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Preliminary research of developing a research-based learning model

integrated by scientific approach on physics learning in senior high
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The 2018 International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1185 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1185/1/012041

Preliminary research of developing a research-based learning

model integrated by scientific approach on physics learning in
senior high school

Estuhono1,*, Festiyed2 and A Bentri3

Doctoral Program of Educational Sciences,Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang 2513,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang 25131,
Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, 25131, Indonesia


Abstract. This research is based on the important of developing a learning model that
emphasizes knowledge building through active learning in order to develop students’4Cs
(communication, collaborative, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and
innovation) skill. One of learning models that support the goal is Research Based Learning
(RBL) model. Implementing RBL model can be implemented with integrated by scientific
approach. The aim of the research is to analysis Developing a RBL model with integrated by
scientific approach. This research was research and development. Model used in this research
was Plomp model that consisted to Preliminary Research, Development or Prototyping Phase,
and Assessment Phase. This research has just done at Preliminary Research that consists of
Need and Context analysis, literature review, developing conceptual theory. The result of need
and context analysis shows that most of teachers tend to used conventional model thus
physics learning activity does not involve students to build concepts in learning
activity. Literature Review phase it is got that RBL with integrated by scientific
approach based constructivist, behaviourist, and cognitive learning theory. Based on need
analysis and literature review, it can be said that it is developed theories supported RBL model
with integrated by scientific approach.

1. Introduction
Life in the 21st century and industrial revolution 4.0 requires a variety of skills that must be
mastered by someone, so that education is expected to prepare students to master these various skills
in order to become a successful person in life. Important skills in the 21st century are still relevant to
the four pillars of life which include learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to
live together. Each of the four principles contains specific skills that need to be empowered in learning
activities, such as critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creation
and innovation skills. Achieving 21st century skills is done by improving the quality of learning,

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The 2018 International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1185 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1185/1/012041

helping students develop participation, adjusting learning personalization, emphasizing problem-based

learning, encouraging collaboration and communication, increasing student involvement and
motivation, cultivating creativity and innovation in learning, using learning facilities right, designing
learning activities that are relevant to the real world, and developing student centered learning.
The government has made various efforts in order to improve the quality of learning in Indonesia.
One of the government's efforts is to improve the curriculum. The curriculum developed by the
government at this time is the 2013 curriculum. Permendikbud No 70 of 2013 explains that the 2013
curriculum aims to prepare students to have life skills as individuals and citizens who are faithful,
productive, creative, innovative, and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, world state and
civilization. Strengthening the learning process in the 2013 curriculum is carried out through a
scientific approach, namely learning that encourages students to be better able to observe, ask, collect
data, associate, and communicate. Implementation of the 2013 curriculum through a scientific
approach is carried out on all subjects in the school, including physics subjects.
Physics is one of the science subjects that can develop analytical, critical, inductive, and deductive
skills in problem solving through scientific activities [13, 20, 25, 26]. Physics learning activities are
carried out through exploration, experimentation and problem solving to explain various phenomena
that occur through scientific activities. Exploration activities carried out aim to provide opportunities
for students to obtain information comprehensively. Experimental activities carried out in the
laboratory aim to prove or find scientific concepts and principles [12, 25, 26]. The process of
communicating experimental results becomes a very important part in solving the problems faced.
Therefore, physics learning should accommodate these activities to realize effective physics learning
However, some research results show that physics is a subject that is less desirable because most
students consider physics to be abstract so that it affects the low critical thinking skills and problem
solving of students [7, 20]). Furthermore, Usmeldi [25] also revealed that physics learning is more
likely to be teacher centered where students have not been actively involved in finding facts, concepts,
and principles of physics. Learning models that tend to be teacher centered make students less
creative because they do not reflect learning by doing [ 30] . This is allegedly causing the 4C
(Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Creativity and
Innovation) skills in physics learning to be relatively low.
The US-based Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), identifies the skills needed in the 21st
century namely "The 4Cs" communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. These skills
are important to be taught to students in the context of the core field of study including physics
adapted to the 21st century theme. 4C skills consist of the following skills: 1) communication (ability
to transfer information both orally and in writing. 2) collaborative (the ability to work together,
synergize, adapt in various roles and responsibilities; work productively with others; place empathy in
place; respecting different perspectives) 3) critical thinking and problem solving (the ability to
understand a complex problem, connect one information with other information, so that various
perspectives emerge, and find solutions to a problem) 4) creativity and innovation (ability to develop,
implement , and convey new ideas to others, be open and responsive to new and different
perspectives). 4C skills are a type of soft skill which is the main objective of the implementation of the
2013 curriculum.
The development of 4C skills in all four aspects has not been achieved maximally. This is
evidenced by a study conducted by Trilling and Fadel [24] which shows that high school, diploma
and higher education graduates are still not competent in terms of: (1) oral and written communication,
(2) critical thinking and problem solving, (3) work ethics and professionalism, (4) working in teams
and collaborating, (5) working in different groups, (6). using technology, and (7) project management
and leadership. The 2014 ASEAN Business Outlook Survey also reported the results of its study and
stated that Indonesia was one of the countries that had a workforce with still low numbers.
The low 4C skills of students were also shown by the results of observations made by the author

on February 12, 2017 in SMAN 1 Koto Baru where the average 4C skills of new students arrived at
the ability to recognize a number of basic facts, and students were not able to communicate and

The 2018 International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1185 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1185/1/012041

associate that ability with various science topics, let alone apply complex and abstract concepts. In
physics learning teachers lack training in 4C skills and are more dominated by theoretical studies and
still have not optimized the use of laboratories as a means of learning to support the achievement of
students' 4C skills. The learning approach used also still does not fully accommodate students'
comprehensive 4C skills. In addition, students are still not fully actively involved in finding facts,
concepts and principles to solve physical problems in everyday life. Therefore, it is important to
develop a physics learning model that encourages students to improve reasoning skills by involving
directly in learning activities. One effort that is considered strategic is to develop and implement a
learning model that is considered effective by the Research Based Learning (RBL) model Integrated
by Scientific Approach.

2. Literature review

2.1 Research based learning

The RBL model is a student centered learning model that integrates research in the learning
process [18, 14, 8]. The RBL model is based on the philosophy of constructivism which includes four
aspects: learning that builds students' understanding, develops prior knowledge, develops patterns of
social interaction, and meaningful learning is achieved through real experience. This opinion is
emphasized [6, 27, 29] which states that RBL is a learning that uses authentic learning, problem-
solving, cooperative learning, contextual, and inquiry discovery approaches based on a constructivist
philosophy that focuses in the continuous and sustainable development of students.
The steps of the RBL model consist of: exposure stage (the introduction stage begins to build
knowledge through literature studies), experience stage (implementation stage through work and
independent learning), and capstone stage (final project preparation stage) [3, 5] The RBL model
gives students the opportunity to search for information, form hypotheses, collect data, analyze data,
and make conclusions on the data that has been arranged. This activity applies to learning with the
"learning by doing" approach. Furthermore, Wardoyo [ 2 8 ] explained that there are seven
characteristics of the RBL model that include in the learning process, namely: systematic, active,
creative, innovative, effective, objective, and scientific. These seven characteristics are in accordance
with the nature of physics learning in the 2013 curriculum with a scientific approach. This is also
confirmed by Yahya [31] which states that the advantages of the RBL model provide opportunities
for students to practice observing, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and
concluding it. The RBL model in physics learning can help students construct physical concepts or
principles, making learning more meaningful.
Meanwhile, Puspitasari et al [ 1 9 ] explained that there were several attempts to integrate the
RBL model empirically, namely; (1) enrich teaching materials with research results, (2) use recent
research findings and track history, (3) enrich learning activities with contemporary research issues,
(4) integrate research method material in the learning process, (5 ) enriching the learning process with
research activities on a small scale, (6) enriching the learning process by involving students in
activities, (7) enriching the learning process by encouraging students to feel, and (8) enriching the
learning process with values that must be possessed by researcher. But in this study focused on the
integration of research methods in the learning process through research by involving students in
learning so as to realize learning by doing.
The RBL model emphasizes scientific activities to improve students' 4C skills, especially in the
context of solving problems by looking at the facts they meet. The RBL model can be implemented
with a learning approach through simple research activities in the form of practicum (Kynäslahti, et
all, 2006; Jyrhämä et all, 2008; Aripin, 2010; Wannapiroon, 2014; Angkana and Junpeng, 2014).
Through a simple research activity in the form of practicum, it is expected to improve students' 4C
skills. An important feature of this learning model is the emphasis on scientific activities. Scientific
activity guides students to obtain information widely related to the problems faced in order to become
the basis for problem solving. Through the RBL model students have more space to activate
themselves freely and directed in finding the concepts learned. Efforts to optimize scientific activities

The 2018 International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1185 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1185/1/012041

in finding concepts, teachers must be able to carry out their role as facilitators comprehensively. One
of the ways that can be done by the teacher in optimizing the implementation of the RBL model is
through a scientific approach.

2.2 Scientific approach

The scientific approach is the basic concept behind the formulation of learning by applying scientific
characteristics and procedures [10, 23]. The implications of the scientific learning process include
three domains, namely attitudes, knowledge, skills. The scientific approach which is observing,
asking, reasoning, trying, and presenting. Aktamis and Ergin (2008) define the scientific approach as a
student-centered learning approach. In addition, Sugiyarti, et al [22] revealed that the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum in learning with a scientific approach is a learning
process designed in such a way that students actively construct concepts, laws or principles through
stages of observing forms, identifying or finding problems, formulating problems, propose or
formulate hypotheses, collect data with various techniques, analyze data, draw conclusions and
communicate concepts, laws or principles found.
The application of the scientific approach to learning involves process skills such as observing,
classifying, measuring, predicting, explaining, and concluding [21]. In carrying out these processes,
teacher assistance is needed, but the teacher's assistance must diminish with the growing adult
students or the higher class of students. Learning with a scientific approach has the following
characteristics: 1) student-centered, 2) involves science process skills in constructing concepts, laws
or principles, 3) involves cognitive processes that are potential in stimulating intellectual
development, especially high-level students' skills, and 4) can develop the character of students.
Although in the scientific approach characterized by student centered, but the teacher also has an
important role as a facilitator and observer in the learning process. Teacher activities in learning
using a scientific approach are: 1) providing learning resources, 2) encouraging students to
interact with learning resources, 3) asking questions so students think about the results of their
interactions, 4) monitoring students' perceptions and thought processes and providing scaffolding, 5)
learning encourage the improvement of students' thinking skills, 6) learning to improve student
learning motivation and motivation to teach teachers, 7) provide opportunities for students to train
their skills in communication, 8) the process of validation of concepts, laws, and principles
constructed by students in their cognitive structure

3. Research method
Preliminary research of this research is the preliminary research stage of Plomp's development design.
The procedure of activities carried out on this research is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. The Preliminary Research Stage
Stages Research Analysis Activity Description
Preliminary Needs and contex The initial investigation of the need for the RBL model
Research analysis integrated by scientific approach is to senior high
school physics learning.
Analyzing the learning model is used previously
Analyzing the objectives and contents of senior
high school on physics subject
Theoretical and Analyzing theories and concepts related to the RBL
concepts analysis model integrated by scientific approach is to senior high
school physics learning
Design of theoretical Design a conceptual framework and theoretical
and concepts framework for the RBL model integrated by
framework scientific approach to senior high school physics

The 2018 International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1185 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1185/1/012041

4. Results and discussion

This research has just done at preliminary research phase on physics learning in senior high school based
on Plomp's development procedure [16]. The following phases of this research can be seen as follows:

4.1. Needs and context analysis

At this phase an initial investigation was carried out on the need for the RBL model integrated by
scientific approach at senior high school physics learning. From preliminary studies that have been
conducted in SMAN 1 Koto Baru. Based on the results of preliminary studies at SMAN 1 Koto Baru, it
showed that 66.7% of physics teachers have not applied research based learning model by scientific
approach on physics learning. The learning process is still using traditional methods, namely by order
to explain the theory, give examples and give training. Thus the learning outcomes do not signify.
Thetraditional teaching methods are not appropriate for improving students’4Cs
(communication, collaborative, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation) skill , because
students become less creative.
Overall characteristics of learners gained from data analysis of the fours indicators was achieved an
average value of 58%. The observed characteristics was the ability to think critical thinking and
problem solving (52%), communicate skill (57%), collaborative skill (65%), creativity and innovation
skill (58%) during the physics lesson. Characteristics of students during the learning process affected the
achievement of the learning objectives of physics. This is indicated by the less optimal learning
outcomes of students of class X SMAN 1 Koto Baru in the second semester of the 2017/2018
academic year. The mastery level of for physics subject of class X IPA 1 only resulted 44.2% from
34 students while class X IPA 2, obtained lower score of 34.3% from 35 students. This indicated that the
learning completion in the classical style classes was still below 80%. 4.1.2 Theoritical and concepts
Based on the results of an analysis of the theory related to the RBL model integrated by scientific
approach, this model is based on constructive, behavioral and cognitive theories. The model is a
student-centered learning model that integrates research in the learning process. The RBL model
integrated by scientific approach provides opportunities for students to seek information, formulate
hypotheses, collect data, analyze data, and make conclusions on the data that has been compiled; in
this activity learning applies to a "learning by doing" approach. There are several strategies in integrating
learning and research that are empirical, namely; (1) enriching teaching materials with the results of
educator research, (2) using recent research findings and tracking history, (3) enriching learning activities
with contemporary research issues, (4) teaching the material of research methods in the learning process,
earning process with research activities on a small scale, (6) enrich the learning process by involving
students in activities, (7) enrich the learning process by encouraging students to feel, and (8) enrich the
learning process with values that must be owned by researchers.

4.2. Design of theoretical and concepts framework

Based on the needs and context analysis, analyzing theories and concepts related to the model, the
theories that support the RBL model integrated by scientific approach in senior high school
physics learning are developed, including constructivist learning theory, cognitiveistic learning theory,
behavioristic learning theory and learning theories. relevant to the RBL model integrated by scientific
approach to senior high school physics learning.

5. Conclusion
Based on the results of the preliminary research of developing a research based learning model
integrated by scientific approach on physics learning in senior high school can be summarized as follows:
a) Based on the results of preliminary studies at SMAN 1 Koto Baru, it showed that 66.7% of
physics teachers have not applied research based learning model by scientific approach on physics
b) Overall characteristics of learners gained from data analysis of 4 Cs indicators achieved an
average value of 58%. The observed characteristics are the ability to think critical thinking and
problem solving (52%), communicate skill (57%), collaborative skill (65%), creativity and
innovation skill (58%) during the physics lesson.
c) In the development phase of the theoretical framework, it is found that the theories that support the
RBL model are scientific approaches in high school physics learning, including constructivist
learning theory, cognitivistic learning theory, behaviouristic learning theory and relevant learning
The 2018 International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1185 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1185/1/012041

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