
embrittlement at temperatures above or below 885°F)

885°F Embrittlement
A dramatic increase in the ductile-to-brittle transition
temperature will occur with increasing amounts of ______

885°F Embrittlement is a metallurgical change not readily

metallography impact test apparent with __________ but can be confirmed with bend or
______ ______ing.

The existence of 885°F Embrittlement can be identified

by an increase in ________ in affected areas.

Most 885°F Embrittlement failures occur in the form of

crack 200
_____ing when the material is below about _____°F.

In Sigma Phase Embrittlement, exposure time to PHWT

Cr Mo temperatures should be limited for stainless steel weld
overlay clad ___-___ components.

Although NOT practical, 300 Series SS can be de-

1950 4 sigmatized by solution annealing at ____°F for ____ hours,
followed by a water quench.

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API 571 - Exam #1 What am I? (______ ______ ______)

1. The best way to prevent me is by using alloys that are

sigma phase embrittlement 2. Avoid exposing the material to the embrittling range
3. 17% Chrome or higher makes me susceptible in the 400
Series SS.
4. I also affect Duplex and 300 Series including HK and HP

Sigma phase in welds can be minimized by controlling

5 9 304 ferrite in the range of __% to __% for Type 347 SS, and
somewhat less for type _____.

In susceptible alloys, the primary factor for sigma phase

formation is time of exposure at elevated __________s.

Sigma phase occurs in the range of _____°F to ____°F, in which

1. Ferritic (Fe-Cr)
1000 1700 1 2 3 4
2. Martensitic (Fe-Cr)
3. Austenitic (Fe-Cr-Ni)
4. Duplex

The 300 Series SS can exhibit about ___% to ___% sigma

10 15 cast
phase. ______ austenitic SS can exhibit a lot more.

Heat exchanger tubes operating >600°F can cause 885

Embrittlement in ______ SS.

885°F Embrittlement can be prevented by using alloys

with low, or no __________ content.

Which grade of SS is not affected by 885 Embrittlement?

300 Series SS
_____ ________ ___

885 Embrittlement typically causes cracking when

409 410 vacuum repairing bent, upset towers of Type _____ and _____ material.
(Often occurs with ______ tower trays of this material.)

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API 571 - Exam

#1 Special _ _ techniques are reported to assist with detecting
hydriding damage.

Titanium should not be used in known ________ services such

hydriding amine
as ______ or sour water.

When hydriding is promoted by galvanic contact, the

problem can be solved by using only _________ material, or
titanium titanium
by electrically isolating the material from non-_______

Eliminating the galvanic couple may not prevent titanium

alkaline sour water
hydriding in _____ _____ _____ environments.

Titanium Hydriding -
2000 Beta alloys are more tolerant of hydrogen and ______ ppm
can be tolerated.

Name this damage mechanism

Heat exchanger tubes become embrittled and may remain
titanium hydriding
intact until the bundle is removed. The tubes crack as the
bundle flexes.

Titanium Hydriding
crack When attempting to re-roll exchanger tubes, it may cause
the tubes to _______.

In titanium service, bundle tubes show significant amount

of ________ when ignition or fire has occurred.

When components are placed in a vice, embrittled

components will crack and/or shatter with little or no sign
titanium hydriding of ductility.
This component is likely affected by
_______ ______.

Cathodically protected equipment with protection

titanium hydriding potentials below 0.9 SCE can be easily affected by
_______ _______

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API 571 - Exam #1 Hydriding can also occur in hydrogen atmospheres at

350 oxygen temperatures >_____°F, especially in the absence of moisture
or _________

Damage Mechanism : _________ _________

Damage occurring primarily in sour water strippers and

titanium hydriding titanium
amine units in the overhead condensers,
heat exchanger tubes, piping and other ________ equipment
operating above about 165°F.

Beta alloys are tolerant of hydrogen up to about _______


_______ is formed when hydrogen exceeds _____ to _____ ppm

hydride 50 300 alpha beta
when using titanium alloys, and _____-_____ alloys.

When ______ is accidentally embedded into the surface of

iron hydriding
titanium during fabrication, _________ may occur.

Galvanic contact between titanium and more active

hydriding materials such as carbon steel and 300 Series SS
promotes _______.

Corrosion of iron and iron sulfide scale in the process

hydrogen streams brought in from upstream units can result in ________

Embrittlement occurs over a period of time as hydrogen is

absorbed by the component and reacts to
form ________ hydride phases.
embrittling ductility

The depth and extent of hydriding will continue to

increase until a complete loss of ______ results.

Other than mechanical crushing and bending, Titanium

hydriding can be verified from ___________ examination.

ASTM A193 B7M blots are susceptible to ______ ______

hydrogen stress
cracking when overtorqued.

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API 571 - Exam

#1 Hydrogen Stress Cracking produces surface breaking
cracks, usually associated with _______.

Hydrogen Stress Cracking can only be confirmed through

metallographic intergranular
________ examination. The cracking will be _________ in nature.

To prevent Hydrogen Stress Cracking, use Carbon Steels

with a CE of less than ______.

Instead of using B7M bolting grades, Hydrogen Stress

Cracking can be prevented by using ____ bolts.

_______ may be used to reduce hardness and stress that

render a steel susceptible to SCC.

Hydrogen Stress Cracking can be prevented by producing

welds < ____ HB.
200 237
These steels are not susceptible to SCC unless localized
zones of hardness above ____ HB are present.

____ strength, ____ alloy steels such as ________ components

high low compressor and A913-B7 bolts are susceptible to Hydrogen Stress

The 3 S's are the critical factors in Hydrogen Stress

hardness strength stress 1. Steel _______
2. _______
3. _______

Hard microstructures, causing Hydrogen Stress Cracking

low HAZ
may result from ____ heat input welds in the ____ area.

Hydrogen Stress Cracking

Zones of high hardness can be found on the ______ side in
process tempered
weld cover passes and attachment welds that are not _______
(softened) by subsequent passes.

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API 571 - Exam #1 ____ ____ (type of material) is not susceptible to Hydrogen
alloy 400 intergranular Stress Cracking, but may be susceptible to ________ cracking
in the non-stress relieved condition.

______ testing is the best method to determine the

hardness WFMT susceptibility of material to Hydrogen Stress Cracking.
_ _ _ _ may be used to detect surface breaking cracks.

Hydrogen Stress Cracking is the same mechanism that is

responsible for sulfide SCC in wet H2S
HF acid
environments except that ____ ____ is generating the

Hydrogen Stress Cracking

Alloy ______ or _______ coatings provide an effective barrier to
cladding nonmetallic
protect the steel surface from hydrogen permeation to
prevent cracking.

Hydrogen Stress Cracking produces highly localized

HF acid zones of high hardness in the weld metal and HAZ as a
result of exposure to aqueous _ _ ____ environments.

Hydrogen Stress Cracking is a form of environmental

carbon cracking that can initiate on the surface of high strength
low alloy steels and _____steels.

Hydrogen Stress Cracking may occur very rapidly, within

hours HF _____ after exposure to the ____ environment, or considerable
time may pass before cracking initiates.

The critical factors in Steam Blanketing are:

flux flow 1. Heat ______
2. Fluid ______

With Steam Blanketing, internal steam pressure at

hoop stress
elevated temperatures causes ________ ________ in the tube.

With Steam Blanketing, tube rupture will occur quickly

once a _ _ _ condition has developed.

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API 571 - Exam

#1 To prevent Steam Blanketing, proper _ _ _ treatment can
help to prevent restricted fluid flow.

With Steam Blanketing, anything restricting fluid flow on

the water side can lead to _ _ _ conditions.
DNB slag pinhole ie:
- Dented tubes from _____ falls
- _______ leaks lower in the steam circuit

An open-burst appearance, with fracture edges drawn to

a near knife edge is typically seen with which damage
steam blanketing
_______ _______

The micro-structure in Steam Blanketing damage shows

elongation plastic severe grain _______ due to the ______ deformation at time of

Steam Blanketing
Flame impingement from misdirected or damaged burners
heat flux
can provide a ______ ______ which is greater than the steam
generating tube can accommodate.

_____ _____ may also cause caustic corrosion (or caustic

steam blanketing

Damage Mechanism = ______ ______

Steam Blanketing Failures can occur in superheaters & reheaters during
startup when condensate blocks the steam flow.

Steam Blanketing occurs in ALL ______-generating units,

- _ _ _ units
steam FCC hydrogen waste sulphur - ________ reformers
- fired boilers
- _____ heat exchangers in _______ plants

Steam Blanketing
Flame impingement from misdirected/damaged burners
heat flux
can cause a greater _____ _____ than the generating tube can

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API 571 - Exam #1 Steam Blanketing

Flow of heat _______ through tube wall causes forming of _____
bubbles (______ ______) on the ID surface. The moving fluid
energy steam nucleate boiling DNB
sweeps bubbles away. When the heat flow balance is
disturbed, the individual bubbles form a steam blanket. (_ _

Short Term Overheating - Stress Rupture

To prevent, use burners with a more ______ flame pattern.

Short Term Overheating - Stress Rupture

3 10
Bulging usually on the order of ___% to ___% or more.

With Short Term Overheating - Stress Rupture,

hot localized fouling/deposits can be controlled to minimize ____ spots,
and ______ overheating.

Which damage mechanism is characterized by an 'open-

fishmouth' usually accompanied by thinning?
short term overheating

_____ _____ _____

fired Stress Rupture (STO) affects all _____ heater tube materials.

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