Unit Plan 2

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Ali Özdemir

Abdelrahman Abdalla
CEIT319: Instructional Technology and Material Development
Unit Plan

Learning Activities Measurement & Explanations


Outcome Evaluation (If any)

Unit Students will The teacher starts Task book activities Each activity has been
learn the names the class with a lively assessment (MEB). thoughtfully selected to align
of some toys and presentation with the learning objectives
colors. introducing toy and A small quiz at the and offer effective means of
game names, end of the lesson to assessing the achievement of
merged with colors. observe retention. these outcomes.
1. Week

Students repeat the




Listening and
matching exercises.

Students are Listening to the Observing student Classes are kept brief,
going to talk recording. performance to the recognizing that children in
about the demonstrated this age group tend to lose
quantity of Writing according to material. focus quickly. However, the
objects. the demonstration. methods selected and
Evaluating students’ integrated enable us to
Toys and Games
2. Week

Discussions on the task accuracy. effectively navigate and


related material. overcome such challenges

Student with relative success.
participation and
performance will be
least assessed.

Students are Drama and Role- Brief peer A crucial aspect is the
going to listen playing activities. assessment. emphasis on a student-
short and simple centered approach in most of
dialogues about Presentations. Evaluation focusing the instruction. This fosters
possessions. on the precise an environment where
application of students can collaborate.
possessive forms.
3. Week

evaluations gauge
coherence with the
covered topic,
ensuring a

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