GEO298 Diagram 4
GEO298 Diagram 4
GEO298 Diagram 4
3. What is quot;dabbingquot;?
a. A language
b. A medical procedure
c. !A dance
d. A sport
4. The average woman is 5 inches 13 centimeters shorter than the average man.
a. False
b. !True
1. Arcade Fire039;s 039;The Suburbs039; won the Album of the Year award in the 2011
a. False
b. !True
2. The music video to The Buggle039;s quot;Video Killed the Radio Starquot; was the
first music video to broadcast on MTV.
a. False
b. !True
10. Who was the lead singer and frontman of rock band R.E.M?
a. George Michael
b. Chris Martin
c. !Michael Stipe
d. Thom Yorke
2. If you could fold a piece of paper in half 50 times, its039; thickness will be
34th the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
a. False
b. !True
3. To the nearest whole number, how many radians are in a whole circle?
a. !6
b. 5
c. 4
d. 3
4. What Greek letter is used to signify summation?
a. !Sigma
b. Alpha
c. Omega
d. Delta
5. E MC3
a. !False
b. True
6. The metric prefix quot;attoquot; makes a measurement how much smaller than the
base unit?
a. One Quadrillionth
b. One Septillionth
c. !One Quintillionth
d. One Billionth
7. The French mathematician Eacute;variste Galois is primarily known for his work
in which?
a. !Galois Theory
b. Galois039; Continued Fractions
c. Abelian Integration
d. Galois039; Method for PDE039;s
8. Which of these numbers is closest to the total number of possible states for an
army standard Enigma Machine?
a. 1.58 x 1018
b. 1.58 x 1022
c. !1.58 x 1020
d. 1.58 x 1024