Telephoning Lesson A v2
Telephoning Lesson A v2
Telephoning Lesson A v2
Unit Telephoning
Lesson A
English IV
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These are the goals for this lesson:
Useful Expressions
We are also going to study the use of asking permissions with may, can, could, would/do
you mind if…?
For example:
Marcus: Of course.
Marcus: Certainly.
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If we want to use a more formal way, we use do you mind if + a verb in Present tense.
Also, we can say would you mind if + the Past tense of a verb.
For example:
If you think you need more practice, you can watch the video as many times as you need.
Also, focus on the example texts from the video to practice the pronunciation of words.
Don’t forget to keep practicing on MyELT and studying the contents of the lesson.
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