EVI Perimeter Client Linux User Manual 1.9.0.ru - en
EVI Perimeter Client Linux User Manual 1.9.0.ru - en
EVI Perimeter Client Linux User Manual 1.9.0.ru - en
Software version1.9.0
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
1 Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ............................4
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
2.8.1 Viewing the archive .................................................... ........................................................ .........40
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
1. Introduction
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
It is possible to add several views with arbitrary placement of the necessary cameras.
RAM from4 GB
HDD from1 GB
-The system will be disabled during the installation processWayland and X11 enabled.
You can do this manually by removing the symbol#before the parameterWaylandEnable=falsein file/etc/
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Launch the application and wait for the window to enter your username and password to appear.
- Remember me
To save your login and password in the authorization form for subsequent logins, use the
checkboxRemember me.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
When connected, pressChange serverand enter the server address in the field that appears.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
-For convenience, you can use the functions of exporting and importing cameras available in
bottom left of the screen by buttonsExport camerasAndImporting cameras. Cameras are
imported/exported in file formatcsv.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
In the window that opensAdding a new cameraSelect the method of adding a camera by switching by
clicking the left mouse button.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Also note that some devices cannot use the system user admin to connect via ONVIF. Therefore, it is
recommended to create a separate user to work withONVIF.
Available fields:
• Camera name— text field with the name of the camera;
• IP address— text field for entering the IP address or hostname of the camera.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
A window will appear with fields for entering your login and password.
-The RTSP link can be found in the camera documentation or on the manufacturer's website.
also in the program has a windowGenerating a Stream Linkfor ease of link generation.
Available fields:
• Camera name— text field with the name of the camera;
• Main thread link— text field for RTSP link;
• Additional thread link— text field for an additional RTSP link.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Fill in the fieldCamera name, then click the buttonFill automatically, if RTSP link camera is unknown.
After pressing the buttonFill automatically, a window will openGenerating a Stream Linkwith with the
following fields:
• Brand— drop-down list of camera manufacturers;
• Camera model— drop-down list of camera models from the selected manufacturer;
• IP address or hostname— text field for entering the IP address or host name of the camera;
• Port— RTSP port text field, default 554;
• Login— text field for entering login, default admin;
• Password— text field for entering the camera password, default admin;
• Preview of the generated link— a text field for previewing the resulting RTSP link.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Fill out the form fields. FieldPreview of the generated linkwill change depending on the filling of the form
After the form fields are filled in, click the buttonAdd.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
The link will be automatically inserted into the fieldsMain thread linkAndAdditional stream link.
-Please change the secondary thread link as it is not automatically generated. For example, for
camerasHikvision needs to add 102 at the end of the link.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
A window will openSearch camerasand the search for cameras in the local network on the server’s network interfaces
will automatically begin.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Left-click on the checkbox orIP address to mark the cameras you want add and click the buttonAuthorize
In the window that opensAccess to camerasenter the camera data: login and password, and then
click Authorize and add cameras.
-If you have selected several cameras to add, the login and password for them must be same.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
After successful addition, the message will appearSuccessfully added cameras:X(where X is the number
successfully added cameras).
You can continue adding more cameras or complete the process by clicking the buttonComplete.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
The camera is unavailable, the server was unable to connect to the camera:
Camera editing is also available viathree dotsin the right corner of the screen, click and selectEdit.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
• Camera name— text field with the name of the camera. When the option is enabledDisplay
signatureThe camera name will be displayed on top of the stream as a camera on the desktop.
• Main thread link— text field for entering the RTSP link of the main camera stream (used for
recording in the archive).
• Additional thread link— text field for entering an additional RTSP link camera stream (used for
motion detection).
• Transfer protocol:
• TCP— connection type for receiving the stream via TCP protocol;
• UDP— connection type for receiving a stream via UDP protocol.
To save the settings, click the buttonSaveat the top of the screen.
-The server has the ability to detect movement in the camera video stream.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Auxiliary means:
• Select all— quick selection of all cells;
• clear all— quick cleaning of all cells;
• Selection cell size— changing the number of cells, used for more accurate highlighting areas.
To configure the motion detector grid, select camera areas by left-clicking on the camera image.
-Camera recommendations:
• Resolution of at least 320×240 pixels and not more than 800×600 (higher stream
permissions will be loaded inefficientlyCPU).
• Number of frames per second – at least 5.
• Camera shake should not result in image shifts greater than 1% of frame size.
Lighting recommendations:
• Moderate illumination. In conditions of insufficient (night) or excessive (light) illumination,
the quality of the motion detector may decrease.
• No sudden changes in illumination.
Recommendations for scene and camera angle:
• The background is largely static and does not change dramatically.
• The motion detector may not work correctly if there are sharp shadows from moving objects.
• The motion detector may not work correctly on extended solid objects.
To save the settings, click the buttonSaveat the top of the screen.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Data from the camera is recorded without usingSD cards to the video server in the partition specified in
configuration file.
For clarity of archive settings, a weekly schedule is used.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Always with motion marks— mixed mode of continuous recording with the motion detector running. In
the camera archive, markers are additionally installed in places where there was movement.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Set up a schedule manually— archive mode, in which you can select an archive recording
lasting from an hour of any type for the whole week.
To select the recording mode, use the buttons:
• Select permanent entry;
• Select motion recording.
To select the entire schedule area, use the buttonSelect all.To clear the entire schedule area, use the button
Clear all.
After clicking on the mode button, hover over the schedule area and left-click to highlight.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
To save the settings, click the buttonSaveat the top of the screen.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Enter the user's login, specify a password and select his role.
-User RoleSecuritydoes not have a left admin sidebar and also does not have access to quick editing of
the view.
The user can watch a broadcast from the camera or an archive and upload it.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
User editing is also available viathree dotsin the right corner of the screen.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Slide the switch next to the inscription to the rightBlock, then click the buttonSave.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
• View grid— to create a view dimension, select the required number of cells by highlighting them with
the mouse. Confirm the selected configuration by clicking the left mouse button.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
• Cameras— list of cameras available for adding to the selected grid configuration.
You can add and remove cameras with a single click of the left mouse button.
• Who sees this view— list of users for whom viewing of the view is available.
-Users with the administrator role are not in the list, since all types are by default available to
any user with the Administrator role.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
-To move cameras in the view, left-click on the camera and then drag it to any cell in the view.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
There are three types of information blanks to indicate the current status of the camera.
-Connecting to a camera
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
2.7.3Editing a View
To edit a view, click on the view name.
View editing is also available viathree dotsin the right corner of the screen.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Use the input field to searchSearch by listat the top of the screen.
-The search is carried out by the name of the species immediately after entering the text.
The search criterion is any match in the content of characters in a word.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
-Calling the context menu does not work on empty cells in the view - the camera must be added
to the view cell.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
The camera image will open in full screen, and navigation through the archive will become available.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
- Permanent recording
A solid orange line indicates the presence of video recording.
- Motion-based recording
Orange fragments indicate the presence of video recording.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
When you hover over the timeline, the cursor will turn blue. Mark the beginning and end on the
timeline to save, click on the inscriptionSaveat the bottom of the screen.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
The download history for an active session is stored in the downloads window.
-By default, all videos and images are saved to the folderDownloadson computer where the
client is installed.
After clicking, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen to save the image.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
-The list shows only those cameras that belong to the view.
After pressing, all cameras from the current view will open on the entire monitor screen; to exit this
mode, use the keyESC on the keyboard.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
- Resizing a Window
In a programmenot providedresizing windows, as well as moving a window by holding the left
mouse button on the application system bar.
To transfer the main program window to another monitor, click the buttonSelect a monitor.
A list of available monitors for moving the program window will be displayed.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
Select the desired monitor from the list. Once you select a monitor, the view will move.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
-License installation is described in the “License Installation” section inManagementEVI Perimeter Server.
License information is available in the user information window by left-clicking on the user icon.
ManagementEVI Perimeter Client Linux 1.9.0
To receive technical advice on the operation of the equipment of ELTEX Enterprise LLC, you
can contact the company’s Service Center:
Feedback form on the website:https://eltex-co.ru/support/
On the official website of the company you can find technical documentation and software for
the products of ELTEX Enterprise LLC, access the knowledge base or leave an online request:
Download Center:https://eltex-co.ru/support/downloads