Eel301 2022

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[ Roll No.:........................

Nationai Institute oj%chno(ogy, (])e{hi
Name of the Examination: B. Tech
Branch : EEE Semester :5
Title of the Course : Power System Analysis Course Code : EEL 302

Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 50

Section A
Attempt all question (10x1 = 10)
Q. [1) Define positive sequence impedance and negative sequence impedance.

Q. [2) For a given base voltage and base volt amperes, the per unit impedance value of an element is x.
Calculate the per unit impedance value of this element when the voltage and volt amperes bases are
both doubled.
Q. [3J Percentage reactance in power system of an element is 20% and the full-load current is 50 A,
Evaluate the short-circuit current.

Q. [4J What are the data required for load flow study.

Q. [5J What is the need for short circuit studies?

Q. [6J Distinguish between symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults with neat sketch.

Q. [7J Write the symmetrical components of a three phase system?

Q. [8J What is sequence operator?

Q. [9J Define swing curve. What is the use of this curve?

Q. [10) Define transient stability of a power system

Section B

Attempt all question (4x5 = 20)

Q. [11 J What do you understand by percentage reactance? Why do we prefer to express the reactances of
various elements in percentage values for short-circuit calculations?

Q. [12) Derive and explain the equal area criterion for stability of a power system.

Q. [13J Explain the step by step procedure of load flow solution for the Fast Decoupled Load Flow (FDLF)

Q. [14) A 3-phase transmission line operating at 10 kV and having a resistance of Iohm and reactance of 4
ohm is connected to the generating bus-bars through 5 MVA step-up transformer having a reactance
of 5%. The bus-bars are supplied by a 10 MVA alternator having 10% reactance. Calculate the short-
circuit current, if it occurs, (i) at the load end of transmission line, (ii) at the high voltage terminals of
the transformer in fig. B.


10 MVA 5%

Fig. B

Section C
Attempt all question (2xl0 = 20)

Q. [15] Figure C shows the one-line diagram of a simple three-bus power system with generation at buses I
and 3. The voltage at bus I is VI = 1.025LO°.Voltage magnitude at bus 3 is fixed at 1.03 p.u. with a
real power generation of 300 MW. A load consisting of 400 MW and 200 MvAR is taken from bus
2. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100 MVA base and line charging susceptances are
neglected. Obtain the power flow solution by the Gauss-Seidel method for the first iteration only.
Determine the line flows and line losses. Construct a power flow diagram showing the direction of
line flow.


jO.025 jO.025

400 MW 200 Mvar

Figure: C

Q. [16] Make the Jacobian matrix for network shown in figure c.

What will be the matrix size of Jacobian
and their sub-matrix J" J], J3 and J4? Also, write the step-wise solution procedure of power flow
using Newton-Raphson method forfigllre C.

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